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[Workspace]Hagiography St. Leopold [HR]

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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
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MessagePosté le: Ven Sep 20, 2019 3:52 pm    Sujet du message: [Workspace]Hagiography St. Leopold [HR] Répondre en citant

Rođenje i djetinjstvo

Rođen je 1382. godine u gradiću Castelnuovo di Cattar na istočnoj obali Jadranskoga mora, u Dalmaciji. Rođen je kao petnaesto dijete od sveukupno šesnaest u obitelji Mandic. Otac mu je bio aristotelovac, te ga je krstio u ranoj dobi. Sam Leopold je kao dijete bio dosta boležljiv, te je zbog svoje krhke građe izgledao ne uhranjen, i ako nikada nije bio gladan. Leopold je bio visok svega četiri i pol stope, zbog toga bješe ismijavan među vršnjacima, ali to Leopolda nikada nije pokolebalo, niti im je radi toga zamjerio, čak se i sam šalio na svoj vanjski izgled. Zapisana je zgoda u njegovom djetinstvu, kako je jednom prilikom u igri sa loptom, razbio prozor male crkve koju je posjećivao sa svojim Ocem. Tada je za pokoru, jer se svećenik te crkve jako rasrdio na Leopolda, morao klečati punih dvanaest sati i ne prestano moliti. I ako mu je ta pokora teško pala, tada se mali Leopold, zavjetovao svevišnjem, te se odlučio zarediti i služiti mu cijeli svoj život.


Sa svega petnaest godina pridružuje se redovnicima, te nakon godine dana priprave odlazi na studije u Spalato. Bio je okrarakteriziran kao marljiv učenik i vrijedan pomoćnik u kućanskim poslovima, i ako sitne građe uvijek se trudio pridonjeti jednako, kao i ostali. No i među redovnicima je bilo onih koji su ga zadirkivali, kako on nije od Svevišnjeg poslan da bude svećenik, već ga je vanjski izgled natjerao, jer bi se teško oženio, a Leopold, kakav je dobročudan bio, sve je to prihvaćao kao šalu, te im nikada nije zamjerio. Nakon studija teologije, bješe uzdignut u svećenika sa svojom dvadeset i jednom godinom od strane biskupa Spalatskog. Nakon što je bio zaređen, na održavanje dobiva jednu malu kapelicu unutar samog Spalata. Mise je održavao redovno, a na njima se okupljala mala zajednica iz susjedva, većinom do deset ljudi.

Veliki ispovjednik

Pokora od dvanaest sati, koju je dobio za zarbijeni prozor u djetinjstvu, utkala mu se u um, te je i sam počeo ispovjedati ljude, bio je kako kažu, jako milostiv, volio je savjetovati ljude, te je istinski molio za opraštanje grijeha. Njegova mala kapelica je postala pravo okupljališt vjernika, ponajviše onih koji su tražili ispovjed. Leopold je znao sjediti preko deset sati dnevno u ispovjedaonici, kako bi slušao ljude, njihove problem, grijehe i druge nedaće. Leopold je uvijek smireno saslušavao ljude i odgovarao im, i ako mu je tijelo bilo umorno, te su ga leđa boljela od predugog sjedenja, nije se žalio, već se molio zajedno sa onime tko je došao na ispovjed. Njegova ispovjedaonica je postal nezaobilazno mjesto svih vjernika iz Spalata, a i cijele Dalmacije. Tada nastaju i prva mala čuda, gdje su pojedini ljudi, potaknuti ispovjedima Leopoldovima, promjenili svoje životne navike, neki od njih koji su bili kriminalci ili ubojice, shvatili su svoje grijehe, te se vratili u grad živjeti gradskim životom. Čak sui neki skeptici i pogani, nakon ispovjedi kod Leopolda, prihvaili vjeru i postali aristotelovci.

Napad na grad

Godine 1443. Spalato je bilo napadnuto od strane pogana sa istoka. Leopold je sa svojom subraćom morao napustiti grad, te krenuti prema sjeveru. Grad je bio okupiran i pod paljbom katapulata do temelja razrušen. Naposljetku branitelji su uspjeli obraniti grad Spalato, sa velikim gubitcima, no i ako je cijeli grad bio razrušen, samo je jedna kaplelica ostala netaknuta, to je bila Leopolodova kapelica i ispovjedaonica, mjesto na kojem je Leopold odgriješavao od grijeha. Svi su govorili da je to čudo, i pohodili su to mjesto svake nedjelje, i ako Leopolda u gradu više nije bilo.

Posljedne godine života i čuda

Leopold se nastanio nešto sjevernije, u brdima, podigli malu crkvu, kako bi se osnovao novi grad na tom mjestu. Leopold je nastavio sa cijelodnevnim ispovjedima i misnima slavljima, a kako su njegove ispovjedi bile nadaleko poznate, ljudi su hrlili kako bi im svjedočili i dobili oprost grijeha. Kako su godine prolazile Leopold je bivao sve slabiji, pa je na koncu, u ljeto 1449. Godine preminio, kako i priliči tom velikom ispovjedniku i čovjeku u malenom tijelu, u svojoj ispovjedaonici. Kada se pročula vijest o njegovoj smrti, narod je bio složno govorio: „Umro je Svetac“.
Pokopan je u kripti crkve, oko koje je nastao grad Vrbovsko, a crkva bješe u narednim godinama nadograđena i uzdignuta na status katedrale. Njegov grob je danas mjesto susreta vjernika te mnogih koji traže utjehu i ozdravljenje duše i tijela.

Nakon smrti Leopolda, mnogi ljudi su obilazili njegov grob, te su se dogodila razna čuda tijekom izricanja molitve u čast Leopoldu. Tako je jedna žena, kojoj je noga bila zaražena i natekla, cijelu noć gorljivo molila kod groba svetog Leopolda, ujutro su je našli kako spava pokraj groba, a noga joj bješe zdrava. Postoji svjedočanstvo da su jedan gluhi, a drugi nijemi brat došli na grob svetoga Leopolda tražiti oprost od Svevišnjega, te dok su molili Bogu i svetom Leopoldu, nebo se iznad njih brzo namračilo, a iz oblaka se čula jaka grmljavina. U tom trenu gluhi pročuje te se naježi od straha, a drugi brat jaukne i izgovori: „Slava Bogu“. Nakon što su shvatili da su ozdravili, jedan drugoga izgrliše i počnu slaviti Jaha i zazivaši ime svetog Leopolda na glas. Mnogi ljudi, pogotovo u krajevima Dalmacije i Hrvatske štuju svetog Leopolda, te mu se mole u čast.

    Molitva Svetom Leopolda;

    Sveti Leopolde,
    tebe je božanski Spasitelj učinio savršenim oruđem
    svoga neizmjernog milosrđa u sakramentu pokore.
    Molimo te, isprosi nam milost,
    da se često i dobro ispovijedamo,
    te da živimo slobodni od svakoga grijeha i postignemo savršenstvo
    na koje nas poziva Gospodin.

Relikvije: Kripta svetog Leopolda u katedrali Vrbovsko.
Spomendan: 12. svibanj


Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 01, 2019 11:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He was born 1382. In the small village of Castelnuovo di Cattar at the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, in Dalmatia. He was born the fifteenth child of a total of sixteen in the Mandic family. His father was an Aristotelian, and he baptized him at an early age. Leopold himself was quite a sickly child, and because of his fragile statute, he looked not nourished, as if he was never hungry. Leopold was only four and a half feet tall, because of this he was ridiculed among his peers, but Leopold never waved, nor did he blame them, even joking about his outer appearance. There was an occasion in his childhood, when he broke a window of a small church he visited with his father at one time in a ball game. For his repentance, because the priest of that church was very angry with Leopold, he had to kneel for full twelve hours while not stopping to pray. And that penance had changed him, afterwards little Leopold, pledged himself to the Almighty, and decided to be ordained and serve him for all his life.


With only fifteen years he joined the monks, and after a year of preparation went to the university of Spaleto. He was graced as a diligent student and a valued assistant within household chores, and even though he was small grown he always tried to contribute equally, like the others. But among the monks, there were those who teased him, that he had not been sent from the Most High to become a priest, but outer appearance forced him, because he would have difficulties to marry, and Leopold, since he was good-looking, he accepted all this as a joke, and never resented them. After studying theology, he was elevated to a priest with he turned twenty-one by the Bishop of Spaleto. After being ordained, the letter receives one small chapel within the Spaleto itself. The masses were kept regular, and a small community from the neighbourhood gathered around him, mostly about ten people.

The Great Confessor

The penance of twelve hours, which he received for the rusty window in his childhood, was in his mind, and he began to confess the people himself, he was as they say, very gracious, he loved to counsel people, and he truly prayed for forgiveness of their sins. His little chapel became a true gathering of believers, especially those who sought confession. Leopold used to sit over ten hours a day in the confessional, to listen to the people, their problems, their sins, and other misfortunes. Leopold always calmly listened to the people and answered them, and if his body was tired, and his back was sore from sitting too long, he did not complain, but prayed together with whoever came to confession. His confessional is the perfect place for all faithfuls from Spaleto and all of Dalmatia. Then the first small miracles happen, where individual people, encouraged by the confessions of Leopold, changed their life habits, some of them who were criminals or murderers, understood their sins, and returned to the city to live the city's life. His speach was so strong that those listening to him who were skeptics to the aristotelian believe or even pagans accepted and understood the true believe and turned into Aristotelians due to Leopold

Attack on the City

In the year 1443. The incinerated was attacked by the Gentans from the east. Leopold had to leave the town on his own, and head north. The city was occupied and under fire by a catapult to the ground was demolded. Finally, the defenders managed to defend the city of Spaleto, with great losses, but even as the entire city was destroyed, only one building remained intact, it was Leopold's chapel and confessional, the place where Leopold listened about the sins. Everyone said it was a miracle, and they walked to that place every Sunday, and if Leopold was not around they went into town.

The last years of life and miracles

Leopold settled somewhere north, in the hills, established a small church, to build a new city in that place. Leopold continued with all-day confessions and missions of the celebrations, and as his confessions were widely known, people were in a rush to witness and receive forgiveness of sins. As the years passed, Leopold grew weaker, and finally, in the summer 1449, as it befits that great confessor and man in a small body, in his confessional. When the news of his death had been heard, the people were saying, "The saint died."He was buried in the crypt of the church, around which the town of Vrbovsko originated, and the church in the coming years was upgraded and elevated to the status of a cathedral. His tomb is today the meeting place of believers and many who seek comfort and healing of body and soul.After the death of Leopold, many people visited his tomb, and a variety of miracles occurred during the pronouns of the prayer in honor of Leopold. One woman, whose leg was infected and swollen, prayed all night at the tomb of St. Leopold, in the morning they found her sleeping near the tomb, and her leg was healthy. There is a testimony that one deaf, and another mute brother came to the tomb of St. Leopold to seek forgiveness from the most high, and as they prayed to God and to St Leopold, the skies above them were quickly dark, and a strong thunder was heard from the clouds. At that moment, the deaf hears and creeps you out, and the other brother Jaukne and excuses: "Praise God". After they realized they had been healed, they were hugging each other and they started celebrating the Most High and calling St. Leopold's name out loud. Many people, especially in the regions of Dalmatia and Croatia worship Saint Leopold, and are praying in his honor.

The Prayer of St. Leopold;

Saint Leopold,
The Divine Savior made you the perfect tool
Of his immense mercy in the sacrament of Confession.
Please, give us mercy,
That we often confess well,
And to live free from all sins and strive for perfection
To which the Lord calls us.

Relics: The crypt of St. Leopold in the Cathedral of Vrbovsko.
Mentioned: 12. May


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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