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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 23, 2021 5:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Elevation of Tymothé de Nivellus to Cardinal Camerlengo of Rome

    We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of Victories, Cardinal-Constable of Rome and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, under the guide and light of the Most High and Prophets, by order and will of HH Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of His Eminence Tymothé de Nivellus to the role of Cardinal Camerlengo of Rome and Chancellor of the Apostolic Chamber.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

    Given in Rome, on the XXIII day of March of the Year of Grace MCDLXVIV, Third of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus



[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Elevation of Tymothé de Nivellus to Cardinal Camerlengo of Rome[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of Victories, Cardinal-Constable of Rome and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, under the guide and light of the Most High and Prophets, by order and will of HH Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church,[/color][/i][/b]

[list]Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the elevation of His Eminence [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=pt&login=tymothe][b][color=#FFCC00]Tymothé de Nivellus[/color][/b][/url] to the role of Cardinal Camerlengo of Rome and Chancellor of the Apostolic Chamber.[/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam[/b][/i]

Given in Rome, on the XXIII day of March of the Year of Grace MCDLXVIV, Third of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.

[i]His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus[/i]

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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 24, 2021 12:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Dans notre volonté constante d'assurer la meilleure prise en charge possible des âmes de nos chers fils du diocèse d'Orléans et de l'archidiocèse de L'Aquila, et conscients de la vacance actuelle desdits sièges épiscopaux, et à la demande des primats de France et de Meridione, par dérogation aux normes habituelles, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Frère Ursus de Valbois [ Ursus ] comme Archidiacre du diocèse d'Orléans, et la nomination de Sœur Venera Elettra Della Groana De Challant [ Venera_elettra ] comme Première Archidiaconesse de l'archidiocèse de L'Aquila.

    Notre bénédiction apostolique et nos meilleurs vœux au clergé et aux fidèles des deux diocèses : que Dieu tout-puissant les bénisse et les guide sur le chemin de la vraie Foi.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref Apostolique VII - A. MDCLXIX

IT a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Desiderando assicurare la migliore cura possibile alle anime dei nostri cari figli della diocesi di Orleans e dell'arcidiocesi di L'Aquila, ed essendo consapevoli dell'attuale vacanza delle dette sedi episcopali, e su richiesta dei Primate di Francia e di Meridione, in deroga alle norme abituali, per la nostra suprema autorità apostolica, abbiamo deciso, stabilito, decretato e statuito la nomina di Fra Ursus de Valbois [ Ursus ] come arcidiacono della diocesi di Orleans, e la nomina di Suor Venera Elettra Della Groana De Challant [ Venera_elettra ] come arcidiaconessa prima dell'arcidiocesi di L'Aquila.

    La nostra benedizione apostolica e i nostri migliori auguri al clero e ai fedeli di entrambe le diocesi: che Dio Onnipotente li benedica e li guidi sulla via della vera Fede.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Apostolic Brief VII - A. MDCLXIX

[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Dans notre volonté constante d'assurer la meilleure prise en charge possible des âmes de nos chers fils du diocèse d'Orléans et de l'archidiocèse de L'Aquila, et conscients de la vacance actuelle desdits sièges épiscopaux, et à la demande des primats de France et de Meridione, par dérogation aux normes habituelles, par notre suprême autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Frère [b]Ursus de Valbois[/b] [size=9][ Ursus ][/size] comme Archidiacre du diocèse d'Orléans, et la nomination de Sœur [b]Venera Elettra Della Groana De Challant[/b] [size=9][ Venera_elettra ][/size] comme Première Archidiaconesse de l'archidiocèse de L'Aquila.

Notre bénédiction apostolique et nos meilleurs vœux au clergé et aux fidèles des deux diocèses : que Dieu tout-puissant les bénisse et les guide sur le chemin de la vraie Foi.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Bref Apostolique VII - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Desiderando assicurare la migliore cura possibile alle anime dei nostri cari figli della diocesi di Orleans e dell'arcidiocesi di L'Aquila, ed essendo consapevoli dell'attuale vacanza delle dette sedi episcopali, e su richiesta dei Primate di Francia e di Meridione, in deroga alle norme abituali, per la nostra suprema autorità apostolica, abbiamo deciso, stabilito, decretato e statuito la nomina di Fra [b]Ursus de Valbois[/b] [size=9][ Ursus ][/size] come arcidiacono della diocesi di Orleans, e la nomina di Suor [b]Venera Elettra Della Groana De Challant[/b] [size=9][ Venera_elettra ][/size] come arcidiaconessa prima dell'arcidiocesi di L'Aquila.

La nostra benedizione apostolica e i nostri migliori auguri al clero e ai fedeli di entrambe le diocesi: che Dio Onnipotente li benedica e li guidi sulla via della vera Fede.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Apostolic Brief VII - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 25, 2021 10:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Désireux d'assurer à nos bien-aimés enfants dans la Foi les meilleurs soins possibles, même dans les endroits où la Sainte Église souffre à être présente comme elle le devrait ou lorsque le clergé local est insuffisant ou ne peut combler pleinement leurs besoins spirituels, ayant reçu et accueilli le sage conseil de l'une de nos vassaux et clercs estimée parmi les plus dévoués et engagés, avec un cœur plein de gratitude et d'amour paternel, par notre autorité apostolique suprême, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la modification de la première partie du deuxième Livre des Canons afin d'habiliter les assemblées épiscopales à élire le clergé diocésain et paroissial dont la nomination revient ordinairement à l'évêque compétent en cas de vacance du siège épiscopal pertinent, conformément à ce qui suit.

    Can.2.I a écrit:


      Article 4: Les provinces ecclésiastiques voisines sont regroupées en primatie et placées sous l'autorité d'un primat afin d’améliorer leur gestion.

        Article 4.1: Une primatie est dirigée par une assemblée épiscopale reprenant au minimum les les évêques relevant de celle-ci, et a comme pouvoir la nomination et la révocation des evêques de son territoire.

        Article 4.1 proprius loci : Une primatie est dirigée par une assemblée épiscopale reprenant au minimum les archevêques métropolitains relevant de celle-ci, et a comme pouvoir la nomination et la révocation des archevêques métropolitains de son territoire.

          Article 4.1.1:En cas de vacance d'un siège apostolique relevant de la primatie, l'assemblée épiscopale compétente est habilitée à élire et révoquer le clergé diocésain et paroissial dont la nomination reviendrait ordinairement à l'évêque.

        Article 4.2: Chaque primatie est dotée de statuts qui lui sont propres, approuvés par la Curie.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref Apostolique VIII - A. MDCLXIX

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Desiring to ensure the best possible care for our beloved children in the Faith, even in places where the Holy Church struggles to be present as she should be, or where the local clergy are insufficient or cannot fully meet their spiritual needs, having received and welcomed the wise counsel of one of our most devoted and committed vassals and esteemed clerics, with a heart full of gratitude and paternal love, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the modification of the first part of the second Book of Canons in order to empower episcopal assemblies to elect diocesan and parochial clergy whose appointment ordinarily pertains to the competent bishop in the event of a vacancy in the relevant episcopal see, pursuant to what follows.

    Can.2.I a écrit:


      Article 4: Neighbouring ecclesiastical provinces are grouped into primacies and placed under the authority of a primate to improve their management.

        Article 4.1: A primacy is headed by an episcopal assembly comprising at least the bishops under within jurisdiction, and has the power to appoint and dismiss the bishops in its territory.

        Article 4.1 proprius loci : A primacy is headed by an episcopal assembly comprising at least the metropolitan archbishops within its jurisdiction, and has the power to appoint and dismiss the metropolitan archbishops within its territory.

          Article 4.1.1:In the event of the vacancy of an apostolic see within the jurisdiction of the primacy, the competent episcopal assembly is empowered to elect and revoke the diocesan and parish clergy whose appointment would ordinarily pertain to the bishop.

        Article 4.2: Each primacy is vested with its own statutes, approved by the Curia.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Apostolic Brief VIII - A. MDCLXIX

IT a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Desiderando assicurare la migliore cura possibile ai nostri amati figli nella Fede, anche nei luoghi dove la Santa Chiesa fatica ad essere presente come dovrebbe o dove il clero locale è insufficiente o non può soddisfare pienamente le loro esigenze spirituali, avendo ricevuto e accolto il saggio consiglio di una dei nostri più devoti e impegnati vassalli e stimati chierici, con un cuore pieno di gratitudine e amore paterno, per la nostra suprema autorità apostolica, abbiamo deciso, stabilito, decretato e statuito, e decretiamo e statuiamo la modifica della prima parte del secondo Libro dei Canoni per conferire alle assemblee episcopali il potere di eleggere il clero diocesano e parrocchiale la cui nomina spetta ordinariamente al vescovo competente in caso di vacanza della relativa sede episcopale, così come segue.

    Can.2.I a écrit:


      Article 4: Le province ecclesiastiche vicine sono raggruppate in primazie e poste sotto l'autorità di un primate per migliorarne la gestione.

        Article 4.1: Una primazia è diretta da un'assemblea episcopale che comprende almeno i principali vescovi della stessa e ha come potere la nomina e la revoca dei vescovi del suo territorio.

        Article 4.1 proprius loci : Una primazia è diretta da un'assemblea episcopale che comprende come minimo gli arcivescovi metropolitani rilevanti di questaalmeno i principali arcivescovi della stessa e ha come potere la nomina e la revoca degli arcivescovi metropolitani del suo territorio.

          Article 4.1.1:In caso di vacanza in una sede apostolica appartenente alla primazia, l'assemblea episcopale competente è abilitata a eleggere e revocare il clero diocesano e parrocchiale la cui nomina spetterebbe ordinariamente al vescovo.

        Article 4.2: Ogni primazia è dotata di propri statuti, approvati dalla Curia.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Breve Apostolico VIII - A. MDCLXIX

DE a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Désireux d'assurer à nos bien-aimés enfants dans la Foi les meilleurs soins possibles, même dans les endroits où la Sainte Église souffre à être présente comme elle le devrait ou lorsque le clergé local est insuffisant ou ne peut combler pleinement leurs besoins spirituels, ayant reçu et accueilli le sage conseil de l'une de nos vassaux et clercs estimée parmi les plus dévoués et engagés, avec un cœur plein de gratitude et d'amour paternel, par notre autorité apostolique suprême, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la modification de la première partie du deuxième Livre des Canons afin d'habiliter les assemblées épiscopales à élire et révoquer le clergé diocésain et paroissial dont la nomination revient ordinairement à l'évêque compétent en cas de vacance du siège épiscopal pertinent, conformément à ce qui suit.

    Can.2.I a écrit:


      Article 4: Les provinces ecclésiastiques voisines sont regroupées en primatie et placées sous l'autorité d'un primat afin d’améliorer leur gestion.

        Article 4.1: Une primatie est dirigée par une assemblée épiscopale reprenant au minimum les les évêques relevant de celle-ci, et a comme pouvoir la nomination et la révocation des evêques de son territoire.

        Article 4.1 proprius loci : Une primatie est dirigée par une assemblée épiscopale reprenant au minimum les archevêques métropolitains relevant de celle-ci, et a comme pouvoir la nomination et la révocation des archevêques métropolitains de son territoire.

          Article 4.1.1:En cas de vacance d'un siège apostolique relevant de la primatie, l'assemblée épiscopale compétente est habilitée à élire le clergé diocésain et paroissial dont la nomination reviendrait ordinairement à l'évêque.

        Article 4.2: Chaque primatie est dotée de statuts qui lui sont propres, approuvés par la Curie.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref Apostolique VIII - A. MDCLXIX

ES a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Deseando asegurar la mejor atención posible a nuestros queridos hijos en la Fe, incluso en los lugares donde la Santa Iglesia carece de la presencia que le corresponde o donde el clero local es insuficiente o no puede satisfacer plenamente sus necesidades espirituales, habiendo recibido y acogido el sabio consejo de una de nuestros más devotos y comprometidos vasallos y estimados clérigos, con un corazón lleno de gratitud y amor paternal, por nuestra suprema autoridad apostólica, hemos decidido, establecido, decretado y dictaminado la modificación de la primera parte del segundo Libro de los Cánones para facultar a las asambleas episcopales a elegir al clero diocesano y parroquial cuyo nombramiento corresponde ordinariamente al obispo competente en caso de vacancia de la sede episcopal correspondiente, de la siguiente manera.

    Can.2.I a écrit:


      Artículo 4: Las provincias eclesiásticas vecinas son reagrupadas en primacías y colocadas bajo la autoridad de un primado a fin de mejorar su gestión.

        Artículo 4.1: Una asamblea episcopal dirige una primacía que incluye al menos a los obispos bajo su responsabilidad y tiene el poder de nombrar y destituir a los obispos de su territorio.

        Artículo 4.1 proprius loci : Una primacía es dirigida por una asamblea episcopal que incluye al menos a los arzobispos metropolitanos que pertenecen a ella, y tiene el poder de nombrar y destituir a los arzobispos metropolitanos de su territorio.

          Artículo 4.1.1: En caso de vacante en una sede apostólica perteneciente a la primacía, la asamblea episcopal competente está facultada para elegir y destituir al clero diocesano y parroquial cuyo nombramiento correspondería ordinariamente al obispo

        Artículo 4.2: Cada primacía está dotada de estatutos que son propios, aprobados por la Curia.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Breve Apostólico VIII - A. MDCLXIX

PT a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Desejando assegurar o melhor cuidado possível para nossos amados filhos na Fé, mesmo em lugares onde a Santa Igreja luta para estar presente como deveria, ou onde o clero local é insuficiente ou não pode satisfazer plenamente suas necessidades espirituais, tendo recebido e acolhido o sábio conselho de um de nossos mais devotados e comprometidos vassalos e estimados clérigos, com um coração cheio de gratidão e amor paterno, por nossa suprema autoridade apostólica, decidimos, estabelecemos, decretamos e governamos, e decretamos e governamos a modificação da primeira parte do segundo Livro dos Cânones, a fim de habilitar as Assembléias Episcopais a eleger o clero diocesano e paroquial, cuja nomeação cabe ordinariamente ao bispo competente no caso de vacância na sé episcopal pertinente, de acordo com o que segue.

    Can.2.I a écrit:


      Artigo 4: As províncias eclesiásticas vizinhas serão agrupadas em Primazias e colocadas sob a autoridade de um Primaz, a fim de auxiliar sua gestão

        Artigo 4.1: Uma Primazia é dirigida por uma Assembléia Episcopal composta por, pelo menos, os bispos integrantes desta e tem o poder de nomear e demitir os bispos do seu território.

        Artigo 4.1 proprius loci : Uma Primazia é dirigida por uma Assembléia Episcopal composta por, pelo menos, os Arcebispos Metropolitanos integrantes desta e tem o poder de nomear e demitir os Arcebispos Metropolitanos do seu território.

          Artigo 4.1.1:No caso de vacância de uma Sé Apostólica dentro da jurisdição da primazia, a Assembleia Episcopal competente tem o poder de eleger e revogar o clero diocesano e paroquial cuja nomeação pertencesse ordinariamente ao bispo.

        Artigo 4.2: Cada Primazia tem os seus próprios estatutos, aprovados pela Cúria

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Breve Apostólico VIII - A. MDCLXIX


Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 25, 2021 10:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili sorori Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Electa Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis soror, claribus dotibus ornatam deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritam, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Diaconum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Santae Monicae Odigitriae

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant. Ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Italico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo cuarto, mensis martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Alla venerabile sorella Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, eletta Cardinale di Santa Romana Chiesa, salute e benedizione apostolica.

    Poiché ci appare che tu, venerabile sorella, sei adornata con chiare qualità e ti sei reso benemerito della Chiesa Aristotelica, annunciamo che, per la nostra Potestà Apostolica, in questo Concistoro, ti cooptiamo nel Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali, come Cardinale Diacono, con tutti i diritti e gli incarichi propri del tuo Ordine di Cardinali, assegnandoti di questa Alma Città l'illustre Tempio di

      Santa Monica Odigitria

    I cui rettori e tutti gli altri chierici ad esso legati, invitiamo paternamente, quando ne prenderai possesso, ad accoglierti con animo lietissimo e ad onorarti. Inoltre, mentre siamo colmi di grande gioia, ascritto al Senato della Chiesa Aristotelica, sarai di aiuto a Noi e all'onore della Sede Romana nella gestione dei più alti uffici, dirigiamo intense preghiere a Dio Benignissimo, perché ti confermi sempre in grazia e assistenza.

    Con l'aiuto della Divina Sapienza e per la Nostra Potestà Apostolica, ti aggreghiamo al Nostro Concistoro Italico per pascere i fedeli di quel luogo.

    Dato a Roma, a San Tito, il ventiquattresimo giorno del terzo mese dell'anno del Signore millequattrocentosessantanove, terzo del Nostro Pontificato.



[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Venerabili sorori [b]Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri[/b], [b]Electa Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali[/b], salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis soror, claribus dotibus ornatam deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritam, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te [b]Cardinalem Diaconum[/b] renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

[list][b][size=18]Santae Monicae Odigitriae[/size][/b][/list]
Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant. Ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro [b]Italico Concilio[/b] adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo cuarto, mensis martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Alla venerabile sorella [b]Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri[/b], [b]eletta Cardinale di Santa Romana Chiesa[/b], salute e benedizione apostolica.

Poiché ci appare che tu, venerabile sorella, sei adornata con chiare qualità e ti sei reso benemerito della Chiesa Aristotelica, annunciamo che, per la nostra Potestà Apostolica, in questo Concistoro, ti cooptiamo nel Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali, come [b]Cardinale Diacono[/b], con tutti i diritti e gli incarichi propri del tuo Ordine di Cardinali, assegnandoti di questa Alma Città l'illustre Tempio di

[list][b][size=18]Santa Monica Odigitria[/size][/b][/list]
I cui rettori e tutti gli altri chierici ad esso legati, invitiamo paternamente, quando ne prenderai possesso, ad accoglierti con animo lietissimo e ad onorarti. Inoltre, mentre siamo colmi di grande gioia, ascritto al Senato della Chiesa Aristotelica, sarai di aiuto a Noi e all'onore della Sede Romana nella gestione dei più alti uffici, dirigiamo intense preghiere a Dio Benignissimo, perché ti confermi sempre in grazia e assistenza.

Con l'aiuto della Divina Sapienza e per la Nostra Potestà Apostolica, ti aggreghiamo al Nostro [b]Concistoro Italico[/b] per pascere i fedeli di quel luogo.

Dato a Roma, a San Tito, il ventiquattresimo giorno del terzo mese dell'anno del Signore millequattrocentosessantanove, terzo del Nostro Pontificato.




Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13304
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 28, 2021 9:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


      New Dean of the Sacred College

      We, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal Vice-Dean of the Sacred College, Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Metropolitan Archbishop of Salzburg, etc. announce in the name of His Eminence the Dean of the Sacred College and the Sacred College as a whole under the guide and light of the prophets and archangels, announce:

        With great joy we announce the election of a new Dean of the Sacred College.
        The Sacred College will henceforth be led by Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem della Scala. His term of office begins on the 1st of April 1469. May the grace of God and the wisdom of the prophets guide him.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

      Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX

      For the Sacred College of Cardinals
      Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.


      Nouveau doyen de la Sacré-Collège

      Nous, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal Vice-doyen du Sacré-Collège, Cardinal-Évêque de Saint-Jean-Martyr, Archevêque métropolitain de Salzbourg, etc. annonçons au nom de Son Éminence le doyen du Sacré-Collège et le Sacré-Collège dans son ensemble sous la conduite et la lumière des prophètes et des archanges :/b]

        Avec une grande joie, nous annonçons l'élection d'un nouveau doyen de la Sacré-Collège.
        La Sacré-Collège sera désormais dirigée par [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem della Scala. Son mandat commence le 1er avril 1469. Que la grâce de Dieu et la sagesse des prophètes le guident.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

      Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX

      Pour le Sacré Collège des Cardinaux
      Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.


      Neuer Dekan des Heiliges Kollegs

      Wir, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Kardinal-Vizedekan des Heiligen Kollegs, Kardinal-Bischof von St. Johannes dem Märtyrer, Metropolit Erzbischof von Salzburg usw., verkünden im Namen Seiner Eminenz dem Dekan des Heiligen Kollegs und des Heiligen Kollegs als Ganzes unter der Führung und im Licht der Propheten und Erzengel:

        Mit großer Freude geben wir die Wahl eines neuen Dekans des Heiliges Kollegiums bekannt.
        Das Heilige Kollegium wird fortan geleitet von Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem della Scala. Seine Amtszeit beginnt am 1. April 1469. Möge die Gnade Gottes und die Weisheit der Propheten ihn leiten.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

      Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX

      Für das Heilige Kardinalskollegium
      Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.


      Nuevo Decano del Sagrado Colegio

      Nosotros, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardenal Vice-Decano del Sagrado Colegio, Cardenal-obispo de San Juan Mártir, Arzobispo Metropolitano de Salzburgo, etc. anunciamos en nombre de Su Eminencia al Decano del Sagrado Colegio y al Sagrado Colegio en su conjunto bajo la guía y la luz de los profetas y arcángeles, anunciamos:

        Con gran alegría anunciamos la elección de un nuevo Decano del Sagrado Colegio.
        El Sagrado Colegio será dirigida de ahora en adelante por Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem della Scala. Su mandato comienza el 1 de abril de 1469. Que la gracia de Dios y la sabiduría de los profetas lo guíen.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

      Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX

      Para el Sagrado Colegio de Cardenales
      Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.


      Novo Decano do Sagrado Colégio

      Nós, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardeal Vice-Decano do Sagrado Colégio, Cardeal-Bispo de São João Mártir, Arcebispo Metropolitano de Salzburgo, etc. anunciamos em nome de Sua Eminência o Decano do Sagrado Colégio e do Sagrado Colégio como um todo, sob a guia e luz dos profetas e arcanjos, anunciamos:

        Com grande alegria, anunciamos a eleição de um novo Decano do Sagrado Colégio.
        O Sagrado Colégio será doravante dirigido por Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem della Scala. O seu mandato começa em 1 de Abril de 1469. Que a graça de Deus e a sabedoria dos profetas o guiem.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

      Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX

      Pelo Sagrado Colégio dos Cardeais
      Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.


      Nuovo Decano del Sacro Collegio

      Noi, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinale Vice-Decano del Sacro Collegio, Cardinale Vescovo di San Giovanni Martire, Arcivescovo Metropolita di Salisburgo, ecc. annunciamo a nome di Sua Eminenza il Decano del Sacro Collegio e del Sacro Collegio nel suo insieme sotto la guida e la luce dei profeti e degli arcangeli:

        Con grande gioia annunciamo l'elezione di un nuovo decano del Sacro Collegio.
        Il Sacro Collegio sarà d'ora in poi guidata da Eminentissimum, Dominum Arduino, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem della Scala.Il suo mandato inizia il 1° aprile 1469. Che la grazia di Dio e la sapienza dei profeti lo guidino.

      Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

      Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX

      Per il Sacro Collegio Cardinalizio
      Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]New Dean of the Sacred College[/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal Vice-Dean of the Sacred College, Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Metropolitan Archbishop of Salzburg, etc. announce in the name of His Eminence the Dean of the Sacred College and the Sacred College as a whole under the guide and light of the prophets and archangels, announce:[/b]

[list] With great joy we announce the election of a new Dean of the Sacred College.
The Sacred College will henceforth be led by [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=orange]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=orange]della Scala[/color].[/b] His term of office begins on the 1st of April 1469. May the grace of God and the wisdom of the prophets guide him.    [/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX


[i]For the Sacred College of Cardinals
Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/i][/list]


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Nouveau doyen de la Sacré-Collège[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nous, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal Vice-doyen du Sacré-Collège, Cardinal-Évêque de Saint-Jean-Martyr, Archevêque métropolitain de Salzbourg, etc. annonçons au nom de Son Éminence le doyen du Sacré-Collège et le Sacré-Collège dans son ensemble sous la conduite et la lumière des prophètes et des archanges :/b]

[list] Avec une grande joie, nous annonçons l'élection d'un nouveau doyen de la Sacré-Collège.
La Sacré-Collège sera désormais dirigée par [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=orange]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=orange]della Scala[/color].[/b] Son mandat commence le 1er avril 1469. Que la grâce de Dieu et la sagesse des prophètes le guident.    [/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX


[i]Pour le Sacré Collège des Cardinaux
Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/i][/list]


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Neuer Dekan des Heiliges Kollegs[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Wir, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Kardinal-Vizedekan des Heiligen Kollegs, Kardinal-Bischof von St. Johannes dem Märtyrer, Metropolit Erzbischof von Salzburg usw., verkünden im Namen Seiner Eminenz dem Dekan des Heiligen Kollegs und des Heiligen Kollegs als Ganzes unter der Führung und im Licht der Propheten und Erzengel:[/b]

[list] Mit großer Freude geben wir die Wahl eines neuen Dekans des Heiliges Kollegiums bekannt.
Das Heilige Kollegium wird fortan geleitet von [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=orange]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=orange]della Scala[/color].[/b] Seine Amtszeit beginnt am 1. April 1469. Möge die Gnade Gottes und die Weisheit der Propheten ihn leiten.    [/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX


[i]Für das Heilige Kardinalskollegium
Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/i][/list]


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Nuevo Decano del Sagrado Colegio[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nosotros, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardenal Vice-Decano del Sagrado Colegio, Cardenal-obispo de San Juan Mártir, Arzobispo Metropolitano de Salzburgo, etc. anunciamos en nombre de Su Eminencia al Decano del Sagrado Colegio y al Sagrado Colegio en su conjunto bajo la guía y la luz de los profetas y arcángeles, anunciamos:[/b]

[list] Con gran alegría anunciamos la elección de un nuevo Decano del Sagrado Colegio.
El Sagrado Colegio será dirigida de ahora en adelante por [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=orange]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=orange]della Scala[/color].[/b] Su mandato comienza el 1 de abril de 1469. Que la gracia de Dios y la sabiduría de los profetas lo guíen.    [/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX


[i]Para el Sagrado Colegio de Cardenales
Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/i][/list]


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Novo Decano do Sagrado Colégio[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Nós, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardeal Vice-Decano do Sagrado Colégio, Cardeal-Bispo de São João Mártir, Arcebispo Metropolitano de Salzburgo, etc. anunciamos em nome de Sua Eminência o Decano do Sagrado Colégio e do Sagrado Colégio como um todo, sob a guia e luz dos profetas e arcanjos, anunciamos:[/b]

[list] Com grande alegria, anunciamos a eleição de um novo Decano do Sagrado Colégio.
O Sagrado Colégio será doravante dirigido por [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=orange]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=orange]della Scala[/color].[/b] O seu mandato começa em 1 de Abril de 1469. Que a graça de Deus e a sabedoria dos profetas o guiem.    [/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX


[i]Pelo Sagrado Colégio dos Cardeais
Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/i][/list]


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Nuovo Decano del Sacro Collegio[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Noi, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinale Vice-Decano del Sacro Collegio, Cardinale Vescovo di San Giovanni Martire, Arcivescovo Metropolita di Salisburgo, ecc. annunciamo a nome di Sua Eminenza il Decano del Sacro Collegio e del Sacro Collegio nel suo insieme sotto la guida e la luce dei profeti e degli arcangeli:[/b]

[list] Con grande gioia annunciamo l'elezione di un nuovo decano del Sacro Collegio.
Il Sacro Collegio sarà d'ora in poi guidata da [b]Eminentissimum, Dominum [color=orange]Arduino[/color], Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=orange]della Scala[/color].[/b]Il suo mandato inizia il 1° aprile 1469. Che la grazia di Dio e la sapienza dei profeti lo guidino.    [/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

Roma, ante diem V Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXIX


[i]Per il Sacro Collegio Cardinalizio
Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/i][/list]

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 03, 2021 3:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of the Vice-Dean of the Sacred College

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Primat of the Holy Empire, Cardinal-bishop of the Parish of St. Silfaele Outside the Walls, Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, High Apostolic Commissioner, Archbishop of Trier, Archbishop of Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of San Giovanni in Laterano under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos, Servant of God and His Holiness Sixtus IV Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church:

      We announce the appointment of His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of Victories, to the office of Vice-Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.

      Imbued with his duties, the new Vice-Dean will assist us in the exercise of our daily munus, as well as replace us in all our absences or impediments.

      We pray the Most High and the Prophets to bless and enlighten him in the exercise of his new functions.

    Fortes in Fidei

    Roma, II.IV.MCDLXIX, Sixtus IV PP anno III

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
    His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Appointment of the Vice-Dean of the Sacred College[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]We, Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Primat of the Holy Empire, Cardinal-bishop of the Parish of St. Silfaele Outside the Walls, Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, High Apostolic Commissioner, Archbishop of Trier, Archbishop of Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of San Giovanni in Laterano under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos, Servant of God and His Holiness Sixtus IV Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church:[/color][/i][/b]

[list]We announce the appointment of His Eminence [b][color=#FFCC00]Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres[/b][/color],  Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of Victories, to the office of [b][color=#FFCC00]Vice-Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals[/b][/color].

Imbued with his duties, the new Vice-Dean will assist us in the exercise of our daily munus, as well as replace us in all our absences or impediments.

We pray the Most High and the Prophets to bless and enlighten him in the exercise of his new functions.[/list]

[i][b]Fortes in Fidei[/b][/i]

Roma, II.IV.MCDLXIX, Sixtus IV PP anno III

[i]For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 03, 2021 10:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    To all citizens of the Empire and of every Kingdom

    We, Her Eminence Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of the Parish of St. Helena Inter Duos Pontes, Chancellor of the Apostolic Nunciature, Archbishop of Ravenna, Grand Prior of the Order of St. Dominic, Governor of Romagna, Duchess of Ravenna, Duchess of Mercato Saraceno, Golden Star of the Order of the Aristotle's Star and

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Primat of the Holy Empire, Cardinal-bishop of the Parish of St. Silfaele Outside the Walls, Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, High Apostolic Commissioner, Archbishop of Trier, Archbishop of Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of Patrimonium Sancti Titi, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of San Giovanni in Laterano, Golden Star of the Order of Aristotle's Star

    under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos, Servant of God and His Holiness Sixtus IV Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, announce that:

    All initiatives taken by Cesare Copona (e.g.: votes, trials, condemnations, creation of heretical churches, territorial changes, etc.) are null and void and have no value for the Church.

    All Church territories are and remain Church territories. The so-called imperial kingdom of Romagna does not exist. The Duchy of Romagna and all its territory have always and forever belonged to the Church. Our borders are well defended by the papal troops and we will certainly not let the armed gangs of an excommunicated man make a move in our lands.

    All nobles who fear losing their titles should not be afraid to say no to Cesare Copona, because the Church will give them the same noble titles, recognising their loyalty.
    Have faith and courage, the Church does not leave you alone and looks at you with benevolence.

    A tous les citoyens de l'Empire et de chaque Royaume

    Toutes les initiatives prises par Cesare Copona (par exemple : votes, procès, condamnations, création d'églises hérétiques, changements territoriaux, etc.) sont nulles et non avenues et sans valeur pour l'Église.

    Tous les territoires de l'Église sont et restent des territoires de l'Église. Le soi-disant royaume impérial de Romagne n'existe pas. Le Duché de Romagne et tout son territoire ont toujours et pour toujours appartenu à l'Eglise.
    Nos frontières sont bien défendues par les troupes papales et nous ne laisserons certainement pas les bandes armées d'un excommunié faire un geste sur nos terres.

    Tous les nobles qui ont peur de perdre leurs titres, ne doivent pas avoir peur de dire non à Cesare Copona, car l'Eglise leur donnera les mêmes titres de noblesse, en reconnaissant leur loyauté.
    Ayez foi et courage, l'Eglise ne vous laisse pas seuls et vous regarde avec bienveillance.

    A tutti i cittadini dell'Impero e di ogni Regno

    Tutte le iniziative prese da Cesare Copona (ad esempio: votazioni, processi, condanne, creazioni di chiese eretiche, cambiamenti territoriali, e altro) sono nulle e non hanno valore per la Chiesa.

    Tutti i territori della Chiesa sono e rimangono territori della Chiesa. Il cosiddetto regno imperiale di Romagna non esiste. Il Ducato di Romagna e tutto il suo territorio appartengono da sempre e per sempre alla Chiesa.
    I nostri confini sono ben difesi dalle truppe papali e non permetteremo certo che le bande armate di uno scomunicato facciano un passo nelle nostre terre.

    Tutti i nobili che temono di perdere i loro titoli, non devono aver paura di dire di no a Cesare Copona, perché la Chiesa darà loro gli stessi titoli nobiliari, riconoscendo la loro fedeltà.
    Abbiate fede e coraggio, la Chiesa non vi lascia soli e vi guarda con benevolenza.

    An alle Bürger des Imperiums und jedes Königreichs

    Alle von Cesare Copona ergriffenen Initiativen (z.B.: Abstimmungen, Prozesse, Verurteilungen, Gründung häretischer Kirchen, territoriale Veränderungen und mehr) sind null und nichtig und für die Kirche ohne Wert.

    Alle Territorien der Kirche sind und bleiben Territorien der Kirche. Das sogenannte Kaiserreich Romagna existiert nicht. Das Herzogtum Romagna und sein gesamtes Territorium haben immer und werden immer der Kirche gehören.
    Unsere Grenzen werden von den päpstlichen Truppen gut verteidigt, und wir werden es sicher nicht zulassen, dass die bewaffneten Banden eines Exkommunizierten einen Schritt in unsere Länder machen.

    Alle Adligen, die Angst haben, ihre Titel zu verlieren, sollten keine Angst haben, Cesare Copona abzulehnen, denn die Kirche wird ihnen die gleichen Adelstitel geben und ihre Loyalität anerkennen.
    Habt Vertrauen und Mut, die Kirche lässt euch nicht allein und schaut mit Wohlwollen auf euch.

    A todos los ciudadanos del Imperio y de cada Reino

    Todas las iniciativas tomadas por Cesare Copona (por ejemplo: votaciones, juicios, condenas, creación de iglesias heréticas, cambios territoriales, y más) son nulas y sin valor para la Iglesia.

    Todos los territorios de la Iglesia son y siguen siendo territorios de la Iglesia. El llamado reino imperial de Romagna no existe. El Ducado de Romagna y todo su territorio han pertenecido siempre y para siempre a la Iglesia.
    Nuestras fronteras están bien defendidas por las tropas papales y ciertamente no dejaremos que las bandas armadas de un excomulgado hagan un movimiento en nuestras tierras.

    Todos los nobles que tienen miedo de perder sus títulos, no deben tener miedo de decir no a Cesare Copona, porque la Iglesia les dará los mismos títulos nobiliarios, reconociendo su lealtad.
    Tened fe y valor, la Iglesia no os deja solos y os mira con benevolencia.

    À todos os cidadãos do Império e de cada Reino

    Todas as iniciativas tomadas por Cesare Copona (por exemplo: votos, julgamentos, condenações, criação de igrejas heréticas, mudanças territoriais, e mais) são nulas e sem qualquer valor para a Igreja.

    Todos os territórios da Igreja são e continuam a ser territórios da Igreja. O chamado reino imperial da Romagna não existe. O Ducado de Romagna e todo o seu território pertenceram sempre e para sempre à Igreja. As nossas fronteiras são bem defendidas pelas tropas papais e, certamente, não permitiremos que os grupos armados de um homem excomungado façam qualquer movimento em nossas terras.

    Todos os nobres que têm medo de perder os seus títulos, não devem ter medo de dizer não a Cesare Copona, pois a Igreja dar-lhes-á os mesmos títulos nobres, reconhecendo a sua lealdade.
    Tenham fé e coragem, a Igreja não vos abandona e acolhe-vos com benevolência.

    Aan alle burgers van het Rijk en van elk Koninkrijk

    Alle initiatieven van Cesare Copona (b.v.: stemmingen, processen, veroordelingen, oprichting van ketterse kerken, territoriale veranderingen, en meer) zijn nietig en van generlei waarde voor de Kerk.

    Alle grondgebieden van de Kerk zijn en blijven grondgebieden van de Kerk. Het zogenaamde keizerlijke koninkrijk Romagna bestaat niet. Het hertogdom Romagna en zijn hele grondgebied zijn altijd en eeuwig aan de Kerk toebehoord.
    Onze grenzen worden goed verdedigd door de pauselijke troepen en we zullen zeker niet toestaan dat de gewapende bendes van een geëxcommuniceerde man ook maar één stap in onze contreien zetten.

    Alle edelen die bang zijn hun titels te verliezen, moeten niet bang zijn nee te zeggen tegen Cesare Copona, want de Kerk zal hun dezelfde adellijke titels geven, als erkenning van hun loyaliteit.
    Heb vertrouwen en moed, de Kerk laat je niet alleen en kijkt welwillend naar je om.

    Fortes in Fidei

    Roma, III.IV.MCDLXIX, Sixtus IV PP anno III

    For the Apostolic Nunciature,
    Her Eminence Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus.

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
    His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 03, 2021 10:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Laicisation of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of the Cardinals, before the Almighty and under the gaze of his Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos, announce the following:

      By the will and decision of the entire Sacred College of Cardinals:
      With immediate effect, the Cardinal-Presbyter Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil [ Iaudas ] is laicised.
      By virtue of this decision, he will leave the state of the clergy and organise his life outside it.
      He loses any role within the One Holy Mother Aristotelian Roman and Universal Church.
      He immediately loses all titles, dignities and decorations of the Papal States.
      He is released from the sacred oaths he swore at his ordination.

    Fortes in Fidei

    Roma, II.IV.MCDLXIX, Sixti IV PP Anno Tertio

    His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 06, 2021 11:28 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    To all the Aristotelian faithful and imperial citizens,
    A message of hope amidst the darkness

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Primat of the Holy Empire, Cardinal-bishop of the Parish of St. Silfaele Outside the Walls, on behalf of all our cardinal brothers and sisters gathered in Rome,

    under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos, Servant of God and His Holiness Sixtus IV Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, we wish to send you the following message of hope:

      Dear brothers and sisters, faithful Aristotelians of the Empire and of any other territory where the light of the word of our Prophets has come;

      Perhaps many of you are wondering what is happening in recent days between Strasbourg and Rome, many announcements that each day bring tireless messengers, you probably think that all these matters only affect politics and diplomatic relations between the territories, however, it is something that concerns us all.

      We will not gloss over the facts for you, because you deserve frankness, even if it is painful: the Holy Roman Empire, that empire so diverse in language and culture, so highly esteemed by Rome, the bastion of Aristotelianism, which as a good son had always defended the One True Faith for centuries, now has on its throne a misnamed prince who has decided, in his folly, to cease to be a true monarch, from being a model ruler known for his justice and piety, to become an erratic, tyrannical and arbitrary man, who disregards the laws, not only of God, for which he was recently excommunicated, but also violates the laws of the Empire itself: its Magna Carta, by making transcendental decisions which affect all his subjects without consulting the Diet, the representative assembly of the provinces of the Empire itself. His crime is serious, for while he violates the imperial laws every day, he has also declared war on the Aristotelian Church, on its prophets Aristotle and Christos, on the heir of the Apostle Titus, and on God himself, blessed be his name.

      However, this war is not only against the Holy Father, nor against the bishops, but also against all the faithful of the Empire, men and women who profess the faith of their forefathers, their fathers and their children, and who are now being blackmailed and mistreated every day by that corrupt prince, whose name deserves to be forgotten as that of the Nameless Creature. We know, dear brothers and sisters, that many of you supported that prince when he ascended the imperial throne, in those days when he was presented as a preserver of law and religion. For that reason, there is nothing to blame, because you had trusted him, as did our Church, but we have all been equally disappointed and deceived. Every day the emperor sends our faithful, clergy and nobles threatening letters urging them to do his will, a will that is incomprehensible and unworthy of any sovereign and that tries to meddle in matters that are totally which do not fall within its competence: he despoils our dioceses, he extorts our bishops and diocesan councillors, he threatens imperial nobles who put the glory of God before that of the emperor, he decrees a blacklist on which have been included not only the Holy Father, but also many other clerics of great renown, who for so many years have worked tirelessly for the strengthening of our Faith, but also for the protection and development of the Empire itself.

      This message, dear brothers and sisters, is addressed to you, especially to those of you who are persecuted because of your faith; many of you have already suffered the aggressions of the Reformed heretics in the West, and also the attacks of pirates and criminals on the southern coasts and the eastern frontiers; now you are also mistreated by the one who swore to defend you, your own monarch, as if he were an anvil and a hammer who disposes of you all at his arbitrary will, not realising that his power is only founded on your tolerance to keep him on the throne. We also know that so many other imperial officials and nobles abide by the madness of this evil prince out of fear, because it is natural that you fear being driven out of your homes and fiefdoms, and that your children will have to live a life as persecuted outlaws. We want this message to reach all of you, because after the darkness there is always light, because after the storm there is always calm. Death will soon come to the emperor, mortal man that he is, so do not fear the wrath of this prince whose days are already ending and whose soul will soon be judged. Disobedience towards him is today a moral obligation for all Aristotelians: we do not ask you to break the true law of the Empire and its territories, but simply to turn your back on the Emperor and his decrees, which are illegal according to imperial law, to act not only as good worshippers, but also as responsible citizens of an Empire that deserves to be restored to its former glory and dignity.

      From Rome, the capital of our Faith, where the tomb of St. Titus lies, we exhort all of you to remain faithful facing adversity, like a ship that rides the waves of the ocean during the storm, to remain faithful to the Faith of Aristotle and Christos, to disobey the unlawful orders of that undeserved monarch, not attending the self-proclaimed Council of Bologna, which has no religious authority, nor listening to those who are Daju´s heralds, captives of their own ambition, proclaiming the word of betrayal and schism under an incoherent discourse, while swearing to be independent Aristotelian leaders. We also ask you to protect and help to all those who are persecuted, because there is no commandment more important than the Love that Christos taught us, the Brotherly Love that is the basis of our religion.

      Two days ago, on the fourth day of the month of April, we celebrated Renewal Sunday, or Easter, when we commemorate the death of our Prophet Christos for a supreme good: the creation of our Church. Let us not allow that sacrifice to have been in vain, let us not allow the forces of darkness to triumph.

      Fortes in Fidei

      Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III

    For the Sacred College of Cardinals,
    His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.

    The Sacred College of Cardinals is composed by Their Eminences:
    Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]To all the Aristotelian faithful and imperial citizens,
A message of hope amidst the darkness[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]We, Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Primat of the Holy Empire, Cardinal-bishop of the Parish of St. Silfaele Outside the Walls, on behalf of all our cardinal brothers and sisters gathered in Rome,

under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos, Servant of God and His Holiness Sixtus IV Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, we wish to send you the following message of hope:[/color][/i][/b]

[list][i]Dear brothers and sisters, faithful Aristotelians of the Empire and of any other territory where the light of the word of our Prophets has come;

Perhaps many of you are wondering what is happening in recent days between Strasbourg and Rome, many announcements that each day bring tireless messengers, you probably think that all these matters only affect politics and diplomatic relations between the territories, [b]however, it is something that concerns us all.[/b]

We will not gloss over the facts for you, because you deserve frankness, even if it is painful: the Holy Roman Empire, that empire so diverse in language and culture, so highly esteemed by Rome, the bastion of Aristotelianism, which as a good son had always defended the One True Faith for centuries, now has on its throne a misnamed prince who has decided, in his folly, to cease to be a true monarch, from being a model ruler known for his justice and piety, to [b]become an erratic, tyrannical and arbitrary man, who disregards the laws, not only of God, for which he was recently excommunicated, but also violates the laws of the Empire itself: its Magna Carta[/b], by making transcendental decisions which affect all his subjects without consulting the Diet, the representative assembly of the provinces of the Empire itself. His crime is serious, for while he violates the imperial laws every day, [b]he has also declared war on the Aristotelian Church[/b], on its prophets Aristotle and Christos, on the heir of the Apostle Titus, and on God himself, blessed be his name.

However, this war is not only against the Holy Father, nor against the bishops, [b]but also against all the faithful of the Empire[/b], men and women who profess the faith of their forefathers, their fathers and their children, and [b]who are now being blackmailed and mistreated every day by that corrupt prince[/b], whose name deserves to be forgotten as that of the Nameless Creature. We know, dear brothers and sisters, that many of you supported that prince when he ascended the imperial throne, in those days when he was presented as a preserver of law and religion. For that reason, there is nothing to blame, because you had trusted him, as did our Church, but we have all been equally disappointed and deceived. Every day the emperor sends our faithful, clergy and nobles threatening letters urging them to do his will, [b]a will that is incomprehensible and unworthy of any sovereign[/b] and that tries to meddle in matters that are totally which do not fall within its competence: [b]he despoils our dioceses, he extorts our bishops and diocesan councillors, he threatens imperial nobles who put the glory of God before that of the emperor, he decrees a blacklist on which have been included not only the Holy Father, but also many other clerics of great renown[/b], who for so many years have worked tirelessly for the strengthening of our Faith, but also for the protection and development of the Empire itself.

This message, dear brothers and sisters, is addressed to you, [b]especially to those of you who are persecuted because of your faith[/b]; many of you have already suffered the aggressions of the Reformed heretics in the West, and also the attacks of pirates and criminals on the southern coasts and the eastern frontiers; [b]now you are also mistreated by the one who swore to defend you, your own monarch[/b], as if he were an anvil and a hammer who disposes of you all at his arbitrary will, not realising that his power is only founded on your tolerance to keep him on the throne. We also know that so many other imperial officials and nobles abide by the madness of this evil prince out of fear, because [b]it is natural that you fear being driven out of your homes and fiefdoms, and that your children will have to live a life as persecuted outlaws[/b].  We want this message to reach all of you, because after the darkness there is always light, because after the storm there is always calm. Death will soon come to the emperor, mortal man that he is, so do not fear the wrath of this prince whose days are already ending and whose soul will soon be judged. [b]Disobedience towards him is today a moral obligation for all Aristotelians: we do not ask you to break the true law of the Empire and its territories[/b], but simply to turn your back on the Emperor and his decrees, which are illegal according to imperial law, to act not only as good worshippers, but also as responsible citizens of an Empire that deserves to be restored to its former glory and dignity.

From Rome, the capital of our Faith, where the tomb of St. Titus lies, [b]we exhort all of you to remain faithful facing adversity[/b], like a ship that rides the waves of the ocean during the storm, to remain faithful to the Faith of Aristotle and Christos, [b]to disobey the unlawful orders of that undeserved monarch[/b], [b]not attending the self-proclaimed Council of Bologna, which has no religious authority[/b], nor listening to those who are Daju´s heralds, captives of their own ambition, proclaiming the word of betrayal and schism under an incoherent discourse, while swearing to be independent Aristotelian leaders. [b]We also ask you to protect and help to all those who are persecuted[/b], because there is no commandment more important than the Love that Christos taught us, the Brotherly Love that is the basis of our religion.

Two days ago, on the fourth day of the month of April, we celebrated Renewal Sunday, or Easter, when we commemorate the death of our Prophet Christos for a supreme good: the creation of our Church. Let us not allow that sacrifice to have been in vain, let us not allow the forces of darkness to triumph. [/i]

[b]Fortes in Fidei[/b]

Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III[/list]

[i][b]For the Sacred College of Cardinals,[/b]
His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i]


[quote]The Sacred College of Cardinals is composed by Their Eminences:
Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.[/quote]


    A tutti i fedeli Aristotelici e ai cittadini imperiali,
    Un messaggio di speranza nelle tenebre

    Noi, Arduino Della Scala, Decano del Sacro Collegio Cardinalizio, Primate del Sacro Impero, Cardinale Vescovo della Parrocchia di San Silfaele fuori le Mura, a nome di tutti i nostri fratelli e sorelle cardinali riuniti a Roma,

    sotto la luce degli Arcangeli e la volontà dei Profeti Aristotele e Christos, Servo di Dio e Sua Santità Sisto IV Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, desideriamo inviarvi il seguente messaggio di speranza:

      Cari fratelli e sorelle, fedeli Aristotelici dell'Impero e di qualsiasi altro territorio dove è giunta la luce della parola dei nostri Profeti;

      forse molti di voi si stanno chiedendo cosa sta succedendo in questi ultimi giorni tra Strasburgo e Roma, molti annunci che ogni giorno instancabili messaggeri diffondono, probabilmente pensate che tutte queste questioni riguardino solo la politica e le relazioni diplomatiche tra i territori, invece è qualcosa che ci riguarda tutti.

      Non glisseremo sui fatti per voi, perché meritate franchezza, anche se è dolorosa: il Sacro Romano Impero, quell'impero così vario in lingue e culture, così stimato da Roma, baluardo dell'aristotelismo, che da buon figlio aveva sempre difeso per secoli l'Unica Vera Fede, ora ha sul suo trono un principe mal nominato che ha deciso, nella sua follia, di cessare di essere un vero monarca, un sovrano modello noto per la sua giustizia e la sua pietà, per diventare un uomo incoerente, tirannico e arbitrario, che ignora le leggi, non solo di Dio, per le quali è stato recentemente scomunicato, ma viola anche le leggi dell'Impero stesso: la sua Magna Carta, prendendo decisioni trascendentali che riguardano tutti i suoi sudditi senza consultare la Dieta, l'assemblea rappresentativa delle province dell'Impero stesso.
      Il suo crimine è grave, perché mentre viola ogni giorno le leggi imperiali, ha anche dichiarato guerra alla Chiesa aristotelica, ai suoi profeti Aristotele e Christos, all'erede dell'apostolo Tito, e a Dio stesso, sia benedetto il Suo nome.

      Tuttavia, questa guerra non è solo contro il Santo Padre, né contro i vescovi, ma anche contro tutti i fedeli dell'Impero, uomini e donne che professano la fede dei loro avi, dei loro padri e dei loro figli, e che ora sono ricattati e maltrattati ogni giorno da quel principe corrotto, il cui nome merita di essere dimenticato come quello della Creatura senza nome. Sappiamo, cari fratelli e sorelle, che molti di voi hanno sostenuto quel principe quando è salito al trono imperiale, in quei giorni in cui veniva presentato come un custode della legge e della religione. Per questo non c'è nulla da rimproverare, perché avevate fiducia in lui, come ne aveva anche la nostra Chiesa, ma siamo stati tutti ugualmente delusi e ingannati. Ogni giorno l'imperatore invia ai nostri fedeli, al clero e ai nobili lettere minacciose che li esortano a fare la sua volontà, una volontà incomprensibile e indegna di qualsiasi sovrano e che cerca di immischiarsi in questioni che sono totalmente fuori dalla sua competenza: depreda le nostre diocesi, estorce i nostri vescovi e consiglieri diocesani, minaccia i nobili imperiali che antepongono la gloria di Dio a quella dell'imperatore, decreta una lista nera nella quale sono stati inseriti non solo il Santo Padre, ma anche molti altri ecclesiastici di grande fama, che per tanti anni hanno lavorato instancabilmente per il rafforzamento della nostra Fede, ma anche per la protezione e lo sviluppo dell'Impero stesso.

      Questo messaggio, cari fratelli e sorelle, è rivolto a voi, specialmente a quelli di voi che sono perseguitati a causa della loro fede; molti di voi hanno già subito le aggressioni degli eretici riformati in Occidente, e anche gli attacchi dei pirati e dei criminali sulle coste meridionali e sulle frontiere orientali; ora siete anche maltrattati da colui che ha giurato di difendervi, il vostro stesso monarca, come se fosse un'incudine e un martello che dispone di tutti voi a suo arbitrio, senza rendersi conto che il suo potere si fonda solo sulla vostra tolleranza per mantenerlo sul trono. Sappiamo anche che tanti altri funzionari imperiali e nobili si attengono alla follia di questo principe malvagio per paura, perché è naturale che abbiate paura di essere cacciati dalle vostre case e dai vostri feudi, e che i vostri figli debbano vivere una vita da fuorilegge perseguitati. Vogliamo che questo messaggio arrivi a tutti voi, perché dopo le tenebre c'è sempre la luce, perché dopo la tempesta c'è sempre la calma. La morte arriverà presto per l'imperatore, uomo mortale, quindi non temete l'ira di questo principe i cui giorni stanno già finendo e la cui anima sarà presto giudicata. La disobbedienza nei suoi confronti è oggi un obbligo morale per tutti gli aristotelici: non vi chiediamo di infrangere la vera legge dell'Impero e dei suoi territori, ma semplicemente di voltare le spalle all'Imperatore e ai suoi decreti, che sono illegali secondo la legge imperiale, per agire non solo come buoni cedenti, ma anche come cittadini responsabili di un Impero che merita di essere riportato alla sua antica gloria e dignità.

      Da Roma, la capitale della nostra Fede, dove giace la tomba di San Tito, esortiamo tutti voi a rimanere fedeli di fronte alle avversità, come una nave che cavalca le onde dell'oceano durante la tempesta, a rimanere fedeli alla Fede di Aristotele e Christos, a disobbedire agli ordini illegittimi di quell'immeritevole monarca, di non partecipare all'autoproclamato Concilio di Bologna, che non ha alcuna autorità religiosa, né di ascoltare quelli che sono gli araldi di Daju, prigionieri della loro stessa ambizione, che proclamano la parola del tradimento e dello scisma in un discorso incoerente, mentre giurano di essere capi aristotelici indipendenti. Vi chiediamo anche di proteggere e aiutare tutti coloro che sono perseguitati, perché non c'è comandamento più importante dell'Amore che Christos ci ha insegnato, l'Amore Fraterno che è la base della nostra religione.

      Due giorni fa, il quarto giorno del mese di aprile, abbiamo celebrato la Domenica del Rinnovamento, o Pasqua, quando commemoriamo la morte del nostro Profeta Christos per un bene supremo: la creazione della nostra Chiesa. Non permettiamo che quel sacrificio sia stato vano, non permettiamo alle forze delle tenebre di trionfare.

      Fortes in Fidei

      Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III

    Per il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali,
    Sua Eminenza Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.

    Il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali è composto dalle Loro Eminenze:
    Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]A tutti i fedeli Aristotelici e ai cittadini imperiali,
Un messaggio di speranza nelle tenebre[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]Noi, Arduino Della Scala, Decano del Sacro Collegio Cardinalizio, Primate del Sacro Impero, Cardinale Vescovo della Parrocchia di San Silfaele fuori le Mura, a nome di tutti i nostri fratelli e sorelle cardinali riuniti a Roma,

sotto la luce degli Arcangeli e la volontà dei Profeti Aristotele e Christos, Servo di Dio e Sua Santità Sisto IV Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, desideriamo inviarvi il seguente messaggio di speranza:[/color][/i][/b]

[list][i]Cari fratelli e sorelle, fedeli Aristotelici dell'Impero e di qualsiasi altro territorio dove è giunta la luce della parola dei nostri Profeti;

forse molti di voi si stanno chiedendo cosa sta succedendo in questi ultimi giorni tra Strasburgo e Roma, molti annunci che ogni giorno instancabili messaggeri diffondono, probabilmente pensate che tutte queste questioni riguardino solo la politica e le relazioni diplomatiche tra i territori, [b]invece è qualcosa che ci riguarda tutti.[/b]

Non glisseremo sui fatti per voi, perché meritate franchezza, anche se è dolorosa: il Sacro Romano Impero, quell'impero così vario in lingue e culture, così stimato da Roma, baluardo dell'aristotelismo, che da buon figlio aveva sempre difeso per secoli l'Unica Vera Fede, ora ha sul suo trono un principe mal nominato che ha deciso, nella sua follia, di cessare di essere un vero monarca, un sovrano modello noto per la sua giustizia e la sua pietà, [b]per diventare un uomo incoerente, tirannico e arbitrario, che ignora le leggi, non solo di Dio, per le quali è stato recentemente scomunicato, ma viola anche le leggi dell'Impero stesso: la sua Magna Carta[/b], prendendo decisioni trascendentali che riguardano tutti i suoi sudditi senza consultare la Dieta, l'assemblea rappresentativa delle province dell'Impero stesso.
Il suo crimine è grave, perché mentre viola ogni giorno le leggi imperiali, [b]ha anche dichiarato guerra alla Chiesa aristotelica[/b], ai suoi profeti Aristotele e Christos, all'erede dell'apostolo Tito, e a Dio stesso, sia benedetto il Suo nome.

Tuttavia, questa guerra non è solo contro il Santo Padre, né contro i vescovi, [b]ma anche contro tutti i fedeli dell'Impero[/b], uomini e donne che professano la fede dei loro avi, dei loro padri e dei loro figli, e [b]che ora sono ricattati e maltrattati ogni giorno da quel principe corrotto[/b], il cui nome merita di essere dimenticato come quello della Creatura senza nome. Sappiamo, cari fratelli e sorelle, che molti di voi hanno sostenuto quel principe quando è salito al trono imperiale, in quei giorni in cui veniva presentato come un custode della legge e della religione. Per questo non c'è nulla da rimproverare, perché avevate fiducia in lui, come ne aveva anche la nostra Chiesa, ma siamo stati tutti ugualmente delusi e ingannati. Ogni giorno l'imperatore invia ai nostri fedeli, al clero e ai nobili lettere minacciose che li esortano a fare la sua volontà, [b]una volontà incomprensibile e indegna di qualsiasi sovrano[/b] e che cerca di immischiarsi in questioni che sono totalmente fuori dalla sua competenza: [b]depreda le nostre diocesi, estorce i nostri vescovi e consiglieri diocesani, minaccia i nobili imperiali che antepongono la gloria di Dio a quella dell'imperatore, decreta una lista nera nella quale sono stati inseriti non solo il Santo Padre, ma anche molti altri ecclesiastici di grande fama[/b], che per tanti anni hanno lavorato instancabilmente per il rafforzamento della nostra Fede, ma anche per la protezione e lo sviluppo dell'Impero stesso.

Questo messaggio, cari fratelli e sorelle, è rivolto a voi, [b]specialmente a quelli di voi che sono perseguitati a causa della loro fede[/b]; molti di voi hanno già subito le aggressioni degli eretici riformati in Occidente, e anche gli attacchi dei pirati e dei criminali sulle coste meridionali e sulle frontiere orientali; [b]ora siete anche maltrattati da colui che ha giurato di difendervi, il vostro stesso monarca[/b], come se fosse un'incudine e un martello che dispone di tutti voi a suo arbitrio, senza rendersi conto che il suo potere si fonda solo sulla vostra tolleranza per mantenerlo sul trono. Sappiamo anche che tanti altri funzionari imperiali e nobili si attengono alla follia di questo principe malvagio per paura, perché [b]è naturale che abbiate paura di essere cacciati dalle vostre case e dai vostri feudi, e che i vostri figli debbano vivere una vita da fuorilegge perseguitati.[/b] Vogliamo che questo messaggio arrivi a tutti voi, perché dopo le tenebre c'è sempre la luce, perché dopo la tempesta c'è sempre la calma. La morte arriverà presto per l'imperatore, uomo mortale, quindi non temete l'ira di questo principe i cui giorni stanno già finendo e la cui anima sarà presto giudicata. [b]La disobbedienza nei suoi confronti è oggi un obbligo morale per tutti gli aristotelici: non vi chiediamo di infrangere la vera legge dell'Impero e dei suoi territori[/b], ma semplicemente di voltare le spalle all'Imperatore e ai suoi decreti, che sono illegali secondo la legge imperiale, per agire non solo come buoni cedenti, ma anche come cittadini responsabili di un Impero che merita di essere riportato alla sua antica gloria e dignità.

Da Roma, la capitale della nostra Fede, dove giace la tomba di San Tito, [b]esortiamo tutti voi a rimanere fedeli di fronte alle avversità[/b], come una nave che cavalca le onde dell'oceano durante la tempesta, a rimanere fedeli alla Fede di Aristotele e Christos, [b]a disobbedire agli ordini illegittimi di quell'immeritevole monarca, di non partecipare all'autoproclamato Concilio di Bologna, che non ha alcuna autorità religiosa[/b], né di ascoltare quelli che sono gli araldi di Daju, prigionieri della loro stessa ambizione, che proclamano la parola del tradimento e dello scisma in un discorso incoerente, mentre giurano di essere capi aristotelici indipendenti. [b]Vi chiediamo anche di proteggere e aiutare tutti coloro che sono perseguitati[/b], perché non c'è comandamento più importante dell'Amore che Christos ci ha insegnato, l'Amore Fraterno che è la base della nostra religione.

Due giorni fa, il quarto giorno del mese di aprile, abbiamo celebrato la Domenica del Rinnovamento, o Pasqua, quando commemoriamo la morte del nostro Profeta Christos per un bene supremo: la creazione della nostra Chiesa. Non permettiamo che quel sacrificio sia stato vano, non permettiamo alle forze delle tenebre di trionfare. [/i]

[b]Fortes in Fidei[/b]

Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III[/list]

[i][b]Per il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali,[/b]
Sua Eminenza Arduino Della Scala
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i]


[quote]Il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali è composto dalle Loro Eminenze:
Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.[/quote][/list]


    A tous les fidèles aristotéliciens et citoyens impériaux,
    Un message d'espoir au milieu des ténèbres

    Nous, Arduino Della Scala, Doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux, Primat du Saint Empire, Cardinal-évêque de la Paroisse de Saint Silfaele Hors les Murs, au nom de tous nos frères et sœurs cardinaux réunis à Rome,

    Sous la lumière des Archanges et la volonté des prophètes Aristote et Christos, Serviteur de Dieu et de Sa Sainteté Sixte IV Souverain Pontife et Pape de l'Église universelle, nous souhaitons envoyer vous le message d'espoir suivant:

      Chers frères et sœurs, aristotéliciens fidèles de l'Empire et de tout autre territoire où la lumière de la parole de nos prophètes est venue;

      Peut-être que beaucoup d'entre vous se demandent ce qui se passe ces derniers jours entre Strasbourg et Rome, de nombreuses annonces qui amènent chaque jour des messagers infatigables, vous pensez probablement que toutes ces questions n'affectent que la politique et les relations diplomatiques entre les territoires, cependant, c'est quelque chose qui nous concerne tous.

      Nous ne passerons pas sous silence les faits pour vous, car vous méritez la franchise, même si elle est douloureuse: le Saint Empire romain, cet empire si diversifié en langue et en culture, si hautement estimé par Rome, le bastion de l'aristotélisme, qui comme un bien fils avait toujours défendu la Seule Vraie Foi pendant des siècles, a maintenant sur son trône un prince mal nommé qui a décidé, dans sa folie, de cesser d'être un vrai monarque, d'être un dirigeant modèle connu pour sa justice et sa piété, de devenir un homme erratique, tyrannique et arbitraire, qui ne respecte pas les lois, non seulement de Dieu, pour lesquelles il a été récemment excommunié, mais qui viole aussi les lois de l'Empire lui-même: sa Magna Carta, en prenant des décisions transcendantales qui affectent tous ses sujets sans consulter la Diète, l'assemblée représentative des provinces de l'Empire elle-même. Son crime est grave, car s'il viole chaque jour les lois impériales, il a également déclaré la guerre à l'Église aristotélicienne, à ses prophètes Aristote et Christos, à l'héritier de l'apôtre Titus, et à Dieu lui-même.

      Cependant, cette guerre n'est pas seulement contre le Saint-Père, ni contre les évêques, mais aussi contre tous les fidèles de l'Empire, hommes et femmes qui professent la foi de leurs ancêtres, de leurs pères et de leurs enfants, et qui subissent actuellement du chantage. et maltraité chaque jour par ce prince corrompu, dont le nom mérite d'être oublié comme celui de la créature sans nom. Nous savons, chers frères et sœurs, que beaucoup d’entre vous ont soutenu ce prince lorsqu’il est monté sur le trône impérial, à l’époque où il était présenté comme un conservateur de la loi et de la religion. Pour cette raison, il n'y a rien à blâmer, parce que vous lui aviez fait confiance, tout comme notre Église, mais nous avons tous été également déçus et trompés. Chaque jour, l'empereur envoie à nos fidèles, clergé et nobles des lettres de menaces les exhortant à faire sa volonté, une volonté incompréhensible et indigne de tout souverain et qui tente de se mêler de matières qui ne relèvent totalement pas de sa compétence: il dépouille nos diocèses, il extorque nos évêques et conseillers diocésains, il menace les nobles impériaux qui mettent la gloire de Dieu avant celle de l'empereur, il décrète une liste noire sur laquelle ont été inclus non seulement le Saint-Père, mais aussi de nombreux autres clercs de grande renommée, qui depuis tant d'années ont travaillé sans relâche pour le renforcement de notre foi, mais aussi pour la protection et le développement de l'Empire lui-même.

      Ce message, chers frères et sœurs, vous est adressé, spécialement à ceux d'entre vous qui sont persécutés à cause de votre foi ; beaucoup d'entre vous ont déjà subi les agressions des hérétiques réformés en Occident, ainsi que les attaques de pirates et de criminels sur les côtes méridionales et les frontières orientales; maintenant vous êtes aussi maltraité par celui qui a juré de vous défendre, votre propre monarque , comme s'il était une enclume et un marteau qui dispose de vous tous à sa volonté arbitraire, ne réalisant pas que son pouvoir n'est fondé que sur votre tolérance à le garder sur le trône. Nous savons également que tant d'autres fonctionnaires et nobles impériaux se soumettent à la folie de ce prince maléfique par peur, car il est naturel que vous craigniez d'être chassé de vos foyers et de vos fiefs, et que vos enfants devront vivre une vie comme hors-la-loi persécutés. Nous voulons que ce message vous parvienne tous, car après l'obscurité, il y a toujours de la lumière, car après la tempête, il y a toujours du calme. La mort viendra bientôt à l'empereur, homme mortel qu'il est, alors ne craignez pas la colère de ce prince dont les jours se terminent déjà et dont l'âme sera bientôt jugée. La désobéissance à son égard est aujourd'hui une obligation morale pour tous les aristotéliciens: nous ne vous demandons pas de violer la vraie loi de l'Empire et de ses territoires , mais simplement de tourner le dos à l'Empereur et à ses décrets, qui sont illégaux selon la loi impériale, d'agir non seulement en bons adorateurs, mais aussi en citoyens responsables d'un Empire qui mérite d'être restauré dans son ancienne gloire et dignité.

      De Rome, la capitale de notre foi, où repose le tombeau de saint Titus, nous vous exhortons tous à rester fidèles face à l'adversité , comme un navire qui chevauche les vagues de l'océan pendant la tempête, à rester fidèles à la foi d'Aristote et Christos, à désobéir aux ordres illégaux de ce monarque immérité , ne pas assister à soi-même -proclamé Concile de Bologne, qui n'a pas d'autorité religieuse , ni écouter ceux qui sont les hérauts de Daju, captifs de leur propre ambition, proclamant la parole de trahison et de schisme sous un discours incohérent, tout en jurant d'être des dirigeants aristotéliciens indépendants. Nous vous demandons également de protéger et d'aider tous ceux qui sont persécutés , car il n'y a pas de commandement plus important que l'Amour que Christos nous a enseigné, l'Amour Fraternel qui est à la base de notre religion.

      Il y a deux jours, le quatrième jour du mois d'avril, nous avons célébré le dimanche du Renouveau, ou Pâques, lorsque nous commémorons la mort de notre prophète Christos pour un bien suprême: la création de notre Église. Ne permettons pas que ce sacrifice ait été vain, ne laissons pas triompher les forces des ténèbres.

      Fortes in Fidei

      Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III

    Pour le Sacré Collège des cardinaux,,
    Son Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    du diacre de la Sainte Église romaine.

    Le Sacré Collège des Cardinaux est composé de Leurs Éminences:
    Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.



[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]A tous les fidèles aristotéliciens et citoyens impériaux,
Un message d'espoir au milieu des ténèbres[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]Nous, Arduino Della Scala, Doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux, Primat du Saint Empire, Cardinal-évêque de la Paroisse de Saint Silfaele Hors les Murs, au nom de tous nos frères et sœurs cardinaux réunis à Rome,

Sous la lumière des Archanges et la volonté des prophètes Aristote et Christos, Serviteur de Dieu et de Sa Sainteté Sixte IV Souverain Pontife et Pape de l'Église universelle, nous souhaitons envoyer vous le message d'espoir suivant:[/color][/i][/b]

[list][i]Chers frères et sœurs, aristotéliciens fidèles de l'Empire et de tout autre territoire où la lumière de la parole de nos prophètes est venue;

Peut-être que beaucoup d'entre vous se demandent ce qui se passe ces derniers jours entre Strasbourg et Rome, de nombreuses annonces qui amènent chaque jour des messagers infatigables, vous pensez probablement que toutes ces questions n'affectent que la politique et les relations diplomatiques entre les territoires, [b]cependant, c'est quelque chose qui nous concerne tous[/b].

Nous ne passerons pas sous silence les faits pour vous, car vous méritez la franchise, même si elle est douloureuse: le Saint Empire romain, cet empire si diversifié en langue et en culture, si hautement estimé par Rome, le bastion de l'aristotélisme, qui comme un bien fils avait toujours défendu la Seule Vraie Foi pendant des siècles, a maintenant sur son trône un prince mal nommé qui a décidé, dans sa folie, de cesser d'être un vrai monarque, d'être un dirigeant modèle connu pour sa justice et sa piété, [b]de devenir un homme erratique, tyrannique et arbitraire, qui ne respecte pas les lois, non seulement de Dieu, pour lesquelles il a été récemment excommunié, mais qui viole aussi les lois de l'Empire lui-même: sa Magna Carta[/b], en prenant des décisions transcendantales qui affectent tous ses sujets sans consulter la Diète, l'assemblée représentative des provinces de l'Empire elle-même. Son crime est grave, car s'il viole chaque jour les lois impériales, [b]il a également déclaré la guerre à l'Église aristotélicienne[/b], à ses prophètes Aristote et Christos, à l'héritier de l'apôtre Titus, et à Dieu lui-même.

Cependant, cette guerre n'est pas seulement contre le Saint-Père, ni contre les évêques, [b]mais aussi contre tous les fidèles de l'Empire[/b], hommes et femmes qui professent la foi de leurs ancêtres, de leurs pères et de leurs enfants, et [b]qui subissent actuellement du chantage. et maltraité chaque jour par ce prince corrompu[/b], dont le nom mérite d'être oublié comme celui de la créature sans nom. Nous savons, chers frères et sœurs, que beaucoup d’entre vous ont soutenu ce prince lorsqu’il est monté sur le trône impérial, à l’époque où il était présenté comme un conservateur de la loi et de la religion. Pour cette raison, il n'y a rien à blâmer, parce que vous lui aviez fait confiance, tout comme notre Église, mais nous avons tous été également déçus et trompés. Chaque jour, l'empereur envoie à nos fidèles, clergé et nobles des lettres de menaces les exhortant à faire sa volonté, [b]une volonté incompréhensible et indigne de tout souverain[/b] et qui tente de se mêler de matières qui ne relèvent totalement pas de sa compétence:[b] il dépouille nos diocèses, il extorque nos évêques et conseillers diocésains, il menace les nobles impériaux qui mettent la gloire de Dieu avant celle de l'empereur, il décrète une liste noire sur laquelle ont été inclus non seulement le Saint-Père, mais aussi de nombreux autres clercs de grande renommée[/b], qui depuis tant d'années ont travaillé sans relâche pour le renforcement de notre foi, mais aussi pour la protection et le développement de l'Empire lui-même.

Ce message, chers frères et sœurs, vous est adressé, [b]spécialement à ceux d'entre vous qui sont persécutés à cause de votre foi [/b]; beaucoup d'entre vous ont déjà subi les agressions des hérétiques réformés en Occident, ainsi que les attaques de pirates et de criminels sur les côtes méridionales et les frontières orientales; [b]maintenant vous êtes aussi maltraité par celui qui a juré de vous défendre, votre propre monarque [/b], comme s'il était une enclume et un marteau qui dispose de vous tous à sa volonté arbitraire, ne réalisant pas que son pouvoir n'est fondé que sur votre tolérance à le garder sur le trône. Nous savons également que tant d'autres fonctionnaires et nobles impériaux se soumettent à la folie de ce prince maléfique par peur, car[b] il est naturel que vous craigniez d'être chassé de vos foyers et de vos fiefs, et que vos enfants devront vivre une vie comme hors-la-loi persécutés.[/b] Nous voulons que ce message vous parvienne tous, car après l'obscurité, il y a toujours de la lumière, car après la tempête, il y a toujours du calme. La mort viendra bientôt à l'empereur, homme mortel qu'il est, alors ne craignez pas la colère de ce prince dont les jours se terminent déjà et dont l'âme sera bientôt jugée. [b]La désobéissance à son égard est aujourd'hui une obligation morale pour tous les aristotéliciens: nous ne vous demandons pas de violer la vraie loi de l'Empire et de ses territoires [/b], mais simplement de tourner le dos à l'Empereur et à ses décrets, qui sont illégaux selon la loi impériale, d'agir non seulement en bons adorateurs, mais aussi en citoyens responsables d'un Empire qui mérite d'être restauré dans son ancienne gloire et dignité.

De Rome, la capitale de notre foi, où repose le tombeau de saint Titus, [b]nous vous exhortons tous à rester fidèles face à l'adversité[/b] , comme un navire qui chevauche les vagues de l'océan pendant la tempête, à rester fidèles à la foi d'Aristote et Christos, [b]à désobéir aux ordres illégaux de ce monarque immérité , ne pas assister à soi-même -proclamé Concile de Bologne, qui n'a pas d'autorité religieuse[/b] , ni écouter ceux qui sont les hérauts de Daju, captifs de leur propre ambition, proclamant la parole de trahison et de schisme sous un discours incohérent, tout en jurant d'être des dirigeants aristotéliciens indépendants. [b]Nous vous demandons également de protéger et d'aider tous ceux qui sont persécutés[/b] , car il n'y a pas de commandement plus important que l'Amour que Christos nous a enseigné, l'Amour Fraternel qui est à la base de notre religion.

Il y a deux jours, le quatrième jour du mois d'avril, nous avons célébré le dimanche du Renouveau, ou Pâques, lorsque nous commémorons la mort de notre prophète Christos pour un bien suprême: la création de notre Église. Ne permettons pas que ce sacrifice ait été vain, ne laissons pas triompher les forces des ténèbres.[/i]

[b]Fortes in Fidei[/b]

Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III[/list]

[i][b]Pour le Sacré Collège des cardinaux,,[/b]
Son Eminence Arduino Della Scala
du diacre de la Sainte Église romaine.[/i]


[quote]Le Sacré Collège des Cardinaux est composé de Leurs Éminences:
Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.[/quote][/list]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 06, 2021 11:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    An alle aristotelischen Gläubigen und kaiserlichen Bürger,
    Eine Botschaft der Hoffnung inmitten der Dunkelheit

    Wir, Arduino Della Scala, Dekan des Heiligen Kardinalskollegiums, Primas des SRING, Kardinalbischof der Pfarrei St. Silfaele außerhalb der Mauern, im Namen aller unserer in Rom versammelten Kardinalbrüder und -schwestern,

    unter dem Licht der Erzengel und dem Willen der Propheten Aristoteles und Christos, Diener Gottes und Seiner Heiligkeit Sixtus IV. höchster Pontifex und Papst der Universalkirche, möchten wir Ihnen die folgende Botschaft der Hoffnung übermitteln:

      Liebe Brüder und Schwestern, treue Aristoten des Reiches und aller anderen Gebiete, in die das Licht des Wortes unserer Propheten gelangt ist;

      Vielleicht fragen sich viele von Ihnen, was in den letzten Tagen zwischen Straßburg und Rom passiert, viele Ankündigungen, die jeden Tag unermüdliche Boten bringen, Sie denken wahrscheinlich, dass all diese Angelegenheiten nur die Politik und die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen den Territorien betreffen, es ist jedoch etwas, das uns alle betrifft.

      Wir werden die Fakten für Sie nicht beschönigen, denn Sie verdienen Offenheit, auch wenn sie schmerzhaft ist: Das Heilige Römische Reich, jenes Reich, das in Sprache und Kultur so vielfältig ist, das von Rom so hoch geschätzt wird, das Bollwerk des Aristotelismus, das als guter Sohn jahrhundertelang immer den Einen Wahren Glauben verteidigt hat, hat nun auf seinem Thron einen falsch benannten Prinzen, der in seiner Torheit beschlossen hat, kein wahrer Monarch mehr zu sein, von einem vorbildlichen Herrscher, der für seine Gerechtigkeit und Frömmigkeit bekannt ist, zu einem unberechenbaren, tyrannischen und willkürlichen Mann zu werden, der nicht nur die Gesetze Gottes missachtet, wofür er kürzlich exkommuniziert wurde, sondern auch die Gesetze des Reiches selbst verletzt: Seine Magna Carta, indem er transzendente Entscheidungen trifft, die alle seine Untertanen betreffen, ohne den Landtag, die repräsentative Versammlung der Provinzen des Reiches selbst, zu konsultieren. Sein Verbrechen ist schwerwiegend, denn während er jeden Tag gegen die kaiserlichen Gesetze verstößt, hat er auch der aristotelischen Kirche den Krieg erklärt, sowie ihren Propheten Aristoteles und Christos, dem Erben des Apostels Titus und Gott selbst, gepriesen sei sein Name.

      Dieser Krieg richtet sich aber nicht nur gegen den Heiligen Vater und auch nicht gegen die Bischöfe, sondern auch gegen alle Gläubigen des Reiches, Männer und Frauen, die sich zum Glauben ihrer Vorväter, ihrer Väter und ihrer Kinder bekennen und die nun täglich von jenem korrupten Prinzen erpresst und misshandelt werden, dessen Name als der der namenlosen Kreatur in Vergessenheit zu geraten verdient. Wir wissen, liebe Brüder und Schwestern, dass viele von euch diesen Prinzen unterstützt haben, als er den kaiserlichen Thron bestieg, in jenen Tagen, als er als Bewahrer von Recht und Religion dargestellt wurde. Deshalb gibt es nichts zu tadeln, denn Sie hatten ihm vertraut, ebenso wie unsere Kirche, aber wir sind alle gleichermaßen enttäuscht und getäuscht worden. Jeden Tag schickt der Kaiser unseren Gläubigen, dem Klerus und den Adligen Drohbriefe, in denen er sie auffordert, seinen Willen zu erfüllen, einen Willen, der unverständlich und eines Souveräns unwürdig ist und der versucht, sich in Angelegenheiten einzumischen, die ganz und gar nicht in seine Kompetenz fallen: er beraubt unsere Diözesen, er erpresst unsere Bischöfe und Diözesanräte, er bedroht kaiserliche Adlige, die die Ehre Gottes über die des Kaisers stellen, er erlässt eine schwarze Liste, auf der nicht nur der Heilige Vater, sondern auch viele andere Kleriker von großem Ansehen stehen, die sich seit so vielen Jahren unermüdlich für die Stärkung unseres Glaubens, aber auch für den Schutz und die Entwicklung des Reiches selbst eingesetzt haben.

      Diese Botschaft, liebe Brüder und Schwestern, ist an euch gerichtet, besonders an diejenigen von euch, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden; viele von euch haben schon die Angriffe der reformierten Ketzer im Westen erlitten, und auch die Angriffe von Piraten und Verbrechern an den südlichen Küsten und den östlichen Grenzen; nun werdet ihr auch noch von demjenigen misshandelt, der geschworen hat, euch zu verteidigen, eurem eigenen Monarchen, als wäre er ein Amboss und ein Hammer, der über euch alle nach seinem Gutdünken verfügt, ohne zu erkennen, dass seine Macht nur auf eurer Duldung beruht, um ihn auf dem Thron zu halten. Wir wissen auch, dass so viele andere kaiserliche Beamte und Adlige dem Wahnsinn dieses bösen Fürsten aus Angst nachgeben, denn es ist natürlich, dass ihr fürchtet, aus euren Häusern und Lehen vertrieben zu werden und dass eure Kinder ein Leben als verfolgte Geächtete führen müssen. Wir wollen, dass diese Botschaft euch alle erreicht, denn nach der Dunkelheit kommt immer das Licht, nach dem Sturm kommt immer die Ruhe. Der Tod wird bald zum Kaiser kommen, sterblicher Mensch, der er ist, also fürchtet euch nicht vor dem Zorn dieses Fürsten, dessen Tage bereits enden und dessen Seele bald gerichtet werden wird. Ungehorsam ihm gegenüber ist heute eine moralische Verpflichtung für alle Aristoten Wir bitten euch nicht, das wahre Gesetz des Reiches und seiner Gebiete zu brechen, sondern einfach dem Kaiser und seinen Dekreten, die nach kaiserlichem Recht illegal sind, den Rücken zu kehren, nicht nur als gutgläubige, sondern auch als verantwortungsbewusste Bürger eines Reiches zu handeln, das es verdient, zu seiner früheren Herrlichkeit und Würde zurückgeführt zu werden.

      Von Rom aus, der Hauptstadt unseres Glaubens, wo das Grab des hl. Titus liegt, ermahnen wir euch alle, angesichts der Widrigkeiten treu zu bleiben, wie ein Schiff, das während des Sturms auf den Wellen des Ozeans reitet, dem Glauben von Aristoteles und Christos treu zu bleiben, die unrechtmäßigen Befehle dieses unverdienten Monarchen zu missachten, nicht an dem selbsternannten Konzil von Bologna teilzunehmen, das keine religiöse Autorität besitzt, und auch nicht auf jene zu hören, die Herolde Dajus sind, Gefangene ihres eigenen Ehrgeizes, die unter einem zusammenhanglosen Diskurs das Wort von Verrat und Schisma verkünden, während sie schwören, unabhängige aristotelische Führer zu sein. Wir bitten dich auch, all jene zu schützen und ihnen zu helfen, die verfolgt werden, denn es gibt kein wichtigeres Gebot als die Liebe, die Christos uns gelehrt hat, die brüderliche Liebe, die die Grundlage unserer Religion ist.

      Vor zwei Tagen, am vierten Tag des Monats April, haben wir den Erneuerungs-Sonntag oder Ostern gefeiert, an dem wir des Todes unseres Propheten Christos für ein höchstes Gut gedenken: die Schaffung unserer Kirche. Lassen wir nicht zu, dass dieses Opfer vergeblich war, lassen wir nicht zu, dass die Kräfte der Finsternis triumphieren.

      Fortes in Fidei

      Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III

    Für das Heilige Kollegium der Kardinäle,
    Seine Eminenz Arduino Della Scala
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.

    Das Heilige Kardinalskollegium setzt sich zusammen aus Ihren Eminenzen:
    Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]An alle aristotelischen Gläubigen und kaiserlichen Bürger,
Eine Botschaft der Hoffnung inmitten der Dunkelheit[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]Wir, Arduino Della Scala, Dekan des Heiligen Kardinalskollegiums, Primas des SRING, Kardinalbischof der Pfarrei St. Silfaele außerhalb der Mauern, im Namen aller unserer in Rom versammelten Kardinalbrüder und -schwestern,

unter dem Licht der Erzengel und dem Willen der Propheten Aristoteles und Christos, Diener Gottes und Seiner Heiligkeit Sixtus IV. höchster Pontifex und Papst der Universalkirche, möchten wir Ihnen die folgende Botschaft der Hoffnung übermitteln:[/color][/i][/b]

[list][i]Liebe Brüder und Schwestern, treue Aristoten des Reiches und aller anderen Gebiete, in die das Licht des Wortes unserer Propheten gelangt ist;

Vielleicht fragen sich viele von Ihnen, was in den letzten Tagen zwischen Straßburg und Rom passiert, viele Ankündigungen, die jeden Tag unermüdliche Boten bringen, Sie denken wahrscheinlich, dass all diese Angelegenheiten nur die Politik und die diplomatischen Beziehungen zwischen den Territorien betreffen, [b]es ist jedoch etwas, das uns alle betrifft.[/b]

Wir werden die Fakten für Sie nicht beschönigen, denn Sie verdienen Offenheit, auch wenn sie schmerzhaft ist: Das Heilige Römische Reich, jenes Reich, das in Sprache und Kultur so vielfältig ist, das von Rom so hoch geschätzt wird, das Bollwerk des Aristotelismus, das als guter Sohn jahrhundertelang immer den Einen Wahren Glauben verteidigt hat, hat nun auf seinem Thron einen falsch benannten Prinzen, der in seiner Torheit beschlossen hat, kein wahrer Monarch mehr zu sein, von einem vorbildlichen Herrscher, der für seine Gerechtigkeit und Frömmigkeit bekannt ist, zu [b]einem unberechenbaren, tyrannischen und willkürlichen Mann zu werden, der nicht nur die Gesetze Gottes missachtet, wofür er kürzlich exkommuniziert wurde, sondern auch die Gesetze des Reiches selbst verletzt: Seine Magna Carta[/b], indem er transzendente Entscheidungen trifft, die alle seine Untertanen betreffen, ohne den Landtag, die repräsentative Versammlung der Provinzen des Reiches selbst, zu konsultieren. Sein Verbrechen ist schwerwiegend, denn während er jeden Tag gegen die kaiserlichen Gesetze verstößt, [b]hat er auch der aristotelischen Kirche den Krieg erklärt[/b], sowie ihren Propheten Aristoteles und Christos, dem Erben des Apostels Titus und Gott selbst, gepriesen sei sein Name.

Dieser Krieg richtet sich aber nicht nur gegen den Heiligen Vater und auch nicht gegen die Bischöfe, [b]sondern auch gegen alle Gläubigen des Reiches[/b], Männer und Frauen, die sich zum Glauben ihrer Vorväter, ihrer Väter und ihrer Kinder bekennen und [b]die nun täglich von jenem korrupten Prinzen erpresst und misshandelt werden[/b], dessen Name als der der namenlosen Kreatur in Vergessenheit zu geraten verdient. Wir wissen, liebe Brüder und Schwestern, dass viele von euch diesen Prinzen unterstützt haben, als er den kaiserlichen Thron bestieg, in jenen Tagen, als er als Bewahrer von Recht und Religion dargestellt wurde. Deshalb gibt es nichts zu tadeln, denn Sie hatten ihm vertraut, ebenso wie unsere Kirche, aber wir sind alle gleichermaßen enttäuscht und getäuscht worden. Jeden Tag schickt der Kaiser unseren Gläubigen, dem Klerus und den Adligen Drohbriefe, in denen er sie auffordert, seinen Willen zu erfüllen, [b]einen Willen, der unverständlich und eines Souveräns unwürdig ist[/b] und der versucht, sich in Angelegenheiten einzumischen, die ganz und gar nicht in seine Kompetenz fallen: [b]er beraubt unsere Diözesen, er erpresst unsere Bischöfe und Diözesanräte, er bedroht kaiserliche Adlige, die die Ehre Gottes über die des Kaisers stellen, er erlässt eine schwarze Liste, auf der nicht nur der Heilige Vater, sondern auch viele andere Kleriker von großem Ansehen stehen[/b], die sich seit so vielen Jahren unermüdlich für die Stärkung unseres Glaubens, aber auch für den Schutz und die Entwicklung des Reiches selbst eingesetzt haben.

Diese Botschaft, liebe Brüder und Schwestern, ist an euch gerichtet, [b]besonders an diejenigen von euch, die wegen ihres Glaubens verfolgt werden[/b]; viele von euch haben schon die Angriffe der reformierten Ketzer im Westen erlitten, und auch die Angriffe von Piraten und Verbrechern an den südlichen Küsten und den östlichen Grenzen; [b]nun werdet ihr auch noch von demjenigen misshandelt, der geschworen hat, euch zu verteidigen, eurem eigenen Monarchen[/b], als wäre er ein Amboss und ein Hammer, der über euch alle nach seinem Gutdünken verfügt, ohne zu erkennen, dass seine Macht nur auf eurer Duldung beruht, um ihn auf dem Thron zu halten. Wir wissen auch, dass so viele andere kaiserliche Beamte und Adlige dem Wahnsinn dieses bösen Fürsten aus Angst nachgeben, denn [b]es ist natürlich, dass ihr fürchtet, aus euren Häusern und Lehen vertrieben zu werden und dass eure Kinder ein Leben als verfolgte Geächtete führen müssen[/b].  Wir wollen, dass diese Botschaft euch alle erreicht, denn nach der Dunkelheit kommt immer das Licht, nach dem Sturm kommt immer die Ruhe. Der Tod wird bald zum Kaiser kommen, sterblicher Mensch, der er ist, also fürchtet euch nicht vor dem Zorn dieses Fürsten, dessen Tage bereits enden und dessen Seele bald gerichtet werden wird. [b]Ungehorsam ihm gegenüber ist heute eine moralische Verpflichtung für alle Aristoten Wir bitten euch nicht, das wahre Gesetz des Reiches und seiner Gebiete zu brechen[/b], sondern einfach dem Kaiser und seinen Dekreten, die nach kaiserlichem Recht illegal sind, den Rücken zu kehren, nicht nur als gutgläubige, sondern auch als verantwortungsbewusste Bürger eines Reiches zu handeln, das es verdient, zu seiner früheren Herrlichkeit und Würde zurückgeführt zu werden.

Von Rom aus, der Hauptstadt unseres Glaubens, wo das Grab des hl. Titus liegt, [b]ermahnen wir euch alle, angesichts der Widrigkeiten treu zu bleiben[/b], wie ein Schiff, das während des Sturms auf den Wellen des Ozeans reitet, dem Glauben von Aristoteles und Christos treu zu bleiben, [b]die unrechtmäßigen Befehle dieses unverdienten Monarchen zu missachten[/b], [b]nicht an dem selbsternannten Konzil von Bologna teilzunehmen, das keine religiöse Autorität besitzt[/b], und auch nicht auf jene zu hören, die Herolde Dajus sind, Gefangene ihres eigenen Ehrgeizes, die unter einem zusammenhanglosen Diskurs das Wort von Verrat und Schisma verkünden, während sie schwören, unabhängige aristotelische Führer zu sein. [b]Wir bitten dich auch, all jene zu schützen und ihnen zu helfen, die verfolgt werden[/b], denn es gibt kein wichtigeres Gebot als die Liebe, die Christos uns gelehrt hat, die brüderliche Liebe, die die Grundlage unserer Religion ist.

Vor zwei Tagen, am vierten Tag des Monats April, haben wir den Erneuerungs-Sonntag oder Ostern gefeiert, an dem wir des Todes unseres Propheten Christos für ein höchstes Gut gedenken: die Schaffung unserer Kirche. Lassen wir nicht zu, dass dieses Opfer vergeblich war, lassen wir nicht zu, dass die Kräfte der Finsternis triumphieren. [/i]

[b]Fortes in Fidei[/b]

Roma, VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III[/list]

[i][b]Für das Heilige Kollegium der Kardinäle,[/b]
Seine Eminenz Arduino Della Scala
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i]


[quote]Das Heilige Kardinalskollegium setzt sich zusammen aus Ihren Eminenzen:
Arduino Della Scala, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla, Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame, Valentino Astuzia Borgia, Asia Artemisia Caracciolo Monforte Spadalfieri, Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana, Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltran Olavarrieta Palacios, Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, Tymothé de Nivellus, Neirin de Castelcerf, Attanasio Borgia, Ludovi de Sabran, Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Tebaldo Foscari, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Angus Portzmoguer, Pie de Valence, Profeta Pucci Guerra, Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag, Portalis de Vandimion.[/quote][/list]


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 06, 2021 5:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has literas lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    In our constant will to allow the best development of our congregations and institutions within the Holy See, and taking into account the vacancy of the office of the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Office, acting in derogation of the relevant canonical norms and by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule, the appointment of our eminent brother Neirin [ Neirin ] as General Prefect of the Congregation of the Holy Office, with the task of managing it under the supervision of the Dean and the Vice-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals according to the Apostolic Brief VI - A. MDCLXIX.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die sexto, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref apostolique IX - A. MDCLXIX

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has literas lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Dans notre volonté constante de permettre le meilleur développement de nos congrégations et institutions au sein du Saint-Siège, et considérant la vacance de la charge de Chancelier et de Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office, agissant en dérogation aux normes canoniques pertinentes et par notre autorité apostolique suprême, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la, la nomination de notre éminent frère Neirin [ Neirin ] comme Préfet Général de la Congrégation du Saint-Office, avec la tâche de la gérer sous la supervision du Doyen et du Vice-doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux selon le Bref Apostolique VI - A. MDCLXIX

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die sexto, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref Apostolique IX - A. MDCLXIX

[color=darckgrey][i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has literas lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

In our constant will to allow the best development of our congregations and institutions within the Holy See, and taking into account the vacancy of the office of the Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Office, acting in derogation of the relevant canonical norms and by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule, the appointment of our eminent brother [b]Neirin [size=9][ Neirin ][/size][/b] as General Prefect of the Congregation of the Holy Office, with the task of managing it under the supervision of the Dean and the Vice-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals according to the Apostolic Brief VI - A. MDCLXIX.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die sexto, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[size=8][list]Bref apostolique IX - A. MDCLXIX[/list][/size]


[color=darckgrey][i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has literas lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Dans notre volonté constante de permettre le meilleur développement de nos congrégations et institutions au sein du Saint-Siège, et considérant la vacance de la charge de Chancelier et de Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office, agissant en dérogation aux normes canoniques pertinentes et par notre autorité apostolique suprême, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la, la nomination de notre éminent frère [b]Neirin [size=9][ Neirin ][/size][/b] comme Préfet Général de la Congrégation du Saint-Office, avec la tâche de la gérer sous la supervision du Doyen et du Vice-doyen du Sacré Collège des Cardinaux selon le Bref Apostolique VI - A. MDCLXIX

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die sexto, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[size=8][list]Bref Apostolique IX - A. MDCLXIX[/list][/size]



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 07, 2021 8:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    In our constant will to provide the Spanish-speaking faithful and clergy with the necessary judicial structures so that the justice of the Church may be dispensed in these dioceses, always respecting and complying with canonical norms and Aristotelian dogma, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule, the creation of the National Officiality of the Hispanic geo-dogmatic area. We ask the Hispanic Episcopal authorities and the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition for the necessary collaboration to ensure the effective development and working of this tribunal, so that it may begin its activity as soon as possible, always for the benefit of our dear sons and brothers.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die septimo, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Apostolic Brief X - A. MDCLXIX

ES a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    En nuestra constante voluntad de dotar a los fieles y al clero hispanohablante de las estructuras judiciales necesarias para que la justicia de la Iglesia se imparta en estas diócesis, respetando y cumpliendo siempre las normas canónicas y el dogma aristotélico, por nuestra suprema autoridad apostólica, hemos decidido, establecido, decretado y ordenado, y decretamos y ordenamos, la creación de la Oficialidad Nacional del área geo-dogmática hispánica. Pedimos a las autoridades episcopales hispánicas y a la Congregación de la Santa Inquisición la colaboración necesaria para el eficaz desarrollo y funcionamiento de este tribunal, a fin de que comience su actividad lo antes posible, siempre en beneficio de nuestros queridos hijos y hermanos.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die septimo, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Breve Apostólico X - A. MDCLXIX

[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

In our constant will to provide the Spanish-speaking faithful and clergy with the necessary judicial structures so that the justice of the Church may be dispensed in these dioceses, always respecting and complying with canonical norms and Aristotelian dogma, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule,[b] the creation of the National Officiality of the Hispanic geo-dogmatic area[/b]. We ask the Hispanic Episcopal authorities and the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition for the necessary collaboration to ensure the effective development and working of this tribunal, so that it may begin its activity as soon as possible, always for the benefit of our dear sons and brothers.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die septimo, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Apostolic Brief X - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

En nuestra constante voluntad de dotar a los fieles y al clero hispanohablante de las estructuras judiciales necesarias para que la justicia de la Iglesia se imparta en estas diócesis, respetando y cumpliendo siempre las normas canónicas y el dogma aristotélico, por nuestra suprema autoridad apostólica, hemos decidido, establecido, decretado y ordenado, y decretamos y ordenamos, [b]la creación de la Oficialidad Nacional del área geo-dogmática hispánica[/b]. Pedimos a las autoridades episcopales hispánicas y a la Congregación de la Santa Inquisición la colaboración necesaria para el eficaz desarrollo y funcionamiento de este tribunal, a fin de que comience su actividad lo antes posible, siempre en beneficio de nuestros queridos hijos y hermanos.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die septimo, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Breve Apostólico X - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 07, 2021 11:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili fratri Ulli von Bärenfels, Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Diaconum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Sanctae Hildegardae Animae

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Germanico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die septimo, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    An den ehrwürdigen Bruder Ulli von Bärenfels, Gewählter Kardinal der Heiligen Römischen Kirche, Gesundheit und apostolischen Segen.

    Weil es Uns scheint, dass du, ehrwürdiger Bruder, mit klaren Qualitäten ausgestattet und der aristotelischen Kirche würdig geworden bist, verkünden Wir, dass Wir dich durch Unsere apostolische Vollmacht in diesem Konsistorium in das Kardinalskollegium kooptieren, als Kardinal-Diakon, mit allen Rechten und Ämtern deines Standes der Kardinäle, und dir den ausgezeichneten Tempel dieser Stadt

      Heilige Hildegard von der Seele

    dessen Pfarrer und alle anderen Kleriker, die mit ihm verbunden sind, Wir väterlich einladen, wenn Sie es in Besitz nehmen, Sie mit einem sehr glücklichen Herzen zu empfangen und zu ehren. Ebenso, während Wir mit großer Freude verkünden, dass du, zum Senat der aristotelischen Kirche versammelt, Uns und der Ehre des Römischen Stuhles helfen wirst, die höchsten Ämter zu verwalten, richten Wir intensive Gebete an den allerseligsten Gott, denn Er bestätigt dich stets mit Gnade und Beistand.

    Mit Hilfe der göttlichen Weisheit und mit Unserer apostolischen Vollmacht fügen Wir dich in Unser Deutschsprachiges Konzil ein, damit du die Gläubigen dieses Ortes versorgen kannst.

    Gegeben zu Rom, in Sankt Titus, am siebten Tag des Monats April im Jahre Unseres Herrn eintausendvierhundertneunundsechzig, dem dritten Unseres Pontifikats.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    To the venerable brother Ulli von Bärenfels, Elected Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church, health and apostolic blessing.

    Since it appears to us that you, venerable brother, are adorned with clear qualities and made yourselves meritorious of the Aristotelian Church, we announce that, by our Apostolic Authority, in this Consistory, we co-opt you in the Sacred College of Cardinals, as Cardinal Deacon, with all the rights and duties of your Order of Cardinals, assigning you the illustrious Temple of

      Saint Hildegard of the Soul

    Whose rectors and all other clerics attached to it we invite paternally, once you take possession of it, to welcome you with a very happy heart and to honour you. Moreover, while we are filled with great joy, ascribed to the Senate of the Aristotelian Church, you will be of help to Us and to the honour of the Roman See in the management of the highest offices, we direct intense prayers to God the Most Benign, so that He always confirm yourself in grace and assistance.

    With the help of the Divine Wisdom and by Our Apostolic Authority, we attach you to Our German Consistory to shepherd the faithful of its lands.

    Given in Rome, in San Tito, on the seventh day of April, the Year of the Lord one thousand four hundred and sixty-nine, the third of Our Pontificate.


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MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 08, 2021 4:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Theological dissertation against schism
    About the dogmatical misconceptions of Ercole Iaudas's speech

    From the Sacred College of Cardinals
    To the Aristotelian World
    To the Children of God

      The darkness sends its demons into the midst of the holiness of the Church and mocks the omnipotence of God in a blasphemous manner. The Sacred College of Cardinals stands united to light a beacon against the exhalations of the creature without a name, illuminating the spirits and defending them against the darkness, as is our most sacred mission for the protection of the Children of God.

      We will refer to the slander of one of our own, whose heart, poisoned by the black arrow of the creature, has now fallen away from God and his mission. We will then judge and justify this behaviour so that all who read this may see why the way of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil and those who follow him is a way of damnation that leads away from God and not towards Him.
      They will all realise the inner and outer contradictions that open up when reading the pamphlet of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil:

      In the first paragraph we find the reference to Saint Wilgefort, who rightly says that God gives us freedom of will. A fact that is also found in the rest of the dogma. God gives us the wisdom to decide which path we choose. His way, the way of virtue and values, or the way of the creature, the way of sin and darkness, which inevitably leads to damnation. On our journey in life we have the opportunity to choose which side we want to be on. Christos himself warns that at the end of days our behaviour, our lives will be put to the test at the Last Judgement where we will stand before God who will judge our deeds. Our soul, made by Himself, is a gift to be cherished, to fill our life, to enrich it. We are free to choose which side we follow. But those who choose freedom as an argument, like Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil, forget that all freedom also entails the consequence of responsibility. Otherwise, it would also be an argument for murder and manslaughter and arbitrariness if it were solely for free development. No. Our freedom does not end at the freedom of our fellow human beings alone, it weaves itself into a tapestry of morals, decency and values that all have their origin in the divine virtues, as established by God in the archangels.

      In another part, Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil contradicts himself to the words of Saint Wilgefort when he chooses the following: "No slavery is worth living, except servitude to the Lord Our Master. We are God's dogs, not the Pope's dogs."

      It is obvious that one can speak of freedom, which God rightly entrusts to his CHILDREN because he has confidence in our choices, in our love for him. But Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil chooses to call this freedom slavery and contradicts himself. How can we be dogs in the eyes of God who loves us. How can we be slaves of God when he frees us and gives us a free will? His tremendous inability to understand the dogma is also shown elsewhere:

      Iaudas a écrit:
      "Remember the early days of the Church in the stories of our Saints, especially the glorious time of the apostles, the Church was a large community where the bishops and their deacons all met together to make major decisions about doctrine and canon law. "

      "Rome, the Holy See, has become a new Oanylon in which the reign of Evil has succeeded in extending its dominion over the whole city. We must transfigure ourselves by becoming the prince-archangels who seek to save the last survivors; these survivors are our faithful flock to Our Church. If we are no longer able to do this, who will do it for us? It is our Mission, our sacred duty to save us all from the Fall."

      First of all, it should be mentioned that the apostles all received their own missions from Christos. Titus was the only one commissioned to lead the Church that was to be founded as Titan, the first Pope. The rest of the apostles scattered more or less around the major powers of the Mediterranean, founding dioceses, congregations and spreading the faith as Christos had taught it. They supported Titus in his endeavours, but to believe that the apostles sat together every day as in the Greek lyceum is wrong and shows impressively how absent-minded and abstruse the knowledge of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil is.

      Let's move on to what is probably the most pretentious part of the script. We all know the story of Oanylone. The Ashwednesday liturgy reveals to us all the horrors of those days when GOD decided to destroy the city corrupted by sin and amorality. He announced this event, gave the faithful the chance to escape and he recognised in some people the archangels and in other people the demon princes. GOD and he alone did this. He chose to destroy the city, he chose to name, punish or exalt the incarnations of sin and virtue. He opened the heavens and the earth to destroy the entire city with fire and quakes.
      God, not Iaudas. God is the judge, not Iaudas, God alone judges the fate of creation, not Iaudas. God alone elevates people to angels or demons, not Iaudas. This self-aggrandising arrogance and perversity towards the Almighty is probably the lowest testimony and irrefutable evidence of the corruption of the creature that has poisoned the soul and heart of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil and excludes him from the ranks of the Aristots. He blasphemes God and he now puts himself in his place and judges life and death.
      We can confirm, Rome stands, the Church stands and no meteors fall from the sky, nor is there a plague and no other divine harbingers of the Apocalypse have been sighted. What we do see, however, is the work of the creature in two protagonists - the usurper of Strasbourg and the heretic Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil.

      Let us look at his other writings which deal with the content of the Church and not with dogma.

      Iaudas a écrit:
      "In the past, the Sacred College of Cardinals, as the archives show, took part in the important decisions of the Church by participating in debates, votes or by consensus on all subjects concerning the political orientations of Our Church. "

      "Today, these decisions are made at the whim of one man, and not the result of a collegial voice. "

      " I asked the Curia and the Cardinals to admit that our system, once based on democratic principles, had devolved into an autocratic system."

      "The Pope is the servant of God's servants, and therefore shares our servile condition towards our Almighty. So why grant him the power of Our Lord?"

      " A commission for the preparation of the Council was set up, a commission of which a large part of the Curia was unaware until then; I was a member of this commission, so we were responsible for finding subjects for debate in a small committee."

      "We received refusals, even refusal to bring our arguments when the call to meet in council came."

      These criticisms focus on the hierarchy of Rome and they are laced with fairy tales and fantasy. First, Rome was never a democracy. A democracy is the rule of the people (δῆμος dḗmos - the people of the state). The people do not vote. Strictly speaking, not even all the cardinals vote. The right to vote extends to the cardinal bishops and cardinal priests. So it is ridiculous to pretend that all clerics participate in the decision-making process, or all lay people, or even further, all people - as a democratic approach would indicate. To conclude that we are a tyranny is equally ridiculous. It is true that the Pope has absolute decision-making powers. He gets them by accepting the election of the cardinals in conclave. A conclave in which Sixtus was regularly elected to LEAD the Church in accordance with the commandments of the CIC and the grace of God. It is a fact that at no time in the history of the Church was there NO Pope. Even though the predecessors of Sixtus undoubtedly gave the Curia more freedom to make decisions, it is up to the Pope to take these freedoms and rule himself. This has advantages and disadvantages. But first and foremost, it is the Pope's decision.
      This does not make him a tyrant, because if he acted against the laws or customs of the Church, against dogma or the interests of the Church, he could have been regularly removed, as happened with his honourable predecessor, by a majority vote of the Curia. Iaudas never made such an attempt. Nor did he use the free right of expression to criticise the Pope's decisions; he let the opportunities pass and remained silent.
      The existing, legal structures of Rome allow for a pope to be established and for him to be deposed - it is impossible to have a tyrant or despot on the throne of St Titus because of the control of the cardinals at all times. It should also be noted that the majority of the Pope's decisions within the last 3 years have all been by majority approval of the Sacred College.
      So it is all slander and mouth-stealing by Iaudas, which have been exposed here as lies and therefore, as criticism, have not been heeded by the Curia. The idea that any cleric or any human being - and certainly not the Pope - would regard himself as God is as absurd as it is ridiculous. Logically, he is a mouthpiece of God's will. He is appointed to lead the Church, which is the servant of God, to proclaim the dogma to men. This alone is a sovereign right which was transferred by God to the Church, and specifically to the Roman Church. More on this in the following.

      The explanations of the ecumenical council are at best invented, at worst they are malicious denunciation. The Church does not forbid anyone to express their opinion. Arguments are exchanged in discourse. A discourse that Iaudas, by his own choice, stayed away from and thus left out of the debate. This was his own will, which, God-given, is free to make. The Council is historically unique and requires meticulous preparation. As in every institution, working groups are formed for this purpose, in which not every cardinal participates; this is a normal and not a conspiratorial act. We all wonder about such conspiratorial statements, which we all reject. The ecumenical council is taking up many issues in their preparations that deal with sexual morality. They are controversially discussed theologically on the gradient of dogma and the realisations must and will be hard fought over. The dogmatic analyses are the basis of the work of the Church, which in turn places the human being at the centre and not the spirit of the times, which is shaped by groups of ideologues and is in constant flux. The Church, and the values it upholds, remain a repository of God's Grace and Word, which forms the basis of the one and only unchangeable Truth, of which the Aristotelian, Roman Church is the owner.

      How does this truth relate to the planned schism of Iaudas?

      Now for this we look at the Way of the Logos. In it we find described the clear hierarchy and timeline in which God establishes the structure of Aristotelianism. Thus God is the Creator who created the world and all its inhabitants, including human beings as his children. These children follow God's commandments in love and harmony until at some point they drift into pagan cults and turn away from virtue and morality. God intervenes and he destroys Oanylone as a place of sin. He sprinkles salt over the area so that never again will such a cataclysm be necessary. He raises the archangels and banishes the demon princes. Henceforth there are now clear rules on sin and virtue. Nevertheless, people fall back into pagan polytheistic beliefs. Aristotelianism falters and almost disappears. God decides to appear to Aristotle in spirit. The philosopher and logician Aristotle refutes polytheism with the power of mind and logic. He delivers the central beliefs as God's mouthpiece and Aristotelianism establishes itself from Greece into the known world via the Lyceum and instruction in the Selekeuden Empire. Aristotle prophesies that another prophet will come, he will be called Christos and he will continue to rethink the faith. A few centuries later Christos entered the scene of events as foretold and he found himself facing a pagan world after the fall of the Lyceum and the rise of the pagan Roman world power. He fights for Aristotelianism and establishes the foundation of today's sacramentalism. He is the incarnation of friendship and spreads the message and truth of God with his disciples in the Eastern Mediterranean. He changes the face of Aristotelianism and expands the doctrine of the Logos. Before his death he entrusts his disciple Titus to found a church so that this message, the truth of God, will not be forgotten, so that it will be preserved and not destroyed by other pagan forces as in the past. Titus the Titan is to lead this church. The institutionalised church comes into being. The other disciples become apostles who spread the faith on Christ's behalf and found dioceses and communities whose origins reach to the present day. Titus becomes the first Pope and both the Apostles and the entirety of the secular rulers accept him as the spiritual head and leader of the Aristotelian Church as Pontifex Maximus, whose capital becomes the city of Rome. The successors of the apostles, as bishops, expand the structures of the Church, cardinals emerge. Emperor Justinian I, as the first secular ruler, becomes protector and defender of the faith, consecrated and blessed by Holy Mother Church. The union of state and church as one is born. This act is repeated in the coronations which confer God's grace. Every bishop ordained by a bishop looks back to the empowerment by the apostles and that by Christos and that by Aristotle and that by God himself. The legitimacy and integrity of Holy Mother Church rightly and logically invokes God and anything outside is heresy and leads, led by the creature to eternal damnation.

      What is the burden of the cleric ?:

      CIC Book 1 Part 4 a écrit:
      The Formal Cause is divided into two steps:

      The vows

      The candidate must bind himself to four points before God, a prelate and another priest:

      • To not bear arms intended for battle, except ceremonial weapons of the nobility or or such as are customary.
      • To not found a family. Therefore, he vows chastity and the renunciation of adoption.
      • On being exemplary: he must prefer study to worldly goods. According to his rank and status, it is necessary to strive for accreditation as a theologian and to use his powers for the service of the true faith and the orthodox in general.
      • To the threefold obedience: obedience to the hierarchy founded by Christos, obedience to dogma and obedience to canon law.

      The elevation to the priesthood

      Once the vows have been taken, he can be raised to the priesthood to serve God, the Church and the people.

      A priest, who is a prelate of the Church or otherwise authorised to ordain, watches over the blessings and vows based on the four elements of creation. The minister to be ordained then comes forward for the laying on of hands, the symbol of the divine quintessence (the ether). He affirms his faith by our profession of faith before receiving the insignia of his new life. He is thus ordained a priest to serve God, the Church and mankind.

      So whoever becomes a cleric follows the obedience of God and the Church, a schism that negates this structure also negates the dogma and thus becomes heresy. This is what awaits Iaudas and those who follow him and the usurper. They have fallen away from God, away from dogma, away from truth, away from the Logos and Will of the Almighty.

      Why is Iaudas and his usurper friend doing this ?:

      It is answered in his letter - the word power - is uttered in such a heaping manner that it seems to be the hunger for power alone that drives these spirits. A hunger for recognition and position, for power, influence and sexual desires. The end of celibacy, the end of ecclesiastical virtues, morality and decency. All the walls that custom forbids fall when one renounces the side of light, the side of God, when one uses the "freedom" of the will to destroy the freedom of others and kill all those who stand in its way. This is the way of Iaudas and the usurper - the bloody way of war to make the highness itself godlike. This path, my brothers and sisters, is the path that Iaudas and usurper Cesare Copona walk together hand in hand, leaving behind not paradise but the ruins of their politics and eternal suffering.

      In a universal Church there are hierarchies, there are rules, there are laws based on dogma and theology. The Church is not without fault. The Church is human, it is vulnerable, it is vulnerable. It is not immortal. Her knowledge is a treasure she shares with people in the holiness of the sacrament. Its mission is not slavery, but the elevation of God's children to the solar paradise. The golden path of virtue is the roadway on which we walk together - into the light, towards the sun.

      Let us not stray from the path, let us remain strong, vigilant and knowing.

      Let us remain Roman, Aristotelian, united with God for ever.

      Roma VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III

      On behalf of all the Cardinals of the Sacred College,
      His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
      Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus


[color=#FFCC00][b][size=20]Theological dissertation against schism[/size]
[size=16][i]About the dogmatical misconceptions of Ercole Iaudas's speech[/i][/size][/b][/color]

[i]From the Sacred College of Cardinals
To the Aristotelian World
To the Children of God[/i]

[list]The darkness sends its demons into the midst of the holiness of the Church and mocks the omnipotence of God in a blasphemous manner. The Sacred College of Cardinals stands united to light a beacon against the exhalations of the creature without a name, illuminating the spirits and defending them against the darkness, as is our most sacred mission for the protection of the Children of God.

We will refer to the slander of one of our own, whose heart, poisoned by the black arrow of the creature, has now fallen away from God and his mission. We will then judge and justify this behaviour so that all who read this may see why the way of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil and those who follow him is a way of damnation that leads away from God and not towards Him.
They will all realise the inner and outer contradictions that open up when reading the pamphlet of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil:

In the first paragraph we find the reference to Saint Wilgefort, who rightly says that God gives us freedom of will. A fact that is also found in the rest of the dogma. God gives us the wisdom to decide which path we choose. His way, the way of virtue and values, or the way of the creature, the way of sin and darkness, which inevitably leads to damnation. On our journey in life we have the opportunity to choose which side we want to be on. Christos himself warns that at the end of days our behaviour, our lives will be put to the test at the Last Judgement where we will stand before God who will judge our deeds. Our soul, made by Himself, is a gift to be cherished, to fill our life, to enrich it. We are free to choose which side we follow. But those who choose freedom as an argument, like Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil, forget that all freedom also entails the consequence of responsibility. Otherwise, it would also be an argument for murder and manslaughter and arbitrariness if it were solely for free development. No. Our freedom does not end at the freedom of our fellow human beings alone, it weaves itself into a tapestry of morals, decency and values that all have their origin in the divine virtues, as established by God in the archangels.

In another part, Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil contradicts himself to the words of Saint Wilgefort when he chooses the following: "No slavery is worth living, except servitude to the Lord Our Master. We are God's dogs, not the Pope's dogs."

It is obvious that one can speak of freedom, which God rightly entrusts to his CHILDREN because he has confidence in our choices, in our love for him. But Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil chooses to call this freedom slavery and contradicts himself. How can we be dogs in the eyes of God who loves us. How can we be slaves of God when he frees us and gives us a free will? His tremendous inability to understand the dogma is also shown elsewhere:

[quote="Iaudas"]"Remember the early days of the Church in the stories of our Saints, especially the glorious time of the apostles, the Church was a large community where the bishops and their deacons all met together to make major decisions about doctrine and canon law. "

"Rome, the Holy See, has become a new Oanylon in which the reign of Evil has succeeded in extending its dominion over the whole city. We must transfigure ourselves by becoming the prince-archangels who seek to save the last survivors; these survivors are our faithful flock to Our Church. If we are no longer able to do this, who will do it for us? It is our Mission, our sacred duty to save us all from the Fall."[/quote]

First of all, it should be mentioned that the apostles all received their own missions from Christos. Titus was the only one commissioned to lead the Church that was to be founded as Titan, the first Pope. The rest of the apostles scattered more or less around the major powers of the Mediterranean, founding dioceses, congregations and spreading the faith as Christos had taught it. They supported Titus in his endeavours, but to believe that the apostles sat together every day as in the Greek lyceum is wrong and shows impressively how absent-minded and abstruse the knowledge of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil is.

Let's move on to what is probably the most pretentious part of the script. We all know the story of Oanylone. The Ashwednesday liturgy reveals to us all the horrors of those days when GOD decided to destroy the city corrupted by sin and amorality. He announced this event, gave the faithful the chance to escape and he recognised in some people the archangels and in other people the demon princes. GOD and he alone did this. He chose to destroy the city, he chose to name, punish or exalt the incarnations of sin and virtue. He opened the heavens and the earth to destroy the entire city with fire and quakes.
God, not Iaudas. God is the judge, not Iaudas, God alone judges the fate of creation, not Iaudas. God alone elevates people to angels or demons, not Iaudas. This self-aggrandising arrogance and perversity towards the Almighty is probably the lowest testimony and irrefutable evidence of the corruption of the creature that has poisoned the soul and heart of Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil and excludes him from the ranks of the Aristots. He blasphemes God and he now puts himself in his place and judges life and death.
We can confirm, Rome stands, the Church stands and no meteors fall from the sky, nor is there a plague and no other divine harbingers of the Apocalypse have been sighted. What we do see, however, is the work of the creature in two protagonists - the usurper of Strasbourg and the heretic Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil.

Let us look at his other writings which deal with the content of the Church and not with dogma.

[quote="Iaudas"]"In the past, the Sacred College of Cardinals, as the archives show, took part in the important decisions of the Church by participating in debates, votes or by consensus on all subjects concerning the political orientations of Our Church. "

"Today, these decisions are made at the whim of one man, and not the result of a collegial voice. "

" I asked the Curia and the Cardinals to admit that our system, once based on democratic principles, had devolved into an autocratic system."

"The Pope is the servant of God's servants, and therefore shares our servile condition towards our Almighty. So why grant him the power of Our Lord?"

" A commission for the preparation of the Council was set up, a commission of which a large part of the Curia was unaware until then; I was a member of this commission, so we were responsible for finding subjects for debate in a small committee."

"We received refusals, even refusal to bring our arguments when the call to meet in council came."[/quote]

These criticisms focus on the hierarchy of Rome and they are laced with fairy tales and fantasy. First, Rome was never a democracy. A democracy is the rule of the people (δῆμος dḗmos - the people of the state). The people do not vote. Strictly speaking, not even all the cardinals vote. The right to vote extends to the cardinal bishops and cardinal priests. So it is ridiculous to pretend that all clerics participate in the decision-making process, or all lay people, or even further, all people - as a democratic approach would indicate. To conclude that we are a tyranny is equally ridiculous. It is true that the Pope has absolute decision-making powers. He gets them by accepting the election of the cardinals in conclave. A conclave in which Sixtus was regularly elected to LEAD the Church in accordance with the commandments of the CIC and the grace of God. It is a fact that at no time in the history of the Church was there NO Pope. Even though the predecessors of Sixtus undoubtedly gave the Curia more freedom to make decisions, it is up to the Pope to take these freedoms and rule himself. This has advantages and disadvantages. But first and foremost, it is the Pope's decision.
This does not make him a tyrant, because if he acted against the laws or customs of the Church, against dogma or the interests of the Church, he could have been regularly removed, as happened with his honourable predecessor, by a majority vote of the Curia. Iaudas never made such an attempt. Nor did he use the free right of expression to criticise the Pope's decisions; he let the opportunities pass and remained silent.
The existing, legal structures of Rome allow for a pope to be established and for him to be deposed - it is impossible to have a tyrant or despot on the throne of St Titus because of the control of the cardinals at all times. It should also be noted that the majority of the Pope's decisions within the last 3 years have all been by majority approval of the Sacred College.
So it is all slander and mouth-stealing by Iaudas, which have been exposed here as lies and therefore, as criticism, have not been heeded by the Curia. The idea that any cleric or any human being - and certainly not the Pope - would regard himself as God is as absurd as it is ridiculous. Logically, he is a mouthpiece of God's will. He is appointed to lead the Church, which is the servant of God, to proclaim the dogma to men. This alone is a sovereign right which was transferred by God to the Church, and specifically to the Roman Church. More on this in the following.

The explanations of the ecumenical council are at best invented, at worst they are malicious denunciation. The Church does not forbid anyone to express their opinion. Arguments are exchanged in discourse. A discourse that Iaudas, by his own choice, stayed away from and thus left out of the debate. This was his own will, which, God-given, is free to make. The Council is historically unique and requires meticulous preparation. As in every institution, working groups are formed for this purpose, in which not every cardinal participates; this is a normal and not a conspiratorial act. We all wonder about such conspiratorial statements, which we all reject. The ecumenical council is taking up many issues in their preparations that deal with sexual morality. They are controversially discussed theologically on the gradient of dogma and the realisations must and will be hard fought over. The dogmatic analyses are the basis of the work of the Church, which in turn places the human being at the centre and not the spirit of the times, which is shaped by groups of ideologues and is in constant flux. The Church, and the values it upholds, remain a repository of God's Grace and Word, which forms the basis of the one and only unchangeable Truth, of which the Aristotelian, Roman Church is the owner.

[u][b]How does this truth relate to the planned schism of Iaudas?[/b][/u]

Now for this we look at the Way of the Logos. In it we find described the clear hierarchy and timeline in which God establishes the structure of Aristotelianism. Thus God is the Creator who created the world and all its inhabitants, including human beings as his children. These children follow God's commandments in love and harmony until at some point they drift into pagan cults and turn away from virtue and morality. God intervenes and he destroys Oanylone as a place of sin. He sprinkles salt over the area so that never again will such a cataclysm be necessary. He raises the archangels and banishes the demon princes. Henceforth there are now clear rules on sin and virtue. Nevertheless, people fall back into pagan polytheistic beliefs. Aristotelianism falters and almost disappears. God decides to appear to Aristotle in spirit. The philosopher and logician Aristotle refutes polytheism with the power of mind and logic. He delivers the central beliefs as God's mouthpiece and Aristotelianism establishes itself from Greece into the known world via the Lyceum and instruction in the Selekeuden Empire. Aristotle prophesies that another prophet will come, he will be called Christos and he will continue to rethink the faith. A few centuries later Christos entered the scene of events as foretold and he found himself facing a pagan world after the fall of the Lyceum and the rise of the pagan Roman world power. He fights for Aristotelianism and establishes the foundation of today's sacramentalism. He is the incarnation of friendship and spreads the message and truth of God with his disciples in the Eastern Mediterranean. He changes the face of Aristotelianism and expands the doctrine of the Logos. Before his death he entrusts his disciple Titus to found a church so that this message, the truth of God, will not be forgotten, so that it will be preserved and not destroyed by other pagan forces as in the past. Titus the Titan is to lead this church. The institutionalised church comes into being. The other disciples become apostles who spread the faith on Christ's behalf and found dioceses and communities whose origins reach to the present day. Titus becomes the first Pope and both the Apostles and the entirety of the secular rulers accept him as the spiritual head and leader of the Aristotelian Church as Pontifex Maximus, whose capital becomes the city of Rome. The successors of the apostles, as bishops, expand the structures of the Church, cardinals emerge. Emperor Justinian I, as the first secular ruler, becomes protector and defender of the faith, consecrated and blessed by Holy Mother Church. The union of state and church as one is born. This act is repeated in the coronations which confer God's grace. Every bishop ordained by a bishop looks back to the empowerment by the apostles and that by Christos and that by Aristotle and that by God himself. The legitimacy and integrity of Holy Mother Church rightly and logically invokes God and anything outside is heresy and leads, led by the creature to eternal damnation.

[u][b]What is the burden of the cleric ?:[/b][/u]

[quote="CIC Book 1 Part 4"][u][b]The Formal Cause is divided into two steps:[/b][/u]

[b]The vows[/b]

The candidate must bind himself to four points before God, a prelate and another priest:

[list][*]To not bear arms intended for battle, except ceremonial weapons of the nobility or or such as are customary.
[*]To not found a family. Therefore, he vows chastity and the renunciation of adoption.
[*]On being exemplary: he must prefer study to worldly goods. According to his rank and status, it is necessary to strive for accreditation as a theologian and to use his powers for the service of the true faith and the orthodox in general.
[*][b]To the threefold obedience: obedience to the hierarchy founded by Christos, obedience to dogma and obedience to canon law[/b].[/list]

[b]The elevation to the priesthood
Once the vows have been taken, he can be raised to the priesthood to serve God, the Church and the people.

A priest, who is a prelate of the Church or otherwise authorised to ordain, watches over the blessings and vows based on the four elements of creation. The minister to be ordained then comes forward for the laying on of hands, the symbol of the divine quintessence (the ether). He affirms his faith by our profession of faith before receiving the insignia of his new life. [b]He is thus ordained a priest to serve God, the Church and mankind.[/b][/quote]

So whoever becomes a cleric follows the obedience of God and the Church, a schism that negates this structure also negates the dogma and thus becomes heresy. This is what awaits Iaudas and those who follow him and the usurper. They have fallen away from God, away from dogma, away from truth, away from the Logos and Will of the Almighty.

[u][b]Why is Iaudas and his usurper friend doing this ?:[/b][/u]

It is answered in his letter - the word power - is uttered in such a heaping manner that it seems to be the hunger for power alone that drives these spirits. A hunger for recognition and position, for power, influence and sexual desires. The end of celibacy, the end of ecclesiastical virtues, morality and decency. All the walls that custom forbids fall when one renounces the side of light, the side of God, when one uses the "freedom" of the will to destroy the freedom of others and kill all those who stand in its way. This is the way of Iaudas and the usurper - the bloody way of war to make the highness itself godlike. This path, my brothers and sisters, is the path that Iaudas and usurper Cesare Copona walk together hand in hand, leaving behind not paradise but the ruins of their politics and eternal suffering.

In a universal Church there are hierarchies, there are rules, there are laws based on dogma and theology. The Church is not without fault. The Church is human, it is vulnerable, it is vulnerable. It is not immortal. Her knowledge is a treasure she shares with people in the holiness of the sacrament. Its mission is not slavery, but the elevation of God's children to the solar paradise. The golden path of virtue is the roadway on which we walk together - into the light, towards the sun.

Let us not stray from the path, let us remain strong, vigilant and knowing. 

Let us remain Roman, Aristotelian, united with God for ever.

Roma VI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixtus IV PP anno III

[i]On behalf of all the Cardinals of the Sacred College,
His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus[/i]


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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 08, 2021 6:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili sorori Tokai, Electa Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis soror, claribus dotibus ornatam deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritam, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Diaconum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Sancti Martini ad Ianiculum

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant. Ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Gallico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die octavo, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    A la vénérable sœur Tokai, Elu Cardinal de la Sainte Église Romaine, santé et bénédiction apostolique.

    Parce qu'il Nous semble que vous, vénérable sœur, êtes dotés de qualités claires et que vous êtes devenus digne de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, Nous annonçons que, par Notre puissance Apostolique, dans ce Consistoire, nous vous cooptons au Collège des Cardinaux, en tant que Cardinal-diacre, avec tous les droits et charges de votre Ordre des Cardinaux, en vous assignant le Temple distingué de Cette Ville de

      Saint Martin du Janicule

    dont les recteurs et tous les autres clercs qu'y sont liés, Nous invitons paternellement, lorsque vous en prendrez possession, à vous accueillir avec un cœur très heureux et à vous honorer. De même, alors que Nous sommes remplis d'une grande joie, Nous annonçons que vous, agrégé au Sénat de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, aiderez Nous et l’honneur du Siège Romain à gérer les plus hautes fonctions, nous adressons des prières intenses à Dieu Très Bénin, car il vous confirme toujours avec grâce et assistance.

    Avec l'aide de la Sagesse Divine et par Notre Autorité Apostolique, Nous vous ajoutons à Notre Conseil Francophone pour que vous puissiez nourrir les fidèles de ce lieu.

    Donné à Rome, à San Titus, le huitième jour du mois d'avril, l'An du Seigneur mille quatre cent soixante-neuf, la troisième de Notre Pontificat.



[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Venerabili sorori [b]Tokai[/b], [b]Electa Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali[/b], salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis soror, claribus dotibus ornatam deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritam, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te [b]Cardinalem Diaconum[/b] renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

[list][b][size=18]Sancti Martini ad Ianiculum[/size][/b][/list]
Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant. Ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro [b]Gallico Concilio[/b] adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die octavo, mensis Aprilis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

A la vénérable sœur [b]Tokai[/b], [b]Elu Cardinal de la Sainte Église Romaine[/b], santé et bénédiction apostolique.

Parce qu'il Nous semble que vous, vénérable sœur, êtes dotés de qualités claires et que vous êtes devenus digne de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, Nous annonçons que, par Notre puissance Apostolique, dans ce Consistoire, nous vous cooptons au Collège des Cardinaux, en tant que [b]Cardinal-diacre[/b], avec tous les droits et charges de votre Ordre des Cardinaux, en vous assignant le Temple distingué de Cette Ville de

[list][b][size=18]Saint Martin du Janicule[/size][/b][/list]
dont les recteurs et tous les autres clercs qu'y sont liés, Nous invitons paternellement, lorsque vous en prendrez possession, à vous accueillir avec un cœur très heureux et à vous honorer. De même, alors que Nous sommes remplis d'une grande joie, Nous annonçons que vous, agrégé au Sénat de l'Eglise Aristotélicienne, aiderez Nous et l’honneur du Siège Romain à gérer les plus hautes fonctions, nous adressons des prières intenses à Dieu Très Bénin, car il vous confirme toujours avec grâce et assistance.

Avec l'aide de la Sagesse Divine et par Notre Autorité Apostolique, Nous vous ajoutons à Notre [b]Conseil Francophone[/b] pour que vous puissiez nourrir les fidèles de ce lieu.

Donné à Rome, à San Titus, le huitième jour du mois d'avril, l'An du Seigneur mille quatre cent soixante-neuf, la troisième de Notre Pontificat.




Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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