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Infringements of the rules

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Inscrit le: 18 Sep 2021
Messages: 36

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 06, 2022 9:14 pm    Sujet du message: Infringements of the rules Répondre en citant

Hello. I am sorry I write here,but I don't understand if there are mods in this forum and I have to report something I think is serious.

Today the italic court of the Church gave a verdict in which the pg Labrador. is guilty of calling himself in RP as Mario Castiel Rivarola, which was the name of his previous pg Labrador (without dot).

So, they are saying that a player cannot decide to return to play and continue his story. But, It is against Admin Game rules, isn’t it?

Moreover, Labrador. to access to this forum used the credentials of the old pg Labrador, and they accused him of stealing them:

But the one who could have steal the credentials is the player, not the pg, isn’t is? So it should be a real accusation of theft.

Please check everything. Thanks
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 07, 2022 2:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Dear user Acantha. I'm not a mod or admin, just a player like you, but I'll try to clarify the facts a bit. My character is not part of the Italic clergy, nor do I know the details of this event in particular, so I'm going to answer you with a generic case.

Player of character Mr. X decides to leave the game, notifies his friends and family in the game and a priest is asked to officiate his funeral. Everything is done according to the wishes of Mr. X player and finally the player decides (after three months) to delete his RK account.

Years later that player decides to return to the game and "resurrect" his old character Mr. X (creating a new account with a similar name), with all the implications IG and RP. Is it coherent from a Rol Play point of view? My opinion is clearly NO. This would create a very serious problem, because anyone could resurrect their old characters who have been dead for years (even characters who have been kings, something explicitly forbidden by Celsius rules). I'm not going to debate whether resurrecting an IG character is legal or not, that's for the admins to determine.

However, from the Rol Play point of view of the Church it is not possible: dead and buried character = character who will not be recognised by his former name, since the sacrament of funerals is of perpetual effect. The only cases that can be reviewed is if the funeral was improper (because the character didn't really die and a fraud has occurred). It doesn't matter if it is the same player or if it is a different player than Mr X. This is determined by the Church's Rol Play rules: [ http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=726435#726435 ] and based on those rules, I understand that the Italic court has made its judgement. This rule is not new, it has been the case for many many years and there are numerous precedents.

That being said, the player of the resurrected Mr. X can play RK without major inconveniences, but the Church will never recognise that this new character Mr. X 2.0 is the same as Mr. X; this has no IG implications, but it does have RP implications, and more specifically in the Church's Rol Play: the new character cannot be baptised with the same name, nor receive the other sacraments, nor be part of the community of the faithful.
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Inscrit le: 18 Sep 2021
Messages: 36

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 07, 2022 7:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hi Felipe player, thank you for your opinion, respectable, but it remains just an opinion, because, as you say, you are not part of the Celsius team. And it is evident that you have not read that link I put, because Labrador has already reported an official intervention of an Italian Mod who clearly stated that what we are talking about is called Flood = Do not respect the RPG of others, and it is forbidden by the Admins.
And, you know, his words so far are the most accredited ones:

Not only that, but your explanation, forgive me, doesn't hold up. Let's say that the character dies and they give him a funeral, if the player changes his mind he can always say that his pg has been kidnapped and they buried someone who looks like him, who maybe had his face scarred by a fight and his face couldn’t be seen clearly so that even his family was deceived… and it is just one example, there are many other ways to play it, and it was also what Labrador did and other pgs declared to recognize him. It remains that players cannot decide on the RPG of others players.

You say there have already been precedents. Well, I don't doubt it, but I hope in this case that the players agreed, because let's remember that even the worst end of a PG is welcomed as long as the player concerned agrees. If those were not the case, well I think there had been abuses in the past and it does not mean that since they had already been done, they can continue. If a player decides to go back to play and continue his old story, no one can stop him. Just for one exception you mentioned.

In fact, you mentioned the question of Kings and Emperors, but it is a completely different matter, it is a rule by the Admin to avoid that those who had a dominant position for over 6 months, have it even later, despite the forfeiture of the IG position. But then why this Celsius rules is followed without batting an eyelid and that against the Flood not?

Finally, the issue of the credential theft must have escaped. I know that it was put it in the narrative form, certainly in good faith, but the narrative cannot eliminate an indisputable fact that is that the credentials concern the player not the PG. And it is a question of immense gravity.

However, I await a direct intervention from Celsius which I hope will clarify the matter forever.
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 07, 2022 8:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

{galeb} a écrit:
Anyone has the right to roleplay their own return to the game under the same name.

On his return he can use the same name and pick up where he left off.

The person who meets him is not obliged to accept his role, just as no one is obliged to accept the role of others.

Remaining specific and I refer to the RULES of the FORUM and not to the roles for which no one but the owner has the right to decide, if TIZIO comes back, he comes back and no one can force him to say that he has not come back, that would be flooding.

You can not accept that it is him, then the issue should be played in RPG.

If the Church doesn't accept it, they will play it out.

After reading the words of the Italian admin / mod, this is my point of view as a player: The Church, as a set of players, are not obliged to accept Labrador roleplay (we do not prevent the player from incarnating his old character, that is what is forbidden by Celsius). The Church plays its decision on the forum through a RPG trial. Likewise, Labrador´s player is not obliged to accept the Church's rolplay or decisions either.
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Inscrit le: 18 Sep 2021
Messages: 36

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 08, 2022 10:54 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

But you are absolutely right. Freedom works both ways, so no one can force Church to recognize Labrador, but our reasoning can't stop here.
We started from a verdict that forces Labrador not to use his name around.In my opinion this is the crucial point: Church doesn't recognize a guy? That's fine, it's their business, but they cannot force him to declare himself who the player decided he is not.

And I remember that to legitimate and enforce this obligation we have come to an accuse of theft of credentials, that is an action that only the player can do.

Anyway I look forward to hearing official news from Admin who will certainly clarify anything.
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Forum Admin

Inscrit le: 21 Fév 2022
Messages: 175

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 09, 2022 2:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello !

This is indeed not the right place for this, but it's not a big deal. Wink

I personally can't do much for you about this, it's a matter for the game admin and not the forum admin. The best thing would be for the player concerned to make a ticket to the support admin, they will be better able to deal with this problem and to answer.
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