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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:48 pm Sujet du message: |
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Decree on catechetical and liturgical fasting rules
We, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Vice-Dean of the Holy Curia, Cardinal-Bishop of John the Martyr, Cardinal-Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Rector of the Pontifical University, theologian, inquisitor, etc. etc. etc. under the light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets, decreed in our responsibility as Vice-Chancellor of the CDF.
My dear faithful, friends and followers of the Aristotelian truth as taught by the Holy Mother Church in Rome,
From today, Ash Wednesday, we are in a new time together, Lent. Welcome.
On Ash Wednesday we remember the destruction of Oanylone - which took place on a Wednesday and today we celebrate this event with the special Ash Wednesday liturgy
Lent follows Ash Wednesday and is the Easter penitential period in which we fast for 40 days. For this period of fasting there are two references from the culture of remembrance: firstly, there were 40 days of penance after the destruction of Oanylone, which was destroyed by an excess of sin and the other reference is the 40 days Christos meditated in the desert, fasted and resisted the creature without name who wanted to abuse him for his purposes. (cf. liturgical calendar/dogma).
Citation: | "Leave me, tempter. Your presence in his creation is an insult to God. Know that you are not his favourite. He degraded you into darkness because you were deceived by his light. He left you alone to test the faith of His children."
And he adds: "God made us his children because we were the only ones who had the capacity to understand, while he loves us, to return that same love to him. He did not give you the status of 'shameful creature' because you have no soul, but because your heart is black as coal. Granted, the world as God created it offers a thousand pleasures and more. Granted, we pay homage to him in the knowledge that we are acknowledging them with real value. But these pleasures should be tried and not devoured. Only the virtues taught to us by Aristotle the prophet allow us to appreciate worldly pleasures without falling into vice and sin. |
Lent is therefore a time of reflection and renunciation - we renounce those things that seem to us to be commonplace but are not. We remember that our prosperity is not a matter of course, we remember that our life is solely a service to God, the Creator, the Father whose children we are.
Therefore, the common catechetical and liturgical decree from the Congregations CDF and CSO applies with immediate effect to Lent:
The following rules of Lent are limited to working days - Sunday is expressly excluded as a day dedicated to God, which is therefore celebrated.
Citation: | Catechetical and liturgical fasting rules:
Food restrictions:
- Only one satisfying meal a day.
- Abstain from meat.
- Abstention from luxury products.
- Allowed: Cereal products, fruit, vegetables, fish and milk.
Social interactions:
Public celebrations and dances, balls, banquets, as well as all kinds of amusements such as going to the theatre, dance, games, etc. are to be drastically reduced, avoided if possible, and if so, then only on a small scale.
During Lent, the time is dedicated to clearing up our sins around ourselves, to come back into purity with God and His community, and to celebrate the Easter festival in a pure and reflective way. Therefore we have the following guideline:
- Observance with the Aristotelian prayer times
- Observance of the Benedictine rules of life
- Observance of the duty to worship
- Giving of charity
- Repentance, confession and atonement for sins
- Mercy and compassion towards his fellow men
Whoever wants to find himself must turn his gaze to God and this is done through daily, multiple prayers. God works in us, around us and through us. This balance is purified by the Lent and we find back to inner harmony and become better people, because we follow the virtues on the path of God who leads us to the eternal solar paradise.
Liturgical decree:
Citation: | Liturgical Decree about Lent
We, His Most Reverend Eminence Gianvitus Tarcisius Cardinal De Reame, Cardinal Bishop of Saint Adonia in Trastevere, Canchellor of the Holy Office, Primate of Pontifical States and the Kindgom of Two Sicilies, Vicarius Urbis Romæ, Archibishop sine cura of Pesaro, Archbisop sine cura of Palermo, Prince of Benevento, Count of Pesaro, Count of San Costanzo, Canchellor of the Order of Nicolas V
That in observance of Holy Lent, throughout the period of the same, in all the churches, cathedrals, basilicas and chapels of every place on which the embrace of the Mother Church extends, the following liturgical norms must be observed:
- All sacred gold furnishings, such as candelabras, stoups and aspergillums, thuribles, chalices, pyxes and patens, must be replaced with silver equivalents.
- All flowers must be removed.
- The organ must be silent: the singing will therefore be a cappella.
These rules can be exceptionally derogated only on the occasion of the celebration of a sacrament or a feast of the 1st class. |
- Excluded from the food regulations are: pregnant women, wet nurses, physically hard working people and soldiers.
- A distinction must be made between these fasting rules:
Punitive fasting (e.g. as penance): only water and bread allowed for a certain period of time
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
sancire Romæ, ante diem V Kalendas Martii, Feria IV Cinerium, anno Domini MCDLXVIII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:49 pm Sujet du message: |
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Dekret über katechetische und liturgische Fastenregeln
Wir, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Vizedekan der Heiligen Kurie, Kardinal-Bischof von Johannes dem Märtyrer, Kardinal-Vizekanzler der Kongregation für die Verbreitung des Glaubens, Primas des CESE, Erzbischof von Trier, Rektor der Päpstlichen Universität, Theologe, Inquisitor usw. usw. usw. unter dem Licht der Heiligen Erzengel und der Propheten, erlassen in unserer Verantwortung als Vizekanzler der CDF.
Meine lieben Gläubigen, Freunde und Bekenner der aristotelischen Wahrheit wie sie die Heilige Mutter Kirche in Rom lehrt,
Wir befinden uns ab heute, dem Aschermittwoch, in einer neuen gemeinsamen Zeit, der Fastenzeit. Willkommen.
Am Aschermittwoch erinnern wir uns an die Zerstörung Oanylones - welche an einem Mittwoch stattfand und heute zelebrieren wir dieses Ereignis mit der besonderen Aschermittwochliturgie
Die Fastenzeit folgt auf dem Aschermittwoch und ist die österliche Bußzeit in der wir 40 Tage fasten, für diese Fastenzeit gibt es zwei Bezüge aus der Erinnerungskultur zum einen waren es 40 Bußtage nach der Zerstörung Oanylones, welches vernichtet wurde durch ein Übermaß an Sünde und der weitere Bezug sind die 40 Tage die Christos in der Wüste meditierte, fastete und der Kreatur ohne Namen widerstand, die ihn für seine Zwecke missbrauchen wollte. (vgl. dazu liturgischer Kalender/Dogma).
Citation: | „Verlasse mich, Versucher. Deine Anwesenheit in seiner Kreation ist eine Beleidigung an Gott. Wisse, dass du nicht sein Bevorzugter bist. Er degradierte dich in die Dunkelheit, denn du warst getäuscht von seinem Licht. Er lies dir alleine deine Existenz um den Glauben seiner Kinder zu prüfen.“
Und er fügt hinzu: „Gott machte uns zu seinen Kindern, weil wir die einzigen waren, die die Auffassungsgabe besaßen zu verstehen, während er uns liebt, ihm eben jene Liebe zu erwidern. Er gab dir nicht den Status ‚schändliches Geschöpf’, weil du keine Seele hast, sondern weil dein Herz schwarz ist, wie Kohle. Zugegeben, die Welt, wie Gott sie erschaffen hat, bietet tausende Vergnügungen und mehr. Zugegeben, wir huldigen ihm im Wissen diese mit richtigem Wert anzuerkennen. Aber diese Vergnügen sollen versucht und nicht verschlungen werden. Nur die Tugenden, wie sie uns von Aristoteles, dem Propheten gelehrt warden, erlauben uns die weltlichen Vergnügen zu schätzen ohne in Laster und Sünde zu verfallen.“ |
Die Fastenzeit ist demnach eine Zeit der Besinnung und des Verzichts - wir verzichten auf jene Dinge, die uns alltäglich erscheinen, es aber nicht sind. Wir erinnern, dass unser Wohlstand keine Selbstverständlichkeit ist, wir erinnern uns, dass unser Leben alleinig ein Dienst an Gott ist, dem Schöpfer, dem Vater dessen Kinder wir sind.
Daher gilt das gemeinsame katechetische und liturgische Dekret aus den Kongregationen CDF und CSO mit sofortiger Wirkung für die Fastenzeit:
Die folgenden Fastenregeln beschränkt sich auf die Werktage - der Sonntag ist davon ausdrücklich ausgenommen als Tag der Gott geweiht ist, dieser wird gefeiert.
Citation: | Katechetische und liturgische Fastenregeln:
- Nur eine sättigende Mahlzeit am Tag.
- Verzicht auf Fleisch.
- Verzicht auf Luxusprodukte.
- Erlaubt sind: Getreideprodukte, Obst, Gemüse, Fisch und Milch.
Soziale Interaktionen:
Öffentliche Feste und Tänze, Bälle, Gelage, sowie alle Arten von Vergnügungen wie Theaterbesuch, Tanz, Spiel, etc. sind drastisch zu reduzieren, möglichst zu vermeiden und wenn, dann nur in kleinem Rahmen zu vollziehen.
In der Fastenzeit widmet man die Zeit der Bereinigung der Sünden um mich sich selbst, mit Gott uns seiner Gemeinschaft wieder in Reinheit zu kommen um im Anschluss das österliche Hochfest rein und reflektiert begehen zu können. Daher folgende Richtlinie:
- Einhaltung der aristotelischen Gebetszeiten
- Einhaltung der benediktinischen Lebensregeln
- Einhaltung der Gottesdienstpflicht
- Spendung von Almosen
- Reuen, Beichten und Büßen der Sünden
- Barmherzigkeit und Nächstenliebe gegenüber seinen Mitmenschen
Wer zu sich finden will, der muss seinen Blick zu Gott wenden und dies erfolgt durch tägliches, mehrfaches Gebet. Gott wirkt in uns, um uns und durch uns. Dieses Gleichgewicht erfährt durch die befolgte Fastenzeit eine Reinigung und wir finden zurück zur inneren Harmonie und werden bessere Menschen, da wir den Tugenden folgen auf dem Pfad Gottes der uns zum ewigen solaren Paradies führt.
Liturgisches Dekret:
Citation: | Liturgisches Dekret über die Fastenzeit
Wir, Seine Hochwürdige Eminenz Gianvitus Tarcisius Kardinal De Reame, Kardinalbischof von St. Adonia in Trastevere, Kanzler des Heiligen Offiziums, Primas der Päpstlichen Staaten und des Königreichs der zwei Sizilien, Vicarius Urbis Romæ, Erzbischof sine cura von Pesaro, Erzbischof sine cura von Palermo, Fürst von Benevento, Graf von Pesaro, Graf von San Costanzo, Kanzler des Ordens von Nikolaus V
Dass unter Einhaltung der heiligen Fastenzeit in allen Kirchen, Kathedralen, Basiliken und Kapellen aller Orte, auf die sich die Umarmung der Mutterkirche erstreckt, die folgenden liturgischen Normen eingehalten werden müssen:
- Alle sakralen Einrichtungsgegenstände aus Gold, wie z.B. Kandelaber, Weihwasserbecken und Aspergillum, Thuribeln, Kelche, Pyxis und Patens, müssen durch Silberäquivalente ersetzt werden.
- Alle Blumen müssen entfernt werden.
- Die Orgel muss schweigen: der Gesang wird also a cappella sein.
Von diesen Regeln kann nur anlässlich der Feier eines Sakraments oder eines Festes der 1. Klasse ausnahmsweise abgewichen werden. |
- Befreit von den Essenvorschriften sind: Schwangere, Ammen, körperlich hart arbeitende Menschen sowie Soldaten.
- Von diesen Fastenregeln sind zu unterscheiden:
Straffasten (z.B. als Buße): auf bestimmte Dauer nur Wasser und Brot erlaubt
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
sancire Romæ, ante diem V Kalendas Martii, Feria IV Cinerium, anno Domini MCDLXVIII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:50 pm Sujet du message: |
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Decreto sulle regole catechistiche e litugiche del digiuno
Noi, Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Vice Deacno della Curia, Cardinale Vescovo di San Giovanni dei Martiri, Cardinale Vice Cancelliere della Congregazione delle Diffusione della Fede, Primate del CESE, Arcivescovo di Treviri, Rettore della Pontifica Università, teologo, inquisitore, etc. etc. etc. illuminato dai Santi Arcangeli e dai Profeti, decretiamo nel nostro ruolo di Vice Cancelliere della CDF.
Miei cari fedeli, amici e seguaci della verità Aristotelica come insegnata dalla Santa Madre Chiesa in Roma,
Da oggi, Mercoledì delle Ceneri, siamo in un nuovo tempo insieme, la Quaresima. Benvenuti.
Il Mercoledì delle Ceneri noi ricordiamo la distruzione di Oanilonia, che avvenne di mercoledì, e oggi celebriamo questo evento con la speciale liturgia del Mercoledì delle Ceneri.
La Quaresima segue il Mercoledì delle Ceneri ed è il periodo penitenziale della Pasqua, nel quale digiuniamo per 40 giorni. Di questo periodo di digiuno troviamo due riferimenti nella cultura del ricordo: prima di tutto, ci furono 40 giorni di penitenza dopo la distruzione di Oanilonia, che avvenne per un eccesso di peccato, e poi i 40 giorni in cui Christos meditò nel deserto, digiunò e resistette alla creatura senza nome che voleva approfittarsi di lui per i suoi scopi. (Cfr. calendario liturgico/dogma)
Citation: | " Vattene, tentatore! La tua presenza in mezzo alla creazione è un insulto verso Dio. Io ti conosco non come il suo preferito. Lui ti relegò all’oscurità perchè ti eri allontanato dalla sua luce. Ti ha lasciato la parola solamente per testare la fede dgli umani."
E aggiunse: "Dio ci ha reso i suoi figli, poiché siamo gli unici che possono amare senza aspettarci niente in cambio. Non ti ha dato questo titolo, creatura vile, poiché non hai un cuore, poiché la tua anima è nera come il carbone. Effettivamente, il mondo, creato da Dio, offre migliaia di piaceri a anche di più. Effettivamente, dobbiamo rendergli omaggio sapendoli apprezzare con il giusto valore. Ma questi piaceri devono essere gustati e non divorati. Solo la virtù, come ci è stato insegnato dal profeta Aristotele, ci permette di apprezzare questi piaceri mondani senza cadere nel vizio e nel peccato." |
La Quaresima è pertanto un tempo di riflessione e rinuncia: rinunciamo a quelle cose che ci sembrano indispensabili ma non lo sono. Ricordiamo che la nostra prosperità non è questione di dare la caccia a qualcosa, ricordiamo che la nostra vita è solamente al servizio di Dio, il Creatore, il Padre di Cui noi siamo i figli.
Per questo, il decreto liturgico e catechistico comune della Congregazione della CDF e del CSO si applica con effetto immediato per il periodo della Quaresima:
Le seguenti regole sono limitate ai giorni feriali: le Domeniche sono espressamente escluse in quanto giorno dedicato a Dio, e perciò clelebrato.
Citation: | Norme liturgiche e catechistiche sul digiuno:
Restrizioni alimentari:
- Un solo pasto soddisfacente al giorno.
- Astensione dalla carne,
- Astensione dai prodotti di lusso.
- Sono permessi: cereali, frutta, verdura, pesce e latte.
Interazioni sociali:
Pubbliche feste e balli, danze, banchetti, così come tutti i tipi di divertimenti come teatro, giochi etc. devono essere drasticamente ridotti, evitati se possibile, e se non quantomeno ridotti in piccolo.
Durante la Quaresima il tempo è dedicato al ripulirsi dai propri peccati, ritornare in comunione con Dio e la Sua comunità, e celebrare la festa del Rinnovamento con uno spirito di riflessione. Per questo ci sono le seguenti indicazioni:
- Osservanza dei tempi delle preghiere Aristoteliche
- Osservanza delle regole di vita benedettine
- Osservanza dei propri doveri
- Donare in carità
- Pentimento e confessione dei peccati
- Misericordia e compassione verso i fratelli
Chiunque voglia ritrovarsi devo volgere il suo sguardo a Dio e ciò avviene tramite molteplici preghiere giornaliere. Dio agisce in noi, attorno di noi e tramite noi. Questo equilibrio è purificato dalla Quaresima e noi ritroviamo l'armonia interiore diventando persone migliori, poiché seguiamo le virtù del sentiero divino che ci guida al paradiso solare.
Decreto liturgico:
Citation: | Decreto Liturgico sulla Quaresima[/size]
Noi, Sua Eminenza Reverendissima Gianvitus Tarcisius Cardinal De Reame, Cardinale Vescovo di Sant'Adonia in Trastevere, Cancelliere della Congregazione del Sant'Uffizio, Primate degli Stati Pontifici e del Regno Duosiciliano, Vicarius Urbis Romæ, Arcivescovo Sine Cura di Pesaro, Arcivescovo Sine Cura di Palermo, Principe di Benevento, Conte e Governatore di Pesaro, Conte di San Costanzo, Cancelliere dell'Ordine di Niccolò V
Che in osservanza della Santa Quaresima, per tutto il periodo della stessa, in tutte le chiese, cattedrali, basiliche e cappelle di ogni luogo su cui si stende l'abbraccio della Madre Chiesa, debbano essere osservate le seguenti norme liturgiche:
- Tutti gli arredi sacri in oro, come candelabri, acquasantiere ed aspersori, turiboli, calici, pissidi e patene, vanno sostituiti con equivalenti in argento.
- Tutti i fiori devono essere rimossi.
- L'organo deve essere muto: il canto sarà pertanto a cappella.
Tali regole possono essere derogate in via eccezionale soltanto in occasione della celebrazione di un sacramento o di una Festa di I classe. |
- Sono esclusi dalle restrizioni alimentari: donne incinte, balie, persone che svolgono professioni fisicamente pesanti e soldati.
- Deve essere fatta una distinzione tra il digiuno e il digiuno punitivo (ad esempio come penitenza): solamente pane e acqua sono permessi per un certo periodo
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
sancire Romæ, ante diem V Kalendas Martii, Feria IV Cinerium, anno Domini MCDLXVIII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:51 pm Sujet du message: |
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Congregation of the People's Evangelization
As Prefect of Villa St. Loyats, We, Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala, announce the opening of the applications to become translator of the Villa St. Loyats.
All interested can send a letter directly (private message) to me specifying the known languages, the Villa is looking for translators for each language.
For the glory of the Holy Roman Church,
The General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization
Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala

Signed and sealed on the I day of the III month of the year MCDLXVIII |
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:52 pm Sujet du message: |
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Dismissal "Alecsander" from the Prefecture of the Company of the Pilgrim of Aristotle
We, Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala, on behalf and in the name of
Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Rector of the Papal University, Theologian, Inquisitor etc. etc. under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets
With immediate effect, We announce that Alecsander [Alecsander] has been dismissed from his responsibility for the Prefecture of the Company of the Pilgrim of Aristotle.
We wish him all the best and God's blessing for his future. We thank him for his work in the service of the CDF.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
Given in Roma, ante diem VIII Idus Martii anno Domini MCDLXVIII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:52 pm Sujet du message: |
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Call for applications to the positions of Prefect of Prefecture Company of the Pilgrim of Aristotle
We, Father Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala said "Yuri00", General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization in the name of
Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Rector of the Papal University, Theologian, Inquisitor etc. etc. under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets
Announce the opening, for the next seven days, of a calls for applications to the positions of Prefect of the Prefecture Company of the Pilgrim of Aristotle
All candidates will be required to have skills in management, to be able to oversee to the proper functioning of the Office, and give it an international vocation.
All candidates will preferably be multilingual, or have knowledge of English.
The application must be complete with:
- Curriculum vitae
- Certificates and accreditations
- Letter of motivation
Applications must be sent by private message to the Chancellor of the Congregation, His Ém. Kalixtus Alain-Edmond [Kalixtus] or to the General Secretary of the Congregation, Father Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala [Yuri00].
Given in Rome, ante diem X Kalendas Martii anno Domini MCDLXVIII
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Inscrit le: 25 Aoû 2019 Messages: 572
Posté le: Dim Avr 19, 2020 9:53 pm Sujet du message: |
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Invitation to the meeting of all Orders.
We, Eminence Oberon de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal-Priest of the German-speaking Pontifical Consistory, Vice-Prime Bishop of the German geodogmatic zone, Metropolitan Archbishop of Constance, Archbishop of Cologne Sine Cura, Prefect of the Inquisition of the international zone, Inquisitor of the international zone, General Attorney of the German geodogmatic zone, Prefect of the regular Roman Chapter, German Vice-Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats, member of the Tribunal of the Signatura Apostolica, Dean of the Cathedral School of Cologne, Count of Fusignano under the light of the Archangels and the grace of the Lord invite in Our function of Prefect of the Regular Roman Chapter:
the esteemed Rectors of the Religious Orders of Rome and their deputies, as well as the Grand Priors of the Military Religious Orders and their deputies to the Council of the Regular Chapter of Rome.
Date: Nonis Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXVIII (5. April 1468)
Place: Assembly room of the regular Roman chapter
The Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith attaches great importance to this Conference, because together we should bring together the structures and elaborate the doctrine that unites and differentiates our religious orders. In this sense, the respectable Rectors and Grand Priors are requested to bring a copy of their Statute of the Order, as well as an English translation to this meeting.
Written and sealed ante diem IV Kalendas Aprilis anno Domini MCDLXVIII in Rome
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