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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 1:23 pm Sujet du message: [1466] Episcopal Council of the Holy Roman Empire |
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:10 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Vices Primat and the First Vice Primat
We, Monsignor [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Primat of the Holy Roman Empire, Bishop of Toul, Abbot of Remiremont, Vice Commissioner of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Inquisitor.
Let us announce that, according to the wishes of the Vice-Primacy and according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce the composition of the next Vice-Primate for Primacy:
- First Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelital[/char]
- Special Advisor to the Primate: Eminence [char]Samuele[/char]
- Secratary: Monsignor [char]Richard.de.cetze[/char]
- Italian Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelita[/char]
- French Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Hull[/char]
- Dutch Vice-Primat :Monsignor [char]Elequest[/char],
- German Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Kalixtus[/char]
- Slovenian Vice-Primat : Monsignor [char]Ferdo[/char]
The First Vice-Primat will have the authorization to speak in Our name if, and only if, we are absent for 2 days and an important matter must be resolved.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 19th day of january of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:11 pm Sujet du message: |
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Un nuovo Arcivescovo Metropolita per Pisa!
S.Em. Mons. Stefano Maria Ludovico de' Giustiniani Borgia, detto "Stex86" è l'Arcivescovo Metropolita di Pisa.
A nome del Concilio Episcopale del Santo Impero, Noi, S.Em.Rev.ma Mons. Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla detta "Pamelita", Primo Vice-Primate del C.E.S.E., facciamo annuncio di quanto segue :
l'elezione di S.Em. Mons. Stefano Maria Ludovico de' Giustiniani Borgia, detto "Stex86" come Arcivescovo Metropolita dell'Arcidiocesi Metropolitana di Pisa.
Gli auguriamo tutti i nostri migliori auspici di riuscita in questo suo nuovo compito.
Possa Esso, in quanto degno successore degli apostoli, difendere la fede, condurre il suo gregge verso la salute e rimanere un modello per coloro che la ascoltano.
Annunciamo altresì l'Emeritato di Arcivescovo di Pisa a S.E. Mons. Corinne Shalama dei Rossi del Drago detta "Shalama" per mesi due in ottemperanza allo Statuto CESE pro tempore vigente.
+ Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam +
Il Primo Vice-Primate del CESE Italofono
Sua Eminenza Reverendissima Mons.
S.E.Rev.ma Cardinale Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla detta "Pamelita"
+ Cardinale Nazionale Suffragante della Parrocchia di Sant'Adonia alle Terme.
+ Vicario generale dell'Arcidiocesi di Milano
+ Vescovo di Pavia
+ Segretaria personale dell'Arcivescovo di Milano
+ Procuratore Episcopale Nazionale
+ Missus Inquisizionis
+ Nunzio apostolico
+ Priore
+ Professore e Cappellano dell'Abbazia di Fornovo
♔ Signora di Borghetto [/color]
Fatto a Roma, il Ventiquattresimo giorno del primo mese dell'Anno di Grazia 1466 |
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:11 pm Sujet du message: |
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Nous, Messeigneurs Estevan de Mortélan, Primat du Saint-Empire et Lyonis d’Appérault dict p27kw, Primat de France annonçons :
La nomination du Père Tymothé de Nivellus à la tête de la province d’Embrun.
Nous lui souhaitons tous nos vœux de réussite pour la bonne tenue de la province ecclésiastique d’Embrun.
Que le Très-Haut veille sur vous,
Faict à Montélimar le 25 Janvier 1466
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:11 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Treasure Concillor
We, Eminence [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Primat of the Holy Roman Empire, Bishop of Toul, Abbot of Remiremont, Vice Commissioner of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Inquisitor.
Let us announce that we allow Monsignor Grand Treasurer of Rome in the Pontifical Archchancellery, to come to our assembly to discuss the future of economic positions in the bishoprics:
- : Monsignor Grand Treasurer of Rome in the Pontifical Archchancellery [char]Bardieu [/char]
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 30th day of january of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:11 pm Sujet du message: |
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Removal of the Dutch Vice-Primat
We, Eminence [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Primat of the Holy Roman Empire, Bishop of Toul, Abbot of Remiremont, Vice Commissioner of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Inquisitor, Cardinal inquisitor, First Secretary of Inquisition, Baron of Massa Fiscaglia, lord of Bouligny.
Let us announce that we remove Monsignor [char]Elequest[/char] of the office of Dutch Vice-Primate . We cannot let things degenerate in Holland's episcopal council.
We consider that he did not carry out the mission that we entrusted to him. He was not able to show diplomacy leading to increased tensions between temporal power and spiritual power.
Furthermore, he has himself said that he was absent for personnal reasons and unable to fulfill the work necessary. As of now, we will manage ad interim the Dutch Vice-Primacy.
This will be effective until an agreement is reached between the Dutch clergy and the temporal powers, to ensure the best possible outcome using proper management of resources and keys.i]
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
[i] Done at Rome, the 08th day of February of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:11 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Vices Primat and the First Vice Primat
We, SE [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat of the Holy Roman Empire,
Let us announce that, according to the wishes of the Vice-Primacy and according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce the composition of the next Vice-Primate for Primacy:
- First Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelital[/char]
- Special Advisor to the Primate: Eminence [char]Samuele[/char]
- Secretary: Eminence [char]Hull[/char]
- Italian Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelita[/char]
- French Vice-Primat : Monsignor [char]Richard.de.cetze[/char]
- Dutch Vice-Primat :Monsignor [char]mckennitt[/char],
- German Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Kalixtus[/char]
- Slovenian Vice-Primat : Monsigor [char]Erwann.[/char]
The First Vice-Primat will have the authorization to speak in Our name if, and only if, we are absent for 2 days and an important matter must be resolved.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 19th day of january of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:12 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Vices Primat and the First Vice Primat
We, SE [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat of the Holy Roman Empire,
Let us announce that, according to the wishes of the Vice-Primacy and according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce the composition of the next Vice-Primate for Primacy:
- First Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelital[/char]
- Special Advisor to the Primate: Eminence [char]Samuele[/char]
- Special Advisor to the Primate: Eminence [char]Hull[/char]
- Secretary: Monsignor [char]Boguslaw[/char]
- Italian Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelita[/char]
- French Vice-Primat : Monsignor [char]Richard.de.cetze[/char]
- Dutch Vice-Primat :Monsignor [char]mckennitt[/char],
- German Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Kalixtus[/char]
- Slovenian Vice-Primat : Monsigor [char]Erwann.[/char]
The First Vice-Primat will have the authorization to speak in Our name if, and only if, we are absent for 2 days and an important matter must be resolved.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 17th day of March of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:12 pm Sujet du message: |
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A l’attention des Fidèles du Saint Empire Romain Germanique,
A l'attention des Fidèles du Royaume de France,
A l’attention des autorités religieuses de Provence,
A l’attention de Sa Majesté la Marquise de Provence Hersende de Brotel
A l’attention de la Comtesse illustre de Provence Diane Lévignac-Champlecy
De Nous Son Eminence Estevan de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat du Saint Empire, Cardinal Inquisiteur Francophone, Secrétaire Général de la congrégation de la Sainte inquisition, évêque de Toul, Abbé de Remiremont, Comte de Vaud, Baron de Massa Fiscaglia, Seigneur de Bouligny, Châtelain du Palais Primatial de Trèves, Châtelain du Palais d’été des évêques de Toul, Récipiendaire de l’étoile d’Aristote
En ce 27ème jour de mars 1466, c’est stupeur que nous apprenons que le dénommé Agarth dict Kylian Roch continue délibérément d’avoir un comportement contraire au dogme Aristotélicien en Provence.
Insultant des nobles Aristotéliciens en taverne.
Ajouté à cela une tentative de viol sur une noble Impérial vassal de Son Altesse Sérénissime Ducale Alexandre Maximilien de Sparte, nièce de la Reine de France Alvira de la Duranxie.
Nous ne pouvons faire autrement que de prononcer un interdit sur la personne de Agarth dict Kylian Roch. Nous l’enjoignons rapidement à se confesser pour ses crimes dans les plus brefs délais.
Ainsi l’interdit sera levé uniquement si :
- Lettre publique d’excuses sincères reconnaissant tous ses tords et souhaitant sincèrement le pardon.
- Don de 250 écus pour préjudice moral pour lui avoir déchiré la robe lors de sa tentative de Viol.
- Aller à la messe tous les dimanches avec preuves à l’appui sur une durée 8 dimanches.
Fait à Rome, le vingt septième jour du troisième mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVI
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:12 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Vices Primat and the First Vice Primat
We, SE [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat of the Holy Roman Empire,
Let us announce that, according to the wishes of the Vice-Primacy and according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce the composition of the next Vice-Primate for Primacy:
- First Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelital[/char]
- Special Advisor to the Primate: Eminence [char]Samuele[/char]
- Special Advisor to the Primate: Eminence [char]Hull[/char]
- Secretary: Monsignor [char]Boguslaw[/char]
- Italian Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Pamelita[/char]
- French Vice-Primat : Monsignor [char]Richard.de.cetze[/char]
- Dutch Vice-Primat :Monsignor [char]Alexei Kosygin[/char],
- German Vice-Primat : Eminence [char]Kalixtus[/char]
- Slovenian Vice-Primat : Monsigor [char]Erwann.[/char]
The First Vice-Primat will have the authorization to speak in Our name if, and only if, we are absent for 2 days and an important matter must be resolved.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 27th day of March of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:13 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of Archbishop of Köln
We, SE [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat of the Holy Roman Empire,
Let us announce that, according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce appointement of Archbishop of Köln:
- Monsignor [char]Alexei Kosygin[/char],
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 27th day of March of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:13 pm Sujet du message: |
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Precision on Archbishoprics and Bishoprics without Parishes
We, SE [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat of the Holy Roman Empire,
Let us announce that, according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce
- the Archdiocese of Trier became the seat of the Primatial Palace
- Archbishopric Suffrageant of Köln
- Bishopric of Nice
- Bishopric of Toulon
- Bishopric of Metz
These Episcopal or Archiepiscopal seats are seats of bishops or archbishops who have their own jurisdictions. They are granted to former bishops or archbishops as seat emeritus internal to the Primacy of the Holy Empire. It is possible that this list evolves according to the requests of Vices Primaties.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 03th day of April of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:13 pm Sujet du message: |
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Precision on Archbishoprics and Bishoprics without Parishes
We, SE [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat of the Holy Roman Empire,
Let us announce that, according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce
- the Archdiocese of Trier became the seat of the Primatial Palace
- Archbishopric Suffrageant of Köln
- Bishopric of Nice
- Bishopric of Toulon
- Bishopric of Metz
These Episcopal or Archiepiscopal seats are seats of bishops or archbishops who have their own jurisdictions. They are granted to former bishops or archbishops as seat emeritus internal to the Primacy of the Holy Empire. It is possible that this list evolves according to the requests of Vices Primaties.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 03th day of April of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:13 pm Sujet du message: |
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Precision on Archbishoprics Köln and Ultrecht
We, SE [char]Estevan_[/char]de Mortelane, Cardinal Primat of the Holy Roman Empire,
Let us announce that, according to the statutes of Primacy, we announce
Ultrecht is now considered the Metropolitan Archbishopric of Holland. And Köln is now considered a suffocating archdiocese without parishes in Holland. Our desire is to be able to have several bishops or archbishops in Holland so that they can together define a coherent religious line to allow the faithful to receive all the necessary sacraments.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam
Done at Rome, the 03th day of April of the year of Grace MCDLXVI.
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013 Messages: 1340
Posté le: Dim Avr 29, 2018 6:14 pm Sujet du message: |
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※    ※ ※    ※
Konstanz, Grafschaft Augsburg
Dies nonas XI. Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXVI
Vergabe des Emeritus
Wir, die Exzellenzen und Eminenzen der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz, Repräsentanten der Heiligen Deutschen Aristotelischen Kirche,
Wir, seine Eminenz der Primas der CESE verkünden im Lichte der Propheten und der Gnade Gottes,
Nach eingehender Beratung hat die deutsche Bischofskonferenz mit Zustimmung des Primas einen Beschluss gefasst in der obig genannten Causa.
Nach Mehrheitsbeschluss der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz und des Primas der CESE vergeben wir den Status des Bischof-Emeritus an die mit dieser Periode ausscheidenden Bischöfe von Konstanz und Regensburg. Die Bischöfe Rodrigo Manzanarez und Link di Loredan erhalten diesen Ehrenstatus für ihre aufopfernde Arbeit innerhalb der Deutschen Kirche als ihre würdevollen Diener im Namen des HERRN.
Mit diesen Titeln erhalten die emeritierten Bischofe Wortrecht in der deutschen Bischofskonferenz in Rom zu Themenschwerpunkte der Kirche. Ihre Bewerbungen um etwaige Bistümer Res Parendo und In Gratebus werden besonders beachtet. Ihre Rechte zur Sakramentsspendung bleibt erhalten sowie ihre Zugänge zum Konstanzer Kirchenkreis. Sie sind angehalten diesen Ehrentitel mit Würde und Achtung vor den Gesetzen der Heiligen Mutter Kirche zu führen und nach außen zu repräsentieren.
Dieser Titel zerfällt gemäß Kanonischem Recht nach acht Monaten.
Die Diözesen Konstanz und Regensburg werden neu vergeben.
Durch IHN und mit IHM und in IHM - Gott und den heiligen Propheten zum Dank
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
Die Bischöfe der deutschen Bischofskonferenz, vertreten durch den Vize-Primas
Der Primas der CESE
_________________ His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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