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[RP] Public ordinary Consistory March, 5 (1 – 65)
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Alexei Kosygin

Inscrit le: 09 Jan 2016
Messages: 879

MessagePosté le: Ven Mar 10, 2017 8:00 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Alexei enters the church at the moment that the clergy is already singing, enjoying a good song he sings along while walking towards an empty pew to sit on, somewhat at the back of the church while he enjoys the ambiance, this is the first time that he is at a ceremony for new Cardinals. Credo in Deum,
Altissimum Omnipotentem,
Creatorem caeli et terrae,
Inferos et paradisi,
Ultima hora animae judicem nostrae

Et in Aristotelem, prophetam,
Nicomaqui Phaetique filium,
Missum ut sapientiam et universi
Divas leges errantibus hominibus erudiret

Credo etiam in Christum,
Natum ex Maria et Ioseph,
Vitam dedit ut nobis paradisi viam monstraret
Sic, postquam sub Pontio passus est
Propter salutem
Nostram martyr perivit
Consecutus est Solem
Ubi Aristoteles ad Altissimi dexteram eum expectabat

Credo in Divinam Actionem,
Sanctam Ecclesiam aristotelicianam, romanam, unam et indivisibilem
Sanctorum communionem,
Peccatorum remissionem,
Carnis resurrectionem
Vitam aeternam.



Librarian of the Vatican Library | Archbishop of Utrecht | Professor at Canterbury Cathedral School | Vice-Prefect at Villa San Loyats
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11984

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 12, 2017 6:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Camerlengo let the echo of the combined voices slowly die down, then she turned towards the assembly and said

Sisters, brothers, the Church welcomes today among the cardinals two new elected. The Curia so maintains its fullness of functions, and ensures that each linguistic area is represented in the government of the Church itself. One of two new cardinals belongs to the Consistory Lusophone and the other to the English-speaking.
This does not mean, however, that they may make the interests of a zone or a faithful community to the detriment of others. The Church is one, and remains united and compact, strong and firm in the care of faithful Aristotelian, in the spread of the True Faith and in the fight against heresies and threats of the Unnamed.
Having the Curia cardinals who come from various parts of the Aristotelian world means knowing and comparing all the situations and the riches of the Faith, and to guarantee to all the faithful the same attention and the same proximity. On them, through the guidance of the Holy Father and the Curia, comes the Love of the Most High, Creator and Father of us all, as we are His children, and instruments.

A moment's pause, then continued the Camerlengo

We call now the two new cardinals for the delivery of the cardinal's biretta and ring.

A beadle called

Come forward Varos and Vanyar.


La Camerlingue laissa l'écho des voix combinées meurent lentement, puis elle se tourna vers l'assemblée et dit

Sœurs, frères, l'Église accueille aujourd'hui parmi les cardinaux deux nouveaux elùs. La Curie maintient ainsi sa plénitude des fonctions, et assure que chaque aire linguistique est représentée au sein du gouvernement de l'Église elle-même. L'un des deux nouveaux cardinaux appartient au Consistoire lusophone et l'autre à l'anglophone.
Cela ne signifie pas, cependant, qu'ils peuvent faire de l'intérêt d'une zone ou d'une part des fidèles au détriment des autres.
L'Église est une, et reste unie et compacte, forte et ferme dans le soin des fidèles aristotélicienne, dans la propagation de la Vraie Foi et dans la lutte contre les hérésies et les menaces du Sans nom. Avoir des cardinaux de la Curie qui viennent de différentes parties du monde aristotélicienne signifie connaître et comparer toutes les situations et les richesses de la foi, et garantir à tous les fidèles de la même attention et la même proximité.
Sur eux, à travers la direction du Saint-Père et de la Curie, vient l'Amour du Très-Haut, Créateur et Père de tous, que nous sommes Ses enfants, et Ses instruments.

La pause d'un moment, puis a poursuivi la Camerlingue

Nous appelons maintenant les deux nouveaux cardinaux pour la livraison de la barette et l'anneau du cardinal.

Un bedeau appela

Qui viennent Varos et Vanyar.


O Camerlengo deixou o eco das vozes combinadas morrer lentamente, então ele virou a reunião e disse:

Irmãs, irmãos, a Igreja acolhe hoje entre os cardeais dois novos eleitos. A Cúria mantém assim a sua plenitude de funções, e garante que cada área linguística é representada no governo da Igreja. Um dos dois novos cardeais pertence ao Consistório Lusófono eo outro para o de língua Inglês.
Isso não significa, no entanto, para que possam tornar os interesses de uma zona ou um povo fiel, em detrimento de outros.
A Igreja é una, e permanece unida e compacta, forte e firma no cuidado da fiéis aristotélica, na propagação da Verdadeira Fé e na luta contra as heresias e ameaças do Sem nome. Tendo os cardeais da Cúria provenientes de várias partes do mundo aristotélico significa conhecer e comparar todas as situações e as riquezas da fé, e garantir a todos os fiéis a mesma atenção ea mesma proximidade. Sobre eles, por meio da orientação do Santo Padre e à Cúria, vem o Amor do Altíssimo, Criador e Pai de todos nós, que somos Seus filhos, e instrumentos.

Um momento de pausa, em seguida, continuou o Camerlengo

Nós chamamos agora os dois novos cardeais para a entrega do barrete eo anel do cardeal.

Um bedel chamada

Eles são Varos e Vanyar.


Il Camerlengo lasciò che l'eco delle voci unite si spegnesse lentamente, quindi si rivolse all'assemblea e disse

Sorelle, fratelli, la Chiesa accoglie oggi tra i Cardinali due nuovi eletti. La Curia mantiene così la propria pienezza di funzioni, e garantisce che ogni zona linguistica sia rappresentata in seno al governo della Chiesa stessa. Uno dei due nuovi cardinali appartiene al concistoro lusofono e l'altro a quello anglofono.
Questo non significa, però, che essi facciano gli interessi di una zona o di un popolo di fedeli a discapito degli altri. La Chiesa è una, e rimane unita e compatta, forte e salda nella cura dei fedeli aristotelici, nella diffusione della Vera Fede e nella lotta contro le eresie e le minacce del Senza nome. Avere nella Curia dei cardinali provenienti dalle varie parti del mondo aristotelico significa conoscere e mettere a confronto tutte le situazioni e le ricchezze della Fede, e garantire a tutti i fedeli la stessa attenzione e la stessa vicinanza. Su di essi, tramite la guida del Santo Padre e della Curia, discende l'Amore dell'Altissimo, Creatore e Padre di tutti noi, come noi siamo Suoi figli e strumenti.

Un momento di pausa, quindi il Camerlengo continuò

Chiamiamo ora i due nuovi cardinali per la consegna della berretta e dell'anello cardinalizio.

Un accolito chiamò

Che avanzino Varos e Vanyar.
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Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2012
Messages: 894

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 13, 2017 7:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After the singing the Camerlengo speaks once again. With much attention and respect Vanyar listens to her words. Explaining the Curia and the language zones. Then he hears he ask to come forwards. Time to stand up and walk towards the Camerlengo. Waiting near the Camerlengo for what next will happen.

Presbyter & Professor of the Universal and Roman-Aristotelian Church. | Bishop of Ptolemais
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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2016
Messages: 290
Localisation: Aveiro, Condado de Coimbra

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 13, 2017 8:59 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Varos comes foward after listening to the Camarlengo.
+ His Eminence Martin de Varos Dias De MortAgua

+ Portuguese National Suffragan cardinal

+ XXIV Primate for the Kingdom of Portugal
+ Archbishop of Lisbon
+ Member of the Frigidarium
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11984

MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 18, 2017 5:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Camerlengo looked into the eyes of the two new cardinals. A kind look, but questing. She smiled. Her voice rose, solemn, and said

We, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Camerlengo of the Holy Church, under the powers conferred by His Holiness Innocent VIII, at the request of the cardinals gathered in the Sacred College, create His Eminence Vanyar national suffragan cardinal in the Anglophone consistory and His Eminence Varos national suffragan cardinal in the Lusophone consistory.

In the deep silence after these words, she placed the bars on the heads of Vanyar and Varos.

Dear Brothers, I welcome you with joy, and I invite you to learn well and keep in mind your obligations and your authority, as stated in the Canon Law of the Holy Aristotelian Church.
Keep your hearts turned to God and your eyes to the faithful, who will look at you and see the authority and the guidance of the Church.

She embraced them fraternally.


La Camerlengo regardait dans les yeux des nouveaux cardinaux. Un regard gentil, mais en quête. Elle sourit. Sa voix se leva, solennelle, et dit

Nous, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Camerlengo de la Sainte Eglise, sous les pouvoirs conférés par Sa Sainteté Innocent VIII, à la demande des cardinaux réunis au Sacré Collège, créons son Eminence Vanyar cardinal national suffragant au sein du Consistoire Anglophone et Son Eminence Varos cardinal national suffragant au sein du Consistoire Lusophone.

Dans le profond silence qui suivit ces paroles, elle plaça les barrettes sur les têtes de Vanyar et Varos.

Chers Frères, je vous accueille avec joie, et je vous invite à bien apprendre et à garder à l'esprit vos obligations et votre autorité, comme dit le Droit Canonique de la Sainte Eglise Aristotélicienne.
Gardez votre cœur tourné vers Dieu et vos yeux vers les fidèles qui vous regarderont et verront l'autorité et le guidage de l'Église.

Elle les embrassa fraternellement.


O Camerlengo olhou nos olhos dos dois novos cardeais. Um olhar amável, mas procurando. Ela sorriu. Sua voz levantou-se, solene, e disse:

Nós, Fenice Maria Helena Deversi-Aslan Borgia, Camerlengo da Santa Igreja, sob os poderes conferidos por Sua Santidade Inocêncio VIII, a pedido dos cardeais reunidos no Sagrado Colégio, criamos Sua Eminência Vanyar cardeal nacional sufragâneo no consórcio anglófono e Sua Eminência Varos cardeal nacional sufragâneo no consistório Lusófono.

No silêncio profundo depois destas palavras, ela colocou as barras sobre as cabeças de Vanyar e Varos.

Caríssimos Irmãos, dou-vos as boas-vindas com alegria, e convido-vos a aprenderem bem e a terem em mente as vossas obrigações e a vossa autoridade, como se afirma na Lei Canônica da Santa Igreja Aristotélica.
Mantenha seus corações voltados para Deus e seus olhos para os fiéis, que olharão para vocês e verão a autoridade e a orientação da Igreja.

Ela os abraçou fraternalmente.

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Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2012
Messages: 894

MessagePosté le: Sam Mar 18, 2017 8:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

With respect and attention Vanyar listens to the words of the Camerlengo. It means a lot to him to hear these words and understand the trust that the Curia gives him by naming him Cardinals. Eminent brothers and sisters of the Curia, Your Eminence Fenice, I would like to thank you for the trust and faith that you give me by elevating me to the position of National Suffragan Cardinal. I am humbled by your vote of confidence and will show you that I am worth it. Followed by these words Vanyar says a quiet prayer to the Lord, asking him wisdom and guidance in this new chapter in his life.

Presbyter & Professor of the Universal and Roman-Aristotelian Church. | Bishop of Ptolemais
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2008
Messages: 248
Localisation: Whithorn, Galloway

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 19, 2017 4:58 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Having followed along with the service intently, Father Pelenor was glad to see it come to such a joyous conclusion.

"Your Eminence Vanyar, Your Eminence Varos. Congratulations. It is wonderful to see two such deserving members of the Church raised an recognized by the curia. I wish ye' all the best in your ongoing journeys. An thank ye' Your Eminence Fenice, it was a wonderful ceremony."

Heir of Kingdom of Scotland | Bishop of Whithorn Diocese | Town Mentor for Whithorn |
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Inscrit le: 30 Jan 2016
Messages: 290
Localisation: Aveiro, Condado de Coimbra

MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 19, 2017 6:42 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Martin listens carefully to the Camarlengo and rise when his name is called.

- Thank you for trusting in me for this job! - said Martin to the presents.
+ His Eminence Martin de Varos Dias De MortAgua

+ Portuguese National Suffragan cardinal

+ XXIV Primate for the Kingdom of Portugal
+ Archbishop of Lisbon
+ Member of the Frigidarium
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