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[RP] Villa Del Belvedere
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 22, 2017 6:27 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Villa Del Belvedere Répondre en citant


            Villa Belvedere was built on the high ground of Rione of the Vatican. Here, where the breezes could tame the Roman summer, the villa also provides beautiful views to the east of central Rome and north to the pastures beyond the Castle of the Holy Angel. It is also the first villa suburbana to be built in Rome since Antiquity.


            La Villa du Belvédère a été construite sur les hauteurs du quartier (rione) du Vatican. Ici, où la brise pourrait apprivoiser l'été romain, la villa offre également de belles vues sur l'est du centre de Rome et au nord des pâturages au-delà du Château Saint-Ange. C'est aussi la première villa de banlieue construite à Rome depuis l'Antiquité.


            Villa del Belvedere fu costruita sulle alture del Rione del Vaticano. Qui, dove le brezze potevano domare l'estate romana, la villa offre anche splendide viste sull'est del centro di Roma e verso nord verso i pascoli oltre Castel Sant'Angelo. È anche la prima villa suburbana costruita a Roma fin dall'antichità.

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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 22, 2017 7:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After the enoblement, it was a busy time for the couple; several engagements to fulfill as part of their duties but as well finding a property to settle in Rome. After visiting several small palaces and villas, Leonardo and Aliénor felt in love with a splendid villa a few steps away from Aristote's Square. After finding basic furnitures to be able to live within the premises, Aliénor was ready to settle. After the birth of the baby, she had decided that she would hire painters to decorate the villa. Gardeners were also needed urgently to put everything back in order. Once the twins were sleeping for their afternoon nap, Ali decided to rest as well by lying down to release the pain of her back. She was holding the hand of her dear husband who was reading some parchment near her.

My love? I think we should invite Fenice to visit us, would you agree ? She has been kind to us.


Après l'anoblissement, ce fut une période occupée pour le couple ; plusieurs engagements à tenir dans le cadre de leurs fonctions mais aussi de trouver une propriété afin de s'installer à Rome. Après avoir visité plusieurs petits palais et villas, Leonardo et Aliénor tombèrent amoureux d'une splendide villa à quelques pas de la place d'Aristote. Après avoir trouvé les meubles de base pour pouvoir vivre dans les lieux, Aliénor se sentit prête à s'installer. Elle avait décidé qu'après la naissance du bébé, elle embaucherait des peintres pour décorer la villa. Les jardiniers étaient également nécessaires de toute urgence pour remettre tout en ordre. Une fois que les jumeaux furent mis au lit pour leur sieste de l'après-midi, Ali décida de se reposer en s'allongeant pour libérer la douleur de son dos. Elle tenait la main de son cher époux qui lisait un parchemin près d'elle.

Mon amour? Je pense que nous devrions inviter Fenice à nous rendre visite, serais-tu en accord? Elle a été si gentille avec nous.


Dopo l'enoblement, fu un momento impegnativo per la coppia; diversi impegni da svolgere come parte dei loro doveri, ma anche trovare una proprietà da stabilirsi a Roma. Dopo aver visitato diversi palazzetti e ville, Leonardo e Aliénor si sono innamorati di una splendida villa a pochi passi da Piazza Aristotele. Aliénor, dopo aver trovato mobili di base per poter vivere all'interno dei locali, era pronta a sistemarsi. Dopo la nascita del bambino, aveva deciso che avrebbe assunto pittori per decorare la villa. Anche i giardinieri avevano bisogno di rimettere tutto in ordine. Una volta che i gemelli stavano dormendo per il loro sonnellino pomeridiano, Ali decise di riposare e di sdraiarsi per liberare il dolore alla schiena. Stava tenendo la mano del suo caro sposo che stava leggendo una pergamena vicino a lei.

Amore mio? Penso che dovremmo invitare Fenice a farci visita, saresti d'accordo? Lei è stata gentile con noi.
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Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 22, 2017 8:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Leonardo happily replied:

Of course Honey, we must invite Cardinal Fenice, but first accept this gift from me for your ennoblement ... it's a cameo with your portrait.
It is made with ivory.

You are as wise as the epic Hypatia was and as was your mother Jade, the greatest Empress of all time.

E' comune defetto degli uomini, non fare conto, nella bonaccia, della tempesta. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 22, 2017 9:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Aliénor looked tenderly at her husband, he had always been with her for as long as she remembered. He was a loving husband and a caring father. He just proved it by offering her a gift for her ennoblement. It was a beautiful jewel, refined and delicate, which suited the young woman perfectly. She tightened her hand on the ornament, moved to tears and kissed him, her love for him was a source of constant joy. Not only did he love her and show her an infallible love, but he showered her with compliments. Blushing, she snuggled into his arms, thanking him

My beloved, every day with you is a real happiness!

She kissed him again and then wrote a letter to Cardinal Fenice that a servant undertook to carry. Aliénor took the opportunity to relax, the baby's kicks tired her and, lying on her side, tried to control her breathing more. It was less than two weeks before birth and it was difficult. The blonde Highness thought that, fortunately, she had a wonderful husband at his side.


Aliénor regardait son époux avec tendresse, il était toujours à ses côtés depuis aussi longtemps qu'elle se souvenait. Il était un époux attentionné et un père de famille bienveillant. Il en fit justement la preuve en lui offrant un cadeau pour son anoblissement. C'était un magnifique bijou, raffiné et délicat, qui convenait parfaitement à la jeune femme. Elle resserra sa main sur l'ornement, émue jusqu'aux larmes et l'embrassa, son amour pour lui était source de joie constante. Non seuleemnt, il l'aimait et se montrait d'un amour infaillible mais il la couvrait de compliments. Rougissant, elle se blottit dans ses bras en le remerciant

Mon bien-aimé, chaque jour auprès de toi est un véritable bonheur!

Elle l'embrassa à nouveau puis rédigea une lettre à l'intention du Cardinal Fenice qu'un serviteur se chargea d'aller porter. Aliénor en profita pour se détendre, les coups de pied du bébé la fatiguaient et, allongée sur le côté, tenta de contrôler davantage sa respiration. Il restait moins de deux semaines avant la naissance et celles-ci s'annonçaient difficiles. La blonde Altesse se dit qu'heureusement qu'elle avait un époux aussi merveilleux à ses côtés.


Aliénor guardò teneramente suo sposo, era sempre stato con lei per tutto il tempo che ricordava. Era un marito amorevole e un padre premuroso. L'ha appena dimostrato offrendole un regalo per la sua nobilitazione. Era un gioiello bellissimo, raffinato e delicato, che si adattava perfettamente alla giovane donna. Strinse la mano sull'ornamento, commossa fino alle lacrime e e lo baciò, il suo amore per lui era una fonte di gioia costante. Non solo l'amava e le mostrava un amore infallibile, ma la faceva apprezzare. Arrossendo, lei si rannicchiò tra le sue braccia, ringraziandolo

Mio amato, ogni giorno con te è una vera felicità!

Lo baciò di nuovo e poi scrisse una lettera al Cardinale Fenice che un servitore si impegnava a portare. Aliénor approfittò dell'occasione per rilassarsi, i suoi calci la stancarono e, sdraiata su un fianco, cercò di controllarla di più. Era meno di due settimane prima della nascita ed era difficile. L'altezza bionda pensò che, fortunatamente, aveva un marito meraviglioso al suo fianco.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 22, 2017 11:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Fenice received a kind invitation. She personally chose some gifts to bring to the twins, and to the couple. Alienor and Leonardo had chosen a home in the Eternal City, and their joy made her happy too.
She left the Tower on the Tiber Island, wrapped up in a heavy winter cloak, and holding the hood pulled up to cover her forehead, she climbed into the carriage.
Demetrios, the secretary and factotum, was ready to leave towards the Belvedere, and the wheels ran silently over the fresh snow, making the carriage sway.
The Cardinal was still weak for the recent illness. She rested her head on the cushions and closed her eyes, resting, even without sleep.


Le Cardinal Fenice reçut une aimable invitation. Elle a personnellement choisi des cadeaux à apporter aux jumeaux et au couple. Alienor et Leonardo avaient choisi une maison dans la Ville éternelle, et leur joie la rendait heureuse aussi.
Elle quitta la tour de l'île du Tibre, enveloppée dans une lourde cape d'hiver, et, tenant la capuche relevée pour couvrir son front, il grimpa dans la voiture.
Demetrios, secrétaire et factotum, était prêt à partir pour le Belvedere, et les roues roulaient silencieusement sur la neige fraîche, faisant balancer la voiture.
La cardinale était encore faible pour la maladie récente. Elle posa sa tête sur les coussins et ferma les yeux, se reposant, même sans dormir.


Il Cardinal Fenice ricevette un gentile invito. Ella scelse personalmente dei doni da portare ai gemelli, e alla coppia. Alienor e Leonardo avevano scelto una dimora nella Città Eterna, e la loro gioia rendeva felice anche lei.
Uscì dalla Torre sull'Isola Tiberina, ben avvolta in un pesante mantello invernale, e tenendo il cappuccio tirato fino a coprirle la fronte, salì sulla carrozza.
Demetrios, il segretario e factotum, fu pronto a partire verso il Belvedere, e le ruote correvano silenziose sulla neve fresca, facendo ondeggiare la carrozza.
Il Cardinale era ancora debole per la recente malattia. Appoggiò la testa sui cuscini e chiuse gli occhi, riposando, pur senza dormire.

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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 23, 2017 7:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On the eve of the celebration of the birth of Christos, Aliénor was getting ready to receive Cardinal Fenice. The house seemed filled of children! Not only the twins, but also her two nephews Thiébaud Aleaume and Edouard Théodran, the twins that Mathilde had with Elias. She had left them to the care of their uncle and aunt until she finds herself as she was needed time to recollect herself and settle down. Since she had provided with an excellent nanny for them, it was not an issue for the family, on the opposite and the cousins were all able to play together.

Since the morning, Aliénor had felt her belly becoming more tense, something normal at the end of a pregnancy but this has forced her to rest a little more. She was now better after a nap, all dressed up and went to the kitchen to oversee the preparation of the feast. Everything looked delicious and the noble couldn't help but take a bite. She felt a strong kick that left her breathless for a few seconds and the mother whispered "My dear... be careful with mommy..." She came back in the room where the children were playing and cuddled in Leo's arms.

I feel at home here honey and it's much warmer then my castles up north ! I can't wait to see our friend and rejoice all together ! You should smell the delicious food that is coming from the kitchen !
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
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MessagePosté le: Dim Déc 24, 2017 12:49 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The carriage stopped softly.
The Cardinal was helped to go down and escorted to the entrance of the Palace, while Demetrios announced her arrival.
While she waited, she looked around with interest and pleasure. Everything was elegant without exaggeration, artistic with attention to detail. She was happy.


Le chariot s'arrêta doucement.
Le cardinal fut aidée à descendre et escortée à l'entrée du palais, tandis que Demetrios a annoncé son arrivée.
Pendant qu'elle attendait, elle regarda autour de lui avec intérêt et plaisir. Tout était élégant sans exagération, artistique avec attention aux détails. Elle était heureuse.


La carrozza si fermò dolcemente.
Il Cardinale fu aiutata a scendere e scortata all'ingresso del Palazzo, mentre Demetrios annunciava il suo arrivo.
Mentre aspettava, ella si guardò intorno con interesse e piacere. Tutto era elegante senza esagerazione, artistico e curato nei particolari. Era contenta.

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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Mar Déc 26, 2017 4:59 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It didn't take long for the butler to arrive in front of the Cardinal after her arrival had been announced. He bowed respectfully and showed her the way where the family was. It was nothing fancy, just a simple reunion between friends, only good food and good company. The butler bowed, announced the Cardinal and let them undisturbed, to supervise the dinner. Aliénor smiled to Her Eminence and took Leonardo's arm to help herself to stand on her feet. She took the hands of the cardinal.

How good to see you! Please come near the fire and see the children. It will be a quiet evening, just us for dinner. I don't know about you but I am already hungry !

She smiled, putting her hand on her huge and tensed belly, not displaying any of the inconveniences she was facing since the morning. Aliénor went closer to the children.

In addition of Ludovic and Isabella, there are also my two nephews, there are as well my nephews Thiébaud and Edouard, the twins of my half-sister Mathilde.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
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MessagePosté le: Mar Déc 26, 2017 7:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pace e bene, carissimi said Fenice smiling and blessing the couple, with a special glance to Alienor's belly. Are you fine, my darling?

She turned her head slightly back, and Secretary Demetrios, bowing deeply, handed a large sack of soft cloth, in which the gifts for the children were hidden. She brought her index finger to her lips and smiled.

A little surprise for the children... she wispered, and gave the sack to Leonardo. I think it is better to sit, isn't it, Alienor... please. We will be very calm and comfortable.
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Mar Déc 26, 2017 7:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Yes I am, only needing more rest as the delivery should be coming within the next two weeks or so.

She smiled and sat down with a cushion behind her back while Leo was receiving the sack of gifts. Aliénor tried to find a confortable position, without any success. She tried to replace the cushion and felt a contraction. Those were normals at this late stage, she was having at least three to five per day recently but today has been a little more and she tried to recall how much she had while breathing heavily. Once it ended after a few seconds that seemed an eternity, she looked at her husband and their guest.

I had several contractions so far today, I guess the baby will come in the near few days now. Maybe, it would be better if I lied down on the bench there for a few minutes. Amore ? do you want to help me ?
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Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 27, 2017 12:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Leonardo welcomed the Cardinal Fenice.

Welcome Your Eminence. It is a pleasure to see you here. Thank you for these gifts.

Then, after hearing Alienor's words, he said:

Yes my dear, it is better that you rest. Come, sit on this bench.

E' comune defetto degli uomini, non fare conto, nella bonaccia, della tempesta. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Mer Déc 27, 2017 2:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Aliénor smiled to her husband and took his arm to rise from her seat and walk to the bench. With his help, she was able to lie down, feeling a few drops on her legs, now thinking for herself that time was very near indeed. She took a deep breath after settling down and asked a servant to bring the gift to the Cardinal.

It was very kind of you to bring gifts for the children. I have also a gift for you. I may not be a very good painter but I did it with all my heart.

The butler came back with a painting, coverred with a clothe, that he put on a table. Once there, he lifted the clothe to reveal it. Ali blushed a little but felt another contraction, squeezing strongly the hand of Leonardo. She felt that, if she would have another contraction within the next 10 minutes, the baby had decided to soon be part of this world and that it would be now more questions of hours rather than days.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 28, 2017 12:03 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Fenice looked at the painting, surprised and happy.

A beautiful gift indeed... thank you...

She was always surprised when she could look at herself in a beautiful portrait, because that was the way the others saw her.
Then she turned to Alienor and a flash of understanding lit up her eyes.

My dear, you need to rest and to be calm. I think that the time is near...

She adjusted one of the cushions under Alienor's head and exchanged a meaningful look with Leonardo.
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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 28, 2017 12:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As the Cardinal put a cushion behind her head, Aliénor nodded in silence, knowing she needed rest and hopefully the baby would understand it as well and let her mother quiet for a little while. Unfortunately, the opposite happened and the baby was unwilling to compromise. Another contraction happened, now happening on a regular basis within a short time frame, meaning the delivery was starting. She looked to both her husband and Her Eminence.

I am afraid I will have to go to my bed now... that baby has decided to say hello to the world...

Seeing the situation, the nanny had already started managing the children and informed the governess. Rapidly, the later asked the kitchen to boil waters and went ahead to prepare the room for the delivery of Aliénor. The mother smiled, using the arm of Leo, helped herself on her feet. She took both the arms of her loving husband and the Cardinal, slowly moving up the stairs up to her room. A servant put a divider into the room and started undressing her mistress, then putting her a night gown. Aliénor's hair were already braided up which would be more convenient within the next hours. She finally put Ali in bed and the governess brought extra sheets and cleaned clothes. A long night was lying ahead of them.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 28, 2017 5:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Fenice called the secretary Demetrios aside and whispered to him

Go and bring the archiatra here, right away.

Then she stopped in the corner near a window and began to pray.
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