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[RP] Funeral of His Eminence Arduino Della Scala
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 25, 2023 3:08 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Funeral of His Eminence Arduino Della Scala Répondre en citant

    HRP Notice:

      Cardinal Arduino's funeral takes place on Friday 24 March, and will be role-played entirely in this thread. However, all the ceremonial will take place in several different places, so the development of this role play is divided into acts, which will take place chronologically throughout the morning of Friday 24th. Your character can participate in some or all of the rites that will take place.

          Act I - Wake in the great hall of the Palazzo Della Scala (from 25th to 28th March)
          Act II - Procession: transfer of the coffin through the streets of Rome to the Basilica of San Titus (from March 28th to 31st)
          Act III - Entry into the Basilica and ritual of offerings (31 March - 3 April)
          Act IV - Funeral Service / Papal Mass (from 3 April - one to two weeks duration)
          Act V - Blessing of the tomb and burial in the crypt of the Cardinals (at the conclusion of the Mass)

      (Dates are approximate)

    Characters participating in this thread should respond the text in red.




______________________Friday, 24 March 1471 - Feast of St. Gabriel the Archangel
______________________Great Hall of Palazzo Della Scala & Basilica of St Titus


    Act I - Wake in the great hall of the Palazzo Della Scala alla Lungara

Seven days had passed since the premature death of Cardinal Della Scala. Now the inert, embalmed body of the late prelate rested inside the coffin placed on a catafalque covered with a black velvet cloth embroidered with silver, surrounded by six large candelabra and a cross at the head. Around the catafalque were vases of white and red flowers, from which emanated a fresh scent, such as there always was in the palace gardens when spring came to the Eternal City: white for the purity of the soul that now began its journey to the Solar Paradise, and red for the love and effort that the cardinal had always devoted to safeguarding the Aristotelian Church.

On either side of the catafalque was a group of priests and monks kneeling on kneelers, praying for the salvation of the soul of the deceased. Only the murmured prayers of the clerics who had watched over the body all night were heard until the first rays of sunlight illuminated the white marble-covered walls of the great palace. It was the moment when the doors of the great hall and the palace were opened so that the relatives, clergy, Roman nobles and all Roman citizens could see the Cardinal for the last time. His face was as pale as snow, but his facial features were calm, relaxed, somehow inviting one to meditation rather than grief. At the foot of the open coffin was a small table, on which lay the cardinal's galero. Time did not stand still, death had no clemency; only the goodness of God forgave everything.


Felipe entered the great hall with the servants, relatives and friends of the deceased, and they stood next to the priests who were praying at their kneelers. The Hispanic cardinal said:

-God, whose mercy is great, you have called your son and faithful servant Arduino to return to you; welcome him into your eternal kingdom.
R./ Amen
-Bring comfort and tenderness to those on earth who mourn his death before meeting him in the firmament of Thy solar paradise.
R./ Amen.
-Over this assembly gathered to show their affection and bid a last earthly farewell, bring compassion and strength to live according to the virtuous precepts Thou hast given us.
R./ Amen.
-Christos and Aristotle, our Prophets, bless and intercede for our brother Arduino.
R./ Amen.

Then the priests began to chant the litanies, praying to the Prophets and saints to intercede for the salvation of the soul of the deceased:

Kyrie, eléison
Pater de Cœlis Deus, miserére ei
Aristoteles, vulgátor sapiéntiæ Dei, miserére ei
Christe, dócens divínam amicítiam, miserére ei
Sancte Gábriel, ora pro eo
Sancte Geórgie, ora pro eo
Sancte Míchaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Sýlphaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Úriel, ora pro eo
Sancta Galadriélla, ora pro eo
Sancte Raphaélla, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Angeli et Archángeli, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti patriárchæ et scholáarches, oráte pro eo

Sancte Tite, ora pro eo
Sancte Samoth, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicolái, ora pro eo
Sancte Páule, ora pro eo
Sancte Thane, ora pro eo
Sancta Adónia, ora pro eo
Sancta Calándra, ora pro eo
Sancta Chirénis, ora pro eo
Sancta Hélena, ora pro eo
Sancta Ophélia, ora pro eo
Sancta Uriána, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Apóstoli, oráte pro eo

Omnes Sancti Innocéntes, oráte pro eo
Sanctæ Bárbara et Mónica, oráte pro eo
Sancte Quírice et Julítta, oráte pro eo
Sancte Valentíne, ora pro eo
Sancte Vincénti, ora pro eo
Sancte Joánna, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mártyres, oráte pro eo

Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Sancte Hyrónime, ora pro eo
Sancti Remígi et Munge, oráte pro eo
Sancta Illínda, ora pro eo
Sancta Wilgefórtis, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Pontífices et Doctóres, oráte pro eo

Sancta Domínica, ora pro eo
Sancte Thomas, ora pro eo
Sancte Benedícte, ora pro eo
Sancte Domínice, ora pro eo
Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Sacerdótes et Levítæ, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mónachi et Eremítæ, oráte pro eo

Sancte Arnvald, ora pro eo
Sancte Clemens, ora pro eo
Sancte Hildegárda, ora pro eo
Sancta Maria Magdaléna, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicomáque, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei, intercedíte pro eo

Propítius esto, parce ei Dómine
Propítius esto, exáudi ei Dómine
Ab ira tua, líbera ei Dómine
Ab insídiis creatúræ sine nómine, líbera ei Dómine
A morte perpétua, líbera ei Dómine
In die judícii, líbera ei Dómine

Pecctóres, Te rogámus áudi nos
Ut ei parcas, Te rogámus áudi nos

Dómine, áudi nos
Dómine, exáudi nos
Kyre, eléison

R./ Kyrie, eléison, etc...

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor

Dernière édition par Felipe... le Mar Mar 28, 2023 11:57 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4684
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 26, 2023 11:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Seven days had passed since that sequence of inhospitable and unexpected events. Adonnis had not yet been able to fully digest the idea that yet another great friend and colleague was gone.

    Dressed appropriately, wearing a glistening silver cross around his neck, Adonnis arrived at the Palazzo Della Scala alla Lungara, and as the Doors of the Great Hall opened, the Sagres entered the place, where Arduino's coffin lay on a large catafalque.

    Then, as Cardinal Felipe began the service, Adonnis accompanied him, in confirmation of each prayer, saying: Amen!

    Right after, the Cardinal accompanied the priests in the recitation of the Kyrie.

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Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013
Messages: 3836
Localisation: Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 27, 2023 9:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She performed everything automatically, she had put on the most beautiful ceremonial dress she owned, she knew Arduino would scold her if she showed up at his funeral ceremony sloppily,
She was not ready for that ceremony and never wanted that day to come, but she had to be with Arduino as he had been with her, always.
In the cathedral, sitting next to Cardinal Adonnis, she listened attentively to the recitation and said Amen to the prayers. followed by Kirie;
Kyrie, eléison
Pater de Cœlis Deus, miserére ei
Aristoteles, vulgátor sapiéntiæ Dei, miserére ei
Christe, dócens divínam amicítiam, miserére ei
Sancte Gábriel, ora pro eo
Sancte Geórgie, ora pro eo
Sancte Míchaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Sýlphaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Úriel, ora pro eo
Sancta Galadriélla, ora pro eo
Sancte Raphaélla, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Angeli et Archángeli, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti patriárchæ et scholáarches, oráte pro eo

Sancte Tite, ora pro eo
Sancte Samoth, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicolái, ora pro eo
Sancte Páule, ora pro eo
Sancte Thane, ora pro eo
Sancta Adónia, ora pro eo
Sancta Calándra, ora pro eo
Sancta Chirénis, ora pro eo
Sancta Hélena, ora pro eo
Sancta Ophélia, ora pro eo
Sancta Uriána, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Apóstoli, oráte pro eo

Omnes Sancti Innocéntes, oráte pro eo
Sanctæ Bárbara et Mónica, oráte pro eo
Sancte Quírice et Julítta, oráte pro eo
Sancte Valentíne, ora pro eo
Sancte Vincénti, ora pro eo
Sancte Joánna, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mártyres, oráte pro eo

Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Sancte Hyrónime, ora pro eo
Sancti Remígi et Munge, oráte pro eo
Sancta Illínda, ora pro eo
Sancta Wilgefórtis, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Pontífices et Doctóres, oráte pro eo

Sancta Domínica, ora pro eo
Sancte Thomas, ora pro eo
Sancte Benedícte, ora pro eo
Sancte Domínice, ora pro eo
Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Sacerdótes et Levítæ, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mónachi et Eremítæ, oráte pro eo

Sancte Arnvald, ora pro eo
Sancte Clemens, ora pro eo
Sancte Hildegárda, ora pro eo
Sancta Maria Magdaléna, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicomáque, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei, intercedíte pro eo

Propítius esto, parce ei Dómine
Propítius esto, exáudi ei Dómine
Ab ira tua, líbera ei Dómine
Ab insídiis creatúræ sine nómine, líbera ei Dómine
A morte perpétua, líbera ei Dómine
In die judícii, líbera ei Dómine

Pecctóres, Te rogámus áudi nos
Ut ei parcas, Te rogámus áudi nos

Dómine, áudi nos
Dómine, exáudi nos
Kyre, eléison


Dernière édition par pamelita le Mar Mar 28, 2023 3:56 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2088
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 4:07 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Attending a funeral has never been one of the most sought-after events to go to, some could be avoided and excused, however, there were others in which duty prevented it, and in others, such as the one I was about to join, it mixed obligation with the desire to be present. Cardinal Arduino was already well known when my vocation struck me, and although we shared several moments in Rome, he was already a very well known man. We were never exactly close, yet he was prominent for his knowledge and vast experience, a loss to the church, family and friends.

When the doors opened, I joined my brother cardinals, along with the family and pontifical nobles, as they entered for prayers. I listened attentively to Philip's words, to which I responded
- "Amen"- funerals seemed to abound in the last six months, I was hoping that this streak would soon come to an end. It was time for litanies, so I joined the priests in praying for the soul of our brother Arduino.

Kyrie, eléison
Pater de Cœlis Deus, miserére ei
Aristoteles, vulgátor sapiéntiæ Dei, miserére ei
Christe, dócens divínam amicítiam, miserére ei
Sancte Gábriel, ora pro eo
Sancte Geórgie, ora pro eo
Sancte Míchaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Sýlphaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Úriel, ora pro eo
Sancta Galadriélla, ora pro eo
Sancte Raphaélla, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Angeli et Archángeli, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti patriárchæ et scholáarches, oráte pro eo

Sancte Tite, ora pro eo
Sancte Samoth, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicolái, ora pro eo
Sancte Páule, ora pro eo
Sancte Thane, ora pro eo
Sancta Adónia, ora pro eo
Sancta Calándra, ora pro eo
Sancta Chirénis, ora pro eo
Sancta Hélena, ora pro eo
Sancta Ophélia, ora pro eo
Sancta Uriána, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Apóstoli, oráte pro eo

Omnes Sancti Innocéntes, oráte pro eo
Sanctæ Bárbara et Mónica, oráte pro eo
Sancte Quírice et Julítta, oráte pro eo
Sancte Valentíne, ora pro eo
Sancte Vincénti, ora pro eo
Sancte Joánna, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mártyres, oráte pro eo

Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Sancte Hyrónime, ora pro eo
Sancti Remígi et Munge, oráte pro eo
Sancta Illínda, ora pro eo
Sancta Wilgefórtis, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Pontífices et Doctóres, oráte pro eo

Sancta Domínica, ora pro eo
Sancte Thomas, ora pro eo
Sancte Benedícte, ora pro eo
Sancte Domínice, ora pro eo
Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Sacerdótes et Levítæ, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mónachi et Eremítæ, oráte pro eo

Sancte Arnvald, ora pro eo
Sancte Clemens, ora pro eo
Sancte Hildegárda, ora pro eo
Sancta Maria Magdaléna, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicomáque, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei, intercedíte pro eo

Propítius esto, parce ei Dómine
Propítius esto, exáudi ei Dómine
Ab ira tua, líbera ei Dómine
Ab insídiis creatúræ sine nómine, líbera ei Dómine
A morte perpétua, líbera ei Dómine
In die judícii, líbera ei Dómine

Pecctóres, Te rogámus áudi nos
Ut ei parcas, Te rogámus áudi nos

Dómine, áudi nos
Dómine, exáudi nos
Kyre, eléison


Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 06 Mar 2015
Messages: 2566

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 10:31 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Mother Almalibre still could not realize the death of Cardinal Arduino Della Scala, her mind refusing to believe what was really happening, while in her heart she suffered beyond words for the immense loss to the whole Church.
Remembering how much the Cardinal cared about personal decorum, she donned one of her best gowns and went to his funeral with a mournful air mixed with immense grief; she wanted to be close to him as she always had been.
In the Cathedral, sitting behind Cardinal Adonnis and Cardinal Pamelita, she listened attentively to the celebrant's words to which she had joined her Amen, followed by the Kyrie

Kyrie, eléison
Pater de Cœlis Deus, miserére ei
Aristoteles, vulgátor sapiéntiæ Dei, miserére ei
Christe, dócens divínam amicítiam, miserére ei
Sancte Gábriel, ora pro eo
Sancte Geórgie, ora pro eo
Sancte Míchaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Sýlphaël, ora pro eo
Sancte Úriel, ora pro eo
Sancta Galadriélla, ora pro eo
Sancte Raphaélla, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Angeli et Archángeli, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti patriárchæ et scholáarches, oráte pro eo

Sancte Tite, ora pro eo
Sancte Samoth, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicolái, ora pro eo
Sancte Páule, ora pro eo
Sancte Thane, ora pro eo
Sancta Adónia, ora pro eo
Sancta Calándra, ora pro eo
Sancta Chirénis, ora pro eo
Sancta Hélena, ora pro eo
Sancta Ophélia, ora pro eo
Sancta Uriána, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Apóstoli, oráte pro eo

Omnes Sancti Innocéntes, oráte pro eo
Sanctæ Bárbara et Mónica, oráte pro eo
Sancte Quírice et Julítta, oráte pro eo
Sancte Valentíne, ora pro eo
Sancte Vincénti, ora pro eo
Sancte Joánna, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mártyres, oráte pro eo

Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Sancte Hyrónime, ora pro eo
Sancti Remígi et Munge, oráte pro eo
Sancta Illínda, ora pro eo
Sancta Wilgefórtis, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Pontífices et Doctóres, oráte pro eo

Sancta Domínica, ora pro eo
Sancte Thomas, ora pro eo
Sancte Benedícte, ora pro eo
Sancte Domínice, ora pro eo
Sancte Francísce, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti Sacerdótes et Levítæ, oráte pro eo
Omnes Sancti Mónachi et Eremítæ, oráte pro eo

Sancte Arnvald, ora pro eo
Sancte Clemens, ora pro eo
Sancte Hildegárda, ora pro eo
Sancta Maria Magdaléna, ora pro eo
Sancte Nicomáque, ora pro eo
Omnes Sancti et Sanctæ Dei, intercedíte pro eo

Propítius esto, parce ei Dómine
Propítius esto, exáudi ei Dómine
Ab ira tua, líbera ei Dómine
Ab insídiis creatúræ sine nómine, líbera ei Dómine
A morte perpétua, líbera ei Dómine
In die judícii, líbera ei Dómine

Pecctóres, Te rogámus áudi nos
Ut ei parcas, Te rogámus áudi nos

Dómine, áudi nos
Dómine, exáudi nos
Kyre, eléison


Dernière édition par almalibre le Mar Mar 28, 2023 4:59 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 12:59 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Act II - Procession: transfer of the coffin through the streets of Rome to the Basilica of San Titus

Felipe prayed with his brother cardinals as well as with family friends and servants of the late Arduino who had gathered to bid farewell to the cardinal in the Della Scala palace; it was a very moving moment despite the tragedy of the Italian prelate's untimely loss. However, the Aristotelian faithful had the consolation for such painful moments: the belief in the mercy of God who forgives all, and the salvation of the eternal soul, the ultimate goal of the Church. Obviously each of those gathered there had their own reasons for bidding farewell to the man whose memory would be chiselled into the foundations of the city itself, but they all prayed with the same supplicant voice to the Most High. When the prayers of the clergy were concluded, and all the visitors had paid their respects to the Cardinal, Felipe rose from his kneeler, and all followed suit. The monks, with lighted candles in their hands, surrounded the coffin and closed the lid: never again would that face be contemplated, now only the portraits of the painters and the memories of each one remained. Then Felipe approached with a deacon and with the hyssop he sprinkled the wooden box that would be the eternal resting place for the body of the deceased.


Then he said the blessing:

- Áccipe, Dómine, ánimam fidélem servi Tui Arduino.
    [Accept, O Lord, the faithful soul of Your servant Arduino.]

Eight pontifical guards then stood on either side of the coffin and lifted it onto their shoulders. On leaving the palace gardens, the guards placed the coffin on a carriage drawn by six black horses: thus it would be transported at a slow and solemn pace to the Basilica of St. Titus. The monks with their candles, the clerics and Felipe with his deacons, stood before, and preceding all, the cross. At the end of the procession were the family, friends, servants and also neighbours and parishioners who had decided to see the cardinal off, accompanying the funeral procession. The clergy began to sing as the procession left the palace gardens.

De profúndis clamávi ad Te, Dómine: Dómine, exáudi vocem meam:
fiant aures Tuæ intendéntes, in vocem deprecatónis meæ.
Si iniquitátes observáveris, Dómine: Dómine, quis sutinébit?
Quia apud Te propitiátio est: et propter legem Tuam sustínui Te, Dómine.
Sustínuit ánima mea in verbo Ejus: sperávit ánima mea in Dómino.
A custódia matutína usque ad noctem: speret pópulus in Dómino.
Quia apud Dóminum misericórdia: et copiósa apud Eum redémptio.
Et Ipse rédimet pópulum Suum, ex ómnibus iniquitátibus ejus.
Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.
Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.
    [From the depths of my heart I call out to you, O Lord: Lord, hear my voice!
    Let your ears hear the voice of my supplications!
    If you consider faults, Lord, Lord, who will resist?
    Because there is grace in you, and because of your law, I seek you, O Lord.
    My soul waits on your word; My soul waits on the Lord.
    From the morning watch to the night: let the people hope in the Lord.
    Because in the Lord there is mercy, and in Him dwells complete redemption.
    And He will redeem His people from all their iniquities.
    Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.
    And let perpetual light shine upon him.]


Wherever they passed, Roman citizens paused for a few moments in their busy morning to bow their heads and make the sign of the cross before the funeral procession. At the end of the street, the dome of St. Titus rose through the clouds as the bells rang out in mourning.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 4:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

In early spring, Rome smelled like flowers which opening their petals to the sun. The sensations that mingled through the air together with the scents of incense, together with the thought of the transience of this life, made us think longingly how beautiful it is only in the Solar Paradise.
Father Augustin moved in the sad procession that followed the coffin of the late cardinal. Arduino was the cardinal who initiated him into the holy order of the priesthood through the holy sacraments. Faith, which is put to the test in these difficult moments when those good people are leaving, also offered consolation. The crowd that was gathered proved that the deceased was a great man who did a lot for man and for the Holy Church. Augustin prayed quietly and sang hymns, because he was not really known for his singing talent.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 27 Fév 2013
Messages: 183

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 5:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

They were late. The count of Fano and his squire headed towards the Palazzo Della Scala, but the procession had already started. For a few moments they looked after the coffin as the carriage passed near them. Laurentz lowered his head and spoke a silent prayer. They joined the procession and walked among the others towards the Basilica of San Titus.
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Inscrit le: 18 Nov 2008
Messages: 2609
Localisation: Venezia - Italia

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 28, 2023 9:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The elderly cardinal proceeded slowly during the procession, as always wearing the Dominican habit, with the cappa magna and the purple hat, he thoughtfully leaned on his stick and meanwhile followed the prayers, reciting them silently.
+S.Ecc.Ill.ma frà Tebaldo Foscari detto Heldor il randello
Cardinale Vescovo Emerito di San Domenico in Burgos
Vice Primate delle Venezie e Stato da Mar
Legato Apostolico per le Venezie e Stato da Mar
Patriarca Metropolita di Venezia
Arcivescovo Sine Cura di Gorizia
Padre Generale dell'Ordine di San Domenico,
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Inscrit le: 17 Fév 2018
Messages: 839
Localisation: Twynholm, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 29, 2023 9:22 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The young Scottish Bishop is present with his brothers and sisters in Faith to remember His Eminence Cardinal Arduino Della Scala. He has met this man a number of time during his early days in Rome. He remembers how he spoke to his fellow English speaking Clergy in the days that he ran the Congregation of the New Apostolate. And now, Cinead is here to participate in this event. It is the first time he is present at a funeral of a Cardinal and wonders what it will be like. The turn out is the first thing that surprises him, so many people are here.

Enough of this memories of the past, time to step up and join the procession like the others are doing now. Walk and remember His Eminence Cardinal Arduino Della Scala praying each step of the way to guide his immortal soul.


Bishop of Whithorn, Priest of Kirkcudbright, Archivist for the Registers, Translator at Order of Saint Jerome, Theologian at the Holy Office 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013
Messages: 3836
Localisation: Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 29, 2023 10:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She followed the procession with a heavy heart, sustained only by the thought that now at last Arduino was in the presence of the Most High, and finally free of all earthly evil
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Inscrit le: 06 Mar 2015
Messages: 2566

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 30, 2023 11:16 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Seguì la processione pregando e ricordando il Cardinale Della Scala che l'aveva benedetta e consacrata al Signore quando ella aveva scelto di seguire la propria vocazione per mettersi al Suo servizio.
Il dolore che provava era molto forte, l'unica consolazione che riusciva a trovare a questo dolore, era che finalmente il Cardinale Arduino si trovava fra i Giusti, nel Paradiso Solare dove non esistevano gelosie, invidie, rancori di alcun genere, ma soltanto l'amore e la devozione per l'Altissimo che amorevolmente cullava il suo sonno.

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Inscrit le: 31 Mar 2020
Messages: 2088
Localisation: Rome et la Principauté de Catalogne

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 31, 2023 6:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Act III - Entry into the Basilica of St. Titus and Ritual of Offerings

When all those present were preparing to start the procession to the basilica, I left the palace and boarded the carriage that was waiting to take me to St. Titus. Using the streets that had been cleared for the passage of the procession, I managed to arrive in time to enter the sacristy and prepare to receive the funeral procession, which was already making its way through the Roman streets towards the basilica. They are already a few streets away - one of the acolytes informed me, which I thanked with a nod, and then to the main entrance, together with a group of priests, deacons and acolytes. From the entrance, the coffin was followed by a large number of Romans and foreigners who had come to pay their last respects to the cardinal.

When the carriage stopped in front of the gates, the eight papal guards took the coffin back on their shoulders, it was at that moment that I gave a slight nod to my brother cardinals who were present as a greeting. Taking command of the procession, I lead the procession and begin to recite the responsory, while the guards slowly advance into the basilica.

Postquam óculi nostri decussavérunt ejus, possit Arduino. óculum Tuum vidére.
    After our eyes have met his, may Arduino. see Thy gaze.

R/. Dómine, ne declínas óculos Tuos ab eo
    R/. Lord, don't take Thy gaze away from him

Post amicítiam accéptam qua vitam ejus rexit, dona eum amicítiam Tuam.
    After the friendship received that has governed his life, give him Thy friendship.

R/. Dómine, ne declínas óculos Tuos ab eo
    Lord, don't take Thy gaze away from him

Post lágrimas quæ offuscavérunt vitam ejus, emítte ei lucem Tuam in via æternitátis.
    After the tears that clouded his life, give him Thy light in the way of eternity

R/. Dómine, ne declínas óculos Tuos ab eo
    Lord, don't take Thy gaze away from him

The procession arrives at the altar, where the guards placed the coffin on a catafalque covered with a black velvet cloth embroidered in silver, surrounded by six large candelabra and a cross at the head. From then on, the coffin would remain closed for the repose of Brother Arduino, and I kept silent for a few seconds before continuing with the ceremony.

Ecce signum lucis: amicítia est lux mundi, et flamma fovens corda nostra: nunc illústrat viam Arduino. usque ad regna cœlórum!
    Here is the sign of the light: friendship is the light of the world, and the flame that burns in our hearts: now it illuminates the way of Arduino. to heaven

R/. Amen

After the tears have dried and the goodbyes have been said, we need to hold on to the happy memories we have shared with our departed loved ones. This is what keeps them alive in our minds and hearts. Dearly beloved, today is a day of mourning for the Aristotelian Family, for the loss of a family member is irreparable, however, Almighty God has called our brother, his soul has separated from his body, and he travels to meet the Creator.

We mortals still have a way to go, a life to live, but we also wish to bid farewell to the one who lived among us. On this day we will bury his body, but we trust that his soul is on the journey to the solar paradise.

Ecce signum amicítiæ: Arduino. hæc múnera super féretrum tuum depónimus: signum amicítiæ nostræ, oratiónis nostræ et cordis nostri.
    Here is the sign of friendship: Arduino, let us place these gifts on your coffin: a sign of our friendship, of our prayer and of our love

R/. Amen

Then, a clergyman placed a basket in front of the coffin.

A basket is next to his coffin, we invite you to place offerings in it, which will then be distributed to the poorest of the poor. All those who would like to say a last word in remembrance and farewell to our deceased brother: family, friends, or anyone who knew him in life, can do so now.

Cardinal Bishop // Cardinal Vicar Grand Inquisitor // Prelate of Honour of His Holiness //
Archbishop sine cura of Sassari and Urbino // Bishop sine cura of Urgell // Chancellor of the Order of Saint Nicolas V .
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Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2012
Messages: 898

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 31, 2023 11:23 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Upon entering the Basilica of St. Titus the old English Bishop finds a place to sit his tired bones. It had been a brisk walk in remembrance of the Cardinal that he used to work with many years ago. It's sad that the life of the Cardinal has come to an end.

Without much time to ponder about this the words of another Cardinal fill the halls of the Basilica and Vanyar listens to him. The Cardinals words end with an invitation to those gathered to speak on this funeral.

Vanyar is pondering about this request and decides to remain quiet at this time to see how things will proceed.


Presbyter & Professor of the Universal and Roman-Aristotelian Church. | Bishop of Ptolemais
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Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013
Messages: 3836
Localisation: Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 01, 2023 12:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Non si era resa conto che erano arrivati sul sagrato della basilica e che la processione si era fermata per permettere alle guardie di fare scendere la bara e caricarla sulle loro spalle.
Entrò in silenzio nella penombra della chiesa dove la cassa venne sistemata su un catafalco in modo che tutti potessero vederla.
Pregò assieme ai presenti e attese il momento del dono
Pose ai piedi della bara un cesto pieno di pane che aveva fatto preparare a Fornovo dai monaci cistercensi e recandosi, accanto al feretro accarezzò con la mano destra il legno freddo quasi a dare un ultima carezza all'amico che vi riposava, voleva lasciare un suo ultimo pensiero al fratello.
Biondah..mi/ ci hai lasciato troppo presto, e tu lo sai il vuoto che hai lasciato, ora sar dura andare avanti, ma mi hai insegnato a non mollare mai e io ci proverò.. abbiamo iniziato insieme la carriera cardinalizia e tu sei semre stato il mio sostegno nel bene e nel male. Ora so che nel paradiso solare tu cercherai di dare consigli per rendere quel posto ancora piu bello ..(Sorrise al pensiero)ma non dimenticarti di pregare per noi e per la Chiesa. Riposa in pace dolce amico mio .
Lasciò una rosa bianca sulla bara e tornò al suo posto

She did not realise that they had arrived in the churchyard and that the procession had stopped to allow the guards to lower the coffin and load it onto their shoulders.
She walked silently into the half-light of the church where the coffin was placed on a catafalque for all to see.
He prayed together with those present and waited for the moment of the gift
He placed at the foot of the coffin a basket full of bread that he had had prepared in Fornovo by the Cistercian monks, and going to the coffin, he stroked the cold wood with his right hand, almost as if to give a last caress to his friend who was resting there; he wanted to leave his last thought for his brother.
Biondah...you left me/us too soon, and you know the void you have left, now it will be hard to go on, but you taught me never to give up and I will try...we started our career as cardinals together and you have always been my support for better or for worse. Now I know that in the solar paradise you will try to give advice to make that place even more beautiful...(she smiled at the thought) but don't forget to pray for us and for the Church. Rest in peace my sweet friend .
He left a white rose on the coffin and returned to his place
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