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[RP] Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri
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Inscrit le: 15 Aoû 2018
Messages: 9

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 15, 2018 5:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Donato decide ir visitar a Basílica.
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Katarina Wood

Inscrit le: 11 Avr 2018
Messages: 79
Localisation: Castres

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 14, 2019 7:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

14 Février 1466

La brune c'était diriger vers la seconde basilique.Quatre à faire, il en reste encore deux après celle là. Elle rajusta un peu plus son haut, afin de cacher les marques de fouet sur son dos et récite sa prière tête baisser, les genoux sur le sol.

Je confesse à Dieu Tout-puissant, à tous les Saints parce que j'ai beaucoup péché, en pensée, en parole, en action. Je supplie tous les Saints, de prier le 
Créateur pour moi. Que le Très Haut nous accorde le pardon, l'absolution et la rémission de tous nos péchés.

Une fois sa de fait, elle se relève et repart comme si de rien était.
[Hrp: Merci de tenir compte que Katarina à un accent anglais prononcer]
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13191
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 23, 2019 11:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri

    ~ Knowledge means suffering, because suffering gives rise to the greatest knowledge ~

      The Cardinal stood in his church in the sanctuary, the red of his robes poured out on the marble floor, which was paved with elaborate mosaics. It shone in the light of the candles and the sunlight which came through small windows into the interior. It was not unusual for the Cardinal, but in his own way it was an irritation, that he now stood here and this church was his church. The Roman churches were old, they were temples and Kalixtus inhaled this unmistakable smell of eternity - he was now a part of it and this made him happy. Rome was the destination and yet only the beginning of a long journey.

      He had arranged to meet someone he didn't even know. It was a recommendation from one of his students and it was audacious to say that he trusted them and yet he would take it up on this attempt. As a representative of the Congregation that guarded and disseminated the Faith, it was up to him to ensure that knowledge trickled into people like honey into warm milk. Here in the heart of infinity it was his work to preserve these walls for eternity and to preserve the knowledge of the millennia. Kalixtus, like all of his tasks, took this very seriously. In contrast to his predecessors, he was completely convinced that the answer was to seek in pain, in devotion to the perfect submission of God, and that He would do so only when He wanted to give you cognition. Cognition that is pure and unadulterated like the sweetest nectar from which the diligent bees work their honey. This was nothing compared to Kalixtus recognizing someone as a student. Because he guarded the knowledge and would not judge carelessly. He had to see it and if he did not see it he would not teach and if he did not teach who was not worthy to study theology at the University of the Jesuits and even less to learn the secrets of God from his mouth because he interprets the truth in its purest form.

      Kalixtus looked at the painting behind the altar. He stood right in front of it - it was a fresco not a painting actually, it showed the story of creation and how God set the world and all its elements in motion. A religion of science, that was them - creating knowledge and fathoming knowledge, they were explorers in God's footsteps. Kalixtus banned all people from making themselves common with God, they were not God, they were his discoverers, his analysts, his children.

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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2018
Messages: 26

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 24, 2019 2:07 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The nightingale finished her song. Her final Whip-poor-will echoed over creation. This Deacon of Glasgow looked to the east. The sun was rising and it was time.

He followed the instructions he had been given to the letter, arrived at the Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri at dawn. Like so many of the creations of architecture dedicated to the Most High, this sanctuary was a marvellous construction that was in itself an adoration and praise to God. Tall, vertical lines drew the eye upward to the heavens. The gold leaf on the walls shined in the light like an echo of solar paradise. The frescos and architectural art that made up this magnificent space caused his heart to swell with the joy of being on the path that might give him a glimpse of understanding the greater intelligence that had created the universe. He was only a mere deacon, and only just beginning his path, really ... but he still felt it was his duty, his destiny, to follow this path to whatever end. To follow any other path than this would be to admit that so many years spent in pain were wasted years. Surely his suffering had not been in vain. Surely he could find some peace if he just put forth the effort to try to understand and to learn.

He had come to this place at the instruction of his teacher and the acceptance of Cardinal Kalixtus. The latter had not agreed to teach him yet ... only to meet with him. No, he would surely have to pass some form of test before he could hope the Cardinal might teach him. He had come all this way, learned much from his teacher in Scotland. There was so much more that he needed to understand.

He did not know the Cardinal on sight. They had exchanged only one letter. He only knew that there was a man here, wearing cardinal's vestments, at the time and place arranged. "I present myself, Deacon Conradh MacKinnon, to Your Eminence, Cardinal Kalixtus Alain-Edmond."
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13191
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 24, 2019 11:00 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus had heard the footsteps and he was trained to recognize those who were walking behind him. Since he did not know the steps, he assumed that it must have been his visitor who had come to prove himself and learn. In the side of the basilica, at his special request, the Dominican monks' choir rehearsal was brought forward. They sang the Asperge me - which means: to sprinkle me which was meant with God's grace, kindness, presence but also with his closeness, his knowledge, his essence. The piece does not come from the "Codex Calixtinus", as so many of these texts do, but it was nevertheless beautiful and a living image. For a moment, the Cardinal closed his eyes and breathed in every note, like an elixir of life. He had heard the man's words but had not yet turned around, instead he made him wait, because the first mistake had already been made, because people don't speak first. Courtesy means that the higher ranking man invites to the conversation. Since this was a private audience, the Cardinal gently lit a match, almost like in a flowing movement, to light the incense in the vessel that stood under the fresco on a sideboard. Immediately the fragrant smoke of the oriental, expensive incense rose. Kalixtus took the bowl and turned around to look for the first time into the face of the man who had imagined himself as Conrath. As Kalixtus walked towards the altar and towards Conrath, his heavy brocade and damask robes moved over the polished floor. The snow-white plait that was woven in the French manner reached up to the Cardinal's buttocks and there he bobbed with every movement like a pendulum that inexorably measured the time that others wasted and that people lost. Almost tenderly, he placed the vessel with the incense on the altar before gently kneeling and crucifying himself. He still hadn't said anything to Conrath - but he had always watched him with his ice-blue eyes and pulled him off - layer by layer. Not physically, but all the facets, the inaccuracy, the mistakes, the fears, the worries, the attempt to please everyone - he was nervous without question. He was naive in the best but also in the worst sense of the word. Suddenly it had become quiet in the church and you could hear how the gates closed one door after the other fell into the lock and with it a part of the light. While this was happening he just looked at Conrath he recognized under all the impressions he gained the searing sea on the rocky coasts of Scotland, he saw home and he saw joy and conviviality. The last door closed and the nave was lit only by the small windows on the sides of the church high up below the ceiling and the candles around Kalixtus. Conrath probably thinks that this is still the inspection, but his lessons had already begun and if he had paid attention, he had already learned a lot.

    Now the Cardinal spoke and his words were like waves themselves, they wandered through the ship, were spoken slowly to savour the natural reverberation of the enormous rooms, because all the large rooms want to be played like an instrument. So it seemed noble, aristocratic and superior, because Kalixtus had no trouble filling the room. His melodic bass, which left each word its own little stage, fertilized, no, encased Conrath - he took him by the hand without really doing it, but the impression might arise, because he was the only one who was here. Dominus vobiscum. Kalixtus looked up to the smoke of the incense, which rose in the twilight to the ceiling he closed his eyes, smiled and then looked back at Conrath. I am Kalixtus, Cardinal de Montfort Beaumont d'Autevielle, Alain-Edmond is my middle name. With this he corrected the second mistake. Welcome to Rome, the eternal city. Eternally because timeless, because immortal, as the Holy Mother Church itself built on the foundation of God. Kalixtus smiled sacredly and opened his arms at his welcome and now he stepped out behind the altar, which must be called striding, because he seemed completely superior with every step he took.
    Now the tall cardinal stood in front of Conrath and the scent of incense followed him. Say, how is my student? Does she teach you well? Is she strict with you?

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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2018
Messages: 26

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 25, 2019 2:22 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

In only the manner in which he was received, he understood that he had already made several errors. His face flushed hot in embarrassment. Should he offer his apologies, ask for forgiveness with a shame-faced mea culpa? It seemed wrong to not answer the Cardinal's questions about his student first. He was clearly unprepared for this meeting and already he feared that he was not worth teaching. He did not, could not, meet the Cardinal's gaze. In any case, it would probably be inappropriate to do so. He kept his muted brown eyes upon the floor, his head bowed in supplication. The Cardinal was an imposing figure whose presence filled the immense space and he felt quite small standing before him.

"She is well, Eminence, and I think that she teaches me well despite that I have so much to learn. She is patient with me, but yes, she is quite strict in her teachings." he answered only what was asked and added nothing more. It was surely for the Cardinal to lead this conversation.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13191
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 01, 2019 5:17 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus listened to him attentively and while he was doing this he surrounded the young man. Young because they were all young against him, although in this case this could be visually irritating, as Conradh looked older than Kalixtus, but the Cardinal had his methods for preserving old relics like he was. So Kalixtus looked at the man and completed his tour, hearing only his footsteps that ebbed away in the empty church.

    You try to protect your teacher from my gaze, but I look into the depths. You both have so much to learn, so much to recognize, so much to see and so much to understand. Say, my son, Kalixtus pointed to the bench where people kneel and pray - an invitation for Conradh to kneel there. Thinking has always been an exercise and he wanted to find out how the Scotsman thought, but the answer only plays a role so far as to invite them to follow the train of thought that developed into that answer. The whole thing was called deduction - the ability to read and draw conclusions about the other person's behaviour, character and habits. It may have been a mental sport, but it was actually a defensive or in some cases an offensive method. In any case, the analysis of behaviour has a long tradition for Kalixtus and was part of his craft, because it requires a lot of empathy and sensitivity - things that a cleric absolutely needs, because they were worried about the souls. Not the body, the body was transient - the soul is eternal. But she doesn't reveal herself directly - you have to look for her and learn to see her. Kalixtus ended his question: what do you know about theology? What secrets have you already explored? Where has the wind blown you? Every question was important, they demanded very different levels of consciousness and so the answer was interesting. What might be going on in the mind of this man, who tried to resist him. A natural defensive behavior not facing the conversation? Possibly. Fear, respect, anxiety, or was it nervousness? Probably. But much more important than that was the question Why? Self-doubt? What walls surrounded him, what secrets did he try to hide? He would find them out, dissect them - even if he tried to stop him with all his being, hide something from him, trick him and distract him from the dark dots on his white vest. He won't succeed because he was already surrounded by the fog and the shadow around Kalixtus, he was already in the attraction of this sun and this sun got appetite for this young Scotsman, who inevitably tries to be polite and will certainly fail in his attempt because he hadn't asked a polite question. Kalixtus stepped into the cone of light that shone on the altar from the ceiling windows and looked surrounded by the light into the darkness in which Conradh was for him. A symbol - he might not have been able to see him, but he could hear him, his breathing, his heartbeat, he could perceive his smell, he could make him out in the darkness in which he was still seeking protection for now. But the light will burn out the shadows, because this light always did it.

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Inscrit le: 26 Déc 2018
Messages: 26

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 04, 2019 4:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He nodded in agreement. He did indeed have a great deal to learn. That was why he was here, to seek truth, to learn ... and yet he was not starting from nothing. He had not spent the past several months in vain. He had worked as dilligently as he could in San Loyats and in conversations with his teacher about the dogma and texts.

He obediently knelt where the Cardinal indicated. There, with a steady and respectful tone of voice, he answered the Cardinal's questions. "Theology is a means to understanding. I have studied the dogma in depth. I have read from and studied the Book of Virtues. My copy of the Book of Virtues has been a constant companion to me since the day of my baptism. I have worked hard alongside my teacher in the Villa of San Loyats to help to bring texts to Scotland that have been, so far, unavailable. Indeed, I have a great passion for the work we are doing there. I feel as if my work is a means to shine a light into the darkness ... and there is a great deal of darkness in the world. I have seen it. I have experienced it." He hesitated for the briefest of moments. Where had the wind blown him? He took a deep breath and he answered. "My path in this world has not been easy. My home was destroyed by marauders, heretics, and I was made their captive. My Faith is the only thing that has kept me going in the dark times. Faith, I have. What I require are the tools to spark Faith in others. A light in the darkness is one thing, but what good is it if it cannot spread? I have so much to learn, so much that I need to understand. I understand darkness and how it can be wielded all too well. I wish to understand light."

He wasn't often so forthcoming about his past. It had taken his teacher weeks to get some of this information from him. There was more to it, of course, but he felt this was at least a confident step in the right direction.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13191
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 22, 2019 5:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus listened attentively and gave him a worried look.

    One of your biggest problems is what all my students feel is problematic. The expansion of the mind. Freedom. To detach oneself and to remain spiritually anchored. It is one thing to hold on to the things we know. The church is a place for those who are looking for support and orientation, we have to give it, but are we strong enough? Only if we do not doubt and detach ourselves from the idea that if we seek God, we will find it in the rules and laws of the Church. God is not a paragraph of the Canonical Text - but he inspires his Church to provide that very order, and he is very thorough and clear. The dogma is the dogma it tells of the truth and the depth we can feel in religion. But all this is only the tool. You can dig with it and we will find answers. But if we feel the desire to search for God and to fathom him, because this is theology, then we must free ourselves from the clarities and certainties that we already know. To find God in nature, in society, in the world, in man, in ourselves and of course outside in the laws of nature and the cosmos. You will find the clue in dogma - the key, but you must find the gates yourself. That's why it's important to let it influence you. If you want to tell people about God, about the miracle of creation, about the being of his infinite grandeur, don't just find him in you but see him everywhere. In the wing beat of the butterfly and in the beauty of the snowflake but also in the brilliance of the less beautiful things. Find it even where you don't expect it. In the heart of a murderer, in the being of a heretic. This ability allows you to love your parish, who it is and what it is, because you can see God's work in it. This is the most important quality of the cleric. He is able to separate human/secular things from divine/spiritual things and it is his doing that builds the bridge between this world and the hereafter. Have you understood what I am saying?

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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 07, 2019 2:11 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

~May 1st. Feast of Saint Loyat - Saint of the translators~

Grace and dignity was something well treasured within the heart of the redblond, work was always plentyful but the times to reflect and to norish the love of the most high was needed as well.

She had learned to give also herself a bit more attention, making sure her robe was suiting the occassion she choosed a rich with golden yarn embroided green cope over her albe. Her hair had been topped by a zuccetto. When her path started she had not paid much attention to herself and her appearance but by now she was as well in need to reflect her position. Understanding that clothes had a huge impact on how one was received by others.

Today would be such a day and she was smiling overseeing the preperations within the imposant Basilica di San Giovanni dei Martiri only the best was good enough that was something she had learned already by working alongside Cardinal Kalixtus. Perfection was expected nothing more and nothing less and that was what she was striving for to please the rightful leader of this basilica.

Candles were placed all around to create a special scenery. She had made sure all who carry out the mission of St.Loyat within the Villa would be invited for todays ceremony. It was important to her to celebrate the patron saint of the prefectur she was leading. To remind one another about the reason for their work and to think of all those who had done great accomplishments for the Holy Aristotlian Church within the past.
She had made sure that scents from all of the known world would have been blended into a special inscent that would fill the Basilica today.
It was ment to be a day that shows the diversity and richness of the various zones to where the faith has already spread. Diversity that was still united under one common spirit by the rightful words of the Most High.

Nothing of what was achieved within the church was ever done alone, nothing was decided by only looking at one side of the medal - church was and always will be something with many layers. Caillen had learned that durring her way and was sure that she would experience more and more of those layers bit by bit. She had always been curious to meet people, to learn new things and to understand other people who are maybe speaking a different language. She was convinced that the picture of the ideal city was transferable from a small city to a duchy, to a kingdom and at last onto the whole world. But all this was only achievable to by good communication by the desire to work closely together and to understand one another. Getting to know each other and finding a way to communicate and work together for the greater good.

The acolytes working for the Cardinal where surely used to watch out for every detail and to make sure that nothing less but precission was delievered. The "stage" was prepared for the celebration and the conductor. She was smirking thinking how matching this metaphor was.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 03 Juin 2016
Messages: 1175
Localisation: Señor de Ascrea

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 07, 2019 1:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Archbishop of Valencia and translator for the Spanish part within San Loyat, had received from Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, Bishop in Partibus of Lamia, Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat, to a ceremony in honor of the Patron Saint and with all honor and under the blessing of the Most High, prepares the trip to the Basilica where it would take place.

I arrive at the Basilica, and taking the central aisle and praying in silence approaches the first benches waiting to be received.

Cardenal-Diacono +Primado Hispano +Arzobispo Metropolitano Osma+ Señor de Ascrea
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13191
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 07, 2019 3:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus had placed the supervision of the decoration of the Basilica in the hands of the prefect, who today would prove her talent in the special arrangement of a mass for an entire prefecture. The entire administration of his basilica had been put at her disposal for this purpose. In the sacristy, that back room which in this basilica was more like a large area of divided halls, he had retreated to the largest and rearmost room. In the anteroom the altar boys and acolytes changed their clothes. They slipped into their liturgical robes. Kalixtus will also do this and for the solemn orientation of today's day in the embroidered Dalmatic of the higher consecrations as well as the magnificent Chasuble and as usual in the warmer regions the Manipel around his left arm. The fabrics, all made of silk and damask, were ready and would only have to be thrown over because of their special nature. So Kalixtus only had to wipe off his cardinal's robes. The mitre and the bishop's staff of Trier were almost resting in their place. Two acolytes had already come to dress him, but Kalixtus was still sitting at his desk writing letters of condolence to the imperial family of the Kingdom of France who had lost their queen at the turning point of their power. The Lord is a god of decisions and he decided to dismiss the important as well as the unimportant, and at some times he exchanges this position in the Last Judgement. He set his seal on golden wax whose sensual smell caressed the fine nose of the Cardinal.

    It was time and his acolytes became a little impatient, but they knew this from Kalixtus. He stood up and actually he would wait for Jolieen, she had to make sure that everything was in its place and she would tell him when the time came. In any case, he let the bells ring while he was being dressed. Before the Mitre was put on, the Pectorale followed in this case a noble piece, resting the Aristotelian cross with rubies on his chasuble. The Story of Creation was embroidered on the Chasuble. It harmonized perfectly with the ornaments of the golden Dalmatic. As usual, Kalixtus removed the signet rings of his secular fiefdoms, leaving only the cardinal ring. He was given the Stole of the Archbishopric of Trier. He gratefully renounced the pontifical gloves but of course the pontifical shoes and stockings were necessary and for this he sat down while an acolyte put them on with a smile on his lips.
    His acolytes came from the ruling dynasties of Europe and were undoubtedly not used to serving the Church in this case. He had considered to offer the German king the same offer of service. But there you would have to correct too many mistakes. So the look slipped to the mirror and a Kalixtus looked back at him, looking like the painting that was hanging in the Vatican Museum. Dignified, serious, thoughtful and perhaps a little too introspective, he could shield his thoughts very well. Nevertheless, a tender, motivating smile rested in his face and around the corners of his mouth the Cardinal recognized shallow wrinkles as well as around his eyes. His time was no longer youth, but without doubt he became more attractive in old age. France's blood often shows itself in the age of this special benevolence. In this case it was God's mercy and a gift that at almost half a century on this planet, he already gratefully took note of it. Or were they over 3 centuries. Some ghosts should be left to rest in the box.

    Indeed. We take the Arab incense for this occasion. I wish for the entry music Guillaume Du Fay, you should communicate this to the choir. Only the trombone and the voices of the choir are needed. Sacred and worthy. Kalixtus looked into his reflection. France's queen was dead, his emperor was seriously ill, it was times like these that seriously afflicted him.

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Inscrit le: 13 Avr 2017
Messages: 55
Localisation: Valladolid, Reino de Castilla.

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 07, 2019 10:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Kalahn se dirige al lugar indicado, para asistir a la celebración del santo patrón en la Basílica de San Giovanni dei Martiri, aunque trabajaba en la villa Loyats, credenciales no tenía, por lo que esperó que en la entrada, no se lo pidieran como requisito.

Admiró la belleza del lugar, y en silencio se sentó al final o principio, cerca de la puerta, en una esquina, donde no molestase.


Kalahn heads to the right place, to attend the celebration of the patron saint in the Basilica of San Giovanni dei Martiri, although she worked at the villa Loyats, she did not have credentials, so she hoped that at the entrance, they didn’t ask for it as a requirement.

Admired the beauty of the place, and silently sat at the end or beginning, near the door, in a corner, where she would not bother.

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Inscrit le: 11 Juil 2013
Messages: 431
Localisation: Aranda de Duero, Castilla y León, Hispania

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 08, 2019 10:18 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Gasper se sentía honrado de participar en tan noble ceremonia, conmemorando al santo patrono de los traductores San Loyats. Vestido de sus mejores galas, respetando siempre su dignidad de religioso, arribó hasta la basílica di San Giovanni dei Martir.
Tras descender de su carromato y subir las escalinatas se pudo percatar de que era la primera vez que visitaba la basílica, la arquitectura genuina y admirable, igualmente la decoración deslumbraba a lo largo y a lo ancho del interior, era muy probable que si existiera un lugar en el mundo que se pareciera al paraíso, era sin duda esta basílica.
Apenas entrando pudo observar que se encontraba presente la dama Kalahn Hojaseca de Palafox a quien se acercó para saludarla e invitarla a que se acercara a los primeros bancos, - sería un honor compartir este día con los traductores hispánicos de primera mano y tambien creo que se escucha mejor más al frente. -
Mas adelante pudo ver al arzobispo de Valencia, quien permanecía en silencio, se acercó y lo saludo con mucho respeto y aguardó a que diera inicio la celebbración.

Gasper felt honored to participate in such a noble ceremony, commemorating the patron saint of translators St. Loyats. Dressed in his best clothes, always respecting his religious dignity, he arrived at the basilica of San Giovanni dei Martir.
After descending his carriage and climbing the stairs he realized that it was the first time he had visited the basilica, the genuine and admirable architecture, and the decoration dazzled the length and breadth of the interior, it was very likely that if there was a place in the world that resembled paradise, it was undoubtedly this basilica.
As soon as he entered, he saw that Lady Kalahn Hojaseca de Palfox was present and he approached her to greet her and invite her to approach the first benches, - it would be an honor to share this day with the first-hand Hispanic translators and I also believe that better is heard at the front. -
Later on he could see the archbishop of Valencia, who remained silent, approached him and greeted him with much respect and waited for the celebration to begin.


Cura de Aranda de Duero | Vice-Prefecto Hispano Villa San Loyats |Rector y Profesor Titular Seminario Fray Tanys
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Inscrit le: 13 Avr 2017
Messages: 55
Localisation: Valladolid, Reino de Castilla.

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 08, 2019 3:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Kalahn saludó humildemente, a Su Eminencia el obispo don Gasper, y aceptó su invitación, para poder así, disfrutar de la ceremonia. En Valladolid no era común ver misas en la iglesia, y eran pocas las oportunidades, de las que podía participar, escuchar y compartir tan bello momento.

Se sentó en un hueco vacío, y saludó a sus compañeros de la Villa Loyats, con mucha ilusión.


Kalahn humbly greeted His Eminence Bishop Don Gasper and accepted his invitation so that she could enjoy the ceremony. In Valladolid it was not common to see masses in the church, and there were few opportunities, of which I could participate, listen and share such a beautiful moment.

She sat in an empty hole, and greeted her companions at Villa Loyats, with great enthusiasm.

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