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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:19 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a new Dean at the St. Sjnoel seminar
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the appointment of Alexei Kosygin as the new Dean at the St. Sjnoel seminar.
The request for reopening was not made after the suspension. We declare the seminar closed for inactivity
The previous Dean is revoked due to his inactivity.
The seminar is still suspended until further notice.
Given in Rome, the twenty-fifth day of the tenth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:20 pm Sujet du message: |
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Approval of a new statute for the St. Sjnoel seminar
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the Approval of a new statute for the St. Sjnoel seminar.
Reopening work can now begin
The seminar is still suspended until further notice.
Given in Rome, the twenty-fifth day of the eleventh month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:21 pm Sujet du message: |
Citation: | Charter of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel
The Seminary of Saint Sjnoel, by the grace of the Almighty God, in order to build a community of faithful in Holland that is both learned and holy, forms an educational institution that shall embody the ideals and aspirations of the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education, promote, conserve and develop the truths that God revealed to man through his prophets Aristotle and Christos, as represented by the Universal and Roman-Aristotelian Church, do ordain and promulgate this national seminary.
I. Purpose of Existence
I.1 The fundamental purpose of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel is to provide Aristotelian education in accordance with the directives and guidelines of the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education.
I.2 The primary aim of the seminary is to transmit theological knowledge through basic and intermediate Aristotelian education in order to guide those who are about to be accepted into the Aristotelian community through baptism, and those who are about to enter the diaconate and the priesthood.
I.3 The seminary is also open to the faithful who desire to deepen their knowledge of the Aristotelian faith.
II. Administration
II.A. Composition of the Seminary
II.A.1 The faculty of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel will be composed of:
- one (1) Rector
- one (1) Vice-Rector
- two (2) Professors
II.A.2 The admission of a new Professor can be done either by election or by the sole decision of the Rector.
II.A.3 In the event of a vote, all Professors of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel are entitled to one (1) vote. A simple majority decides the election. In case of a tie, the Rector can exercise his/her right to appoint or deny the candidate.
II.A.4 The dismissal, however, of any member of the faculty of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel lie exclusively on the Rector.
II.B. The Rector
II.B.1 The Rector is the highest position in the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel. He is in-charge of the overall management of the seminary. He has the power to appoint and dismiss members of the faculty. He also has the power to appoint and dismiss the Vice-Rector. It is imperative that he be a professor at the time of his appointment.
II.B.2 As the head of the seminary, the Rector has the power to choose and create the courses that the seminary will offer and to decide how they should be taught. He will also ensure the proper teaching of the existing seminary courses.
II.B.3 It is mandatory that the Rector has a great experience as a professor before being appointed in the position. The Rector's decisions cannot be challenged officially in public. It is the responsibility of the members of the faculty to highlight the errors committed by the Rector in a private hall of the seminary.
II.B.4 In the event that the Rector abuses the rights granted to him, and if his attitude exceeds the limits provided by the Church, it is imperative to inform the Episcopal Assembly of Holland, who has the authority and duty to investigate and dismiss the Rector.
II.B.5 He must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.
II.B.6 The Primate of the SRING and the Dutch Vice-Primate can unilaterally declare the seat of the Rector vacant on the grounds of long absence or death.
II.B.7 The Rector of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel is elected by the Dutch Episcopal Assembly (Nederlandse Bisschoppen Raad). The Curia, through the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education, can oppose the choice and can dismiss the Rector as they deem necessary.
II.B.8 The replacement of the Rector can be done only after one (1) month of absence without notice or in the event of death. In his absence, it is the Vice-Rector who will take over the management of the seminary.
II.C. The Vice-Rector
II.C.1 The Vice-Rector is the Rector's immediate subordinate and the second highest official in the seminary. In the absence of the Rector, he can exercise the power of the rector to appoint or dismiss members of the faculty. It is imperative that he be a professor at the time of his appointment.
II.C.2 He has no power to create courses without the Rector's directive. However, he can participate in the creation of new courses or the revision of existing ones.
II.C.3 He has no power to decide on how to teach the courses. But, he has the obligation to ensure the proper teaching of the existing ones.
II.C.4 Like the Rector, he must be given due respect. It is the responsibility of the Rector or the members of the faculty, in the Rector’s absence, to highlight the errors committed by Vice-Rector in a private hall of the seminary.
II.C.5 In the event that the Vice-Rector abuses the rights granted to him, and his attitude exceeds the limits of the seminary, it is imperative that the Rector must be informed.
II.C.6 He must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.
II.C.7 He may only be appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.
II.C.8 The Vice-Rector may be replaced after one (1) month of absence or in the event of death.
II.D. The Professor
II.D.1 The Professor must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.
II.D.2 He must be a member of the Faculty of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.
II.D.3 The Professor will only teach the courses which he himself has undergone as attested by his diploma or as validated by the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.
II.D.4 The Professor must teach while being aware that there will be someone to assist him and to correct him. He must agree to be advised by a member of his faculty whether he is a Rector or a Professor.
II.D.5 The Professor must be at the level of the seminarian and must be his equal, as exemplified by Aristotle and Christos. He must correct his seminarians with respect.
II.D.6 The Professor teaches as he wishes, except for the advice of his Rector or Vice-Rector. He will have to teach the courses made available by the Rector and will only teach the courses offered by the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.
II.D.7 The Professor undertakes by his office to teach with respect and will provide the best teaching for his seminarian. If the Professor makes a mistake, it is up to him to correct himself.
II.D.8 In cases where the Professor has gone astray from the norm of what he should be teaching or has perverted the lessons contrary to intentions of the course, the Dogma or the Canon Law, it is up to the Rector or the Vice-Rector to bring him back to the right path. The Rector may also relieve him of his duties.
II.D.9 When the Professor is a clergy, he is expected to render greater respect to the Aristotelian Dogma and Canon Law. However, when performing his duties in the seminary or when he is within its premises, he should render respect to the hierarchy of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel, whether his superiors are higher or lower than him in the hierarchy of the Church. For example: A cardinal professor must obey his Rector, even if the Rector is a bishop or a priest, someone who is subordinate to him in the hierarchy of the Church.
II.D.10 The Professor has great influence on the seminarian. He is considered as an architect to what will become of the seminarian’s formation. Thus, he must remain respectable and dignified at all times.
II.D.11 The Rector and the Vice-Rector are automatically professors of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.
II.D.12 A Professor who becomes inactive or absent from the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel as a professor or a member of the faculty may be expelled from the seminary after one (1) month of inactivity.
II.D.13 The Prefect of Aristotelian Education must be informed of any appointments or dismissals of faculty members by the Rector. These changes must also be announced in the official announcement thread of the seminary.
II.D.14 A Professor of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel needs to be fluent in Dutch in order to best share his knowledge with the Seminarian.
III. Rights and Duties of the Seminarian
III.1 On each course being offered by the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel, the Seminarian will have to fill-up a registration form provided by the seminary. If the Seminarian wishes to follow a second course that is being offered by the seminary, he will have to fill-up a new registration form for that course.
III.2 The Seminarian is entitled to receive exemplary teaching by one of the professors in accordance to the standards of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel, and as imposed by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.
III.3 Insults or disrespect towards a professor will be forwarded to the Rector or Vice-Rector by the professor concerned. With the agreement of the Rector or the Vice-Rector, the case will be transmitted to the competent temporal court for the seminarians who are not baptized and will be accompanied by a baptismal ban; or to the Holy Inquisition for the already baptized seminarians.
III.4 Copying from the answers of another Seminarian is prohibited. The case will be forward immediately to the Rector or the Vice-Rector. With the agreement of the Rector or the Vice-Rector, the professor will then be entitled to add one or more lessons to the Seminarian’s course before being qualified for validation.
III.5 The Seminary of Saint Sjnoel reserves the right to expel any Seminarian and prohibit him from enrolling in any course being offered by the seminary.
III.6 Inactive Seminarians will be removed from class after one (1) month of inactivity and will be considered dropped from the course. However, he will be able to request back access from the registration desk in order to finish his course.
III.7 After successfully completing a course, the seminarian will receive a diploma as proof that he has finished a course in the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.
IV. Appendix
IV.1 The Prefecture of Aristotelian Education has full oversight on the administration of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.
IV.2 The Prefect of Aristotelian Education or his duly appointed representative is entitled to full freedom of movement within the seminary. The rector and every member of the faculty will have to answer and fulfill requests to the best of their abilities, in order for the Prefect and/or his representative to properly dispense their duties.
IV.3 The list of graduates will be recorded and be kept in an archive. A copy of this record will have to be given to the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education in Rome. |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:22 pm Sujet du message: |
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The Préfecture des Chapelles informs you and recruits!
We, His Eminence Tymothé de Nivellus, Cardinal Prefect of the Chapels, for the mandate of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith
We can think of God all the time. And all the nobles who have a territory may want to build a chapel to be closer to the church.
That's why the prefecture of the chapels exists! To meet your requests and manage, chapeauté, the chapels of all kingdoms.
Today, there are many chapels. And to manage everything. You have to be several to work in the field! That's why I invite you to apply to be Inspector of Chapels, or Vice-Prefect of your area!
Together, we can continue to make the prefecture a dynamic place that responds quickly and well to the requests of everyone!
Maybe we will be colleague tomorrow?
May God keep you in his holy protection,
His Eminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus,
Cardinal Vice-primate Archbishop of Narbonne,
Prefect of the Chapels
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:23 pm Sujet du message: |
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Réorganisation du staff au sein de la préfecture des Chapelles!
Reorganization of the staff within the prefecture of Chapels!
Nous, Son Eminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus, Cardinal Vice-primat de France, Archevêque métropolitain et Préfet des Chapelles annonçons les nominations suivantes:
We, His Eminence Monsignor Tymothe de Nivellus, Cardinal Vice-Primate of France, Metropolitan Archbishop and Prefect of the Chapels announce the following appointments:
Citation: | Appointments:
- General Vice Prefect: Son Eminence Monseigneur Neirin [Neirin]
- Vice Prefect for the french-speaking geodogmatic zone: Monseigneur Urbain Mastiggia [Urbain_mastiggia]
- Vice Prefect for the polish geodogmatic zone: Father Wenancjusz [Wenancjusz]
- Vice Prefect for the spanish-speaking geodogmatic zone: monseñor d_b_xativa [diegobeltranxativa]
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Fait le 4 décembre 1467
The Prefect of the Chapels
S.E Tymothé de Nivellus

S.Eminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus a écrit: | Citation: |
Congregation of the Evangelization of People
Cardinal-Vice-Chancellor: His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [Kalixtus]
General secretary: His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche [Svevo]
Secretary-General of the Congregation: Mons. Arduino I Della Scala [Gropius]
Office of the Chapel-Registry
- Prefect: Son Eminence Monseigneur Tymothé de Nivellus [Tymothé de Nivellus]
- General Vice Prefect: Son Eminence Monseigneur Neirin [Neirin]
- Vice Prefect for the french-speaking geodogmatic zone: Monseigneur Urbain Mastiggia [Urbain_mastiggia]
- Vice Prefect for the english-speaking geodogmatic zone: vacant
- Vice Prefect for the italian-speaking geodogmatic zone: vacant
- Vice Prefect for the german-speaking geodogmatic zone: vacant
- Vice Prefect for the dutch-speaking geodogmatic zone: vacant
- Vice Prefect for the portuguese-speaking geodogmatic zone: vacant
- Vice Prefect for the polish geodogmatic zone: Father Wenancjusz [Wenancjusz]
- Vice Prefect for the spanish-speaking geodogmatic zone: monseñor d_b_xativa [diegobeltranxativa]
- Inspectors for the french-speaking geodogmatic zone: Brother Archibabel Pourciel [Archibabel]
- Inspectors for the english-speaking geodogmatic zone: Sister Catriona Delacroix [Catriona Delacroix]
- Inspectors for the italian-speaking geodogmatic zone: vacant
- Inspectors for the german-speaking geodogmatic zone: H. E. Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [Kalixtus] and Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [Oberon.]
- Inspectors for the dutch-speaking geodogmatic zone: vacant
- Inspectors for the portuguese-speaking geodogmatic zone: Vacant
- Inspectors for the spanish-speaking geodogmatic zone: Vacant
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:24 pm Sujet du message: |
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Dismissal "Mattia Dondi de Falconieri" Prefecture Pilgrims
Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Rector of the International University of the Jesuits [I.U.J.], Theologian, Inquisitor etc. etc. under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets
With immediate effect, We order that Excellency Mattia Dondi de Falconieri [mattiadoria] be dismissed from his responsibility for the Prefecture of Pilgrims and from his office at the CDF.[/b]:
To the reasons:
The accomplishments that are essential for the prefecture can be summarized with communication and activity. We have to admit that Mattia Dondi de Falconieri no longer meets this standard and therefore he has to be dismissed from the CDF.
I wish him all the best and God's blessing for his future. I thank him for his work in the service of the CDF.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
Given in Roma, ante diem VII Idibus Decembres anno Domini MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:29 pm Sujet du message: |
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Dismissal "Policarpo von Wittelsbach" Prefecture Religious Orders
Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Rector of the International University of the Jesuits [I.U.J.], Theologian, Inquisitor etc. etc. under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets
With immediate effect, We order that Excellency Policarpo von Wittelsbach [Policarpo] be dismissed from his responsibility for the Prefecture of Religious Orders and from his office at the CDF.[/b]:
To the reasons:
The accomplishments that are essential for the prefecture can be summarized with communication and activity. We have to admit that Policarpo von Wittelsbach no longer meets this standard and therefore he has to be dismissed from the CDF.
I wish him all the best and God's blessing for his future. I thank him for his work in the service of the CDF.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
Given in Roma, ante diem VII Idibus Decembres anno Domini MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:32 pm Sujet du message: |
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Call for applications to the positions of Prefect of Prefecture Pilgrims and Prefect of Prefecture Religious Orders
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
In the name of the Cardinal Vice Chancellor
Announce the opening, for the next seven days, of a calls for applications to the positions of Prefect of the Prefecture Pilgrims and Prefect of Prefecture Religious Orders.
All candidates will be required to have skills in management, to be able to oversee to the proper functioning of the Office, and give it an international vocation.
All candidates will preferably be multilingual, or have knowledge of French and English.
The application must be complete with:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates and accreditations
- Letter of motivation
Applications must be sent by private message to the Vice Chancellor of the Congregation, His Ém. Kalixtus Alain-Edmond [Kalixtus]
Given in Rome, the ninth day of the twelfth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:33 pm Sujet du message: |
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Report of the CDF Congregation Leadership
Year-end report 1467
First of all, I wish all readers of this report a happy and healthy new year. I hope you have celebrated the feast days of the Birth of the Prophets with your family and have come well into the year 1468.
I and the co-workers of my Congregation wish you all God's blessings and wonders, which HE reveals to each one of you in so many ways.
The CDF has experienced many ups and downs in its history. Some Chancellors have given this institution their own style, their own ideas and vision. Others have merely administered this house. There have been many stagnations in recent years that have damaged this house. Therefore, the past year was also a changeful year for the CDF.
We have received a new leadership and are working hard to reduce the reform backlog and to make the individual prefectures once again centres of catechesis but also of encounter. Each prefecture within the CDF serves with all its competence the will of God, catechesis and teaching.
The CDF has the indelible task of bringing the faith to the people. We are teachers, mentors and leaders in the darkness of heresy and paganism. The mission of the CDF is to spread the faith.
For a long time this Congregation was broken by this challenge - but this is changing with targeted and meaningful reforms that have come with the change of leadership.
This reform process will lead to a canonical adjustment in the coming year and further reforms are waiting to be implemented. I will discuss this in detail in the relevant sections.
- Liturgical calendar
One of the most important and honourable tasks of the CDF is the organization of the liturgical calendar. Over the past six months, the CDF has been working with the CSO to develop a new liturgical calendar. A manual has been written which covers the use and history of the Liturgical Calendar, its specific features and its ritual correspondence catechetically. It is intended to help the faithful to find their way through the holidays and their meanings. We have succeeded in completely reforming the outdated and partially incorrect calendar sheet and adapting it to current liturgical and catechetical doctrine.
This shows that the CDF will always be a Congregation which must work together with other neighboring Congregations in harmony and friendship. In this case, the CDF thanks Gianvitus, Chancellor of the CSO, for this cooperation, which will be deepened in many other parts of the coming year.
The liturgical calendar is now available for the turn of the year into the new year 1468. Even though the new liturgical year has already begun, the precision and quality of the calendar has been more important to us as CDF than the pressure of deadlines on December 1 st.
For the language zones of the Iberian Peninsula the calendar could not be translated so far - this is being tried to be solved with some effort and also less frequented languages shall follow.
Due to the reform it will now be easier and quicker to create the coming liturgical calendars and the year circles. This will provide the faithful, but also the clergy, with an instrument for celebrating services and devotions according to the holidays and days of honour of the saints and to present them to the faithful in an appropriate way.
In particular, the annual circles with the specific High Holidays and Saints that are particularly venerated in the linguistic area is a successful extension and offers the faithful a personalized contemplation that is necessary and in the spirit of the Community of the Aristoths.
- Prefecture of the Aristotelian Teachings
The prefecture of Aristotelian Teachings will be optimized in the coming year through a reform process. All the seminars will be reviewed and checked for their truthfulness and catechetical value system. Accreditations will have to be combined or removed. The function of the prefect and the prefecture will take into account the future system.
With the establishment of the first University of the Holy Mother Church under the patronage of the Jesuits, a comprehensive international range of seminars has been established, which will be continually expanded. One seminar in countless languages. This uniformity of teaching is an important and decisive criterion of the coming reform.
The central coordination must be in the hands of this important prefecture, and thus in the hands of the CDF.
Unfortunately, we have had to find out this year in many places in the world that clerics are not sufficiently well educated. The CDF takes this grievance personally and will take all the necessary action against this erosion in the coming year.
With central, Roman educational institutions such as the University, the administration of catechesis will become much simpler and more targeted - in collaboration with similar institutions such as the one in Fornovo, it will be possible to raise the level of education among clerics worldwide.
The obligatory pastoral education for candidates for baptism in many primacies is an equal success of the work of the CDF, the Prefecture and the University, which have reviewed the pastoral courses and thus offer accreditation to every candidate for baptism. An extensive pastoral program makes the believer a true faithful through baptismal catechesis and the sacrament.
In addition to the already established baptism and priestly catechesis, the bishop's catechesis must be coming and becoming essential. A corresponding training initiative is currently being promoted, just as the training guidelines for a universal lesson of the Regularis. Here, too, the basic training must remain in the hands of the Roman institutions, so that no false doctrine is spread.
All in all, this prefecture will be looking forward to a very exciting year and, through purification and ratification, will once again be able to act comprehensively.
- Prefecture of the Vatican Museums
The Vatican Museums are among the least known institutions of the CDF. This must change, through targeted events that also and especially bring secularism to Rome. The museums are a gift of the Vatican to the people - they do not only contain paintings and extraordinary art treasures - the collections must be expanded with outstanding cultural treasures that are directly related to the appreciation of faith and religion. The prefecture must present a concept for this next year.
It is also planned to hold a special exhibition twice or better three times a year with a special motto/artist/event, which will promote the museums and make them better known.
The museums must captivate the visitor and remind them that in art and craftsmanship the Spirit of God is expressed, which we humans encounter in many ways.
This requires closer collaboration with the CSO, but also with the primates, religious orders and dioceses. All in all, this prefecture has been very one-dimensional in its orientation since its creation - hopefully we will be able to change this in the coming year through good concepts and thus make a greater contribution in the sense of the mission of the CDF.
- Prefecture of the Villa St. Loyats
The Villa has experienced two changes in the management this year. Each of the leaders has added something new to the Villa, from the orientation of the language areas towards the eastern part of Europe, to structural reform including new statutes and ratification, to greater efficiency in the process of establishing a network of translators across Europe.
On the whole, the prefecture is in a good position, but unfortunately there is a lack of capable and motivated translators, and this problem will have to be given full attention in the coming year, now that the structural reform has been completed. Central translation work in the main languages English, German, French and Italian is carried out regularly and the range of services must be continually expanded. This year, over 300 translations have been incorporated into the Dogma and CIC.
Unfortunately, the Prefecture is fighting a seemingly endless battle against the marshlands of the Vatican Library. A reform at this point within their Congregation is necessary - the CDF will offer its expertise in this regard in order to work out a good and solid solution together, so that the faithful can be granted easy and above all purposeful access to the Dogma and the CIC. Without this, any form of catechesis becomes impossible.
The Villa works in a gradient of efficiency and will continue to intensify its efforts in the future to provide the translations needed to make the foundation of the faith accessible to each person, this is the central mission of the Prefecture of Villa St. Loyats.
- Prefecture of Religious Orders
This prefecture is one of the problem children of the CDF. A prefecture which is still looking for a loving prefect and which is absolutely necessary. The religious structure of the Holy Mother Church must be accredited by a certain congregational control. We have seen last year how necessary a reform is in this part of the CDF. Therefore, a comprehensive review of the accreditation of the Orders and a reform of this prefecture is the focus of attention for the coming year.
The aim is to establish a universal education, a catechesis of regularity and a revision of the statutes of the Order and protection within the prefecture. The Prefecture for Religious Orders has the important mission not only to be a contact point for the Orders but also to watch over them. As a papal congregation we must supervise the observance and respect of the laws and dogma, we must ensure that no heresy, schismatic or pagan tendencies arise within the Orders. Respect for Roman doctrine and dogma is essential for the Roman accreditation that will be granted by this Prefecture.
Overall, this prefecture has a new future ahead of it. The prefecture, which has been treated as a poor mother for so long, will become more attractive at the end of the reform and will no longer have to hide behind other prefectures of the CDF.
One of the essential visions is a closer collaboration with the Prefecture of Pilgrimages and the CSO, as well as the Prefecture of Vatican Museums, in order to unite religious treasures, relics and pilgrimage shrines as a unit.
A network throughout Europe of pilgrimage routes, pilgrimage shrines, hermitage, monasteries and much more.
Also the creation of schools for herbalism and healing medicine, for writing and arithmetic as well as other branches of education is conceivable in the monasteries and must be conceptualized in the context of various conferences. These will be tasks in the context of the coming reform for this prefecture.
- Prefecture of the Pilgrim Routes
This congregation also lacks a prefect. Unfortunately, we had to part with the last prefect, since the CDF's demands for comprehensive activity are always at the centre. Without a comprehensive activity it is impossible to do justice to the mission and task of the CDF - to spread the faith.
Like the Prefecture of the Religious Order, this Prefecture will also receive a reform that will link it more closely to the CSO. Since pilgrimage routes are in direct line with shrines and relics, pilgrimage routes must be established throughout Europe and centrally controlled.
Unfortunately, this control is missing completely - the pilgrim letters must be reintroduced, this requires a completely new graphic reworking. This will be initiated and implemented within the framework of the reforms.
In connection with the Orders, pilgrim hostels can be established, which are looked after by capable members of the Regularis. Altogether, a reform will also here strip away the encrusted structures of the past and increase the attractiveness of this prefecture and make it a centre of the CDF, since pilgrimage is an encounter with God and oneself. Pilgrimage is not an easy journey but a challenge in many ways.
To this end, the reform will include a comprehensive manual on pilgrimage, which will address the catechetical and pastoral aspects of pilgrimage and be an attractive guide for the pilgrims..
- Prefecture of the Chapel Registry
One of the most successful prefectures is clearly this prefecture, once reformed by me, it still functions accurately and reliably according to the same principle. The prefecture has once again adapted its procedures to the new prefect and is thus running very successfully.
New employees, inspectors and also a new vice-prefect have been found.
All in all I am very satisfied with the work and you can also see this in the new chapels established this year of over 30 new chapels. This shows that the interest in religious and pastoral activities among the high nobility of Europe is unbroken. Contrary to the attitude of heretics, our Church is growing and this is also a result of the successful work of the CDF and its prefectures, which are putting their energy into this mission.
In the coming year, a General Inspectorate should be set up to examine all the chapels of Europe for their currentness and pastoral presence. This will be necessary at intervals to ensure that sacred buildings are not abused or that chapels can maintain their status.
- Prefecture of the Exorcists
This prefecture is in the middle of a reform process. Unfortunately, in the course of this reform, extensive theological complications have arisen, which can be comprehensively modified by the CSO, the Holy Curia and probably only through a Synod.
A detailed description of the problem will be able to be presented to the Holy Curia in the near future.
At present, the reform team sees extensive problems and until these are solved, the appropriate education and training of exorcists, but also the work of the already existing exorcists is impossible. The danger of the individual to put himself in a life-threatening situation is, in our opinion, acute at the moment.
As soon as we have a theological solution to the dogmatic problem, we can effectively continue working on this prefecture.
I know that there is a targeted and comprehensive interest in this prefecture, especially among our French brothers and sisters. I and the team of the CDF are trying to make this reform a success as soon as possible, but we as CDF are bound to the existing dogmatics and doctrinal theology, to extend and/or modify them requires a much more comprehensive procedure that goes beyond the competence of this Congregation. Here I ask for your understanding.
So this was the review of the year 1467 for the CDF. Above all, it was a preview of the year 1468 - there is much to do, exciting changes are ahead, and I and the whole CDF are looking forward to the coming year, which will be under the motto "Reform and Purify".
Collaboration with the neighbouring Congregations is becoming increasingly important, and I in particular am driving it forward so that we can achieve the best outcome of all competencies, as a unity in faith.
There is little more to say than thank you - for your trust in the CDF, my team and the ability to shape the future.
A beautiful and healthy, devotional year 1468

Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
Cardinal-Bishop of John the Martyr
etc .
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