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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
Messages: 8071
Localisation: rome

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 21, 2014 10:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Tacuma si avvicinò lentamente al cesto.
Depositò un sacchetto con dentro un pane e una piccola brocca con del vino.
E poi poso' delicatamente un bocciolo di rosa bianco della residenza Borgia
per te Kali perche' ti resti accanto il profumo di quella casa che tanto amavi e che tanto ti amava.
Si asciugo' una lacrima e tornò lentamente al suo banco

Tacuma slowly approached the basket.
Deposited in a bag with a bread and a small jug with the wine.
And then he gently placed a white rose bud collected in the residence borgia
Kali for you because the smell of the house that you loved so much and that loved you so much remains beside you.
He wiped a tear and he walked slowly back to his bench

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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11961

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 21, 2014 11:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She approached and laid in the basket some bread and a roll of parchment.

This will remind you all of our conversations, Sister. Silence is not absence ...

and she returned to her place.

Si avvicinò e depose nel cesto del pane e un rotolo di pergamene.

Questo ti ricorderà tutte le nostre conversazioni, Sorella. Il silenzio non è assenza...

e tornò al proprio posto.


Dernière édition par Fenice le Lun Fév 24, 2014 12:29 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 22, 2014 2:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Edoardo stood up, trying to show his sadness without overreacting, and pulled out a book and a little sack from a bag; when he was in front of the basket, he placed both of them and said

This book represents the Rule of the Congregation for Foreign Affairs: You served It loyally, my Sister, and too many people learnt and benefitted from Your work.
This pouch, indeed, contains a little bunch of ground of the Dukedom of Milan, from the lands between Piacenza, Parma and Fornovo, the same ground You walked on when You were Vicar General of Ravenna and worked next to me for the goodness of the Milanese believers.

Then, he turned over and went back silently to his seat.

Edoardo si alzo', cercando di mostrare la propria tristezza senza reagire eccessivamente, ed estrasse un libro ed un sacchettino da una borsa; quando fu innanzi alla cesta, li pose entrambi e disse

Questo libro rappresenta la Regola della Congregazione degli Affari del Secolo: l'hai servita fedelmente, Sorella, e moltissime persone hanno imparato e beneficiato dal Tuo operato.
Questo sacchettino, invece, contiene un mucchietto di terra del Ducato di Milano, dalle lande tra Piacenza, Parma e Fornovo, la stessa terra su cui camminasTi quando eri Vicario Generale di Ravenna e di quando collaborasTi al mio fianco per il bene dei fedeli milanesi.

Poi si giro' e torno' verso il suo posto silenziosamente.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2011
Messages: 1124
Localisation: Piacenza/Plaisance

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 22, 2014 3:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Padre Fabio raggiunse il cesto e vi mise i suoi paramenti da arcivescovo di Ravenna, simbolo della sua grandezza come donna di chiesa, ed una delle tante lettere che si erano scambiati, simbolo della sua grandezza umana.
Avrebbe voluto dire qualcosa, ma la commozione gli formava un groppo in gola, quindi chinò solamente il capo e tornò a posto.

Father Fabio reached the basket and put in it her vestments as Archbishop of Ravenna, symbol of his greatness as a woman of the church, and one of the many letters they had exchanged, symbol of his human greatness.
He'd have wanted to say something, but the emotion formed a lump in his throat, then he only bowed his head and returned to his place.

------------------------------------------------------His Eminence Monsignor Fabio Degli Scalzi
-------------------------------------------Cistercian Monk | Bishop of Piacenza | National Suffragan Cardinal | Castellan of Pallastrelli
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Inscrit le: 07 Oct 2012
Messages: 4914
Localisation: Pavia - Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Dim Fév 23, 2014 1:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Era rimasto in disparte ad assistere alla cerimonia.....

non aveva presenziato a nessun ricordo ufficiale nè aveva parlato con nessuno, quasi a voler negare l'evidenza.

Non riusciva ad accettare che sua sorella, il suo mentore, il suo punto di riferimento e la sua guida spirituale non ci fosse più.

Era quasi arrabbiato, si sentiva abbandonato, quasi tradito, completamente solo.

Lei c'era sempre stata, e quasi pensava che ci sarebbe stata per sempre, come quando erano piccoli e lei era un mito per lui.

Si avvicinò lentamente al feretro, pose nel cesto una piccola miniatura che li ritraeva bambini, mano nella mano....

sfiorò delicatamente la bara in un'ultima carezza e tornò nell'angolo più buio a seguire la cerimonia.

He remained apart to assist to the ceremony .....

He had not to any official memory neither he talked to anybody, as he want to deny the evidence.

He could not accept that his sister, his mentor, his reference point and his spiritual guide was dead.
He was almost angry, he felt left, almost betrayed, completely alone.

She had always been there, and almost he thought that she would be forever, like when they were young and she was a myth for him.

He slowly approached the coffin, placed in the basket a small miniature that withdrew them children, hand in the hand....

He gently grazed the coffin in a last caress and went back into the darkest corner to follow the ceremony.
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Inscrit le: 21 Mar 2013
Messages: 216

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 24, 2014 3:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Francesca seguì il Cugino.
Depose nel cesto un bottiglietta di acqua benedetta.
La bottiglietta che ella fece preparare in occasione del battesimo di cui la vide madrina.

E accarezzando la bara, la salutò piangendo...

Francesca followed the cousin.
He laid in the basket a bottle of holy water.
The bottle that she had to prepare for the christening of which saw her godmother.

And stroking the coffin, greeted her crying ..

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Inscrit le: 19 Fév 2010
Messages: 20

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 02, 2014 1:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

With her head slightly down out of sadness does she enter the coffin.

Dear Kali, I am so sorry that this is the last time we meet on this earth. Please greet all of people you will meet soon who are also so missed here. One day I will join you all. For me now I will always remember all our meetings in the taverne and how happy we were to see each other, feeling our family connection so strong. For that I want to give you this...

With a very tender gesture does she put in a delicated handkerchief with the family shield embroidered on it in the coffin.

I know it is not perfect, but every stitch I did with thoughts of love for you. does she whisper to Kali with her hand on hers. With a last look through the tears in her eyes does she leave the coffin to go back to her Zio for comfort.

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Inscrit le: 29 Mai 2011
Messages: 3794
Localisation: Sacrum Romanorum Imperium Nationis Germanicæ - Herzogtum von Bayern - Regensburg

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 02, 2014 2:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Silently Ysabet approached the coffin. The sign of light and of faith had been given. No it was time for the sign of friendship. She put a piece of bread in the basket and whispered almost inaudible. " I don´t think I knew you as well as all you real friends, who are here. But I didn´t want to leave without saying something to you. I don´t even know, if you listen to this. But I am so grateful for everything you did to help me. I would not be, where I am now without you. I will miss you, I already do. I can´t believe you won´t be there anymore, when I have a question and i won´t see you anymore in Rome. You were always there for me. I hope I will see you one day again on the sun. You will always be a inspiration for me. I owe you so much."
Then she turned around and sat in the bench again. She had been so young. Why? Why did she have to die? She had always been there with help. She had never turned her down. not many people where like that. It was agreat loss for them all, for the hole church.

Roman Cardinal Emeritus
Bishop In Partibus of Cydonia
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Alessandro III giarru

Inscrit le: 04 Mar 2009
Messages: 6572
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 04, 2014 2:01 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"Adesso celebriamo il segno della memoria"

Il Camerlengo fece una breve pausa:

"Questa sepoltura ci ricorda molte cose:

La memoria d' un amico aristotelico che ci ha appena lasciati. Di una donna che aveva una storia, unica, con Dio. Che era circondata d'amore di Dio. Che ha fatto l' esperienza di quest'amore.
Noi numerosi in questa cappella, attorno a Kali, per prendere coscienza di questo legame d' amore che l'ha sempre collegato a Dio, che collega Dio a ciascuno di noi, in ogni istante.

La morte verrà per ciascuno di noi. Per gli uni presto, per gli altri più tardi. Per gli uni nella loro gioventù, per d' altri nella loro vecchiaia. Il Signore ci avverte: " Siate pronti, siate sempre pronti poiché non sapete né il giorno né l'ora".
Aristotele ci ha guidati e Christos ci invita a prendere esempio su lui, a trovare la nostra gioia di vivere per gli altri, amare come loro ci hanno amati.
La nostra presenza qui è preghiera. Invochiamo Aristotele che misuri i peccati della nostra sorella e che Christos intercede presso il Signore perché lo riceva nel suo Paradiso.

Il Camerlengo prese il libro sacro

"Dal libro delle virtù:
Aristotele: “È semplice: esattamente come il matrimonio, la morte è un evento definitivo. Bisogna dunque prepararvisi con cura. Se c’è una vita dopo la morte, allora la vita che conduciamo prima della morte deve essere consacrata alla preparazione della vita dopo la morte. Esattamente come la nostra vita prima del matrimonio deve essere consacrata alla preparazione della nostra vita dopo il matrimonio.”
Epimanos: “Ho capito dove vuoi arrivare. Per te la morte non è altro che un passaggio che conduce a un’altra vita?”
Aristotele: “Sì, e la nostra vita presente deve essere consacrata alla preparazione di quella vita futura.”

Riprese il Camerlengo:

"Prima di lasciare la cappella, diremo un ultimo addio alla nostra sorella Kali.
Con rispetto ed affetto, l'affidiamo a Dio nella speranza di trovarci un giorno presso Lui"

Segui' una lunga pausa di silenzio:

"Ecco il momento del segno dell'addio
Con tutti coloro che ci hanno preceduti e che vivono già presso il Signore, con la processione immensa dei Santi, auguriamo un buon ultimo viaggio alle sue spoglie mortali"

Dopo queste parole, i gentiluomini della santa sede presero in spalla la bara che giaceva a terra e si incamminarono in processione con il camerlengo verso la cripta dei cardinali dove avverrà la tumulazione.

"Now we celebrate the sign of memory"

The Camerlengo paused for a moment:

"This burial reminds us of many things:

The memory of 'Aristotelian who has just left. Of a woman who had a history, unique, with God What was surrounded with love of God That made the 'experience of this love.
Many of us in this chapel, around Kali, to become aware of this link d 'love that has always connected to God, that God connects to each of us, in every moment.

Death will come for each of us. For some early, others later. For some, in their youth, for d 'others in their old age. The Lord warns us: "Be ready, be ready always because you know neither the day nor the hour."
Aristotle has guided us and Christos invites us to follow the example of him, to find our joy in living for others, loving them as they loved.
Our presence here is a prayer. We invoke Aristotle that measure the sins of our sister and Christos intercedes with the Lord to receive him in his Paradise"

The Chamberlain took the holy book

"From the Book of Virtues:
Aristotle: "It's simple: just like marriage, death is a definite event. We must therefore prepare for it carefully. If there is a life after death, then life we ​​lead before death must be devoted to the preparation of life after death. Just like our lives before marriage should be devoted to the preparation of our lives after the wedding. "
Epimanos: "I understand where you're going. For you, death is nothing but a passage that leads to another life? "
Aristotle: "Yes, and our present life must be devoted to the preparation of the future life."

Shooting the Camerlengo:

"Before leaving the chapel, we will say a final goodbye to our sister Kali.
With respect and affection, we entrust to God in the hope of finding a day at Him "

Follow 'a long silence:

"This is the time of the sign of farewell
With all of those who have gone before us and who are already living with the Lord, with the immense procession of Saints, Have a safe trip to his last mortal "

After these words, the gentlemen of the Holy See took the coffin on their shoulders lying on the ground and walked in procession with the cardinal chamberlain to the crypt where the burial will take place.


Father of the Church
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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
Messages: 8071
Localisation: rome

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 04, 2014 10:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

And while the coffin was being taken away Tacuma remained motionless at his bench.
With you, goes away a piece of us all Eminence, sister, friend Kali.
But know that you remained forever in our hearts

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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2011
Messages: 1124
Localisation: Piacenza/Plaisance

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 06, 2014 3:02 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Lentamente, il cardinale seguì la bara.

The cardinal slowly followed the coffin.
------------------------------------------------------His Eminence Monsignor Fabio Degli Scalzi
-------------------------------------------Cistercian Monk | Bishop of Piacenza | National Suffragan Cardinal | Castellan of Pallastrelli
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Inscrit le: 26 Aoû 2011
Messages: 33
Localisation: Dénia

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 06, 2014 6:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Seguì in silenzio.

He followed in silence.

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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 07, 2014 1:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sadly like he have been only in few moments before, His Eminence walked step by step after the other clerics and the coffin, to greet His Sister in Faith for the last and ultimate time.

Tristemente quanto era stato solo in pochissimi momenti prima di allora, Sua Eminenza cammino' passo dopo passo dietro agli altri chierici e alla bara, per salutare la Sorella nella Fede per l'ultima e definitiva volta.
H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif

Dernière édition par Egal le Ven Mar 07, 2014 6:31 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11961

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 07, 2014 7:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ella seguì la bara in silenzio.

She followed in silence tha coffin.

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Inscrit le: 23 Oct 2011
Messages: 2182
Localisation: Tarragona

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 07, 2014 6:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The castilian follow the procession praying silently.

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