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[GB]Book of Virtues - 21 Logia of Christos -

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13068
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 08, 2021 2:19 am    Sujet du message: [GB]Book of Virtues - 21 Logia of Christos - Répondre en citant


    The Book of Virtues


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mar Aoû 02, 2022 11:29 pm; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13068
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 08, 2021 2:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    21 Logia of Christos

    Here are deposited the sentences of Christos the Sage, taught by Samoht and transmitted to us for generation upon generation.

    Logion 1:
    “Nobility is of the soul, and it is within your heart that you must be noble. But know that, even thus, you will be vulnerable, because nobility is often wounded by baseness.”

    Logion 2:
    The disciples said to Christos: “Teacher, these misfits do not bring anything to us, and Aristotle warns us against those who shun the city!”
    Christos answered them: “Disciples! Live for others instead of waiting for others to live for you. It is for the city to accommodate the misfits, and not for the misfits to help the city.”

    Logion 3:
    The disciples asked Christos: “Teacher, after The Most High chose Aristotle to teach us, why is necessary that now He chooses to you to perform in the same way? Wasn't the message of Aristotle complete?”
    Then Christos answered: “My friends, the soul is made up of two parts: comprehension and knowledge. Aristotle came to bring comprehension to you, and I came to bring knowledge. Between Aristotle and me lies all the difference which exists between convincing and persuading.”

    Logion 4:
    Sometimes, in the face of the metaphysical arguments which the disciples read in Aristotle, it happened that they were discouraged. They asked then: “Teacher, what is, to you, the essential purpose of reason? ” And Christos answered: “Faith brings us to the truth. But to understand it, it is necessary for us to use reason.”

    Logion 5:
    And Christos said: “Reason and mysticism both allow us to understand God, each one of them combining in each one of us. You find your path toward The Most High in the inspiration provided to you by the reason of Aristotle and by my religion.”

    Logion 6:
    But Christos warned us: “Reason without the agreement of the heart is like an empty shell. The essence is lost, and God is greater than the bickering of these parties.”

    Logion 7:
    Christos said: “The love which we bear for our parents resembles neither that which we dedicate to our spouses nor the friendship which we offer to our friends. This love is found always and without doubt between the two, from one to the other. Thus God should be loved.”

    Logion 8:
    Sometimes, the disciples gorged themselves on the food which their hosts served to them. Then they lounged on the comfortable beds that were offered to them. However, the following day, they rendered service to these same hosts while working for them. But Christos asked: “We eat to live, we sleep to live, we work to live… but for what purpose do we live?”

    Logion 9:
    Sometimes Christos advised us: “If life has no meaning for you, then love life itself more than the meaning of life. Do not wait for death to understand that you pass your life alongside life itself. Recall: We were not only born to die, we were born to live.”

    Logion 10:
    And with regard to the attitude to be had concerning every day life, Christos stated: “Do not await anything more from life. Be not like the listless, but as those which know that at every moment, all is infinitely given to them.”

    Logion 11:
    And when someone asked Christos how one could find happiness, the prophet answered: “Happiness lies in the simple things, and not in the complicated reasoning which makes people unhappy. How to be happy when one questions the mystery of God with facts so complex that we can understand them only when we ourselves come to Him in the Sun?”

    Logion 12:
    “The sunlight will then dissipate our fears, our doubts, our worries, our questions, our hatreds and our sorrows. Its heat will remove from us all discomfort and cold.”

    Logion 13:
    On love, Christos would sometimes say: “Love is the child of the unconventional persons, who never, ever know the law.” One day, one of his disciples, in love with a beautiful peasant woman, was rejected by her… then Christos indicated: “Love is the child of salvation, which never, ever knows the law.”

    Logion 14:
    To miscreants come to contradict him, Christos answered: “Believe in God, for outside of God and religion, no speck of truth exists, nothing of value, nothing of meaning; nothing exists outside of God. In return, existence is free, therefore, believe in Him and cease using the broken option.”

    Logion 15:
    To men who fought, Christos said: “But you will love you one another, in the name of God!”

    Logion 16:
    When he spoke about life, Christos was excited: “Density from densities, all is only density,” or: “A man is worth more than all that he did, whether good or bad,” or: “Life is worth anything, anything; but, me, when I hold in my dazzled hands the two small hands of my friend, then I say nothing, nothing is worth a life!”

    Logion 17:
    When the Nameless Creature and its partisans use force, whoever ceases to fight is complicit with them. When Good faces Evil, all inhabitants of the City must raise as one to destroy that Evil.

    Logion 18:
    To those to whom The Most High seemed inaccessible, even after the arguments of Aristotle, Christos said: “To approach God and the comprehension of the universe, art is for you a surer means than reason or philosophy. Imagine a body in decomposition, the intestines decaying, the eyes gobbled by carrion, the flesh peeling away in scraps… and say you that this body has been able to love, to think, to feel, to make love, to cry… but also to compose music, to paint frescos, to write poems... as much as work of which one may profit nowadays.”

    Logion 19:
    Christos said: “If you wonder; Who am I? From where do I come? Where do I go? Then you can even answer yourselves: I am me, I come from my home, and I go back there.”

    Logion 20:
    And often, upright like a matchstick, Christos confided in us: “In the heart of the repressed lies sometimes our coherence.”

    Logion 21:
    “Be wary of errant beliefs, my friends… for the heretics are like ants; they always return.”

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