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[Annonces] Eglise Aristotélicienne / Aristotelic Church
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 11, 2021 3:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Era Restauracije Vere

    Mi, Kardinali Svete Aristotelijanske, Univerzijalne i Rimske Crkve, okupljeni u Naš Sveti zbor pod Svetlom Svetaca i Proroka i Milosti Naše Svetosti Siksta IV,

      “Kreni, Tite, velik si, pomoću tvoje sile i vere izgraditi ću veliku Crkvu!” (Christos).

      Crkva, koju poznajemo danas, delo je raznih izmena i napredaka kroz nekoliko Era utecaja britkih umova i vođa koji, zbog svog čistog i pobožnog života, su bili prepoznati kao sveci.

      Era Pstanka Vere je utopljena u život i učenja Aristotla, koji je čovečanstvo oslobodio sveprisutnosti hereze i kroz logiku i filozofiju izveo božansku istinu; i Krist, koji je nastavio delo koje je započeo Aristotel kombinirajući sintezu doktrine i krajnjih, aristotelovskih vriednosti u jedinstvo aristotelovske vrline. Vriednosti vječnosti.

      Krist je bio taj koji je shvatao da je za očuvanje ovih aristotelovskih vriednosti i vrlina, božanske istine za dobro i sudbinu čovečanstva potrebno uspostavljanje Svete Majke Crkve kako bi se sprečilo ponovno osnaživanje hereze.
      Te je ideale i svrhe kasnije nasledio Sv. Tit, kojeg je Krist prozvao Titanom i kojemu je kao njegovu namesniku poveren zadatak da tijekom godina nastavi rad ove Crkve, ove aristotelovske zajednice.

      Puno godina nakon Ere Postanka Vjere,kroz veliki rad od Njegove Svetosti Pape Nikole V., Aristotelska zajednica se pronašla pred ulaskom u novo doba njenog postojanja: Ere Obnove Vere.
      Tijekom svog Pontifikata, Nikola V. promicao je nebrojene promene, od kojih su mnoge na snazi i do danas, što je Crkvi omogućilo da svoju misiju ostvari na dinamičniji, organiziraniji i strukturiraniji način.
      Upravo je u njegovu Pontifikatu utemeljena Velika vatikanska apostolska knjižnica, kako bi se omogućio pristup, na svim poznatim jezicima, dogmatskim, doktrinarnim i kanonskim tekstovima, započinjući novo razdoblje u aristotelovskom obrazovanju i poučavanju.
      Također u njegovu Pontifikatu, rimske kongregacije osnovane su kao način decentralizacije funkcija, deleći sav posao koji je obavila aristotelovska zajednica u učinkovita i obučena radna središta.

      Sveta Majka Crkva sada prepoznaje novu promjenu vremena kojega mi kao institucija božanske istine, a s nama i celo čovečanstvo postajemo svesni. Novi izazov.
      S emeritus statusom pape Inocenta VIII, Crkva je još jednom bila zadužena da otvori uši Božjoj volji i proglasi, među prinčevima Crkve, novog Božjeg odabranika, koji je određen da sjedi na prestolju Tita i, kao njegov vikar, vodi aristotelovsku zajednicu u njezinoj večnoj misiji za budućnost:

      Njegova Svetost Siksto IV.

      Nakon što je prihvatio Božji poziv, Siksto IV se morao suočiti sa brojnim izazovima,posebice u jačanju Aristotelske Crkve u ovim teškim vremenima male naseljenosti i opće nezainteresovanosti, kao i svetovnih pokušaja uspostavljanja moći upravljanja nad Svetom Crkvom, kao i pokušaje heretičnih skupina koje su u ovim vremenima vidile svoju šansu za širenjem.

      Među najstrašnijim događajima ovog promenjivog trenutka bila je uzurpacija najčasnije opatije Saint Illinda od strane heretičke skupine, koja je svojim bogohulstvom htela ocrniti jedno od najsvetijih mesta vere. Ipak, suprotno svim ljudskim nastojanjima, zahvaljujući snazi Istinske vere i odlučnosti nekolicine predanih slugu Svevišnjega, Sveta crkva povratila je kontrolu nad svetom Illindom, pročišćujući je i vraćajući joj ulogu aristotelovskog svetišta. Tekom mise zahvalnice za pobedu vere, u nazočnosti Presvetog Oca, anđeo Ogma, kojeg je poslao sam Bog, otkrio mu se kako bi pozvao vrhovnog papu da sazove izvanredni ekumenski koncil Svete Crkve kako bi iznedrio aristotelovsku renesansu, i kako bi Istinskoj veri vratila odgovarajući status.
      To je početak nove ere, ere koja nastavlja ono što je započeo Njegova svetost papa Nikola V.: Era Restauracije Vere. Njegova Svetost će uskoro imenovati odbor koji će započeti pripreme za ovaj istorijski događaj i formalni saziv sledećeg Ekumenskog sabora održat će se što je pre moguće.
      Stoga Sveti kardinalski kolegij poziva cijelu aristotelovsku zajednicu s radošću i slavljem da današnji dan obileži proslavom početka nove ere. Doba koje se usredotočuje na duh Božje milosti i istinsko aristotelovsko prijateljstvo. Kao zajednica, pridružimo se rukama i zajedno proslavimo ovaj istorijski trenutak. Kako bi to proslavio, Njegova Svetost donosi niz uživanja koja izražavaju veličinu ovog čina i amblematičnu prirodu nove ere.

    Dano u Rimu, XXXI dana mjeseca Januara, Godine Gospodnje MCDLXIX, Treće godine Pontifikata Njegove Svetosti Siksta IV.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    Njegova Eminencija Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus

    Njegova Eminencija Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Subdecanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Era Restauracije Vere[/b][/color][/size]

[color=black][b] Mi, Kardinali Svete Aristotelijanske, Univerzijalne i Rimske Crkve, okupljeni u Naš Sveti zbor pod Svetlom Svetaca i Proroka i Milosti Naše Svetosti Siksta IV,[/b][/color]

[list][i][color=#CD9B1D][b] “Kreni, Tite, velik si, pomoću tvoje sile i vere izgraditi ću veliku Crkvu!”[/color] (Christos).[/b]

Crkva, koju poznajemo danas, delo je raznih izmena i napredaka kroz nekoliko Era utecaja britkih umova i vođa koji, zbog svog čistog i pobožnog života, su bili prepoznati kao sveci.

[b][color=#FFCC00][size=13]Era Pstanka Vere[/size][/b][/color]  je utopljena u život i učenja [u]Aristotla[/u], koji je čovečanstvo oslobodio sveprisutnosti hereze i kroz logiku i filozofiju izveo božansku istinu; i [u]Krist[/u], koji je nastavio delo koje je započeo Aristotel kombinirajući sintezu doktrine i krajnjih, aristotelovskih vriednosti u jedinstvo aristotelovske vrline. Vriednosti vječnosti.

Krist  je bio taj koji je shvatao da je za očuvanje ovih aristotelovskih vriednosti i vrlina, božanske istine za dobro i sudbinu čovečanstva potrebno uspostavljanje Svete Majke Crkve kako bi se sprečilo ponovno osnaživanje hereze.
Te je ideale i svrhe kasnije nasledio [u]Sv. Tit,[/u] kojeg je Krist prozvao Titanom i kojemu je kao njegovu namesniku poveren zadatak da tijekom godina nastavi rad ove Crkve, ove aristotelovske zajednice.

Puno godina nakon Ere Postanka Vjere,kroz veliki rad od [u]Njegove Svetosti Pape Nikole V.[/u], Aristotelska zajednica se pronašla pred ulaskom u novo doba njenog postojanja:[b][color=#FFCC00][size=13] Ere Obnove Vere[/size][/b][/color].
Tijekom svog Pontifikata, Nikola V. promicao je nebrojene promene, od kojih su mnoge na snazi i do danas, što je Crkvi omogućilo da svoju misiju ostvari na dinamičniji, organiziraniji i strukturiraniji način.
Upravo je u njegovu Pontifikatu utemeljena Velika vatikanska apostolska knjižnica, kako bi se omogućio pristup, na svim poznatim jezicima, dogmatskim, doktrinarnim i kanonskim tekstovima, započinjući novo razdoblje u aristotelovskom obrazovanju i poučavanju.
Također u njegovu Pontifikatu, rimske kongregacije osnovane su kao način decentralizacije funkcija, deleći sav posao koji je obavila aristotelovska zajednica u učinkovita i obučena radna središta.

Sveta Majka Crkva sada prepoznaje novu promjenu vremena kojega mi kao institucija božanske istine, a s nama i celo čovečanstvo postajemo svesni. Novi izazov.
S emeritus statusom pape Inocenta VIII, Crkva je još jednom bila zadužena da otvori uši Božjoj volji i proglasi, među prinčevima Crkve, novog Božjeg odabranika, koji  je određen da sjedi na prestolju Tita i, kao njegov vikar, vodi aristotelovsku zajednicu u njezinoj večnoj misiji za budućnost:

[u]Njegova Svetost Siksto IV. [/u]

Nakon što je prihvatio Božji poziv, Siksto IV se morao suočiti sa brojnim izazovima,posebice u jačanju Aristotelske Crkve u ovim teškim vremenima male naseljenosti i opće nezainteresovanosti, kao i svetovnih pokušaja uspostavljanja moći upravljanja nad Svetom Crkvom, kao i pokušaje heretičnih skupina koje su u ovim vremenima vidile svoju šansu za širenjem.

Među najstrašnijim događajima ovog promenjivog trenutka bila je uzurpacija najčasnije opatije Saint Illinda od strane heretičke skupine, koja je svojim bogohulstvom htela ocrniti jedno od najsvetijih mesta vere. Ipak, suprotno svim ljudskim nastojanjima, zahvaljujući snazi Istinske vere i odlučnosti nekolicine predanih slugu Svevišnjega, Sveta crkva povratila je kontrolu nad svetom Illindom, pročišćujući je i vraćajući joj ulogu aristotelovskog svetišta. Tekom mise zahvalnice za pobedu vere, u nazočnosti Presvetog Oca, anđeo Ogma, kojeg je poslao sam Bog, otkrio mu se kako bi pozvao vrhovnog papu da sazove izvanredni ekumenski koncil Svete Crkve kako bi iznedrio aristotelovsku renesansu, i kako bi Istinskoj veri vratila odgovarajući status.
To je početak nove ere, ere koja nastavlja ono što je započeo Njegova svetost papa Nikola V.: [b][color=#FFCC00][size=13]Era Restauracije Vere[/size][/b][/color]. Njegova Svetost će uskoro imenovati odbor koji će započeti pripreme za ovaj istorijski događaj i formalni saziv sledećeg Ekumenskog sabora održat će se što je pre moguće.
Stoga Sveti kardinalski kolegij poziva cijelu aristotelovsku zajednicu s radošću i slavljem da današnji dan obileži proslavom početka nove ere. Doba koje se usredotočuje na duh Božje milosti i istinsko aristotelovsko prijateljstvo. Kao zajednica, pridružimo se rukama i zajedno proslavimo ovaj istorijski trenutak. Kako bi to proslavio, Njegova Svetost donosi niz uživanja koja izražavaju veličinu ovog čina i amblematičnu prirodu nove ere.


[b]Dano u Rimu, XXXI dana mjeseca Januara, Godine Gospodnje MCDLXIX, Treće godine Pontifikata Njegove Svetosti Siksta IV.[/b]

[color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i][/color]

[i]Njegova Eminencija Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus[/i]

[i]Njegova Eminencija Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Subdecanus[/i]


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 11, 2021 3:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    A Hit helyreállításának Kora

    Mi, a Szent Arisztotelészi, Egyetemes és Római Egyház bíborosai, a Szent Kollégiumban gyűltünk össze, a szentek és a próféták fénye alatt, valamint a Legkegyelmesebb Őszentsége, Sixtus IV által,

      "Menj, Titus, te egy óriás vagy, és az erőd segítségével építeni fogok egy hatalmas Egyházat!" (Christos).

      Az egyház, amilyet ma ismerünk, számos korszak fejlődésének és haladásának, valamint számtalan olyan elme és vezető hatásának eredménye, akiket makulátlan és hibátlan életük eredményeképp szentként tisztelünk.

      A Hit keletkezésének Korszakát Arisztotelész élete és tanításai jellemzik, aki megszabadította az emberiséget az eretnekség mindenütt való jelenlététől, és logikával és filozófiával vezette le az isteni igazságot; valamint Christosé, aki folytatta az Arisztotelész által megkezdett munkát azzal, hogy a tan és a végső, arisztotelészi értékek szintézisét az arisztotelészi erény egységévé egyesítette. Az örökkévalóság értékei.

      Christos volt az, aki rájött, hogy ezeknek az arisztotelészi értékeknek és erényeknek, az isteni igazságnak az emberiség javára és jövőjének való megőrzése megköveteli a Szent Anyaegyház létrehozását, hogy megakadályozzák az eretnekség újbóli megerősödését.
      Ezeket az eszméket és célokat később St. Titus, akit Christos Titannak becézett, és akit helytartójaként megbízott azzal, hogy folytassa az egyháznak, ennek az arisztotelészi közösségnek a munkáját az évek során.

      Sok évvel e keletkezési korszak kezdete után, Őszentsége V. Miklós pápa nagy művei révén az arisztotelészi közösség létének új szakaszába lépett:A Hit Megújulásának Korába.
      Pápasága alatt V. Miklós számtalan változást mozdított elő, amelyek közül sok a mai napig hatályban van, és melyek lehetővé tették az egyház számára, hogy küldetését dinamikusabban, szervezettebben és strukturáltabban valósítsa meg. Pontifikátusa alatt létrehozta a Nagy Vatikáni Apostoli Könyvtárat, amely lehetővé tette a dogmatikus, doktrinális és kanonikus szövegek hozzáférését mindenki számára, minden ismert nyelven, ezzel jelölve az arisztotelészi oktatás és tanítás új időszakát.
      Pápasága alatt Római Kongregátusokat hozott létre a funkciók decentralizálására, az Arisztotelészi Közösség által végzett összes munkát így hatékony és képzett munkaközpontokra osztva.

      A Szent Anyaszentegyház most felismeri az idők új változását, melyet mi, mint az isteni igazság intézménye, és velünk együtt az egész emberiség tudatára ébred. Új kihívás.
      Innocentus pápa emeritus státusza miatt az egyháznak ismételten hallgatnia kell Isten akaratára és el kell ismernie az egyház fejedelmei közül azt, ki az Isten új választottja, aki Titus trónjára ül, és helytartójaként vezeti az arisztotelészi közösséget a jövő örök küldetésében:

      Őszentsége IV. Sixtus

      Az isteni felhívás elfogadása után a Sixtus IV számos kihívással nézett szembe, különös tekintettel az arisztotelészi egyház megerősítésére ezekben a nehéz időkben, harcolva az alacsony népességgel, az általános érdektelenséggel, világi próbálkozásokkal, melyek maguknak akarják a Szent Egyház irányítását és a különféle eretnek csoportok terjeszkedési kísérleteivel.

      E változó pillanat legszörnyűbb eseményei közé tartozott a Szent Illinda legtiszteletreméltóbb apátságának eretnek csoport általi bitorlása, amely istenkáromlásával meg akarta rontani a Hit egyik legszentebb helyét. Mindazonáltal, minden emberi várakozással ellentétben, az Igaz Hit egy maroknyi odaadó szolgájának elszántságának köszönhetően a Szent Egyház visszaszerezte Saint Illinda irányítását, megtisztítva és helyreállítva arisztotelészi szentély szerepét.
      A hit győzelméért mondott hálaadó miséjén a Legszentebb Atya jelenlétében a maga Isten küldte Ogma angyal kinyilatkoztatta magát, hogy felhívja a Pápa Őszentségét, hogy hívja össze a Szent Egyház rendkívüli Ökumenikus Tanácsát és hozzon létre egy arisztotelészi reneszánszot, hogy helyreállítsa az Igaz Hit megfelelő állapotát.
      Egy új korszak kezdete, egy olyan korszak, amely folytatja azt, amit Őszentsége, V. Miklós pápa elkezdett: A hit helyreállításának korszaka . Őszentsége hamarosan kinevez egy bizottságot, amely megkezdi ennek a történelmi eseménynek az előkészületeit, és a következő Ökumenikus Tanács hivatalos összehívására a lehető leghamarabb sor kerül.
      A Bíborosok Szent Kollégiuma ezért örömmel és boldogsággal hívja fel az egész arisztotelészi közösséget, hogy az új korszak kezdeteként ünnepeljék a kiáltvány mai napját. Egy olyan korszak, amelynek Isten kegyelme és az igazi arisztotelészi barátság szelleme áll a középpontjában. Közösségként fogjuk meg egymás kezét, és együtt ünnepeljük meg ezt a történelmi pillanatot. Ennek megünneplésére Őszentsége számos eseményt hoz létre, amelyek kifejezik e tett nagyságát és az új korszak emblematikus jellegét.

    Kiadva Rómában, Január havának XXXI napján, az Úr MCDLXVIV évében, Őszentsége Sixtus IV harmadik pontifikátusa alatt

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus

    His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]A Hit helyreállításának Kora[/b][/color][/size]

[color=black][b]Mi, a Szent Arisztotelészi, Egyetemes és Római Egyház bíborosai, a Szent Kollégiumban gyűltünk össze, a szentek és a próféták fénye alatt, valamint a Legkegyelmesebb Őszentsége, Sixtus IV által,[/b][/color]

[list][i][color=#CD9B1D][b]"Menj, Titus, te egy óriás vagy, és az erőd segítségével építeni fogok egy hatalmas Egyházat!"[/color] (Christos).[/b]

Az egyház, amilyet ma ismerünk, számos korszak fejlődésének és haladásának, valamint számtalan olyan elme és vezető hatásának eredménye, akiket makulátlan és hibátlan életük eredményeképp szentként tisztelünk.

A [b] [color=#FFCC00] [size=13] Hit keletkezésének Korszakát [/size] [/b] [/color] [u] Arisztotelész [/u] élete és tanításai jellemzik, aki megszabadította az emberiséget az eretnekség mindenütt  való jelenlététől, és logikával és filozófiával vezette le az isteni igazságot; valamint [u] Christosé[/u], aki folytatta az Arisztotelész által megkezdett munkát azzal, hogy a tan és a végső, arisztotelészi értékek szintézisét az arisztotelészi erény egységévé egyesítette. Az örökkévalóság értékei.

Christos volt az, aki rájött, hogy ezeknek az arisztotelészi értékeknek és erényeknek, az isteni igazságnak az emberiség javára és jövőjének való megőrzése megköveteli a Szent Anyaegyház létrehozását, hogy megakadályozzák az eretnekség újbóli megerősödését.
Ezeket az eszméket és célokat később [u] St. Titus, [/u] akit Christos Titannak becézett, és akit helytartójaként megbízott azzal, hogy folytassa az egyháznak, ennek az arisztotelészi közösségnek a munkáját az évek során.

Sok évvel e keletkezési korszak kezdete után, [u]Őszentsége V. Miklós pápa [/u] nagy művei révén az arisztotelészi közösség létének új szakaszába lépett:[b][color=#FFCC00][size=13]A Hit Megújulásának Korába[/size][/b][/color].
Pápasága alatt V. Miklós számtalan változást mozdított elő, amelyek közül sok a mai napig hatályban van, és melyek lehetővé tették az egyház számára, hogy küldetését dinamikusabban, szervezettebben és strukturáltabban valósítsa meg. Pontifikátusa alatt létrehozta a Nagy Vatikáni Apostoli Könyvtárat, amely lehetővé tette a dogmatikus, doktrinális és kanonikus szövegek hozzáférését mindenki számára, minden ismert nyelven, ezzel jelölve az arisztotelészi oktatás és tanítás új időszakát.
Pápasága alatt Római Kongregátusokat hozott létre a funkciók decentralizálására, az Arisztotelészi Közösség által végzett összes munkát így hatékony és képzett munkaközpontokra osztva.

A Szent Anyaszentegyház most felismeri az idők új változását, melyet mi, mint az isteni igazság intézménye, és velünk együtt az egész emberiség tudatára ébred. Új kihívás.
Innocentus pápa emeritus státusza miatt az egyháznak ismételten hallgatnia kell Isten akaratára és el kell ismernie az egyház fejedelmei közül azt, ki az Isten új választottja, aki Titus trónjára ül, és helytartójaként vezeti az arisztotelészi közösséget a jövő örök küldetésében:

[u]Őszentsége IV. Sixtus  [/u]

Az isteni felhívás elfogadása után a Sixtus IV számos kihívással nézett szembe, különös tekintettel az arisztotelészi egyház megerősítésére ezekben a nehéz időkben, harcolva az alacsony népességgel, az általános érdektelenséggel, világi próbálkozásokkal, melyek maguknak akarják a Szent Egyház irányítását és a különféle eretnek csoportok terjeszkedési kísérleteivel.

E változó pillanat legszörnyűbb eseményei közé tartozott a Szent Illinda legtiszteletreméltóbb apátságának eretnek csoport általi bitorlása, amely istenkáromlásával meg akarta rontani a Hit egyik legszentebb helyét. Mindazonáltal, minden emberi várakozással ellentétben, az Igaz Hit egy maroknyi odaadó szolgájának elszántságának köszönhetően a Szent Egyház visszaszerezte Saint Illinda irányítását, megtisztítva és helyreállítva arisztotelészi szentély szerepét.
A hit győzelméért mondott hálaadó miséjén a Legszentebb Atya jelenlétében a maga Isten küldte Ogma angyal kinyilatkoztatta magát, hogy felhívja a Pápa Őszentségét, hogy hívja össze a Szent Egyház rendkívüli Ökumenikus Tanácsát és hozzon létre egy arisztotelészi reneszánszot, hogy helyreállítsa az Igaz Hit megfelelő állapotát.
Egy új korszak kezdete, egy olyan korszak, amely folytatja azt, amit Őszentsége, V. Miklós pápa elkezdett: [b] [color=#FFCC00] [size=13] A hit helyreállításának korszaka [/size] [/b] [/color]. Őszentsége hamarosan kinevez egy bizottságot, amely megkezdi ennek a történelmi eseménynek az előkészületeit, és a következő Ökumenikus Tanács hivatalos összehívására a lehető leghamarabb sor kerül.
A Bíborosok Szent Kollégiuma ezért örömmel és boldogsággal hívja fel az egész arisztotelészi közösséget, hogy az új korszak kezdeteként ünnepeljék a kiáltvány mai napját. Egy olyan korszak, amelynek Isten kegyelme és az igazi arisztotelészi barátság szelleme áll a  középpontjában. Közösségként fogjuk meg egymás kezét, és együtt ünnepeljük meg ezt a történelmi pillanatot. Ennek megünneplésére Őszentsége számos eseményt hoz létre, amelyek kifejezik e tett nagyságát és az új korszak emblematikus jellegét.


[b]Kiadva Rómában, Január havának XXXI napján, az Úr MCDLXVIV évében, Őszentsége Sixtus IV harmadik pontifikátusa alatt [/b]

[color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i][/color]

[i]His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus[/i]

[i]His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus[/i]



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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 12, 2021 11:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Dans notre volonté constante de reconnaître les mérites des hommes et femmes dont le dévouement spécial, le travail et la persévérance profitent ŕ notre Sainte Mčre l'Église, et qui doivent ętre justement proclamés pour leurs actions, par notre supręme autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de Roderic D'Aleixar Batista [ Roderic_ ] comme Prélat d'Honneur et de Melian de Ventoux [ Melian ] et Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [ Charles_antoine ] comme Gentilshommes de Sa Sainteté. Nous souhaitons nous entourer de ces personnes loyales et dignes de confiance, c'est pourquoi elles obtiennent désormais le droit de nous accompagner et de nous assister dans les cérémonies extraordinaires organisées au Palais Apostolique, ainsi que de bénéficier des honneurs de la Cour Pontificale.

    Avec notre bénédiction apostolique, que Dieu Tout-puissant bénisse tous les hommes et femmes de bonne volonté qui servent loyalement les buts de son Église.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo primo, mensis Februaris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref Apostolique III - A. MDCLXIX

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    In our constant will to recognize the merits of those men and women whose special dedication, work and perseverance benefit our Holy Mother Church, and to whom it is right to be proclaimed by their actions, By our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the appointment of Roderic D'Aleixar Batista [ Roderic_ ] as Prelate of Honour and of Melian de Ventoux [ Melian ] and Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [ Charles_antoine ] as Gentlemen of His Holiness. We wish to surround ourselves with those loyal and trustworthy persons, for this reason they now obtain the right to accompany and assist us in the extraordinary ceremonies organised in the Apostolic Palace, as well as to benefit by the honours of the Pontifical Court.

    With our Apostolic Blessing, may God Almighty bless all men and women of good will who loyally serve the purposes of His Church.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo primo, mensis Februaris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref Apostolique III - A. MDCLXIX

ES a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    En nuestro constante deseo de reconocer los méritos de aquellos hombres y mujeres cuya especial dedicación, trabajo y perseverancia benefician a nuestra Santa Madre Iglesia, y a quienes es justo ser proclamados por sus acciones, por nuestra suprema autoridad apostólica, hemos decidido, establecido, decretado y ordenado, y decretamos y ordenamos el nombramiento de Roderic D'Aleixar Batista [ Roderic_ ] como Prelado de Honor y de Melian de Ventoux [ Melian ] y Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [ Charles_antoine ] como gentileshombres de Su Santidad. Deseamos rodearnos de aquellas personas leales y de confianza, por ese motivo ahora ellos obtienen el derecho de acompańarnos y de asistirnos en las ceremonias extraordinarias organizadas en el Palacio Apostólico, así como beneficiarse de los honores de la Corte Pontificia.

    Con nuestra bendición apostólica, que Dios Todopoderoso bendiga a todos los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad que sirven lealmente a los propósitos de su Iglesia.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo primo, mensis Februaris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref Apostolique III - A. MDCLXIX

[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Dans notre volonté constante de reconnaître les mérites des hommes et femmes dont le dévouement spécial, le travail et la persévérance profitent ŕ notre Sainte Mčre l'Église, et qui doivent ętre justement proclamés pour leurs actions, par notre supręme autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons la nomination de [b]Roderic D'Aleixar Batista [size=9][ Roderic_ ][/size][/b] comme Prélat d'Honneur et de [b]Melian de Ventoux [size=9][ Melian ][/size][/b] et [b]Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [size=9][ Charles_antoine ][/size][/b] comme Gentilshommes de Sa Sainteté. Nous souhaitons nous entourer de ces personnes loyales et dignes de confiance, c'est pourquoi elles obtiennent désormais le droit de nous accompagner et de nous assister dans les cérémonies extraordinaires organisées au Palais Apostolique, ainsi que de bénéficier des honneurs de la Cour Pontificale.

Avec notre bénédiction apostolique, que Dieu Tout-puissant bénisse tous les hommes et femmes de bonne volonté qui servent loyalement les buts de son Église.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo primo, mensis Februaris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Bref Apostolique III - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

In our constant will to recognize the merits of those men and women whose special dedication, work and perseverance benefit our Holy Mother Church, and to whom it is right to be proclaimed by their actions, By our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the appointment of [b]Roderic D'Aleixar Batista [size=9][ Roderic_ ][/size][/b] as Prelate of Honour and of [b]Melian de Ventoux [size=9][ Melian ][/size][/b] and [b]Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [size=9][ Charles_antoine ][/size][/b] as Gentlemen of His Holiness. We wish to surround ourselves with those loyal and trustworthy persons, for this reason they now obtain the right to accompany and assist us in the extraordinary ceremonies organised in the Apostolic Palace, as well as to benefit by the honours of the Pontifical Court.

With our Apostolic Blessing, may God Almighty bless all men and women of good will who loyally serve the purposes of His Church.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo primo, mensis Februaris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Bref Apostolique III - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

En nuestro constante deseo de reconocer los méritos de aquellos hombres y mujeres cuya especial dedicación, trabajo y perseverancia benefician a nuestra Santa Madre Iglesia, y a quienes es justo ser proclamados por sus acciones, por nuestra suprema autoridad apostólica, hemos decidido, establecido, decretado y ordenado, y decretamos y ordenamos el nombramiento de [b]Roderic D'Aleixar Batista [size=9][ Roderic_ ][/size][/b] como Prelado de Honor y de [b]Melian de Ventoux [size=9][ Melian ][/size][/b] y [b]Charles-Antoine d'Appérault Von Frayner d'Azayes [size=9][ Charles_antoine ][/size][/b] como gentileshombres de Su Santidad. Deseamos rodearnos de aquellas personas leales y de confianza, por ese motivo ahora ellos obtienen el derecho de acompańarnos y de asistirnos en las ceremonias extraordinarias organizadas en el Palacio Apostólico, así como beneficiarse de los honores de la Corte Pontificia.

Con nuestra bendición apostólica, que Dios Todopoderoso bendiga a todos los hombres y mujeres de buena voluntad que sirven lealmente a los propósitos de su Iglesia.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo primo, mensis Februaris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Bref Apostolique III - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]



Eskerrik asko Ińési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 18, 2021 3:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Laicisation of Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle

    We, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal Vice-Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of God on earth, Successor of the Second Prophet and of Saint Titus Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, Metropolitan of the Province of Rome, Servant of the Servants of God, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos, announce the following:

      By the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV:
      With immediate effect, the cardinal-priest Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [Oberon.] is laicised.
      By virtue of this decision, he will leave the state of the clergy and organise his life outside it. He is released from the sacred oaths he swore at his ordination.

      With this decision, His Holiness is following Oberon's wish.

      The Sacred College and His Holiness thank Oberon for his achievements on behalf of Holy Mother Church in the past and present.

      We wish Oberon God's eternal grace and benevolent blessing for his future.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

    Roma, ante diem XI Kalendis Martii anno Domini MCDLXIX, Sixti IV PP Anno Tertio

    Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Subdecanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Laicisation of Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle[/b][/color][/size]

[b]We, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal Vice-Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of God on earth, Successor of the Second Prophet and of Saint Titus Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, Metropolitan of the Province of Rome, Servant of the Servants of God, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos, announce the following:

[list] By the will and order of His Holiness Pope Sixtus IV:
With immediate effect, the cardinal-priest [color=orange][b]Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle[/b][/color] [size=9][Oberon.][/size] is laicised.
By virtue of this decision, he will leave the state of the clergy and organise his life outside it. He is released from the sacred oaths he swore at his ordination.

With this decision, His Holiness is following Oberon's wish.

The Sacred College and His Holiness thank Oberon for his achievements on behalf of Holy Mother Church in the past and present.

We wish Oberon God's eternal grace and benevolent blessing for his future.  [/list]

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam [/b][/i]

Roma, ante diem XI Kalendis Martii anno Domini MCDLXIX, Sixti IV PP Anno Tertio


Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Subdecanus[/i][/list]

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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 05, 2021 6:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Firma et Constanti Voluntate
    Concessione dei nuovi Statuti della Primazia del Meridione d'Italia

    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Nella ferma e costante volontŕ di assicurare il miglior funzionamento possibile delle strutture ecclesiastiche, tenuto conto delle recenti modifiche da noi apportate all'organizzazione locale e della necessitŕ che questa si conformi quanto prima alle vigenti norme canoniche per riprendere la Propagazione della Vera Fede e il quotidiano servizio ai nostri amatissimi figli nella Fede, abbiamo ritenuto necessario dotare la Primazia del Meridione d'Italia di nuovi Statuti, che potranno essere modificati secondo l'ordinaria procedura canonica.

    Data a Roma, sulla veneratissima tomba di San Titus Principe degli Apostoli, il quinto giorno del mese di marzo, giovedě, dell'anno di grazia MCDLXIX, il terzo del Nostro Pontificato.


    Statuti della Primazia del Meridione d'Italia

    In conformitŕ al Libro 2 Parte I del Codex Iuris Canonici della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica, Universale e Romana, denominato "Regimini secularis ecclesiae", č istituita la Primazia del Meridione d'Italia, ricomprendente e avente autoritŕ su tutte le arcidiocesi, diocesi e parrocchie presenti in tutto o in parte nel territorio del Meridione d'Italia.
    La Primazie del Meridione č diretta dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione in conformitŕ e nei limiti del Dogma, del Diritto Canonico e delle decisioni superiori prese dalla Curia Romana e dalle altre Istituzioni della Santa Chiesa.
    In quanto suddivisione territoriale della Santa Chiesa, la Primazie del Meridione č naturalmente soggetta all'autoritŕ dottrinale e pastorale della Santa Sede e delle sue istituzioni.

    Parte I. L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione

    I. Composizione

    Articolo 1. L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione č composta da membri di diritto e membri consultivi.

    Articolo 2. I membri di diritto con diritto di parola e di voto sono :
    • gli(arci)vescovi del Meridione d'Italia, cioč coloro che sono eletti secondo le procedure canoniche Res Parendo per governare una diocesi;, ;
    • gli(arci)vescovi Sine Cura residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
    • gli(arci)vescovi In Partibus residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
    • gli(arci)vescovi emeriti residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
    • i cardinali residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
    • i rettori di ordini religiosi romani residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
    • i gran maestri di ordini militari religiosi residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
    • un delegato della Nunziatura Apostolica, da questa nominato a tal fine, purché sia almeno ordinato o con rango di vescovo.

    Articolo 3. I membri consultivi con diritto di parola ma non di voto sono:
    • i cardinali residenti (In Gratibus) al di fuori del territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
    • i fedeli selezionati dall'Assemblea Episcopale in base alle loro qualitŕ morali, intellettuali e religiose su proposta di un membro d'ufficio.

    II. Funzionamento

    Articolo 4. Le decisioni sono prese dai membri di diritto a maggioranza semplice dei voti espressi salvo disposizioni contrarie.

    Articolo 5. Tutti i membri possono partecipare alle discussioni, ma solo i membri di diritto possono dare inizio a una discussione e votare.

    Articolo 6.In caso di paritŕ di voti, quello del Primate del Meridione č determinante.

    Articolo 7. La votazione deve sempre includere la possibilitŕ di astenersi o di votare contro la proposta. Le astensioni non vengono computate ai fini della maggioranza.

    Articolo 8. La votazione si svolge per un periodo ordinario di cinque giorni ed č sempre preceduta da un periodo di discussione di almeno tre giorni.

    Articolo 9. Le votazioni possono essere avviate immediatamente e il periodo di voto puň essere ridotto a tre giorni per decisione del Primate o nei casi previsti dalle procedure di emergenza.

    Articolo 10. I seguenti casi permettono di applicare la procedura di emergenza:
    • assenza non annunciata del Primate o del Vice Primate per due settimane;
    • conflitto armato o altro pericolo per le parrocchie della Primazie del Meridione;
    • qualsiasi discussione su un argomento che richiede una reazione rapida da parte dell'Assemblea Episcopale per decisione motivata del Primate.

      N.B. L'assenza include la non partecipazione ai dibattiti dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione o il ritiro spirituale.

    Parte II. Le Diocesi

    I. (Arci)Vescovi

    Articolo 11. L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione nomina e revoca gli (arci)vescovi del Meridione .

    Articolo 12.I seguenti fatti sono motivo di revoca :
    • assenza di piů di un mese senza giustificazione;
    • ingerenza negli affari di un'altra diocesi nonostante gli avvertimenti dei superiori;
    • inadempienza o indisciplina nel proprio incarico;
    • abandono della propria diocesi.

    Articolo 13. La procedura per l'elezione di un nuovo (arci)vescovo viene normalmente avviata quando una sede (arci)episcopale diventa vacante.

    Articolo 14. Le sedi (arci)episcopali diventano vacanti con la morte, le dimissioni o la revoca dell'(arci)vescovo competente.

    Articolo 15. Il Primate del Meridione annuncia la vacanza di una sede (arci)vescovile in Piazza Aristotele e nella piazza locale e pubblica un appello alle candidature della durata di cinque giorni.

    Articolo 16. Le candidature devono essere inviate al Primate del Meridione e devono contenere un curriculum vitae, una laurea in teologia e una lettera di motivazione. Il Primate puň respingere candidati inverosimili o inadatti, ma deve riferirlo all'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

    Articolo 17. Alla scadenza del termine per presentare le candidature, il Primate del Meridione avvia il dibattito e la votazione secondo la procedura ordinaria.

    II. Amministratori Diocesani

    Articolo 18. L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione nomina e revoca gli amministratori diocesani del Meridione, il cui mandato č di quattro mesi, rinnovabile una volta.

    Articolo 19. I seguenti fatti sono motivo di revoca:
    • assenza di piů di un mese senza giustificazione;
    • interferenza in ambito spirituale nonostante gli ammonimenti dei suoi superiori;
    • inadempienza o indisciplina nel proprio incarico;
    • abandono della propria diocesi.

    N.B. Anche se non puň essere rimosso con la forza dalla sua posizione, ci si aspetta che l'amministratore che č stato revocato si dimetta dal suo ufficio In Gratibus, in caso contrario sarŕ giudicato dalla giustizia della Chiesa.

    Articolo 20. La procedura per l'elezione di un amministratore diocesano viene avviata quando non č possibile assicurare l'amministrazione In Gratibus, o perché l'(arci)vescovo non puň assicurarla personalmente o perché č assente.

    Articolo 21. Il primate pubblica pubblica un appello alle candidature della durata di cinque giorni, specificando se si tratta di un incarico sede plena o sede vacante, cioč se c'č o meno un (arci)vescovo Res Parendo.

    Articolo 22. I candidati devono rivolgersi al Primate con una lettera che contenga un curriculum vitae, gli eventuali diplomi conseguiti, la loro condizione di pastore di fede e una dichiarazione di motivazione. Il Primate puň respingere candidati inverosimili o inadatti, ma deve riferirlo all'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

    Articolo 23. Alla scadenza del termine per presentare le candidature, il Primate del Meridione avvia il dibattito e la votazione secondo la procedura ordinaria.

    Parte III. Il Primate del Meridione

    Articolo 24. Il Primate rappresenta la Primazie del Meridione e presiede l'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione. Deve garantire il rispetto degli Statuti e delle direttive stabilite dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

    Articolo 25. Il Primate č eletto tra i membri di diritto dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione per un mandato rinnovabile di sei mesi.

    Articolo 26. Tutti i candidati a Primate devono fornire un curriculum vitae completo e un programma.

    Articolo 27. Il Primate nomina e revoca liberamente un Vice Primate per assisterlo nell'assolvimento dei suoi compiti.

    Articolo 28.In caso di assenza o d’inabilitŕ, il Primate viene sostituito dal Vice Primate che ottiene tutti i poteri conferiti al Primate fino al ritorno di quest'ultimo.

    Articolo 29. Il Primate e il Vice Primate avranno cura di annunciare le loro assenze per permettere il buon funzionamento dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

    Articolo 30.Il Primate disponde di un mandato tacito e puň quindi emettere decreti unilateralmente. Questi decreti possono a loro volta essere annullati dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione, la procedura di annullamento ha effetto sospensivo dei decreti.

    Articolo 31. Il Primate puň essere destituito dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione tramite mozione di censura sufficientemente motivata.

    Articolo 32. In caso di morte o destituzione del Primate, il Vice Primate č responsabile della transizione verso una nuova elezione primaziale.

    Parte IV. L'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione

    Articolo 33. L'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione č un organismo consultivo dipendente dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione con lo scopo di promuovere la discussione e il dialogo tra il clero del Meridione e i collaboratori laici.

    Articolo 34. Data la natura consultiva dell'organo, i membri dell'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione hanno solo il diritto di parola, non essendo previsto alcun voto.

    Articolo 35. I membri dell'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione devono mantenere la discussione ordinata e rispettosa, basata sulla conoscenza e sulla ragione, cercando la condivisione e la comprensione. In caso di alterchi ripetuti, qualsiasi membro puň essere allontanato dal Primate.

    Articolo 36. L'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione č composta da:
    • tutti i membri dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione;
    • qualsiasi altro chierico, sacerdote o meno, del Meridione;
    • gli amministratori diocesani del Meridione;
    • gli amministratori parrocchiali del Meridione;
    • i canonici In Gratibus del Meridione.

    Ottriati da Sua Santitŕ Papa Sisto IV, il quinto giorno del mese di marzo, giovedě, dell'anno di grazia MCDLXIX.


[color=#FFCC33][i][b][size=25]Firma et Constanti Voluntate[/size] [/b][/i][i]
[size=12][b]Concessione dei nuovi Statuti della Primazia del Meridione d'Italia[/b][/size][/i][/color]

[b][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, Ad perpetuam rei memoriam [/size][/b]

Nella ferma e costante volontŕ di assicurare il miglior funzionamento possibile delle strutture ecclesiastiche, tenuto conto delle recenti modifiche da noi apportate all'organizzazione locale e della necessitŕ che questa si conformi quanto prima alle vigenti norme canoniche per riprendere la Propagazione della Vera Fede e il quotidiano servizio ai nostri amatissimi figli nella Fede, abbiamo ritenuto necessario dotare la Primazia del Meridione d'Italia di nuovi Statuti, che potranno essere modificati secondo l'ordinaria procedura canonica. 

[i]Data a Roma, sulla veneratissima tomba di San Titus Principe degli Apostoli, il quinto giorno del mese di marzo, giovedě, dell'anno di grazia MCDLXIX, il terzo del Nostro Pontificato.[/i]




[size=18][b]Statuti della Primazia del Meridione d'Italia[/b][/size]

[i]In conformitŕ al Libro 2 Parte I del Codex Iuris Canonici della Santa Chiesa Aristotelica, Universale e Romana, denominato "Regimini secularis ecclesiae", č istituita la Primazia del Meridione d'Italia, ricomprendente e avente autoritŕ su tutte le arcidiocesi, diocesi e parrocchie presenti in tutto o in parte nel territorio del Meridione d'Italia.
La Primazie del Meridione č diretta dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione in conformitŕ e nei limiti del Dogma, del Diritto Canonico e delle decisioni superiori prese dalla Curia Romana e dalle altre Istituzioni della Santa Chiesa.
In quanto suddivisione territoriale della Santa Chiesa, la Primazie del Meridione č naturalmente soggetta all'autoritŕ dottrinale e pastorale della Santa Sede e delle sue istituzioni. [/i]

[size=15][b]Parte I. L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione[/b] [/size]

[b]I. Composizione[/b]

[b]Articolo 1.[/b] L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione č composta da membri di diritto e membri consultivi.

[b]Articolo 2.[/b] I membri di diritto con diritto di parola e di voto sono :
[list][*] gli(arci)vescovi del Meridione d'Italia, cioč coloro che sono eletti secondo le procedure canoniche Res Parendo per governare una diocesi;, ;
[*] gli(arci)vescovi Sine Cura residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
[*] gli(arci)vescovi In Partibus residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
[*] gli(arci)vescovi emeriti residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
[*] i cardinali residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
[*] i rettori di ordini religiosi romani residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
[*]  i gran maestri di ordini militari religiosi residenti (In Gratibus) nel territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
[*] un delegato della Nunziatura Apostolica, da questa nominato a tal fine, purché sia almeno ordinato o con rango di vescovo. [/list]

[b]Articolo 3.[/b] I membri consultivi con diritto di parola ma non di voto sono:
[list][*] i cardinali residenti (In Gratibus) al di fuori del territorio della Primazia del Meridione;
[*] i fedeli selezionati dall'Assemblea Episcopale in base alle loro qualitŕ morali, intellettuali e religiose su proposta di un membro d'ufficio.[/list]

[b]II. Funzionamento [/b]

[b]Articolo 4.[/b] Le decisioni sono prese dai membri di diritto a maggioranza semplice dei voti espressi salvo disposizioni contrarie.

[b]Articolo 5.[/b] Tutti i membri possono partecipare alle discussioni, ma solo i membri di diritto possono dare inizio a una discussione e votare.

[b]Articolo 6.[/b]In caso di paritŕ di voti, quello del Primate del Meridione č determinante.

[b]Articolo 7.[/b] La votazione deve sempre includere la possibilitŕ di astenersi o di votare contro la proposta. Le astensioni non vengono computate ai fini della maggioranza.

[b]Articolo 8.[/b] La votazione si svolge per un periodo ordinario di cinque giorni ed č sempre preceduta da un periodo di discussione di almeno tre giorni.

[b]Articolo 9.[/b] Le votazioni possono essere avviate immediatamente e il periodo di voto puň essere ridotto a tre giorni per decisione del Primate o nei casi previsti dalle procedure di emergenza.

[b]Articolo 10.[/b] I seguenti casi permettono di applicare la procedura di emergenza:
[list][*] assenza non annunciata del Primate o del Vice Primate per due settimane;
[*] conflitto armato o altro pericolo per le parrocchie della Primazie del Meridione;
[*] qualsiasi discussione su un argomento che richiede una reazione rapida da parte dell'Assemblea Episcopale per decisione motivata del Primate.

[i][size=9]N.B. L'assenza include la non partecipazione ai dibattiti dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione o il ritiro spirituale.[/size][/i][/list]

[size=15][b]Parte II. Le Diocesi[/b][/size]

[b]I. (Arci)Vescovi[/b]

[b]Articolo 11.[/b]  L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione nomina e revoca gli (arci)vescovi del Meridione .

[b]Articolo 12.[/b]I seguenti fatti sono motivo di revoca :[list][*] assenza di piů di un mese senza giustificazione;
[*] ingerenza negli affari di un'altra diocesi nonostante gli avvertimenti dei superiori;
[*] inadempienza o indisciplina nel proprio incarico;
[*] abandono della propria diocesi.[/list]
[b]Articolo 13.[/b] La procedura per l'elezione di un nuovo (arci)vescovo viene normalmente avviata quando una sede (arci)episcopale diventa vacante.

[b]Articolo 14.[/b]  Le sedi (arci)episcopali diventano vacanti con la morte, le dimissioni o la revoca dell'(arci)vescovo competente.

[b]Articolo 15.[/b] Il Primate del Meridione annuncia la vacanza di una sede (arci)vescovile in Piazza Aristotele e nella piazza locale e pubblica un appello alle candidature della durata di cinque giorni.

[b]Articolo 16.[/b] Le candidature devono essere inviate al Primate del Meridione e devono contenere un curriculum vitae, una laurea in teologia e una lettera di motivazione. Il Primate puň respingere candidati inverosimili o inadatti, ma deve riferirlo all'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

[b]Articolo 17.[/b] Alla scadenza del termine per presentare le candidature, il Primate del Meridione avvia il dibattito e la votazione secondo la procedura ordinaria.

[b]II. Amministratori Diocesani[/b]

[b]Articolo 18.[/b] L'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione nomina e revoca gli amministratori diocesani del Meridione, il cui mandato č di quattro mesi, rinnovabile una volta.

[b]Articolo 19.[/b] I seguenti fatti sono motivo di revoca:[list][*]assenza di piů di un mese senza giustificazione;
[*] interferenza in ambito spirituale nonostante gli ammonimenti dei suoi superiori;
[*] inadempienza o indisciplina nel proprio incarico;
[*] abandono della propria diocesi.[/list]
[i][size=9]N.B. Anche se non puň essere rimosso con la forza dalla sua posizione, ci si aspetta che l'amministratore che č stato revocato si dimetta dal suo ufficio In Gratibus, in caso contrario sarŕ giudicato dalla giustizia della Chiesa.[/size][/i]

[b]Articolo 20.[/b] La procedura per l'elezione di un amministratore diocesano viene avviata quando non č possibile assicurare l'amministrazione In Gratibus, o perché l'(arci)vescovo non puň assicurarla personalmente o perché č assente.

[b]Articolo 21.[/b] Il primate pubblica pubblica un appello alle candidature della durata di cinque giorni, specificando se si tratta di un incarico [i]sede plena[/i] o [i]sede vacante[/i], cioč se c'č o meno un (arci)vescovo Res Parendo.

[b]Articolo 22.[/b] I candidati devono rivolgersi al Primate con una lettera che contenga un curriculum vitae, gli eventuali diplomi conseguiti, la loro condizione di pastore di fede e una dichiarazione di motivazione. Il Primate puň respingere candidati inverosimili o inadatti, ma deve riferirlo all'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

[b]Articolo 23.[/b] Alla scadenza del termine per presentare le candidature, il Primate del Meridione avvia il dibattito e la votazione secondo la procedura ordinaria.

[size=15][b]Parte III. Il Primate del Meridione[/b][/size]

[b]Articolo 24.[/b] Il Primate rappresenta la Primazie del Meridione e presiede l'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione. Deve garantire il rispetto degli Statuti e delle direttive stabilite dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

[b]Articolo 25.[/b] Il Primate č eletto tra i membri di diritto dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione per un mandato rinnovabile di sei mesi.

[b]Articolo 26.[/b] Tutti i candidati a Primate devono fornire un curriculum vitae completo e un programma.

[b]Articolo 27.[/b] Il Primate nomina e revoca liberamente un Vice Primate per assisterlo nell'assolvimento dei suoi compiti.

[b]Articolo 28.[/b]In caso di assenza o d’inabilitŕ, il Primate viene sostituito dal Vice Primate che ottiene tutti i poteri conferiti al Primate fino al ritorno di quest'ultimo.

[b]Articolo 29.[/b] Il Primate e il Vice Primate avranno cura di annunciare le loro assenze per permettere il buon funzionamento dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione.

[b]Articolo 30.[/b]Il Primate disponde di un mandato tacito e puň quindi emettere decreti unilateralmente. Questi decreti possono a loro volta essere annullati dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione, la procedura di annullamento ha effetto sospensivo dei decreti.

[b]Articolo 31.[/b] Il Primate puň essere destituito dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione tramite mozione di censura sufficientemente motivata.

[b]Articolo 32.[/b] In caso di morte o destituzione del Primate, il Vice Primate č responsabile della transizione verso una nuova elezione primaziale.

[size=15][b]Parte IV. L'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione[/b][/size]

[b]Articolo 33.[/b] L'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione č un organismo consultivo dipendente dall'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione con lo scopo di promuovere la discussione e il dialogo tra il clero del Meridione e i collaboratori laici.

[b]Articolo 34.[/b] Data la natura consultiva dell'organo, i membri dell'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione hanno solo il diritto di parola, non essendo previsto alcun voto.

[b]Articolo 35.[/b] I membri dell'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione devono mantenere la discussione ordinata e rispettosa, basata sulla conoscenza e sulla ragione, cercando la condivisione e la comprensione. In caso di alterchi ripetuti, qualsiasi membro puň essere allontanato dal Primate.

[b]Articolo 36.[/b] L'Assemblea del Clero del Meridione č composta da:[list][*] tutti i membri dell'Assemblea Episcopale del Meridione;
[*] qualsiasi altro chierico, sacerdote o meno, del Meridione;
[*] gli amministratori diocesani del Meridione;
[*] gli amministratori parrocchiali del Meridione;
[*] i canonici In Gratibus del Meridione. [/list]

Ottriati da Sua Santitŕ Papa Sisto IV, il quinto giorno del mese di marzo, giovedě, dell'anno di grazia MCDLXIX.



Eskerrik asko Ińési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 05, 2021 6:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Avendo consultato i nostri fratelli e sorelle vescovi italici, per nostra volontŕ riuniti in sinodo locale, e volendo assicurare maggiore collegialitŕ e piena paritŕ in seno all'episcopato italico, per la nostra suprema autoritŕ apostolica, abbiamo deciso, stabilito, decretato e statuito, e decretiamo e statuiamo la rimozione della penisola italica dal novero dei territori a cui si applicano le disposizioni canoniche eccezionali denominate proprius loci e contenute nel secondo Libro del Codice di Diritto Canonico, denominato Ť Regimini secularis Ecclesić ť, in materia di clero secolare. Di conseguenza, a partire da questo momento, nella penisola italica saranno applicate solo le ordinarie norme canoniche contenute nel suddetto Libro di canoni e, in particolare, vigeranno la piena paritŕ tra vescovi e la loro elezione da parte delle assemblee episcopali competenti.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Breve Apostolico V - A. MDCLXIX


    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Aprčs avoir consulté nos frčres et soeurs évęques italiens, par notre volonté réunis en synode local, et souhaitant assurer une plus grande collégialité et une pleine égalité au sein de l'épiscopat italien, par notre supręme autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons le retrait de la péninsule italique de la liste des territoires auxquels s'appliquent les dispositions canoniques exceptionnelles dénommées proprius loci et contenues dans le deuxičme Livre du Code de Droit Canon, dénommé Ť Regimini secularis Ecclesić ť, concernant le clergé séculier. Par conséquent, ŕ partir de ce moment, seules les normes canoniques ordinaires contenues dans le Livre des Canons susmentionné seront appliquées dans la péninsule italienne et, en particulier, la pleine égalité des évęques et leur élection par les assemblées épiscopales seront en vigueur.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Bref apostolique V - A. MDCLXIX


    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    After consulting our brothers and sisters the Italian bishops, by our will assembled in local synod, and wishing to ensure greater collegiality and full equality within the Italian episcopate, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the removal of the Italic peninsula from the list of territories to which the exceptional canonical provisions called proprius loci and contained in the second Book of the Code of Canon Law, called Ť Regimini secularis Ecclesić ť, concerning the secular clergy, apply. Consequently, from now on, only the ordinary canonical norms contained in the aforementioned Book of Canons will be applied in the Italian peninsula and, in particular, the full equality of bishops and their election by the competent episcopal assemblies will be in force.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Apostolic Brief V - A. MDCLXIX


    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Após consultar nossos irmăos e irmăs bispos italianos, por nossa vontade reunidos em sínodo local, e desejando assegurar maior colegialidade e plena igualdade dentro do episcopado italiano, por nossa suprema autoridade apostólica, decidimos, estabelecemos, decretamos e estabelecemos, e decretamos e estabelecemos a remoçăo da península Itálica da lista de territórios aos quais se aplicam as disposiçőes canônicas excepcionais chamadas proprius loci e contidas no segundo Livro do Código de Direito Canônico, denominado "Regimini secularis Ecclesić", relativo ao clero secular. Consequentemente, doravante, somente as normas canônicas ordinárias contidas no citado Livro dos Cânones serăo aplicadas na península italiana e, em particular, a plena igualdade dos bispos e sua eleiçăo pelas Assembleias Episcopais competentes estarăo em vigor.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Breve Apostólico V - A. MDCLXIX

[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Avendo consultato i nostri fratelli e sorelle vescovi italici, per nostra volontŕ riuniti in sinodo locale, e volendo assicurare maggiore collegialitŕ e piena paritŕ in seno all'episcopato italico, per la nostra suprema autoritŕ apostolica, abbiamo deciso, stabilito, decretato e statuito, e decretiamo e statuiamo la rimozione della penisola italica dal novero dei territori a cui si applicano le disposizioni canoniche eccezionali denominate [i]proprius loci[/i] e contenute nel secondo Libro del Codice di Diritto Canonico, denominato Ť Regimini secularis Ecclesić ť, in materia di clero secolare. Di conseguenza, a partire da questo momento, nella penisola italica saranno applicate solo le ordinarie norme canoniche contenute nel suddetto Libro di canoni e, in particolare, vigeranno la piena paritŕ tra vescovi e la loro elezione da parte delle assemblee episcopali competenti.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Breve Apostolico V - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Aprčs avoir consulté nos frčres et soeurs évęques italiens, par notre volonté réunis en synode local, et souhaitant assurer une plus grande collégialité et une pleine égalité au sein de l'épiscopat italien, par notre supręme autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons le retrait de la péninsule italique de la liste des territoires auxquels s'appliquent les dispositions canoniques exceptionnelles dénommées [i]proprius loci[/i] et contenues dans le deuxičme Livre du Code de Droit Canon, dénommé Ť Regimini secularis Ecclesić ť, concernant le clergé séculier. Par conséquent, ŕ partir de ce moment, seules les normes canoniques ordinaires contenues dans le Livre des Canons susmentionné seront appliquées dans la péninsule italienne et, en particulier, la pleine égalité des évęques et leur élection par les assemblées épiscopales seront en vigueur.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Bref apostolique V - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

After consulting our brothers and sisters the Italian bishops, by our will assembled in local synod, and wishing to ensure greater collegiality and full equality within the Italian episcopate, by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule the removal of the Italic peninsula from the list of territories to which the exceptional canonical provisions called [i]proprius loci[/i] and contained in the second Book of the Code of Canon Law, called Ť Regimini secularis Ecclesić ť, concerning the secular clergy, apply. Consequently, from now on, only the ordinary canonical norms contained in the aforementioned Book of Canons will be applied in the Italian peninsula and, in particular, the full equality of bishops and their election by the competent episcopal assemblies will be in force.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Apostolic Brief V - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]


[i][size=16]Sixtus Episcopus Romanus[/size]
Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.[/i]

Após consultar nossos irmăos e irmăs bispos italianos, por nossa vontade reunidos em sínodo local, e desejando assegurar maior colegialidade e plena igualdade dentro do episcopado italiano, por nossa suprema autoridade apostólica, decidimos, estabelecemos, decretamos e estabelecemos, e decretamos e estabelecemos a remoçăo da península Itálica da lista de territórios aos quais se aplicam as disposiçőes canônicas excepcionais chamadas [i]proprius loci[/i] e contidas no segundo Livro do Código de Direito Canônico, denominado "Regimini secularis Ecclesić", relativo ao clero secular. Consequentemente, doravante, somente as normas canônicas ordinárias contidas no citado Livro dos Cânones serăo aplicadas na península italiana e, em particular, a plena igualdade dos bispos e sua eleiçăo pelas Assembleias Episcopais competentes estarăo em vigor.

[i]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die quarto, mensis Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.[/i]


[list][size=8]Breve Apostólico V - A. MDCLXIX[/size][/list]



Eskerrik asko Ińési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 11, 2021 12:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Sulle nuove giurisdizioni ecclesiastiche

    Noi, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinale Vice-Decano del Sacro Collegio, per volontŕ e decisione di Sua Santitŕ Sisto IV, Vescovo di Roma, Vicario di Dio in terra, Successore del Secondo Profeta e del Santo Tito Principe degli Apostoli, Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, Metropolita della Provincia di Roma, Servo dei Servi di Dio, davanti all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo dei suoi due profeti, Aristotele e Christos, annuncio quanto segue :

    Abbiamo stabilito e ordinato, e con il nostro attuale editto perpetuo e definitivo, diciamo e ordiniamo le seguenti modifiche alle giurisdizioni ecclesiastiche in conformitŕ alla volontŕ del Sommo Pontefice:

    - Le diocesi suffraganee d'Abruzzo, dell'Aquila, di Arezzo, di Chieti, dei Marsi, di Sora, di Sulmona-Valva e di Terracina sono distaccate dalla provincia ecclesiastica di Roma;
    - La diocesi suffraganea di Arezzo č aggregata alla provincia ecclesiastica di Firenze come suffraganea dell'arcidiocesi metropolitana di Firenze;
    - Le diocesi suffraganee di Sora e Terracina sono aggregate alla provincia ecclesiastica di Capua come suffraganee dell'arcidiocesi metropolitana di Capua;
    - La diocesi suffraganea dell'Aquila č elevata al rango di arcidiocesi metropolitana;
    - Č eretta la provincia ecclesiastica dell'Aquila, comprendente l'arcidiocesi metropolitana dell'Aquila e le diocesi suffraganee d'Abruzzo, di Chieti, dei Marsi, e di Sulmona-Valva;

    Tutte le (arci)diocesi immediatamente soggette alla Santa Sede rientrano nella disponibilitŕ totale ed esclusiva della Santa Sede, e solo il Sommo Pontefice o il Sacro Collegio possono disporne.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, ante diem V Idibus Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Sixti IV PP Anno Tertio

    Per il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali e il Santo Padre, Papa Sisto IV.
    Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Subdecanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Sulle nuove giurisdizioni ecclesiastiche[/b][/color][/size]

[b]Noi, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinale Vice-Decano del Sacro Collegio, per volontŕ e decisione di Sua Santitŕ Sisto IV, Vescovo di Roma, Vicario di Dio in terra, Successore del Secondo Profeta e del Santo Tito Principe degli Apostoli, Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, Metropolita della Provincia di Roma, Servo dei Servi di Dio, davanti all'Onnipotente e sotto lo sguardo dei suoi due profeti, Aristotele e Christos, annuncio quanto segue :[/b]

Abbiamo stabilito e ordinato, e con il nostro attuale editto perpetuo e definitivo, diciamo e ordiniamo le seguenti modifiche alle giurisdizioni ecclesiastiche in conformitŕ alla volontŕ del Sommo Pontefice:

- Le diocesi suffraganee d'Abruzzo, dell'Aquila, di Arezzo, di Chieti, dei Marsi, di Sora, di Sulmona-Valva e di Terracina sono distaccate dalla provincia ecclesiastica di Roma;
- La diocesi suffraganea di Arezzo č aggregata alla provincia ecclesiastica di Firenze come suffraganea dell'arcidiocesi metropolitana di Firenze;
- Le diocesi suffraganee di Sora e Terracina sono aggregate alla provincia ecclesiastica di Capua come suffraganee dell'arcidiocesi metropolitana di Capua;
- La diocesi suffraganea dell'Aquila č elevata al rango di arcidiocesi metropolitana;
- Č eretta la provincia ecclesiastica dell'Aquila, comprendente l'arcidiocesi metropolitana dell'Aquila e le diocesi suffraganee d'Abruzzo, di Chieti, dei Marsi, e di Sulmona-Valva;

Tutte le (arci)diocesi immediatamente soggette alla Santa Sede rientrano nella disponibilitŕ totale ed esclusiva della Santa Sede, e solo il Sommo Pontefice o il Sacro Collegio possono disporne.

[i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam[/b][/i]

[b]Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, ante diem V Idibus Martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Sixti IV PP Anno Tertio[/b]

[i]Per il Sacro Collegio dei Cardinali e il Santo Padre, Papa Sisto IV.
Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Subdecanus[/i]


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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
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Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 12, 2021 8:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

EN a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    In our constant will to allow the best development of our congregations and institutions within the Holy See, and taking into account the vacancy of the office of Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Office, acting in derogation of the relevant canonical norms and by our supreme apostolic authority, we have decided, established, decreed and ruled, and we decree and rule, that the Dean and the Vice-Dean, will assume the functions of Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Office from now on.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo secudo, mensis Martius, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Apostolic Brief VI - A. MDCLXIX

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Dans notre volonté constante de permettre le meilleur développement de nos congrégations et institutions au sein du Saint-Sičge, et compte tenu de la vacance de la fonction de Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office, en agissant en dérogation aux normes canoniques pertinentes et par notre supręme autorité apostolique, nous avons décidé, établi, décrété et statué, et nous décrétons et statuons que le Doyen et le Vice-Doyen assumeront dorénavant les fonctions de Vice-Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die decimo secudo, mensis Martius, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.

      Apostolic Brief VI - A. MDCLXIX


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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 18, 2021 10:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Contra Infamem Actus

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      It has come to the knowledge of the Holy See the rumors that the Empire was planning to take, with the use of arms, control of the dioceses that are in imperial territory.

      Initially, we tried not to believe such ignoble news, considering that, despite all the events and failures perpetrated by the Emperor, this would be, without a doubt, the most serious attitude expected not only from a faithful Aristotelian, but also from a Monarch who holds the Crown by the Grace of the Most High.

      However, to the great disappointment of the Aristotelian Community, it was confirmed that the Emperor, taking advantage of the military mobilization for the Dutch territory, invaded with armies and weapons the Cathedrals of the Archdioceses of Ultrech and Besançon, taking control of them, without accounting even to the Regents of the Empire and the Imperial Diet, which was relegated to the background and completely ignored without any news or information.

      Unfortunately, the moments of jubilation and joy over the news that an Aristotelian Faithful and Pontifical Noble had been led to the Throne of Cesar and the possibility that, at last, the Empire and the Church could strengthen ties turned into disappointment, sadness and shame for the entire Aristotelian Community who watch, with horror and disgust, a man who swore to protect the Aristotelian Faith acting as a despotic and absolutist tyrant who, seeking power above all else, claims for himself the authority of the Most High and takes control of the Archdioceses and even acts against his faithful Aristotelian Provinces, denying them any information about his actions while he should be working together for the common good.

      With great sadness, Holy Mother Church calls upon the entire Aristotelian Community and the Rulers and Regents of the Imperial Provinces not to support these abject actions of the Empire in meddling in the spiritual activity and controlling the Imperial Dioceses and Archdioceses, and to demand from the Empire an explanation of the reasons why the Emperor decided to take this action over the heads of his own Regents, who received no information.

    Given in Rome, on the XVIII day of March in the year of grace MCDLXIX, III of the pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sancti Valentini dei Victoriae Episcopus Cardinalis
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus


Derničre édition par Adonnis le Jeu Mar 18, 2021 10:16 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 18, 2021 10:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Tenebrae Factae Separationis

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      There is nothing sadder for a mother than feeling that she has lost her own child. Worse than that is perhaps believing it is not possible to recover him.

      For a long time, the Roman Emperors have taken attitudes that go against the True Faith and the Inalienable Teachings of the Prophets.

      With his election, the Holy Mother Church nourished great hopes that being an Aristotelian from the cradle and a Noble Pontifical, Cesare Copona would be able to bring the Great Roman Empire closer to His Holy Mother again and would become the legitimate Holy Roman Emperor that our brothers and sisters in the Empire deserved and longed for.

      However, to the disappointment of the Holy Mother, after his ascension to the Throne, the actions of Cesare Copona showed exactly the opposite of these expectations, longings, and desires.

      In this way, unfortunately, the Holy See obliges itself, with sadness and regret, to admit that the Imperial Crown continues to distance itself from the True Faith - precisely the one that should be the Main Defender.

      All this began when the Holy Mother sought to organize the Coronation of the King of the Romans as the Holy Roman Emperor and explained to him that, to crown him, it was necessary for this King of the Romans to show his disagreement with the Heretical Law designated as the "Bull Aurea". The Holy Mother always showed the understanding that the Emperor, only by his will, would not be able to revoke any law, taking into account that only the Imperial Diet possesses this power. On the other hand, she hoped that, with his declared position, he would show that he did not agree with the aforementioned Law and that, in defense of the faith, he would seek to revoke it.

      Unfortunately, in response, the Holy See was surprised at the agreement of its beloved Son to submit to a pseudo-coronation, as a ritual foreseen and determined precisely by the above-mentioned Heretical Law, even knowing that His Holy Mother admonished him to depart from it. But, on the contrary, he embraced it. With this, Cesare.Copona forgot the Teachings brought by True Faith. For, as St. Thomas Aquinas wisely teaches us: "All power comes from God through the people. The temporal authority is autonomous only while keeping this principle in mind. Therefore, it can only govern according to the norm on which it is founded, and therefore with the consent of the Church. It must conform its actions to the opinions of the clergy and, in particular, to that of his Holiness the Pope, sovereign of all sovereigns."
      With the implementation of the pseudo-coronation, he accepted the heretical law, made it the basis of his rule, but this is not a basis, this is heresy and not an emperor but an actor without entertainment value. A usurper. This is nothing.

      Wisely, St. Thomas still teaches us that: "The king also derives his power from God. And since people are only fulfilling God's will by placing you on your throne, your power is divine from above and below. The sword you wield is entrusted to you by God, certainly not directly, but God being the primary cause of all causes and effects, he is undoubtedly the cause of your authority too. Now, as the church is the depository of the divine word, you must obey it. So it is unless you bow down like a tyrant."

      Thus, there can be no doubt that a Monarch ascends to the Throne by Divine Right and Will, and even if that ascent is by electoral suffrage, the Divine Inspiration in the Electoral Process is incontestable. A Sovereign must fulfill God's will and be accountable to God for his actions. That is why, in a Monarchy, the Monarch must be Crowned by Holy Mother Church and not in a Government building. It is by the sacred anointing that the connection of the Monarch with God is sealed and effected.

      It is written in the Hagiography of Saint Titus: "But not only these were there, the princes of the whole empire and even beyond had come. So it came about that the place itself and the surroundings were populated by languages, faces and colours. All waited, each in his own way, in unsettling silence. This astonishing following came to worship, or rather to pay homage to, the one whom they saw from now on as the new primus inter pares, the Pontifex Maximus. These patricians and these princes came to swear allegiance to the first Pope in history."

      To accept and submit to a secular coronation is to deny the mission entrusted to him by the Creator, is to reject the Grace that one receives with the sacred anointing. And worse, when that act is still performed in observance and fulfillment of a Heretical Law, that Monarch still commits schism and apostasy.

      These, unfortunately, are not all of the Grave Faults that Cesare.Copona has committed since he ascended to the Imperial Throne. By virtue of the Pastoral function of the Holy Mother, she cannot under any circumstances tolerate or ignore the pernicious poison of the errors below, without disgrace to the Aristotelian religion and without prejudice to the orthodoxy of the True Faith. We have decided to include some of these hard failures in this document; their substance is as follows:

      • Recognition and Fulfillment of Bulla Aurea - after being included in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, incurring in Heresy and Apostasy;

      • The pressure for the dissolution of the Military Forces of the Church in Orbetello, preventing the maintenance of God's Peace, and preventing the Church from fighting against the Sienese Heretics, incurring in schism;

      • The accusation that the attacks by Swiss heretics were motivated by guilt and the responsibility of the Church, accusing the Church of harming the lives of Imperial citizens, which configures schism and apostasy;

      • The threat to persecute and destroy the Church's military forces if they fight heretics in the territories of the Empire, configuring in schism;

      • The taking, by force, of the control InGratibus of the Archdiocese of Utrecht and appointing a Diocesan Administrator, usurping to the Crown the functions of Holy Mother Church, configuring in schism and apostasy;

      • The prohibition of the action of the Holy Armies of Rome in the fight against the heretical Lions of Judah, acting in protection and collaboration with notorious heretics who aimed, through the use of force, to take control of the Diocese of Geneva, configuring in schism and apostasy;

      • The Death Threat against many Cardinals of the Holy Church, configuring in schism and apostasy;

      • Threatening to declare war against the Holy Mother Church and the Sovereign Pontiff if the Church continued to fight the heretics present in the Empire, configuring in schism and apostasy;

      • The declarations in Aristotle's Square of attacking the Church and attacking the life of its clerics, configuring in schism and apostasy.

      • Denying Aristotelian rulers as just and worthy leaders of their Aristotelian homeland, configuring in schism and apostasy.

      • Preventing Aristotelians and Aristotelian Provinces of the Sacred Duty from hunting down heretics and pursuing them militarily, via ban, as required by the Papal Decree concerning Holy War, as well as the inalienable dogma, configuring in schism and apostasy.

      • The armed invasion of the Cathedrals of the Church and the taking, by force, of control of the Dioceses that belong solely and exclusively to the Holy See.

      Excerpt from the doctrine on the small treatise on practical heresiology:
        "So it is no longer a question of trying to save the souls of the unrepentant, who by definition are doomed to hell, but of saving the souls of all the other members of society, of this innumerable crowd vulnerable to the bad example of heretics, it is a question of preventing the heretical plague from contaminating us, Thus it is preferable to sacrifice a few heretical souls to save all the others, and when it is a question of saving souls, the bodies no longer matter, the spiritual being infinitely superior to the secular, one should not hesitate to have to take the lives of the wicked when it is a question of saving souls from the Hells of the Underworld! !! Such is the reason for being, the foundation, and justification of the idea and duty of CRUSADE."

      No one, no matter how much power his office, title or function grants him, can expect impunity for committing such abject and serious crimes. Today, the Holy Mother Church weeps, for being forced to admit that her Son has strayed from the path of True Faith, plotting against the Church, protecting heretics, preventing the fight against heresy, going against all the teachings he has learned and absorbed throughout his life.

      With his ascension to the Throne, the Holy Mother Church longed for the approach of the Imperial Crown with the True Faith and waited anxiously for Cesare.Copona to be the Emperor who would bring the True Faith closer to the Empire and its citizens.

      Excerpt from the doctrine on the small treatise on practical heresiology:
        "This situation unfortunately exists, which is an aberration since the State has only one raison d'ętre, which is to lead the peoples it contains towards Salvation, in any case, to organise materially the lives of its peoples in the best possible way so that they can achieve their Salvation in the best possible conditions.

        A wise opinion would then be to no longer consider that the Count is a Count, that the Duke is a Duke, or that the Mayor is a Mayor: go to your Bishop for advice, ask him for advice, and consider that his decisions and orders are worth more than those of the Dukes, Counts, and Mayors, even in secular matters."

      We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Church, decided to separate the weeds from the wheat, officially pronouncing the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of Cesare.Copona for the reasons pointed out above, by virtue of the state of darkness and gloom he sought, on his own feet. He will be deprived of the state of grace until he withdraws and corrects his errors and decides to renounce his heresies. We recognise in him a usurper. In addition, due to the gravity of his act aiming to make an affront to the Most High and to His Holy Church, taking the Dutch Diocese by force, threatening the Church with war if it continued to fight against heresy, protecting and covering up heretics and opening the way for its action, we also anathematize it. May he abstain from his pernicious mistakes so that he can return to us, when we can offer the fatherly charity and love inspired by the Divine Mercy. If, despite our warnings and prayers, he does not redeem himself, his soul will be doomed to eternal damnation in Lunar Hell and his body, a putrescent sign of the corruption of the nameless creature, will be condemned to remain without an earthly funeral. Everyone who follows him in his heretical madness will be subject to the same penalties.

      It should not be necessary to emphasize that, with this excommunication, Cesare.Copona is deprived of all the Honors received by the Holy Mother Church, as well as the Nobiliatric Titles and Pontifical Fiefdoms.

    Given in Rome, on the XVIII day of March of the Year of Grace MCDLXIX, Third of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Cardinal-Bishop of San Valentino delle Vittorie
    Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals

    His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle
    Cardinal-Bishop of San Giovanni dei Martiri
    Vice-Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals

    Her Eminence Fenice Maria Helena Deversi Aslann Borgia
    Cardinal-Bishop of Sant'Elena Inter Duos Pontes

    His Eminence Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia
    Cardinal Bishop of San Ripolino degli Angeli

    Her Eminence Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro D'Altavilla
    Cardinal-Bishop of San Domenico della Pace

    His Eminence Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame
    Cardinal-Bishop of Sant'Adonia in Trastevere

    His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
    Cardinal-Bishop of San Silfaele Extra Muros

    His Eminence Ercole Iaudas de Nanteuil
    Cardinal-Presbyter of San Luigi dei Francesi

    His Eminence Valentino Astuzia Borgia
    Cardinal-Presbyter of San Barnaba a Ripa

    His Eminence Leopoldo Vicenzo Montenegro Viana
    Cardinal-Presbyter of Sant'Antonio dei Portoghesi

    His Eminence Tymothé de Nivellus
    Cardinal-Deacon of San Martino al Gianicolo

    His Eminence Neirin de Castelcerf
    Cardinal-Deacon of San Nicomaco all'Esquillino

    His Eminence Almásy Eer Geloof Eren de Calme
    Cardinal-Deacon of Santo Stefano delle Grazie

    His Eminence Attanasio Borgia
    Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Lazzaro de Autun

    His Eminence Ludovi de Sabran
    Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Polino il Perseverante

    His Eminence Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel
    Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus

    His Eminence Tebaldo Foscari
    Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Domenico de Burgos

    His Eminence Rodrigo Manzanarez
    Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus

    His Eminence Angus Portzmoguer
    Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus of San Brioco

    His Eminence Pie de Valence
    Cardinal-Presbyter Emeritus of San Bynarr

    His Eminence Profeta Pucci Guerra
    Cardinal-Presbyter Emeritus of Sant'Andrea Protokletos

    Her Eminence Vidigueira-Szapáry Kiscsillag
    Cardinal-Presbyter Emeritus of San Natale

    His Eminence Portalis de Vandimion
    Cardinal-Deacon Emeritus of San Bartolomeo

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 19, 2021 9:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Iuramentum, Fidelitas et Verecundiam

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      A thorough study of the Dogma teaches us that "the service of the Church must be based on a total and definite gift of self. The man who wishes to dedicate his life to God must not do so half-heartedly, and in his gift he must not seek his own self-interest, which would compromise the whole structure."

      It is indisputable that service for the faith is among the most virtuous and beautiful that exists. There are no words to describe how virtuous are those who give their time, energy and life to carry out the work of the Most High and his Church. These virtuous men and women, on a daily basis, pray to the Most High in the same way that the Archangel Saint Miguaël did, pleading that they might give to those who should receive and love those who should be loved.

      However, when this work is performed through an oath, it also becomes the fulfillment of a duty. An oath of duty to the Church is an oath taken to the Most High itself, and the breaking of that oath to the Most High should be not only cause for sorrow, but also cause for shame.

      Last March 5th, a detailed report came to the attention of the Sacred College of Cardinals about an Inquiry conducted by the Council of Knights of Isenduil into the Order of Lausanne and its Grand Master, Avelenn de Mortelane.

      Unfortunately, to the horror of Holy Mother Church, the information gathered by the Egregious Council of Knights proved to be totally disturbing.

      It is important to emphasize that, by the nature of its function, when an Order receives the dignity and recognition of a Religious Military Order, it takes an oath to the Holy Father where it makes a commitment of fidelity to the Church, the Pope and the Curia, and thus sacrifices even its own life to serve the just cause.

      However, the information brought to the Sacred College presents a panorama diametrically opposed to this oath, while bringing overwhelming evidence that the Order of Lausanne, in the figure of her Master Avelenn de Mortelane, has ignored and disregarded, numerous times and in numerous ways the orders and convocations of the Church, as well as sought to offer the loyalty and service of his Order to other leaders and Sovereigns in search of rights and personal advantages, to the horror of swearing an oath to other sovereigns to the detriment of the oath he swore to the Church.

      After a long and exhaustive deliberation, there was no alternative for the Sacred College of Cardinals but to recognize the breach of the oath of the Order of Lausanne to the Sovereign Pontiff.

      In view of this, according to the prescriptions of the Codex Iuris Canonici, after this abominable and execrable day when vice supervene the virtue, the Sacred College of Cardinals decided to withdraw the recognition of the Order of Lausanne as a Military Religious Order of the Holy See.

      As a consequence, the Order of Lausanne and its Grand Master lose any and all seats, access, rights and privileges granted to Religious Military Orders, and are forbidden to affiliate with any other Religious Military Orders or Military Institutions of the Holy Roman See, as long as no permission to the contrary remains from the Bishop of Rome or the Sacred College of Cardinals.

      Holy Mother Church will keep this day in mourning and will intercede to the Most High so that Avelenn of Lausanne may show repentance for his sins and return to the path of Virtue.

    Given in Rome, on the XIX day of March of the Year of Grace MCDLXVIV, Third of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus



    --------------------------------------------------------Final Report on the Inquiry Avelenn de Mortelane


    I. Preliminary Considerations

      On day November 9, 1468, by order of the Sovereign Pontiff, the Congregation of the Holy Armies, through the Council of the Knights of Isenduil, began an investigation into the information received by the Apostolic See regarding the possible breaking of the oath by Avelenn de Mortelane, Grand Master of the Religious Military Order of Lausanne.

      In virtue of this, His Highness Melian de Ventoux, Princess of Terni, in his attributions as Senator Knight of the Congregation of Holy Armies has appointed the Knights of Isenduil Acar de Ventoux and Monderak de Albarrasim, as responsible for conducting the Investigations and the Inquiry, with the authority to gather evidence and hear witnesses, as provided for in Articles 13 to 16 of the Book 5.5, II, IV of the Canon Law.

      Thus, the inquiry aimed to conclude whether there had been a violation of the oath of the Order of Lausanne and its Master Avelenn de Mortelane.

    II. The Conduct of Investigations

      The investigations began with evidence that in an open and public hearing with the late Emperor Amenediel de Mortelane, Avelenn announced that his Order was free from the charges and obligations with the Holy Aristotelian Church and that his soldiers remained loyal only to her.

      The Audience with the Emperor was requested by Avelenn herself who, after ignoring the call of the Holy Armies to participate in the Peacekeeping Mobilization in Orbetello, decided to offer her help directly to the Empire. Emperor Amenediel, in turn, declared that he could accept Avelenn's help if she renounced the bond of her Order and her men with the Aristotelian Church, so that her action would take place in the name of the Empire.

      It was after this demand that Avelenn declared that he no longer responded to the Roman Armies and that his soldiers remained loyal only to her. (The evidence is in the Act of the Meeting and the images in Annex 1)

      Here, first of all, we can confirm that by ignoring the convocation of the Congregation of the Holy Armies, which summoned not only the military personnel residing in the Italian region, but also all the military personnel of the surrounding regions, Avelenn disregarded the order present in Art. 14 of the Book 5.5, XI of the Canon Law, verbis:

                Book 5 : The Higher Institutions of the Church

                5.5 The Congregation for the Holy Armies

                Part XI - The rules of mobilization

                Mobilization during a time of Peacekeeping

                Article 14 -
                Members of Military Religious Orders, residing within the zone of peacekeeping, are obliged to cooperate and participate in the efforts, placing themselves at the disposition of the Congregation and of the Gonfalonier.

      Before proceeding, it is important to point out that the Current Canon Law regarding Military-Religious Orders determine that:

                Article I: presentation

                Any order with a military branch at the exclusive service of the Holy Church is called a military-religious order. Because of this, their primary allegiance is to the Pope and the Curia.


                §3.5.a Loyalty

                - the Order must obligatorily take an oath to His Holiness the Pope and to the Holy Curia.
                - the Order cannot swear an oath to anyone else
                - the Order must defend the Aristotelian faith wherever it can.
                - the Order must recognize the pre-eminence of the Congregation of the Inquisition and the Congregation of the Holy Armies in military matters
                - the Order must swear to go on a crusade when requested to do so by the said congregation
                - the Order must swear to comply with the orders or requirements of the said Congregations


                §6 The oath taken will be as follows:

                " Me......, Grand Master and representative of the order of ......
                In accordance with our charter and our principles,
                Wishes today to place our Order at the service of the Holy Aristotelian Church.

                Therefore, we commit ourselves to always defend the values, goods, believers and dignitaries of this Holy Institution,
                We pledge to bear iron whenever necessary against the enemies of the faith and to always assist the members of this Church.

                On this day...... we pledge our fidelity to His Holiness the Pope and to the Curia.

                Whenever they ask us, we will leave our families and homes. And if we have to make the sacrifice of some material goods or even of our lives, we will do so without hesitation because serving the just cause is our goal. ť


                Article IV: Duties and obligations of the Orders and their members

                A- Statement of duties

                Military and Religious Orders recognized by the Holy Aristotelian Church must obey the directives of the Pope and the Curia in accordance with their oath, otherwise they risk losing their status as an Order recognized by the Church after a judgment by the Internal Tribunal of the Church or by papal bull.

                §7) The Military-Religious Orders, as the military force of the Aristotelian Church, must fight militarily when summoned by the Curia or by Cardinal Constable. Furthermore, in the case of a Crusade call, at least 90% of the active military branch (excluding retired ones) must participate in it, unless the General Staff decides otherwise or adapts its decision.

                §10. The Military and Religious Orders or their members may not belong to any other armed formation other than that of the Congregation of the Holy Armies. Nor may they act under the banner of any temporal army whatsoever. Exceptionally, however, the High Council or the Cardinal Constable may grant a dispensation.


                B- Respect of duties and obligations

                §1 -
                In case of failure to fulfill the duties and obligations on the part of a member of a military-religious Order, the Cardinal Constable may refer the matter to the Holy Inquisition or to the Internal Tribunal, which will have the power to investigate the facts and to condemn the said person according to the legislation in force at the time of the act. This judgment will take place, if possible, in cooperation with the representative of justice of the Order concerned. The inquisition will not take into account the possible sanctions that the accused will suffer, in addition to those within his Order.

                §5 In the case of a serious breach of duties and obligations on the part of a recognized military-religious Order, the Curia may decide to annul the recognition of the said Order after an investigation by the Holy Inquisition.

      As an observation, the task of supervising and investigating, previously attributed to the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition, is now entrusted to the Council of the Knights of Isenduil which has the task of carrying out any investigation in the interest of the Congregation of Holy Armies.

      In order to open up the right of the contraditory and the broad defense, the Council of Knights sent numerous summonses to Avelenn in order to appear at the Salon Saint George of Lydda, in order to provide explanations.

      The answer from Avelenn, in turn, was that she did not have access to the room where she was invited to participate:


      De Avelenn Fecha de envío el 11 Diciembre 1468, a las 14h57
      Asunto Re: HiExpira el 27 Diciembre 2020

      Bonjorn brother Monderak.

      What is this delicate thing you want to tell me about?
      I will come as soon as I find my keys ....

      Kind regards

      De Avelenn Fecha de envío el 11 Diciembre 1468, a las 16h49
      Asunto Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HiExpira el 27 Diciembre 2020I understand but as unfortunately said with my key problem I haven't been coming for several months .... If it wasn't for this problem, I would come more regularly as I have always done.

      Evidently, Avelenn used a hoax to justify his refusal to attend the venue established for his hearing. This is because the keys to access the saloon have been regularly granted to Avelenn.

      After the total negligence with the convocations made by the Congregation of Holy Armies, a new infraction was committed by Avelenn. In view of the need in Savoy and also because of the Mobilization Decree for Military Intervention in Time of War in the Duchy of Savoy, The Francophone Gonfalonier, Monsignor Haeven von Valendras, sent a letter to Avelenn summoning the members of the Order of Lausanne to join the military mobilized in Savoy. Avelenn, in turn, did not answer the summons and ignored the summons sent by the Congregation of Holy Armies.

      Here, Avelenn has breached the obligation imposed in Art. 25 of the Book 5.5, XI of the Canon Law, verbis:

                Book 5 : The Higher Institutions of the Church

                5.5 The Congregation for the Holy Armies

                Part XI - The rules of mobilization

                Mobilization during a time of War

                Article 25 -
                All members of the Congregation have the obligation to answer to the mobilization in a time of War, according to the Canon Laws, and must join the Holy Armies. Failing to do so without justification may warrant a military trial.

      In response, the Francophone Gonfalonier informed the Council of Knights of the following response:

      Eléanor de La Marche a écrit:
      - Je viens signaler le départ de la GM des lausannois et de ses milites de Savoie et de sa non présentation ŕ Annecy comme demandé pour la mobilisation alors qu'elle se trouvait en Savoie.

      However, on January 14, 1469, the Cardinal-Constable of Rome sent letter (Annex 2) for Avelenn, explaining that he received information about OMR having ignored the call of the Congregation of Holy Armies and, in virtue of this, called Avelenn, as Grand Master of OMR Order of Lausanne and as Knight of Isenduil, to appear in the Congregation and to give clarifications.

      In turn, the response obtained was complete silence, given that, to date, Avelenn has not responded to the convocation of the Cardinal-Constable of Rome.

    III. Final Considerations

      Given the considerations and the conclusion of the investigations, it was possible to ascertain that Avelenn de Mortelane had broken his oath as Grand Master of the OMR Order of Lausanne by repeatedly ignoring and disregarding, the calls of the Congregation of the Holy Armies for action in the Military Mobilization of Intervention for Peacekeeping in Orbetello and in the Military Mobilization for Intervention in a Time of War in Savoy, as well as to provide clarifications at the request of the Congregation of the Holy Armies and the Cardinal-Constable of Rome.

      By ignoring the calls of the Knights of Isenduil who, in the name and authority of the Knight Senator, summoned Avelenn to appear before the Congregation to give explanations and by ignoring the personal summons of the Cardinal-Constable of Rome, Avelenn disregarded his oath as Knight of Isenduil which obliges him to serve the Aristotelian Church and to obey the Pope, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Knight Senator.

Annex 1:




Annex 2:

Para Avelenn Data de envio 14 Janeiro 1469 - 22h03
Assunto Letter
Expira a 21 Fevereiro 2021

Cher Grand Maître

Nous avons reçu des informations selon lesquelles l'Ordre de Lausanne, considéré comme un Ordre Militaire Religieux au service de l'Eglise, a ignoré l'appel de la Congrégation des Saintes Armées et n'a pas apporté de précisions.

Nous avons également reçu des informations selon lesquelles la Dame a été invitée ŕ participer ŕ une réunion de la Congrégation.

Considérant que le droit canonique détermine que les membres de la Congrégation sont tenus de répondre ŕ l'appel, nous vous demandons d'ętre présents, dans les 72 (soixante-douze) heures, ŕ la Congrégation des Saintes Armées (adresse ci-dessous) pour apporter des précisions.

Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués,

Cardinal Adonnis de Sagres
Cardinal Constable de Rome



[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Iuramentum, Fidelitas et Verecundiam[/b][/color][/size]

[color=black][b]We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, gathered in Our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and His Holiness Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

[list][i]A thorough study of the Dogma teaches us that "the service of the Church must be based on a total and definite gift of self. The man who wishes to dedicate his life to God must not do so half-heartedly, and in his gift he must not seek his own self-interest, which would compromise the whole structure."

It is indisputable that service for the faith is among the most virtuous and beautiful that exists. There are no words to describe how virtuous are those who give their time, energy and life to carry out the work of the Most High and his Church. These virtuous men and women, on a daily basis, pray to the Most High in the same way that the Archangel Saint Miguaël did, pleading that they might give to those who should receive and love those who should be loved.

However, when this work is performed through an oath, it also becomes the fulfillment of a duty. An oath of duty to the Church is an oath taken to the Most High itself, and the breaking of that oath to the Most High should be not only cause for sorrow, but also cause for shame.

Last March 5th, a detailed report came to the attention of the Sacred College of Cardinals about an Inquiry conducted by the Council of Knights of Isenduil into the Order of Lausanne and its Grand Master, Avelenn de Mortelane.

Unfortunately, to the horror of Holy Mother Church, the information gathered by the Egregious Council of Knights proved to be totally disturbing.

It is important to emphasize that, by the nature of its function, when an Order receives the dignity and recognition of a Religious Military Order, it takes an oath to the Holy Father where it makes a commitment of fidelity to the Church, the Pope and the Curia, and thus sacrifices even its own life to serve the just cause.

However, the information brought to the Sacred College presents a panorama diametrically opposed to this oath, while bringing overwhelming evidence that the Order of Lausanne, in the figure of her Master Avelenn de Mortelane, has ignored and disregarded, numerous times and in numerous ways the orders and convocations of the Church, as well as sought to offer the loyalty and service of his Order to other leaders and Sovereigns in search of rights and personal advantages, to the horror of swearing an oath to other sovereigns to the detriment of the oath he swore to the Church.

After a long and exhaustive deliberation, there was no alternative for the Sacred College of Cardinals but to recognize the breach of the oath of the Order of Lausanne to the Sovereign Pontiff.

In view of this, according to the prescriptions of the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=137482#137482]Codex Iuris Canonici[/url], after this abominable and execrable day when vice supervene the virtue, the Sacred College of Cardinals decided to withdraw the recognition of the Order of Lausanne as a Military Religious Order of the Holy See.

As a consequence, the Order of Lausanne and its Grand Master lose any and all seats, access, rights and privileges granted to Religious Military Orders, and are forbidden to affiliate with any other Religious Military Orders or Military Institutions of the Holy Roman See, as long as no permission to the contrary remains from the Bishop of Rome or the Sacred College of Cardinals.

Holy Mother Church will keep this day in mourning and will intercede to the Most High so that Avelenn of Lausanne may show repentance for his sins and return to the path of Virtue.[/i][/list]

[b]Given in Rome, on the XIX day of March of the Year of Grace MCDLXVIV, Third of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV[/b]

[color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i][/color]

[i]His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus[/i]




[color=transparent]--------------------------------------------------------[/color][color=#CD9B1D][size=18][b][u]Final[/u] [u]Report[/u] [u]on[/u] [u]the[/u] [u]Inquiry[/u] [u]Avelenn[/u] [u]de[/u] [u]Mortelane[/u][/b][/size][/color]


[color=#CD0000][size=14][b]I. Preliminary Considerations[/b][/size][/color]

[list]On day November 9, 1468, by order of the Sovereign Pontiff, the Congregation of the Holy Armies, through the Council of the Knights of Isenduil, began an investigation into the information received by the Apostolic See regarding the possible breaking of the oath by Avelenn de Mortelane, Grand Master of the Religious Military Order of Lausanne.

In virtue of this, His Highness Melian de Ventoux, Princess of Terni, in his attributions as Senator Knight of the Congregation of Holy Armies has appointed the Knights of Isenduil Acar de Ventoux and Monderak de Albarrasim, as responsible for conducting the Investigations and the Inquiry, with the authority to gather evidence and hear witnesses, as provided for in Articles 13 to 16 of the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=952456#952456]Book 5.5, II, IV of the Canon Law[/url].

Thus, the inquiry aimed to conclude whether there had been a violation of the oath of the Order of Lausanne and its Master Avelenn de Mortelane.[/list]
[color=#CD0000][size=14][b]II. The Conduct of Investigations[/b][/size][/color]

[list]The investigations began with evidence that in an open and public hearing with the late Emperor Amenediel de Mortelane, [b]Avelenn announced that his Order was free from the charges and obligations with the Holy Aristotelian Church and that his soldiers remained loyal only to her[/b].

[url=http://forum.renaissancekingdoms.com/viewtopic.php?t=2437798]The Audience with the Emperor[/url] was requested by Avelenn herself who, after ignoring the call of the Holy Armies to participate in the Peacekeeping Mobilization in Orbetello, decided to offer her help directly to the Empire. Emperor Amenediel, in turn, declared that he could accept Avelenn's help if she renounced the bond of her Order and her men with the Aristotelian Church, so that her action would take place in the name of the Empire.

It was after this demand that Avelenn declared that he no longer responded to the Roman Armies and that his soldiers remained loyal only to her. [b](The evidence is in the [url=http://forum.renaissancekingdoms.com/viewtopic.php?t=2437798]Act of the Meeting[/url] and the images in Annex 1)[/b]

Here, first of all, we can confirm that by ignoring the convocation of the Congregation of the Holy Armies, which summoned not only the military personnel residing in the Italian region, but also all the military personnel of the surrounding regions, Avelenn disregarded the order present in Art. 14 of the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=952420#952420]Book 5.5, XI of the Canon Law[/url], [i]verbis[/i]:

[list][list][list][list][list][b]Book 5 : The Higher Institutions of the Church

5.5 The Congregation for the Holy Armies

Part XI - The rules of mobilization

Mobilization during a time of Peacekeeping

Article 14 -[/b] Members of Military Religious Orders, residing within the zone of peacekeeping, are obliged to cooperate and participate in the efforts, placing themselves at the disposition of the Congregation and of the Gonfalonier.[/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

Before proceeding, it is important to point out that the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=137482#137482]Current Canon Law regarding Military-Religious Orders[/url] determine that:

[list][list][list][list][list][b]Article I: presentation

§1)[/b] Any order with a military branch at the exclusive service of the Holy Church is called a military-religious order. Because of this, their primary allegiance is to the Pope and the Curia.


[b]§3.5.a Loyalty[/b]

- the Order must obligatorily take an oath to His Holiness the Pope and to the Holy Curia.
- the Order cannot swear an oath to anyone else
- the Order must defend the Aristotelian faith wherever it can.
- the Order must recognize the pre-eminence of the Congregation of the Inquisition and the Congregation of the Holy Armies in military matters
- the Order must swear to go on a crusade when requested to do so by the said congregation
- the Order must swear to comply with the orders or requirements of the said Congregations


[b]§6[/b] The oath taken will be as follows:

[quote]" Me......, Grand Master and representative of the order of ......
In accordance with our charter and our principles,
Wishes today to place our Order at the service of the Holy Aristotelian Church.

Therefore, we commit ourselves to always defend the values, goods, believers and dignitaries of this Holy Institution,
We pledge to bear iron whenever necessary against the enemies of the faith and to always assist the members of this Church.

On this day...... we pledge our fidelity to His Holiness the Pope and to the Curia.

Whenever they ask us, we will leave our families and homes. And if we have to make the sacrifice of some material goods or even of our lives, we will do so without hesitation because serving the just cause is our goal. ť[/quote]


[size=12][b]Article IV: Duties and obligations of the Orders and their members

A- Statement of duties

§1)[/b] Military and Religious Orders recognized by the Holy Aristotelian Church must obey the directives of the Pope and the Curia in accordance with their oath, otherwise they risk losing their status as an Order recognized by the Church after a judgment by the Internal Tribunal of the Church or by papal bull.

[b]§7)[/b] The Military-Religious Orders, as the military force of the Aristotelian Church, must fight militarily when summoned by the Curia or by Cardinal Constable. Furthermore, in the case of a Crusade call, at least 90% of the active military branch (excluding retired ones) must participate in it, unless the General Staff decides otherwise or adapts its decision.

[b]§10.[/b] The Military and Religious Orders or their members may not belong to any other armed formation other than that of the Congregation of the Holy Armies. Nor may they act under the banner of any temporal army whatsoever. Exceptionally, however, the High Council or the Cardinal Constable may grant a dispensation.[/size]


[size=12][b]B- Respect of duties and obligations

§1 -[/b] In case of failure to fulfill the duties and obligations on the part of a member of a military-religious Order, the Cardinal Constable may refer the matter to the Holy Inquisition or to the Internal Tribunal, which will have the power to investigate the facts and to condemn the said person according to the legislation in force at the time of the act. This judgment will take place, if possible, in cooperation with the representative of justice of the Order concerned. The inquisition will not take into account the possible sanctions that the accused will suffer, in addition to those within his Order.

[b]§5[/b] In the case of a serious breach of duties and obligations on the part of a recognized military-religious Order, the Curia may decide to annul the recognition of the said Order after an investigation by the Holy Inquisition.[/size][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

[size=12]As an observation, the task of supervising and investigating, previously attributed to the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition, is now entrusted to the Council of the Knights of Isenduil which has the task of carrying out any investigation in the interest of the Congregation of Holy Armies.

In order to open up the right of the contraditory and the broad defense, the Council of Knights sent numerous summonses to Avelenn in order to appear at the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?t=83349]Salon Saint George of Lydda[/url], in order to provide explanations.

The answer from Avelenn, in turn, was that she did not have access to the room where she was invited to participate:[/size]

[size=12]De   Avelenn   Fecha de envío   el 11 Diciembre 1468, a las 14h57
Asunto   Re: HiExpira el 27 Diciembre 2020

Bonjorn brother Monderak.

What is this delicate thing you want to tell me about?
I will come as soon as I find my keys ....

Kind regards

[quote][size=12]De   Avelenn   Fecha de envío   el 11 Diciembre 1468, a las 16h49
Asunto   Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HiExpira el 27 Diciembre 2020I understand but as unfortunately said with my key problem I haven't been coming for several months .... If it wasn't for this problem, I would come more regularly as I have always done.[/size][/quote]

[size=12]Evidently, Avelenn used a hoax to justify his refusal to attend the venue established for his hearing. This is because the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/groupcp.php?g=35406]keys to access the saloon have been regularly granted to Avelenn[/url].

After the total negligence with the convocations made by the Congregation of Holy Armies, a new infraction was committed by Avelenn. In view of the need in Savoy and also because of the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=952501#952501]Mobilization Decree for Military Intervention in Time of War in the Duchy of Savoy[/url], The Francophone Gonfalonier, Monsignor Haeven von Valendras, sent a letter to Avelenn summoning the members of the Order of Lausanne to join the military mobilized in Savoy. Avelenn, in turn, did not answer the summons and ignored the summons sent by the Congregation of Holy Armies.

Here, Avelenn has breached the obligation imposed in Art. 25 of the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=952420#952420]Book 5.5, XI of the Canon Law[/url], [i]verbis[/i]:[/size]

[list][list][list][list][list][b][size=12]Book 5 : The Higher Institutions of the Church

5.5 The Congregation for the Holy Armies

Part XI - The rules of mobilization

Mobilization during a time of War

Article 25 -[/b] All members of the Congregation have the obligation to answer to the mobilization in a time of War, according to the Canon Laws, and must join the Holy Armies. Failing to do so without justification may warrant a military trial.[/size][/list][/list][/list][/list][/list]

[size=12]In response, the Francophone Gonfalonier informed the Council of Knights of the following response:[/size]

[quote="Eléanor de La Marche"][size=12][b]- Je viens signaler le départ de la GM des lausannois et de ses milites  de Savoie et de sa non présentation ŕ Annecy comme demandé pour la mobilisation alors qu'elle se trouvait en Savoie. [/size][/b][/quote]

[size=12]However, on January 14, 1469, the Cardinal-Constable of Rome sent [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=956116#956116]letter[/url] [i](Annex 2)[/i] for Avelenn, explaining that he received information about OMR having ignored the call of the Congregation of Holy Armies and, in virtue of this, called Avelenn, as Grand Master of OMR Order of Lausanne and as Knight of Isenduil, to appear in the Congregation and to give clarifications.

In turn, the response obtained was complete silence, given that, to date, Avelenn has not responded to the convocation of the Cardinal-Constable of Rome.[/size][/list]
[color=#CD0000][size=14][b]III. Final Considerations[/b][/size][/color]

[list]Given the considerations and the conclusion of the investigations, it was possible to ascertain that Avelenn de Mortelane had broken his oath as Grand Master of the OMR Order of Lausanne by repeatedly ignoring and disregarding, the calls of the Congregation of the Holy Armies for action in the Military Mobilization of Intervention for Peacekeeping in Orbetello and in the Military Mobilization for Intervention in a Time of War in Savoy, as well as to provide clarifications at the request of the Congregation of the Holy Armies and the Cardinal-Constable of Rome.

By ignoring the calls of the Knights of Isenduil who, in the name and authority of the Knight Senator, summoned Avelenn to appear before the Congregation to give explanations and by ignoring the personal summons of the Cardinal-Constable of Rome, Avelenn disregarded his oath as Knight of Isenduil which obliges him to serve the Aristotelian Church and to obey the Pope, the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor and Knight Senator.[/list]


[quote][size=17][b]Annex 1:[/b][/size]



[size=17][b]Annex 2:[/b][/size]

[quote]Para   Avelenn   Data de envio   14 Janeiro 1469 - 22h03
Assunto   Letter
Expira a 21 Fevereiro 2021

Cher Grand Maître

Nous avons reçu des informations selon lesquelles l'Ordre de Lausanne, considéré comme un Ordre Militaire Religieux au service de l'Eglise, a ignoré l'appel de la Congrégation des Saintes Armées et n'a pas apporté de précisions.

Nous avons également reçu des informations selon lesquelles la Dame a été invitée ŕ participer ŕ une réunion de la Congrégation.

Considérant que le droit canonique détermine que les membres de la Congrégation sont tenus de répondre ŕ l'appel, nous vous demandons d'ętre présents, dans les 72 (soixante-douze) heures, ŕ la Congrégation des Saintes Armées (adresse ci-dessous) pour apporter des précisions.

Je vous prie d'agréer, Monsieur le Président, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués,

Cardinal Adonnis de Sagres
Cardinal Constable de Rome

http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?t=83349 [/quote]


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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
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Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 23, 2021 4:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Removal of His Eminence Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame

    We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of Victories, Cardinal-Constable of Rome and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, under the guide and light of the Most High and Prophets,

      We announce, by the will and decision of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, due to the momentary impossibility of continuing to exercise his munus next to Congregation of the Holy Office, that His Eminence Cardinal Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame is removed from his functions as Cardinal Chancellor.

      In virtue of the recognized brilliance of his work in favor of the Holy Mother Church and the True Faith, the Sovereign Pontiff decided to grant him the title of Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus.

      In this way, the Sacred College of the Cardinals hopes that His Eminence will continue participating in the debates together with their peers and prays the Most High to accompany, protect and inspire him every day.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    Given in Rome, on the 23th day of March, of the Year of Grace MCDLXIX, under the third year of pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.



[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Removal of His Eminence Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame[/b][/color][/size]

[i][b][color=black]We, Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres, Cardinal-Bishop of Saint Valentine of Victories, Cardinal-Constable of Rome and Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, under the guide and light of the Most High and Prophets,[/color][/i][/b]

[list]We announce, by the will and decision of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, due to the momentary impossibility of continuing to exercise his munus next to Congregation of the Holy Office, that [b][color=#FFCC00]His Eminence Cardinal Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame[/b][/color] is [b][color=#FFCC00]removed[/b][/color] from his functions as Cardinal Chancellor.

In virtue of the recognized brilliance of his work in favor of the Holy Mother Church and the True Faith, the Sovereign Pontiff decided to [color=#FFCC00][b]grant[/b][/color] him the title of [color=#FFCC00][b]Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus[/b][/color].

In this way, the Sacred College of the Cardinals hopes that His Eminence will continue participating in the debates together with their peers and prays the Most High to accompany, protect and inspire him every day.[/list]

[i][b][color=black]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/color][/b][/i]

Given in Rome, on the 23th day of March, of the Year of Grace MCDLXIX, under the third year of pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV.

[i]His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.[/i]



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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
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MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 23, 2021 4:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili fratri Philippo Iohanni Álvarez de Toledo Josseliničre, Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Presbyterum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Sancti Clemementis Hispanicorum

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Hispanico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Al venerable hermano Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josseliničre, elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana, saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

    Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como Cardenal-Presbítero, con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

      San Clemente de los Hispánicos

    a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

    Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro Consistorio Hispánico para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

    Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el vigésimo tercer día del tercer mes del ańo del Seńor de mil cuatrocientos sesenta y nueve, tercero de Nuestro Pontificado.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Venerabili fratri [b]Philippo Iohanni Álvarez de Toledo Josseliničre[/b], [b]Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali[/b], salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te [b]Cardinalem Presbyterum[/b] renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

[list][b][size=18]Sancti Clemementis Hispanicorum[/size][/b][/list]
Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro [b]Hispanico Concilio[/b] adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Al venerable hermano [b]Felipe Juan Álvarez de Toledo Josseliničre[/b], [b]elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana,[/b] saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como [b]Cardenal-Presbítero[/b], con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

[list][b][size=18]San Clemente de los Hispánicos[/size][/b][/list]
a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro [b]Consistorio Hispánico[/b] para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el vigésimo tercer día del tercer mes del ańo del Seńor de mil cuatrocientos sesenta y nueve, tercero de Nuestro Pontificado.




Eskerrik asko Ińési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 23, 2021 4:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili fratri Didaco Beltrán Olavarrieta Palacios, Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Diaconum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Sancti Vincentii in Via

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Hispanico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis martiis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Al venerable hermano Diego Beltrán Olavarrieta Palacios, elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana, saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

    Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como Cardenal-Diácono, con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

      San Vicente en Vía

    a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

    Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro Consistorio Hispánico para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

    Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el vigésimo tercer día del tercer mes del ańo del Seńor de mil cuatrocientos sesenta y nueve, tercero de Nuestro Pontificado.



[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Venerabili fratri [b]Didaco Beltrán Olavarrieta Palacios[/b], [b]Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali[/b], salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te [b]Cardinalem Diaconum[/b] renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

[list][b][size=18]Sancti Vincentii in Via[/size][/b][/list]
Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro [b]Hispanico Concilio[/b] adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis martiis, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Al venerable hermano [b]Diego Beltrán Olavarrieta Palacios[/b], [b]elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana,[/b] saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como [b]Cardenal-Diácono[/b], con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

[list][b][size=18]San Vicente en Vía[/size][/b][/list]
a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro [b]Consistorio Hispánico[/b] para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el vigésimo tercer día del tercer mes del ańo del Seńor de mil cuatrocientos sesenta y nueve, tercero de Nuestro Pontificado.




Eskerrik asko Ińési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 23, 2021 4:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant



    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Venerabili fratri Roderico D´Aleixar Batista, Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali, salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

    Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te Cardinalem Diaconum renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

      Sancti Posidoni Monserrati

    Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

    Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro Hispanico Concilio adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




    Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei
    ............Ad perpetuam rei memoriam

    Al venerable hermano Roderic D´Aleixar Batista, elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana, saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

    Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como Cardenal-Diácono, con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

      San Possidonio de Montserrat

    a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

    Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro Consistorio Hispánico para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

    Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el vigésimo tercer día del tercer mes del ańo del Seńor de mil cuatrocientos sesenta y nueve, tercero de Nuestro Pontificado.



[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Venerabili fratri [b]Roderico D´Aleixar Batista[/b], [b]Electo Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinali[/b], salutem et apostolicam beneditionem.

Cum Nobis sit visum te, venerabilis frater, claribus dotibus ornatum deque Aristotelica Ecclesia bene meritum, in Purpuratorum Patrum Collegium cooptare, hoc in Consistorio, Apostolica Nostra Potestate te [b]Cardinalem Diaconum[/b] renuntiamus, cum omnibus iuribus et officiis Cardinalium tui Ordinii propriis, assignantis tibi insigne Huius Almae Urbis Templum

[list][b][size=18]Sancti Posidoni Monserrati[/size][/b][/list]
Cuius rectori, clero ceterisque omnibus qui eidem sunt addicti, paterne suademus, ut te, cum eius possessinem capies, laetissimo animo suscipiant ac permanenter colant, ceterum dum summo afficimur gaudio quod, in Aristotelicae Ecclesiae Senatum allectus, ad suprema gerenda negotia Nobis es auxilio Romanaeque Sedi honori, Benignissimo Deo enixas admonemus praeces ut Suis te cumulet donis, gratia et ope iugiter confirmet.

Ope Divinae Sapientiae et Apostolica Nostra Potestate, te Nostro [b]Hispanico Concilio[/b] adiungimus pro pascendis fidelibus illius loci.

Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die vicesimo tertio, mensis martii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo noveno, Pontificato Nostri tertio.




[b][size=22]Sixtus Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei[/size]
[size=18][color=transparent]............[/color]Ad perpetuam rei memoriam[/size][/b]

Al venerable hermano [b]Roderic D´Aleixar Batista[/b], [b]elegido cardenal de la Santa Iglesia Romana,[/b] saludos y bendiciones apostólicas.

Porque Nos parece que usted, venerable hermano, está dotado de claras cualidades y se ha hecho digno de la Iglesia aristotélica, le anunciamos que, por Nuestro poder apostólico, en este Consistorio, le cooptamos en el Colegio de Cardenales, como [b]Cardenal-Diácono[/b], con todos los derechos y oficios de su Orden de Cardenales, asignándole en esta ciudad el Distinguido Templo de:

[list][b][size=18]San Possidonio de Montserrat[/size][/b][/list]
a cuyos rectores y a todos los demás clérigos adscritos a ella invitamos paternalmente, una vez que toméis posesión de ella, a acogeros con un corazón dichoso y a honraros. Además, mientras nos llena de gran alegría, atribuida al Senado de la Iglesia Aristotélica, nos seréis de ayuda y al honor de la Sede Romana en la gestión de los más altos cargos, dirigimos fervorosas oraciones a Dios Benigno, para que os confirme siempre en gracia y asistencia.

Con la ayuda de la Divina Sabiduría y por Nuestra Autoridad Apostólica, te adscribimos a Nuestro [b]Consistorio Hispánico[/b] para pastorear a los fieles de sus tierras.

Dado en Roma, en San Tito, en el vigésimo tercer día del tercer mes del ańo del Seńor de mil cuatrocientos sesenta y nueve, tercero de Nuestro Pontificado.




Eskerrik asko Ińési sinaduragatik
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