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[RP] Saint Titus Feast: oaths to the Sovereign Pontiff 1469
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Inscrit le: 01 Déc 2016
Messages: 145
Localisation: Ais- Aubagne- Pernes

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 02, 2021 2:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

S'absentant du Marquisat, La Marquise de Provence avait voyagé des jours durant afin d'atteindre Rome au plus vite et ne point laisser les affaires de Provence sans surveillance trop longuement.
Se délectant toujours autant des paysages offerts par l'Italie, Diane souriait en mirant chaque beauté croisée du regard.

Le voyage cessa et après une nuitée de repos, elle se rendit à Rome pour le renouvellement de son allégeances au Saint-Père.


Absent from the Marquisate, the Marquise of Provence had traveled for days in order to reach Rome as quickly as possible and not to leave the affairs of Provence unattended for too long.
Still enjoying the landscapes offered by Italy, Diane smiled as she gazed at every beauty she saw.

The journey ended and after a night's rest, she went to Rome to renew her allegiance to the Holy Father.
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Inscrit le: 12 Sep 2015
Messages: 32

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 02, 2021 10:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Matilde dopo aver ricevuto la missiva per il rinnovo del giuramento al Santo Padre si era diretta nella basilica di san Tito dove prese posto in attesa della cerimonia.


Après avoir reçu la lettre de renouvellement du serment au Saint-Père, Mathilde s'est rendue à la basilique de San Tito où elle s'est assise en attendant la cérémonie.

Duchessa di Artena (firma in rifacimento)
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2067
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 7:51 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The nobles had made an appearance and time was beginning to pass. Before a slight almost imperceptible movement of the Holy Father, the young Cardinal bowed for the instructions and after that he went towards those present - His Holiness appreciates the presence of all of you and invites you to step forward to renew your commitment to the throne of Saint Titus - saying that, I take the list with a pen to cross out all those who were taking the oath.


Sorry for the delay, but both the Sixtus player and myself have had complications irl. To avoid lengthening this ceremony much more, please go one by one to carry out the renewal, at the end the oath will be completed.

The oath is as follows:

"I swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task. "


Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 24 Sep 2009
Messages: 634

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 9:19 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

De quoi ont-ils bien pu parler, les Régents du Royaume de France tandis qu'ils attendaient que la cérémonie débute ? Eux seuls et le Très Haut le savent !

Lorsque le Cardinal annonça le début de la cérémonie, Della jeta un regard vers Wayllander et lui chuchota: "Première !" juste avant de s'avancer vers le Saint Père, de ployer le genou, de baiser l'anneau papal et enfin d'énoncer à voix haute et claire :

Moi, Della de Volvent Perche-Ried, Baronne de Lagosanto, je jure sur les Saintes Ecritures de servir fidèlement avec foi, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte IV, Pontife de la Sainte Église Romaine et Aristotélicienne et tous ses successeurs légitimes à venir.

Je promets d'apporter des conseils en fidélité, et toute aide que je serais en mesure de leur apporter, sacrifiant mon propre confort ou intérêt en faveur de la gloire de l'Église de Dieu sur Terre.

Puisse le Très-Haut m'aider et m'inspirer dans cette tâche.

What could the Regents of the Kingdom of France have been talking about while they were waiting for the ceremony to begin? Only they and the Most High know!

When the Cardinal announced the beginning of the ceremony, Della glanced at Wayllander and whispered, "First!" just before she walked up to the Holy Father, bent her knee, kissed the papal ring, and finally said in a loud and clear voice:

I, Della de Volvent Perche-Ried, Baroness of Lagosanto, swear on the Holy Scriptures to faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman and Aristotelian Church and all his legitimate successors to come.

I promise to give advice in fidelity, and any help I may be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth.

May the Most High help and inspire me in this task.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator


Vicomtesse de Proceno, Baronne de Lagosanto
❃Préfet Inquisitorial Francophone - Préfet de la Congrégation de la Chambre Apostolique - Procureur de l’Officialité Nationale Francophone - Archidiacre Res Parendo de Autun
❃Archiatre du Saint Père
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Inscrit le: 18 Mar 2017
Messages: 44
Localisation: Hic vel alibi

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 6:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On the twenty-ninth of June, a joyful bronze tinder was beaten, gathering thousands of faithful. Arrival on the eve of the feasts of the Holy Titus the deaconess of Fribourg had joined the procession of the pontifical nobles dressed in a yellow cotardy with floating sleeves that let glimpse a pale pink silk lining. She couldn't resist the urge to visit the shop of a dress cutter, a song by Jean Robertet in mind.

Red and white intermingled together
My color looks like worry;
Who will enjoy love does not care,
For it can bear me what it likes.

A veil of modesty covering the mass of her hair brought back to the back of the forehead, she had ascended the nave always as impressed by the beauty and richness of the decorum of this basilica loaded with history and had settled in the front row of the spans under the echoes of the powerful notes of the organs. Suddenly the noise that rose from the crowd that was being muffled, died and the voice of the young cardinal rose, inviting every nobleman to come forward and take his oath. Oree who had expected to be called was somewhat taken aback. She observed a movement not far from her. A woman was already breaking ranks and advancing towards the Holy Father. The oath taken by the Helvete came after him, a knee bent, brushing the papal ring with her lips.

I, Orée de Montefeltro, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.


Ce vingt-neuf juin, un joyeux tintamarre de bronze frappés rassemblait des milliers de fidèles. Arrivée la veille des festes de la Saint-Titus la diaconesse de Fribourg avait rejoint le cortège des nobles pontificaux vestue d'une cotardie jaune aux manches flottantes qui laissaient entrevoir une doublure de soie rose pasle. Elle n'avait pu résister à l'envie de visiter l'échoppe d'un coupeur de robe, une chanson de Jean Robertet à l'esprit.

De rouge et de blanc entremeslez ensemble
Ma coulleur est ressemblanc à soucie ;
Qui joyra d'amours ne se soussie,
Car il me peult porter se bon luy semble.

Un voile de pudeur couvrant la masse de ses cheveux ramenés à l'arrière du front, elle avait remonté la nef toujours aussi impressionnée par la biauté et la richesse du diecorum de cette basilique chargée d'histoire et s'était installée au premier rang des travées sous les échos des notes puissantes des orgues. Soudain le brouhaha qui s'élevait de la foule qui se tassait, s'éteignit et la voix du jeune cardinal s'éleva, invitant chaque noble à s'avancer et à prester serment. Orée qui s'attendait à estre appelée fut quelque peu décontenancée. Elle observa un mouvement non loin d'elle. Une fame rompait déjà les rangs et s'avançait vers le Sainct Père. Le serment presté l'helvète se présenta à sa suite, un genou ployé, effleurant de ses lèvres l'anneau papal.

Moi, Orée de Montefeltro, Baronne palatine de Sainct-Jean de Latran, jure sur les Sainctes Écritures de servir fidèlement, avec foy, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte, Souverain Pontife de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne et Romaine, ainsi que tous ses légitimes successeurs à venir.
Je promets d'apporter fidélité, conseil, ainsi que toute l'aide que je serais en mesure de leur donner, sacrifiant mon propre intérest ou confort au profit de la gloire de l’Église de Dieu sur Terre.

Puisse le Très-Haut m'aider et m'inspirer dans cette tasche.


Journal d'une femme d’Église... pas comme les autres...
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Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2013
Messages: 183

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 6:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

How quick time flied. Another year has passed. The biggest part of the last year Laurentz spent in Orbetello and Annecy defending the only true faith. He was glad to be in Rome now and to renew his oath, that meant so much to him.
As it was his turn, the count of Fano advanced the pope, knelt before the throne of Saint Titus and kissed the ring of the vicar of Christos, before he took his oath.

"I, Laurentz von Lerbingen, Count of Fano, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task."
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11983

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 9:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

When her moment came, cardinal Fenice approached, bent her knee, kissed the papal ring, and said in a loud and firm voice:

I, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Governor of Romagna and Duchess of Mercato Saraceno, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.

She had declared her allegiance at the time of the heretical danger, and was now happy to do so again, with hope in her heart.
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Inscrit le: 30 Juin 2020
Messages: 33

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 9:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"I, Adriano Ares Niccolò Meridio, Count of San Giovanni Laterano, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task."
Adriano Ares Niccolò Meridio
Conte Palatino di San Giovanni Laterano.
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Inscrit le: 08 Oct 2017
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 10:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sheky heard her name she comes forward and she bows

I, Shekinah Carafa della Spina in Dei Lante, Baroness of Marta, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.

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Inscrit le: 14 Avr 2020
Messages: 1946

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 11:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

When she saw her cousin, the Queen of Ireland, she smiled and bowed briefly in deference. She was always happy to see Adelheid. However, she was about to engage in a brief conversation when Cardinal Roderic told them that they could perform their oath without waiting for a specific order. Inès approached as like the others. She put a kneel on the floor, as long time ago she did before, and made her oath.

I, Inès Álvarez de Toledo Josselinière, Palatine Baroness of St John of Latran, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.

Queen of Navarre | Princess of Ischia di Castro | Duchess of Billy | Child of Castile | Countess of Tafalla | Baroness Palatine of St John Lateran | Lady of Bressolles
Prefect of the Court of His Holiness Sixtus IV
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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 43

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 06, 2021 11:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hamea waited his turn then approached, bent his knees kissing the papal ring and said in a strong and clear voice:

I Hamea Carafa della Spina in della Scala, Viscountess of Capodimonte swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.


Hamea attese il suo turno poi si avvicinò, piegò le ginocchia baciando l'anello papale e disse con voce forte e chiara:

Io Hamea Carafa della Spina in della Scala, Viscontessa di Capodimonte giuro sulle Sacre Scritture di servire fedelmente con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sisto IV, Pontefice di Santa Romana Chiesa e Aristotele e tutti i suoi legittimi successori futuri. Prometto di portare lealtà consulenza, e qualsiasi aiuto sarò in grado di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio conforto o interesse a favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra. Possa l'Onnipotente aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.
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Inscrit le: 20 Mai 2009
Messages: 2875

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 07, 2021 8:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Elle approche...

"Moi, Feuilllle, Vicomtesse de Poli, Baronne de Guer, jure sur les Saintes Écritures de servir fidèlement avec foi, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte IV, Pontife de la Sainte Église Romaine et Aristotélicienne et tous ses successeurs légitimes à venir. Je promets d'apporter des conseils de fidélité, et toute aide que je serais en mesure de leur donner, en sacrifiant mon propre confort ou mon intérêt en faveur de la gloire de l'Église de Dieu sur Terre. Que le Tout-Puissant m'aide et m'inspire dans cette tâche. "

She approaches...
]"I, Feuilllle, Viscountess of Poli, Baroness of Guer, swear on the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman and Aristotelian Church and all its rightful successors to come. I promise to give advice of faithfulness, and any help I may be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of God’s Church on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task. "
Quand une personne ne sait plus savoir quoi penser, c'est qu'elle manque d'intelligence.
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Inscrit le: 12 Aoû 2018
Messages: 18

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 07, 2021 11:58 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sara knelt down before the Pontiff and took her oath

I, Sara Aurora Castiglione in Bentivoglio, Viscountess of Acqualagna, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task.


Sara si inginocchiò davanti al Pontefice e pronunciò il suo giuramento

Io, Sara Aurora Castiglione in Bentivoglio, Viscontessa di Acqualagna, giuro sulle Sacre Scritture di servire fedelmente con fede, lealtà e obbedienza, Sisto IV, Pontefice di Santa Romana Chiesa e Aristotele e tutti i suoi legittimi successori futuri. Prometto di portare lealtà consulenza, e qualsiasi aiuto sarò in grado di dare loro, sacrificando il mio proprio conforto o interesse a favore della gloria della Chiesa di Dio sulla Terra. Possa l'Onnipotente aiutarmi e ispirarmi in questo compito.
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Inscrit le: 26 Aoû 2014
Messages: 1486
Localisation: Blaye, Guyenne

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 07, 2021 12:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Zwentibold s'agenouille devant le souverain pontife et prononce le serment.
Zwentibold kneel in front of the pope and takes oath.

"Moi, Zwentibold, Vidame de Bordeaux, jure sur les Saintes Écritures de servir fidèlement avec foi, loyauté et obéissance, Sixte IV, Pontife de la Sainte Église Romaine et Aristotélicienne et tous ses successeurs légitimes à venir. Je promets d'apporter des conseils de fidélité, et toute aide que je serais en mesure de leur donner, en sacrifiant mon propre confort ou mon intérêt en faveur de la gloire de l'Église de Dieu sur Terre. Que le Tout-Puissant m'aide et m'inspire dans cette tâche. "

"I, Zwentibold, Vidame of Bordeaux, swear on the Holy Scriptures to serve faithfully with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman and Aristotelian Church and all its rightful successors to come. I promise to give advice of faithfulness, and any help I may be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of God’s Church on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task. "

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Inscrit le: 14 Fév 2015
Messages: 312

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 07, 2021 2:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"I, Idril de Dénéré-Sparte Aleïeva, Viscountess of Caprarola, swear on the Holy Scriptures faithfully serve with faith, loyalty and obedience, Sixtus IV, Pontiff of the Holy Roman Church and Aristotelian and all his legitimate successors to come. I promise to bring loyalty consulting, and any help I would be able to give them, sacrificing my own comfort or interest in favor of the glory of the Church of God on Earth. May the Almighty help and inspire me in this task. "

#Attention cheveux toujours voilés à Rome!#
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