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[RP] Palazzo Taverna
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 12, 2020 2:05 am    Sujet du message: [RP] Palazzo Taverna Répondre en citant


------------------------------------------------------------------> > > > > > Pallazzo Taverna < < < < < <


    O Palazzo Taverna, localizado nos subúrbios de Roma, é a residência romana de Sua Eminência Dom Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, atualmente Cardeal-Condestável de Roma e Cardeal-Bispo de São Valentim das Vitórias, de sua sobrinha Lyssah de Sagres, Viscondessa de Vieira de Leiria, Baronesa de San Giorgio di Pesaro e Funcionária Romana, bem como de todos os membros de sua família e dos amigos que quiserem desfrutar do espaço e de sua companhia.

    A ordem do Cardeal é que no Palazzo Taverna todos os cômodos, toda a mobília, toda a louça esteja limpa, lavada, brilhando e perfumada.

    Como militar que sempre foi e homem do povo que sempre foi, durante sua vida o Cardeal conquistou bons amigos. Por isso, seu desejo é oferecer à sua família e aos amigos boa comida, bebida, acomodações, bons momentos ou, apenas, um travesseiro e uma cama macia para bons momentos de conforto e desabafos.

    A sombra que encobria o entardecer daquele dia despertava no Sagres um sentimento de saudade. O Sagres, com seu palheiro de hortelã, se viu imerso em seus pensamentos e memórias.

    Tudo ainda estava sendo instalado e organizado à sua maneira. Do alto de seus aposentos, o Sagres acompanhava a azáfama dos funcionários nos jardins podando as plantas, regando e outros carregando a mobília, utensílios e ornamentos que tornariam o Palazzo o refúgio pessoal do Cardeal na Santa Sé.

    The Palazzo Taverna, located in the suburbs of Rome, is the Roman residence of His Eminence Dom Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, currently Cardinal-Constable of Rome and Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of the Victories, his niece Lyssah de Sagres, Viscountess of Vieira de Leiria, Baroness of San Giorgio di Pesaro and Roman Official, as well as everyone members of your family and friends who want to enjoy the space and your company.

    The Cardinal's order is that, in the Palazzo Taverna, all the rooms, all the furniture, all the dishes are clean, washed, shining and perfumed.

    As a military man who always was and a man of the people he always was, during his life the Cardinal won good friends. Therefore, your desire is to offer your family and friends good food, drink, accommodation, good times or just a pillow and a soft bed for good times of comfort and outburst.

    The shadow that covered the dusk of that day awoke a feeling of longing in the Sagres. Adonnis, with its mint haystack, found himself immersed in his thoughts and memories.

    Everything was still being installed and organized in its own way. From the top of its rooms, the Sagres followed the bustle of the employees in the gardens, pruning the plants, watering and others carrying the furniture, utensils and ornaments that would make the Palazzo the Cardinal's personal refuge in the Holy See.

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 13, 2021 9:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    May 10, 1469.

    The day was special and the news that the ally of the nameless creature finally fell, brought great jubilation ​and joy to Adonnis.

    It had been some time since he had stayed in his Palazzo, but under his orders, a major cleaning was being carried out on the spot.

    The servants were bringing in new furniture, all the vegetation was being trimmed and the water of the Fountain reflected the spring sunlight, as if the very light of the Most High illuminated the residence of Cardinal de Sagres in Rome.

    The flags that were being prepared by their trusted weavers were ready. In the entrance garden, flags bearing the arms of Cardinal Adonnis and the Holy See were being raised.

    It was a time for a new beginning and, for Adonnis, everything needed to reflect this new beginning.

    Dia 10 de Maio de 1469.

    O dia era especial e as notícias de que o aliado da criatura sem nome, finalmente caiu, trouxe grande alegria e júbilo para Adonnis.

    Já fazia algum tempo que ele não permanecia em seu Palazzo, mas sob suas ordens, uma grande limpeza estava sendo realizada no local.

    Os criados estavam trazendo móveis novos, toda a vegetação estava sendo aparada e a água da Fonte refletia a luz do sol primaveril, como se a própria luz do Altíssimo iluminasse a residência do Cardeal de Sagres em Roma.

    As bandeiras que estavam sendo preparadas por seus tecelões de confiança ficaram prontas. No jardim de entrada, as bandeiras com as armas do Cardeal Adonnis e da Santa Sé estavam sendo alçadas.

    Era uma época de recomeço e, para Adonnis, tudo precisava refletir esse recomeço.

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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2009
Messages: 3407

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 13, 2021 10:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Martin avait était invité par Adonnis. Il s'empressa donc de rejoindre l'endroit du rendez-vous.

Quand il arriva, il vit de nombreuses personnes en train de s'affairer à installer des meubles et d'autres choses...

Il se présenta à l'entrée et s'annonça.

Bonjour, je suis Son Éminence Monseigneur Martin Tamarre de Nivellus. Est ce que vous pouvez prévenir le maitre des lieux que je suis arrivé ?


Martin had been invited by Adonnis. So he hurried to the meeting place.

When he arrived, he saw many people busy setting up furniture and other things...

He went to the entrance and announced himself.

Good morning, I am His Eminence Monsignor Martin Tamarre de Nivellus. Can you tell the master of the house that I have arrived ?
Son Éminence Martin Tamarre de Nivellus.
Cardinal émérite de Sainte Hildegarde de Bingen.
Préfet du Chapitre Régulier Romain.
Premier Vice Primat de France.
Archevêque métropolitain de Reims.
Évêque d'Hébron.
Comte de Spontin.
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 20, 2021 10:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Adonnis was with Melian in the Southwest Garden. All afternoon, under the landscape of the reformed fountain, the two had been talking about the management issues of the Holy Armies and the treaties they were trying to make.

    Your Eminence, Your Highness, excuse me. said one of the Palace servants. We have a visitor, Cardinal Martin Tamarre has arrived and has asked to speak with Your Eminence.

    Wonderful, said Adonnis. I was really expecting Cardinal Martin. Please, dear, receive him. Melian and I will receive him right here.

    After the instructions from Adonnis, the servant returned to the entrance hall and, responding to Cardinal Martin, said: Your Eminence, forgive the delay. Cardinal Adonnis is waiting for you in the Southwest Garden. Would Your Eminence be so kind as to accompany me? said the servant.

    Upon arriving at the garden, the servant prepared a seat for his guest and, after bowing, he left.

    At this moment, Adonnis put down his cigarette in the ashtray and, rising, said: Your Eminence, it is a pleasure to meet you here. Please, have a seat. Princess Melian and I were talking about matters of our congregation, while enjoying an Irish whiskey.

    Would you like to join us or would you prefer something else? A wine? A cognac? A liqueur? Some tea?

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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2009
Messages: 3407

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 22, 2021 5:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Martin sourit au serviteur et le suivit jusqu'à Adonnis... Arrivé près de ce dernier, il le salua de la tête lui et Melian.

Votre Altesse Royale, cher Frère, très heureux d'être parmi vous...

Il s'installa et sourit à Adonnis.

Un whisky irlandais ? J'adore ! J'ai un ami irlandais qui m'en ramène régulièrement, donc ce sera avec plaisirs !


Martin smiled at the servant and followed him to Adonnis... When he reached the latter, he nodded to him and Melian.

Your Royal Highness, dear Brother, very happy to be with you...

He sat down and smiled at Adonnis.

Irish whiskey? I love it! I have an Irish friend who brings me some regularly, so it will be a pleasure!
Son Éminence Martin Tamarre de Nivellus.
Cardinal émérite de Sainte Hildegarde de Bingen.
Préfet du Chapitre Régulier Romain.
Premier Vice Primat de France.
Archevêque métropolitain de Reims.
Évêque d'Hébron.
Comte de Spontin.
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Inscrit le: 05 Juin 2007
Messages: 8865

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 22, 2021 10:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ce qui est bien, ou pas, avec le travail, c'est qu'il ne manque jamais. Et encore un coup, elle était donc toujours à aider, à tenter de trouver des solutions, proposer des améliorations.

Elle sortit la tête des parchemins et autres plumes comme le serviteur s'en vint leur annoncer la venue de Son Eminence Martin. Elle écouta le maître des lieux, puis remit un peu d'ordre dans le bazar de documents en attendant la venue du visiteur.

Elle se leva pour le saluer à son arrivée.

Bonjour Eminence. lui répondit-elle en souriant.

Puis elle avisa son whisky, auquel elle avait peu touché. Elle tournait plus à la tisane habituellement. Elle se rassit une fois tout le monde installé.


The good thing, or not, about work is that it never fails. And once again, she was always helping, trying to find solutions, suggesting improvements.

She took her head out of the parchments and other feathers as the servant came to announce the arrival of His Eminence Martin. She listened to the master of the house, then tidied up the mess of documents while waiting for the visitor to come.

She stood up to greet him as he arrived.

Hello, Eminence, she replied, smiling.

Then she noticed her whisky, which she had hardly touched. It was usually more like herbal tea. She sat down once everyone was settled.

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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2009
Messages: 3407

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 26, 2021 12:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Martin sourit à Melian.

Comment allez-vous ?
Çà tombe bien que vous soyez là car j'aimerai savoir si vous avez besoin de mon aide à la Garde Épiscopale ?
Plus pour le côté religieux, car je n'ai pas le droit de porter les armes. A moins que vous ayez déjà quelqu'un qui s’occupe des âmes de la Garde.


Martin smiles at Melian.

How are you ?
It's good that you're here because I'd like to know if you need my help in the Episcopal Guard ?
More for the religious side, as I'm not allowed to bear arms. Unless you already have someone who looks after the souls of the Guard.

Son Éminence Martin Tamarre de Nivellus.
Cardinal émérite de Sainte Hildegarde de Bingen.
Préfet du Chapitre Régulier Romain.
Premier Vice Primat de France.
Archevêque métropolitain de Reims.
Évêque d'Hébron.
Comte de Spontin.
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Inscrit le: 05 Juin 2007
Messages: 8865

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 29, 2021 9:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Melian lui rendit son sourire, paisible comme à l'accoutumée.

Je vais bien je vous remercie, j'espère qu'il en va de mesme pour vous ?

Nous avons besoin de toutes les bonnes volontés, chaque vidamie a besoin aussi bien de religieux que de soldats. Où estes-vous installé ?


Melian returned his smile, peaceful as usual.

I am well, I thank you, I hope the same is true for you?

We need all the good wills, every vidamie needs religious as well as soldiers. Where are you settled?

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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2009
Messages: 3407

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 02, 2021 10:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Martin sourit.

Pour ma part, je vais parfaitement bien !

Je viens de déménager et mes fesses sont posées à Mayenne dans Comté du Maine pour quelques temps...


Martin smiles.

As for me, I'm perfectly fine !

I've just moved to Mayenne in the County of Maine for a while...

Son Éminence Martin Tamarre de Nivellus.
Cardinal émérite de Sainte Hildegarde de Bingen.
Préfet du Chapitre Régulier Romain.
Premier Vice Primat de France.
Archevêque métropolitain de Reims.
Évêque d'Hébron.
Comte de Spontin.
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Inscrit le: 05 Juin 2007
Messages: 8865

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 09, 2021 9:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Elle en était heureuse. Les temps étaient durs, aussi bien pour les religieux que pour les gens les plus pieux.

Eh bien ce serait une belle occasion de développer la Garde dans cet endroit, si vous vous sentez prest à gérer cela en plus de la province. Cela demande déjà beaucoup de travail.


She was happy about it. Times were hard, both for the religious and for the most pious people.

Well, it would be a great opportunity to develop the Guard in this place, if you feel ready to handle that as well as the province. It is already a lot of work.
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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2009
Messages: 3407

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 11, 2021 8:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Oh je ne suis pas l’Évêque local...

Dans ce cas, juste après cet entretien, j'irai directement là-bas.

Puis il se tourna vers Adonnis.

Sinon vous avez également besoin d'un coup de main ? Ce serait avec plaisirs !


Oh I'm not the local bishop...

In that case, right after this interview, I'll go straight there.

Then he turned to Adonnis.

Or do you need a hand as well ? It would be a pleasure !
Son Éminence Martin Tamarre de Nivellus.
Cardinal émérite de Sainte Hildegarde de Bingen.
Préfet du Chapitre Régulier Romain.
Premier Vice Primat de France.
Archevêque métropolitain de Reims.
Évêque d'Hébron.
Comte de Spontin.
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Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2017
Messages: 21

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 30, 2022 2:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Die beiden Deutschritter Pilgrim und Mercato kamen in Rom an. Für Mercato war diese Stadt jedes Mal wieder aufs neue etwas Besonderes. Ihre Größe, ihre uralten Gebäude, das Wissen um die Macht die hinter diesen alten Mauern sitzt und die Nähe zum Herrn selbst ließen in ihm immer wieder das Blut in den Adern in Wallungen geraten. Dennoch lies er sich nicht lange ablenken und lenkte sein Pferd auf direktem Weg zum Ansitz von Bruder Adonnis. Sie hatten sich nach ewiger Zeit der Verschwiegenheit wohl viel zu sagen. Zumal in der Zwischenzeit wohl Veränderungen innerhalb der Kirche vorangegangen waren. Als sie vor dem Palazzo Taverna ankamen, schaute Mercato zu seinem Ordensbruder. Wir sind da!
Sollten sie nicht in Empfang genommen werden, könnte Mercato sich vorstellen würde Pilgrim rasch auf sich aufmerksam machen.


The two Teutonic Knights Pilgrim and Mercato arrived in Rome. For Mercato, this city was something special every time. Its size, its ancient buildings, the knowledge of the power that sits behind these ancient walls and the proximity to the Lord himself always made his blood boil. Nevertheless, he did not let himself be distracted for long and steered his horse on a direct path to the seat of Brother Adonnis. After an eternal period of secrecy, they probably had a lot to say to each other. Especially since in the meantime changes within the church had taken place. When they arrived in front of the Palazzo Taverna, Mercato looked at his Friar. We are here!
Should they not be received, Mercato imagined Pilgrim would quickly draw attention to himself.
Quod sumus hoc eritis
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MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 30, 2022 3:46 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The arrival of the German Teutonic Knights' delegation was expected. Adonnis had already left the Palazzo staff prepared to ensure the best welcome and comfort.

    As soon as it was announced, Albano headed for the entrance of the Palazzo.

    Monsignor Mercato, Brother Pilgrim, welcome! said Albano. Albano was not a servant or a valet. He was an old brother in arms of Adonnis, and was currently acting as his private assistant.

    His Eminence is already expecting you and your delegation. Please, come. Come in. The cold is freezing, so he will welcome you to the Living Room, where the glowing fireplace will ensure your comfort and privacy.

    Albano walked with Mercato and Brother Pilgrim to the Main Living Room. Adorned in mahogany, the room had a pleasant and very cozy atmosphere. The scattered candelabras and the lit fireplace guaranteed not only warmth, but also delicious illumination.

    As soon as the Teutonic brothers took their seats, Albano asked:

    His Eminence is coming. In the meantime, would you care for some wine, whiskey or other beverage?


    Die Ankunft der Delegation des Deutschen Ordens wurde erwartet. Adonnis hatte das Personal des Palazzo bereits vorbereitet, um den besten Empfang und Komfort zu gewährleisten.

    Sobald es angekündigt wurde, ging Albano zum Eingang des Palazzo.

    Monsignore Mercato, herzlich willkommen! sagte Albano. Albano war weder ein Diener noch ein Kämmerer. Er war ein alter Waffenbruder von Adonnis und fungierte derzeit als sein persönlicher Assistent.

    Seine Eminenz wartet bereits auf Sie und Ihre Delegation. Bitte, kommen Sie. Kommen Sie herein. Die Kälte ist eisig, also wird er Sie im Wohnzimmer empfangen, wo der glühende Kamin Ihren Komfort und Ihre Privatsphäre garantieren wird.

    Albano ging mit Mercato und Bruder Pilgrim in das Hauptwohnzimmer. Das Zimmer war mit Mahagoniholz verkleidet und hatte eine angenehme und sehr gemütliche Atmosphäre. Die verstreuten Kandelaber und der beleuchtete Kamin sorgten nicht nur für Wärme, sondern auch für eine herrliche Beleuchtung.

    Sobald die teutonischen Brüder Platz genommen hatten, fragte Albano:

    Seine Eminenz wird kommen. Möchten Sie in der Zwischenzeit etwas Wein, Whisky oder ein anderes Getränk zu sich nehmen?
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Inscrit le: 21 Fév 2017
Messages: 11

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 30, 2022 5:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pilgrim folgt seinem Bruder schweigend. Bisher hat er Rom von einer anderen Seite und mit anderen Geschäften betreten als heute. Auch hat ihn sein Weg nie in das Herz des aristotelischen Glaubens geführt.
Als sie mit ihrer Ankunft in Empfang genommen werden grüßt er den anderen und folgt ihm auf dem Weg, hebt dann allerdings kurz eine Augenbraue. Sein Gegenüber scheint die Winter im Ordensland nicht zu kennen. Trotzdem nickt er kurz Ich kenne Italien nur im Frühjahr und Sommer. Da ist es bedeutend wärmer. Auf die Frage nach einem Getränk antwortet er kurz und umfassend mit Dünnbier, bitte.

Pilgrim follows his brother in silence. So far he has entered Rome from a different side and with different businesses than today. Nor did his path ever lead him into the heart of the Aristotelian faith.
When they are greeted with their arrival, he greets the others and follows him on the way, but then raises an eyebrow briefly. His counterpart does not seem to know the winters in the Order's country. Nevertheless, he nods briefly I only know Italy in spring and summer. It's significantly warmer there. When asked about a drink, he answers briefly and comprehensively with Thin beer, please.
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Inscrit le: 02 Aoû 2017
Messages: 21

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 30, 2022 10:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Als eisig würde er den Winter in Rom nicht nennen, doch er kannte den Winter im Ordensland. Dieser war seinem Gegenüber wahrscheinlich fremd. Während sie dem Mann ins Gebäude folgen, schaut Mercato sich interessiert die Räumlichkeiten und ihr Mobiliar an. Auf die Frage nach etwas zu trinken, nickt Mercato. Ich ebenfalls. Dünnbier, bitte.

He would not call the winter in Rome icy, but he knew the winter in the Order's country. This was probably foreign to his counterpart. As they follow the man into the building, Mercato looks around with interest at the rooms and their furnishings. When asked for something to drink, Mercato nods. Me too. Thin beer, please.
Quod sumus hoc eritis
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