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[RP] Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 10, 2018 8:46 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran Répondre en citant


                Sacrosancta Lateranensis ecclesia omnium urbis et orbis ecclesiarum mater et caput

                    Most Holy Lateran Church, of all the churches in the City and the world, the mother and head

    The great Archbasilica of St. John in lateran is the Roman archdiocese's cathedral. Built in 324 on the top of the Lateran hill, it is the seat of the Archbisop of Rome who is the Pope himself as well as the oldest and greatest ecclesiastical monument in the Aristotelian world. It is considerated as the greatest and the most important of the roman majors basilicas as well as the mother church of all the churches across the world.
    It was built following the early aristotelian architecture providing a simple rectangle plan with colossal dimensions supported by 40 columns around it. Walls was created on white stones decorated with marble and mosaics.

    Beside the basilica, Lateran's palace was built as the apostolic palace. It was the first place where the Popes used to live and gather cardinals in Curia and Councils. They also used to give their benedictions to the city and the world from the famous balcony which was called loggia delle benedizioni.

    During centuries, from the earlier time to the late XIIIth century, it was the seat of the pontifical power and many council occured inside its walls. Following several fires in 1307 and 1361 which damaged a lot the monument made him loose its former splendor. After being back from Avignon, the papacy was forced to leave the Lateran for the old St.Titus' Basilica which was being renovated under St. Nicolas V pontificate in the early XVth century. Meanwhile, they started the renovation work to give splendor back to the ancient roman cathedral.

    Attention, please: this is the Cathedral of Rome which is not free to use. Only the Pope, his Vicarius Urbis and the Cardinals may have the right to celebrate mass inthere. Taking into account the importance of this basilica, only the pontifical mass can be celebrated.

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ArianaAnthea Del Casalièr
Mme pipi de Rome - Rome's Restroom Miss

Inscrit le: 06 Juil 2011
Messages: 4868

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 13, 2018 4:10 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le trajet depuis l'Auvergne aurait pu être reposant mais il ne le fut pas. Ils étaient bien partis à temps, son époux avait prévu tout ce qui était nécessaire pour leur trajet : arrêts pour faire souffler les chevaux, temps pour eux-même de faire une sieste salvatrice et pour les enfants de pouvoir gambader avant de remonter en voiture, haltes du soir dans quelques auberges mais, ce que ni l'un ni l'autre n'avait prévu ce fut l'arrivée d'un courrier...appelant son Ange à des allégeances...Certes, ils auraient pu se séparer en chemin, elle continuant sur Rome et lui rebroussant chemin vers le Languedoc. Pourtant, ils ne firent pas ce choix. La dernière fois qu'ils avaient été séparés ainsi, elle s'en souvenait encore et ne voulait pas le revivre ! C'est donc en famille qu'ils entrèrent sur le territoire de la Cité Éternelle, et retrouvèrent la demeure léguée à leur fille sise dans le Trastevere, deux jours avant la messe à laquelle elle avait été conviée.

Ainsi, le jour dit à l'heure dite, elle pénétrait dans l'Archibasilique au bras de son époux et, ne sachant ce qu'il était convenu de faire, préféra s'installer avec discrétion. Il serait toujours temps de se déplacer lorsque débuterait l'office.

Google trad :

The trip from Auvergne could have been relaxing but it was not. They were well on time, her husband had planned all that was necessary for their journey: stops to blow the horses, time for themselves to take a nap saving and for children to frolic before going back in the carriage, evening breaks in some hostels, but neither of which had foreseen it was the arrival of a courier ... calling his Angel to allegiance ... Of course, they could have separated on the way, she continued on Rome and he turned back towards Languedoc. Yet they did not make that choice. The last time they had been separated that way, she still remembered it and did not want to relive it! It was therefore with the family that they entered the territory of the Eternal City, and found the house bequeathed to their daughter in Trastevere, two days before the mass to which she had been invited.

Thus, the day said at the appointed hour, she entered the Archibasilique arm of her husband and, not knowing what it was agreed to do, preferred to settle with discretion. It would still be time to move when the mass began

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Skip Lo Casalièr

Inscrit le: 25 Jan 2015
Messages: 118

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 13, 2018 7:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Un jour avant la messe, Skip avait fait envoyer un courrier en Languedoc pour présenter son allégeance au Comte de cette province. Pour la troisième fois d'affilé. Comme si une fois n'était pas suffisante! Il y en a qui abuse et là, sans le dire trop fort, il était content que ce soit ailleurs qu'il doive se présenter. De leur côté, les enfants s'amusait dans la Cité Éternelle, accompagnés de Gardes. Ils n'ont plus besoin de traducteur, ils ont Valentina qui, maintenant, parle, lit et écrit l'italien aussi bien qu'un natif. Suau se débrouille très bien aussi, mais est plus silencieux, loin de son neveu, il est parfois un peu morose.

Avec son épouse, donc, le baron consort entre dans le lieux saint en souriant, attendant de voir la suite des événements. Ils sont les premiers, ce qui leur laissera le temps de se recueillir un moment. L'année commence et il y aura tant à faire! Mieux vaux profiter de ce moment pour penser à tout ceci.

Google trad.:

One day before Mass, Skip had sent a courier to Languedoc to present his allegiance to the Earl of that province. For the third time in a row. As if once was not enough! There are some who are abusing and there, without saying it too much, he was glad that it was elsewhere that he had to introduce himself. For their part, the children had fun in the Eternal City, accompanied by Guards. They no longer need a translator, they have Valentina who now speaks, reads and writes Italian as well as a native. Suau is doing very well too, but is quieter, far from his nephew, he is sometimes a little morose.

With his wife, therefore, the baron consort enters the holy place smiling, waiting to see the sequence of events. They are the first, which will give them time to gather for a moment. The year begins and there will be so much to do! Better to take advantage of this moment to think about all this.

Commandeur de l'Ordre de St-Nicolas V
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Inscrit le: 29 Sep 2008
Messages: 1410
Localisation: Dieu seul sait où.

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 13, 2018 11:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

La comtesse de Cagli patientait sur le parvis de l’archibasilique Saint-Jean du Latran. Elle avait salué les époux Del Casalièr au passage de ceux-ci.
Qui attendait-elle ? Son cadet, jeune comte palatin et vicomte de Tarquinia et de Mondolfo.
Qui d’autre aurait pu être l’origine de sa mauvaise humeur ravalée ?
Sûrement pas Montegridolfo qui s’était limité à, outre l’avoir laissée un peu déçue, ne même pas songer à faire un bref détour vers le Pantheon pour lui faire profiter de son véhicule. Il ne sera pas le précurseur du co-voiturage !
Ainsi donc, le sien patientait en vue de l’arrivée des autres cochers. Elle, elle faisait le pied de grue, vêtue d’une belle robe toute neuve, à plastron noir et broché d’or, cadeau de sa sœur de cœur. Un voile d’yraigne, si fin qu’il semblait prêt à se défaire sous les doigts, posait une ombre sombre retenue par un simple cercle d’or, sans les fleurons ducaux.
Lassée d’attendre, elle prit tranquillement le chemin de l’entrée.

Reverso :

The countess of Cagli waited on the square of the archibasilique Saint Jean du Latran. She had greeted the spouses Del Casalièr on the passage of these.
Who did she wait? His younger, palatine count and viscount of Tarquinia and Mondolfo.
What would have been able to be the origin of its hidden bad mood ?
Certainly not Montegridolfo who had limited in, to have left her a little disappointed, even not to think of making a brief detour towards the Pantheon to share her its vehicle. He will not be the precursor of the ride sharing !
So, his waited for the arrival of the other coachmen. Her, her stood about, dressed in a beautiful dress new, black and sewn by gold, present of her sister of heart. A veil, so fine as it seemed ready to come undone under fingers, put a black shade held by a simple golden circle, without the ducal jewels.
Tired of waiting, she took quietly the path of the entrance.

Duchesse de Baschi, Comtesse de Cagli

[hrp : Hors français et allemand, les traductions viennent de Reverso.]
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Inscrit le: 05 Fév 2011
Messages: 79

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 10:56 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sa sœur l'avait convaincu de se rendre à Rome en ce début d'année pour une messe donnée à la basilique Saint Jean du Latran. Ils avaient fait route ensemble depuis Lyon et s'étaient séparés dans la cité éternelle, Miguaël Enguerrand était comte palatin de Saint Jean du Latran, et logeait sur la colline du Latran alors que sa sœur avait acquis un palais près du Panthéon.

Le jour de la messe, Miguaël vint à l'heure dite avec sa sœur. Elle n'était pas là, connaissant sa ponctualité, il conclut qu'elle s'était embrouillée avec un décalage horaire.

Il entra et vint la rejoindre.

Eh bien Ellesya, tu es arrivée en avance et tu ne m'as pas attendu ? Un vieux proverbe dit que les premiers seront les derniers !
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Inscrit le: 11 Fév 2015
Messages: 5974
Localisation: Marche d'Ancône

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 2:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

As people were entering the great basilica, time had come to start the cermony. Up in the summit of the towers the bells started their iron dance and rang over the Eternal city. Down, the large and ancient doors made of bronze opened.
Inside, columns have been decorated by coloured banners representing the arms of each Papal States while at the top of the Pope's baldachin was planted the roman's one. On this occasion, a large and red carpet has been laid which recovered the marble floor of the old cathedral. The sun crossing through the windows enlightened the nave from the entrance to the altar and revealed to people the magnificence of the architecture of the greatest religious building in the world which was built like an immense room with large columns, high ceiling and low sides. Dimensions were colossals and made to remember people the magnificence of God and the splendor of Eternal Church.

The procession started its walk to the altar while the organ started to play its grand music. The Archancellor entered the basilica and was preceded by a crowd of clerics. Cross forward, candles backward, they spread incenses as they pass. Then the Pope made his entrance, sat down his chair for carrying, the famous Sedia gestoria gathered by his guards. They finally reached the altar and sat down at their own seat. The Pope, silencious, sat down on his cathedra.

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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 4:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Fenice had entered the Basilica and while walking towards the seats of the prelates, she stopped here and there to greet somebody in a very low voice.
Finally she reached her seat, just in time for the beginning of the celebration.

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Alienor Catherine

Inscrit le: 20 Déc 2015
Messages: 60

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 4:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

On that Sunday morning, a very special one, there was a mass celebrated in the Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran. Aliénor was of course attending with her loving husband and their children, including the latest, born in Rome on the day of the birth of Christos. The young woman was rejoicing to be with her loved ones on this day and smiled to Leonardo as they approched the basilica. The couple shared true faith and Aliénor was pleased that it was Leonardo who had been teaching her pastorale. The entered in silence, kneeled to cross themselves and then reached a sit to install the family, ready to attend the ceremony.
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Inscrit le: 05 Nov 2017
Messages: 22

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 5:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Leonardo entered the Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran together with his beloved wife. It was a beautiful Basilica. He was very happy to be in that place so majestic and sacred.
E' comune defetto degli uomini, non fare conto, nella bonaccia, della tempesta. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
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Inscrit le: 01 Juin 2013
Messages: 6
Localisation: RL: Roma - RR: Milano - Liv. VI - Cavaliere Benemerito del Ducato di Milano - Vota Migliora Milano!

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 6:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

L' Abagnale letto il comunicato in Piazza a Milano, decise quella domenica di muovere verso Roma, per seguire la Santa messa Domenicale nella bella e fastosa Archibasilica di San Giovanni in Laterano, che sarebbe stata officiata dal Santo Padre in persona...

La messa avrebbe dato il via all' anno della Nobiltà quindi il ragazzo non poté mancare da buon Aristotelico...

La gente cominciava ad affollare la Basilica, quindi Frank salita la grande scalinata, si lasciò il Portale alle spalle, si diresse al banco riservato ai Nobili, prese posto e assorto quasi in preghiera attese l' inizio della funzione...

Google trad.:

The Abagnale read the statement in Place of Milan, decided that Sunday to move to Rome, to follow the Sunday Mass in the beautiful and magnificent Archibasilica of St.John in the Lateran, which was officiated by the Holy Father in person...

Given the all year round of Nobility then the boy could not miss a good Aristotelian...

People were beginning to crowd the Basilica, so Frank is the great climb, the Portal is taken behind him, he went to the desk reserved for the Nobles, and I presented a place almost in prayer and waited for the beginning of the function...


L Duca del Ducato di Milano
Signore di Bobiate (Contea di Varese)
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 7:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

His Eminence had been invited by his colleagues of the clergy in Rome.
So he reached the Basilica and went to the seats among the other clerics.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 7:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

His Eminence Della Scala arrived in the Archbasilica of St. John. He bowed as soon as he entered and took his place.

Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 05 Fév 2014
Messages: 449

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 7:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ce fut dans son éternelle robe de bure marron rapiécée, ses caligulae usées aux pieds, qu'il pénétra dans la basilique du Latran, après un long chemin depuis la Lorraine, via Besançon et la Savoie. Venu seul, lot commun de sa vie, le brun prit place parmi les laïcs invités, derrière le couple Casalier qu'il connaissait plutôt bien et qu'il admirait, et un peu à la gauche de la duchesse de la Louveterie, qu'il salua d'un hochement du chef pour ne pas la déranger plus outre.

It was in his eternal patched brown dress, his tired caligulae, that he entered the Basilica of the Lateran, after a long way from Lorraine, via Besancon and Savoy. Coming alone, the common lot of his life, the brown took his place among the invited laity, behind the couple Casalier whom he knew rather well and whom he admired, and a little to the left of the Duchess of the Louveterie, whom he he nodded, not to disturb her further.


Préfet de l'Index - Recteur du séminaire Thomiste - Diacre itinérant - Esclave Arnarien
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Inscrit le: 05 Juin 2007
Messages: 8890

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 7:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Melian était venue, répondant à l'invitation, accompagnée de son infirmière, ses trois suivantes, ainsi que ses quatre enfants adorés. Ils descendirent tous du coche pour rejoindre le parvis, la Duchesse de Terni portant l'une de ses toilettes favorites.

Ouvrant la marche devant les siens, tout en gardant un oeil sur sa progéniture si précieuse, elle entra dans la superbe basilique. Une merveille romaine de plus. Et il y en avait tant.

Ils prirent place alors qu'elle saluait avec égard les personnes connues qu'elle croisait.

Alors le Souverain Pontife s'en vint. Debout, elle avait fait révérence au passage de Sa Sainteté, puis l'on s'était installé, attendant sagement le début des événements.


Melian had come, responding to the invitation, accompanied by her nurse, her three ladies, and her four beloved children. They all descended from the cab to join the court, the Duchess of Terni wearing one of her favorite dress .

Opening the steps in front of her family, while keeping an eye on her so precious offspring, she entered the beautiful basilica. An other Roman wonder. And there were so many.

They took place as she greeted with respect the known people she met.

Then the Sovereign Pontiff came. Standing, she bowed at the passage of His Holiness, then we settled down, waiting wisely the beginning of events
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Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2013
Messages: 183

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 14, 2018 9:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He smiled at his wife, as they entered the basilica. The were happy to be in Rome and attend a mass celebrated by the Sovereign Pontiff himself.
After they sat down, the music started to play and the watched the clercs and the Pope enter the basilica.

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