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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:23 am Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Florentin de Muids, Primat de France et Archevêque de Rouen,
Que suite à consensus, soeur Alyx de Nordet [Alyx] est admise à participer aux débats de l'Assemblée Episcopale de France, sans possibilité de scrutin.
Rédigé le 1er mai 1465,
Au Palais Archiépiscopal de Rouen,
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:24 am Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Florentin de Muids, Primat de France et Archevêque de Rouen,
Qu'après enquête de la Primatie sur la gestion du diocèse d'Orléans, l'Assemblée Episcopale de France a pris la décision de révoquer Monseigneur Oane. pour échec dans sa charge en tant qu'évêque d'Orléans.
Rédigé le 2 mai 1465,
Au Palais Archiépiscopal de Rouen,
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:24 am Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Florentin de Muids, Primat de France et Archevêque de Rouen,
Que suite à consensus, Viccienzo di Valendras [Viccienzo] est élevé à la dignité épiscopale en tant qu'évêque de Limoges.
Rédigé le 12 mai 1465,
Au Palais Archiépiscopal de Rouen,
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:26 am Sujet du message: |
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Avviso di revoca al C.E.S.E.
Revoca di S.Ecc. Rev. Guglielmo Aster X Corleone "Aster_x". dalla carica di arcivescovo metropolita di Pisa.
A nome del Concilio Episcopale del Santo Impero, noi, S. Ecc. Mons. Lodovico Abbondio Brandolini d'Adda Collalto, Viceprimate Italofono del C.E.S.E., facciamo annuncio de:
la revoca di S.Ecc.Rev. Guglielmo Aster X Corleone "Aster_x" dalla carica di Arcivescovo Metropolita di Pisa, a seguito delle sue dimmissioni.
Pace e bene,
+ S. Ecc. Mons. Lodovico Abbondio Brandolini d'Adda Collalto
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Avviso di Elezione CESE
Appello alla Candidatura per Arcivescovo Metropolita di Pisa.
A nome del Concilio Episcopale del Santo Impero, noi, S. Ecc. Mons. Lodovico Abbondio Brandolini d'Adda Collalto, Viceprimate italofono del C.E.S.E. facciamo annuncio:
dell'apertura del deposito di candidature per il posto d'Arcivescovo Metropolita di Pisa, per una durata di sette giorni a partire dalla data di pubblicazione in Piazza di Aristotele. Questo appello fa seguito alle dimmissioni dall'incarico del precedente arcivescovo, S.Em. Aster_x.
I candidati sono pregati di farci pervenire curriculum vitæ e lettera di motivazione per posta privata. Ricordiamo che le candidature
devono rispettare gli Statuti del Concilio Episcopale del Santo Impero.
Solo un teologo che ha esercitato per una durata di almeno tre mesi un incarico di vescovo può postulare alla carica di Arcivescovo Metropolita. Qualsiasi candidato deve essere titolare di una licenza in teologia ottenuta in un seminario primario riconosciuto dalla prefettura all'insegnamento Artistotelico. È chiesto ai richiedenti di citare il loro diploma nella loro candidatura.
Pace e bene,
+ S. Ecc. Mons. Lodovico Abbondio Brandolini d'Adda Collalto
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:26 am Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Florentin de Muids, Primat de France et Archevêque de Rouen,
Annonçons la démission de Monseigneur Valère Camille, de sa charge d'archevêque d'Avignon.
Il pourra néanmoins continuer de siéger au sein de l'Assemblée Episcopale de France en tant que membre émérite jusqu'au 15 juillet 1465.
Rédigé le 15 mai 1465,
Au Palais Archiépiscopal de Rouen,
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:27 am Sujet du message: |
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Élection du nouveau Primat du Saint Empire Romain Germanique
Son Éminence Hull de Northshire est élu Primat du SERG.
Nous, Rodrigo Manzanarez, en notre qualité de précédent Primat du Saint Empire Romain Germanique, devant le Très-Haut & sous le regard d’Aristote,
Annonçons l'élection de son Éminence Hull de Northshire [ hull19 ], cardinal-évêque de Nice, à la charge de Primat du Saint Empire Romain Germanique.
Nous lui souhaitons tous nos vœux de réussite dans cette affectation.
Puisse son Éminence nous guider dans notre assemblée et nous représenter dignement.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Fait à Rome, le treizième jour du cinquième mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXV
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Election of the new Primate Of the Holy Roman Empire
His Eminence Hull de Northshire is elected Primate of the Holy Roman Empire.
We, Rodrigo Manzanarez, as former Primate of the Holy Roman Empire, before the Most High & under the gaze of Aristotle,
Announce the election of his Eminence Hull de Northshire [ hull19 ], cardinal-bishop of Nice, as Primate of the Holy Roman Empire.
We give him all our wishes of success in this assignment.
May his Eminence guide us in our assembly and represent us with dignity.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done in Rome, on the thirteenth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXIV.
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Wahl des neuen Primas für das Heilige Römische Reich deutscher Nation
Seine Eminenz, Hull de Northshire, wurde zum Primas des Heiligen Römischen Reiches deutscher Nation gewählt.
Wir, Rodrigo Manzanarez, wie frühere Primas des heiligen römischen Reiches, vor dem Allerhöchsten und unter dem Blick des Aristoteles,
geben die Wahl seiner Eminenz Hull de Northshire [ hull19 ], Kardinal-bischof von Nizza, in das Amt des Primas des Heiligen Römischen Reiches deutscher Nation bekannt.
Wir wünschen ihm viel Erfolg bei dieser Aufgabe.
Möge seine Eminenz uns in unserer Versammlung leiten und uns würdig vertreten.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Gegeben in Rom, 13 Tag des Monats Mai, MCDLXV. unseres Herrn.
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Elezione del nuovo Primate del Sacro Romano Impero Germanico
Sua Eminenza Hull de Northshire è eletto Primate del SRING.
Noi, Rodrigo Manzanarez, Primate uscente del Sacro Romano Impero Germanico, davanti all'Altissimo e sotto lo sguardo di Aristotele,
Annunciamo l'elezione di sua Eminenza Hull de Northshire [ hull19 ], cardinale-vescovo di Nizza, alla carica di Primate del Sacro Romano Impero Germanico.
Gli facciamo ogni augurio di riuscita in questo incarico.
Possa sua Eminenza guidarci nella nostra assemblea e rappresentarci degnamente.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Fatto a Roma, il tredicesimo giorno del mese di Maggio, nell'anno MCDLXV di Nostro Signore.
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:29 am Sujet du message: |
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Avviso di Elezione AEV
Appello alla Candidatura per Primate delle Venezie e dello Stato da Mar
A nome dell' Assemblea Episcopale delle Venezie e dello Stato da Mar, noi,
S. Eminenza Tacuma dei Giustiniani Borgia,
Primate delle Venezie e dello Stato da Mar,
Patriarca di Aquileia facciamo annuncio:
dell'apertura del deposito di candidature per il posto di Primate
delle Venezie e dello Stato da Mar e ciò per una durata di cinque giorni
a partire dalla data di visualizzazione in Piazza di Aristotele.
Questo appello fa seguito alla scadenza naturale del mandato di S. Eminenza Tacuma dei Giustiniani Borgia
I candidati dovranno far pervenire in AE la propria candidatura.
Solo un teologo che ha esercitato per una durata di almeno tre mesi
un incarico di (Arci)Vescovo può postulare alla carica di Primate.
Qualsiasi candidato deve essere titolare di una licenza in teologia
ottenuta in un seminario primario riconosciuto dalla prefettura all'insegnamento Artistotelico.
È chiesto ai richiedenti di citare il loro diploma nella loro candidatura.
Scritto e ratificato ad Aquileia,
il primo giorno del mese di Maggio
dell'anno di grazia 1465
Per l'Assemblea Episcopale delle Venezie e dello Stato da Mar
[/i] |
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:30 am Sujet du message: |
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Confirmation of the Archishopric of Trier as the seat of the Primacy
Of the respect of the CESE statuts and of the metropolitain jurisdiction
We, His Eminence Hull de Northshire, Roman Elector Cardinal of St. Adonia of Trastevere, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith, Cardinal-Governor and Count of Pesaro, Primate of the Church of the Holy Roman Empire, Rector of the Holy Order of Christos' Star, Prince-Archbishop of Trier, Prince-Abbot of Stavelot-Malmedy, Commissioner of the Apostolic Penitentiary, General Chaplain of the Holy Armies, Officer Herald of the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry, Great Teacher-Exorcist, French Vice-Prefect of the Villa San Loyats, Inquisitor, Earl of Lundy, Lord of La Combe Bleue, Knight of the Teutonic Order, Great-Officer of the Stars of Aristotle, Knight of the Order of Volpone,before the Most High & under the gaze of Aristotle,
Announce that, according to the wishes of the previous administrator, Brother Reki de Grimaud, the Archbishopric of Trier was left unattended. In the meant time, the French Vice-Primacy was seized by bishops who, were worried that the cathedral would be abandoned and possibly misused, named an "intendant commendataire". The publication by the French Vice-Primate, the 18/04/1465, also lacked the seal of the Primacy to validate an overruling of the Primate's prerogative to managing the Archbishopric. Unfortunately, this position of steward is also not one that is currently valid in any Vice-Primacy or validated in the status of the CESE. In fact, a debate aiming to add this status to the internal rules of the French Vice-Primacy, a change proposed by ourselves, was never followed by a vote. The nomination is thus void.
Remind that the Archbishopric is under the governance of the Primacy and of the Primate, as decreed by the rules passed by our predecessors, the late Eminence Frederico and the late Eminence Aristokolès. Following our election to the mandate of Primate, the Archbishopric of Trier now depends of our jurisdiction. Likewise, the Holy Roman Empire recognizes the Primate as de jure Prince-Archbishop of Trier upon his or her election. Therefore, we reiterate the rules and customs by which a special Administrator for the seat of Trier will only be nominated by the Primate, or by a decision on which is found the seal of the Primacy or of the Primate.
Announce that, inclined to name as Administrator his Eminence Aymé von Frayner, thus confirming the mission that had been given to him by the French Vice-Primacy despite the clumsy nomination, we have learned recent news that his Eminence has been gravely wounded while traveling. We send our best of wishes to him, and we promise to pray for his health. Thus, we will not name him to a position that might affect his health. As Primate, we will occupy this position for the time being.
Finally, in view of the jurisdictional absence of the Province of Trier, as written in the publication by the French Vice-Primacy on the 29/04/1465, and until settlement, the diocese of Metz passes under the jurisdiction of the Province of Besançon. Likewise, as per the decision of the Curia on the 23/11/1462, the diocese of Toul remains under the jurisdiction of the Province of Besançon.
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the nomination of ourselves, his Eminence Hull de Northshire [ hull19 ], as Archbishop of Trier. For the duration of our mandate, unless a specific need arises, there will be no special Administrator for the Province of Trier.
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the confirmation of the decisions moving the diocese of Metz and Toul under the jurisdiction of the Province of Besançon. The situation will be evaluated by the Primacy and the concerned Vice-Primacy shortly, to evaluate the case of the metropolitan jurisdiction if Trier is occupied by the Primate instead of a special Administrator.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done in Rome, on the fourteenth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.
[code] Citation: |
Confirmation of the Archishopric of Trier as the seat of the Primacy
Of the respect of the CESE statuts and of the metropolitain jurisdiction
We, His Eminence Hull de Northshire, Roman Elector Cardinal of St. Adonia of Trastevere, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith, Cardinal-Governor and Count of Pesaro, Primate of the Church of the Holy Roman Empire, Rector of the Holy Order of Christos' Star, Prince-Archbishop of Trier, Prince-Abbot of Stavelot-Malmedy, Commissioner of the Apostolic Penitentiary, General Chaplain of the Holy Armies, Officer Herald of the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry, Great Teacher-Exorcist, French Vice-Prefect of the Villa San Loyats, Inquisitor, Earl of Lundy, Lord of La Combe Bleue, Knight of the Teutonic Order, Great-Officer of the Stars of Aristotle, Knight of the Order of Volpone,before the Most High & under the gaze of Aristotle,
Announce that, according to the wishes of the previous administrator, Brother Reki de Grimaud, the Archbishopric of Trier was left unattended. In the meant time, the French Vice-Primacy was seized by bishops who, were worried that the cathedral would be abandoned and possibly misused, named an "intendant commendataire". The publication by the French Vice-Primate, the 18/04/1465, also lacked the seal of the Primacy to validate an overruling of the Primate's prerogative to managing the Archbishopric. Unfortunately, this position of steward is also not one that is currently valid in any Vice-Primacy or validated in the status of the CESE. In fact, a debate aiming to add this status to the internal rules of the French Vice-Primacy, a change proposed by ourselves, was never followed by a vote. The nomination is thus void.
Remind that the Archbishopric is under the governance of the Primacy and of the Primate, as decreed by the rules passed by our predecessors, the late Eminence Frederico and the late Eminence Aristokolès. Following our election to the mandate of Primate, the Archbishopric of Trier now depends of our jurisdiction. Likewise, the Holy Roman Empire recognizes the Primate as de jure Prince-Archbishop of Trier upon his or her election. Therefore, we reiterate the rules and customs by which a special Administrator for the seat of Trier will only be nominated by the Primate, or by a decision on which is found the seal of the Primacy or of the Primate.
Announce that, inclined to name as Administrator his Eminence Aymé von Frayner, thus confirming the mission that had been given to him by the French Vice-Primacy despite the clumsy nomination, we have learned recent news that his Eminence has been gravely wounded while traveling. We send our best of wishes to him, and we promise to pray for his health. Thus, we will not name him to a position that might affect his health. As Primate, we will occupy this position for the time being.
Finally, in view of the jurisdictional absence of the Province of Trier, as written in the publication by the French Vice-Primacy on the 29/04/1465, and until settlement, the diocese of Metz passes under the jurisdiction of the Province of Besançon. Likewise, as per the decision of the Curia on the 23/11/1462, the diocese of Toul remains under the jurisdiction of the Province of Besançon.
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the nomination of ourselves, his Eminence Hull de Northshire [ hull19 ], as Archbishop of Trier. For the duration of our mandate, unless a specific need arises, there will be no special Administrator for the Province of Trier.
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the confirmation of the decisions moving the diocese of Metz and Toul under the jurisdiction of the Province of Besançon. The situation will be evaluated by the Primacy and the concerned Vice-Primacy shortly, to evaluate the case of the metropolitan jurisdiction if Trier is occupied by the Primate instead of a special Administrator.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done in Rome, on the fourteenth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:30 am Sujet du message: |
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The Vice-Primates of the Primacy
And the vacant seats
We, His Eminence Hull de Northshire, Roman Elector Cardinal of St. Adonia of Trastevere, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith, Cardinal-Governor and Count of Pesaro, Primate of the Church of the Holy Roman Empire, Rector of the Holy Order of Christos' Star, Prince-Archbishop of Trier, Prince-Abbot of Stavelot-Malmedy, Commissioner of the Apostolic Penitentiary, General Chaplain of the Holy Armies, Officer Herald of the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry, Great Teacher-Exorcist, French Vice-Prefect of the Villa San Loyats, Inquisitor, Earl of Lundy, Lord of La Combe Bleue, Knight of the Teutonic Order, Great-Officer of the Stars of Aristotle, Knight of the Order of Volpone, before the Most High & under the gaze of Aristotle,
Announce that, according to the wishes of the Vice-Primates and Primate, according to our the status of our primacy, we announce the following team :
- First Vice-Primate : To be announced
- Italian Vice-Primate : To be announced
- French Vice-Primate : Estevan_
- Dutch Vice-Primate : Alexej_kosigyn,
- German Vice-Primate : Rodrigo_Manzanarez
- Slovenian Vice-Primate : To be announced
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done in Rome, on the sixteenth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:31 am Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Estevan de Sévillano, Vice Primat du CESE Francophone, évêque de Toul, Abbé de Remiremont, Chapelain Impérial,
Annonçons la démission de Monseigneur Valère Camille, de sa charge d'archevêque d'Avignon.
Il pourra néanmoins continuer de siéger au sein de l'Assemblée Episcopale de France en tant que membre émérite jusqu'au 15 juillet 1465.
Nous lui souhaitons de réussir dans ce qu’il entreprendra à l’avenir.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Fait à Rome, le quinzième jour du cinquième mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXV
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:32 am Sujet du message: |
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Appel à candidatures en Avignon
Au nom de l'Assemblée Épiscopale de France & du Concile Épiscopal du Saint-Empire, nous, Monseigneur, Florentin de Muids, Primat de France et Archevêque de Rouen, nous, Monseigneur Estevan de Sévillano, Vice primat Francophone du Saint Empire
Faisons annonce que nous ouvrons, pour un délai de sept jours à compter de la publication de la présente, les candidatures à la charge d'archevêque suffragant d'Avignon.
Les candidatures doivent respecter les statuts des deux assemblées. En vertu de l'article 5.1.3 des statuts de l'assemblée épiscopale de France, « seul un clerc théologien ayant exercé pendant au moins trois mois une charge lui conférant le pouvoir de célébrer et d’octroyer divers sacrements aristotéliciens peut postuler à la charge d'évêque ou d’archevêque suffragant. En outre, tout candidat doit être titulaire d’une licence es théologie obtenue dans un séminaire primaire reconnu par la Préfecture à l'Enseignement Aristotélicien. »
Donné à Rome, le XVIIème jour du Vème mois de l’an de grâce MCDLXV.
Pour le Concile Episcopale du Saint Empire,
Pour l'Assemblée Episcopale de France,
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:32 am Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Estevan de Sévillano, Vice Primat du CESE Francophone, évêque de Toul, Abbé de Remiremont, Chapelain Impérial,
Annonçons l'élection de Monseigneur Portalis de Vandimion comme évêque de Toulon. Nous lui souhaitons bonne réussite dans sa charge Episcopal
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Fait à Rome, le dix huitième jour du cinquième mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXV
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:32 am Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Estevan de Sévillano, Vice Primat du CESE Francophone, évêque de Toul, Abbé de Remiremont, Chapelain Impérial,
Annonçons l'élection de Monseigneur Jeanne lefebvre comme évêque de Metz. Nous lui souhaitons bonne réussite dans sa charge Episcopal.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Fait à Rome, le dix neuvième jour du cinquième mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXV
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:33 am Sujet du message: |
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Au nom de l'Assemblée Épiscopale de France et de l'assemblée épiscopale de Bretagne, Nous, Monseigneur, Florentin de Muids, Primat de France et Archevêque de Rouen &
Nous Monseigneur Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Primat de Bretagne et Archevêque de Rennes.
Faisons annonce que nous ouvrons les candidatures à la charge d'Archevêque Métropolitain de Tours.
Ouvrons, pour un délai de sept jours à compter de la publication de cet avis, les candidatures à la charge d'archevêque métropolitain de Tours ;
Rappelons que, en vertu de l'article 5.1.3 des statuts de l'Assemblée épiscopale de France,
Seul un clerc théologien ayant exercé pendant au moins quatre mois une charge d’évêque ou d’archevêque suffragant peut postuler à la charge d’archevêque métropolitain. En cas de circonstances particulières et sur recommandation d’un évêque ou archevêque, il revient au Primat d’accepter la candidature d’un vicaire diocésain ou d’un vicaire général exerçant depuis au moins quatre mois ses fonctions dans l’archidiocèse métropolitain vacant. En outre, tout candidat doit être titulaire d’une licence en théologie obtenue dans un séminaire primaire reconnu par la Préfecture à l'Enseignement Aristotélicien.
Donné à Rome, le XXI ème jour du Vème mois de l’an de grâce MCDLXV.
Pour l'Assemblée Episcopale de France,
Pour l'Iliz Breizh,
(Envoyez vos candidatures en MP à Florentin et Cathelineau) _________________
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Arnarion Cardinal

Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015 Messages: 5974 Localisation: Marche d'Ancône
Posté le: Jeu Mai 25, 2017 2:34 am Sujet du message: |
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Au nom de l'Assemblée Épiscopale de France et de l'assemblée épiscopale de Bretagne, Nous, Monseigneur, Florentin de Muids, Primat de France et Archevêque de Rouen &
Nous Monseigneur Cathelineau Botherel de Canihuel, Primat de Bretagne et Archevêque de Rennes.
Décrétons conjointement que Soeur ArianaAnthea Del Casalièr [Ariana_anthea] est nommée intendant commendataire pour l'archevêché de Tours, laissé tragiquement orphelin.
Rappelons toute fois que cet archidiocèse demeure ouvert aux candidatures.
Donné à Rome, le XXIV ème jour du Vème mois de l’an de grâce MCDLXV.
Pour l'Assemblée Episcopale de France,
Pour l'Iliz Breizh,
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