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[RP] Noble ceremony 10th february 1467
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Whoopie de la Rose Noire

Inscrit le: 20 Juin 2014
Messages: 49

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 1:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Des jours et des jours, qu'elle flânait sur le pont d'un bateau, taquinant la girelle, tout en rêvant. Passe-temps unique lorsque le Northshire filait au gré du vent. Mais tellement relaxant. Une douce oisiveté brisée la veille par la chute d'un message sur la tête de la Vicomtesse Pontificale, lui mandant de se rendre instamment à Rome, afin de prêter Serments au nouveau Pape. Drôle de situation. Il fallait pouvoir accoster rapidement. Brandon et Oriane n'en étaient pas à une escale près, ils s'étaient arrangés pour larguer les amarres sur le Tibre à Rome, en passant par la mer Tyrrhénienne, laisser-passer en main.

Du monde était déjà installé en la salle de la cérémonie nobiliaire. Pas étonnant, si on comptait les convives et leurs familles. Cherchant la place réservée à son intention, elle s'avança dans l'allée, saluant les gens et prit place, attendant le déroulement.

Days and days, that she was strolling on the deck of a boat, teasing the fish while dreaming. An unique hobby when Northshire was sailing at the whim of the wind. But so relaxing. A sweet idleness broken the day before by the fall of a message on the head of the Pontifical Viscountess, instructing her to go urgently to Rome, in order to lend Serment to the new Pope. Funny situation. It was necessary to be able to dock quickly. Brandon and Oriane were not to a stopover, they had arranged to cast off on the Tiber to Rome, passing through the Tyrrhenian Sea, with a permit to enter and circulate in the city of Rome in hand.

A lot of people were already installed in the room. Not surprisingly, if we included the guests and their families. Looking for the place reserved for her, she walked down the aisle, greeted the people and took her place, waiting for the ceremony to take place.
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ArianaAnthea Del Casalièr
Mme pipi de Rome - Rome's Restroom Miss

Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2011
Messages: 4868

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 1:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Elle avait reçu la missive alors qu'ils n'étaient pas à Rome ! Ce n'était pas de chance pour elle qui y passait tout de même une bonne partie de l'année...Ainsi, ils avaient fait le trajet aussi rapidement que possible, malles, bestioles et enfants compris pour réussir à être présents à la date dite.

C'est donc au bras de son époux, leurs enfants les plus grands avec eux, c'est à dire Amaury, Valentina et Eléos, qu'ils franchirent les portes de la Basilique. Les enfants avait été prévenus : ici on ne fait pas le singe et on n'oublie pas ses prières en latin ! Elle doutait que Sa Sainteté parlait Oc alors autant tenter de ne pas se faire remarquer...

Ne sachant trop où s'installer, elle eut la surprise de voir sa fille partir vers un homme...qu'elle reconnut sans qu'il eut à se retourner. Elle murmura à l'oreille de Son Ange et d'un commun accord s'approchèrent du Frère Caton que Valentina avait déjà rejoint.

Caressant la tête de sa fille avec tendresse, elle se tourna vers le Thomiste.

Adissiatz Mon Frère ! Je suis ravie de vous retrouver ici. Accepteriez-vous que nous nous installions près de vous ? Je crois que Valentina a déjà décidé de rester en votre compagnie.

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Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2016
Messages: 1175
Localisation: Señor de Ascrea

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 2:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La cerimonia era iniziata, la Santa Sede aveva un nuovo Papa per la grazia di nostro Padre e l'arcivescovo di Valencia non poteva mancare ad una tanto attesa cerimonia, e con i suoi vestiti migliori per l'occasione era presente in una così bella Basilica.

La ceremonia había comenzado, la Santa Sede tenía un nuevo Papa para la Gracia de Nuestro Padre y el Arzobispo de Valencia no podía faltar a tan esperada ceremonia, y con sus mejores galas para la ocación se hizo presente en tan hermosa Basílica.

Cardenal-Diacono +Primado Hispano +Arzobispo Metropolitano Osma+ Señor de Ascrea
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Inscrit le: 10 Juil 2017
Messages: 193

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 3:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Finalmente il  grande giorno era arrivato, il Papa sarebbe stato incoronato e Priscilla ne era molto orgogliosa.
Si era impegnata molto per aiutare Estrella con  cerimonia nobiliare ed erano riuscite a finire il lavoro.
Quella mattina si  alzò presto e indossò un abito di un blu molto intenso, il tessuto era di velluto damascato con i dettagli in rilievo neri.
Era stato cucito su misura per lei quindi le stava perfettamente esaltando i pregi della sua figura, senza metterla in mostra.
I suoi capelli mossi erano molto lunghi e le coprivano la schiena, ad impreziosire la pettinatura molto semplice c'era un cerchietto composto da perle nere e pietre preziose.
La cerimonia di Incoronazione era finita ed era arrivato il momento della cerimonia nobiliare.
Priscilla restò seduta al suo posto, salutò Estrella e la salutò, in attesa dell'arrivo degli altri invitati.


Finally the big day was there, the Pope would be crowned and Priscilla was very proud of it.
She had worked hard to help Estrella with the nobility ceremony and they were able to finish the work.
She got up early that morning and wore a very dress in a very deep blue, the fabric was a damask velvet with black embossed details.
It had been tailor-made for her so it was perfectly fitting exalting the merits of her figure, without exposing her.
Her wavy hair was very long and were covering her back.
To embellish the very simple hairstyle there was a small handband made of black pearls and precious stones.
The Coronation ceremony was over and the moment of the nobility ceremony had arrived.
Priscilla sat in her seatl, smiled and waved to Estrella, waiting for the arrival of the other guests.

Dernière édition par bellacamy le Sam Fév 16, 2019 9:32 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 23 Avr 2012
Messages: 7

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 3:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mirko rimaneva incantato ogni volta che vedeva la maestosità della Cattedrale......
Entrò e percorse la fresca navata, poi vedendo Priscilla seduta andò a salutarla e si accomodò a sedere dietro di lei


Mirko remained enchanted every time he saw the majesty of the Cathedral ......
He entered and walked down the cool aisle, then seeing Priscilla sitting, he went to greet her and sat down behind her.
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Victoria O'Sullivan

Inscrit le: 01 Aoû 2017
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 4:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La Brune n'est jamais très loin quand il s'agit de la douce Caelan, Mamoune est et sera toujours auprès d'elle, aujourd'hui encore ca le prouve. Victoria avait fait la route dans le carrosse de Dombasle, tiré par deux magnifiques chevaux, arriver à l'auberge que pour se rafraichir et se changer, la jeune Victoria rejoins la cathédrale. Elle donne quelque écus au cocher puis elle rejoins l'intérieur de l'édifice.

Comme tout Aristotélicien Victoria met un genou à terre et se signe respectueusement pour ensuite se redresser et chercher du regard la Blonde familiale, malgré le monde il ne fallut pas longtemps pour la reconnaitre installée sur un banc. Vic ne connaissait personne mais salue tout de même les présent pour arriver a hauteur de Caelan, de lui sourire avant de poser un baiser sur son front et de prendre place à ces cotés. Quelques mots furent échanger dans un murmure, lieu Saint oblige.
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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 43

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 5:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ricevuto l'invito Hamea al braccio del marito Ercolino e dei suoi figli entrò nella cattedrale e insieme sedettero nei posti loro riservati.

Era una giornata speciale, tutta la città era in festa per l'incoronazione del nuovo Papa e, lei come nobile pontificia, avrebbe ben presto dovuto giurare fedeltà a Sua Santità, per questo motivo era emozionata.

Il suo sguardo si posò amorevolmente su una figura cardinalizia, i riccioli dorati e i lineamenti nobili e delicati insieme avevano subito attratto la sua attenzione, il suo cuore di madre aveva fatto il resto, indirizzò un tenero sorriso a suo figlio, il cardinale Gropius e infine si raccolse in preghiera nell'attesa che iniziasse la cerimonia.


Received the invitation Hamea to the arm of her husband Ercolino and his sons entered the cathedral and together they sat in reserved places.

It was a special day, the whole city was celebrating the coronation of the new Pope and, as a papal noble, she would soon have to swear loyalty to His Holiness, for this reason she was excited.

His gaze rested lovingly on a cardinal figure, the golden curls and noble and delicate features together had immediately attracted his attention, his mother's heart had done the rest, addressed a tender smile to his son, Cardinal Gropius and finally he gathered himself in prayer, waiting for the ceremony to begin.
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Inscrit le: 13 Jan 2013
Messages: 1351

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 5:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal reached the place of the ceremony, wearing his cappamagna.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 6:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Die Messe war vorüber und Kalixtus wusste was darauf folgte. Er selbst hätte es vielleicht ausfallen lassen, aber wie immer würde er persönliche Einladungen nicht ablehnen. So schloss er kurz die Augen und hörte in die himmlische Musik die ihn stets umgab. Er atmete den Duft seines Parfums aus Zibet und Amber ein, das sich harmonisch zu dem Weihrauch gesellte, welches in der Messe genutzt wurde. Seine Hände ruhten gefaltet in seinem Schoss und er lauschte den leisen Gesprächen der Kardinäle in Italienisch oder Französisch. Er lächelte. Die restlichen, weiter entfernten Gespräche bekam er nicht mit, sie vermischten sich zu einer wohlklingenden Einheit aus Stimmen - ein kreativer Geist konnte aus dem die Weltlichkeit heraushören. Sie unterschied sich gewaltig. Dort das flackernde, knackende Feuer, dass die Energie der Erde zu speisen und zu tilgen schien. Hier das stetige Tropfen, das zarte Plätschern des Wassers, welches die Welt durchwanderte um im großen Ozean aller Dinge zu münden. Die Welt war ein Werk großer Mechanik wie Gott sie geschaffen hatte und in der Schöpfungsgeschichte dogmatisch niedergeschrieben steht. Für ihn, dem Kardinal, noch immer das Symbol der Wahrheit und der Klarheit. Nichts vermochte die Dinge aufzuhalten, die von Gott betrieben wurde. Er wachte über den Ausgleich aller Dinge. Auch die zwischen Kirche und Staat. Kurz trübte sich sein Blick ein. Wie viele Jahre, Jahrzehnte waren es nun schon, wo er seinen Dienst tat? Wie viele unzählige Nächte, unzählige Situationen die er bearbeiten, bewerten, beurteilen musste. Er öffnete die Augen und blickte sich um. Es gab keinen Zweifel er hatte diesen Pfad eingeschlagen und er würde nicht umkehren. Er schaute auf die Reihen der Weltlichkeit die sich vor ihm ergoss wie ein Meer aus Seelen. Sie alle hatten Träume, Hoffnungen, mal mehr mal weniger Glauben. Zwischen ihnen ruhte der gewaltige Altar des St. Titus Doms. Ein Altar auf dem die Weisheit offen lag - das heilige Dogma. Auf jenem Altar wurde Unwissenheit, Häresie und Dunkelheit geopfert. Das Schwert der Gerechtigkeit unseres lieben Erzengels ist noch immer scharf und sie haben einen ebenso gerechten und fürsorglichen Herrscher erhalten. Ein Wächter des Glaubens in Zeiten wo die eigentlichen Hüter und Wächter versagen oder sich abwenden aus fadenscheinigen oder guten Gründen - beides führt ins Chaos. Es kann nur Frieden im Glauben geben, wenn dieser nie in Frage gestellt wird, denn das Dogma war unveräußerlich, unveränderlich und immer wahr, denn es ist das Wort Gottes. Niemand wusste das besser als die Heilige Mutter Kirche, die dieses Wort seid mehreren Jahrtausenden studiert.


    Mass was over and Kalixtus knew what was to follow. He might have cancelled it himself, but as always he would not refuse personal invitations. So he closed his eyes briefly and listened to the heavenly music that always surrounded him. He inhaled the fragrance of his Zibet and Amber perfume, which harmoniously complemented the incense used in the Mass. His hands rested folded in his lap and he listened to the quiet conversations of the cardinals in Italian or French. He smiled. He could not hear the remaining conversations further away, which were mixed to a melodious unity of voices - a creative spirit could hear the secularity. It differed enormously. There was the flickering, cracking fire that seemed to feed and extinguish the Earth's energy. Here the steady drop, the gentle splash of water, which wandered through the world to end in the great ocean of all things. The world was a work of great mechanics as God had created it and is written down dogmatically in the history of creation. For him, the Cardinal, it was still the symbol of truth and clarity. Nothing was able to stop the things that were done by God. He watched over the balance of all things. Also that between church and state. For a moment his eyes clouded over. How many years, decades have now passed since he did his service? How many innumerable nights, innumerable situations he had to deal with, evaluate, judge. He opened his eyes and looked around. There was no doubt he had taken this path and he would not turn back. He looked at the rows of secularity that poured out before him like a sea of souls. They all had dreams, hopes, sometimes more, sometimes less faith. Between them rested the mighty altar of St. Titus Cathedral. An altar on which the wisdom lay open - the holy dogma. On that altar ignorance, heresy and darkness were sacrificed. The sword of justice of our dear Archangel is still sharp and they have received an equally righteous and caring ruler. A guardian of faith in times when the actual guardians fail or turn away for flimsy or good reasons - both lead to chaos. There can only be peace in faith if it is never called into question, because the dogma was inalienable, unchangeable and always true, because it is the Word of God. No one knew this better than the Holy Mother Church, who has been studying this Word for thousands of years.

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Inscrit le: 06 Mai 2018
Messages: 9

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 6:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lucrezia near her husband and her son, was in the Cathedral for nobility ceremony.
She was very excited and she looked around while they were waiting for the beginning of the ceremony

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Inscrit le: 13 Oct 2012
Messages: 12

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 7:35 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bells on Rome.
There was such a beautiful sun that it seemed that spring had already supplanted winter. And there were people, lots of people. Probably she had never participated before to such a crowded celebration. The Aristotelian Church had its new guide and everyone wanted to be there.

She had had an invitation from one of the organizers and she certainly could not miss. She took her place with her husband and sat quietly.
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2019
Messages: 1

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 7:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Luckily, when she received the invitation, from a dear friend of hers, was in the italic soil, thus she got ready and made the travel to Rome.

Once there, she rent a room in a very respectful inn for a couple of days.
There, she got ready for the upcoming ceremony, wearing a beautiful but sober gown.
Once ready, she took a walk up to the cathedral and got inside quietly. She took a seat waiting for the beginning of the ceremony. Later she would go and say hallo to Priscilla.
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Inscrit le: 30 Oct 2008
Messages: 19

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 8:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

it was not the first time he went to Rome, and it was always a trip worth doing

watching the whole story concentrated in one place made him feel in one of the most important places in the known world

soon the Pope would be crowned it was an honor to be there with his wife
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2019
Messages: 2

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 8:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Was His first time that participate at an important event like this. he feel so happy and at the same time so worried to make a good impression. He went with his father and his mother at Rome for the first time. Was also his second time at Rome after the Exhibition for the Church Members with the " Accademia Corleone" and his painting and works and the magnificent Rector Betelgeuse.
Roma seems magnific every time. the colors of the sunset make a magic atmosphere and the colors of the winters create a silence that looks unreal.
He just walk inside the room at the side of his parents.
OPussino nel cuore e nella mente Vieni a conoscerci meglio
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Inscrit le: 09 Juin 2018
Messages: 2787

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 8:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le voyage jusqu'à Rome avait été périlleux pour le vieil évêque breton comme d'habitude, sa santé ne s'accommodait pas à ce long voyage pourtant devenu habituel en départ de la Bretagne. Après une sieste à la Préfecture, le vieillard savait qu'il serait en forme pour assister à la cérémonie nobiliaire.

Au réveil, il découvrit avec stupéfaction un paquet renfermant une magnifique tenue. Une carte indiquait le nom de la bienfaitrice, sans chercher trop loin dans sa mémoire, l'évêque reconnut le nom de l'apprentie qui lui avait confectionné son blason à la hérauderie pontificale. Peut-être avait elle pitié de lui ?

Iaudas la remercierait un autre jour de lui avoir offert ce présent. Mais pour aujourd'hui, le vieillard porterait ce vêtement en l'honneur de la cérémonie papale. Au moins, il pourrait continuer à faire sa sieste en toute discrétion sous son grand chapeau, aux côtés de son cousin l'Archevêque de Rennes.


The journey to Rome had been perilous for the old Breton Bishop as usual, his health was not accommodating to this long journey which had become usual from Brittany. After a nap at the Prefecture, the old man knew he would be fit to attend the nobile ceremony.

Upon awakening, he discovered with amazement a packet containing a magnificent outfit. A map indicated the name of the benefactor, without searching too far in his memory, the bishop recognized the name of the apprentice who had made his coat of arms in the papal heraudery. Maybe she felt sorry for him ?

Iaudas would thank her another day for her gift. But for today, the old man would wear this garment in honour of the papal ceremony. At least he could continue to take his nap discreetly under his hat, alongside his cousin the Archbishop of Rennes.

in progress...
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