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Interview with Arates von Merdarion

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Inscrit le: 04 Juil 2016
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 11, 2021 11:28 pm    Sujet du message: Interview with Arates von Merdarion Répondre en citant

Arates had travelled far, he had some things to do in Rome. At the top of his agenda was a visit to Cardinal Tymothé de Nivellus. He had thought back and forth about what could be said or how it would turn out. In the end, however, he came to the decision to just go and see it. He was dressed in the colours of his house. Red with yellow accents. Arriving at the door, he knocked loudly three times and waited for something to happen. Another deep breath was taken to reassure himself. As this appointment had been very important for him. Some things could be initiated here that had the power to change many things. Whether it would really come to pass would remain to be seen.

Arates war weit gereist, hatte er einige Dinge in Rom zu erledigen. Ganz oben auf seiner Tagesordnung stand der Besuch bei Kardinal Tymothé de Nivellus. Er hatte sich hin und her überlegt, was man sagen könne oder wie es werden würde. Schlussendlich kam er aber zu dem Entschluss, es sich einfach anzusehen. Er war in die Farben seines Hauses gekleidet. Rot mit gelben Akzenten. Vor der Tür angekommen klopfte er drei mal laut und wartete, dass etwas passieren würde. Es wurde nochmal tief durchgeatmet um sich selbst zu beruhigen. Da dieser Termin für ihn sehr wichtig für ihn gewesen war. Hier konnten einige Dinge angestoßen werden, die die Kraft hatten vieles zu verändern. Ob es wirklich so kommen würde, würde man sehen.
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6532
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 12, 2021 11:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Someone had knocked on the door. The Cardinal was not expecting anyone, but he was in his office.
He had worked late, and had fallen asleep on his mail.
The first blow had woken him out of his deep sleep. The second blow had made him open his eyes. The third blow had made him reply:

Come in!

Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque SC d'Avignon
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Inscrit le: 04 Juil 2016
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 13, 2021 9:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Slowly he opened the heavy door, which announced the visitor with a creak. Ara entered the room almost reverently.

[colour=darkblue]"Greetings, Your Eminence. My name is Arates of Merdarion. We had written to each other. I thought while I was in Rome, I might as well follow your directions. I wanted to talk to you about the SRING and the church in Hendelsdingen. Heard you were the right person to talk to in that case."[/color]

He smiled kindly, hoping he hadn't appeared inconvenienced. But he did things like this often. Why some people put things off even though they were in the area had always remained a mystery to him. So there he was, let's see how it went.


Langsam öffnete er die schwere Türe, die den Besucher mit einem knarzen ankündigte. Ara betrat fast ehrfüchrtig den Raum.

"Seid mir Gegrüßt Eure Eminenz. Mein Name ist Arates von Merdarion. wir hatten miteinander geschrieben. Ich habe gedacht, wenn ich schonmal in Rom bin, kann ich auch gleich Eurer Wegbeschreibung folgen."

Er lächelte freundlich und hoffte nicht ungelegen erschienen zu sein. Aber er machte solche Dinge öfter. Warum manche Leute Dinge aufschoben obwohl sie in der Gegend waren, war ihm immer ein Mysterium geblieben
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6532
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 14, 2021 10:40 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Come in, dear friend!
I remember our exchanges, it was about proposing to use the mandates of the dioceses to help the duchies in their transactions, is not it?

He was still young, his head was working, even if he forgot certain things from time to time. They had.

Well, maybe tell me for which duchy do you want us to be able to set up a convention?
I will summon the bishop of this region. All transactions have to go through us but we can find a methodology that will make it easier.


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque SC d'Avignon
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Inscrit le: 04 Juil 2016
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Dim Oct 17, 2021 6:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ara came in, bowed politely in greeting and sat down at the desk with Tymothé. He looked around a little and said

"A nice place to do business."

There was a certain admiration in his voice for his premises. Before he walked into the centre of the circle or "in Medias res" as they said in Latin.

"The main objective would be to find a viable way for all member states of the SRING. So that within the SRING, action can be taken through church mandates. I have the powers of the Emperor to decide on this matter should it become necessary."

He felt it was important to emphasise that Tymothé knew he was talking to a decision-maker and not just a recipient of orders. So they could certainly get something going together.

Ara kam herein, verneigte sich höflich zum Gruße und setzte sich zu Tymothé an den Schreibtisch. Er blickte sich etwas um du sagte

„Ein schöner Geschäftsraum.“

In seiner Stimme eine gewisse Bewunderung für seine Räumlichkeiten. Ehe er in des Kreises Mitte ging oder „in Medias res“ wie man so schön auf Latein sagte.

„Das Hauptziel Ziel wäre es, eine gangbare Möglichkeit für alle Mitgliedsstaaten des SRING zu finden. Sodass innerhalb des SRING über Kirchenmandate gehandelt werden kann. Ich habe die Vollmachten des Kaisers um in dieser Sache zu entscheiden, sollte es nötig werden.“

Ihm war es wichtig zu unterstreichen, dass Tymothé wusste, dass er mit einem Entscheider und nicht nur mit einem Befehlsempfänger sprach. Somit konnte man durchaus zusammen etwas auf die Beine stellen.
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6532
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Mar Oct 19, 2021 3:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

In reality, it is quite possible, I am convinced that it can help everyone.

But are all the dioceses in the possession of Rome? Because today you come in the name of your Emperor. You have a leadership mandate. But tomorrow? What will happen if the Emperor is no longer there?
We went through a difficult situation with the late Copana.

Can we have the assurance of having control of the dioceses? Otherwise, what if the emperor appoints anyone at the head of this diocese?

The important thing is that we can help, make transactions in complete transparency between us (transparency between stakeholders. Non-public).

But, as I speak ...
I think!
I already know what can be done to remedy the problem. Enough to allow us all to have insurance!

I can prepare a standard convention to present to you. Or we can work it together.
We invite the two Dukes / Counts of the regions concerned. And the convention offers:

-The duchies / counties undertake to protect the diocese and keep it in Rome
-The diocese undertakes to carry out as many mandates as there are commercial exchange transactions between municipalities, duchies, and prescribes who wishes on simple request.

Each money order issued for a particular (particular) person will transfer 2% of the amount to the diocese.
Each money order issued for the duchies / counties will earn 1.50%
Each money order issued for municipalities will transfer 1% of the amount to the diocese

The goal is to ensure that the amount is the same everywhere to harmonize the meter.
Anytime three money orders have been issued by an organization (assume the requester is always the one who issues the money order first), there will be a free money order. Indeed, the applicant will never pay more than 3/4 of a mandate.

Each mandate is supervised, approved and validated by the Apostolic Chamber.

Each agreement must be signed by the dukes in office and this for an indefinite period even in the event of a change of ducal adviser. Signed by you and me for validation?
What do you think?

This can be direct in my practice and my approach, do not hesitate to tell me that I am here to hear from you.


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque SC d'Avignon
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6532
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 27, 2021 1:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque SC d'Avignon
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Inscrit le: 04 Juil 2016
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 28, 2021 12:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ara needed a whole moment to answer. This was partly due to the complexity of the questions. The basis of which was always security. Could one be sure that things would not deteriorate again? Could one know that with a new emperor everything would not turn around again and take a turn for the worse? It was a very good question, but also one that he could only answer for himself or the reigning emperor. That there were also emperors who went to the other extreme had been shamefully proven by the last emperor. So Ara's gaze wandered upwards, barely noticeable, and his head slightly to the side to think.A moment later, looked at him he replied....

"We are only talking about the dioceses owned by Rome. Unfortunately, these are not all. You may have heard of my struggle in Bavaria against heresy and I assure you, if it were up to me, this grievance would be rectified. However, it is not for me to decide. This is in the power of our Emperor and he has already taken action and returned all the dioceses snatched by the heretic Emperor into the hands of our Holy Mother Church. I sincerely hope that a situation like Capona will not arise again. Of course, one cannot say with certainty that it cannot happen again. As we are all human beings and these are not infallible contrary to our Lord. I like to see this as a test by HIM. So I have found out for myself that HIS side is also mine when I have to decide."

He spoke his words with conviction. The dark age of the last emperor had thankfully come to an end and he could serve under a far more godly emperor. After a brief pause, he continued to speak

"I would like to have the standard agreement to introduce this. Additionally, I would say that the signatories commit because I have at least one province in mind that will not commit to it. However, I think we as an Aristotelian community, should stick together. I would like to plant the seed that others can join as well, provided they abide by these conditions. This may give those who are unsure of their faith the opportunity to come back to our community. Your conditions sound quite acceptable to me. I would also agree to sign it, and as long as I am in this position, to do all I can to make sure it is in order."

[spoiler] Sorry my real life has been a bit stressful.[/spoiler].

Ara brauchte einen ganzen Moment um zu Antworten. Dies lag unter anderem mit der Komplexität der Fragen zusammen. Deren Grundstock immer die Sicherheit bildete. Konnte man sicher sein, dass sich die Dinge nicht wieder verschlechterten? Konnte man wissen ob bei einem neuen Kaiser sich nicht wieder alles umdrehte und zum schlechten wand? Es war eine sehr gute Frage, jedoch auch eine Frage die er nur für sich oder den amtierenden Kaiser beantworten konnte. Das es auch Kaiser gab, die in ein anderes Extrem schlugen, hatte der letzte Kaiser schmählich bewiesen. So wanderte Ara’s Blick kaum merklich nach Oben, und der Kopf leicht zur Seite um nachzudenken. Einen Moment später, blickte er ihn an antwortete er…

„Wir reden nur über die Diözesen, die im Besitz von Rom sind. Leider sind dies nicht alle. Ihr habt vielleicht von meinem Kampf in Bayern gegen die Häresie gehört und ich versichere euch, wenn es nach mir ginge, würde dieser Missstand behoben werden. Jedoch liegt es nicht an mir dies zu entscheiden. Dies liegt in der Macht unseres Kaisers und er hat bereits Taten sprechen lassen und alle Diözesen die durch den Ketzerkaiser entrissen wurden wieder in die Hände unserer heiligen Mutter Kirche zurück gegeben. Ich hoffe ehrlich, dass eine Situation wie Capona nicht mehr entsteht. Natürlich kann man nicht mit Gewissheit sagen, dass dies nicht mehr passieren kann. Da wir alle Menschen sind und diese sind entgegen unseres Herrn nicht unfehlbar. Ich sehe dies gerne als Prüfung durch IHN. So habe ich für mich selbst herausgefunden, dass SEINE Seite ebenfalls meine ist, wenn ich mich entscheiden muss.“

Seine Worte sprach er voller Überzeugung. Das dunkle Zeitalter des letzten Kaisers war zum Glück zu Ende gegangen und er konnte unter einem weitaus gottgefälligerem Kaiser dienen. Nach einer kurzen Pause sprach er weiter

„Ich würde das Standardabkommen gerne haben um dieses vorzustellen. Zusätzlich würde ich sagen, dass die Unterzeichner sich verpflichten, weil ich mindestens eine Provinz im Hinterkopf habe, die sich nicht darauf einlassen wird. Jedoch finde ich, wir als aristotelische Gemeinschaft, sollten zusammen halten. Ich würde gerne den Samen pflanzen, dass andere ebenfalls dazustossen können, sofern sie sich an diese Bedingungen halten. Dies gibt vielleicht denen, die sich unsicher im Glauben sind, die Möglichkeit zu unserer Gemeinschaft zurück zu finden. Eure Bedingungen klingen für mich durchaus akzeptabel. Ich würde mich ebenfalls bereit erklären es zu unterschreiben und solange ich in dieser Position bin alles dafür zu tun, dass es auch seine Ordnung hat.“

[spoiler]Entschuldige mein reales Leben hat sich unplanmäßig zu Wort gemeldet.[/spoiler]
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Inscrit le: 04 Juil 2016
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 21, 2021 11:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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Tymothé de Nivellus

Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2017
Messages: 6532
Localisation: Cardinal Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique

MessagePosté le: Ven Déc 03, 2021 2:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Excuse me, I got lost in my thoughts.
Can you tell me which provinces are interested?
I propose to sign an agreement with the Dukes and Counts and at each change of sovereign to re-sign an agreement for the time of his mandate. This makes it possible to "list" people who are reliable or not and to avoid abuse. Everyone is committed and knows why and to what they are committed.

Do you think this is possible?

PS: sorry I forgot to answer: s

Père Tymothé de Nivellus | Dean of the Sacred College of the Cardinals | Cardinal-Evêque de Saint Trufaldini à la Porte Latine | Camerlingue de Rome et Chancelier de la Chambre Apostolique | Archevêque SC d'Avignon
"La puissance de Dieu donne toute sa mesure dans la faiblesse"

Cabinet du Cardinal
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Inscrit le: 04 Juil 2016
Messages: 27

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 04, 2021 1:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

No problem. I had thought along similar lines, that it is an agreement that is signed, created by the respective regents. Regents who sign are then allowed to benefit from the privilege. It would be a kind of set of rules to be accepted before one is allowed to benefit from it.
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