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[Workspace]Hagiography St. Vitus [HR]

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MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 17, 2019 6:39 pm    Sujet du message: [Workspace]Hagiography St. Vitus [HR] Répondre en citant

Hagiografija Svetog Vida

Rođenje i djetinstvo.

Sveti Vitus rođen je 280. Godine na otoku Siciliji, u gradu Mazzara del Valla. Bio je sin bogatog trgovca ribom, po imenu Hylas, koji je bio štovatelj poganskih bogova i njegova želja je bila da Vitus nasljedi njegov nauk o poganskoj kulturi. Vitus su se poganska ideja nije svidjela već u ranoj dobi, bio je vrlo bistar, te je volio istraživati i čitati razne druge knjige, što je njegovog oca ljutilo.
Kao mladić u svojoj ranoj dobi zanimao se za Aristotelov nauk, te je potajno proučavao knjige koje je mogao nabaviti preko svoga odgajatelja Modeste. Očaran Aristotelom, proširio je znanje in a tumačenje Krista, te je u njima prepoznao Božje poslanike, koji se nadopunjuju i tvore punu sliku. 291. Godine Vitus je primio skarament krštenja te postaje aristotelovac, njegov otac ga je prisiljavao da odbaci aristotelovu vjeru i prihvati poganske bogove i žrtve koje se čine njima u čast, jer kako je tvrdio njegov otac: “Svo ovo bogatsvo smo stekli radi štovanja i žrtve našim bogovima”, no Vitus se svaki put suprostavio ocu i odbio se pokloniti pred poganskim žrtvenicima. Sa svojih 12. Godina, u nekim izvorima i ranije, pobjegao je od kuće, sa svojim skrbnicima Modesto(odgajatelj) i Kresencijom(hraniteljica) kako bi mogao u miru prakticirati aristotelovu vjeru, koju mu je otac branio.

Život u Lukaniji.

U Lukaniju dolazi sa svojim odgajateljom Modesto i hraniteljicom Krescencijom, o ovome dijelu života samoga Vitusa se ne zna puno, jer su živjeli u maloj zajednici gdje su održavali aristotelovu vjeru. Modesto i Kresencija su skrbili o mladome Vitusu kao o vlastitome sinu, postoji legenda kako je Vitus u mjesto gdje je živjeo, znao u ljetne dane, plesati po trgu i pozivati ljude kako bi mu se pridružili, navodno je bio zabavljač i veselog duha. Već u toj dobi, neki su u njemu prepoznali tragove svetosti, jer nakon plesa je znao sjesti na klupu i pričati o Aristotelu i Kristu.

Progon i odlazak u Rim.

Godine 303. na mjesto cara rimskog carstva dolazi Dioklecijan, koji je bio poganin i mrzitelj aristotelske vjere. Poslao je proglas svim svojim dužnosnicima da suzbiju aristotelovu religiju, a same vjernike uhvate i dovedu u Rim. Vitus kako je bio hrabrog duha, baš kao i svaki mladić je volio javno isticati i svjedočiti svoju vjeru, dok su ga njegovi skrbnici upozoravali da ne bi smjeo tako javno govoriti, jer znali su reči: “Dolaze teška vremena za nas Aristotelce”, ili su mu znali reči: “Ne govori svima koje si vjere, nisu svi sretni kada to čuju”. Ali Vitus se nije obazirao previše, on je pričao o Aristotelu, te čak znao i krenuti moliti na javnom mjestu, što su mnogi potiho i podržavali, te ponekad bi ga počastili ručkom ili kojim komadom voća ili povrća.
Jednoga dana, satnici rimske vojske su ušli u selo, na čelu sa jednim starcem, koji ih je vodio i uperivao prstom u sve one koji su slijedili aristotelovu vjeru. Na trgu su sreli Vitusa, koji je propovjedao o Aristotelu, te zazivao ime Božje na glas.
“Eno onaj tamo mladić, on je najglasniji!” – viknu starac, a vojnici potrčaše i uhvatiše Vitusa. Strpali su ga u kola sa kavezom i poslali prema Rimu. Skrbnici Modesto i Kresencija su ostali slobodni, jer ih starac nije uočio dok su radili na polju van sela.

Dolazak u Rim i prva čuda.

Vitus nije puno vidjeo Rima već je brzo strpan u čeliju sa ostalim vjernicima i drugima koji su se iz raznih razloga našli u zatvoru. Čelija je bila krcata ljudima, u tim rimskim čelijama nije bilo puno svijetla, samo jedan mali otvor, širine jedne cigle iz kojega je dopirao snop svjetla. Vitus se odmah predao molitvi, molio je Svevišnjega da mu podari snagu kako bi izdržao sve muke koje su bile pred njime.
Kako se molio na glas, jedan ga je čovjek čuo i pitao “Kome se ti moliš mladiću?”
Vitus mu odgovori: “Svevišnjem Bogu!”
Čovjek mu veli: “Kakav Bog, da Bog postoji, ja sada ne bih bio slijep, koji to Bog dopušta da netko bude slijep?”
U tom trenu Vitus osjeti potrebu da dođe do tog čovjeka, te mu položi ruku na oči, i izrekne molitvu. Sve je to trajalo nekoliko sekundi, a oni koji su svjedočili, govorili su kako se prostorija ispunia blaženim svjetlom. Nakon što je Vitus maknio ruku, čovjek je progledao , te briznio u plač, pao na koljena i počeo zahvaljivati Svevišnjem. Svi zatvorenici su slavili Vitus i Boga.

Ozdravljenje careva sina.

Čudo iz čelije, kako su ga u narodu nazvali, došlo je i do samoga cara Dioklecijana. Car je imao sina koji je bolovao od teškog tremora, nije mogao niti hodati niti jesti bez tuđe pomoći. Car u očaju, jer nije mogao nikako pomoći sinu, kada je čuo za “čudo iz čelije”, odmah je zapovjedio da Vitusa dovedu u palaču.
Već u noćni sat Vitus bješe doveden pred cara, koji mu kaže: “Ozdravi mi sina i slobodan si!”
Veliki broj ljudi se okupio u palači toga dana, bilo je tu i trgovaca iz drugih zemalja, sama carska obitelj, svi carski dužnosnici koji su gledali u Vitusa dok je koračao prema krevetu gdje je ležao carski sin, kleknio je pokraj kreveta, položio ruku na njegovu glavu i počeo moliti na glas. I ako bješe noć, iz vana je u palaču došao snop poput sunčeva svjetla koji je osvjetlio Vitusa i carskoga sina. Nakon nekoliko trenutaka carski sin je poskočio iz kreveta i potrčao prema caru.
“Čudo, hvala bogovima !” – viknio je car Dioklecijan.
“Ne !”, odgovori Vitus i nastavi – “Ovo je djelo Svevišnjega, koji nam je poslao proroke Aristotela i Krista kako bi nam prenjeli Božansku istinu”. Car je pobjesnio na neposlušnost Vitusa, te mu rekao: “Pokori se pred žrtvenikom i tvoje gluposti biti će ti oproštene!”
“Nikada, ja se klanjam jedino pred Svevišnjim!” – odgovorio je Vitus.
To je već ljutog cara, još više naljutilo, te je Vitusa, i ako mu je ozdravio sina, osudio na smrt kuhanjem u kotlu s vrelim uljem.

Anđeo sa nebesa i smrt.

Bilo je podne kada su Vitusa postavili svezanog u kotao sa uljem. Skupilo se mnoštvo koje je bacalo razno trulo voće na Vitusa i vikalo: “nevjerniče, nevjerniče”.
Vatra je bila zapaljena, a ulje je sve više bivalo vrućje, Vitus je sklopio oči i zazivao Svevišnjega molitvom, kako je bol bila sve jača, on je se sve glasnije molio, nije ustrajao.
Pred izmak snaga, dok je Vitus izgovarao svoje posljednje molitve, razišao se oblak izad njega, te anđeo obavijen u svijetlo se spusti do kotla, podigne Vitusa i odvede ga u Lukaniju, pred kuću njegovih skrbnika. Modesto i Kresencija su u strahu izašli iz kuće te uzeli u naručje Vitusa, koji je u tom trenutku izdahnio i preminio, dok su bili u suzama za Vitusom, anđeo koji se nalazio iznad njih, rekao im je: “Ne bojte se! On je sada sa Svevišnjim u Raju”.

Spomendan i relikvije

Spomndan: 15. Lipanj
Relikvije: Ruka, koju je položio na oči i glavu bolesnih.


Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Lun Sep 30, 2019 11:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

St. Vitus

Birth and Childhood

St. Vitus was born around the year 280 on the island of Sicily, in the city of Mazzara del Valla. He was the son of a wealthy fish merchant, named Hylas, who was an admirer of the pagan gods and his wish was that Vitus would follow his teachings on the pagan culture. Vitus not liked the pagan idea at an early age, he was very smart, and liked to explore and read various other books instead, which made his father angry.
As a young man in his early age, he was interested in aristotelian doctrine, and he secretly studied books he could obtain by Modesto, his tutor. Inspired by Aristotle, he expanded his knowledge with the Vita of Christos, and with that he recognized God's prophets, who complement each other and create a full picture.

In the year 291 Vitus received the scarament of baptism and became an Aristotelian, his father forced him to reject the aristotelian faith and accept pagan gods and sacrifice to them that seem to be in their honor, as his father claimed: "All the riches we have, have been acquired by worshipping and sacrifying to our gods." but Vitus confronted his father every time and refused to bow before the Gentian altar. With his 12th. Year, he fled from home, with his guardians Modesto (tutor) and Kresences (Nursemaid) so that he could practice the aristotelian believe, which his father rejected.

Life in Lukania

In Lukania he arrived with his tutor Modesto and his nursemaid Krescence, this part of the life of Vitus is not known much, as they lived in a small community where they maintained the aristotelian faith. Modesto and Kresence took care of the young Vitus as if he was their own son. There exists a legend about Vitus in the village where he lived was known for , dancing in the squares and invited people to join him, in the summer days, supposedly he was an entertainer and a cheerful spirit. At that age, some of them recognized the traces of holiness, because after the dance he could sit on the bench and talk about Aristoteles and Christos.

Persecution and departure to Rome

In the year 303. In the place of the Emperor of the Roman Empire comes Diocletian, who was a gentian and hater of the Aristotelian faith. He sent a proclamation to all its officials to suppress the aristotelian religion, and to capture the faithfuls and bring them to Rome. Vitus as he was a brave spirit, just as every young man liked to publicly stand out and show his faith, while his guardians warned him that he should not speak too publicly about it, because they knew the words "The hard times come for us aristotelians", or they knew the words : "Do not tell anyone you are faithful, not everyone is happy when they hear it." But Vitus did not care too much, he talked about Aristoteles, and even knowingly he started praying in a public place, which many quietly and supported, and sometimes they would treat him with lunch or a piece of fruit or vegetables.

One of these days there was an encounter with the Roman guards:

CENTURION: What's this, then? 'Romanes Eunt Domus'? 'People called Romanes they go the house'?

VITUS: It-- it says, 'Romans, go home'.

CENTURION: No, it doesn't. What's Latin for 'Roman'? Come on!



VITUS: 'R-- Romanus'?

CENTURION: Goes like...?

VITUS: 'Annus'?

CENTURION: Vocative plural of 'annus' is...?

VITUS: Eh. 'Anni'?

CENTURION: 'Romani'. 'Eunt'? What is 'eunt'?

VITUS: 'Go'. Let--

CENTURION: Conjugate the verb 'to go'.

VITUS: Uh. 'Ire'. Uh, 'eo'. 'Is'. 'It'. 'Imus'. 'Itis'. 'Eunt'.

CENTURION: So 'eunt' is...?

VITUS: Ah, huh, third person plural, uh, present indicative. Uh, 'they go'.

CENTURION: But 'Romans, go home' is an order, so you must use the...?

VITUS: The... imperative!

CENTURION: Which is...?

VITUS: Umm! Oh. Oh. Um, 'i'. 'I'!

CENTURION: How many Romans?

VITUS: Ah! 'I'-- Plural. Plural. 'Ite'. 'Ite'.


VITUS: Ah. Eh.



CENTURION: Nominative?


CENTURION: 'Go home'? This is motion towards. Isn't it, boy?

VITUS: Ah. Ah, dative, sir! Ahh! No, not dative! Not the dative, sir! No! Ah! Oh, the... accusative! Accusative! Ah! 'Domum', sir! 'Ad domum'! Ah! Oooh! Ah!

CENTURION: Except that 'domus' takes the...?

VITUS: The locative, sir!

CENTURION: Which is...?!

VITUS: 'Domum'.


VITUS: Aaah! Ah.

CENTURION: 'Um'. Understand?

VITUS: Yes, sir.

CENTURION: Now, write it out a hundred times.

VITUS: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Hail Diocletian, sir.

CENTURION: Hail Diocletian. If it's not done by sunrise, I'll cut your balls off.

VITUS: Oh, thank you, sir. Thank you, sir. Hail Diocletian and everything, sir! Oh. Mmm!


ROMAN SOLDIER STIG: Right. Now don't do it again.

Another day, the captains of the Roman army entered the village, led by an old man, who directed them and pointed the finger at all those who followed the faith of Aristoteles. In the square they met Vitus, who preached about Aristoteles, and called the name of God out loud."There's a young man there, he's the most loudest!" – shouted the old man, and the soldiers rushed and caught Vitus. They put him onto a wagon with a cage and sent him to Rome. The Guardians Modesto and Kresence remained free, because the old man had not spotted them while they were working on a field outside the village.

Coming to Rome and the first Miricles

Vitus did not see much of Rome but was quickly thrown in a cell with more faithfuls and others who for various reasons found themselves in prison. The cell was crowded with people, and in these Roman cells there was not much light, only one small opening, the width of a brick from which the beam of light was reaching. Vitus immediately gathered in prayer, begged the Most High to give him strength to endure all the troubles that were before him. As he prayed aloud, one man heard him and said, "Who do you pray to, young man?"Vitus replied to him: "To the Almighty God!"The man says to him, "What kind of God is that, that allows someone to be blind? If there is a God, I would not be blind now?"In that moment, Vitus feels the need to reach to this man, and lay his hands on his eyes, and speak a prayer. All of this lasted only a few seconds, and those who testified, said the room was filled with blissless light. After Vitus removed his hands, the man took a look, and he bursted into cries, falling to his knees and began to thank the Almighty. All prisoners celebrated Vitus and God.

The Healing of the Emperor's Son

“The miracle of the cell”, as the people called it, came to the attention of emperor Diocletian himself. The emperor had a son who suffered from a severe tremor, he could neither walk nor eat without help from others. The emperor in despair, because he could never help his son, when he heard about the "miracle of the Cell", he immediately ordered that Vitus would be brought to the palace.
It was already in the middle of the night, that Vitus was brought in front of the emperor, who told him, "Heal my son and you are free!"
A large number of people gathered in the palace that day, there were merchants from other countries, the imperial family itself, all imperial officials who looked at Vitus as he walked towards the bed where the emperor's son lay, kneeled down by the bed, placed his hands on his head and started praying loud. And even it was night, from the outside, a beam came into the palace like a sunray that illuminated Vitus and the imperial son. After a few moments, the emperor's son jumped out of bed and ran towards the emperor.
"A miracle, thank the gods!"-shouted the Emperor Diocletian.
"No!", replied Vitus and continued — "This is the work of the Most High, which sent us the prophets of Aristoteles and Christos to give us the divine truth". The emperor was outraged at the disobedience of Vitus, and told him, "Obey before the altar, and your stupidity shall be forgiven!"
"Never! I worship only the Almighty!" – Vitus replied.
This already angry emperor, turned even more angry, and Vitus, although he healed his son, was condemned by him to death through boiling in a coldron with hot oil.

An Angel from Heaven and Death

It was noon when Vitus was put tied up in a boiler with oil. There was a multitude that threw a variety of rotten fruit on Vitus and shouted, "Infidel! Infidel."
The fire was ignited, and the oil was getting hotter, Vitus closed his eyes and called the Most High in prayer, that the pain was getting stronger, he prayed louder, he didn't persist.
Before his strength was used up and while Vitus spoke his last prayers, a cloud birst out of him, and an angel emerged in the light descending to the boiler, raised Vitus and took him to Lukania, to the house of his guardians. Modesto and Kresence came out of the house and took Vitus in their arms, who at that moment breathed for the last time and passed away, while they were in tears for Vitus, the angel that was above them, said to them, "Fear not! He is now joining the Almighty in the solar paradies. "

The picture and the relics etc. are missing - please add them

Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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