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[RP-End] Canonisation of Meela

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I'm agree with this canonisation/ Je suis d'acord avec cette canonisation
 40%  [ 8 ]
 55%  [ 11 ]
No opininon/Sans opinion
 5%  [ 1 ]
Total des votes : 20

Auteur Message

Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 3098

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 04, 2016 4:21 pm    Sujet du message: [RP-End] Canonisation of Meela Répondre en citant

[Initial RP thread] you can vote for seven days.

The time came to finish why short closing speech.

My friends, we listened to several people who testify about Meela's life. It's time to tell you how we'll do. Anyone wishing to vote must proceed to the room behind me. The guard will give them a white stone and a black stone with a secret symbol and then they can go to vote one by one. You will need to put the white stone if you support the canonization or the black stone if you are against the canonization. You will come out of this room and my secretary will stamp your hand with a special seal created for this occasion..

Gregy paused before finishing.

The votes will stop in 7 days and we will open the chests. We will count the stones and there are at least seven white stones for three black stones then our sister will be elevated at the rank of Saint of the Holy Aristotelian Church. Otherwise it will remain a blessed.


fides scutum nostrum est,
amor telum nostrum est
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 3098

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 18, 2016 11:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The day passed one after one and Gregy he fell asleep. He awoke. There was noboby. H estrated writting the announcement.


Congregationis Sancti Officii.

The no canonization of the Meela.

Us, His Eminence Gregy, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Office:

- Declare the end of trial on Canonization of Meela started the day XVI of December of the year MCDLXIII
- Swearing on the Book of Virtues to have found no irregularities in the vote or in it count
- Find that the faithful gave 8 positive opinions for 11 negative opinions and a neutral opinion and a majority of 7/10 is not reached
- Announce the no canonisation of Meela and order his hagiography will be proposed to the cenacle of Theologians to be added to the list of Blessed of the Church Aristotelian

Written at Rome, the day XVIII of January of the year MCDLXIV

On behalf of the Holy Church Aristotelian,
His Eminence Gregy, Chancellor of the Holy Office


Congregationis Sancti Officii.

Non canonisation de Meela.

De Nous, Son Eminence Gregy, Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office:

- déclarons la cloture du procés en Canonisation de Meela débuté le jour XVI du mois de Décembre, de l'année MCDLXIII
- jurons sur le Livre des Vertus n'avoir constater aucune irrégularité au cours des votes ou de leur décompte
- constastons que les fidéles ont donné 8 avis favorables pour 11 avis défavorables et un avis neutre et qu'une majorité des 7/10 n'est pas atteinte
- annonçons donc la non canonisation de Meela et ordonnons au Cénacle des théologiens de décider l'ajout de son hagiographie à la liste des Bienheureux de l'Eglise aristotélicienne

Fait à Rome, le jour XVIII de Janvier, de l'année MCDLXIV

Au nom de la Sainte Eglise Aristotélicienne,
Son Eminence Gregy, Chancelier du Saint Office


fides scutum nostrum est,
amor telum nostrum est
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Inscrit le: 03 Nov 2006
Messages: 3098

MessagePosté le: Lun Jan 18, 2016 11:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The day passed one after one and Gregy he fell asleep. He awoke. There was noboby. He started writting the announcement.


Congregationis Sancti Officii.

The no canonization of the Meela.

Us, His Eminence Gregy, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Office:

- Declare the end of trial on Canonization of Meela started the day XVI of December of the year MCDLXIII
- Swearing on the Book of Virtues to have found no irregularities in the vote or in it count
- Find that the faithful gave 8 positive opinions for 11 negative opinions and a neutral opinion and a majority of 7/10 is not reached
- Announce the no canonisation of Meela and order his hagiography will be proposed to the cenacle of Theologians to be added to the list of Blessed of the Church Aristotelian

Written at Rome, the day XVIII of January of the year MCDLXIV

On behalf of the Holy Church Aristotelian,
His Eminence Gregy, Chancellor of the Holy Office


Congregationis Sancti Officii.

Non canonisation de Meela.

De Nous, Son Eminence Gregy, Chancelier de la Congrégation du Saint-Office:

- déclarons la cloture du procés en Canonisation de Meela débuté le jour XVI du mois de Décembre, de l'année MCDLXIII
- jurons sur le Livre des Vertus n'avoir constater aucune irrégularité au cours des votes ou de leur décompte
- constastons que les fidéles ont donné 8 avis favorables pour 11 avis défavorables et un avis neutre et qu'une majorité des 7/10 n'est pas atteinte
- annonçons donc la non canonisation de Meela et ordonnons au Cénacle des théologiens de décider l'ajout de son hagiographie à la liste des Bienheureux de l'Eglise aristotélicienne

Fait à Rome, le jour XVIII de Janvier, de l'année MCDLXIV

Au nom de la Sainte Eglise Aristotélicienne,
Son Eminence Gregy, Chancelier du Saint Office


fides scutum nostrum est,
amor telum nostrum est
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