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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 29, 2018 12:20 pm    Sujet du message: Italic Hall-Sala Italica-Salle Italique-Italienisch Halle Répondre en citant

Previous title of the topic: "Roman Museums-Musei Romani-Musées romains-Römische Museen", edit by Alessandro Della Scala in date 15/05/2022

Preparations for the inauguration of the Roman Museums - Preparativi per l'inaugurazione dei Musei Romani - Vorbereitungen für die Einweihung der römischen Museen - Préparatifs pour l'inauguration des musées romains - Preparativos para la inauguración de los Museos Romanos

Twelve o'clock.

The Bishop was in the middle of the Square of Aristote. The square was full of painters, carpenters and guards. The painters finished their last works, the carpenters completed the complex wooden structures on which the paintings would rest and the guards controlled that no one would try to see the paintings before the beginning.

The Bishop went to the right of the square, then to the left, checking every little detail.

He awaited the arrival of the Rector of the Corleone Academy...

------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |

Dernière édition par Alessandro Della Scala le Dim Mai 15, 2022 4:54 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 29, 2018 6:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Twelve o'clock

The Rector of the Academy just got out of the carriage with eyes closed inhaled deeply the crisp air of that midday.

As soon as she opened eyes, she hit her the view of the huge square, leaving her breathless.

The first thought of Muses was to her parents, Emanuele and Margherita Corleone, founders of the Academy and for all the artists that had taken care of the paintings and of the poetries in the least details.

She also thought about the precedent Rector of the Academy Corleone, her husband Calleghan D'Ezquiell, that had not given her news anymore for many months.

After some steps, Muses immediately went in search of Bishop Yuri.
She found him surrounded by carpenters and guards to which it gave instructions.

She let Bishop Yuri finish speaking to reach him and ask:
Bishop Yuri, finally the great day has arrived: "from heaven to earth".

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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 29, 2018 8:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Bishop was joined by the Rector. Seeing him, he smiled and reassured himself.

God bless you, Muses!
As you can see we are finishing the last preparations, now the paintings are in their seats, well covered by some linen sheets to not show them until their turn. Let me thank you in advance for all the work done by you and all the artists.

Rome is beautiful, and with the Museums it will be even more!


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 01, 2018 12:09 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                  Prima Accademia D'Arte Corleone - Titolo: Papa Innocentius VIII de Rome

                            Uomini di fede

                            Misteriosa la strada della fede
                            ardua per tutti, dal piccolo al grande
                            che pure professando ciò che crede
                            continua ad avere mille domande

                            Importante l’esempio che mai cede
                            di chi affida la vita alla chiesa
                            e in questo cammino ci precede
                            rendendo meno dura l’altrui ascesa

                            Uomini che affrontano questa vita
                            con una forza che solo Dio dona
                            a chi è degno d’alzare i suoi vessilli

                            Gente segnata con i suoi sigilli
                            canta un inno angelico che mai stona
                            che può curare ogni anima ferita
                            Autore: Ade31

                            Men of faith

                            Mysterious the road of faith
                            arduous for everyone, from small to big
                            that even professing what he believes
                            continues to have a thousand questions

                            Important example that never yields
                            whose life is entrusted to the church
                            and in this journey precedes us
                            making the ascent of others less hard

                            Men who face this life
                            with a force that only God gives
                            to who is worthy to raise his banners

                            People marked with their seals
                            he sings an angelic hymn that never rings out
                            that can cure every wounded soul
                            Author: Ade31

                Prima Accademia D'Arte Corleone - Titolo: Cardinale Nicolas Borja D'Agnillo - Autore: Rosamilla

                            Attraverso l'anima, attraverso il cuore

                            Riecheggiando nell'animo , il suono
                            d'assillante tormento s'espande
                            "da dove vengo , dove vado, chi sono ?"
                            è certamente il dilemma più grande

                            Enigmatico il dubbio che lascia smarrito
                            titubante incertezza sullo spirito pesa
                            e tra le risposte che la mente ha acquisito
                            la più importante , quella di Madre Chiesa

                            Essa ti guida , ti prende per mano
                            attraverso la fede accompagna il cammino
                            porta a svelare il mistero , l'arcano
                            con la purezza di cuor di un bambino

                            Autore: Milady

                            Through the soul, through heart

                            Echoing in the soul, the sound
                            of harassing torment expands
                            "where do I come from, where do I go, who am I?"
                            it is certainly the biggest problem

                            The doubt that leaves lost is enigmatic
                            hesitant uncertainty about the weighty spirit
                            and among the answers that the mind has acquired
                            the most important, that of Mother Church

                            she guides you, takes you by the hand
                            through faith he accompanies during the journey
                            leads to unveil the mystery, the arcane
                            with the purity of a child's heart
                            Author: Milady

                    Prima Accademia D'Arte Corleone - Titolo: Cardinale Attanasio Borja - Autore: Baakmat

                            Madre e figli

                            Rintocchi di campane
                            aggregano pellegrini
                            guidati dalla fede
                            in viaggi di penitenza
                            cercano la quiete

                            Nella madre Chiesa
                            dimora del mistero
                            rifugiano quelle anime
                            dai peccati logorate
                            sollevate dall'indulgenza
                            Autore: Serinde

                            Mother and children

                            Tolling of bells
                            aggregate pilgrims
                            guided by faith
                            on journeys of penance
                            they seek the quiet

                            In the mother Church
                            abode of the mystery
                            those souls take refuge
                            from the worn sins
                            raised by indulgence
                            Author: Serinde

              Prima Accademia d'Arte Corleone - Titolo: Cardinale Cristoforo Borgia - Autore: Betelgeuse


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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 01, 2018 7:38 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

From heaven to the earth. This is the title of this exhibition.
Why we choose this name? Because everything around us is a gift from God and this exhibition wants us to better appreciate all that God has given us, including the great men who support the church of God.
The first paint is for The Pope, Innocent VIII, then His Eminence Nicolas Borja D'Agnillo and His Eminence Attanasio, the great chancellor of our Congregation that I want to thank for allowing this great exhibition.

Last but not the least a paint of the Vicarius Urbis Roma, His Eminence Cristoforo Borgia!

We will continue to exhibit the paintings every day, we do not want to spoil all the surprises immediately!


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 12:25 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                          Provincia Ecclesiastica di Roma

              Autrice: Margheritina - Titolo: "Il silenzioso autunno" - Cattedrale di Santa Barbara e Santa Monica (in origine: Basilica di Santa Maria di Collemaggio) - L'Aquila

                              Il sacramento

                              All'interno della cattedrale,
                              Un bambino si deve battezzare
                              una grossa emozione ci assale
                              quando la cerimonia va a cominciare

                              suona un violino per accompagnare
                              il sacramento che si va a impartire
                              Il suo cammino,sta per cominciare
                              E sulla via del Signore può gioire


                              The sacrament

                              Inside the Cathedral,
                              A Child shuld be baptized.
                              a big emotion assails us
                              when the ceremony is about to begin

                              play the violin to provide support
                              the sacrament that you are going to teach
                              His path is going to begin
                              and on the God's way he can rejoice
                              Author : Marialaura12


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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 12:25 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                Autrice: Lucrezia - Titolo: "Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta" - Teramo

                              Le campane suonano a festa

                              Le campane suonano a festa,
                              E' l'ora della Santa Messa
                              Senza pensieri nella testa
                              E' l'ora della promessa
                              la tua gioia manifesta
                              mentre arriva la sacerdotessa


                              The bells ring to party

                              The bells ring to party,
                              Is time of the Holy Mass
                              without thoughts in the head
                              Is time of the promise
                              there your joy manifested
                              while the priestess arrives


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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 12:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                Autrice: Baakmat - Titolo: "Scorcio di Silvi" Chiesa di SANT'ANDREA PROTOCLETO - Silvi

                              Un piccolo gioiello

                              Ci sono Basiliche e ci son Cattedrali
                              cui solo ad entrare ti manca il fiato
                              incuton timori reverenziali
                              e ad ammirarle resti abbagliato

                              Sono imponenti , ricche e maestose
                              da grandi architetti progettate
                              contengono opere molto famose
                              valenti gli artisti che le han decorate

                              Ma al mio paese c'è una chiesetta
                              da cui si sente il rumore del mare
                              piccina e raccolta , un'intimità benedetta
                              ti accompagna e ti invoglia a inginocchiarti e pregare

                              Autore: Milady

                              A tiny gem

                              There are Basilicas and there are Cathedrals
                              where you miss your breath just getting inside
                              they instill reverential fear
                              and you stay dazzle admiring them.

                              They are massive, rich and majestic
                              designed by great architects
                              they have very famous works
                              talented are the artists which decorated them.

                              But in my village there is a tiny church
                              where you can hear the sound of the sea
                              tiny and small, a blessed intimacy
                              follow you and tempt you to kneal and prey
                              Author: Milady


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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2011
Messages: 4654

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 10:43 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il Cardinale aveva ricevuto l'invito per la mostra... si era recato ai Musei Vaticani perchè non si voleva perdere nessun quadro. Amava l'arte e pensava che quella era stata una idea grandiosa. Era sicuro che tali musei sarebbero divenuti famosi in tutti i Regni e sarebbero stati un punto di riferimento per l'arte per i secoli a venire.

Si soffermava davanti un quadro e lo analizzava nel suo insieme, poi si avvicinava per contemplarne la tecnica pittorica. Era davvero bellissimi.

Si spostava lentamente, dedicando il giusto tempo ad ogni opera.

Nel mentre osservava gli altri convenuti, sbirciando se vedeva qualche faccia amica da salutare.


The Cardinal had received an invitation for the exhibition ... he had gone to the Vatican Museums because he did not want to miss any painting. He loved art and thought that this was a great idea. He was sure that such museums would become famous in all the Kingdoms and would be a point of reference for art for centuries to come.

He paused before a picture and analyzed it as a whole, then approached to contemplate its pictorial technique. It was really beautiful.

He moved slowly, dedicating the right time to each work.

Meanwhile, he watched the other visitors, peering if he saw any friendly face to say goodbye.

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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 7:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                Autrice: Margot. - Titolo: "Il segreto di un amore" - Cattedrale di San Giustino - Chieti


                              Prego inginocchio il Salvatore
                              insieme ad altri nella sua dimora
                              mani giunte e con fervore
                              recito salmi che mi rincuora.

                              Alziamo la voce in un canto
                              verso colui che ci da tanto
                              pensieri dolci dai nostri cuori
                              si elevano nella chiesa, ambasciatori

                              della fede sono i nostri parroci
                              ci aiutano, nel cammino guidandoci
                              verso la fiamma accalorandoci.

                              Autore: Sallyvan


                              I pray on my knees the saviour
                              Together with others on his home
                              hands folded and with fervour
                              I recite hymns that cheer me up.

                              Let's raise the voice in a chant
                              Toward the one who give us so much
                              sweet thoughts from our hearts
                              raising on the church, ambassadors

                              of faith they are our vicars
                              they help us , on the path they leading us
                              toward the flame for heater us
                              Author: Sallyvan


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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 7:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                Autrice: Margot. - Titolo: "Scorcio crepuscolare" - Chiesa di San Panfilo (in origine: Chiesa della Madonna del Carmine) - Sulmona

                              Silenti navate

                              Odor di fumo dai ceri accesi,
                              posti in alto nei lumi appesi.
                              A rischiarar le silenti navate,
                              dai fedeli in preghiera popolate.

                              Bisbigli di lodi all’Altissimo elevate,
                              riecheggiano tra le panche allineate.
                              Il silenzio però alla fine li inghiotte,
                              la campagna rintocca, giunge la notte.

                              Si spengono i lumi, rimane l’odore
                              e la preghiera che ha scaldato il cuore.

                              Autore: Emrys77

                              Silent Aisles

                              the smell of smoke from the tapers switched on.
                              Stored up on the hunged Enlightenment.
                              to lighten the silent aisles
                              populated from the faithful in prayer.

                              Whispers of praise elevated to the Almighty.
                              Still linger among the lined up benches.
                              the silence however in the end, get them.
                              the bell tolls, the night is coming.

                              The Lamps go off, it remains the smell
                              and the prayer whom have warm the hearth.
                              Author: Emrys77


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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 8:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                Titolo: "Cattedrale di San Bartolomeo" - Avezzano

                              E' giunto il signore

                              Siamo nella casa del Signore
                              un violino si ode suonare
                              Col suo canto ci sa ammaliare
                              Da ogni pena , ci può liberare

                              E' giunto il signore
                              ci accoglie con amore
                              E' il nostro protettore
                              Ci mostra la via con chiarore

                              Autore: Marialaura12

                              The Lord is arrived

                              tWe are in the Lord's house
                              a violin can be heard playing
                              with his singing he Charm us.
                              from any punishment, he can liberate us

                              The Lord is arrived
                              He received us with love
                              He is our protector
                              Show us the way with brightness.
                              Author: Marialaura12


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Inscrit le: 10 Sep 2018
Messages: 71

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 8:09 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

                Autrice: Margheritina - Titolo: "L'Attesa" - Chiesa di San Valentino (in origine: Chiesa di San Nicola) - - Tagliacozzo

                              Momenti di pace

                              Momenti di pace
                              risplende una luce
                              dalla croce , un bagliore
                              si respira amore

                              avvicinandosi all'altare
                              cominciando a pregare
                              ogni desiderio sarà ascoltato
                              se con il cuore lo avrai manifestato

                              Autore: Marialaura12

                              Moments of peace

                              Moments of peace
                              a light shines
                              from the cross, a glow
                              you breathe love

                              Approaching the altar
                              beginning to pray
                              every wish will be heard
                              if you have manifested it with your heart


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Inscrit le: 10 Oct 2014
Messages: 571

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 10:00 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Guglielmo, su invito del Vescovo Yuri Alexander Lannister, raggiunse la mostra che si stava tenendo a Roma nelle sale dei Musei Romani.
Si soffermava con piacere ad ammirare le opere esposte in cerca di qualche d'una che lo colpisse più di altre.


Guglielmo, at the invitation of Bishop Yuri Alexander Lannister, reached the exhibition that was being held in Rome in the rooms of the Roman Museums.
He paused to admire the works on display in search of some that struck him more than others.
La voce della Temperanza; I principi dell'orazione; Viaggio o destinazione; De Immagine
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 02, 2018 11:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus was a patron of the arts. In his homeland on his lands he had been a promoter and lover of art. He himself was often a model, even naked he had already been painted. It has always been the masterful production of statues and paintings that fascinated him. He himself, more musically talented, painted now and then. His works were undoubtedly meaningless. The invitation was beautiful and he really liked Yuri so he would naturally be there and see the exhibition. He entered the exhibition mainly in red in the cardinal's robes. His two acolytes, most notably secretaries, followed him at every turn. First, of course, he was looking for familiar faces while one of the acolytes whispered the coming dates in his ear. Kalixtus did not envy them either, he knew that he probably would not be able to tear himself away from all the beautiful things here.

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