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[RP] Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj su Campo Marzio a Roma
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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 43

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 21, 2020 11:55 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Entering the arm of her husband Hamea admired the greatness of the hall and the taste with which it had been furnished, the numerous guests now formed small groups of conversation.

He saw the landlord, Cardinal Kalixtus, come towards them smiling to welcome them and very gallantly kissed her hand.
Hamea looked at him smiling, his son Cardinal Gropius had spoken to him a lot about him:

I thank you for your invitation and welcome. Your Most Reverend Eminence is an honor for me and my family, as well as a pleasure, to be present.
Allow me to congratulate you, you have a magnificent building of admirable workmanship and the interior decoration does not meet expectations.

Entrando al braccio del marito Hamea ammirò la grandezza del salone e il gusto con cui era stato arredato, gli invitati ormai numerosi formavano capannelli di conversazione.
Vide il padrone di casa, il cardinale Kalixtus, venire verso di loro sorridendo per accoglierli e molto galantemente le baciò la mano.
Hamea lo guardò sorridendo, suo figlio il cardinale Gropius, gli aveva parlato molto di lui :

Vi ringrazio dell'invito e dell'accoglienza Vostra Eminenza Reverendissima è un onore per me e per la mia famiglia, oltre che un piacere, presenziare.
Permettetemi di farvi i complimenti, avete un palazzo magnifico, di mirabile fattura e l'arredamento all'interno non disattende le aspettative.

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Inscrit le: 09 Fév 2020
Messages: 35

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 21, 2020 1:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It seems that it would be impossible for the young Lysiane to be discreet. After all, she had accepted the light and therefore had to shine. Through him, with him and in him...
A frank and sincere smile on the arrival of Nicolas and Eva. She loved her Cousin very much and had learned to appreciate Nicolas. Even if he still often made her cry. He was the clumsy type, but Lysiane wasn’t angry at him. "We all have our faults," she said to herself. After the usual greetings, she thought back to Nicolas' sentence and tensed up a little. But so imperceptibly that even he, who was in front of her, hadn't been able to see it. He was clumsy, that was a fact now.
The brunette also greeted her friend and vassal Raphael kindly. Then she turned her attention to Kali's sister. The other blonde matriarch with the same charisma as her mother.

- It is an honor to meet you Lady Philomena.

He radiated something pleasant, but also something worrying, because for Lysiane this was the first meeting, but others might come later. Something deep inside her made her say that she wanted to be appreciated by her.
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Inscrit le: 02 Juin 2019
Messages: 44

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 21, 2020 3:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The statement fills him with both joy and fear. His mother is here? He lets his gaze glide over the splendour to people and then looks down to Tjara. "Mala I have seen and Marie Claire." How exactly he is related to her he has not yet found out, but in the end, family is family, no matter how many degrees they are apart. He is also filled with curiosity about what Kalixtus whispered to Tjara and is determined to ask about it later. Then he hears the name of the king from Tjara's mouth, is torn from his thoughts and turns around before bowing to Wajakla. "Your royal majesty." He's not even surprised that the German king is here. Probably would have irritated him more if he hadn't been invited to this party where the top ten percent are. Ah, and now he understands the look in Tjara's eyes a little better. It's strange to be introduced like that. Mallard. "It's a real pleasure to meet you," he says to him and gazes at him with crystal blue eyes. Clearly, he still has to get used to his own long name, especially the pronunciation. His tongue is sometimes very confused, but fortunately there are ways to untie it.

He swallows dry and realizes that he urgently needs a drink. Luckily, no one here is thirsty, so he quickly has a light wine brought to him to keep a clear head for this feast. He does not want to imagine the consequences of what would happen if he were drunk at his beloved uncle's party. It is the first time for the light-blond Russian to be among so many people at the same time, most of whom are completely unbeknown to him, and he will try to get to know at least the majority of the society here. His heart is beating up to his neck and his skin colour is likely to be a shade lighter with excitement, although his cheeks are a delicate rosé. Then he finally sees Filomena and gives Tjara a sign that he would like to go to her. If she is willing, she may of course accompany him. "Excuse me, Your Majesty, I just saw my mother and I'm dying to see her." he smiles kindly and then approaches her. What can he say? How to give himself up? Openly and honestly, he decides quietly for himself and walks over to her. "Your beauty is without equal, mother," he says quietly and would then greet her in the usual way for their family. He then sees the empress next to his mother and bows low this time. "Your imperial Highness." he whispers.

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Inscrit le: 04 Sep 2012
Messages: 5

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 21, 2020 3:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Anche il Conte fece un inchino al Cardinale Kalixtus, padrone di casa che in maniera impeccabile li aveva accolti alla festa.
Sentite le parole della moglie aggiunse.

"Eminenza Reverendissima è un piacere incontrarla finalmente di persona e conoscere uno degli uomini di chiesa più vicini a Sua Santità. Grazie per l'accoglienza e per l'invito."

Si inchinò e come si conveniva baciò l'anello cardinalizio in segno di profondo rispetto.
Poi sorrise e andò alla ricerca con la moglie del figlio per salutarlo e scambiare con lui qualche parola.


The Count also bowed to Cardinal Kalixtus, the landlord who had impeccably welcomed them to the party.
Hear the words of his wife, he added.

"Most Reverend Eminence, it is a pleasure to finally meet you in person and to meet one of the men of the church closest to His Holiness. Thank you for the welcome and the invitation."

He bowed and kissed the cardinal's ring as a sign of deep respect.
Then he smiled and went in search with his son's wife to greet him and exchange a few words with him.

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Inscrit le: 24 Jan 2018
Messages: 34

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 21, 2020 4:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Little by little, more and more distinguished guests are arriving. Marie Claire lets her gaze wander quietly over the arriving guests. She discovers the Empress, who is currently in conversation with Filomena. How beautiful the young woman is. Enviable - The archdeacon nods to the two ladies with great respect, and is once again incredibly proud to be able to call Filomena Maman. Alecsander also discovers her among the arriving guests, accompanied by a nice young lady whom Marie Claire doesn't know either. While sipping her glass she tries to put faces and names together. But somehow this doesn't work at all. With a silent sigh, she gives up the idea and decides to look for Uncle Calixtus and Filomena to greet them and to thank her uncle for the invitation.
So she takes a fresh drink and wants to set off - when Nicolas greets her. With a delighted, radiant smile she tilts her head slightly and suggests a curtsey. Nicolas - truly a joyful surprise to see you. You look very good. Marriage seems to agree with you. When he asks her how she is doing, she rolls her eyes briefly before answering him. I should sit in my chamber above the books of theology and study - She confesses to him a little more quietly and smiles. But life isn't all books, is it? But tell me, how are you, dear Nicolas?
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Inscrit le: 07 Fév 2017
Messages: 43

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 21, 2020 11:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hamea glanced at the entrance and saw that her nephew Alexander had freed himself from his duties of host turned to her husband:

My dear ... Alessandro has freed himself, we take this opportunity to greet him properly, before he is kidnapped again by the arrival of some guest.

The countess put her hand on the grandson's arm:

Dear Alessandro, how are you? Thanks for the invitation, it was the right occasion to come to Rome, to see you and Gropius and check that the administrator of the Capodimonte fief did not take advantage of my lack of presence.

I must say that I found all the best and this party is the right crowning glory of our trip.
I know that part of the organization of this evening is your work and I must say that everything is perfect.

he snickered behind the fan and continued:

Now that I know your dowry over the other innumerable already known, I will take advantage of it for future parties at Palazzo della Scala.

Hamea buttò un occhiata all'ingresso e vide che suo nipote Alessandro si era liberato dai suoi doveri di anfitrione si rivolse al marito :

Mio caro... Alessandro si è liberato, cogliamo l'occasione per salutarlo come si deve, prima che venga nuovamente rapito dall'arrivo di qualche invitato.

La contessa posò la mano sul braccio del nipote:

Carissimo Alessandro come stai? Grazie per l'invito è stata l'occasione giusta per venire a Roma, per vedere te e Gropius e controllare che l'amministratore del feudo di Capodimonte non approfittasse della mia poca presenza.

DEvo dire che ho trovato tutto al meglio e questa festa è il giusto coronamento del nostro viaggio.
So che parte dell'organizzazione di questa serata è opera tua e devo dire che è tutto perfetto.

fece una risatina dietro il ventaglio e continuò:

Ora che conosco questa tua dote oltre le altre innumerevoli già note, ne approfitterò largamente per le future feste a Palazzo della Scala.
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Inscrit le: 18 Mai 2020
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2020 10:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Maty returns Mala's friendly greeting and also takes a glass of Champanger.

It is a pleasure to see you here again. You look beautiful as always, in your dress.
Yes, and thanks for asking, I have returned home safely from Vienna. I still like to think about the nice time in Vienna.

Together they drank - to the good time in Vienna and the family.
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Inscrit le: 09 Oct 2013
Messages: 32
Localisation: Università degli Studi Vaticani di Roma

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2020 12:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mourice had now come to Kali's palace from his studies at the university. The palace was festively decorated and he had not expected anything else.

He was looking for people he knew, and then he saw the blond hair of his cousin Maty, and ran slowly to him.
He greeted him with a kiss and a tender bite in his ear. Then he hugged him and laughed at him.

Ah, my sweet cousin is already there, how nice.
It promises to be a beautiful night, with a golden star by the side of the sun.

He stroked his blond hair, which he loved so much, and his beautiful light skin.

Then he also saw Mala, whom he greeted and hugged warmly.

I am glad to see you Mala.

And finally Kali, whom he hugged and greeted with a kiss.

Hello Kali, my dear. I never knew the palace was so big and beautiful. Just wonderful.
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2020 2:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After finishing his classes and the study time in the library of the Pontifical University, the young seminarian had left the student's residence to go to one of the most famous bookstores in Rome, his order had finally arrived from Florence; it was the hagiography of Saint Joan of Arc, in a very special edition that had cost a lot of money, even more than he could afford, but it was a good investment that would be incorporated into his library. He had spent a lot of time leafing through new books there, so he was late arriving at the soireé of Cardinal Kalixtus, rector of the university, who had been kind to invite him.

The Doria-Pamphilj Palace was said to be one of the most beautiful buildings in the city, with countless paintings and sculptures decorating its halls, and finally there was Felipe, entering through one of the doors. The interior was dazzling compared to other palaces, and was so illuminated that it seemed as if the sun had not hidden on the horizon there, when the afternoon was already turning to night. A crowd of guests was walking through the corridors or gardens and were also chatting in small groups. All these people were unknown to the young man, except for a boy his age who was also a university student whose name he did not know, and the inquisitor Gastaldia, who at this moment seemed abstracted looking at something on the wall. The seminarian went there and also looked at some very beautiful frescoes on the wall, representing the creation of the world: the gathering of all creatures when God asked them the great question.
- It looks like we're there. See how the artist has painted those clouds and a beam of heavenly light descends on humans, it is magnificent! - Felipe then looked at the inquisitor - Good evening Your Excellency. It's nice to see that I'm not the only one who doesn't know the other guests - the boy then looked at one of the tapestries hanging next to the frescoes - Have you seen our host?-


Después de terminar sus clases y del tiempo de estudio en la biblioteca de la Universidad Pontificia, el joven seminarista había salido de la residencia para ir a una de las librerías más famosas de Roma, finalmente había llegado su encargo desde Florencia; era la hagiografía de Santa Juana de Arco, en una edición muy especial que había costado mucho dinero, incluso más del que él se podía permitir, pero era una buena inversión que sería incorporado a su biblioteca. Él había pasado mucho tiempo ojeando libros nuevos allí, así que se retrasó en llegar a la soireé del cardenal Kalixtus, rector de la universidad, que había tenido la amabilidad de invitarlo.

Se decía que el palacio Doria-Pamphilj era uno de los edificios más bellos de la ciudad, con innumerables pinturas y esculturas que decorando sus salones, y finalmente allí estaba Felipe, entrando por una de las puertas. El interior era deslumbrante en comparación con otros palacios y estaba tan iluminado que parecía como si el sol no se hubiera ocultado en el horizonte allí, cuando la tarde ya se convertía en noche. Una multitud de invitados estaba paseando por los corredores o los jardines y también conversaban en pequeños grupos. Todas aquellas personas eran desconocidas para el jóven, excepto un muchacho de su edad que era también estudiante de la universidad cuyo nombre desconocía, y el inquisidor Gastaldia, que en ese momento parecía abstraído mirando algo en la pared. El seminarista fue hasta allí y también miró unos frescos muy bonitos en la pared, que representaban la creación del mundo: la reunión de todas las criaturas cuando Dios les hizo la gran pregunta.
- Parece como si estuviéramos allí. Observa como el artista ha pintado esas nubes y un haz de luz celestial desciende sobre los humanos, ¡es magnifico! - Felipe entonces miró al inquisidor - Buenas noches su excelencia. Es agradable ver que no soy el único que no conoce a los demás invitados - el chico entonces miró a uno de los tapices que colgaba junto a los frescos - ¿Habéis visto a nuestro anfitrión?-

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 15 Nov 2015
Messages: 830
Localisation: Zaragoza

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2020 4:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Se encontraba observando las hermosas pinturas mientras el tiempo aún se lo permitía cuando escuchó una voz que se dirigiá a su persona.
Mi buen estudiante, como encuentra vuestros estudios en la Universidad?, supe que son un poco complicado llevar el ritmo sonrie.
La verdad solo lo ví por un momento en la recepción, luego perdí de vista, agrega mientras intenta de encontrar al anfitrión con una rápida mirada por el lugar.

He was looking at the beautiful paintings while the weather still allowed him when he heard a voice speaking to him.
My good student, how do you find your studies at the University? I knew that they are a little difficult to keep up with.
The truth was I only saw him for a moment at the reception, then I lost sight, he adds as he tries to find the host with a quick look around the place.
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Ven Mai 22, 2020 7:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Il Cardinale sorrise lieto a Filomena mentre ella gli baciava l'anello ed esclamò con rapimento: Carissima Filomena, concedetemi di chiamarvi per nome. Se vostro fratello è il Elios, voi siete certamente Afrodite! È un piacere vedervi a Roma.

    Arrivò poi il turno del "pezzo forte", Kalixtus. Quando gli si avvicinò con la solita aria impertinente, Arduino aprì le braccia e quasi gli cadde addosso, volontariamente, è chiaro. Si scambiarono i soliti convenevoli, ma non tralasciò di sussurrargli all'orecchio: Belva ferina! Attento a cosa bevi. Si ritrasse da lui e gli sorrise. Si guardò intorno e aggiunse: Dici che si ballerà stasera? Saranno tutti intenti a intrattenere edificanti discettazioni. Per quanto riguarda la piscina, non oserai...

    Sorrise cortesemente quando Kalixtus gli presentò Wajakla, il Re di Germania: Vostra Maestà Reale, è un piacere fare la vostra conoscenza. Aristotele vi benedica.

    Passò, così, la prima parte della serata in saluti e convenevoli più o meno formali. Salutò tutti coloro che conosceva e dedicò comunque un sorriso e un cenno anche a chi non aveva visto mai prima. Sapeva che tra i presenti c'erano anche i suoi genitori. Li andò a salutare.

    Madre carissima! Disse ad Hamea avvicinandosi a lei. Padre... aggiunse salutando Ercolino. Vi state divertendo?


    The Cardinal smiled happily at Filomena as she kissed his ring and exclaimed with kidnapping: Dearest Filomena, allow me to call you by your name. If your brother is Elios, you are surely Aphrodite! It is a pleasure to see you in Rome.

    Then came the turn of the "big one", Kalixtus. When he approached him with the usual impertinent air, Arduino opened his arms and almost fell on him, voluntarily, it is clear. They exchanged the usual pleasantries, but he did not fail to whisper in his ear: Belva ferina! Mind what you drink. He withdrew from him and smiled at him. He looked around and said: Will there be dancing tonight? They're all going to be entertaining uplifting conversations. As for the pool, you wouldn't dare...

    He smiled graciously when Kalixtus introduced him to Wajakla, the King of Germany: Your Royal Majesty, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. Aristotle bless you.

    He spent the first part of the evening in more or less formal greetings and pleasantries. He greeted everyone he knew and dedicated a smile and a nod to those he had never seen before. He knew that among those present there were also his parents. He went to greet them.

    Mother dearest! He said to Hamea as he approached her. Father... added, waving greetings to Ercolino. Having fun?


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2020
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 23, 2020 1:17 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I had observed the merry-go-round with a touch of doubt, yet I was far from being invisible, I was standing there, on my husband's arm, and yet he was being addressed while completely ignoring me, yet I had nodded respectfully, not knowing the ladies better than that. There were frankly some things that were beyond me at times.

I had looked up at Nicolas with my eyes raised to the sky, even more so when we began to talk about our marriage, holding my arms in my hand or worse, the impoliteness of the woman who was smiling silly smiles at him. This kind of behaviour was completely beyond me.

I had smiled at my husband and without too much delay I had resumed our walk, looking for a glance where we could find a good glass of wine, it was more than necessary at that moment.

I had bent over to his ear while we were being served.

They are very nice, your friends.


J'avais observé le manège un rien dubitative, j'étais pourtant loin d'être invisible, je me tenais bien là ,au bras de mon mari et pourtant on s’adressait à lui en m'ignorant complètement.J'avais pourtant saluer d'un signe de tête respectueux, ne connaissant pas les demoiselles plus que çà. Il y avait franchement des choses qui me dépassaient parfois.

J'avais adressé un regard à Nicolas en levant les yeux au ciel, plus encore quand on se mit à évoquer notre mariage , me retenant d'agités les bras ou pire devant l'impolitesse de celle qui lui balançait des sourires niais. Ce genre de comportement m’excédait complètement.

J'avais sourit à mon époux et sans trop tardé dans le coin , j'avais reprit notre marche, cherchant du regard ou nous pourrions trouvé un bon verre de vin, il était plus que nécessaire à cet instant.

Je m'étais pencher à son oreille le temps que l'on nous servent.

Elles sont très sympathiques tes copines.
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Inscrit le: 18 Mai 2020
Messages: 7

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 23, 2020 1:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Filomena kissed her nephew on the cheek and smiled at Maty. You look handsome. I hope my brother doesn't spoil you too much. She giggled slightly and ran her hand through his hair while blowing Mala Kalantha in the neck from behind. Yoo-hoo, dear - I see you found the champagne too, we need to clear the stock. She whispered amused, pleased to see her friend again and gave her a kiss on each cheek, admiring the blue stone between her breasts as well. I see we have the same ideas - which one of us is looking at whom? She smiled and welcomed Nicolas with a charming smile. She liked him and his wife Eva. Slightly she bowed her head to the higher ranking people.

Vos Altesses, c'est un plaisir de vous voir. Les festivités sont animées par les étoiles du Brabant. She smiled and toasted Eva's with her glass. La couleur de la robe de Son Altesse est exceptionnellement belle et s'accorde parfaitement à la couleur de vos yeux. Un compliment à votre sens du style et de la mode. Des jours comme celui-ci, nous en apprenons tellement sur les belles choses de la vie. She smiled at them through her grey eyes and then smiled with relish as she took a sip of champagne.

Your Excellency. Filomena kissed the ring of Bishop Alessandro Della Scala. Katu raves about you, you are an Italian charming man and like all French women I like charmeurs. You must be an important man in his life. My compliments on the beautiful ceremony. I'm sure it was hard work making all these arrangements. I am delighted. Today is a wonderful day for Italy, indeed for all of Europe and this leads back to you both. It is a dream. Allow me. She kissed him on every cheek. I'm so glad Katu has someone like you at his side. He needs people who can lead him out of loneliness and whom he can trust. She whispered the last sentence and smiled at him.

Arduino was no less charming. Eminence, it's in your family's blood to be charming, to a lonely woman in the prime of her years. I'm delighted. If Kalixtus is Helios, and I am Aphrodite, I am convinced that, Your Eminence, in all reverence - Apollo - is the closest thing to you. After all, how else could you explain my brother's fascination with you... The sun seeks the light. I am convinced both of you are mutually dependent. She smiled charmingly and knowingly before she saw her brother dancing towards her. She went into the game and was happy to see her brother so exuberant.

How beautiful you have it here. She spoke after half a turn and she moved her decoltee, causing the sapphire to move between her breasts like the waves of the Adriatic. You have gathered so many wonderful people here. They are all so adorable. She returned the kiss of greeting and smiled. Her eyes fell on Alvero and she nodded at Katu. As always, her brother knew that the world would always float for her and Katu could unhinge the world. You could see that here and everywhere else. This talent rested in him and she kissed his hand, his words meant a lot to her and she answered with a slight scratch in her throat. I love you too, my Katu. She followed him to Lysiane.

Her high heels clacked on the marble floor, she listened to Kalixtus when he introduced her and she bowed before the empress. Your Majesty it is a special pleasure for me to meet the woman on whose shoulders so much responsibility rests. My dear brother has been raving about you since he first saw you, is it a miracle? Where I first meet you, I know what he sees. My adoration. Her grey eyes looked at the Empress with interest. Her eyes could be as searching as her brother's. The smile she gave her was warm and genuine. She could not imagine the burden such a position brought with it and whatever arrangement had been made. She watched as Katu put something into her mouth. She felt the special relationship between her brother and the empress. There was a bond between them and she knew also what kind of bond. Gently, she smiled knowingly. Then she greeted Raphael - she recognized him from one of the other feasts at Herrenchiemsee Palace. When she saw her children she had to smile. She kissed them both - Alecsander and Marie Claire - my stars. Where are the others? She may have seen Mourice but Oberon hasn't seen them yet. He must have been very busy at one point.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 23, 2020 2:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus smiled at Alessandro when he introduced him to his friends. He listened to him attentively and then looked at those mentioned. He welcomed them warmly.

    Welcome to the Palazzo and to this wonderful event. I am so happy to see some new faces. People who are friends of Alessandro are also my friends. That's very clear. I hope you feel comfortable. Kalixtus raised his glass and welcomed them Esmeralda, Samuele, Laura, Katie and Viviana.

    It is a special honour for me to meet the people who are there for each other, who make each other feel at home. In a dark world we all have to be the light and help those who need our help. Support and encourage them. Smile and give joy. Life is so precious, so unique that we must meet each other in love and affection.

    I am grateful that today you are celebrating a festival of love and friendship with me and Alessandro and with all the people here in the Palazzo. We must realize how precious life is.

    He gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and then yes then it was time for a toast.

    He rang his glass, climbed on a bench and pulled Alessandro up to his side, laughing at him.

    My friends he waved from up here and smiled he saw some guests he hadn't welcomed yet, he had to make up for that right away.

    Let me make the first toast of the evening before the sun goes down and the party really starts.

    I thank my friend Alessandro Della Scala who organized this party together with me.
    Kalixtus clapped his hands gently without spilling the goblet of wine. He smiled cheerfully.

      We welcome you all to Palazzo Doria Pamphilji. Today we unite the high aristocracy of Europe, kings and emperors, princes of the church from near and far. Today we unite people to a unity, to a festival - the festival of Aristotelian friendship. A festival that represents the House of Europe. Each of them is welcome and a friend under God's beautiful sky. Each of each of you is a star in the sky that can dispel the gloom of darkness.

      I'm grateful that all of you are here. I am awestruck and delighted when you enjoy this festival with me and Alessandro, with all our guests. Taste the delicious food, drink the exquisite beverages. Enjoy the works of art in the palazzo, enjoy the park, the pool, the fountain. Today, another work of art will decorate this palazzo - the artist is here and I am very happy when he will soon climb the podium from among the guests.

      But for the moment we enjoy the music that invites to dance, to rave and indulge. Welcome to Palazzo Doria-Pamphilji. Welcome to an evening of wonder and beauty.

      Let us drink to what unites us - to love and friendship. Let us drink to life.

    Kali toasted with Alessandro and drank from the wine. Then he gratefully put a kiss on Alessandro's cheek and whispered something into his ear.

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Inscrit le: 15 Déc 2017
Messages: 501
Localisation: Arquebisbe de l'Arquidiòcesi Metropolitana de Tarragona

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 23, 2020 4:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


As a child he was remembered in the castle of Sant Martí, which for him was the house of his uncle, the late prince. And now as Lieutenant of Her Majesty Hairt of Floridablanca and Titagrossa, he continued to move through noble rooms and among the highest spheres of his Principality. The well-known basilicas and cathedrals were perhaps more austere but also solemn.

But since he was in Rome, being received by His Holiness with Prince Hairt, the rooms that made up the palaces he had visited had caused him serious admiration. He was getting used to moving around with some frankness, but the space he was now treading on him was beyond him. Yes, every day I discovered something new and more and more beautiful and it seemed that every palace hid a story.

The Palau Doria, located on the street leading to the Plaça de Mart, already impressed him standing there outside due to its huge, well-defined structure. He made his entrance and the show that resulted from the ensemble, all adorned with columns, arches, very high ceilings and red and gold silks everywhere captivated him.
Paintings from all eras on the walls, mirrors, gutters and gold ornaments and all the brilliance imaginable and more. Mahogany and wood furniture of the noblest and finished with damask in the curtains or velvets in the seats and above all, with marble floors that mirrored those who stepped on it gently, as if slipping, he understood that that land could be in itself a dance floor where your feet would move effortlessly. Large and small sculptures of covered naked bodies, just as if by chance, had Peter absolutely dazed and maybe even too much.

The crowd was large and the noise was pleasant as the voices intersecting defined the party atmosphere. But Peter was convinced that there, in the gardens, there was peace because the aroma of the May flowering and the noises of the water that jumped in the springs had to transport mortals to a different dimension to the daily.

Discreetly, the young archbishop was advancing among the muteness that overwhelmed him in age, practically in the entirety of the attendees. He followed His Majesty, properly dressed for the occasion, and moved from side to side, silent, badoc, eyes wide as plates, as when as a child he passed almost under the legs of guests at the palace. He couldn’t let go of any of the inputs he received that would surely make him learn he still didn’t know what.



De menut es recordava al castell de Sant Martí que per a ell era casa del seu oncle el difunt príncep. I ara com a Lloctinent de Sa Majestat Hairt de Floridablanca i Titagrossa, seguia movent-se per estances nobles i entre les més altes esferes del seu Principat. Les basíliques i catedrals conegudes eren potser més austeres però també solemnes.

Però des que era a Roma, essent rebut per Sa Santedat amb el Príncep Hairt, les sales que conformaven els palaus que havien visitat li havien causat seriosa admiració. Estava acostumant-se a moure-s’hi amb certa franquesa però aquell espai que ara trepitjava el superava de ple. Sí, cada dia descobria una cosa nova i cada cop més bella i semblava que cada palau amagava una història.

El Palau Doria, situat al carrer que porta a la Plaça de Mart ja l’impressionava allà aturat a l’exterior per la seva estructura, enorme, ben definida. Va fer entrada i l'espectacle que resultava del conjunt, tot ornamentat amb columnes, arcades, sostres altíssims i sedes vermelles i daurades per arreu el va corprendre.
Quadres de totes èpoques a les parets, miralls, canalobres i ornamentacions en or i tota la brillantor imaginable i més. Mobiliari de caobes i fustes de les més nobles i acabat amb damasc als cortinatges o velluts als seients i sobretot, amb uns sòls de marbre que emmirallaven els qui el trepitjaven suaument, com si llisquessin, va comprendre que aquell terra podia ser en si mateix una pista de ball on els seus peus es deplaçarien sense cap esforç. Escultures grans i menudes de cossos nus tapats, només com si fos casual, tenien en Pere absolutament embadalit i fins i tot potser massa.

La gentada era important i era agradable el soroll que les veus entrecreuant-se anaven definint l’ambient de festa. Però en Pere estava convençut que allà, en els jardins, s’hi trobava la pau perquè l’aroma de la floració de maig i els sorolls de l’aigua que saltaven en les fonts havien de transportar als mortals a una dimensió diferent a la quotidiana.

Discretament, el jove arquebisbe va anar avançant entre la mutitud que el sobrepassava en edat, practicament en la seva totalitat dels assistents. Seguia a Sa Majestat, adequadament vestit per a l’ocasió i es movia d’un cantó a l’altre, silent, badoc, ulls oberts com a plats, com quan de petit passava quasi per sota les cames dels convidats a palau. No podia deixar perdre cap dels imputs que rebia que de ben segur el farien aprendre encara no sabia el què.


Monsenyor Pere Setzefonts i D'Entença
Cardenal diaca de Sant Posseidó de Montserrat, Arquebisbe de l'Arquidiòcesi Metropolitana de Tarragona, Mossèn de Vic, Membre de l'AEH, Baró Palatí de Sant Joan de Latran, Baró d'Entença, Cavaller del Comtat d'Osona, Senyor de la Coca de Sucre
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