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End of the Inquisitorial Courses

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 14347
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 14, 2022 8:44 pm    Sujet du message: End of the Inquisitorial Courses Répondre en citant


      End of the Inquisitorial Courses

      Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
      Cardinal Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Chancellor of the Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith, Metropolitan Archbishop of Salzburg, Praepositus Generalis of the Jesuit Order, Rector of the Papal University, etc., under the light of the Holy Archangels and Prophets

        The Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith hereby orders the immediate suspension of all inquisitorial courses and educational programmes for the training of inquisitors. The reason is the outdated doctrine. All seminaries and the University are forbidden to continue teaching these courses until a new course has been developed and established.
        The Inquisitorial Seminary is now closed by virtue of this decree.

      Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine

      given in Rome on 14 February MCDLXX

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