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Inscrit le: 14 Avr 2020 Messages: 1946
Posté le: Mer Avr 07, 2021 11:26 pm Sujet du message: |
Inès returned the smile and heard the duchess. Once she had spoken, she continued.
– Thank you, too, Your Excellence, and for your kindness for answering each time it was asked.
If Your Eminence has no other to add, now you can leave. This Court will now be reunited during the following days to decide about the proper pronouncement, which will be declared in this same room.
May God guide you. _________________
Queen of Navarre | Princess of Ischia di Castro | Duchess of Billy | Child of Castile | Countess of Tafalla | Baroness Palatine of St John Lateran | Lady of Bressolles
Prefect of the Court of His Holiness Sixtus IV |
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Inscrit le: 14 Avr 2020 Messages: 1946
Posté le: Dim Mai 09, 2021 7:44 pm Sujet du message: |
After a loooooooong term, the Court came with the final decision. The Official Heliea sat down and spoke.
– Your Grace Priscila Orsini, Duchess of Rimini.
You were summoned to appear before this Tribunal and answer for the charge of belonging to an organisation interdicted by Holy Mother Church. However, this Tribunal was not able to offer a solution in a collegial manner within the time limits foreseen, all of which results in you, Duchess, being released from all charges and therefore the trial ends with a sentence that resolves for lack of compliance with the procedures required by the Roman laws.
This is not an acquittal, just as it is not a condemnatory sentence. This Tribunal does not believe that you are innocent, insofar as it is a proven and indisputable fact that you belong to the organisation, since you have proved it orally before the Tribunal.
Therefore, the Tribunal makes a recommendation to the Duchess of Rimini to correct a conduct that affects you, as a noble pontifical, insofar as you took an oath of loyalty and fidelity to the Holy Father and the Church.
Ultimately, and as an Officer and responsible for this Tribunal, I thank the parties for their good faith in assisting in this process and regret that the required time limits have not been met which, as I said at the beginning, must be observed in order to offer a guaranteeing judgement.
The case is closed as of today, 9 May 1469, and the parties are free to appeal this ruling to the Heliea Council.
May God protect you.
Citation: |
Heliaia Court
In the name of God and his two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos,
We, the judges of the Tribunal Heleia,
1.- Whereas on the 2nd of October 1468, the Duke of Nettuno Massimo Decimo Centurioni [ Massimox ], lodged a complaint with the Heleia Tribunal against the Duchess of Rimini Priscilla Orsini [ Bellacamy ], and the same was accepted for processing on the 30th of October after having submitted the due form, correcting the formal errors in the Duke of Nettuno's complaint.
2.- Whereas, following the correction, the judicial process began with the election of the judges who would compose the Tribunal that would hear the case, being appointed by the Senate of Rome and their impartiality confirmed on the 10th of December of the same year, S. G. Caton d'Acoma. G. Caton d'Acoma, Comte de Loreto [ Caton ], S.G. Laurentz von Lerbingen, Comte de Fano [ Laurentz ], Charles-Antoine d'Appérault-Frayner, and Comte de Montegridolfo, [ Charles_antoine ]; the Tribunal was also composed of the Governor of the Province of the accused, S.Em. Fenice de Aslan Borgia [ Fenice ], and appointed by His Holiness as deputy of the Grand Officer of the Heraldic College, to the vacancy, S.Em. Kalixtus de Montfort [ Kalixtus ], and the Officer being Heleia Inès Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière [ Ines.. ].
3.- Whereas none of the judges were challenged by the parties, so that the trial hearing was held on the 16th day of December 1468, both parties having appeared in good will, and having heard the pleadings and resolved the doubts that the judges presented to the plaintiff and the defence.
4.- And finally, considering that at the time of this resolution, Massimo Decimo Centurioni does not continue to be Duke of Nettuno since he presented his official resignation by public letter in the Square of Aristotle on 12nd March 1469.
The Heleia Tribunal met and adopted the following resolution,
- Massimox's complaint was based on Bellacamy's membership of the organisation Ordo Nigrum Equites, which is registered as an enemy organisation in the Tabula Nigra of the Pontifical Chancellery. At all events, Massimox presented his allegation as the only evidence, and although the firmness of his word as the only proof of his plaint would not have served, in different circumstances, to prove anything, the defence admitted the information in the course of the trial. It is therefore an admission of fact and therefore irrefutable evidence that does not require any other proof.
- The defence argued that ONE was not registered as such, and that therefore her membership of that organisation does not affect, and therefore does not prejudice, her status as a noble of the Holy Father, so that she would not have violated her oath of allegiance to the Holy Father. However, this question is entirely uncertain, since the inscription is recorded in the Pontifical Chancellery.
- Notwithstanding the above, and despite the composition of this Tribunal, its judges have not ruled within the time limit established in articles 7 to 11 of the Pontifical Bull Of the Supreme Government of the Holy See, Book 5.8, Part II, the process suffers from a serious defect of form that cannot be remedied.
The trial is declared dismissed, and therefore the submissions and allegations made by each of the parties are archived, so that the accused is not convicted.
However, the situation of the Duchess, since it compromises her, must be regularised. It will be up to her, as a pontifical noblewoman, to carry out the fulfilment of her oath, so that, although this is a decision of acquittal by dismissal of the case, the Heleia Court directly addresses the Pontifical Heraldic College to demand within the subsequent ten days that the Duchess renounce the organisation.
This is the Law of Rome,
for the greater Glory of God.
We sign, the Tribunal Heleia, and on its behalf Cardinal Kalixtus and Officer Heleia as witness,
the 9th of May 1469.
S. Em. Kalixtus de Montfort
Donna Inès Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière
Official Heliea
Queen of Navarre | Princess of Ischia di Castro | Duchess of Billy | Child of Castile | Countess of Tafalla | Baroness Palatine of St John Lateran | Lady of Bressolles
Prefect of the Court of His Holiness Sixtus IV |
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