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[EN] Matrimonium Prohibitem

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Inscrit le: 16 Avr 2013
Messages: 1340

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 07, 2019 7:44 pm    Sujet du message: [EN] Matrimonium Prohibitem Répondre en citant

Matrimonium Prohibitem


    Matrimonium Prohibitem

    We, cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church gathered at the sacred college by the grace of God, and we, theologians of the congregation of the Holy Office, before the Most High, and under the watchful eye of Aristotle, in the name of the Sovereign Pontiff of the Holy Aristotelian and Roman Church,

    Render official our decision regarding the nature of what some calls «civil marriage». The sacred union of a man and a woman is exclusively vested by the Holy Aristotelian and Roman Church. Conducting a union of this kind - whereby another intends to bind the man to the woman and the woman to the man - whilst one is a faithful to Our Holy Mother the Church is strictly forbidden. Similarly, faithfuls of the Holy Church cannot request such blessing, as it is not sacred.

    Anyone who violate this rule would be at odds with our dogma, his/her action will be considered as blasphemous. Therefore, the offender would face the justice of the Church and punishments that would follow its decision, outlined in our Canon Law.

    None should be ignorant of the blasphemous nature of this practice. In addition, this rule has no retroactive value. It is however recommended to the faithful concerned to do an act of contrition in the presence of the ecclesiastical authorities of their province or diocese.

    Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

    Given in Rome on the XXV of November of the year of grace MCDLV

    Canon Law : Book I, section 1.3, appendix 1

His Excellency the Most Reverend Monsignor Prof. Dr. theol. Policarpo von Wittelsbach
Bishop Emeritus of Regensburg
Archabbot Emeritus of the Abbey of Heiligenbronn
German archivist for the Roman registers of Sacraments
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4006
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 30, 2020 2:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Spectabili domino Gastaldiae
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.
    Si vera sunt ea quae complexus es,

    As established by canon 1.II section A.9, fiancés may not be related, either by blood or by the spiritually equivalent intercourse of adoption, in the fourth degree or below.
    Since this provision is intended to preserve the family within the Aristotelian Community and to safeguard the ties of Aristotelian Friendship within the family itself, it tends to be absolute and mandatory.
    Nevertheless, in response to a justified request, the Holy See, in the exercise of the Apostolic Authority granted by the Most High through the Second Prophet to Saint Titus and his successors, may exceptionally grant a dispensation to celebrate a marriage in derogation of that limit. Such a dispensation could only be granted in cases which would not jeopardise the protection of the family and of the Aristotelian Friendship, on account of the tenuousness of the kinship, the lack of consanguinity, the petitioners having been raised not as relatives but as strangers and other circumstances that might justify the non-compliance with the canonical limit. This means, for instance, that dispensations for abnormal unions such as those between parents and children or between siblings are necessarily precluded. These circumstances will naturally require adequate and thorough examination and scrutiny to verify their existence and sufficiency before the concerned faithful may submit a request for a dispensation; a first and preventive verification being required, the competent ecclesiastical authority for this examination and scrutiny can only be the local one, as is similarly the case for cases of dissolution of marriage, in the figure of the competent Archepiscopal Tribunal, or in its absence of the competent National Tribunal or the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, which will determine whether the case is admissible and worthy of being submitted to the Holy See. Should the Holy See eventually receive a request for dispensation, it will judge the case and decide in absolute autonomy and without the possibility of revision.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die duoetvicesimo mensis februarii, Anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo sexagesimo octavo, Pontificato Nostri secundo.

gastaldia a écrit:
Good morning to those present

I come to you to carry out a consultation and guide me.

The restlessness has arrived for a future wedding in which both betrothed are relatives.

She is woman X (daughter of father XX and mother XXX) and he is man XXXX (half brother of mother XXX) so he would be her half maternal uncle.

Both want to get married in a short time.

Who could help me in this case, since it is the first time I have this case to carry out?


Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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