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Adonnis Cardinal

Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018 Messages: 4903 Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma
Posté le: Mar Déc 14, 2021 10:50 pm Sujet du message: Modifications - Hungary and Croatia Forum |
Hi Ogma,
I need your help with the Forum of the Church of Hungary and Croatia:
1. Rename [AEHC] Church Hungary Croatia modo to [AEHC] Primate of Hungary and Croatia
2. Rename Magyar Püspöki Konferencia to Episcopal Assembly - Püspöki Konferencia - Biskupska Konferencija
3. To the forum Episcopal Assembly - Püspöki Konferencia - Biskupska Konferencija add the following legend:
Citation: | EN: In this Chamber, the Archbishops and Bishops of the Episcopal Assembly of Hungary and Croatia meet to deliberate on the affairs of the National Church and Primacy - HU: Ebben a teremben a magyar és a horvát püspöki konferencia érsekei és püspökei tanácskoznak, a nemzeti egyházak és a primátus ügyeiről - CR: U ovim Odajama, Nadbiskupi i Biskupi Biskupske Konferencije Ugarske i Hrvatske se sastaju kako bi vodili poslove Crkvi svojih narodnosti i Primaštva. |
4. Rename [AEHC] MPK to [AEHC] Episcopal Assembly
5. Rename Crkvene odaje Hrvatske to Assembly of the Clergy of Hungary and Croatia - Magyar és Horvát klérusi gyűlés - Simpozij Klera Ugarske i Hrvatske
6. To the forum Assembly of the Clergy of Hungary and Croatia add the following legend:
Citation: | EN: In this Chamber, all members of the Hungarian and Croatian Clergy come together to share experiences and work for the future of the Church - HU: Ebben a teremben a magyar és a horvát klérus minden tagja összeül, hogy megossza tapasztalatait és az egyház jövőjéért dolgozzon - CR: U ovim Odajama, članovi Ugarskog i Hrvatskog Klera zajedno se sastaju kako bi dijelili iskustva i ideje za budućnost Crkve |
7. Rename [AEHC] Svenstvo Hrvatske to [AEHC] Clergy of Hungary and Croatia
8. Delete A Magyar Egyház Tanácstermei, Audience Room of the Hungarian Church - A Magyar Egyház Fogadóterme, Common room for the Hungarian and Croatian Bishops
9. Delete [AEHC] HC MOD, [AEHC] Audience, [AEHC] CC MOD, [AEHC] Hungarian clerics, [AEHC] Magyar Püspöki Konferencia, [AEHC] Magyar Püspöki Konferencia modo, [AEHC] Croatian clerics.
10. Rename Archivum to
Citation: | Archive of the Episcopal Assembly - Archívum: Püspöki Konferencia - Arhiva Biskupske Konferencije |
11. Move the forum Archive of the Episcopal Assembly - Archívum: Püspöki Konferencia - Arhiva Biskupske Konferencije for ARCHIVES : Eglises Nationales - National Churches.
12. O grupo [AEHC] Episcopal Assembly must grant access of view, read and write to the forums Assembly of the Clergy of Hungary and Croatia - Magyar és Horvát klérusi gyűlés - Simpozij Klera Ugarske i Hrvatske and Archive of the Episcopal Assembly - Archívum: Püspöki Konferencia - Arhiva Biskupske Konferencije.
13. The group [Curia] Électeurs - Electors must be given moderation access to the forums L'Église du Royaume de Hongrie et de Croatie - Church of the Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia / Episcopal Assembly - Püspöki Konferencia - Biskupska Konferencija / Assembly of the Clergy of Hungary and Croatia - Magyar és Horvát klérusi gyűlés - Simpozij Klera Ugarske i Hrvatske and Archive of the Episcopal Assembly - Archívum: Püspöki Konferencia - Arhiva Biskupske Konferencije.
14. 13. The group [Curia] Suffragans & Active Emeritus must be given view, read and write access to the forums L'Église du Royaume de Hongrie et de Croatie - Church of the Kingdom of Hungary and Croatia / Episcopal Assembly - Püspöki Konferencia - Biskupska Konferencija / Assembly of the Clergy of Hungary and Croatia - Magyar és Horvát klérusi gyűlés - Simpozij Klera Ugarske i Hrvatske and Archive of the Episcopal Assembly - Archívum: Püspöki Konferencia - Arhiva Biskupske Konferencije.
Thank u!  _________________
.....Cardinal Presbyter of St. Anthony of the Portuguese / Grand Audiencier of the Holy See / General Inquisitor of Portugal
..............Primate of Portugal / Metropolitan Archbishop of Braga / Bishop of Lamego / Duke of Monte Real |
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Ogma Celsius Team

Inscrit le: 12 Fév 2018 Messages: 996
Posté le: Mer Fév 09, 2022 6:20 pm Sujet du message: |
I'm so sorry for the delay... All is done |
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Adonnis Cardinal

Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018 Messages: 4903 Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma
Posté le: Mer Fév 09, 2022 6:48 pm Sujet du message: |
Thank you.
But you missed those two parts:
The group Clergy of Hungary and Croatia must have the tag [AEHC].
.....Cardinal Presbyter of St. Anthony of the Portuguese / Grand Audiencier of the Holy See / General Inquisitor of Portugal
..............Primate of Portugal / Metropolitan Archbishop of Braga / Bishop of Lamego / Duke of Monte Real |
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Ogma Celsius Team

Inscrit le: 12 Fév 2018 Messages: 996
Posté le: Ven Fév 11, 2022 12:51 pm Sujet du message: |
Done |
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