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[RP] Coronation Ceremony of the King of Portugal
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 24, 2023 5:31 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Coronation Ceremony of the King of Portugal Répondre en citant


--------------------------------------------------------------Coronation Ceremony of Carlos de Carvalho, King of Portugal



      25 de Maio de 1471, Dia de São Gregório VII, Papa da Igreja Universal.

      Roma está bela. Neste momento, a Cidade Eterna está imersa no esplendor da primavera. A cidade exala uma aura de renovação enquanto as árvores frondosas, como plátanos e oliveiras, desabrocham em folhagens exuberantes.

      Flores coloridas, como rosas, lírios e margaridas, adornam as praças e jardins, espalhando um doce aroma no ar.

      Naquela manhã, no coração desta grande paisagem, a Basílica de São Titus abriu suas portas para a Comunidade Aristotélica do Mundo. O cenário primaveril abrilhantava e trazia requinte à cerimônia que será realizada naquele dia. Em meio àquela manhã, as torres altas da Basílica se destacam contra o céu azul e seus vitrais brilham com uma luz mágica. Os portões de bronze revelam detalhes intrincados, enquanto dentro da basílica, arcos e colunas esculpidas em pedra, somados aos afrescos e esculturas, contam histórias sobre a Fé e sua trajetória.

      Naquela manhã, a Basílica se encontrava perfeitamente adornada com flores vermelhas e azuis em homenagem ao Reino de Portugal, cujo Rei seria coroado. Era uma ocasião mais do que especial, afinal, seria a primeira vez que um Monarca Português viria à Cidade Eterna ser ungido e entronizado como Soberano, na presença do Supremo Pontífice e sob a abóbada da principal Igreja da Religião Aristotélica. Isto, obviamente, trazia um toque especial à ocasião. Alguns até dizem que é possível sentir a presença de todos os Santos e Mártires acompanhando os sacramentos e eventos que ocorrem naquele local.

      A praça ao redor da Basílica fervilha com artistas de rua, mercadores e peregrinos. Os sons de músicas e risos se misturam, enquanto os aromas de comidas e especiarias flutuam pelo ar.

      O destacamento da Guarda Pontifícia se espalha por todo o entorno do local, garantindo a segurança de todos os cidadãos romanos, como também de todos os convidados que em breve chegariam.

      Em breve, o Rei de Portugal chegaria na Basílica, acompanhado pelo Prefeito da Corte Pontifícia. Enquanto isso, diáconos e funcionários conduziam todos os convidados para os seus devidos lugares.

      May 25, 1471, Day of Saint Gregory VII, Pope of the Universal Church.

      Rome is beautiful. At this moment, the Eternal City is immersed in the splendor of spring. The city exudes an aura of renewal as the lush trees, such as plane trees and olive trees, bloom with abundant foliage.

      Colorful flowers, like roses, lilies, and daisies, adorn the squares and gardens, spreading a sweet aroma in the air.

      On that morning, at the heart of this magnificent landscape, the Basilica of Saint Titus opened its doors to the Aristotelian Community of the World. The spring scenery enhanced and brought refinement to the ceremony that would be held that day. Amidst the morning light, the tall towers of the Basilica stand out against the blue sky, and its stained glass windows shimmer with a magical light. The bronze gates reveal intricate details, while inside the basilica, stone-carved arches and columns, along with frescoes and sculptures, tell stories of faith and its journey.

      On that morning, the Basilica was perfectly adorned with red and blue flowers in homage to the Kingdom of Portugal, whose King would be crowned. It was a more than special occasion, as it would be the first time a Portuguese Monarch came to the Eternal City to be anointed and enthroned as Sovereign, in the presence of the Supreme Pontiff and under the vault of the main Church of the Aristotelian Religion. This, obviously, brought a special touch to the occasion. Some even say that it is possible to feel the presence of all the Saints and Martyrs accompanying the sacraments and events that take place in that location.

      The square surrounding the Basilica buzzes with street artists, merchants, and pilgrims. The sounds of music and laughter blend together, while the aromas of food and spices waft through the air.

      The detachment of the Pontifical Guard spreads throughout the surroundings, ensuring the security of all Roman citizens, as well as all the soon-to-arrive guests.

      Soon, the King of Portugal would arrive at the Basilica, accompanied by the Prefect of the Pontifical Court. Meanwhile, deacons and officials were guiding all the guests to their respective seats.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 28, 2023 12:49 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The sun shimmered on the marble floors as Cardinal Kalixtus entered the Basilica of Saint Titus in Rome with majestic dignity. His purple robe fluttered gently in the soft breeze as he stepped into the impressive basilica. The venerable columns, marked by time, proudly stood guard over the sacred grounds.

    With each step the Cardinal took, he felt the sublimity of the moment. The sound of his footsteps mingled with the solemn chants of the choirs, who had already begun their hymns of homage. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation and expectation as the guests gathered, waiting for the coronation ceremony to commence.

    The grand dome of the cathedral, bathed in divine light, seemed to welcome the Cardinal. His gaze swept across the crowd, who waited in reverent silence for the festivities to begin. Among the assembled nobles, clergy, and distinguished guests, he recognized familiar faces and responded to their respectful gazes with a gentle nod.

    Finally, he found his place among the other dignitaries of the Sacred College and took his seat on a chair adorned with red velvet. His eyes wandered over the altar, adorned with magnificent flower arrangements and golden ornaments that adorned the sacred space.

    As the moment of the coronation drew near, a sublime silence enveloped the cathedral. The Cardinal closed his eyes and prayed silently, directing his thoughts to God. He sent forth his wishes for a blessed reign of King Carlos de Carvalho and sought divine assistance for the people of Portugal.

    O sol brilhava nos pisos de mármore enquanto o Cardeal Kalixtus adentrava com majestosa dignidade a Basílica de São Tito, em Roma. Sua veste púrpura tremulava levemente na brisa suave enquanto ele adentrava a impressionante basílica. As veneráveis colunas, marcadas pelo tempo, orgulhosamente vigiavam o terreno sagrado.

    A cada passo que o Cardeal dava, ele sentia a sublimidade do momento. O som de seus passos se mesclava ao canto solene dos coros, que já entoavam seus hinos de homenagem. A atmosfera estava carregada de expectativa e antecipação, enquanto os convidados se reuniam, aguardando o início da cerimônia de coroação.

    A grandiosa cúpula da catedral, banhada por uma luz divina, parecia saudar o Cardeal. Seu olhar percorria a multidão, que aguardava em silêncio reverente o início das festividades. Entre os nobres, clérigos e convidados ilustres reunidos, ele reconhecia rostos familiares e respondia aos seus olhares respeitosos com um suave aceno.

    Finalmente, ele encontrou seu lugar entre os outros dignitários do Sagrado Colégio e tomou assento em uma cadeira revestida de veludo vermelho. Seu olhar percorria o altar, adornado com magníficos arranjos florais e ornamentos dourados que embelezavam o espaço sagrado.

    O momento solene da coroação estava prestes a chegar, e uma calma sublime envolvia a catedral. O Cardeal fechou os olhos e rezou em silêncio, elevando seus pensamentos a Deus. Enviou seus votos por um reinado abençoado ao Rei Carlos de Carvalho e suplicou o auxílio divino para o povo de Portugal.

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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11984

MessagePosté le: Dim Mai 28, 2023 10:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Into the immense basilica Cardinal Fenice entered with light steps, looking around to find the place she had been shown.
How many times had she followed the solemn celebrations that took place in what was the heart of Aristotelianism!
Slowly she reached her seat and sat down, gathering up the folds of her cardinal's habit.
In recent times, losses and difficulties had kept her away from many events, but the solemn and festive occasion called her to joyfully participate.
She looked around and then, waiting for the start, concentrated in reflection and prayer.

Na imensa basílica, o Cardeal Fenice entrou com passos leves, olhando em redor para encontrar o lugar que lhe tinha sido indicado.
Quantas vezes tinha seguido as celebrações solenes que se realizavam naquele que era o coração do aristotelismo!
Lentamente, chega ao seu lugar e senta-se, recolhendo as dobras do seu hábito cardinalício.
Nos últimos tempos, as perdas e as dificuldades tinham-na afastado de muitos acontecimentos, mas a ocasião solene e festiva chamava-a a participar com alegria.
Olhou em redor e depois, à espera do início, concentrou-se na reflexão e na oração.

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Inscrit le: 15 Oct 2013
Messages: 3814
Localisation: Ducato di Milano

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 29, 2023 12:02 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal's footsteps echoed in the silence of the great basilica and as he walked slowly forward, he turned his gaze to observe the guests and the works of art in the church.
He loved the scent of the flowers mixed with that of the wax of the candles slowly melting, illuminating the interior of the basilica,
He greeted those he knew with a nod and took his seat.
It was an important day for Portugal, today was crowned the one who would govern it and who, like a father, would take care of his subjects.
He prayed in silence for the Most High to turn his blessing towards that kingdom and the man called to govern it.

Os passos do Cardeal ecoavam no silêncio da grande basílica e, enquanto caminhava lentamente, voltava o seu olhar para observar os convidados e as obras de arte da igreja.
Adorava o perfume das flores misturado com o da cera das velas que se derretiam lentamente, iluminando o interior da basílica,
Cumprimentou os conhecidos com um aceno de cabeça e sentou-se.
Era um dia importante para Portugal, hoje estava a ser coroado aquele que o governaria e que, como um pai, cuidaria dos seus súbditos.
Rezou em silêncio para que o Altíssimo dirigisse a sua bênção para aquele reino e para o homem chamado a governá-lo.
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Inscrit le: 30 Sep 2022
Messages: 58

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 29, 2023 3:12 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Augusto Bibiano, o Arcebispo de Évora, preparou-se com devoção e reverência para sua importante jornada até a Cidade Eterna. Sua missão era acompanhar a cerimônia de Coroação do Rei de Portugal, Carlos de Carvalho, na majestosa Basílica de São Titus. Vestido com paramentos sagrados, o arcebispo partiu de Ervedal, seu baronato, em uma comitiva solene.
Ao chegarem a Roma, foram recebidos com respeito e honra pelos líderes eclesiásticos locais. Bibiano sentiu-se grato por estar no coração espiritual da sua fé e, ao adentrar os portões da Basílica de São Titus, uma sensação de reverência tomou conta de seu ser. O esplendor da grandiosa construção era testemunho da imensidão da fé que ali habitava.
No interior da basílica, o arcebispo ficou maravilhado com a magnificência e a profusão de cores que adornavam as paredes. Pinturas e vitrais retratavam cenas sagradas, enquanto a luz do sol filtrada pelos vitrais coloridos criava um ambiente divino e místico.
À medida que a cerimônia de Coroação se aproximava, a basílica enchia-se de dignitários, clérigos e fiéis vindos de todas as partes do mundo. A expectativa no ar era palpável, pois a coroação de um rei era um evento de grande significado para o povo e para a igreja.
Augusto Bibiano tomou seu lugar próximo ao altar, cercado por cardeais e bispos, todos ansiosos para testemunhar a consagração do novo monarca. O som solene dos cânticos encheu a nave, enquanto incensos perfumados exalavam uma fragrância sagrada no ambiente.

Augusto Bibiano, the Archbishop of Évora, prepared himself with devotion and reverence for his important journey to the Eternal City. His mission was to accompany the Coronation ceremony of the King of Portugal, Carlos de Carvalho, in the majestic Basilica of Saint Titus. Dressed in sacred vestments, the archbishop set forth from Ervedal, his barony, in a solemn procession.
Upon their arrival in Rome, they were received with respect and honor by the local ecclesiastical leaders. Bibiano felt grateful to be in the spiritual heart of his faith and, upon entering the gates of the Basilica of Saint Titus, a sense of reverence overwhelmed him. The splendor of the grand structure was a testament to the magnitude of the faith that resided there.
Inside the basilica, the archbishop was mesmerized by the magnificence and array of colors that adorned the walls. Paintings and stained glass depicted sacred scenes, while sunlight filtered through the colorful stained glass, creating a divine and mystical atmosphere.
As the Coronation ceremony approached, the basilica filled with dignitaries, clergy, and faithful from all parts of the world. The anticipation in the air was palpable, as the crowning of a king was an event of great significance for the people and the church.
Augusto Bibiano took his place near the altar, surrounded by cardinals and bishops, all eager to witness the consecration of the new monarch. The solemn sound of chants filled the nave, while fragrant incense permeated the sacred space.

Dernière édition par Bibiano le Lun Mai 29, 2023 5:56 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 17 Aoû 2009
Messages: 158

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 29, 2023 8:46 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Vilacovense di Corleone, Duque de Alva, senta-se no lugar destinado e aguarda que comece a cerimónia.
Bispo Sufragâneo de Coimbra
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Inscrit le: 17 Fév 2018
Messages: 774
Localisation: Twynholm, Scotland

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 29, 2023 10:26 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Cinead, Bishop of Whithorn, found himself at the threshold of the bustling square leading to the Basilica of Saint Titus. It was the year 1471, and an air of excitement permeated the atmosphere as the coronation of Carlos de Carvalho, King of Portugal, was just moments away. Merchants busily hawked their wares, and the joyful chatter of the crowd filled the air. Taking a brief moment to absorb the vibrant scene, Cinead stepped into the sanctuary of the basilica.

    Inside, the clamor of the square dissipated into a serene stillness. The Basilica of Saint Titus unfolded its splendor before him, captivating his senses. Stained glass windows infused the interior with a kaleidoscope of colors, casting a warm and ethereal glow upon the stone floors. The soft light highlighted the intricate details of the architecture—elaborately carved pillars and graceful arches reaching heavenward.

    While Cinead longed to seek the counsel of his mentors, Kalixtus and Adonnis, time seemed to slip through his fingers like sand. The Cardinals, archbishops, and bishops had congregated, engrossed in their own preparations for the coronation ceremony. Their presence, though acknowledged with a nod and a fleeting smile, offered little opportunity for meaningful conversation.

    Cinead continued his solitary exploration of the basilica, his footsteps muffled by the hallowed stillness. He wandered through the corridors, marveling at the sacred artwork gracing the walls. The vivid depictions of saints and apostles seemed to come alive, whispering stories of faith and devotion.

    Reaching the apse, Cinead's gaze was drawn to the resplendent altar—a focal point of veneration. Its golden adornments shimmered in the gentle light, a testament to the grandeur of divine worship. Kneeling before the altar, Cinead offered a heartfelt prayer for the coronation and the prosperous reign of King Carlos de Carvalho. He lit a candle, its flickering flame symbolizing his unwavering dedication to his faith and the responsibilities bestowed upon him.

    In the tranquil embrace of the basilica, time seemed to dissolve, before he knew it the Ceremony was about to start. Finding his place to sit, with the other members of clergy from the British Islands he sat down to witness the coronation. In Scotland he had done three or four of these ceremonies himself, with the Stone of Scone inside the Linlithgow Palace and he wondered how different these ceremonies may be here in the heart of the Church.


Bishop of Whithorn, Priest of Kirkcudbright, Archivist for the Registers, Translator at Order of Saint Jerome, Writer at the Holy Office 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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Inscrit le: 26 Avr 2023
Messages: 326
Localisation: Villa Montemayor-Borgia

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 29, 2023 2:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Blancastre quitta la villa montemayor-borgia pour se rendre a la basilique St-titus où devait se tenir le couronnement du nouveau roi du portugal. C'est vêtu de ses plus beaux habits religieux qu'il prit place dans la partie réservée a la noblesse pontificale

La religion véritable est identique à la philosophie. La Révélation et la philosophie sont deux moyens différents d'atteindre une même vérité : Al Farabi
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Inscrit le: 17 Nov 2015
Messages: 13

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 30, 2023 9:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Apressado, Damien, pediu ao cocheiro para não parar muito longe da basílica mas, dada a quantidade de pessoas que se tinham aglomerado para a coroação, não seria muito fácil.

Já trajado e às portas da basílica, reparou na grande quantidade de guardas e funcionários que asseguravam a cerimónia. Aproximou-se um pouco da entrada e rapidamente alguém veio escoltá-lo até ao banco onde se deveria sentar. Foi observando toda a decoração e as pessoas que se encontravam no interior até chegar ao seu lugar.

- Espero que apareçam alguns velhos conhecidos, o Reino tem andado deserto. - Pensou para si enquanto olhava para a entrada.
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Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2022
Messages: 28

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 31, 2023 1:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A viagem de Leiria para Roma tinha sido cansativa.
Teve a honra de voltar a visitar aquelas grandes Basílicas que admirava desde os seus primeiros tempos de estudante aristotélico nos salões da Pontifícia Universidade e hoje teve a honra de acompanhar a coroação do Rei de Portugal, D. Carlos de Carvalho.
Com um passo calmo e silencioso, entrou na grande basílica e esperava com alegria encontrar o cardeal Adonnis, a quem admirava como bom professor da Universidade.
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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 01, 2023 11:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal Deacon of San Marco in Campidoglio, His Eminence Most Reverend Ettore Asburgo d'Argovia, entered the Basilica with barely concealed hesitation. The vastness of the spaces intoxicated him and he could often be seen fumbling with his glasses in a vain attempt to focus on the numerous details.

He greeted everyone he met with a broad smile, not yet accustomed to the seraphicness of the older Cardinals, he much preferred his honest awkwardness. It was, moreover, his first royal coronation and although he had seen many Doges being crowned, he had never happened to do so inside the Mother of all Churches.

Finally he took his place where his rank required it, trying in every way to appear at ease.

+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 02, 2023 6:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Early in the morning, between the first and third hour, the Hispanic cardinal arrived at the Apostolic Palace from his villa, as he did every morning. That day, however, there was a certain state of general agitation among the monsignors, the servants and the guards, as was usual on days when there were great celebrations in Rome. It was not every day that a king was crowned, so preparations had been careful and thorough. After having a private conversation during the Holy Father's breakfast about the daily agenda, and the mass in the Pontiff's private chapel, Felipe went to his own appartment inside the Apostolic Palace to change clothes and dress in the customary attire: cassock and roquette, cappa magna and galero, reserved for the most solemn occasions whenever he was not participating in the liturgy.

A few moments later the Vice-Chancellor descended from the upper floor through the Scala Regia to one of the side halls that led directly into the atrium of the Basilica of San Titus. He entered the monumental temple and, while his red cappa trailed softly across the colourful marble floors, he greeted several acquaintances, including the Bishop of Whithorn. Felipe reached the vicinity of the transept of the basilica, where the baldachin enhanced the presence of the high altar, and greeted his brother cardinals, taking a seat next to Cardinal Ettore, who had also just arrived. He noticed the Italian cardinal's spectacles, wondering to himself how long it would be before he too needed lenses on his nose to read books.


De manhã cedo, entre a primeira e a terceira hora, o cardeal hispânico chegou ao Palácio Apostólico vindo da sua villa, como fazia todas as manhãs. Nesse dia, porém, havia um certo estado de agitação geral entre os monsenhores, os criados e os guardas, como era habitual nos dias em que havia grandes celebrações em Roma. Não era todos os dias que se coroava um rei, pelo que os preparativos tinham sido cuidadosos e minuciosos. Depois de ter conversado em privado com o Santo Padre durante o pequeno-almoço sobre a agenda diária e de ter celebrado a missa na capela privada do Pontífice, Felipe dirigiu-se ao seu apartamento no interior do Palácio Apostólico para mudar de roupa e vestir o traje habitual: batina e roquete, cappa magna e galero, reservados para as ocasiões mais solenes, sempre que não participava na liturgia.

Poucos instantes depois, o Vice-Chanceler desceu do andar superior pela Scala Regia até um dos corredores laterais que davam directamente para o átrio da Basílica de São Titus. Entrou no monumental templo e, enquanto a sua cappa vermelha percorria suavemente o colorido chão de mármore, cumprimentou vários conhecidos, entre os quais o bispo de Whithorn. Felipe chegou às proximidades do transepto da basílica, onde o baldaquino realçava a presença do altar-mor, e saudou os seus irmãos cardeais, sentando-se ao lado do cardeal Ettore, que também acabara de chegar. Repara nos óculos do cardeal italiano e pergunta a si próprio quanto tempo passará até que também ele precise de óculos no nariz para ler livros.


_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 15 Avr 2023
Messages: 4

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 02, 2023 11:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Anxo arrives to congratulate his new King and swear allegiance.

Is has been a long trip to Rome but the beauty of the city compensate the journey.
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Inscrit le: 04 Juin 2023
Messages: 3

MessagePosté le: Dim Juin 04, 2023 11:20 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Fibonaccipt contempla a magnificência de Roma e da Catedral.

Que orgulho ver o seu amigo, Sua Majestade Real Carlos de Carvalho, ser coroado neste espaço! Se há quem mereça tal distinção, é o Rei Carlos de Carvalho!!!!
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Inscrit le: 21 Fév 2015
Messages: 4120
Localisation: Château de Quintin

MessagePosté le: Lun Juin 05, 2023 2:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Grand Duke of Brittany had been invited to the coronation of the King of Portugal. The Portuguese delegation had come to Brittany for his Coronation, he had traveled with pleasure in the company of his retinue to honor Portugal with whom he wished to create links.

The arrival in the eternal city was not for him a particular event, he had money surveyed the city for years or he was even the Cardinal Doyen.

He therefore took his place in the basilica, in the place reserved for sovereigns and chiefs, then waited for the beginning while greeting his Cardinal brothers and sisters.

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