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[RP] Funeral of H. E. Camcal

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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Jeu Sep 25, 2014 1:38 am    Sujet du message: [RP] Funeral of H. E. Camcal Répondre en citant

His Eminence Edoardo had been in prayer for a long time that day, since he had entered the Basilica in the earliest hours, to prepare himself for the celebration of his long-time colleague, the Polish Cardinal Camcal, who had died only few days before.

The Plenipotentiary Prelate remembered the silent presence of the dear Brother, but the resolution that His Eminence Camcal always used on accomplishing his duties and -unfortunately- the harsh times between the Church and the local power wich had weakened his body until death.

When everything was ready to start, he let the door of the Basilica open and allowed faithfuls and clergy to take place and wait for the arival of the coffin.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 13 Juil 2011
Messages: 6623
Localisation: Auch ou Rome

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 27, 2014 6:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bien qu'il n'eut pas connu le cardinal Camcal, Endymion se rendit aux funérailles qui avaient lieu dans la basilique Saint Titus. Il entra dans le saint édifice, où quelques jours plus tôt il avait été élevé à la pourpre cardinalice, et remonta l'allée centrale pour s'installer sur un banc dans la partie réservée aux princes de l'église.

Although it was not known cardinal Camcal, Endymion went to the funeral, which took place in the Basilica of St. Titus. He entered the sacred edifice, where a few days earlier he had been raised to the cardinalatial scarlet, and came up the center aisle to sit on a bench in the area reserved for princes of the church.
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Inscrit le: 11 Sep 2014
Messages: 155
Localisation: Poland

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 27, 2014 7:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Smierć kardynała Camcala była smutną wiadomością martwiącą ludzi w Królestwie Polskim. Biskup Bartosz po długiej podróży z Krakowa przybył do bazyliki. Modlił się i rozmyślał o swoim życiu, życiu Kardynała Camcala i o tym, co właściwie „życie” oznacza.
Czekanie. Wciąż czekał...

Death of Cardinal Camcal was sad news, which worried people in the Polish Kingdom. Bishop Bartosz after a long trip from Krakow came to the basilica. He prayed and thought about his life, Camcal's life and what actually 'life' means.
Waiting. He was waiting...


Bartosz Mikołaj Trzebiatowski herbu Żmuda
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2009
Messages: 2118
Localisation: 1 High Street, Solar Paradise (since 22.11.1461)

MessagePosté le: Mer Oct 01, 2014 7:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Above the basilica, the clouds unnoticeably opened for a few moments and a ray of light touched the entrance of the holy edifice. Watching the ceremony from the sky wasn't as good as watching it from the first class of rows, but it was good enough for a ghosty former cardinal... for now.

"I shall go down."

Instantly, the ghosty cardinal got on the ground. He was not wearing the red clothes of Church's princes anymore, but the white, shiny and angelic vestments of purity and appeasement. Despite of that, he was invisible to any human eye. As he entered the basilica, a warm breeze flowed the place.
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 02, 2014 3:56 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The bier was in the center of the nave, in front of the altar, when the celebrant entered with all the other clerics next to him, and it was covered with a small bunch of flowers and some tapes. The beginning chants covered all the shades of sadness and joy nested in such a mourning and when they stopped, Cardinal Borromeo Galli started the rite.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, gathered under the Almighty's sight to greet for the last time Our Beloved colleague and friend, master and witness of the faith into the Polish-speaking lands, His Eminence Camcal.
He had been a silent but hard worker and we pray for his soul, so he can reach the side of Our Lord into the Sun Paradise.

Let's stay in prayer.
he said - and two minutes later from a pause of silence, he exhorted everyone from the assembly to recite the Creed.

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif

Dernière édition par Egal le Ven Oct 03, 2014 12:49 am; édité 2 fois
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Inscrit le: 11 Sep 2014
Messages: 155
Localisation: Poland

MessagePosté le: Jeu Oct 02, 2014 6:39 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bartosz recited the Creed:

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.


Bartosz Mikołaj Trzebiatowski herbu Żmuda
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Alessandro III giarru

Inscrit le: 04 Mar 2009
Messages: 6572
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 20, 2014 1:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.


Father of the Church
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11989

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 20, 2014 2:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Cardinal Fenice entered the Basilica. She was late and the celebration had already begun.
She took place and recited the Creed in a low and sad voice; she had known Camcal when he was a very young man searching for help to become a priest, and she had helped him. Now he had gone...

Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.

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Arnault d'Azayes

Inscrit le: 08 Mar 2011
Messages: 16126

MessagePosté le: Lun Oct 20, 2014 3:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

« - Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam. »

Mort des cardinaux von Frayner et d'Azayes
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 24, 2014 2:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Plenipotentiary Prelate went on with the ceremony and, after a while of silence, he said

Oh, Lord, he shouted after all of our sights that have crossed his one, let Our Brother Camcal finally see Yours!

All the believers replied Oh Lord, don't divert Your sight from Our Brother!

His Eminence went further Oh Lord, after the friendship that He received and drove His life, please grant Him the last friendship that is Yours.

Again the faithfuls cried Oh Lord, don't divert Your sight from Our Brother!

At last, Cardinal Borromeo Galli said Oh Lord, after the sufferings and the tears that may had darkened His life, please illuminate His road to the eternity.

And, finally, all the assembly Oh Lord, don't divert Your sight from Our Brother!

The celebrant ended the prayer Oh Lord, we address to You our hopes in the moment when the body of Our Brother Camcal passes away. Grant us the hope of seeing Him near You for centuries and centuries again. Amen!

All the people joined the ending word of the speech, then a cleric placed a big basket - decorated with ribbons - in front of the cabinet, before the celebrant could talk again.

After a while, His Eminence went on
Brothers, we are here for surrounding with our friendship a family that is in the sorrow. And we're here also to remind us that God remembers well of every goodness that has been done in the life of Our Brother and to ask Our Lord to embrace him.

Here is the Sign of the Light!

he said, signaling to light up the candles around the coffin

Friendship is the light of the world and is the flame that warms our heart. May it now illuminate the road of Our Brother Camcal, to immediately conduct him to Heaven!

The he bowed towards the basket, placing an Aristotelian cross inside it

Here is the Sign of the Faith!
Dear Brother Camcal, we place this Aristotelian cross on your casket.
This cross is the sign that connects Aristotle to Christos, may it be for you the sign of salvation and eternal life.

So it came to the last step of that part of the ceremony, when the Cardinal told

Here is the Sign of the Friendship!
Dear Brother Camcal, we lay down these gifts into this basket, sign of our friendship, sign of our prayer, sign of our heart.

And looking to all the believers, he explained

Anyone who want to do, may come here and give a funeral donation as an object, which will be shared after the celebration with the poor people who will need, and tell a little consideration.

He turned to the coffin, towards the basket, and placed a small gift: it was a copy of the first two tomes of the Book of Virtues, but he also added a copy of the Polish Concordate.

I place here these sacred volumes and this treaty: being a Cardinal and loving your land, you took the oath to defend the True Faith versus every danger, so these papers will follow you forever, especially when you'll be facing Our Lord.

Then, he sat down on his seat, waiting for the other people being there.
H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif

Dernière édition par Egal le Lun Oct 27, 2014 12:07 am; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11989

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 24, 2014 6:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

She got up and limped a little closer to the basket. She placed a loaf and said,

Brother Camcal, this is the bread of knowledge. You were young and asked me to help you learn about the religion to become a priest ... I shared with you the bread of knowledge, and I myself have learned more. Rest in peace ...
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Inscrit le: 29 Mai 2011
Messages: 3794
Localisation: Sacrum Romanorum Imperium Nationis Germanicæ - Herzogtum von Bayern - Regensburg

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 24, 2014 6:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ysabet had not known Camal well, she still came. He was a Cardinal and one of her own, she had to show respect. There were so many Cardinals dead. Like a curse upon them. Earnes she prayed:

« - Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam. »

Then she listened to Egals words. She signs, they were always given at a funeral. To many funerals...but he was now on the sun and hopefully happy.
Then she came forward and brought a piece of bread in the basket.
She listened to the touching words of her Eminence Fenice. She had known him and she remembered the funeral of Kali.

Roman Cardinal Emeritus
Bishop In Partibus of Cydonia
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Ven Oct 31, 2014 2:56 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Many people approached the coffin and the basket, but only someone other left anything but a simple word of greet to the soul of the Cardinal.

When the time had gone, His Eminence stood up and, after a short time of silence, he went on with the celebration.

Now we celebrate the Sign of the Remembrance.

This burial reminds us of many things.
It returns the remembrance of an Aristotelian friend who has just left us. A man who had a unique history with God, which was surrounded by the love of God, and he got more or less opportunities to experience this love.
We are here now so many in this chapel, around Camcal, to be aware of this bond of love that has always connected him to God and that connects God to everyone, at any time.
This also reminds us that death will come for each of us. For some early, for the others later. For some in their youth, for others in their old age. The Lord warns us: "Be prepared, always be ready because you know neither the day nor the hour."
Aristoteles guided us and Christos invited us to follow His example, to find our joy in living for others, to love as they have loved.
Our very presence here is a sign of prayer. We invoke Aristoteles that measures the sins of our Brother and we ask that Christos intercedes with the Lord because Camcal could be received in His Paradise.

Then he took in his hands one of the sacred scripts and said

Let's listen to the Book of Virtues, from the First Tome, about the Eclipse.

Sypous said:

This voice that I heard, while I was in the company of Aristotle and Christos, was calm and penetrating. They explained to me that it was God Himself who was going to ask me the necessary question. I finally came to understand that this was that moment. The divine voice said to me: “You, the human that holds the name among them Sypous, you came to Me, discovering all that a human will be able to know after its death. You visited each of the seven Hells, where you met each Prince-demon. All this was presented to you in accordance with My will. What did you retain from your journey?”

I answered: “I understood the direction of the Hells. When humans live in the virtue, being thus conformed to Your divine word, transmitted by the Prophet, Aristotle, and the Messiah, Christos, You grant the right to him to reach this place, Your Paradise, the Sun. If he is diverted from virtue, refusing to listen to Your divine word, and he gives himself up to the terrestrial pleasures, selfishness, temptation, false divinities, Your infinite wisdom brings to you to send him to Hell, in the Moon, to be punished there for all Eternity. You love us, but it is also needed for us to love You.”

Dear Brothers, His Eminence Camcal spent all of his life living in virtue and we know that he will be waiting us into the Sun Paradise, joining the full communion with the Most High.

He waited a while, then he spoke again

And now, we're going to end this ceremony. But, before leaving the Cathedral, we will give our last parting greet to Our Brother Camcal.
With deference and love, we put Him in the hands of the Most High, hoping we will meet again one day next to Our Lord.

Another moment of silent came, coverer with both sadness and joy, then he continued

Here is the time for the Sign of Farewell.
With all the people who came before us and now are yet living with Our Lord, with the great Assembly of the Saints, we foretell a good last journey to Our Brother's mortal remains.

After these words, four carriers took the coffin and started a procession towards the churchyard behind the Basilica, where it was the grave prepared to contain the remains of the Polish Cardinal, next to the other Eminences who died before. After the bier, His Eminence, the clergy and the whole assembly followed the way in procession.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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Inscrit le: 15 Jan 2009
Messages: 5380

MessagePosté le: Ven Nov 21, 2014 5:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

At the cemetery, in the zone reserved for the burial of the princes of the Church who had no different will about their entombment, the crowd stopped its walk behind the carriers. The clergy and the assembly had followed the bier of the Polish Cardinal, until they reached the hole ready to embrace the dead cleric.

Standing in front of the tomb, His Eminence Edoardo said

And now we will lay down to the earth the remains of Our Brother Camcal, into this place where other cardinals have yet got the sleep of the right men.
It's the time to say Him "to God go by".
It's a moment of sadness, but we shall remember to let live our hope, because we trust to see Our Brother Camcal again, when God will gather all of us, joyful in His Reign.

So let us pray, thinking of every time we had been living with Our Brother Camcal and to whatever He had been for us, and mainly what He is still for the Most High.

The bier was silently placed into the grave, then the celebrant sprinkled the sepulchre with blessed water and went on talking

This water, memory of Our baptism,
let us remember that God made You a son of Him, too.
May He embrace You in His Holy Peace!

At the end, the tomb was partially closed with its top, leaving a little slit where everyone of His relatives and friends might drop some earth, like they helped the burial.

To the side, His Eminence waited the acquaintances of the deceased cleric, to give them his consolation.

H. Em. Edoardo Borromeo Galli
Bishop In Partibus of Beyrouth
Roman Emeritus Cardinal

older: http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/5503/egal2.gif
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