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[rp]Solemn funeral of Cardinal Federico Borgia
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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
Messages: 8071
Localisation: rome

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 10:15 am    Sujet du message: [rp]Solemn funeral of Cardinal Federico Borgia Répondre en citant

Basilica di San Titus
Novembre 1462
preparativi per i funerali solenni
di sua Eminenza Federico Borgia

E' mattino inoltrato quando il cardinale Tacuma entra nella Basilica.
All' interno i chierici sono indaffarati nei preparativi per la cerimonia funebre del cardinale Federico Borgia.
La navata centrale sarebbe stata rischiarata da una successione di piccoli ceri poggiati su piattini di terracotta, legati tra loro da un cordone di velluto color rubino.
Si dirige verso l'altare maggiore, che sarebbe stato ricoperto da candido tessuto in lino , finemente ricamato dalle donne del borghi della città di Siena.
Osserva l'antico organo che avrebbe incantato tutti col suo suono, guarda in alto le finestre stupendamente istoriate, dalle quali nelle belle giornate penetravano raggi di sole che formavano giochi di luce ovunque.
E mentre il lavoro procedeva Tacuma pensa che non sarebbe stato facile , anche se è pienamente consapevole che Federico avrebbe raggiunto il suo Signore.
Ma è umano ed è nelle corde di uno zio, quale lui era, provare un dolore forte e persistente.

Signore sussurra guidaci in questi attimi di dolore e smarrimento.

Basilica of St. Titus
November 1462
preparations for the solemn funeral
of His Eminence Federico Borgia

It is the morning when the Cardinal Tacuma enters the Basilica.
Inside the clerics are busy with preparations for the funeral of Cardinal Federico Borgia.
The central nave would be lighted by a series of small candles, leaned on clay plates, bound together by a ruby velvet rope.
He goes to the high altar, which would have been covered with a white linen tablecloth, finely embroidered by the women of the villages of Siena.
He observes the old organ that would have all spellbound with its sound, then he looks up the windows, wonderfully historiated, from which in good weather, penetrating rays of the sun, forming light effects everywhere.

And while the work progressed Tacuma thinks that it would be difficult, even if it is fully aware that Federico would reach his Lord.
But it's human and it's in the ropes of an uncle, who he was, try a strong and persistent pain.
Lord whispers guide us in these moments of grief and loss.

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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2011
Messages: 942

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 11:33 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sorella M.Azzurra si recò nella sacrestia e prese tutto l'occorrente per adobbare l'Altare. Nel Mentre pregava in silenzio per il Cardinale Federico Borgia. Poi entrò nella chiesa vera e propria, mise nell'Altare una tovaglia di lino bianco e dei fiori bianchi. Accese le candele e l'incenso. Infine mise il Sacro libro nel leggio. Poi ritornò in sacrestia e si mise a disposizione.

Sister M.Azzurra came into the sacresty and took all thigs to prepare the Altare. In the meantime, she prayed sad and silent for Cardinal Federico Borgia. The she came within the Church, and put a white tablecloth and white flowers. She lit a candle and the incense. Finally, she put the Holy Book in the lectern, then came back into the sacresty and she was at disposal.
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 2:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

His Eminence felt a cold sensation inside his heart, learnig some days before that his long-time favourite and colleague had been dead, in the silence and the absence of the most of his acquaintances: he had heard about him when he ran the elections as a possible new Emperor, but then -after that time- he disappeared again.

And now Mgr Edoardo was walking through the doors of the Basilica, remembering the times when they worked together... Federico had been always a strong and able help: when the Cardinal Borromeo Galli became Archbishop, he was one of his bishops and the Nonce in Milan; when being the Primate in CESE, he soon got the charge of one of his fellow Vice-primates; when the project of an aided role for the Imperial Advisor, he was one of his local helpers from the SRING regions into the Court.

Praying that now he had reached the peace of the Sun Paradise, he soon passed the entrance of the sacristy and saw His Eminence Tacuma, stationary in prayer as he had been absorbed.

Dear Brother, I greet You with the benediction of the Most High. May your nephew be next to the glory of the Paradise. said Mgr Edoardo, but in a while he hugged his friend, knowing how much he was gloomy.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2013
Messages: 564
Localisation: Montepulciano, Repubbica Fiorentina, SRING

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 2:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il est arrivé à la Basilique, a eu lieu pour donner un dernier adieu à Son Eminence, excellent guide et un grand témoin de la vie

Mons. Lodovico Brandolini d'Adda Collalto Aldobrandeschi
Vescovo di Arezzo
Vicario Generale dell'Arcidiocesi di Roma
Prefetto Romano
Ufficiale dell'Ordine Pontificio di San Nicola V
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Inscrit le: 03 Déc 2011
Messages: 468
Localisation: Orbetello - Parroco

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 2:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Monsignor Cactaceae entrò nella chiesa. Vide che intorno molti erano al lavoro tuttavia lui non aveva nulla da fare. Così si mise a pregare per l'anima di Federico

Monseigneur Cactaceae came into the church. He watch a lot of people that works, but he havent't a lot to do. So he began to pray for Federico's soul.
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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
Messages: 8071
Localisation: rome

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 2:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pace e bene a voi eminenza Egal sussurra Tacuma.
Sono giorni tristi per noi...ma tuttavia sappiamo che accompagneremo il nostro caro fratello verso l' Altissimo sospira e questo è un grande aiuto per noi tutti.
Guardate continua indicando lo spiraglio aperto della porta che si affaccia nella basilica ...guardate molta gente, in attesa dei funerali di domani , e' qui, chiusa in preghiera per Federeico e questo significa quanto egli fosse amato...

Peace and good to you eminence Egal whispers Tacma.

These are sad days for us ... but yet we know that we accompany our dear brother to the Almighty he sighs, and this is a great help for us all.
Look he continues, pointing to the open chink of the door that overlooks the Basilica ... look at a lot of people, waiting for the funeral tomorrow is here, closed in prayer for Federeico and this means that he was loved ...

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Inscrit le: 01 Oct 2011
Messages: 1124
Localisation: Piacenza/Plaisance

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 2:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Degli Scalzi arrived at St. Titus early in the morning. People from all over the Aristotelism was coming for the last greet to a great man and a great cardinal.
He greeted everyone he met, then he joined the brothers cardinals in the sacristy, to concelebrate the upcoming ceremony.

------------------------------------------------------His Eminence Monsignor Fabio Degli Scalzi
-------------------------------------------Cistercian Monk | Bishop of Piacenza | National Suffragan Cardinal | Castellan of Pallastrelli
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
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MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 3:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Anche Sua Eminenza Fenice arrivò. Zoppicava leggermente, ma arrivò rapidamente in sacrestia e abbracciò i fratelli presenti.

Che triste giorno! disse sottovoce. La Chiesa perde un altro pilastro... Ditemi come posso aiutarvi in attesa dell'inizio della celebrazione

Also Her Eminence Fenice arrived. She was limping slightly, but quickly came to the sacristy and embraced the brothers present.

What a sad day! she said softly. The Church has lost another pillar ... Tell me how I can help you awaiting the start of the celebration.

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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
Messages: 8071
Localisation: rome

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 3:22 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Riposatevi eminenza Fenice e pregate per lui.
I chierici stanno pensando ad ogni cosa

Rest eminence Fenice and pray for him.
Clerics are thinking about everything

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Aislinn Isabeau Borgia

Inscrit le: 29 Sep 2014
Messages: 44
Localisation: Italia

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 4:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Aislinn went to the Basilique, to pray for her cusin, Federico.
It was a great loss for all the family.
She greeted all the Eminences and hugged her uncle, Cardinal Tacuma.
I'm a bit in advance, I'm sorry.
I'll sit down and pray

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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
Messages: 8071
Localisation: rome

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 7:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Vede arrivare la nipote Storm!! la saluta con quel nomignolo con il quale Federico stesso era uso chiamarla e la abbraccia sii forte e serena e prega per la sua anima!

He sees coming his niece.
Storm !! greets her with that name by which Federico same was customary call her , and embraces her be strong and calm and pray for his soul!

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Inscrit le: 28 Sep 2011
Messages: 4654

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 8:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il Monsignore non poteva mancare, aveva conosciuto l'eminente cardinale e doveva dargli l'estremo saluto. Entrò quindi in Chiesa e si dispose nei banchi davanti dove avrebbero preso posto i chierici.

The Monsignor could not miss, he had know the Cardinal and he had to give him a final farewell . He entered the church and settled down on the benches ahead, where they would take place clerics .
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Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2011
Messages: 59

MessagePosté le: Sam Nov 01, 2014 8:18 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Anche Isabella desiderava partecipare ai funerali del Cardinale.
Il diacono era tornata a ricoprire tale ruolo dopo mesi di assenza proprio grazie a lui, che l'aveva nominata per aiutare la parrocchia di Piombino, ove da tempo non v'era un parroco.
Si portò nei posti riservati ai diaconi e lì, sopo essersi inginocchiata, pregò che l'Altissimo prendesse con sè l'anima del Cardinale.


Isabella too wished to participate to the Cardinal's funeral.
The deacon had returned to fill that role after months of absence thanks to him, who had appointed her to help the parish of Piombino, where from some time now there was no parish priest.
She reached the seats reserved for the deacons and there, after kneeling, she prayed that the Almighty took with him the soul of the Cardinal.


Diacono di Livorno, Ufficiale Giudiziario per l'Arcidiocesi di Pisa
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Inscrit le: 10 Juin 2009
Messages: 8071
Localisation: rome

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 02, 2014 9:43 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

2 Novembre 1462
funerali solenni
di sua Eminenza Federico Borgia

Il triste giorno dei funerali.
' prestissimo quando Tacuma giunge in basilica.
Tutto e' pronto.
La basilica è dolorosamente bella.
Un arazzo è stato adagiato ai piedi dell' altare maggiore e la' è stato portato il feretro di Federico.
Tacuma ha chiesto che il portone fosse spalancato già al mattino presto.
E ha pensato che le campane avrebbero suonato a morto subito dopo il mattutino, affinche' potessero richiamare con il loro triste suono ogni fedele e pellegrino.
Si volta verso il diacono .Per favore Azzurra volete iniziare a suonare le campane?
Inizia l'attesa.

Basilica of St. Titus
November 2nd 1462
solemn funeral
of His Eminence Federico Borgia

The sad day of the funeral.
It is early when Tacuma comes at the basilica.
Everything is ready.
The basilica is painfully beautiful.

A tapestry is lying at the foot of the high altar, and there was brought the coffin of Federico.
Tacuma has asked that the door was already opened in the early morning.
And has thought that the bells would sound the death knell immediately after the early morning,
so that they could recall, with their sad sound, each of the faithful and every pilgrim.
He turns to the deacon on hold
Please Azzurra, do you want to start playing the bells?
Starts the wait.

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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2011
Messages: 942

MessagePosté le: Dim Nov 02, 2014 12:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il Cardinale le fece il segno. Era giunto il momento di suonare le campane.
Sorella Maria Azzurra salì verso il campanile.

Ed iniziò il rintocco funebre delle campane.
Tra poco la basilica si sarebbe riempita e mentre suonava la campana ella pregava per il giovane cardinale Federico

The Cardinal made ​​the sign. It was time to ring the bells.
Sister Maria Azzurra went up to the bell tower.

And the death knell of the bells began.
Soon the church would be filled and when the bell rang she was praying for the young Cardinal Federico

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