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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Sam Juin 30, 2018 6:16 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Roman Register of Sacraments
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See, ,
Hereby announce the official acceptance of His Eminence NReis de Ribeira de Sousa Coutinho's resignation as Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments. We thank him for his work and wish him sucess.
By the same let's announce the elevation of Vice-Prefect Elvyna von Riddermak as Prefect.
Remaining vacant, the seat of Vice-prefect is by now subjet to a call for candidacy. All applicant shall send their letter and Cursus Honorum to the new prefect.
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Given in Rome the thirteen day of June, on Wednesday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Sam Juin 30, 2018 6:16 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
About the creation of Arduino della Scala as roman elector cardinal
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Innocent VIII, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as Roman cardinal of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, the appointment of his eminence Arduino della Scala to the charge from the parish of Saint Sylphaël Outside-the-walls.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done at Rome the XXVth of the month of June, on Monday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI of Our Lord
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archichancelier du Saint-Siège.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Sam Juin 30, 2018 6:16 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Creation of the Cardinal parish of Santa Monica Odigitria
Us, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of St. Ripolin of the Angels, Marquis of Ancona & Governor of the March,
In our capacity as Archichancellor of the Holy Seat,
Have ruled and statue, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command, after the Edict of the 8th of November, MCDLIX, bearing the creation of the parishes, and of the Edict of the IXth June, MCDLXIV, stipulating the constitution of the parishes, and cardinal titles of the national cardinals, and accordingly to the Pontifical indult of the Xth April, MCDLXVI about the extension within the Pontifical consistories, the creation of the parish and the cardinal title of Santa Monica Odigitria granted to the Italian-speaking National Pontifical Consistory.
Dominus Vobiscum
Done at Rome on the XXVth day of June, on Mondy, in the year of grace MCDLXVI.
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Sep 03, 2018 8:50 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
First step - Vatican Library Offices
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
According to the creation of the Vatican library
Hereby announce the integration of the Pontifical Secretary as part of the Vatican Library. This one is now recognized as Collectio Regestorum or commonly Administrative Registers which purpose is holding a copy of all administrative documents published by the Holy See or the other institutions of the Church (Can.5.6-9).
By consequence His Excellency Policarpo von Wittelsbach [ Policarpo ] is discharged as Pontifical Secretary and is appointed as Prefect of the Vatican Library. Considering his good work within the administrative documents, he remains at the head of the Administrative Registers.
We wish him success for his new task as Apostolic head librarian.
By the same, hereby invite the committed Congregations to appoint their own collection librarian in good intelligence with the new Prefect of the Vatican Library.
Sic Transit Gloria Mundi
Given in Rome the third day of July, on Thursday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Sep 03, 2018 8:51 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
About the creation of Estevan de Mortelane as roman elector cardinal
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Innocent VIII, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as Roman cardinal of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, the appointment of his eminence Estevan de Mortelane to the charge from the parish of San Origene al via Appia.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done at Rome this Friday XIIIth of the month of July, of the year of grace MCDLXVI of Our Lord
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.
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Pontifical Chancery
Roman Registers of Sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan, Praefectus Urbis, Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
In our quality of Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments,
Hereby appoint His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Policarpo von Wittelsbach [Policarpo] as German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the nineteen day of July, on Thursday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.

Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan,
Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Sep 03, 2018 8:51 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Roman Registers of Sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan, Praefectus Urbis, Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
In our quality of Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments,
We are looking for:
English-speaking secretary and archivist
Dutch-speaking secretary and archivist
Hungarian-speaking secretary and archvist
Polish-speaking secretary and archvist
Czech-speaking secretary and archvist
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the nineteen day of July, on Thursday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.

Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan,
Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
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Chancellerie Pontificale
Nomination à l'Office des Presses & Parchemins
Nous, Son Éminentissime et Révérendissime Seigneur Cardinal Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Archevêque de Nazareth, Comte de Sanem et de Baelen, Marquis d'Ancône & Gouverneur de la Marche,
De par notre autorité d'Archichancelier du Saint-Siège,
Annonçons l'intégration et l'élévation de Monseigneur Tibère de Montefeltro [Tibere] au sein de L'Office des Presses & Parchemins. Celui-ci est désormais reconnu comme journaliste dudit Office. Nous l'invitons désormais à gagner les presses du journal romain.
Par la même et devant la vacance du siège préfectoral, l'élevons à la dignité et à la charge de Préfet de l'Office des Presses & Parchemins, avec effet immédiat.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Fait à Rome le VIIIe du mois d'Août, le mercredi, de l’an de grâce MCDLXVI de Notre Seigneur
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archichancelier du Saint-Siège.
Citation: |
Pontifical Chancery
Roman Registers of Sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan, Praefectus Urbis, Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
In our quality of Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments,
Hereby appoint His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle Cardinal-Archbishop [Kalixtus] as German secretary for the Roman registers of Sacraments.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the fourteen day of August, on Tuesday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.

Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan,
Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Sep 03, 2018 8:52 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
In partibus dioceses
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint-Ripolin of the Angels, Marquis of Ancona & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archchancellor of the Holy See,
And by the wish of the Sovereign Pontiff,
According to their devoted action and their seniority in the apostolic mission of the Holy Church, the Curia has decided the following,
Hereby announce the nomination of His Excellency Navigus to the In Partibus Infidelium diocese of Apollonis and of His Excellency Josephus to the In Partibus Indifelium diocese of Hieron.
May God bless them.
Stat Crux Dum, Volvitur Orbis
Done in Rome the XXIIIth day of August, the Thuesday A.D MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:43 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Roman Registers of Sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan, Praefectus Urbis, Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
In our quality of Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments,
Hereby appoint Bishop Anna Manley [Annnamcshane] as English secretary for the Roman registers of Sacraments.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the seven day of September, on Friday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.

Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan,
Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:43 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
About the creation of Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame as roman elector cardinal
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Baron of Faucogney, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Innocent VIII, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as Roman cardinal of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, the appointment of his eminence Gianvitus Tarcisius de Reame to the charge of the parish Sant'Adonia in Trastevere.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done at Rome this Friday IInd of the month of november, of the year of grace MCDLXVI of Our Lord
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:44 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
About the creation of Portalis de Vandimion as French-speaking national suffragant cardinal
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Baron of Faucogney, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Innocent VIII, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as national suffragant cardinal of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, the appointment of his eminence Portalis de Vandimion to the charge of the parish San Nicomaco all'Esquillino.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done at Rome this Friday IInd of the month of november, of the year of grace MCDLXVI of Our Lord
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:44 pm Sujet du message: |
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Chancellerie Pontificale
Nomination au Collège des légistes
Nous, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal de Saint-Ripolin-des-Anges, Archevêque de Besançon, Comte de Sanem et de Baelen, Baron de Faucogney-et-la Mer, Marquis d'Ancône & Gouverneur des Marches,
De par notre autorité d'Archichancelier du Saint-Siège,
Annonçons l'acceptation et l'intégration de Son Eminence Endymion d'Abbadie [ Endymion ] au sein du Collège des légistes pontificaux. Celui-ci est désormais reconnu comme légiste pontifical & docteur de la Loi avec effet immédiat. Nous l'invitons désormais à nous rejoindre au sein de l'Assemblée.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Fait à Rome le II du mois de novembre, le vendredi, de l’an de grâce MCDLXVI de Notre Seigneur
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archichancelier du Saint-Siège.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:44 pm Sujet du message: |
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Chancellerie Pontificale
Renouvellement au sein du Collège des légistes
Nous, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal de Saint-Ripolin-des-Anges, Archevêque de Besançon, Comte de Sanem et de Baelen, Baron de Faucogney-et-la Mer, Marquis d'Ancône & Gouverneur des Marches,
De par notre autorité d'Archichancelier du Saint-Siège,
Par la présente annonçons la démission par nous acceptée de Monseigneur Charles-Antoine d'Appérault-Frayner, de sa charge de Consul des Légistes. Nous le remercions pour son investissement & son activité précieuse au sein de l'Assemblée qu'il dirigea.
Par conséquent, qu'il soit su que la Chancellerie pontificale recherche officiellement un Consul des Légistes.
Les tâches qui lui seront attribués seront;
La prise en charge de l'Assemblée des légistes
La gestion des projets de loi et/ou d'éclaircissement du Droit Canon
La veille législative sur les corpus du Droit Canon
La coordination régulière avec les Chanceliers de la Congrégation
Habilitation au secret
Toute candidature doit être soumise à nous-même à partir de ce jour samedi 24 de novembre jusqu'au samedi suivant 1er décembre. Compte tenu de l'importance de la charge, tout candidat doit faire preuve d'une expertise rigoureuse en Doctrine, en Droit canonique & en tradition de l'Eglise. Une connaissance du droit des canards est un plus.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Fait à Rome le XXIV du mois de novembre, le samedi, de l’an de grâce MCDLXVI de Notre Seigneur
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archichancelier du Saint-Siège.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:44 pm Sujet du message: |
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Chancellerie Pontificale
Renewal in the College of the Lawyers
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint-Ripolin of the Angels, Archbishop of Besançon, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer, Marquis of Ancona e & Governor of the March,
From our authority as Archichancellor of the Holy Seat,
By now let's announce the acceptance of Monseigneur Charles-Antoine d'Appérault-Frayner's resignation from his seat as Consul of the lawyers. We wish to thank him for his investment and committment to the Assembly he managed.
By consequence, the Chancery is currently searching for a Consul of the Lawyers.
Main tasks will be;
The managment of the Lawyers Assembly
Law projects management and/or working on Canon Law's clarification
Legislative work on Canon Law corpus
Regular coordination with the Chancellors of the Congregation
All application has to be submit to us from today saturday the 24th of november to next saturday the 1st of december. As an important charge, each candidate has to dmonstrate a rigorous doctrinal, canonical as well Church tradition expertise. A knowledge in duck's law is a plus.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the XXIVth of november, saturday, of the year AD. MCDLXVI.
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy Seat.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:45 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Roman registers of sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark, Praefectus Urbis, General Secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments, French secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments,
In our quality of General Secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments,
We release António Carlo [Nicollielo] from his position as Portuguese-speaking secretary because of his long absence. As a replacement, we appoint Adonnis [Adonnis] as Portuguese-speaking secretary.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the twenty-five day of Novembre, on Sunday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.

Elvyna von Riddermark,
General Secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Lun Nov 26, 2018 6:45 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Roman registers of sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark, Praefectus Urbis, General Secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments, French secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments,
In our quality of General Secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments,
We release NReis de Ribeira de Sousa Coutinho [NReis] from his position as Portuguese-speaking archivist because of his long absence.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the twenty-six day of Novembre, on Munday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI.

Elvyna von Riddermark,
General Secretary of the Roman registers of sacraments.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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