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Inscrit le: 10 Nov 2006
Messages: 4290
Localisation: Salisbury, Clifton

MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 03, 2007 10:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

No, Stay in Wiltshire

I mean someone has to besides for me. Razz
Former Bishop of Clifton
Former Roman Cardinal-Elector and Prélate Plénipotentiary
Former Cardinal Chamberlain of England, Scotland, and Ireland
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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2006
Messages: 296

MessagePosté le: Ven Jan 19, 2007 4:48 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Master of Latin: 70%
Master of ancien Greek: 93%
Master of English Language: 21%

Some stuf on Aristoteles : 100 %
The Good : 20 %
Pleasure and Delight : 20 %
Temperance : 8 %
Justice : 0 %
Logique : 100 %

You doubt your faith Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad

Your ideas:

You are completely convinced that the Holy Being is Almighty.

You completely subscribe to the idea that sensible beauty is an image of Eternal Beauty that any Soul has already contemplated once.

It seems reasonable to you to say that metaphysics is the study of first principles.

It seems reasonable to you to say that things are copies of the Ideas.

It doesn't seem insane to you to pretend that happiness is a kind of meditation.

What a shame to think that metaphysics is the science of what is, as it is: being as being

i took a small trip to Wiltshire in effort to learn a few new knowledges and language +, my trip was not very beneficial Sad [/i]
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Inscrit le: 03 Mai 2006
Messages: 361

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 20, 2007 9:55 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Where are you? I just taught a class in Greek. I am not sure what county but it was in the town of Bath. I need to take care of these deals adn head back. Once I am done I should have more tiem to play. I can teach greek in your county possibly? You should learn the rest from books. I am also going to try to learn Latin while I ma out this run soo... we shall see what happens. It is all in Jah's hands. As He wills, it shall be so
No good or peace ever results from arguing.
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Inscrit le: 10 Nov 2006
Messages: 4290
Localisation: Salisbury, Clifton

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 20, 2007 10:27 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bath is in Somerset.
Former Bishop of Clifton
Former Roman Cardinal-Elector and Prélate Plénipotentiary
Former Cardinal Chamberlain of England, Scotland, and Ireland
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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2006
Messages: 296

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 20, 2007 4:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I'm in Evesham worcestor.

We'd be glad to have yo here with us, i'm sure reactor invisible can arrange things Very Happy

If i am not elected count i plan to travel this term around te country and master my language and try to pick up some new knowledges that i and my fellows don't know.

"The Nicomachean Ethics: III - Courage and Temperance - Aristotle - Greek" - Read
"The Nicomachean Ethics: V - La justice - Aristotle - Greek" - Read

those are our books...i have no idea what i can learn and not Embarassed
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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
Messages: 388

MessagePosté le: Sam Jan 20, 2007 10:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

In 10 days I'll be off the council and I can see about coming up to visit you all.
Priest of Dorchester
Archbishop of Canterbury
Chosen by the grace of Jah, to serve his church.
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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2006
Messages: 296

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2007 3:00 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Very Happy sounds great Ecthelion i'll let invisible know if he doesn't and ask him to get in contact with you so you guys and talk out how it'll work Very Happy

If i'm not elected i'll stay and study form you ecthelion and then maybe travel to CW as i had promised Syounger months ago before a lot of problems arouse Very Happy

Anyone know why i doubt my faith or how that happened Surprised it's kinda scary
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Inscrit le: 10 Nov 2006
Messages: 4290
Localisation: Salisbury, Clifton

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2007 3:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ecthelion you can't leave Wiltshire. Who will teach me Latin? Sad

Trontor even if the AI doesn't recieve the majority, you'll still be in Council won't you? As for the reason your faith went down:

It seems reasonable to you to say that metaphysics is the study of first principles.

What a shame to think that metaphysics is the science of what is, as it is: being as being

Conflicting beliefs.
Former Bishop of Clifton
Former Roman Cardinal-Elector and Prélate Plénipotentiary
Former Cardinal Chamberlain of England, Scotland, and Ireland
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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2006
Messages: 296

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2007 4:10 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Shocked Indeed, i'll visit you Ecthelion, and if needed i can add my weal latin Embarassed

Even if the AI loses majority ad i'm not elected i don't plan on a office and will most likely leave to allow another of my members who wish to get on and get experince to serve in my place. I also have a duty to my fellow clergy to help expand our knowledge as mcu as possible and to increase my latin.

Shocked indeed they are...hmm odd Confused do you know what broguht it on? i read a book in WS and then left but i wonder if i read the wrong thing Shocked
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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
Messages: 388

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2007 9:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I would guess that, because one of them is 50-59% and the other is 0-9%, you got the higher one by reading the book, and the lower one is one you started with.

If you have an old copy of your transcendental menu, check it to see if the "metaphysics is the science of what is, as it is: being as being" is one of your starting ideas.

I would guess that you read Metaphysics A when you were in Wiltshire
Priest of Dorchester
Archbishop of Canterbury
Chosen by the grace of Jah, to serve his church.
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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
Messages: 388

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2007 9:12 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Apocas a écrit:
Ecthelion you can't leave Wiltshire. Who will teach me Latin? Sad

Don't worry, if I do leave it will only be for a short time (like a week), and then I'll return.

I just wish that coreal could get someone to teach me latin.
Priest of Dorchester
Archbishop of Canterbury
Chosen by the grace of Jah, to serve his church.
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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2006
Messages: 296

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2007 10:03 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I see, thank you Ecthelion Very Happy

Well this is what we do here ectelion, people with low levels of latin teach and people listen and thats how we improve or i do as i have the highest Confused
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Inscrit le: 05 Sep 2006
Messages: 3535

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 22, 2007 12:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

trontor a écrit:
Anyone know why i doubt my faith or how that happened Surprised it's kinda scary

Am I the only one to see a funny side to this Laughing

I thought you give up on visiting me!
We have a full programme in Cornwall University 2 professors every day with a waiting list Smile
We teach Greek and Latin along with at least 2 Church skills a week!
So your trip will not be a waste of time!
In the unlikely event you still doubt your faith I'll preach to you in person! Wink

Cardinal Bishop in Partibus of Augusta Former Bishop of Portsmouth, Whithorn, Glasgow, Hereford & Worcester
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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2006
Messages: 388

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 22, 2007 3:47 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I had 93% latin when the county split (Yohann65 left us), since that time, there has been one opportunity for me to improve my latin.
Priest of Dorchester
Archbishop of Canterbury
Chosen by the grace of Jah, to serve his church.
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Inscrit le: 02 Oct 2006
Messages: 296

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 22, 2007 5:39 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Laughing i'm being punished for not going Laughing i really need to make that pilgrimage Very Happy

Laughing As i said CW is the most pious and active county, maybe that's why i "dislike" it sometimes Rolling Eyes Wink

Also isn't the ratio of gain when your ig lord 6-9...i keep getting 1% lately Crying or Very sad
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