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[RP] Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj su Campo Marzio a Roma
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Inscrit le: 17 Mai 2020
Messages: 4

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 23, 2020 10:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

ala tilts her head slightly and respectfully in the direction of Nicolas's wife, who has now taken his arm again, with a charming smile and a quiet Highness...before she turns to Maty again. At the same moment, a slight breeze on her neck causes a shiver that runs down her back. Mala can't quite turn back to the cause, when she sees Filomena. Laughing, the friend is greeted warmly and also kissed on the cheeks. What could be more wonderful than something sparkling in life? Replies back in a good mood and will take her at her word. When asked about the jewelry, she smiles and replies somewhat more quietly and teasingly. Not everything has to be obvious.
Of course, Mourice is also greeted and his embrace is returned. Good to see you, you look great.
Admiring the wonderful art treasures, she goes towards the buffet to snack on the sweet fruits. When King Wajakla crosses her path she greets him with a respectfully inclined head and a slight curtsey.
The enchanting music accompanies the celebration as if it was written for it. While Mala's gaze slowly wanders over the guests, she recognizes one or the other familiar face. Only a few of the high guests are known to her. Then she sees Marie Claire and discreetly waves to her before Mala prepares to go to her Aelcsander and his companion to greet them with a hug and the obligatory kisses on their cheeks. Marie Claire, how lovely you look again. How's "Aiven" doing?
Even before Marie Claire can answer, Calixtus Glass sounds and he raises his voice to give a little speech. Joy and amusement resound in his voice as the guests gradually became quieter. Mala has the champagne refilled and finally raises her glass to the hosts.

To friendship and love ... to life!
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Inscrit le: 24 Mar 2016
Messages: 12

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 24, 2020 11:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cri was in Camposarianni when the invitation to his uncle to the book presentation ceremony arrived. He is fully prepared with a red dress with gold inlays. He got into the carriage with his Amenadiel and they left for Roma. Arrived, taken to the ceremony hall and they sat down so they could see Uncle Aster and greet him with a nod and a smile.
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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 43

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 25, 2020 10:57 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As he spoke amiably with his grandson he heard the unmistakable voice of his son who greeted them, he turned abruptly with the urgency of a mother and barely refrained from running to meet him, it would not have been appropriate in that context, but his presence enveloped him equally as in a hug.

Arduino ... my beloved son how are you? Of course we are having fun, as we could otherwise, it's a beautiful party and nothing has been left to chance.

Mentre discorreva amabilmente con il nipote sentì la voce inconfondibile del figlio che li salutava, si voltò di scatto con l'urgenza di una madre e a stento si trattenne dal corrergli incontro, non sarebbe stato opportuno in quel contesto, ma la sua presenza l'avvolse ugualmente come in un abbraccio .

Arduino...figlio mio adorato come stai? Certo che ci stiamo divertendo, come potremmo altrimenti, è una festa bellissima e nulla è stato lasciato al caso.
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Inscrit le: 04 Sep 2012
Messages: 5

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 25, 2020 7:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ercolino heard his son's voice and waited for his mother's love to make him re-emerge among the fabrics of his dress.

He smiled.

He was a cardinal, a prince of the church but to his mother he was always the naughty twin who chased after Cangrande for the native palace.
How he missed those moments.

"Son, we are happy and relaxed as we haven't been in a long time.
When you have a minute, I'd like to talk to you in private. I have a project and I must complete it.
But I'll leave you to your friends now.
Come dear, let's go find your sister, she's somewhere chatting with someone she knows.
We must also say hello to Alessandro, our cousin who so thoughtfully invited us here. I thought I saw him at the entrance, but given his role he will surely be very busy. I wanted to thank him"

that said, he took his wife and moved to another wing of the building.

Ercolino senti la voce del figlio e attese che l'amore della madre lo facesse riemergere tra le stoffe del vestito.


Era un cardinale, un principe della chiesa ma per sua madre era sempre il gemello discolo che si rincorreva con Cangrande per il palazzo nativo.
Quanto gli mancavano quei momenti.

"Figliolo, siamo felici e rilassati come non capitava da molto tempo.
Quando avrai un minuto vorrei parlarti in privato ho un progetto e devo portarlo a compimento.
Ma ora ti lascio ai tuoi amici.
Vieni cara, andiamo a cercare tua sorella, sarà da qualche parte a chiaccherare con qualcuno di sua conoscenza.
Dobbiamo assolutamente salutare anche Alessandro, nostro cugino che tanto premurosamente ci ha invitato qui. Mi pareva di averlo visto all'ingresso ma dato il suo ruolo sarà sicuramente molto impegnato. Volevo ringraziarlo"

detto questo prese la moglie e si mosse verso un altra ala del palazzo.

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013
Messages: 1340

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 25, 2020 11:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mit der Kutsche durch Rom fuhr Policarpo bis zum Palazzo seines Cousins um seiner Einladung zu entsprechen.
Angekommen Vorort macht er sich bereit um in den Sasl einzutreten und die Obersten der Welt kennen zu lernen.

Policarpo drove through Rome to his cousin's palazzo to accept his invitation.
Once there, he gets ready to enter the Sasl and get to know the rulers of the world.

His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 08 Déc 2016
Messages: 769

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 27, 2020 10:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Soiree at Palazzo Doria Pamphilj
    Ante diem XVI Kalendas Junius anno Domini MCDLXVIII

      During his lifetime Oberon had developed into a man with many interests which he still cultivated today. His passion for botany was no secret to anyone, nor was his passion for sweet delicacies and foreign foods. He loved to make music, to learn and translate different languages, to get to know different cultures and follow the traditions of a foreign country. One thing, however, had never been able to attract his attention: the fine arts. Oberon found them rigid and lifeless, so that the peculiarities and nuances of such works of art completely passed him by. His lack of understanding and, above all, his lack of interest in such things meant that the young cardinal had lost sight of his uncle's invitation and therefore his carriage arrived at the palazzo considerably late. It was the first time that Oberon had been late in accepting an invitation from the family, and one could see from his relaxed attitude that he did not even regret it. In his heart, Oberon even hoped that he had missed the unveiling of the masterpiece and would not be asked for his thoughts on it, but could instead devote himself to the more pleasant aspects of the soiree.

      After Oberon left the carriage, he calmly stroked the soft fabrics of his robes with one hand, smoothing and straightening them with practice, while with the other hand he offered to help his beloved out of the carriage. It was an unconscious act that came from the years of travelling together. Jin Yu was his constant companion on all journeys from the very first moment, and there was no doubt that he asked him to be his companion. His unusually bright eyes looked at the other man with a warm expression, but beyond that, Oberon did not let their relationship become apparent. Not out of shame. Not out of fear. He just felt it was so unnecessary to bring such things up in public. Together they finally entered the palazzo and the event of the evening, but without drawing attention to themselves. All the works of art that belonged to his uncle were ignored, but he was very interested in the garden and would look at it more closely later, but first they looked for the family.

      "Please forgive me for being late", Oberon turned to the family, deliberately not giving any reasons for the delay. Those who did not ask would not hear a lie. Italy will only make your beauty blossom more, that even my most beautiful flowers will fade next to you, Mother," Oberon greeted his adoptive mother with a compliment and a kiss, as was customary in the family. He even greeted Alvero with a nod before greeting the other members of the family as well, provided he was aware of this status.


Dernière édition par Oberon. le Lun Juin 01, 2020 6:05 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2020
Messages: 35

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 28, 2020 10:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Filomena was watching her. There was no doubt that she was just as much a matriarch as her mother was. A smile in front, the charm in the words, but Lysiane felt that she was being scrutinized. Now was not the time to do or say something stupid. When the woman bowed, Lysiane put her arm on her to lift her up. God she hated inclinations before her. She who was nothing and who only had to marry an Emperor. She slipped in a voice so low that only she could hear it.

-Do not bow to me. Not between friends, not between members of the same ... "Everything".

A smile fell on Sparte's lips, however, her gray eyes were more certain than usual. Then she said in a normal voice.

-I am delighted to know all the good that is said about me. I hope never to disappoint those who put their trust in me.

The time for discussion and a few words was now over. She let them go about other occupations and other guests. The brunette then made a sign to a servant to bring him a glass of wine. If it was not in her drinking habits this time it would be for the purpose of silencing all annoyance in her.
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 01, 2020 1:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus smiled at Arduino and then ran his finger across his eyebrow. You should know, I love danger. He suppressed another, more intimate wish, but looked at Arduino with the fuego of a big cat and then he greeted other guests who were as important as they were warmly welcomed.

    Felipe. He joined him and Gastaldia. Gastaldia. How wonderful that you could come. I'm very happy to see you both. The art in this palazzo is a treasure I will one day return to mankind. Aren't they wonderful. All the cultures, all the stories they tell. Of the love between Antioch and Hadrian. The beauty of Gangymed. Of the love between man and his world. Through the centuries. Love is God's gift to us humans, to his children. Everything that art tells is the expression of love. Desperate, erotic, secret or just open and honest love and one of its most beautiful forms is friendship. He kissed Gastaldia on the cheeks and Felipe was also welcomed with the same warmth of a kiss by Kalixtus and the iceblue ones looking to the spaniard. I am glad you could come. He spoke directly to Felipe. After the revelation of one of my newest treasures, we will have the opportunity to deepen our conversation that began with your letters. I look forward to it, Felipe. He held the young man by the shoulder and pointed to the food - taste the wonderful delicacies - they are delicious.

    Then he greeted Pere. My dear friend, what do you think of the party He greeted Pere like an adult, and he certainly wanted to be treated that way, after all he is a little miracle of God in their midst. To experience God's calling in this youth is something extraordinary and that is what he understood Pere to be - extraordinary and interesting. Spain is giving me a special favour this evening with your presence at my humble festivities. You may know Bishop Alessandro Della Scala - he organized this soiree. Kalixtus pointed at Alessandro and smiled. I'm delighted you could come. Here you will meet so many exciting people. From kings and emperors. From cardinals and bishops. The nobility of Europe. They are all special, they all have their history and each one is precious and important. Your adventure is just beginning, my young friend. I am happy to be a tiny part of your story and maybe one day you will remember this encounter. Let it grow in your heart. The Church looks upon you with love and affection, Pere. God speaks to us through you. I recognize him and God's wisdom is my commandment. He handed the young bishop a bruschetta and tasted the delicacy together with him. He winked at him.

    Then he was surrounded by guests and greeted them all. Mourice, Maty and Policarpo, of course, as members of the family, were of course particularly affectionate.

    The moon had risen and it was time for the unveiling so he waved Aster to his side.

    My dear it is time to go to the ballroom.

    He let it ring and spoke to everyone.

    My honoured guests - the moon sings a song of the stars and we want to announce a new work in its light. I invite you to the ballroom.

    In the ballroom there was a piece of covered furniture in the middle of the great hall. At the front of the room were large windows through which the moon and the stars shone. The view went over the roofs of Rome. The whole hall was beautifully illuminated, and now came the moment that Kalixtus was particularly looking forward to. The occasion for this work.

    I give the floor to my dear friend Aster who has the honour to unveil this work.

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Inscrit le: 10 Oct 2014
Messages: 571

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 01, 2020 5:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Guglielmo was absentmindedly enjoying the feast when he heard the Cardinal call him.
Without making him wait inappropriately, he approached him and followed him as he was asked.

He entered the ballroom and was struck by it and the covered furniture.
At the Cardinal's words, Guglielmo approached the cloth and discovered it. Then leaving the word to the landlord.
La voce della Temperanza; I principi dell'orazione; Viaggio o destinazione; De Immagine
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 01, 2020 9:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The boy turned his gaze from those beautiful frescoes to look at Professor Gastaldia for a few seconds. He knew his teacher very well, a middle-aged aragonese man, who knew how to motivate the students during their classes, always with a positive behavior; but the seminarian could not forget that he was also an inquisitor, really more than that, one of the highest officials in the congregation. Sometimes Felipe thought that when the inquisitor looked at him, his eyes tried to search his own soul, smelling like a hound any trace of reform heresy, so the boy quickly looked away to look at the frescoes again - Studies are really good, Monsignor, I have met many students of all ages, not all of them are boys my age, there are also old monks who come to learn. Today I have made a change in my routine, although I have already done all my daily duties. Oh, the rector, I think here it comes - said, pointing discreetly to the right, where Cardinal Kalixtus came with his distinct white-blond hair.

Out of courtesy and rank, Felipe stepped aside, smiling, so the inquisitor was the first to be greeted by the host. The professor and the rector had to know each other very well, because every day they were at the University. The boy remained silent listening to the conversation, trying to learn even when it was not time for the lesson. Then it was his turn, he genuflected and kissed cardinal´s ring:
- Good evening, your Eminence. Art is wonderful, especially when it extols the glory of God - he avoided saying "but not human vanities", after all he was only a boy, and on many occasions he did not understand art very well. Felipe did not know who Antioch and Hadrian were either, nor Gangymed, but he nodded anyway, as if he understood those stories. - Oh, a surprise! I love surprises! - in his mind he imagined what that cardinal's “new treasure” really was. - It is a pleasure to be invited to your palace, at least today I will not dine the boring honey porridge at the College. Of course I will be happy to continue our conversation! -


El muchacho desvió su mirada de aquellos bellos frescos para mirar unos segundos al profesor Gastaldia. Conocía bien al profesor, un hombre de mediana edad, aragonés y paciente, que sabía motivar a los alumnos durante sus clases, siempre con un comportamiento comprensivo y positivo; pero el seminarista no podía olvidar que también era un inquisidor, realmente más que eso, uno de los altos cargos de la congregación. A veces Felipe creía que cuando el inquisidor lo miraba, sus ojos intentaban escudriñar su propia alma, oliendo como un sabueso cualquier rastro de reforma, por eso el chico apartó rápidamente la mirada para volver a mirar los frescos - Los estudios son muy gratificantes, monseñor, he conocido a muchos estudiantes de todas las edades, no todos son muchachos de mi edad, también hay monjes ancianos que vienen a aprender. Hoy he hecho un cambio en mi rutina, aunque ya hice todos mis deberes diarios. ¡Oh!, el rector, creo que ahí viene - dijo señalando discretamente hacia la derecha, por donde venía el cardenal Kalixtus con su inconfundible pelo rubio casi blanco.

Por cortesía y rango, Felipe se apartó para que el inquisidor fuera el primero en ser saludado por el anfitrión, sonriendo. El profesor y el rector debían conocerse bien, porque todos los días estaban en la Universidad. El chico permaneció en silencio escuchando la conversación, intentando aprender incluso cuando no era hora de la lección. Después llegó su turno, hizo una genuflexión y besó su anillo cardenalicio:
- Buenas noches, Eminencia. El arte es maravilloso, especialmente cuando ensalza la gloria de Dios - él evitó decir “pero no las vanidades humanas”, al fin y al cabo él sólo era un muchacho, y en muchas ocasiones no comprendía bien el arte. Felipe tampoco sabía quiénes eran Antioch y Hadrian, ni tampoco Gangymed, pero asintió de todas formas, fingiendo que él comprendía aquellas historias del cardenal. - ¡Oh, una sorpresa!, ¡me encantan las sorpresas! - en su cabeza imaginó qué era realmente ese “nuevo tesoro” del cardenal. - Para mi es un placer ser invitado, al menos hoy no cenaré las aburridas gachas con miel del Colegio. ¡Estaré encantado de continuar nuestra conversación! -

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 17 Nov 2018
Messages: 6
Localisation: Piacenza

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 02, 2020 8:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Laura listened to the Cardinal's words carefully. She was grateful for the invitation and the friendly welcome.
Alessandro is a great friend of hers and she was honored to be present at that prestigious event organized by him.
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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 977
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 03, 2020 11:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

My tributes..
Monsignor Asburgo D'Argovia said goodbye to Lady O'Neill with a deep bow, then he walked into the ballroom.
The cerulean gaze rested curiously on the artwork as if enraptured by its beauty.
+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 24 Jan 2018
Messages: 34

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 03, 2020 1:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

With a gentle smile, Marie Claire turns back to the many high-ranking guests and wants to join her maman, Filomena after she has ordered a fresh goblet of wine. Her brother Oberon arrives a little late. He doesn't seem to mind, on the contrary. As usual he heaps compliments on Maman. She is an admirable lady. Sometimes Marie Claire wishes she were a little more like her. So she turns first to Oberon. You are late, dear brother - important business? Friendly and with a gentle smile she speaks the words. She knows that her brother is not particularly interested in art, and is above her in the hierarchy, but still - he is family.
So Kalixtus calls for the ceremonial unveiling of the newest work of art. Excited and curious she follows her uncle and the other curious guests. Then she discovers Sua Eccellenza Reverendissima Monsignor Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia. Smiling respectfully, she suggests a curtsey. Excellency - I am happy to see her again Does she speak a little quieter so as not to break the tension that has been built up.
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Inscrit le: 02 Juin 2019
Messages: 44

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 03, 2020 8:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He increasingly has the feeling of standing in a bunch of people, hoping that his gaze is not too much like that of a frightened stag in a clearing in the woods when a branch cracks. Bystanders are greeted in a friendly manner, including those who have joined them. To keep his head clear, he asks if only for light wines, while his gaze occasionally glides to Kalixtus, who seems to be completely in his element.The blonde lets some of the liquid trickle into his mouth and tastes with his tongue for the acidity. Alecsander takes a deep breath and tries to exchange inner excitement for serenity, telling himself that he can relax and let go. With the index finger of his right hand he moves over the wine glass and looks around. So many unknown people, who after today will no longer be strangers, so many smells, the chatter, in general the mood is vibrant and the air seems charged with anticipation.

How will it continue after today? Will he be able to remember all the names? Anyway, he urgently plans to visit his mother for a while during quieter times. He smiles at Tjara and would wave her over to him so that together they could share the great moment of the unveiling of the work of art.

The small big speech grabs his complete attention and full of curiosity he watches the curtain slowly but surely fall. He tilts his head with his mouth slightly open in astonishment.

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Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2017
Messages: 501
Localisation: Arquebisbe de l'Arquidiòcesi Metropolitana de Tarragona

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 04, 2020 7:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Gli occhi del giovane Pere, che, sebbene sembrassero aver raggiunto il massimo di ciò che un'orbita oculare poteva tenere, si aprirono ancora un po 'di più e mostrarono quelle chiare bambole che aveva concentrato su tutto sul loro cammino.

Le parole di Kallixtus lo commossero. E se trovassi quella festa bellissima? Festa umile?
- Eminenza. Non avevo visto niente del genere. Mi piacerebbe vivere in un posto come questo, anche se so di non meritarlo e vale la pena humilitata, ma sarebbe bello invecchiare in uno spazio come questo, dove tutti avrebbero capito musica e quadri o godendosi l'aspetto dei bellissimi alberi dai giardini quando tolgono i fiori, da tutto ciò che rovina la nostra vista. Un posto dove gli uomini non passano mai attraverso la tristezza ...

Con un po 'di imbarazzo perché forse qualcuno l'ha sentito
. - Non merito queste belle parole che mi dedichi. Sono un ragazzo che vuole servire Dio e i suoi rappresentanti sulla terra. Sono solo un giovane che crede. Sei un esempio per me. Vorrei che potessi darmi alcune lezioni in modo da poter catturare anche un millesimo della tua saggezza. Non me lo merito così tanto, lo so ma aspetterò.

Prese lo spiedino. Guardò il cardinale e sussurrò: - È delicata e deliziosa ... Sorrise felicemente.

Ora è arrivata la sorpresa. Con pochi passi si avvicinò alla porta della sala da ballo. Con un po 'di rilassamento dal conforto in cui era stato posto dalla buona accoglienza di SE Kallixtus, seguì le sue orme per poter vedere da vicino ciò che già lo stupiva prima che potesse vederlo.


Els ulls del jove Pere, que si bé ja semblava que havien arribat al màxim del que una òrbita ocular por aguantar, encara s'obrien una mica més i mostraven aquelles ninetes clares que tenia i que enfocaven tot el que al seu pas trobaven.

Les paraules de Kallixtus el van commoure. Que si trobava bonica aquella festa? Humil festa?
- Eminència. No havia vist res semblat. Jo voldria viure en un lloc així, tot i que sé que no ho mereixo i em val humilitata però seria bell fer-me vell dins un espai com aquest, on tothom s’entendrís de música i pintures o gaudint amb la mirada del bells arbres dels jardins quan treuen les flors, de tot el que ens amanyaga la vista. Un lloc on els homes no passessin mai tristesa...

Amb certa vergonya perquè potser algú el sentia.
- Jo no mereixo aquestes paraules tan boniques que em dediqueu. Jo sóc un noi que vol servir Déu i els seus representants a la terra. Sóc només un jove que Creu. Vos sou exemple per a mi. Voldria que em poguessiu donar algunes classes per poder atrapar ni que fos una milèssima part de la vostra sapiència. No em mereixo tant, ho sé però esperaré.

Va prendre la broixeta. Mirà al Cardenal i va mussitar: - És delicada i deliciosa... Somrigué feliç.

Ara venia la sorpresa. Amb passets curts es va anar apropant a la porta de la sala de ball. Amb cert relax per la comoditat en la que s'havia situat per la bona rebuda de SE Kallixtus, seguí les seves passes per poder veure de prop allò que ja el meravellava abans de poder veure-ho.

Monsenyor Pere Setzefonts i D'Entença
Cardenal diaca de Sant Posseidó de Montserrat, Arquebisbe de l'Arquidiòcesi Metropolitana de Tarragona, Mossèn de Vic, Membre de l'AEH, Baró Palatí de Sant Joan de Latran, Baró d'Entença, Cavaller del Comtat d'Osona, Senyor de la Coca de Sucre
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