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[Application] Portuguese Nunciature - Damasceno Saadi Altir
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Inscrit le: 30 Juin 2017
Messages: 37

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 26, 2017 11:25 pm    Sujet du message: [Application] Portuguese Nunciature - Damasceno Saadi Altir Répondre en citant

CV Candidatura a écrit:

    • Apelido: Ltdamasceno
    • Nome: Damasceno Saadi Altir
    • Morada: Mansão dos Mouros, Porto - Portugal
    • Lugar e data de nascimento: 14 de Março do ano de 1423, Guarda - Portugal
    • Ocupação: Barão de Castelo Novo e Comerciante de Vinhos e Artigos Luxuosos
    • Via: Igreja

      ✦ Política

      - Conselheiro do L Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Diplomata 2 Estrelas da Real Chancelaria de Portugal;
      - Assessor do Comércio de Sua Majestade Real, Marih Beatrice Viana (Maio de 1463);
      - Representante na Corte Real por Coimbra no XLIII Conselho;
      - Capitão do XLIII Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Condestável do XLIII Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Conselheiro suplente do XLI Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Intendente de Obras e Minas do XL Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Conde do XXXIX Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Tesoureiro do XXXVIII Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Diplomata da Real Chancelaria;
      - Comissário da Guarda do XXXVIII Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Capitão XXXVIII Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Representante na Corte Real por Coimbra no XXXVII Conselho;
      - Juiz do XXXVII Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Representante na Corte Real por Coimbra no XXXVI Conselho;
      - Prefeito do Povo da Guarda (Fevereiro de 1462);
      - Primeiro-Marechal do Reino de Portugal (de Fevereiro à Junho de 1462);
      - Chanceler do XXXVI Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Prefeito do Povo da Guarda (Janeiro de 1462);
      - Prefeito do Povo da Guarda (Novembro de 1461);
      - Prefeito interino do Povo da Guarda (Novembro de 1461);
      - Prefeito interino do Povo da Guarda (Setembro de 1461);
      - Porta-voz do XXXV Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Comissário da Guarda do XXXIV Conselho do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Mercador do Condado de Coimbra;
      - Cidadão juramentado da Legião da Guarda (grupo de defesa da povoação);
      - Ex-Assistente de Planeamento da cidade da Guarda;
      - Ex-Mentor da cidade da Guarda;
      - Ex-Marshal da cidade da Guarda;
      - Mercador da cidade da Guarda;

      ✦ Militar

      - Servi em 1463 no II Exército Templário em missão para enfrentar rebeldes da fatum e resgatar a CP de Braga que havia sido tomada de assalto;

      - Fui nomeado III General do I Exército do Condado de Coimbra;

      - Servi no 1° Exército de Coimbra durante a invasão das Forças Armadas Aliadas, tendo Dom Rodolfo como I General;

      - Servi no 2° Exército de Coimbra durante a invasão das Forças Armadas Aliadas, tendo Dom Goblins como General;

      - Comandei dois Batalhões (In Gratebus) na revolta popular contra o exército "Valhar Morgus", comandado por Psycorps, o Usurpador;

      - Servi como Prior na Ordem Mondego em 1462, tendo Kaisergotz como Grão-Mestre;

      - Servi como membro da Ordem dos Cavaleiros Templários em 1459, tendo Dom Jakedias como Grão-Mestre;

      - Português
      - Inglês


      Após longos anos dedicados a vida pública, gostaria de dar total dedicação ao desenvolvimento da Igreja Aristotélica Portuguesa, aprendendo e contribuindo para o crescimento da mesma e contribuindo nas esferas administrativas. Acredito que eu poderia contribuir com a Nunciatura, pois tenho longos anos de experiência com Governos, tendo ocupado importantes pastas em governos Condais, chegando a ser Conde. Já trabalhei a serviço da Real Chancelaria Portuguesa por duas vezes e também já trabalhei a serviço do Condado de Coimbra como Chanceler. Também sempre levei a vida como comerciante muito bem reconhecido e aclamado em Portugal, onde sempre tratei diretamente com mercadores de terras distantes, como também sempre tive experiência com negociações comerciais intergovernamentais a representar o Condado de Coimbra. Penso que essa experiência poderá contribuir de forma positiva junto a Nunciatura.

CV Candidacy a écrit:

    • Surname: Ltdamasceno
    • Name: Damasceno Saadi Altir
    • Residence: The Saracen Mansion, Porto - Portugal
    • Place and date of birth: Guarda, March 14, 1435
    • Occupation: Baron of Castelo Novo and Wine Merchant
    • Via: Church

      ✦ Political

      - Advisor of the L Council of Coimbra County;
      - Diplomat 2 Stars of the Royal Chancellery of Portugal;
      - Advisor of Commerce of His Royal Majesty, Marih Beatrice Viana (May 1463);
      - Representative at the Royal Court for Coimbra at the XLIII Council;
      - Captain of the XLIII Council of Coimbra County;
      - Constable of the XLIII Council of Coimbra County;
      - Advisor of the XLI Council of Coimbra County;
      - Intendant of Works and Mining of the XL Council of Coimbra County;
      - Governor of the XXXIX Council of Coimbra County;
      - Treasurer of the XXXVIII Council of Coimbra County;
      - Diplomat of the Royal Chancellery;
      - Commissioner of the Guard of the XXXVIII Council of Coimbra County;
      - Captain XXXVIII Council of Coimbra County;
      - Representative at the Royal Court for Coimbra at the XXXVII Council;
      - Judge of the XXXVII Council of Coimbra County;
      - Representative in the Royal Court for Coimbra on XXXVI Council;
      - Mayor of the People of Guarda (February 1462);
      - First Marshal of the Kingdom of Portugal (February to June 1462);
      - Chancellor of the XXXVI Council of Coimbra County;
      - Mayor of the People of Guarda (January 1462);
      - Mayor of the People of Guarda (November 1461);
      - Acting Mayor of the People of Guarda (November 1461);
      - Acting Mayor of the Guardian People (September 1461);
      - Spokesperson for the XXXV Council of Coimbra County;
      - Commissioner of the Guard of the XXXIV Council of Coimbra County;
      - Merchant of Coimbra County;
      - Citizen sworn in the Legion of Guarda (group for the city defense);
      - Former Assistant of Planning of the city of Guarda;
      - Former Mentor of the city of Guarda;
      - Former Marshal of the city of Guarda;
      - Merchant of the city of Guarda;

      ✦ Military

      - Served in 1463 in II Templar Army in mission to face rebels of the fatum and to rescue the CP of Braga that had been taken of assault;

      - I was appointed III General of the First Army of Coimbra County;

      - Served in the 1st Army of Coimbra during the invasion of the Allied Armed Forces, with Dom Rodolfo as 1st General;

      - Served in the 2nd Coimbra Army during the invasion of the Allied Armed Forces, with Dom Goblins as General;

      - I commanded two Battalions (In Gratebus) in the popular revolt against the army "Valhar Morgus", commanded by Psycorps, the Usurper;

      - Served as Prior in the Mondego Order in 1462, having Kaisergotz as Grand Master;

      - Served as a member of the Knights Templar Order in 1459, with Dom Jakedias as Grand Master;

      - Portuguese
      - English


      After long years dedicated to public life, I would like to give total dedication to the development of the Portuguese Aristotelian Church, learning and contributing to his growth and contributing in the administrative spheres. I believe that I could contribute with the Nunciature, because I have long years of experience with Governments, having occupied important offices in Coimbra and becoming Governor. I have worked in the service of the Royal Portuguese Chancellery twice and I have also worked in the service of Coimbra County as Chancellor. I have also always taken my life as a well-recognized and acclaimed merchant in Portugal, where I have always dealt directly with distant land merchants and had experience with intergovernmental trade negotiations representing Coimbra County. I believe that this experience can contribute positively to the Nunciature.

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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2017 1:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

- The Baptism Certificate of the Mr. Damasceno Saadi Altir


    Certificado de batismo de Damasceno Saadi Altir

    Nós, NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, diante de Jah e sob o olhar atento de Aristóteles, na nossa capacidade como Arcebispo Metropolitano de Braga,

    Declaramos e confirmamos o batismo de Damasceno Saadi Altir, apadrinhado por NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, na Capela de Portugal em Roma no dia 26 do mês de Julho do ano de graça 1465 de Jah.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Redigido em Chaves no dia 26 do mês de Julho do ano de graça 1465 de Jah.

    Pelo conselho diocesano/paroquiano,
    NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho,
    Arcebispo Metropolitano de Braga

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2017 10:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

- I want to remember the Superior Council that we, Portuguese, don't have the Degree in Roman Diplomacy in our Seminar. The only alternative that we have is the Fray Tanys's Seminar, since the majority of us don't speak French, that is currently stagnant.

I contacted the Rector one month ago and he saw my message, but he never replied to me. After that, I contacted the Vice-Rector, who was very kind to me and showed willingness to take up the Seminar and I advised her to go straight to the Prefecture of the Aristotelian Teaching and expose the situation of the Spanish Seminar, but I think it was never done.

Thus, I want to say that the Portuguese can't be restrained by the faults of other people, namely the Rector of the Spanish Seminar.


    NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho
    II Barão de Fornelos
    Vice-Primaz Lusófono
    Arcebispo Metropolitano de Braga

    Ao Conselho Superior da Congregação dos Assuntos do Século,

    Nós, NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, recomendamos fortemente o nosso irmão e amigo Damasceno Saadi Altir, ao cargo de Embaixador Apostólico do Condado do Porto, dada a sua vontade em aprender mais sobre a Igreja e o seu conhecimento do Condado do Porto.

    Espero que tenhais em conta esta recomendação.

    Pugnamus pro Gloriam Domini,

    Chaves, Condado do Porto, ao vigésimo sétimo dia do mês de Julho do ano de Graça MCDLXV.


    NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho
    II Baron of Fornelos
    Lusophone Vice-Primate
    Metropolitan Archbishop of Braga

    To the Superior Council of the Congregation of the Century Affairs,

    We, NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho, strongly recommend our brother and friend Damasceno Saadi Altir, to the position of Apostolic Ambassador of the County of Oporto, given his willingness to learn more about the Church and his knowledge of the County of Oporto.

    I hope that you consider this recommendation.

    Pugnamus pro Gloriam Domini,

    Chaves, Oporto County, on the twenty-seventh day of the month of July of the year of Grace MCDLXV.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral

Dernière édition par NReis le Jeu Juil 27, 2017 11:25 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 29 Déc 2013
Messages: 3461
Localisation: [PT] Évora, Portugal

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2017 11:19 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    We, H. E. Palladio Monforte, Cardinal-archbishop of Évora, Vice-chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Missus Inquisitor, Professor of the Minor Seminary of Viana do Castelo, Viscount of São Bento, Governor of the city of Montemor, in front of God and under the watchful eye of Aristotle, in our capacity as Cardinal Roman Elector,

    We support and recommend Damasceno Saadi Altir to the position of Apostolic Ambassador of the County of Oporto.

      Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

      Done in Lisbon, on the twenty-seventh day of the month of July of the year of Grace MCDLXV.


      His Eminence D. Palladio Monforte
      Cardinal Roman Elector

His Eminence Palladio Monforte | Roman Elector Cardinal | Cardinal of St. John of the Martyrs | Vice-chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith | Metropolitan Archbishop of Evora | Count of Orvieto & Viscount of São Bento | Professor at Seminário Menor de Viana do Castelo
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Inscrit le: 27 Avr 2013
Messages: 1633
Localisation: Braga - Porto - Portugal

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2017 8:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


To the Superior Council of the Congregation of the Century Affairs,
We, Beatrix Algrave Nunes Henriques, strongly recommend Dom Damasceno Saadi Altir, Baron fo Castelo Novo, to the position of Apostolic Ambassador of the County of Porto.

Written and sealed in Braga, on the twenty-seventh day of the month of July of the year of Grace MCDLXV

Baroness of Paço da Figueira
Royal Secretary and Royal Senescal
Councilor Of the County of Porto
Member of the Royal Court of Portugal
Mentor of the city of Braga


Dernière édition par Beatrix_algrave le Mar Aoû 01, 2017 2:25 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2017 9:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Monsignor Nreis, there is another alternative, and it is the Italian recognized seminar of San Domenico, where it is possible to have lesson in Italian, with - if needed - some parts, explications and clarifications translated into English.
Given that the candidate speaks English well, I don't see the problem.
Another question: which Aristotelian training courses followed the candidate?
asked very kindly the Cardinal-Chancellor.
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2017 10:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Your Eminence Fenice, thank you very much for the information. Could you please tell me where I find the Seminar of San Domenico? I couldn't find it...

Regarding the training courses, the candidate is currently studying in the Seminar of Viana do Castelo. He's finishing the Pastoral and waiting to start the Course of Theology.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juil 27, 2017 10:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

itis very important that a representative of the Church knows the insitution and the religion he represents!

And she gave him a personal message.
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 28, 2017 12:01 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Indeed sister! I completely agree with you! - says NReis, accepting the letter - Thank you very much for the information!
His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 06, 2017 12:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Archbishop returned to the Congregation of the Century Affairs.

- Dear sister Fenice, despite all your efforts to help us, I am afraid that also the Monastery of San Domenico suffers the same bad luck of other Seminaries. An entire week has passed, and you were the only person that showed up in the Monastery. At this rhythm, I do not know when we will be able to have an Apostolic Ambassador. If we had at least one Ambassador, the situation would not be so problematic, but in fact we do not have any and so, our Kingdom and its temporal authorities - Crown and Counties - do not have any relationship with Rome, even if they desire one.

Given that, I do not know how to solve this problem and I am presenting this to you, so you could guide us through the best solution - Rome has a complete teaching infrastructure that is not working, at least as it should work. The Seminaries are the basis of Rome - if we could not form new people, they could not serve the Church in their multiple offices, since those offices need studies, studies that are not being given by the Seminaries, due to their inactivity.

Thus, to whom should I refer this problem? To the Prefecture of the Aristotelian Teaching? I already tried that with the Seminar Fray Tanys, but since they can not appoint new Deans, their hands are tied up. We need a reform, it is obvious. The process to elect new Deans has to be handled quickly. We, students, can not wait for so long! The feedback received from the Portuguese faithful is that the Roman institutions walk like a turtle, lingering months until something changes and people simply get tired and give up.

I do know that your hands are also tied up regarding this matter, and I am sorry for making you hear all of this, but I getting tired too. It is exhausting waiting months for these things to be solved, especially when you are motivated.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 06, 2017 9:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Months? Brother, I understand that "from outside" things can seem difficult, but it won't be necessary a long time for your candidate.
i will give him a "tailored" teaching in a reasonable time.
The main goal is not to appoint someone, it is to appoint a trained person, able to work the best way and avoid mistakes.
So, trust me and wait the right time. Agree?

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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 06, 2017 10:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dear sister, I am afraid that I might have been misunderstood and I promptly apologize if I have questioned your work in any way - it was not my intention, I must say.

I am not affirming that it would take months for having a formation in San Domenico's Seminar - I was in fact talking about some specific situations in some Seminars that took months to be solved, in which the students were forced to wait (the Portuguese Seminar had a similar situation, in the past).

I agree with you that the goal is not to appoint someone, but rather to appoint a trained person. Nevertheless, from my experience, I have acknowledged that we have two types of learning, that go together - the theoretical basis, learnt in the Seminars, and the practical basis, learnt by observing other people's works and also the learn by doing. In fact, observing past works from our brothers and sisters while learn the theoretical basis might be better for the student to understand the importance of what is being taught. But the practical basis by itself does not maximize the quality of the work developed. It has to be always complemented with a theoretical basis.

I trust you and your work. As I said, it wasn't my intention to question it. I was just speaking about some situations. And again, I apologize.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 06, 2017 10:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Don't worry, it's all clear now.
By the way, I agree with you about the importance of learning by doing and by seeing others do... the diplomacy course is not just theory.
And I have just started with the first lesson!

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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Mer Aoû 09, 2017 11:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Brother, has Damasceno any problems? I am waiting for him in the classroom...
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Inscrit le: 16 Mai 2012
Messages: 2658
Localisation: Chaves - Kingdom of Portugal

MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 10, 2017 9:17 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dear sister, I already sent him a message.

With the new modifications of the Church, we had to translate all the material to Portuguese, as well as assembling guides regarding the new functions, and so all of that took us some time.

I believe that now he'll be able to attend the lessons. I'm sorry that we kept you waiting.

His Excellency NReis Ribeiro de Sousa Coutinho | Archbishop of Braga | Vice-Primate of the Kingdom of Portugal | General Secretary of the Roman Registers | Writer of the Saint Office | Translator on Villa San Loyats

Diploma Curso Professoral
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