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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:08 am Sujet du message: |
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Fiat justicia pereat mundus
Quand la Fourchette passe à la moulinette
Nous son Eminence Estevan de Mortelane, Chancelier de la Sainte inquisition
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons l'ouverture de l'enquête inquisitorial sans précédente suite aux événements subis par l'église en Royaume de France.
En ce jour considérant l'urgence de la situation.
Afin de protéger les âmes en périls, Sa Sainteté le Pape nous délègue le devoir et l’obligation de placer sous interdit ses personnes. Ceci en attendant d'être reçu par la Sainte Inquisition dans le cadre de l'enquête concernant les actions hérétiques prononcé par la Reine de France déjà excommunié pour avoir pris l'ensembles des diocèses du DR.
Ainsi dans notre volonté de mener l'enquête et de pouvoir examiner les preuves tout en laissant contrairement à la couronne de France la possibilité à chacun de s'exprimer, nous convoquons ses personnes pour venir s'expliquer à Rome :
Le Vicomte Cmyrille de Blanzac pour création d'armée dans le but de s'en prendre aux diocèses d'Angoulème et de Périgueux.
Le Comte du Périgord Angoumois Melpot pour sa lettre envoyé à la couronne de France demandant la prise par les armes des diocèses d'Angoulème et de Périgueux.
La Comtesse du Limousin Maelys de Saint Clément. pour avoir soutenue et écrit afin demander que le diocèse d'Angoulème devienne Royal. A ce titre nous ne pouvons tolérer cet agissement.
L'ancienne Comtesse du Limousin Jeannine Watelse à l'initiative de la régence du Limousin. Ainsi elle vola le droit aux limougeois de pouvoir décider qui devait être Comte et donc gouverner le Limousin. Elle a ainsi manipuler la Reine de France pour obtenir la régence.
Les nobles du Limousin ont d'ailleurs dénoncé fortement ce fait là.
Elle a également donné l'ordre plusieurs fois via des annonces de prendre le diocèse pour en prendre les écus telle une voleuse.
Afin que ce soit chose stable et ferme , nous avons fait mettre et apposer notre sceau à cette présente annonce par nous faite et passée et donnée à Rome 14 novembre de l'an 1467, sous le pontificat de Sixtus IV.
Pour la Sainte Inquisition Romaine
Estevan de Mortelane, Cardinal Chancelier de la Sainte inquisition
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:09 am Sujet du message: |
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Fiat justicia pereat mundus
Appointment in the Apostolic Penitentiary
We, Eminence Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont Cardinal Priest of the German-speaking Pontifical Consistory, Vice-Primate of the German Geodogmatic Zone, Metropolitan Archbishop of Constance, Great Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Inquisitor of the International Zone, Church Prosecutor of the German Geodogmatic Zone, German Vice-Prefect of Villa St. Loyats, Member of the Tribunal of the Signatura Apostolica, Dean of the German-speaking Cleric Seminary of St. Origenes, Count of Fusignano, Church Advisor to the German Kingdom under the light of the archangels and the grace of the Lord, proclaim in my function as the Great Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary order the appointment of
Monsignor Gastaldia as Deputy-Commissioner of the spanish zone.
signed and sealed in November in the year of the Lord 1467.

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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:10 am Sujet du message: |
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Fiat justicia pereat mundus
Invalidation of the judgment by the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order
We, Eminence Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont Cardinal Priest of the German-speaking Pontifical Consistory, Vice-Primate of the German Geodogmatic Zone, Metropolitan Archbishop of Constance, Great Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Inquisitor of the International Zone, Church Prosecutor of the German Geodogmatic Zone, German Vice-Prefect of Villa St. Loyats, Member of the Tribunal of the Signatura Apostolica, Dean of the German-speaking Cleric Seminary of St. Origenes, Count of Fusignano, Church Advisor to the German Kingdom under the light of the archangels and the grace of the Lord declare
that the decision of the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order against His Eminence Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala [Yuri00], which was proclaimed on February 14, 1467, has no legal validity and from now on is of no consequence.
In a commission this unusual case was examined by His Eminence Estevan von Mortelane, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition ect, His Eminence Kalixtus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith ect, Her Eminence Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition ect. and Our Person. This examination revealed that the decision taken and the related judgement of the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order violated the clearly defined Statute of the Order. Moreover, the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order has left its legal jurisdiction with this Annunciation and in order to correct this injustice, the Commission has decided to invalidate the aforementioned decision by the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order.
signed and sealed in November in the year of the Lord 1467.

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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:13 am Sujet du message: |
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Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
Omnibus has literas lecturis
Salutem in Domino sempiternam.
In light of certain current and preceding events, we have deemed necessary to issue some clarifications in the broader exercise of our magisterium and the accomplishment of the sacred mission entrusted unto us.
Firstly, the dissolution of monastic vows, which were taken before God and men according to the monastic rules of a certain Religious Order, pertains to the internal jurisdiction of the said Religious Order, yet not implying nor equating the judgement and punishment of internal misconduct, likewise pertaining to the same jurisdiction in accordance with the monastic rules.
Secondly, as the dissolution of priestly vows, which entail a universal mission in the service of the Almighty within Universal Church as a whole, is solely subject to the highest institution of the universal jurisdiction, that is the Holy See of Rome through the Roman Curia ; likewise, the dissolution of monastic vows, which instead entail a service restricted to a single Religious Order and a monastic community, is subject to the highest institution of the internal jurisdiction of the Religious Order concerned, as established and instituted by its monastic rules.
Thirdly, the sole apostolic institution canonically established and entrusted with overseeing the actions of Religious Order is the Roman Regular Chapter. Therefore, no committee, other than the Roman Regular Chapter, legally exists to review the actions of Religious Orders and, if such a committee was established, its establishment was unlawful and null and void ; likewise, any action or decision that such a committee might have taken is null and void.
Fourthly, as no current canonical rule nor established custom or practice provide for a review of sentences and decisions passed by the internal jurisdiction of a Religious Order by the Regular Roman Chapter; the competence to enact the said review reverts and falls solely unto the highest institution of the universal jurisdiction, that is the Holy See of Rome, either by direct decision of the Bishop of Rome or the Sacred College of Cardinals, or by decision of the locally empowered Consistory.
As a consequence, a judgement or decision of the internal jurisdiction of a Religious Order, including the penance for requesting the dissolution of monastic vows, may only be reviewed by the Holy See of Rome and whatever decision might have been taken by an unlawful committee claiming the jurisdiction to enact a review in Her stead is unavoidably and irreparably null and void.
As we have full confidence and trust that the members of such an unlawful committee acted in good faith and with no other purpose than answering the claims of one of their brothers, we only issue a warning not to further entertain similar actions without preemptively consulting us.
As per the decision supposedly reviewed by the unlawful committee, we have been informed that the competent consistory had already examined the said decision and elected not to intervene, underlining its full legality and validity, as we hereby confirm and sanction.
Nonetheless, as a request for review has been issued and in light of the attempts to use a newly acquired high office to reverse a decision that had long been accepted and confirmed, something we deeply and strongly disapprove, we decree and order the extension of the concerned penance by six more months, with the additional requirement to also attach this decision of ours.
Finally, we request and command our esteemed Congregation de Propaganda Fide to carry out a general review of all the Religious Orders and their monastic rules, reporting us any inconsistency or issue they may highlight; afterwards, we will sanction and confirm the said monastic rules in light of the report.
Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die octodecimo mensis novembris, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo septimo, Pontificato Nostri primo.
Oberon. a écrit: | Citation: |
Fiat justicia pereat mundus
Invalidation of the judgment by the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order
We, Eminence Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont Cardinal Priest of the German-speaking Pontifical Consistory, Vice-Primate of the German Geodogmatic Zone, Metropolitan Archbishop of Constance, Great Penitentiary of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Inquisitor of the International Zone, Church Prosecutor of the German Geodogmatic Zone, German Vice-Prefect of Villa St. Loyats, Member of the Tribunal of the Signatura Apostolica, Dean of the German-speaking Cleric Seminary of St. Origenes, Count of Fusignano, Church Advisor to the German Kingdom under the light of the archangels and the grace of the Lord declare
that the decision of the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order against His Eminence Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala [Yuri00], which was proclaimed on February 14, 1467, has no legal validity and from now on is of no consequence.
In a commission this unusual case was examined by His Eminence Estevan von Mortelane, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition ect, His Eminence Kalixtus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith ect, Her Eminence Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla, Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Inquisition ect. and Our Person. This examination revealed that the decision taken and the related judgement of the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order violated the clearly defined Statute of the Order. Moreover, the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order has left its legal jurisdiction with this Annunciation and in order to correct this injustice, the Commission has decided to invalidate the aforementioned decision by the Supreme Council of the Dominican Order.
signed and sealed in November in the year of the Lord 1467.

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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:14 am Sujet du message: |
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Fiat justicia pereat mundus
Constatation de trépas du Sènher Bernard de Padirotte, Vicomte de Hérisson, Seigneur de Touques et de Montataire
Nous, Ariana Von Frayner-Del Casalièr, Comtesse de Amelia, Comtesse Palatine de Saint-Jean de Latran, Dòna de Counozouls, Leucate, et Colmar, Dòna Venale de Montrond, Commandeur de l'Ordre de Saint-Nicolas V, Vice-Préfet Francophone à l'Enseignement, Scripteur du Saint-Office
En tant que Préfet Honoraire de la Sainte Inquisition Romaine,
Faisons annonce, qu'en ce mois de novembre 1467, le Sènher Vescoms Bernard de Padirotte a succombé sous les coups de vils brigands. L'établissement de ce présent document faisant suite à notre constat de trépas.
Ad majorem Dei gloriam,
Rédigé, signé & scellé à Clermont, le vingt et unième jour du mois de Novembre de l'An de Grâce MCDLXVII, sous le pontificat de SS Sixte le quatrième.

Bernadotte IG
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:15 am Sujet du message: |
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Call for a new Dean
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo, Prefect for Inquisitorial Teaching
We decree the opening of a call for a new Dean for International Seminar Inquisitorial.
Candidates must be inquisitors and have a teaching qualification.
We invite all interested parties to contact us privately within 7 days
Given in Rome, the seventh day of the twelfth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:16 am Sujet du message: |
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Fiat justicia pereat mundus
Nomination du Second Cardinal Inquisiteur Francophone, Son Eminence Neirin de Castelcerf
Nous son Eminence Estevan de Mortelane, Chancelier de la Sainte inquisition
Avons statué et ordonné, et par notre présent édit perpétuel et définitif, disons, statuons et ordonnons la nomination comme second Cardinal Inquisiteur de la Zone Francophone
De Neirin de Castelcerf afin de renforcer notre équipe dirigeante au sein de l’inquisition en ses temps troublés par l’émergence d’une hérésie institutionnalisée.
Nous lui souhaitons bon courage dans sa nouvelle mission.
Afin que ce soit chose stable et ferme , nous avons fait mettre et apposer notre sceau à cette présente annonce par nous faite et passée et donnée à Rome 29 décembre de l'an 1467, sous le pontificat de Sixtus IV.
Pour la Sainte Inquisition Romaine
Estevan de Mortelane, Cardinal Chancelier de la Sainte inquisition
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Sam Avr 18, 2020 12:23 am Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Dean
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo, Prefect for Inquisitorial Teaching
We decree the appointment of Gastaldia as a new Dean for International Seminar Inquisitorial.
His job will be to coordinate the seminar staff as soon as the new updated lessons are available.
We recall that currently only the Inquisitorial International Seminar and that of San Benedetto di Fornovo are qualified to teach inquisitorial subjects.
Given in Rome, the thirty-first day of the twelfth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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