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Greetings from the new Plenipotentiary Prelate
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Inscrit le: 27 Nov 2011
Messages: 69
Localisation: Barnstaple

MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 02, 2013 11:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Your Eminences, I am Iustinianus, a humble Parish priest in Barnstaple. Despite the vast presence of heretics, I have decided to remain faithful to the Roman Church and I am ready to act as you decide.
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Inscrit le: 03 Oct 2011
Messages: 1771
Localisation: Kirkcudbright, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 03, 2013 9:54 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Good to have you on board, Father Iustinianus. Barnstaple seems in good capable hands this way.
[R.I.P.] The Scottish Cardinal Emeritus | Bishop In Partibus of Ptolemais
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Inscrit le: 27 Nov 2011
Messages: 69
Localisation: Barnstaple

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 03, 2013 1:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you, your Eminence. I ignore whether there are other loyalists (would "loyalists" be the right name?) around. If I happen to find anyone, I will try to redirect them here so that we can reorganize. However, hitherto, I have found none.
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Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2012
Messages: 894

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 03, 2013 1:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I shall do the same.

Presbyter & Professor of the Universal and Roman-Aristotelian Church. | Bishop of Ptolemais
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2012
Messages: 33
Localisation: L'escalier pour le Paradis Solaire. Bristol.

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 04, 2013 11:35 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Loyalist points to the other side as disloyal. While the term may be accurate as they have chosen to disavow their loyalty to Rome, it is also controversial. The term they use of themselves, reformist, would suggest that the non-reformists are traditionalists. Or perhaps orthodox. Or Roman.

Something to be aware of is the Round Table discussion I hear rumors of, organised by the reformers to rearrange the religious map of England. I find it something in which it is of paramount importance that the Roman Aristotelian Church has a hand in - not to hold onto what has been her bailiwick until now, but for the best of the spiritual life in all England. Who were active in URACESI ranks now consider themselves something else, and thus it would be difficult to cater to the needs of the souls in England with the personnel that remains. So, how to keep a hand in, so as not to be sidestepped as relic?
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Inscrit le: 27 Nov 2011
Messages: 69
Localisation: Barnstaple

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 04, 2013 4:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Will this Round Table be open to the "Reformists" or to us as well? I agree with you that speaking with them would be fundamental as there are several matters to discuss together. For instance, will our baptisms be "interchangeable"? I mean, will we consider their baptisms "valid" as ours are and vice versa? It might seem like a sophism, but I think that it clarifying such issues now will be useful for avoiding issues in the future in case of weddings et similia. Such dogmatic issues should be solved as soon as possible, because, in my humble opinion, they could form the basis for conflicts in the future, which would be extremely perilous for our Faith (and by "our Faith" I mean ours and theirs).
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Inscrit le: 27 Sep 2012
Messages: 33
Localisation: L'escalier pour le Paradis Solaire. Bristol.

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 04, 2013 11:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I suppose it is open to them as they are the ones organising it, and they seem fairly open with the invitations. You raise good points, and I hope those will be addressed, rather than simply drawing lines on the map.
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Inscrit le: 31 Déc 2012
Messages: 11

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 07, 2013 10:59 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The reformists have yet to make their presence known in Ireland, but the traditional URAC is still here as long as I am. I am currently in discussions (Corcaigh forum) with Jacquemart about handing over the Corcaigh Cathedral to him. I will leave the cathedral, as I am required to, but not without pointing out his heresy for all to hear!

The reformers have at least held true to the teachings of Aristotle and Christos, so we are as brothers and sisters, though separated. Let us find ways to work together. It does sadden me, though, that this schism is happening, especially when we should stand together against the AAC heresy and the CA it serves.
Servant of Jah.
Shepherd of the people.
Faithful Brother of the URAC.
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Inscrit le: 04 Oct 2012
Messages: 55

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 21, 2013 4:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

We should indeed. I hope the church will be able to soon reunite around her raison-d'etre, her reason to exist, as clearly stated in the BoV. No amount of earthly power makes the least bit of difference, nor the number of people who attend sermons, nor the number of people of the cloth, if we lose the essence of what we are.
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