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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:44 pm Sujet du message: [1467] Chancellerie Pontificale - Papal Chancellery |
Archives annonces 1467
Dernière édition par Daresha le Ven Avr 17, 2020 7:38 pm; édité 1 fois |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:47 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
In partibus dioceses
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint-Ripolin of the Angels, Marquis of Ancona & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archchancellor of the Holy See,
And by the wish of the Sovereign Pontiff,
Hereby announce that the Curia has decided the following,
According to his devoted action and his seniority in the apostolic mission of the Holy Church, His Eminence Heldor is now given the In Partibus Infidelium diocese of Aquae Novae in Proconsulari .
May God bless him.
Stat Crux Dum, Volvitur Orbis
Done in Rome the VIIIth day of January, the Monday A.D MCDLXVII.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:47 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Creation of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Madrid and attribution of In Partibus Dioceses
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,
According to the Can.5.6-IX. art 17-32 have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Archepiscopal Sine Cura seat of Madrid. As honorary bishopric titles this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the assistant bishop to the Pontifical throne Estrella.Luna de Lancaster y Valyria.
Then following the tradition and due to their devoted action and their seniority in the apostolic mission of the Holy Church, In Partibus Infidelium dioceses are by now given to;
His Excellency Tymothée de Nivellus who is by now bishop of Agathopolis.
His Excellency Alexandre Farnèse whi is by now bishop of Joppée.
By this, officialy ratified and published,
Dominus Vobiscum
Given in Rome the twenty-third day of January, on Wednesday, of the year of grace MCDLXVI, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:48 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Creation of the Episcopal Sine Cura seat of Madrid and attribution of In Partibus Dioceses
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,
According to the Can.5.6-IX. art 17-32 have ruled and ordained, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, let us rule and order, the creation of the Archepiscopal Sine Cura seat of Madrid. As honorary bishopric titles this seat is by now given by the Holy Father as Sovereign Pontiff to the assistant bishop to the Pontifical throne Estrella.Luna de Lancaster y Valyria.
Then following the tradition and due to their devoted action and their seniority in the apostolic mission of the Holy Church, In Partibus Infidelium dioceses are by now given to;
His Excellency Tymothée de Nivellus who is by now bishop of Agathopolis;
His Excellency Alexandre Farnèse who is by now bishop of Joppé;
His Excellency Martin Tamarre who is by now bishop of Hébron.
By this, officialy ratified and published,
Dominus Vobiscum
Given in Rome the twenty-ninth day of January, on Tuesday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:49 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Creation of Cardinal parishes
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of St. Ripolin of the Angels, Marquis of Ancona & Governor of the March, Count of Sanem and Balen, Baron of Faucogney-et-la Mer,
In our capacity as Archancellor of the Holy See,
and following the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV
Have ruled and statue, and by our present perpetual and by definitive edict, declare, statute and command, after the Edict of the 8th of November, MCDLIX, bearing the creation of the parishes, and of the Edict of the IXth June, MCDLXIV, stipulating the constitution of the parishes, and cardinal titles of the national cardinals, and accordingly to the Pontifical indult of the Xth April, MCDLXVI about the extension within the Pontifical consistories, and the Papal bull of the XXIst January, MCDLXVII, the creation of the following parishes;
The roman parish and the cardinal-bishop title of San Francesco Trufaldini a Porta Latina;
The parish and the cardinal-deacon title of San Arnvald degli Svizzeri granted to the German-speaking National Pontifical Consistory;
The parish and the cardinal-deacon title of San Tommaso di Canterbury granted to the English-speaking National Pontifical Consistory;
The parish and the cardinal-deacon title of San Possidonio in Monserrato granted to the Spanish-speaking National Pontifical Consistory;
The parish and the cardinal-deaconl title of San Olcovidius in Pensilis granted to the Polish National Pontifical Consistory.
Dominus Vobiscum
Done at Rome on the XXIth day of January, on Thurday, in the year of grace MCDLXVII.
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:50 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Office of the City of Rome - Property act
The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery,
Authorize Endymion d'Abbadie [ Endymion ],
Cardinal-Bishop Emeritus
to possess in full, in accordance with the regulations of the Statutes Civitatis Romae of 23th November 1465, the Palazzo Anguillara which was granted to him by the Council of the Ediles in the name of the Sovereign Pontiff, on 9th Fabruary 1467. Which Palazzo Anguillara, is located on the Rione Trastevere, and registered in the cadastral register and brought to the communal level.
Given in Rome, on 9th Fébruary 1467.

Praefectus Urbis |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:50 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Attribution of In Partibus Diocese
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,
According to the tradition and due to her devoted action and her seniority in the apostolic mission of the Holy Church, Jolieen Rose [Jolieen] is now given the In Partibus Infidelium diocese of Lamia.
By this, officialy ratified and published,
Dominus Vobiscum
Given in Rome the twelfh day of Febuary, on Tuesday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:51 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Attribution of In Partibus Diocese
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal-bishop of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
by the will of His Holiness the Pope Sixtus IV,
According to the tradition and due to his devoted action and his seniority in the apostolic mission of the Holy Church, Valentino Borgia [astuzia] is now given the In Partibus Infidelium diocese of Augusta.
By this, officialy ratified and published,
Dominus Vobiscum
Given in Rome the seventheenth day of Febuary, on Sunday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year of the reign of H.H Sixtus the fourth.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:52 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Office of the City of Rome - Property act
The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery,
Authorize Melian de Ventoux [ Melian ], Duchesse de Terni & Comtesse Palatine de Saint Jean de Latran (Etats Pontificaux)
to possess in full, in accordance with the regulations of the Statutes Civitatis Romae of 23th November 1465, the Villa San Martino which was granted to her by the Council of the Ediles in the name of the Sovereign Pontiff, on 18th February 1467. Which Villa San Martino, is located on the Rione Trastevere, and registered in the cadastral register and brought to the communal level.
Given in Rome, on 18th February 1467.

Praefectus Urbis |
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Pontifical Chancery
Office of the City of Rome - Concession act
The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery,
Gives concession to the Hospice Sainct Georges to possess in full, under the authority of Melian de Ventoux [Melian] in accordance with the regulations of the Statutes Civitatis Romae of 23th November 1465, the Hospice Sainct Georges which was conceded to it by the Pontifical chancery on the 18th of February 1467 and ratified by the Council of the Aediles in the name of the Sovereign Pontiff, on the 18th of February 1467. Which Hospice Sainct Georges is located outside the wall, and registered in the cadastral register and brought to the communal level.
Given in Rome, on 18th of February 1467.

Praefectus Urbis |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:53 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Office of the City of Rome - Property act
The Prefect of the City, by virtue of the orders and instructions of the Office of the City and the Pontifical Chancellery,
Authorize Policarpo von Wittelsbach [ Policarpo ], Bishop of Würzburg, Prefect of the Vatican Library , Secretary of the Pontifical Chancery, Archabbot of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
to possess in full, in accordance with the regulations of the Statutes Civitatis Romae of 23th November 1465, the Torre di San Giovanni which was granted to him by the Council of the Ediles in the name of the Sovereign Pontiff, on 18th February 1467. Which Torre di San Giovanni, is located on the Rione Borgo, and registered in the cadastral register and brought to the communal level.
Given in Rome, on 18th February 1467.

Praefectus Urbis |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:53 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
About the creation of Richard de Cetzes as Cardinal-bishop
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Baron of Faucogney, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Sixtus IV, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as Cardinal-bishop of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, the appointment of his eminence Richard de Cetzes to the charge of the parish San Samoth del Quirinal.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done at Rome this Tuesday XXIst of the month of February, of the year of grace MCDLXVI of Our Lord
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:54 pm Sujet du message: |
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Status Civitatis Romae
Ius Civitas - Du droit de Cité
De la Citoyenneté romaine
I. Nature de la citoyenneté
Article 1 : La citoyenneté romaine est le fait pour un individu, pour une famille ou pour un groupe, d'être reconnu officiellement comme citoyen romain, c'est-à-dire membre de la Communauté civique de Rome.
Article 2: Pour être membre de la Communauté civique de Rome, il est nécessaire d'y habiter et d'en faire sa résidence principale (RP). Le fait d'avoir une résidence principale n'exclue pas la possibilité de cumuler d'autres résidences dans d'autres cités des Royaumes.
Article 3 : Le citoyenneté romaine, en ce qu’elle constitue le peuple de Rome, est assujettie au Souverain Pontife. Tout citoyen de Rome est par conséquent sujet du Pape.
II. Du droit de citoyenneté
Article 4 : Pour être donnée, la citoyenneté doit d’abord faire l’objet d’une demande faite auprès de l’Office de la Cité, qui se charge d’enregistrer le nom au registre du recensement et de distribuer la reconnaissance de citoyenneté.
Article 4.1 : La citoyenneté est reconnue à tout homme et femme aristotéliciens baptisés qui expriment leur volonté de demeurer en la Cité de Saint Titus.
Article 4.2 : La citoyenneté est reconnue automatiquement aux Cardinaux de la Sainte Église.
Article 4.3: La citoyenneté est reconnue automatiquement aux Préfets des congrégations composant le Saint-Siège.
Article 4.4 : La citoyenneté est reconnue automatiquement aux nobles pontificaux de l’ordre sénatorial et de l’ordre équestre.
Article 4.5 : La citoyenneté est reconnue automatiquement à toute famille aristotélicienne romaine reconnue par les Collèges héraldiques pontificaux et enregistrées au nobiliaire romain.
Article 5 : Toute naissance au sein de foyers citoyens acquiert de fait la citoyenneté romaine.
Article 6: Par largesse pontificale, certains aristotéliciens méritants mais résidant au-deça des murs de Rome ou dans des territoires étrangers, peuvent se voir reconnaitre comme citoyen romain. Leur statut est avant tout honorifique et ne s'accompagne que du privilège du Census.
III. Des privilèges civiques
Article 7 : Par largesse pontificale, le droit de citoyenneté est accompagné de privilèges civiques détaillés ci-après.
Article 7.1 : Tout citoyen romain jouit du Ius Census, autrement dit le droit de propriété au sein de la Cité de Rome et ses faubourgs.
Article 7.2 : Tout citoyen romain jouit du Ius Honorum, autrement dit le droit d’être élu édile. Il lui est ainsi permit d’être désigné par les autres citoyens pour siéger à l’Office de la Cité, sous acceptation du Préfet.
Article 7.3 : Tout citoyen romain jouit du Ius Suffragi, autrement dit le droit de voter pour un autre citoyen afin de le porter à l’Office de la Cité.
Article 8 : La citoyenneté étant héréditaire, tout citoyen romain, moyennant testament, est en droit de la léguer en même temps que ses biens à ses héritiers.
IV. Des devoirs civiques
Article 9 : Moyennant Ius Census, tout citoyen est soumis à un recensement annuel dont l’ouverture et la clôture est la prérogative du Préfet de la Cité.
Article 10 : Tout citoyen doit se garder d’avoir un comportement portant atteinte aux mœurs aristotéliciennes et se doit d’agir avec civisme dans ses relations avec le peuples romain.
Article 11 : Tout citoyen est soumis à la Loi d’Église et se doit d’observer les règles civiques inscrites dans les Statuts de la Ville de Rome.
V. Des sanctions civiques
Article 12 : Tout manquement aux devoirs ci-devant détaillés est passible de sanctions civiques allant d'une amende à une peine d'emprisonnement définie par le Tribunal de la Sainte Inquisition.
Article 13 : Toute action mauvaise à l’encontre de la Sainte Église ou d’une quelconque autorité ecclésiastique est passible de la perte de citoyenneté
Article 14 : Toute excommunication entraîne la perte du droit de Cité. Toutefois elle peut être recouverte une fois celle-ci levée.
Article 15 : La perte de la citoyenneté n’est pas définitive et peut faire l’objet d’une révision à la demande du citoyen.
Article 16 : Il revient à l’Office de la Cité conjointement avec l’Archichancelier du Saint-Siège, de décider de la perte de la citoyenneté ou de sa révision.
Rédigé en l'Office de la Cité, promulgué au Palais de la Chancellerie et donné à Rome,
par l'autorité civique réunie sous la direction de Monseigneur Elvyna von Riddermark, Praefectus Urbis le 19 novembre de l'année de Grasce MCDLXV, sous le titre de Status Civitatis Romae
Elvyna Von Riddermark,
Praefectus Urbis
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:55 pm Sujet du message: |
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Status Civitatis Romae
Ius Civitas – Diritto della Città
Cittadinanza romana
I. Natura della cittadinanza
Articolo 1 : La cittadinanza romana è il fatto per un individuo, per una famiglia o per un gruppo, di essere riconosciuto ufficialmente come cittadino romano, vale a dire come membro della Comunità civica di Roma.
Articolo 2: Per essere un membro della Comunità Civica di Roma, è necessario viverci e renderla la propria residenza principale (RP). Il fatto di avere una residenza principale non esclude la possibilità di averne altre in diverse città dei Regni.
Articolo 3 : La cittadinanza romana, in quanto costituisce il popolo di Roma, è soggetta al Sovrano Pontefice. Ogni cittadino di Roma è quindi soggetto al Papa.
II. Diritto di cittadinanza
Articolo 4 : La cittadinanza, per essere concessa, deve prima essere oggetto di una richiesta presentata all'Ufficio della Città, che è responsabile della registrazione del nome nel registro del censimento e della distribuzione del riconoscimento di cittadinanza.
Articolo 4.1 : La cittadinanza è riconosciuta a tutti gli uomini e donne aristotelici battezzati che esprimono la loro volontà di rimanere nella città di San Tito.
Articolo 4.2 : La cittadinanza è automaticamente riconosciuta ai Cardinali della Santa Chiesa.
Articolo 4.3: La cittadinanza è automaticamente riconosciuta ai Prefetti delle congregazioni che compongono la Santa Sede.
Articolo 4.4 : La cittadinanza è automaticamente riconosciuta ai nobili pontifici dell'ordine senatorio e dell'ordine equestre.
Articolo 4.5 : La cittadinanza è riconosciuta automaticamente ad ogni famiglia aristotelica romana riconosciuta dai Collegi araldici pontificali e registrata al nobiliare romano.
Articolo 5 : Ogni nascita all'interno dei focolari cittadini acquista di fatto la cittadinanza romana.
Articolo 6: Per generosità pontificia, alcuni meritevoli aristotelici, residenti oltre le mura di Roma o in territori stranieri, possono essere riconosciuti come cittadini romani. Il loro status è soprattutto onorario ed è accompagnato dal solo privilegio del censimento.
III. Privilegi civici
Articolo 7 : Con la generosità pontificia, il diritto di cittadinanza è accompagnato dai privilegi civici descritti di seguito.
Articolo 7.1 : Qualsiasi cittadino romano gode dello Ius Census, in altre parole, il diritto di proprietà all'interno della città di Roma e dei suoi sobborghi.
Articolo 7.2 : Qualsiasi cittadino romano gode dello Ius Honorum, cioè il diritto di essere eletto aedile. In tal modo è autorizzato a essere designato dagli altri cittadini per sedersi presso l'Ufficio della Città, con l'approvazione del prefetto.
Articolo 7.3 : Qualsiasi cittadino romano gode dello Ius Suffragi, in altre parole, il diritto di votare per un altro cittadino per portarlo all'Ufficio della Città.
Articolo 8 : Essendo la cittadinanza ereditaria, ogni cittadino romano, per mezzo di testamento, ha il diritto di lasciarlo in eredità, allo stesso tempo della sua proprietà, ai suoi eredi.
IV. Doveri civici
Articolo 9 : Attraverso lo Ius Census, ogni cittadino è soggetto a un censimento annuale la cui apertura e chiusura è prerogativa del Prefetto della Città.
Articolo 10 : Ogni cittadino deve fare attenzione a non comportarsi in modo tale da ledere la morale aristotelica e comportarsi con civiltà nei suoi rapporti con il popolo romano
Articolo 11 : Ogni cittadino è soggetto alla Legge della Chiesa e deve osservare le regole civiche sancite negli Statuti della Città di Roma.
V. Sanzioni civiche
Articolo 12 : Qualsiasi violazione dei doveri di cui sopra è passibile di sanzioni civili che vanno da una multa a una pena detentiva definita dal Tribunale della Santa Inquisizione
Articolo 13 : Qualsiasi azione negativa contro la Santa Chiesa o qualsiasi autorità ecclesiastica è soggetta a perdita della cittadinanza
Articolo 14 : Ogni scomunica comporta la perdita del diritto di Città. Tuttavia può essere ricoperta una volta questa levata.
Articolo 15 : La perdita della cittadinanza non è definitiva e può essere soggetta a revisione su richiesta del cittadino.
Articolo 16 : E’ compito dell'Ufficio della Città, congiuntamente con l'Arcicancelliere della Santa Sede, decidere in merito alla perdita della cittadinanza o alla sua revisione.
Redatto nell’Ufficio della Città, promulgato nel Palazzo della Cancelleria e donato a Roma,
dall’autorità civica riunita sotto la direzione di Monsignore Elvyna Von Riddermark, Praefectus Urbis l’19 novembre dell'anno di Grazia MCDLXV, sotto il titolo di Status Civitatis Romae
Elvyna Von Riddermark,
Praefectus Urbis
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:56 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
Roman Registers of Sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan, Praefectus Urbis, Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
In our quality of Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments,
Hereby appoint Kimahri Mason [Kimahri] as Dutch secretary for the Roman registers of Sacraments.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the twenty seven day of February, on Wednesday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII.

Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan,
Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
Citation: |
Pontifical Chancery
Roman Registers of Sacraments
We, Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan, Praefectus Urbis, Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
In our quality of Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments,
Hereby appoint Gherwina Landrieu [Gherwina] as Dutch archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done in Rome the twenty seven day of February, on Wednesday, of the year of grace MCDLXVII.

Elvyna von Riddermark de Mazière d'Acoma du Gévaudan,
Prefect of the Office of the Roman Register of Sacraments.
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Ven Avr 17, 2020 6:56 pm Sujet du message: |
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Pontifical Chancery
About the creation of Samuele Borgia as Cardinal-bishop
We, Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia, Cardinal of Saint Ripolin of the Angels, Count of Sanem and Baelen, Baron of Faucogney, Marquis of Ancone & governor of the March,
In our quality of Archancellor of the Holy See,
Following the Cardinal's tradition and the wishes of the Sovereign Pontiff Sixtus IV, let us make official, following his elevation and creation as Cardinal-bishop of the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, the appointment of his eminence Samuele Borgia to the charge of the parish San Domenico della Pace.
Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam
Done at Rome this Tuesday XXIst of the month of February, of the year of grace MCDLXVI of Our Lord
Arnarion de Valyria-Borgia,
Archancellor of the Holy See.
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