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[Annonces] Congregation for the New Apostolate
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 21, 2021 10:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    + Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +

    Excomunión latæ sententiæ

    Nos, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado

    Dadas las pruebas presentados en contra de Guillermo de Cary i Valls, fiel aristotélico, bautizado en Tortosa el 27 de septiembre de 1466 por monseñor Pere Setzefonts:

    • Unión por rito pagano con la heterodoxa Guillermina Cáceres de la Cuadra, el 14 de febrero de 1468 en la ciudad de Valladolid
    • Abjuración como aristotélico y profesión de fe a la herejía reformada, comunicado mediante mensaje al primado de la Iglesia Hispánica, Monseñor Diego, el 20 de marzo del presente año.

    Siendo tales actos contrarios a nuestro Dogma y Leyes, además de una grave ofensa contra el Todopoderoso por abandonar el camino de la virtud y habiendo puesto en grave peligro su alma inmortal al cometer doblemente el delito de apostasía, mediante el cual el interesado renuncia voluntariamente a la Única y Verdadera Fe en la que fue una vez bautizado.

    Habiendo sido comprobadas y refutadas todas las pruebas presentadas, y habiendo valorado la gravedad de los crímenes cometidos, declaramos al acusado como apóstata.

    En virtud del Libro 4: sección A y sección B del Derecho Canónico, confirmamos la Excomunión latæ sententiæ del fiel Guillermo de Cary i Valls en la que él mismo incurrió en el momento en que doblemente apostató. Por tanto, igualmente quedará excluido de la Comunión de los Santos y de la Amistad Aristotélica, privado de misas y sacramentos, y no podrá acceder ni ser enterrado en un lugar sagrado y en consecuencia no podrá alcanzar el Paraíso Solar. Igualmente, todo fiel queda libremente dispensado de la observancia de cualquier juramento que sea contrario a los principios y valores aristotélicos, que haya sido o sea pronunciado a favor del excomulgado.

    Otrossí, dado que la excomunión es una condena temporal, esta podrá ser levanta sólo después de la absolución y la reparación de las faltas cometidas y la reconciliación del penitente con Dios y la Santa Iglesia a través del sacramento de la confesión y el cumplimiento de su penitencia. El levantamiento de la excomunión implica la recuperación de los derechos del bautizado. Por lo tanto, el fiel podrá reintegrarse en la comunidad aristotélica y tendrá acceso a las misas, sacramentos y a los derechos concordatarios.

    Hágase cumplir.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

    Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala



[color=green][b][size=12]+ Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +[/size][/b]

[size=18][b]Excomunión latæ sententiæ[/b][/size][/color]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]N[/size][/color]os, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado[/b]

Dadas las pruebas presentados en contra de [url=www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=guillermo_de_cary]Guillermo de Cary i Valls[/url], fiel aristotélico, bautizado en Tortosa el 27 de septiembre de 1466 por monseñor Pere Setzefonts:

[list][*] Unión por rito pagano con la heterodoxa [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=guillermina]Guillermina Cáceres de la Cuadra[/url], el 14 de febrero de 1468 en la ciudad de Valladolid
[*] Abjuración como aristotélico y profesión de fe a la herejía reformada, comunicado mediante mensaje al primado de la Iglesia Hispánica, Monseñor Diego, el 20 de marzo del presente año.[/list]

Siendo tales actos contrarios a nuestro Dogma y Leyes, además de una grave ofensa contra el Todopoderoso por abandonar el camino de la virtud y habiendo puesto en grave peligro su alma inmortal al cometer doblemente el delito de apostasía, mediante el cual el interesado renuncia voluntariamente a la Única y Verdadera Fe en la que fue una vez bautizado.

Habiendo sido comprobadas y refutadas todas las pruebas presentadas, y habiendo valorado la gravedad de los crímenes cometidos, declaramos al acusado como apóstata.

En virtud del Libro 4: sección A y sección B del Derecho Canónico, [color=darkred][b]confirmamos la Excomunión [i]latæ sententiæ[/i] del fiel Guillermo de Cary i Valls[/b][/color] en la que él mismo incurrió en el momento en que doblemente apostató. Por tanto, igualmente quedará excluido de la Comunión de los Santos y de la Amistad Aristotélica, privado de misas y sacramentos, y no podrá acceder ni ser enterrado en un lugar sagrado y en consecuencia no podrá alcanzar el Paraíso Solar. Igualmente, todo fiel queda libremente dispensado de la observancia de cualquier juramento que sea contrario a los principios y valores aristotélicos, que haya sido o sea pronunciado a favor del excomulgado.

Otrossí, dado que la excomunión es una condena temporal, esta podrá ser levanta sólo después de la absolución y la reparación de las faltas cometidas y la reconciliación del penitente con Dios y la Santa Iglesia a través del sacramento de la confesión y el cumplimiento de su penitencia. El levantamiento de la excomunión implica la recuperación de los derechos del bautizado. Por lo tanto, el fiel podrá reintegrarse en la comunidad aristotélica y tendrá acceso a las misas, sacramentos y a los derechos concordatarios.

Hágase cumplir.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]

[i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]




_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 30, 2021 4:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    + Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +

    Nombramiento de la administradora sede plena de la diócesis de Lérida

    Nos, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado

    Deseando asegurar la mejor atención posible a las almas de nuestros queridos hijos de la diócesis de Lérida, y siendo conocedores de la vacante In Gratibus para dicha sede episcopal, es por ello que, por la autoridad apostólica delegada en nos por Su Santidad Sixto IV, y en su nombre, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado, hemos decidido, establecido, decretado e instituido, y decretamos e instituimos el nombramiento de nuestra quedia hija Yunna Pacheco [ Yunna ] como administradora diocesana sede plena de la diócesis de Lérida, a quien a partir de ahora y durante los próximos meses, le encomendamos la misión principal de garantizar la gestión In Gratebus de la diócesis, siempre bajo la dirección de nuestro eminente hermano el obispo Roderic D´Aleixar, con el propósito de servir como relevo visible entre los fieles y la Iglesia. Recordamos igualmente que, tal y como está estipulado en el Libro 2 del Derecho Canónico - Regimini secularis ecclesiae, 2.1 parte III, artículo 13, la labor de un administrador diocesano es la de asegurar la gestión In Gratibus de la oficina del obispo mientras él no pueda hacerlo por sí mismo.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

    Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala



[color=green][b][size=12]+ Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +[/size][/b]

[size=18][b]Nombramiento de la administradora [i]sede plena[/i] de la diócesis de Lérida[/b][/size][/color]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]N[/size][/color]os, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado[/b]

Deseando asegurar la mejor atención posible a las almas de nuestros queridos hijos de la diócesis de Lérida, y siendo conocedores de la vacante In Gratibus para dicha sede episcopal, es por ello que, por la autoridad apostólica delegada en nos por Su Santidad Sixto IV, y en su nombre, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado, hemos decidido, establecido, decretado e instituido, y decretamos e instituimos el nombramiento de nuestra quedia hija [color=green][b]Yunna Pacheco[/b][/color] [b][size=9][ Yunna ][/size][/b]  como administradora diocesana [i]sede plena[/i] de la diócesis de Lérida, a quien a partir de ahora y durante los próximos meses, le encomendamos la misión principal de garantizar la gestión In Gratebus de la diócesis, siempre bajo la dirección de nuestro eminente hermano el obispo Roderic D´Aleixar, con el propósito de servir como relevo visible entre los fieles y la Iglesia. Recordamos igualmente que, tal y como está estipulado en el [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=397382#397382]Libro 2 del Derecho Canónico - Regimini secularis ecclesiae, 2.1 parte III, artículo 13[/url], la labor de un administrador diocesano es la de asegurar la gestión In Gratibus de la oficina del obispo mientras él no pueda hacerlo por sí mismo.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]

[i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]




_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 30, 2021 4:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    + Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +

    Fin de la acción de la Congregación en la Iglesia Hispánica

    Nos, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado

    Tras la creación como cardenales de sus Eminencias Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Diego Beltrán Olavarrieta Palacios y Roderic D'Aleixar Batista, anunciamos que la labor de nuestra Congregación para la reestructuración de la Iglesia Hispánica puede considerarse concluida.

    Es un momento de gran alegría para la Iglesia y deseamos que nuestros Eminentes Hermanos trabajen fructuosamente para el bien de todos los fieles de la Santa Iglesia Hispánica.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

    Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala



[color=green][b][size=12]+ Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado +[/size][/b]

[size=18][b]Fin de la acción de la Congregación en la Iglesia Hispánica[/b][/size][/color]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]N[/size][/color]os, Reverendísimo y Eminentísimo señor, cardenal Arduino Della Scala, Primado del Sacro Imperio, Arzobispo de Trier y Pisa, Obispo de Viterbo, Gobernador del Patrimonio de San Tito, Marqués de Santa Marinella, Conde de Civitavecchia, Barón Palatino de San Juan de Letrán, Estrella de Oro de la Orden de la Estrella de Aristóteles, como canciller de la Congregación para el Nuevo Apostolado[/b]

Tras la creación como cardenales de sus Eminencias [b]Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière[/b], [b]Diego Beltrán Olavarrieta Palacios[/b] y [b]Roderic D'Aleixar Batista[/b], anunciamos que la labor de nuestra Congregación para la reestructuración de la Iglesia Hispánica puede considerarse concluida.

Es un momento de gran alegría para la Iglesia y deseamos que nuestros Eminentes Hermanos trabajen fructuosamente para el bien de todos los fieles de la Santa Iglesia Hispánica.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXX.III.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]

[i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]




_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3117

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 09, 2021 9:57 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Appointment of the Diocesan Vicar of Whithorn

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    We named father Cinead [Cinead] as Diocesan Vicar of the Suffragan Diocese of Whithorn.

    We authorize you to impart the sacred sacraments in the Suffragan Diocese of Whithorn in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law and our Inalienable Dogma.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, IX.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
Appointment of the Diocesan Vicar of Whithorn[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

We named [color=green]father [b]Cinead[/b] [Cinead][/color] as Diocesan Vicar of the Suffragan Diocese of Whithorn.

We authorize you to impart the sacred sacraments in the Suffragan Diocese of Whithorn in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law and our Inalienable Dogma.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, IX.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]


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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3117

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 09, 2021 9:58 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Appointment of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    Since the venerable archiepiscopal see of Canterbury has been vacant for a long time, we consider it convenient and necessary that the faithful of the said archdiocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of Monsignor William Blazing [Blazingwill] as Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Canterbury.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, IX.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
Appointment of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

Since the venerable archiepiscopal see of Canterbury has been vacant for a long time, we consider it convenient and necessary that the faithful of the said archdiocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of [color=green]Monsignor [b]William Blazing[/b] [Blazingwill] [/color]as Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Canterbury.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, IX.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]


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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 10, 2021 2:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Appointment of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    After the establishment of the new Archdiocese of Rijeka on the territory of the Kingdom of Croatia and after a short wait in the proclamation of the new Archbishop, we consider it convenient and necessary that the faithful of the said archdiocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. Delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of Monsignor Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoch [Krasoljub] as Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Rijeka.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VII.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


    Kongregacija Novog Apostolata
    Imenovanje Metropolitskog Nadbiskupa Rijeke

    Mi, Najčasnija Eminencija Arduino Della Scala, Dekan Svetog Kolegija, Primat Svetog Carstva, Nadbiskup Triera i Pise, Biskup Viterba, Guverner Patrimonije Svetog Tita, Markiz od Svete Marinele, Grof od Civitavecchia, Barun Palatino d Svetog Ivana Lateranskog, Zlatna Zvijezda reda Zvijezde Aristotelove, Visoki Apostolski Povjerenik Kongregacije Novog Apostolata

    Nakon uspostavljanja nove Nadbiskupije Riječke na teritoriju Kraljevine Hrvatske i nakon kratkog iščekivanja u objavi novog Nadbiskupa, smatramo prikladnim i potrebnim da vjernici spomenute nadbiskupije napokon imaju vodiča i vjerskog vođu izabranog među najboljom djecom Bogu posvećenom. Vođeni Njegovom Svetošću Sikstom IV, u Njegovo ime, kao Kancelar Kongregacije Novog Apostolata, odlučujemo, objavljujmo, određujemo i uspostavljamo, imenovanje Monsinjora Augustina Krasoljuba Iločkog [Krasoljub] kao Metropolitskog Nadbiskupa Rijeke, na koga, ovim imenovanjem, pada odgovornost svojstvena apostolskom djelu i tradiciji koju su započeli apostoli u vrijeme našega Mesije, a nastavili do danas njihovi nasljednici. Neka Svevišnji vodi i čuva njega i sve vjernike Riječke nadbiskupije.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VII.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
Appointment of the Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

After the establishment of the new Archdiocese of Rijeka on the territory of the Kingdom of Croatia and after a short wait in the proclamation of the new Archbishop, we consider it convenient and necessary that the faithful of the said archdiocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. Delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of [color=green]Monsignor [b]Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoch[/b] [Krasoljub] [/color]as Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the Archdiocese of Rijeka.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VII.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]




[size=18][color=green][b]Kongregacija Novog Apostolata
Imenovanje Metropolitskog Nadbiskupa Rijeke[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]M[/size][/color]i, Najčasnija Eminencija Arduino Della Scala, Dekan Svetog Kolegija, Primat Svetog Carstva, Nadbiskup Triera i Pise, Biskup Viterba, Guverner Patrimonije Svetog Tita, Markiz od Svete Marinele, Grof od Civitavecchia, Barun Palatino d Svetog Ivana Lateranskog, Zlatna Zvijezda reda Zvijezde Aristotelove, Visoki Apostolski Povjerenik Kongregacije Novog Apostolata[/b]

Nakon uspostavljanja nove Nadbiskupije Riječke na teritoriju Kraljevine Hrvatske i nakon kratkog iščekivanja u objavi novog Nadbiskupa, smatramo prikladnim i potrebnim da vjernici spomenute nadbiskupije napokon imaju vodiča i vjerskog vođu izabranog među najboljom djecom Bogu posvećenom. Vođeni Njegovom Svetošću Sikstom IV, u Njegovo ime, kao Kancelar Kongregacije Novog Apostolata, odlučujemo, objavljujmo, određujemo i uspostavljamo, imenovanje [color=green]Monsinjora [b]Augustina Krasoljuba Iločkog[/b] [Krasoljub] [/color] kao Metropolitskog Nadbiskupa Rijeke, na koga, ovim imenovanjem, pada odgovornost svojstvena apostolskom djelu i tradiciji koju su započeli apostoli u vrijeme našega Mesije, a nastavili do danas njihovi nasljednici. Neka Svevišnji vodi i čuva njega i sve vjernike Riječke nadbiskupije.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VII.IV.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]




Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 21, 2021 10:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    + Congregation for the New Apostolate +

    Appointment of the Suffragan Bishop of Vrbovsko

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    Prompted by ecclesiastical territorial changes in the territory of the Kingdom of Croatia and after the establishment of the Archdiocese of Rijeka, the diocese of Vrbovsko, after a poorly defined position in the territorial position, became a suffragan diocese Vrbovsko, under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Rijeka. Today we announce to all the people of the suffragan diocese of Vrbovsko that the faithful of the said archdiocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. Delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of Father Karl Josef Maria Hermann Franz Ručević [ Karl_franz ] as Suffragan bishop of Vrbovsko and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the Diocese of Vrbovsko.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

    Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala


    + Kongregacija Novog Apostolata +

    Imenovanje Sufragantskog biskupa u Vrbovskom

    Mi, Najčasnija Eminencija Arduino Della Scala, Dekan Svetog Kolegija, Primat Svetog Carstva, Nadbiskup Triera i Pise, Biskup Viterba, Guverner Patrimonije Svetog Tita, Markiz od Svete Marinele, Grof od Civitavecchia, Barun Palatino d Svetog Ivana Lateranskog, Zlatna Zvijezda reda Zvijezde Aristotelove, Visoki Apostolski Povjerenik Kongregacije Novog Apostolata

    Ponukani crkvenim teritorijalnim promjenama na teritoriju Kraljevine Hrvatske i nakon uspostavljanja Riječke Nadbiskupije, biskupija Vrbovsko nakon slabo definiranog položaja u teritorijalnom položaju, postal je sufragantska biskupija Vrbovsko, pod jurisdikcijom nadbiskupije Rijeka. Danas svim vjernicima sufraganstke biskupije Vrbovsko objavljujemo to da vjernici spomenute biskupije napokon imaju vodiča i vjerskog vođu izabranog među najboljom djecom Bogu posvećenom. Vođeni Njegovom Svetošću Sikstom IV, u Njegovo ime, kao Kancelar Kongregacije Novog Apostolata, odlučujemo, objavljujmo, određujemo i uspostavljamo, imenovanje Oca Karl Josef Maria Hermann Franz Ručević [ Karl_franz ] kao Sufragantskog biskupa Vrbovskog, na koga, ovim imenovanjem, pada odgovornost svojstvena apostolskom djelu i tradiciji koju su započeli apostoli u vrijeme našega Mesije, a nastavili do danas njihovi nasljednici. Neka Svevišnji vodi i čuva njega i sve vjernike biskupije Vrbovsko.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

    Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala

[size=12][color=green][b]+ Congregation for the New Apostolate +[/b][/color][/size]
[color=green]Appointment of the Suffragan Bishop of Vrbovsko[/color][/b][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

Prompted by ecclesiastical territorial changes in the territory of the Kingdom of Croatia and after the establishment of the Archdiocese of Rijeka, the diocese of Vrbovsko, after a poorly defined position in the territorial position, became a suffragan diocese Vrbovsko, under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Rijeka. Today we announce to all the people of the suffragan diocese of Vrbovsko that the faithful of the said archdiocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. Delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of [color=green]Father [b] Karl Josef Maria Hermann Franz Ručević[/b] [ Karl_franz ] [/color]as Suffragan bishop of Vrbovsko and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the Diocese of Vrbovsko.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]

[i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]



[size=12][color=green][b]+ Kongregacija Novog Apostolata +[/b][/color][/size]
[color=green]Imenovanje Sufragantskog biskupa u Vrbovskom[/color][/b][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]M[/size][/color]i, Najčasnija Eminencija Arduino Della Scala, Dekan Svetog Kolegija, Primat Svetog Carstva, Nadbiskup Triera i Pise, Biskup Viterba, Guverner Patrimonije Svetog Tita, Markiz od Svete Marinele, Grof od Civitavecchia, Barun Palatino d Svetog Ivana Lateranskog, Zlatna Zvijezda reda Zvijezde Aristotelove, Visoki Apostolski Povjerenik Kongregacije Novog Apostolata[/b]

Ponukani crkvenim teritorijalnim promjenama na teritoriju Kraljevine Hrvatske i nakon uspostavljanja Riječke Nadbiskupije, biskupija Vrbovsko nakon slabo definiranog položaja u teritorijalnom položaju, postal je sufragantska biskupija Vrbovsko, pod jurisdikcijom nadbiskupije Rijeka. Danas svim vjernicima sufraganstke biskupije Vrbovsko objavljujemo to da vjernici spomenute biskupije napokon imaju vodiča i vjerskog vođu izabranog među najboljom djecom Bogu posvećenom. Vođeni Njegovom Svetošću Sikstom IV, u Njegovo ime, kao Kancelar Kongregacije Novog Apostolata, odlučujemo, objavljujmo, određujemo i uspostavljamo, imenovanje [color=green]Oca [b] Karl Josef Maria Hermann Franz Ručević[/b] [ Karl_franz ] [/color] kao Sufragantskog biskupa Vrbovskog, na koga, ovim imenovanjem, pada odgovornost svojstvena apostolskom djelu i tradiciji koju su započeli apostoli u vrijeme našega Mesije, a nastavili do danas njihovi nasljednici. Neka Svevišnji vodi i čuva njega i sve vjernike biskupije Vrbovsko.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXI.IV.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]

[i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]




Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 01, 2021 2:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Revocation of the Apostolic Heralds for the British islands

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    We revoked sister Ariana Anthea Del Casalièr [ ArianaAnthea Del Casalièr ] and sister Costance Élyse Del Casalièr [ Constance Elyse DC ] from the position of Apostolic Heralds of the British Isles due to prolonged inactivity.

    We thank them for their work and wish them well.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, I.V.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

    Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 04, 2021 7:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    + Congregation for the New Apostolate +

    Appointment of the Chartulary for the Kingdom of Poland

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    We appoint the Reverend Brother Pawcio [ Pawcio ] as Chartulary for the Kingdom of Poland.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, IV.V.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III

    Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala


[b][color=green][size=12]+ Congregation for the New Apostolate +[/size][/color][/b]

[size=18][color=green][b]Appointment of the Chartulary for the Kingdom of Poland[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

We appoint the Reverend Brother Pawcio [color=blue][b][ Pawcio ][/b][/color] as [color=blue][b]Chartulary for the Kingdom of Poland[/b][/color].

[color=green][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, IV.V.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]

[i]Arduino Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Episcopus Della Scala[/i]



Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3117

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 06, 2021 8:55 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Appointment of a Deacon of Lios Mor

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    We named brother Loki [Tricksterloke] as Deacon of the city of Lios Mor in An Mumhain.

    We authorize you to impart the sacred sacraments in that city in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law and our Inalienable Dogma.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VI.V.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
Appointment of a Deacon of Lios Mor[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Pisa, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

We named [color=green]brother [b]Loki[/b] [Tricksterloke][/color] as Deacon of the city of Lios Mor in An Mumhain.

We authorize you to impart the sacred sacraments in that city in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law and our Inalienable Dogma.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VI.V.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]


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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3117

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 22, 2021 7:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    On the formation of the faithful for the sacrament of Baptism in the British Isles

    Our mission as Carthulary of the British Islands is to know the territorial reality and evaluate the needs of the peoples who live in these islands so that we can help to recover the True Faith and increase the number of the children of the Most High.
    A fundamental step for every man and woman who chooses to become part of the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church is the sacrament of Baptism. It is the first and most important sacrament that unites the faithful forever to the entire Holy Church, therefore it is indispensable that who desires this sacrament is properly formed and prepared to know the principal truths of our True Faith.

    However, I was able to personally verify that in a reality such as that of the British Islands it would be difficult for the faithful to take part in institutionalized courses, therefore, having heard the opinion of our superiors, we establish that:

    - all ordained clerics in possession of at least the diploma of Pastorale Maxima are authorized to hold basic training courses in preparation for Baptism in the taverns of their cities.

    - in these training courses, both personal and group, the concise explanation of the Aristotelian Creed, the Dogma, the Book of Virtues and the structure of our Holy Church should never be lacking.

    - however, we reiterate the opportunity to suggest to the faithful, especially those who manifest their intention to serve the Lord in the Holy Church, to suggest that they also follow the Pastorale Base Course.

    This possibility is given in order to favor evangelization and the growth of the number of the faithful in the British Islands for the greater glory of the Most High and his Holy Aristotelian Church.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXII.V.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
On the formation of the faithful for the sacrament of Baptism in the British Isles[/b][/color][/size]

Our mission as Carthulary of the British Islands is to know the territorial reality and evaluate the needs of the peoples who live in these islands so that we can help to recover the True Faith and increase the number of the children of the Most High.
A fundamental step for every man and woman who chooses to become part of the Holy Roman Aristotelian Church is the sacrament of Baptism. It is the first and most important sacrament that unites the faithful forever to the entire Holy Church, therefore it is indispensable that who desires this sacrament is properly formed and prepared to know the principal truths of our True Faith.

However, I was able to personally verify that in a reality such as that of the British Islands it would be difficult for the faithful to take part in institutionalized courses, therefore, having heard the opinion of our superiors, we establish that:

- all ordained clerics in possession of at least the diploma of Pastorale Maxima are authorized to hold basic training courses in preparation for Baptism in the taverns of their cities.

- in these training courses, both personal and group, the concise explanation of the Aristotelian Creed, the Dogma, the Book of Virtues and the structure of our Holy Church should never be lacking.

- however, we reiterate the opportunity to suggest to the faithful, especially those who manifest their intention to serve the Lord in the Holy Church, to suggest that they also follow the Pastorale Base Course.

This possibility is given in order to favor evangelization and the growth of the number of the faithful in the British Islands for the greater glory of the Most High and his Holy Aristotelian Church.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XXII.V.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]



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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3117

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 07, 2021 10:23 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Appointment of the Suffragan Bishop of Whithorn

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    Since the venerable episcopal see of Whithorn has been vacant for a long time, we consider it convenient and necessary that the faithful of the said diocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of Monsignor Cinead [Cinead] as Suffragan Bishop of Whithorn and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the diocese of Whithorn.

    + Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VI.VII.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
Appointment of the Suffragan Bishop of Whithorn[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

Since the venerable episcopal see of Whithorn has been vacant for a long time, we consider it convenient and necessary that the faithful of the said diocese finally have a guide and a religious leader chosen from among the best children consecrated to God. delegated to us by His Holiness Sixtus IV, and in His name, as Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, we decided, established, decreed and instituted, the appointment of [color=green]Monsignor [b]Cinead[/b] [Cineadl] [/color]as Suffragan Bishop of Whithorn and on whom the responsibility inherent in the apostolic work and tradition begun by the Apostles in the time of our Messiah and continued to this day by his successors falls. May the Most High guide and guard him and all the faithful of the diocese of Whithorn.

[color=darkred][b]+ Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VI.VII.MCDLIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]


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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3117

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 07, 2021 10:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Nihil obstat for the administration of the sacraments

    We Monsignor Francesco Maria Sforza Bishop in partibus of Cæsariana in Numidia, General Secretary of the Apostolic Chamber, Pontifical Legist and Chartulary for the British Isles

    Declare that "Nihil obstat" at the administration of the sacraments to: Lady Ariostella resident in the city of Arundel, Sussex, Kingdom of England by Mgr. Josef Freyhofer [Seppel] Bishop of Passau.

    Under His full responsibility, he will fulfill the obligations relating to registration and control, in accordance with the Canon Law, of custom and established practice.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VII.VII.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
Nihil obstat for the administration of the sacraments[/b][/color][/size]

[i]We Monsignor Francesco Maria Sforza Bishop in partibus of Cæsariana in Numidia, General Secretary of the Apostolic Chamber, Pontifical Legist and Chartulary for the British Isles

Declare that "Nihil obstat" at the administration of the sacraments to: Lady [url=http://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=Ariostella][b]Ariostella[/b][/url] resident in the city of Arundel, Sussex, Kingdom of England by Mgr. [b]Josef Freyhofer[/b] [[b]Seppel[/b]] Bishop of Passau.

Under His full responsibility, he will fulfill the obligations relating to registration and control, in accordance with the Canon Law, of custom and established practice.[/i]

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, VII.VII.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]




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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Sam Oct 23, 2021 7:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Új Apostoli Kongregáció
    Plébánosi kinevezés az esztergomi egyházközség számára

    Mi, Főtisztelendő Eminenciás Arduino Della Scala, a Szent Kollégium Dékánja, a Szent Birodalom Prímása, Trier és Strasbourg Érseke, Viterbo Püspöke, a Szent Tituszi Örökség Kormányzója, Santa Marinella Márkija, Civitavecchia Grófja, Lateráni Szent János Palatinus Bárója, az Arisztotelészi Csillagrend Aranycsillaga, mint az Új Apostoli Kongregáció apostoli főbiztosa.

    Kinevezzük testvérünket Losonci Hubertuszt [Losonci_Hubertusz] az esztergomi plébánia Plébánosának.

    Mi, felhatalmazzuk, hogy az egyházi jog és a mi elidegeníthetetlen dogmáink rendelkezései szerint ebben a városban kiszolgáltassa a szent szentségeket.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Róma, Convertendi Palota, XVIII.X.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Új Apostoli Kongregáció
Plébánosi kinevezés az esztergomi egyházközség számára[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]M[/size][/color]i, Főtisztelendő Eminenciás Arduino Della Scala, a Szent Kollégium Dékánja, a Szent Birodalom Prímása, Trier és Strasbourg Érseke, Viterbo Püspöke, a Szent Tituszi Örökség Kormányzója, Santa Marinella Márkija, Civitavecchia Grófja, Lateráni Szent János Palatinus Bárója, az Arisztotelészi Csillagrend Aranycsillaga, mint az Új Apostoli Kongregáció apostoli főbiztosa.[/b]

Kinevezzük [color=green]testvérünket [b]Losonci Hubertuszt[/b] [Losonci_Hubertusz][/color] az esztergomi plébánia Plébánosának.

Mi, felhatalmazzuk, hogy az egyházi jog és a mi elidegeníthetetlen dogmáink rendelkezései szerint ebben a városban kiszolgáltassa a szent szentségeket.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Róma, Convertendi Palota, XVIII.X.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]




    Congregation for the New Apostolate
    Appointment of a Presbyter for the parish of Esztergom

    We, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate

    We named brother Losonci Hubertusz [ Losonci_Hubertusz ] as Presbyter for the parish of Esztergom.

    We authorize you to impart the sacred sacraments in that city in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law and our Inalienable Dogma.

    + Fortes in Fide +

    Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XVIII.X.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III


[size=18][color=green][b]Congregation for the New Apostolate
Appointment of a Presbyter for the parish of Esztergom[/b][/color][/size]

[b][color=darkred][size=20]W[/size][/color]e, Most Reverend Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, Primate of the Holy Empire, Archbishop of Trier and Strasbourg, Bishop of Viterbo, Governor of the Patrimony of St. Titus, Marquis of Santa Marinella, Count of Civitavecchia, Baron Palatine of St. John Lateran, Golden Star of the Order of the Star of Aristotle, as Apostolic High Commissioner of the Congregation for the New Apostolate[/b]

We named [color=green]brother [b]Losonci Hubertusz[/b] [ Losonci_Hubertusz ][/color] as Presbyter for the parish of Esztergom.

We authorize you to impart the sacred sacraments in that city in accordance with the provisions of Canon Law and our Inalienable Dogma.

[color=darkred][b]+ Fortes in Fide +

Roma, Palatio Convertendi, XVIII.X.MCDLXIX Sixti IV PP Anno III[/b][/color]




Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Lun Nov 01, 2021 10:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    On the Kingdom of Portugal

    Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem de Sagres,
    Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of the Victories, Vice-Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, High Apostolic Commissioner and Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, Cardinal-Inquisitor International, Archbishop of Braga, Bishop of Lamego and Ostia, et. al., under the light of the Most High and the Prophets and by the will of HH Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church,

      TIn view of the prolonged absence of the Cardinal-Presbyter of Saint Anthony of the Portuguese, and also the perceived difficulty in the administration of the Lusophone Region, we announce that, by the decision and will of His Holiness, the Sovereign Pontiff, the Church of the Kingdom of Portugal will return to the administration and management of the Congregation of the New Apostolate.

      The Portuguese Episcopal Assembly will remain exercising its normal activities, under the supervision and management of the Apostolic High Commissioner.

    Fortes in Fide!

    Given in Rome, at the Palazzo dei Convertendi, on the first day of the month of November in the year of Our Lord MCDLXIX. III of the Pontificate of HH. Sixtus IV.



    Sobre o Reino de Portugal

    Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem de Sagres,
    Cardeal-Bispo de São Valentim das Vitórias, Vice-Decano do Sagrado Colégio dos Cardeais, Alto Comissário Apostólico e Chanceler da Congregação para o Novo Apostolado, Cardeal-Inquisidor Internacional, Arcebispo de Braga, Bispo de Lamego e Óstia, et. al., sob a luz do Altíssimo e dos Profetas e pela vontade de SS. Sixtus IV, Soberano Pontífice e Papa da Igreja Universal,

      Tendo em vista a ausência prolongada do Cardeal-Presbítero de Santo Antônio dos Portugueses e, ainda, a constatada dificuldade na administração da Região Lusófona, anunciamos que, por decisão e pela vontade de Sua Santidade, o Soberano Pontífice, a Igreja do Reino de Portugal retornará à administração e gestão da Congregação do Novo Apostolado.

      A Assembleia Episcopal Portuguesa permanecerá exercendo suas atividades normais, sob a supervisão e gerência do Alto Comissário Apostólico.

    Fortes in Fide!

    Dado em Roma, no Palazzo dei Convertendi, no primeiro dia do mês de Novembro do ano de Nosso Senhor MCDLXIX. III do Pontificado de SS. Sixtus IV.



[size=18][color=green][b]On the Kingdom of Portugal[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem de Sagres,
Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of the Victories, Vice-Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, High Apostolic Commissioner and Chancellor of the Congregation for the New Apostolate, Cardinal-Inquisitor International, Archbishop of Braga, Bishop of Lamego and Ostia, et. al., under the light of the Most High and the Prophets and by the will of HH Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church,[/color][/i][/b]

[list]TIn view of the prolonged absence of the Cardinal-Presbyter of Saint Anthony of the Portuguese, and also the perceived difficulty in the administration of the Lusophone Region, we announce that, by the decision and will of His Holiness, the Sovereign Pontiff, the Church of the Kingdom of Portugal will return to the administration and management of the Congregation of the New Apostolate.

The Portuguese Episcopal Assembly will remain exercising its normal activities, under the supervision and management of the Apostolic High Commissioner.[/list]
[color=black][b][i]Fortes in Fide!

Given in Rome, at the Palazzo dei Convertendi, on the first day of the month of November in the year of Our Lord MCDLXIX. III of the Pontificate of HH. Sixtus IV.[/i][/b][/color]




[size=18][color=green][b]Sobre o Reino de Portugal[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]Nos, Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominum, Dominum Adonnis, Dei Gratia, Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ Cardinalem de Sagres,
Cardeal-Bispo de São Valentim das Vitórias, Vice-Decano do Sagrado Colégio dos Cardeais, Alto Comissário Apostólico e Chanceler da Congregação para o Novo Apostolado, Cardeal-Inquisidor Internacional, Arcebispo de Braga, Bispo de Lamego e Óstia, et. al., sob a luz do Altíssimo e dos Profetas e pela vontade de SS. Sixtus IV, Soberano Pontífice e Papa da Igreja Universal,[/color][/i][/b]

[list]Tendo em vista a ausência prolongada do Cardeal-Presbítero de Santo Antônio dos Portugueses e, ainda, a constatada dificuldade na administração da Região Lusófona, anunciamos que, por decisão e pela vontade de Sua Santidade, o Soberano Pontífice, a Igreja do Reino de Portugal retornará à administração e gestão da Congregação do Novo Apostolado.

A Assembleia Episcopal Portuguesa permanecerá exercendo suas atividades normais, sob a supervisão e gerência do Alto Comissário Apostólico.[/list]
[color=black][b][i]Fortes in Fide!

Dado em Roma, no Palazzo dei Convertendi, no primeiro dia do mês de Novembro do ano de Nosso Senhor MCDLXIX. III do Pontificado de SS. Sixtus IV.[/i][/b][/color]




------Sancti Valentini Victoriarum Cardinalis Episcopus - Altus Commissarius Apostolicus - Cardinalis Sacri Collegii Decanus
---Gubernator Latii - Primas Portugaliae - Archiepiscopus Metropolita Bracarensis - Episcopus Sine Cura Lamecensis et Ostiensis

Dernière édition par Adonnis le Mer Aoû 31, 2022 9:32 pm; édité 2 fois
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