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Presentation Order Templar Hispana

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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Lun Avr 16, 2018 5:09 pm    Sujet du message: Presentation Order Templar Hispana Répondre en citant

hull a écrit:

    Congregatio Sanctorum Exercituum
    The Order of St. Bernard's Temple of the Kingdom of Aragon

    We, Hull de Northshire,
    Eminentissimus ac Reverendissimus Dominus Hull Sanctæ Romanæ Ecclesiæ cardinalis de Northshire, Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Archidiaconus, Roman Elector Cardinal of St. Raphaelle Archangel, Second Cardinal-Constable of Rome, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sanctorum Exercituum, Cardinal-Inquisitor, Cardinal-Governor of Ferrara, French Vice Primate of the Church of the Holy Roman Empire, Commissioner of the Apostolic Penitentiary, General Chaplin Aumônier of the Holy Armies, Grand Officier Herald Emeritus of the Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry, Praepositus Generalis Emeritus of the Holy Order of Christos' Star, Dean of the Seminar of Provence, Great Exorcist and Teacher of the Brotherhood, French Vice-Prefect of the Villa San Loyats, Herold ès Teutonicus, Missus Inquisitionis, Prinzregent von Ordensstaat, Principe reggente di San Marino, Markgraf von Memel, Duca di Ferrara, Sovereign Earl of Lundy, Fürstabt Stablo-Malmedy, Comte de Bulle, Vicomte de Varambon, Burggraaf von Windenburg, Landmeister of La Combe Bleue, Knight of the Teutonic Order, Grand Officer of the Star of Aristotle, Commander of the Pontifical Order of Nicolas V, Commander of the Honorific Order of the Duchy of Savoy, Knight of the Order of Volpone,

    In our quality of Second Cardinal-Constable of Rome and Vice-Chancellor of the Congregatio Sanctorum Exercituum, with the full support of our colleague and friend, the Cardinal-Chancellor,

      Having discussed with a group of faithfuls during the past month, discussion which started during the mandate of H.E. Rehael, a group of people showed themselves as wishing to work for the good of the faithful and the glory of God. As such, after much consideration, witnessing the accreditation of their chapel, their base of operations, and the letters of support, and in accordance with the ruled written in the Canon Law, a decision has been reached.

      Have ruled and ordered, and by our present perpetual and final edict, say and order the creation of a new Military-Religious Order. As convened, the Order will be composed of a military and of a spiritual branch, both working together for the good of the Church. Based in the Kingdom of Aragon, the chosen name is that of the Orden Templaria de San Bernardo del Reino de Aragòn.

      The Order of St. Bernard's Temple of the Kingdom of Aragon will need to observe strictly the Canon Laws and must never forget its duties towards the faithfuls, the Church and the missions within the Congregation of the Holy Armies. According to the Canon Law, certain members of the aforementioned Order, holding key positions, will have accesses within the Congregation's private halls.

    Ad majorem Dei gloriam,

    Written, signed and sealed in Rome, the 30th day of the month of March of the Year of Our Lord MCDLXVI, under the pontificate of HH Innocent VIII.

To whom it may concern, I present myself, Monderak Albarrasin, Maestre Orden Templaria Hispana, and since recently the Congregation of the Holy Armies has given us its official recognition, it is my desire to present my respect to this institution of the Holy Curia and to know if I should carry a process to carry out the registration and subsequent preparation of the official heraldry that we must carry as ORM.


A quién corresponda, me presento, Monderak Albarrasin, Maestre Orden Templaria Hispana, y dado que recientemente la Congregación de los Santos Ejércitos nos ha dado su reconocimiento oficial, es mi deseo presentar mis respeto a esta institución de la Santa Curia y saber si debo llevar a cabo un trámite para llevar a cabo la registración y posterior elaboración de las heraldicas oficiales que debemos portar como ORM.

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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 18, 2018 9:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The cardinal approached the grand master reaching out the hand with the cardinalice ring:

Welcome to Rome, Monsignor. I'm the Grand Officer Herald, how may I help you? He said while waiting his guest to bow and kiss the ring.


El cardenal se acercó al gran maestro extendiendo la mano con el anillo de cardenal:

Bienvenido a Roma, Monseñor. Soy el Gran Oficial Herald, ¿cómo puedo ayudarlo? Dijo mientras esperaba que su invitado se inclinara y besara el anillo.

Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 18, 2018 10:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He could not hide his nervousness, he was received by the Grand Officer in person and it was an honor, and before answering he approached His Eminence, made a gesture of courtesy and kissed the ring that represents him as a great among the great

An honor to present myself before you Your Eminence, my humble arrival is to present my respects and my services as Master of the Hispanic Order of San Bernardo of the Kingdom of Aragon, and I have been told that I must present to you all that has to do with relation to the official heraldic or corresponding blazons to be registered before the great heraldic officer of the Pontificate, is this correct?


No podía ocultar su nerviosismo, fue recibido por el Gran Oficial en persona y era todo un honor, y antes de contestar se acerco a Su Eminencia, hace un gesto de cortesía y besa el anillo que lo representa como un grande entre los grandes

Un honor en presentarme ante usted Su Eminencia, mi humilde llegada es para presentar mis respetos y mis servicios como Maestre de la Orden Hispana de San Bernardo del reino de Aragón, y me han dicho que debo presentar ante vos todo lo que tiene que ver en relación a la heraldica oficial o blasones correspondiente para ser registrados ante la gran oficialidad heraldica del Pontificado, es esto correcto?

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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 21, 2018 9:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

It is, Monsignor. But come, sit with me in my office. The cardinal said leading his guest and showing him a seat.

May I offer you some wine? I'm sure your travel has been long and tiring, you'll surely need some rest.
Once we have done here, if you wish, I could fetch someone to show you the Urbs and prepare a room for you.

After some moments, as if he had forgotten the reason of the visit, he said again: But tell me, do you have anything ready to show me?
I hear your order is young, but I trust you had time to make some basic heraldic works.


Lo es, Monseñor. Pero ven, siéntate conmigo en mi oficina. El cardenal dijo dirigiendo a su invitado y mostrándole un asiento.

¿Puedo ofrecerte un poco de vino? Estoy seguro de que su viaje ha sido largo y agotador, seguramente necesitará descansar un poco.
Una vez que hayamos terminado aquí, si lo desea, podría buscar a alguien para que le muestre la Urbe y prepare una habitación para usted.

Después de algunos momentos, como si hubiera olvidado el motivo de la visita, volvió a decir: Pero dime, ¿tienes algo listo para mostrarme?
Escuché que tu orden es joven, pero confío en que tuviste tiempo para hacer algunos trabajos heráldicos básicos.


Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 22, 2018 11:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He listened carefully to the words of HE Cesarino and answered with all kindness

This is His Eminence, our work has been long and sacrificed, it has taken me two long years to reach this moment, and the desire and dream of recounting Hispanic templars in honor of my deceased father's wishes, has certainly concluded. few weeks, and now I am before you to pay respect and obedience to the Holy Curia and defend the dogmas, since I am a theological deacon, and a professor of the Hispanic seminary, more than that knowledge in the Holy Faith and Virtue has given support to this draft. Here I show you some works done by the Prince Romain Gropaj, so kindly he has done great work


Escuchó con atención las palabras de SE Cesarino y contesta con toda amabilidad

Así es Su Eminencia, nuestro trabajo ha sido largo y sacrificado, me ha llevado dos largos años llegar a este momento, y el deseo y sueño de volver a contar con templarios hispanos en honor a los deseos de mi difunto padre, ha concluido ciertamente hace pocas semanas, y ahora estoy ante vosotros para rendir respeto y obediencia a la Santa Curia y defender los dogmas, dado que soy diácono teologico, y profesor del seminario hispano, más que ese conocimiento en la Santa Fe y la Virtud ha dado respaldo a este proyecto. Aquí le muestro algunos trabajos realizado por el Príncipe Romain Gropaj, tan amablemente ha hecho gran trabajo


Dernière édition par Monderakalbarrasin le Mar Avr 24, 2018 5:06 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 24, 2018 4:53 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Interesting - said the cardinal scrutinising the drafts - indeed I recognise His Highness' hand behind this work, a valuable work no doubt.

Yet, some changes are required to exactly fit our heraldic rules. May I ask what image you would like to use for the seals? Both drafts are good, but only one can be chosen.


Interesante - dijo el cardenal escudriñando los borradores - de hecho, reconozco la mano de Su Alteza detrás de este trabajo, un trabajo valioso sin duda.

Sin embargo, se requieren algunos cambios para ajustarse exactamente a nuestras reglas heráldicas. ¿Puedo preguntar qué imagen te gustaría usar para los sellos? Ambos borradores son buenos, pero solo uno puede ser elegido.


Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 24, 2018 5:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you Your Eminence, that's right, the Prince is very good at this job, besides the signature that I carry and you can observe is also the work of the Prince.

If one stamp I have to choose then, as an officer I would like the red stamp with the cross in the center, the first one as you can see


I think this would be the most prudent choice, do you think?


Gracias Su Eminencia, así es, el Príncipe es muy bueno en este trabajo, además la firma que llevo y usted puede obserbar tambien es obra del Príncipe.

Si uno sello he de elegir pues, como oficial me gustaria el sello rojo con la cruz en el centro, el primero como puede observar


Creo que éste, sería el mas prudente elegir, le parece?.

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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 24, 2018 5:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Indeed it is, Monsignor. But mind that the seals are only for the use of the order, so no one can use them for any other purposes but communications of the order.

He wrote something on a piece of paper and gave it to a page.

Soon we'll have the final work so that you can choose about it.


De hecho lo es, Monseñor. Pero tenga en cuenta que los sellos son solo para el uso de la orden, por lo que nadie puede usarlos para ningún otro propósito que no sean las comunicaciones de la orden.

Escribió algo en un pedazo de papel y se lo dio a un ayuda de cámara.

Pronto tendremos el trabajo final para que pueda elegir al respecto.

Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 24, 2018 5:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you Your Eminence; so shall.

He bows his thanks


Gracias Su Eminencia; así será.

Hace una reverencia de agradecimiento

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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 24, 2018 6:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After some time the page came back with a parchment, the cardinal checked it and then gave it to his guest.

Here, Monsignor, I hope you like it.


Después de un tiempo, el ayuda de cámara regresó con un pergamino, el cardenal lo comprobó y luego se lo dio a su huésped.

Aquí, Monseñor, espero que te guste.



Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 28 Avr 2016
Messages: 1094
Localisation: Monzón

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 24, 2018 8:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Perfect!!!! thank you ....

Perfecto Eminencia, excelente!!!
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