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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 6:25 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats
We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Alecsander Iwanowitsch Orlow [Alecsander] as new German Translator. He will work inside the German Office of Translations.
May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On XXII of July, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 6:28 pm Sujet du message: |
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La Préfecture des Chapelles - Nominations et Appels à la Candidature!
Nous, Son Excellence Mgr Tymoth de Nivellus, Préfet des Chapelles, pour le mandat de la Congrégation pour la diffusion de la foi
La préfecture des chapelles intéressent ceux qui aiment le contacte avec des personnes proches de notre Sainte Eglise. En effet, nombreux sont les nobles qui souhaitent avoir une chapelle sur leurs terres! Un moyen d'être proche de Dieu et de montrer encore plus leur Foy en la Sainte Eglise Aristotélicienne. ;
Ériger une chapelle n'est pas une mince affaire. Cela demande de la rigueur dans les documents à transmettre à la préfecture et c'est pourquoi, nous, membres de cette préfecture, nous nous engageons à faire de notre mieux pour servir chacune des demandes avec le plus grand intérêt.
Aujourd'hui nous avons la fierté de pouvoir vous présenter la liste de notre effectif que nous espérons voir grandir! Des postes sont à pourvoir alors n'hésitez surtout pas à postuler!
Il y a plusieurs poste de Vice-préfet pour les zones géographiques qui restent ouverts, et les postes d'inspecteurs qui sont très importants.
Ensemble, construisons l'église de demain!
Prefecture at the Chapels Registry
- Prefect: His Excellency Tymothé de Nivellus [Tymothé de Nivellus]
- General Vice Prefect: Oberon de Montfort-Beamont d'Autevielle [Oberon.]
- Vice Prefect for the spanish-speaking geodogmatic zone: d_b_xativa [diegobeltranxativa]
- Vice Prefect for the french-speaking geodomatic zone: Neirin [Neirin]
- Inspector for the french-speaking geodogmatic zone: Brother Archibabel Pourciel [Archibabel]
- Inspector for the english-speaking geodogmatic zone: Sister Catriona Delacroix [Catriona Delacroix]
- Inspector for the german-speaking geodogmatic zone: H. E. Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [Kalixtus]
- Inspector for the portuguese-speaking geodogmatic zone: João Carlos Borgia [Joao_borgia]
Que Dieu vous garde en sa sainte protection,
S. Ex. Mgr Tymothé de Nivellus,
Vice-primat Archevêque de Narbonne
Prefect of the chapels
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The Préfecture des Chapelles - Appointments and Appeals to the Application!
We, His Excellency Tymoth de Nivellus, Prefect of the Chapels, for the mandate of the Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith
The prefecture of the chapels are of interest to those who love contact with people close to our Holy Church. Indeed, many are the nobles who wish to have a chapel on their land! A way to be close to God and to show even more their Faith in the Holy Aristotelian Church. ;
To erect a chapel is not an easy task. This requires rigor in the documents to be transmitted to the prefecture and that is why we, members of this prefecture, are committed to doing our best to serve each request with the greatest interest.
Today we are proud to present the list of our workforce that we hope to grow! Positions are available so do not hesitate to apply!
There are several Vice-Prefect posts for geographical areas that remain open, and inspector positions that are very important.
Together, let's build the church of tomorrow!
Prefecture at the Chapels Registry
- Prefect: His Excellency Tymothé de Nivellus [Tymothé de Nivellus]
- General Vice Prefect: Oberon de Montfort-Beamont d'Autevielle [Oberon.]
- Vice Prefect for the spanish-speaking geodogmatic zone: d_b_xativa [diegobeltranxativa]
- Vice Prefect for the french-speaking geodomatic zone: Neirin [Neirin]
- Inspector for the french-speaking geodogmatic zone: Brother Archibabel Pourciel [Archibabel]
- Inspector for the english-speaking geodogmatic zone:
- Inspector for the german-speaking geodogmatic zone: H. E. Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [Kalixtus]
- Inspector for the portuguese-speaking geodogmatic zone: João Carlos Borgia [Joao_borgia]
May God keep you in his holy protection,
S. Ex. Mgr Tymothé de Nivellus,
Vice-primate Archbishop of Narbonne
Prefect of the chapels
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 6:29 pm Sujet du message: |
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To the Rectors, Doyen, Praepositus Generalis, Abbots and Priors
I would like to introduce myself I am His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach,
President and Prefect of the Roman Regular Chapter, Bishop of Würzburg, Archabbot of the Archabbey of Rupertsberg and Abbot of Abbey of Heiligenbronn
As the new Prefect of the Prefecture of the Roman Order, it is important to me that the prefecture again work closer and more actively with the Order. Therefore, on July 21, 1467, a united religious conference will take place in Rome with the presence of the vice-chancellor of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization, His Eminence Calixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
The first goal is to look thankfully for the past. Each of our institutes comes from a rich charismatic history. At its origin is the action of God, who in his Spirit calls some people into closer following, to translate his word into a particular form of life, to read the signs of the times with the eyes of the faith and with creativity to the needs of the Church reply. The initial experience then grew and evolved through the inclusion of additional members in new geographic and cultural environments. Thus, new ways to realize the charism have been brought into being and new initiatives and expressions of apostolic love realized. It's like the seed that becomes the tree and spreads its branches. This year it will be useful for every charismatic family to remember their beginnings and historical development, to thank God, who has given the Church so many gifts that give her beauty and equip her for every kind of good work.
Telling your own story is essential to keep your identity alive, as well as to consolidate the unity of your family and the sense of belonging of its members. It is not about pursuing archeology or useless nostalgia, but rather exploring the path of past generations to experience the inspiring sparks, aspirations, plans, and values that have moved them, from the founders, the founders and the first communities. It is also a way of becoming aware of how the charism has lived throughout history, what creativity it has released, what difficulties it has faced, and how they have been overcome. One will be able to discover contradictions, fruit of human weaknesses, sometimes perhaps forgetting essential aspects of the charism. Everything is instructive and at the same time becomes a call to repentance. To tell one's story means to praise and thank God for all his gifts.
May this consecrated life consecration also be an opportunity to confess, in humility and at the same time with great trust in the God who is love, one's own infirmity and to live it as an experience of the Lord's merciful love; an opportunity to emphatically call upon the world and joyfully testify to the sacredness and liveliness of many who have been called to follow Christ in consecrated life.
This Religious Conference also challenges us to live the present with passion. The grateful remembrance of the past urges us, in attentive listening to what the Spirit today tells the Church, to realize the fundamental aspects of our consecrated life more and more profoundly.
Wanting the future full of hope, the third goal will be this Religious Conference. The difficulties facing consecrated life in its various forms are familiar to us: the lessening of vocations and the aging, the financial problems, the challenges of internationality and globalization, the hidden danger of relativism, social exclusion and irrelevance ... Precisely In these uncertainties, which we share with many of our contemporaries, our hope is realized, a fruit of faith in the Lord of History, who keeps telling us.
The hope we speak of is not based on the numbers or the works, but on the one to whom we have placed our hope and for whom "nothing is impossible." This is the hope that will not disappoint and that will allow consecrated life to continue writing a significant story in the future. Looking to the future, we must focus our gaze, knowing that the Spirit is pushing us to continue to accomplish great things with us.
Now I have nothing but goodbye to say until 21 July 1467 in Rome
God's blessing +
Bishop Policarpo
President and Prefect of the Roman Regular Chapter |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 6:29 pm Sujet du message: |
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Suspension of the Gregorian Seminary of Argentat
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the suspension of the Gregorian Seminary of Argentat.
This decision derives from the disappearance of the Gregorian monastery
All current lessons must be suspended.
If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening
Given in Rome, the sixteenth day of the eighth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 6:29 pm Sujet du message: |
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About Quarterly Reports III
Art. I - Decrees 1 and 2 concerning quarterly reports are hereby abrogated and replaced by this Decree.
Art. II - The Prefectures must disclose all relevant news and changes in their areas within the Council and upon request of the Congregational leadership by the Chancellors.
Art. III - The Congregational Leadership by the Chancellors will publish an annual report on December 31 of each year.
Art. III.I - This report deals with each Prefecture, its plans, successes and failures, and the Congregation as a whole.
Art. III.II - The annual report is open to the public, to His Holiness and to the Curia as an official report of the CDF.
Art. IV - Refusal of information, concealment and inactivity by the Prefects will be punished with dismissal and an inquisition process.
written, sealed and validated in Rome on XVI Sextilis anno Domini MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 6:32 pm Sujet du message: |
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Closing of the Inquisitorial refresher course at the St. Benedict Seminary in Fornovo
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
we communicate the closing of the Inquisitorial refresher course at the St. Benedict Seminary in Fornovo
Given the new changes to Canon Law, this course is no longer necessary
Given in Rome, the sixth day of the ninth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Chiusura del corso di Aggiornamento Inquisitoriale al Seminario San Benedetto di Fornovo
Noi, Sua Eccellenza Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche detto "Svevo", Prefetto all'Insegnamento Aristotelico e Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede
comunichiamo la chiusura del corso di Aggiornamento Inquisitoriale al Seminario San Benedetto di Fornovo
Considerate la nuove modifiche al Diritto Canonico, questo corso non è più necessario.
Fatto a Roma, il sesto giorno del nono mese dell'Anno del Signore MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 6:32 pm Sujet du message: |
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Approval of changes to the Inquisitorial course at the St. Benedict Seminary in Fornovo
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
communicate the approval of changes to the Inquisitorial course at the St. Benedict Seminary in Fornovo
The new course, divided into thirteen lessons, is according to the current Canon Law
Given in Rome, the sixth day of the ninth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Approvazione delle modifiche al corso Inquisitoriale al Seminario San Benedetto di Fornovo
Noi, Sua Eccellenza Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche detto "Svevo", Prefetto all'Insegnamento Aristotelico e Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede
comunichiamo l'approvazione delle modifiche al corso Inquisitoriale al Seminario San Benedetto di Fornovo
Il corso, articolato in tredici lezioni, è conforme all'attuale Diritto Canonico
Fatto a Roma, il sesto giorno del nono mese dell'Anno del Signore MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 7:18 pm Sujet du message: |
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Closure of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Provence
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the closure of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Provence.
The request for reopening was not made after the suspension. We declare the seminar closed for inactivity
Given in Rome, the seventh day of the ninth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 7:19 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats
We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Lucrezia Porfirìa Borgia Winspeare [Lucrezia_Borgia ] as new Italian Translator. She will work inside the Italian Office of Translations.
May she be guided on her path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On X of September, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 7:20 pm Sujet du message: |
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Suspension of the Archdiocesan Seminary Saint Thomas Aquinas of Besançon
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the suspension of the Archdiocesan Seminary Saint Thomas Aquinas of Besançon.
The decision comes from the failure to reply to our letters to make a visit.
All current lessons must be suspended.
If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening
Given in Rome, the thirteenth day of the ninth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 7:20 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats
We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Melpomena Erdödy[Melpomena] as new Croation Translator. She will work inside the Croatian Office of Translations.
May she be guided on her path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On XVI of September, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:16 pm Sujet du message: |
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Dismissal of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats
We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the dismissal of Excellency Alecsander Iwanowitsch Orlow [Alexsander] as Translator to the German Translation office. He will no longer work for the German office or the Villa of St.Loyat. We thank him for his services and wish him all the best for his future.
May He be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On I of October, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:17 pm Sujet du message: |
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Closure of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint-Louis de Tours
We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the closure of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint-Louis de Tours .
The request for reopening was not made after the suspension. We declare the seminar closed for inactivity
Given in Rome, the fourth day of the tenth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:17 pm Sujet du message: |
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Withdraw the accreditation of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland
Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Rector of the International University of the Jesuits [I.U.J.], Theologian, Inquisitor etc. etc. under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets
We have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the immediate closure of the "National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland".:
- All current education in the seminar must be stopped immediately and the students are invited to the International University of the Jesuits and the " British Cleric Seminary Prophet Aristotle " to finish their studies.
- All teachers and officials of the "National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland " are dismissed with immediate effect.
To the reasons:
The investigation concerning the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland has blatant deficiencies in catechesis and heretical, but at least incorrect teachings and substantial irritations. These contents can' t be brought to young clergy students and certainly not to persons to be baptised, because they bear the potential to separate from Rome and the dogmatic contents of the Aristotelian religion.
According to these assessments of the CDF the Congregation withdraws the accreditation of the seminary and closed it indefinitely.
- All clerics, candidates of the clergy and students, also potential students and candidates for the pastorals are invited to contact the rector of the I.U.J. or the dean of the British clerical seminary Prophet Aristotle at the International University of the Jesuits - Cardinal Deaconess Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose [Jolieen] to get a place at the I.U.J. but they are also free to study on each other accredited seminary that exists and fits.
- Former teachers of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland are invited to study the courses PM and Theology at the International University of the Jesuits to refresh their knowledge of the Aristotelian religion and to obtain a temporary accreditation as professor of the International University of the Jesuits.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
Given in Roma, ante diem VII Idibus Oktobres anno Domini MCDLXVII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:18 pm Sujet du message: |
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Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats
We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :
command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Tymothé de Nivellus[Tymothe] as new French Translator. He will work inside the French Office of Translations.
May she be guided on her path and blessed by the Most High
Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On X of October, in the year of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV
Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
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