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[GB]Book of Virtues - The Logions -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 07, 2021 11:53 pm    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - The Logions - Répondre en citant



Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mar Nov 16, 2021 6:49 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13316
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 07, 2021 11:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    The new logions of Aristotle

    First logion:
    Wisdom is the means to mediating and balancing between two extremes, and may be determined rationally. When the mediation is made by a prudent man, it balances the extremes by finding a middle position.

    Second logion:
    The intellect is something divine in comparison with man, life according to reason is divine compared to the thoughtless human life. So do not listen to those who counsel the man because he is human, his thoughts limited to that of a mortal man and to mortal things. But man must, as far as possible, immortalized by the solar quest, do everything to live according to the most noble in him;

    Third logion:
    It is by abstaining from the excesses that we become temperate, and having done that we become more able to abstain from them as well to give us courage: we are accustomed to despise and resist fear, which makes us more courageous, and having done that we will be able to resist fear.

    Fourth logion:
    A man drunk because of wine falls forward because his head feels heavy, but man drunk because of beer falls back because he is stunned for good. Wine also makes people very affectionate. The proof is that the drunken man kisses, even in the mouth, but those do not are sober.

    Fifth logion:
    The Logos has arranged the universe from the 4 elements, then was given a soul to move everything. Then therefore arranged these elements to be relative to each, so that the fire is in the air, the air in the water, the water is on earth. Thereafter, the Logos has included in a divine unifying ether.

    Sixth logion:
    Logic tells us that all men are naturally eager to learn. Knowledge is the result of rational demonstration, because the demonstration is a syllogism that produces knowledge. To satisfy this natural desire in man, the logical proof becomes necessary, because the effect, as such, can not exist without the cause.

    Seventh logion:
    If I have a higher assumption that says that all men are mortal, and if my lesser assumption postulates that all Greeks are mortal, the logical conclusion of my proposition is: All Greeks are mortal. But in reality, the purpose of these statements affirms syllogistically the immortality of the prime motor of the world.

    Eight logion:
    Political analysis teaches us, whenever some have great wealth and others have nothing, that it is the worst of democracies, or unbridled oligarchy or an unbearable tyranny, the necessary product of two opposite extremes.

    Ninth logion:
    The poetic diction must have two qualities: be clear and be above vulgar language. It will be clear, if the words are taken in their literal sense, but then it has nothing more. It shall be exalted, and above the vulgar language, if one uses extraordinary words, I mean, foreign words, metaphors, elongated words, in short, everything that is not the ordinary language. But if the speech is only composed of those words, it will be a riddle or a continuous barbarism. This will be an enigma, if everything is metaphor, a barbarism, if everything is foreign.

    Tenth logion:
    A man is a living being that has speech and is a political animal. Humanity is given to a man in power, he must then participate in the political life of the city. The word then takes on a fundamental dimension that allows the City to exist. To live outside the city is to be either a beast or God.

    Eleventh logion:
    Only the philosopher who is also a believer has his eyes fixed on the nature of things and on the divine, having tied the principles of his life to the eternal realities and stable anchors in peace and solitude. This wisdom is contemplative, although rooted in city life, and yet it gives us the opportunity to adjust within it.

    Twelfth logion:
    The politician must know the just itself to determine what is right and proper. The fair itself is descended from the first species existing in themselves by their eternal nature. It just should not be reduced to positive rights, multiple and variable because its scope is universal, otherwise we will not have the adequate criterion for eternal justice. What most terrible plague of injustice than with weapons in hand.

    Thirteenth logion:
    The quality of verbal expression is to be clear without being common. That's why I say: God can reveal to me the secret of the universe someday, then before Him, I will swear to become a monk.

    Fourteenth logion:
    It is by their nature that men are what they are, but it is by their actions that they can be happy or not. As I have little ease to make use of human feelings, God, after me, will give Christos.

    Fifteenth logion:
    The study of natural realities are distinguished in four cases. Take, for example, a statue. The material cause: the matter that makes up an object, here the marble. It is the cause that makes possible contingencies and irregularities of the objects. Indeed, the matter is "resistant" to the position in shape. As opposed to the limitations of matter, is there where they occur by chance, "accidents". The formal cause: the form that the sculptor gives to the matter. The final cause: the purpose for what one should do to the matter. Nothing comes without a purpose. The efficient cause: the activity of the sculptor, carving the matter. For each development requires a motor that can turn it. The same thing can have a plurality of efficient causes, but not with the same sense.

    Sixteenth logion:
    All art and all research, as well as every action and every deliberation, tend, it seems, to some good. So have we had good reason to define good: this is perfectly virtuous and as the sunlight, there is a tendency in all circumstances.

    Seventeenth logion:
    One that will be sent by the Supreme Logos to complete my work will guide humanity to find the path of divine meditation within the blur of the future war of ideas. He and his successors will build both an ideal city and universal structure that radiate beyond the Tyrrhenian Sea and even shine on all mankind.

    Eighteenth logion:
    Happiness is a form of contemplation that the wise man should strive to achieve.

    Nineteenth logion:
    The sensuous beauty is an image of the eternal beauty that the soul has always provided AND things are copies of the Ideas. Beauty is the result of certain proportions of certain measures and harmonic rhythms.

    Twentieth logion:
    Metaphysics is the science of what is, as it is: being as being. It is the science of first causes and the science of what is, as it is: being as being

    Twenty-first logion:
    The essence of things is in the things themselves, and their shapes. The Divine Being is all-powerful AND the essence of things is in the things themselves, and their shapes.

    Twenty-second logion:
    The Logos, in my metaphysical meaning, the supreme word, the creative principle and rational reason in the world, as containing in itself the eternal ideas, the archetype of anything.

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