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[RP] Basilica di Santa Maria in Trastevere
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Inscrit le: 08 Avr 2017
Messages: 445

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 26, 2017 1:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"Yes, it is truly a big step I am about to make and undoubtedly nothing will be the same once this ceremony is over, but there is nothing my heart seeks more than the opportunity to serve our Creator and His Holy Church. It is with full awareness of the responsibilities that I gladly accept to pronounce priestly vows out of my own free will.

Although I am ready, let us wait for a while* before we proceed to the ritual itself."

* [Let us give the opportunity to those who might be inclined to participate in this RP until 7pm (Paris time) and then the ceremony can begin. Smile ]
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Inscrit le: 13 Mar 2008
Messages: 248
Localisation: Whithorn, Galloway

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 26, 2017 4:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Pelenor made his way into the grand building, glad to have been invited to be a part of the ceremony. The newly appointed Bishop was happy to hear that more faithful were coming to the Isles to spread the word of the Lord, and he was honored he'd been given a chance to witness the birth of his soon-to-be Brother's journey.

"Your Eminences, I hope I'm not late. An' that ye'll forgive me if I am!" He said it with a grin. "Congratulations tae ye, Boguslaw. An thank ye' for doing me tha' honor of sending out th' invitation. Once th' Sacrament is
completed, I look forward tae welcoming ye' as a full Brother O' the Church."

Not wanting to take up too much of anybodies time, and still getting used to his recent higher appointment in Rome, Pelenor slipped quietly into one of the Pews towards the front of the Church, and eagerly awaited the start of the ceremony.

Heir of Kingdom of Scotland | Bishop of Whithorn Diocese | Town Mentor for Whithorn |
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 26, 2017 4:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal smiled.

"You are welcomed, dear brother. This is a big day in the life of the faithful Boguslaw, as he will join our priesthood."

He then let the Scottish speak, waiting a bit longer before starting the ordination.
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Inscrit le: 02 Mar 2009
Messages: 387
Localisation: ig name anna.hanley

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 26, 2017 6:04 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Anna upon hearing a Scottish member of clergy is getting ordained after getting lost in Rome yet again as she rarely visits these days Anna enters the grand building
sorry your eminences im so late i got lost finding the right place
Anna then takes her seat next to pelenor and whispers in his ear we need to sort out your bishop ceremony when we get back to Scotland Anna then smiles waiting for the ceremony to start
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Inscrit le: 08 Avr 2017
Messages: 445

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 27, 2017 10:40 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He smiled when Anna and Pelenor entered the Basilica. They travelled all the way from Scotland to share this precious moment with him and he was grateful.

"Your Excellencies, welcome and thank you for coming all the way to Rome for this special occasion."
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Inscrit le: 14 Jan 2013
Messages: 3183

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 27, 2017 10:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Archdeacon of Rome was informed that Cardinal Hull had ordered a Scottish boy so, he decided to go in person at the Basilica Santa Maria in Trastevere to attend the solemn ritual.

He went into the Basilica and took up places in the clergy reserved seats. Praying in anticipation of the beginning of the celebration.

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Inscrit le: 09 Nov 2010
Messages: 1417
Localisation: Ducato di Milano, Piacenza

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 27, 2017 4:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Primate of the two Sicilies knew the new Cardinal Hull.
They had often met in the Roman offices of the Penitentiary and the Diffusion of the Faith.

He entered the Basilica, and after a short prayer he met Cardinal.

Greetings dear brother, that the prophets may assist you in your mission.

+ S.E. Monsignor Napoleone Barberini

(Since 1457)
+ Bishop of Parma
+ Missus Inquisitionis
+ Lord of Casamarciano
+ First Chaplain of the Episcopal Guard
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 28, 2017 7:04 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal had waited for a while longer, and some denizens of the city had wandered in. Among them, a few bishops an even the dear vice-chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery. He took his place in the front and asked Vanyar to take his position of prime witness upon his right. In front of Hull was were the ordination would take place, using ceremonial elements with solemn oaths.

"My dear brothers and sisters of the Faith, thank you all for taking the time to see a great day, as a new person wishes to join the clergy and serve the Almighty."

He paused.

"It is always a great relief to see our circle expand, with this faithful, whom wishes to be devoted to our greater cause. If this is good news for him and for us, this is also good news for the future faithfuls who will see a new guide join and serve them. But, a man who agrees to make certain sacrifices and live by a strict code of conduct must be ready do take this choice. For there is no greater failure for a priest to be defrocked by petty desires and petty reasons.

We owe, to ourselves, to advance together because we are so few in number in many parts of this Creation. Our office and mission is more demanding, more engaging, more thankless as all others that we might encounter in this temporal world. We must work together to spread the message and the influence of Rome for centuries and centuries, as each advancement in our goal of serving Jah makes us lessen the burden by a bit.

The Cardinal looked at the future priest who stood there, attentive. He signaled to him to come closer.

"My son, step forward, to the outskirt of the marked circle on the floor in front of myself. Before we begin, we shall confess ourselves and speak, before moving into the circle and the ordination part of this ceremony. We are witnessed by the Cardinal Vanyar, but also by this assembly of curious and supportive members of the clergy."

He smiled.

"Now, let us pray and confess :

I confess to Jah Almighty
To All the Saints
And to you also my Friends,
Because I have sinned
In thoughts, words and actions
I beg All the Saints and You, My Friends
To pray to the Creator for me
May the Most High grant us forgiveness
Absolution and forgiveness of all our sins.


He then waited for Boguslaw to finish the prayer before continuing into the next preliminary step.

"My son, it was your wish to join the community of believers, and hence the Aristotelian Friendship. As you are now going to partake into the next step of the said Friendship, I will ask you to pronounce the oath of your baptism once again. I you still swear allegiance to the Universal and Roman Aristotelian Church, and promise to dedicate your life to helping others, which will purify your soul and lead you to paradise, pronounce your oath once again, as simple and baptized faithful."

The Cardinal then presented the oath more commonly used in the mainland, one that was powerful and would confirm the position of Boguslaw.

I, [Name], recognize in Jah the motor of the world, the supreme thought and the efficient and ultimate cause of the world.
I, [Name], recognize the Aristotelian Church as my guide in the knowledge of Jah, and I swear to remain faithful to it as well as to her authority, the only representative near Jah in the eternal contemplation of His Beauty, and servant of Jah Almighty.

He waited for the recital by the candidate to the priesthood, thus a confirmation of his status as a baptized faithful and a preparation to the oaths that would be taken during the ordination. The Cardinal then asked the final preliminary question.

"Finaly, my son, before being ordained a priest, it is fitting that you should declare before the assembly your intention to receive this mission and ordination. This long-standing custom is one that nobody one escape, not even when I was in your place. So tell me now, my son, before the Most High and our witness, do you want to be consecrated to the priesthood of the Aristotelian Church?"
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Inscrit le: 08 Avr 2017
Messages: 445

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 28, 2017 2:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He listened very carefully to the words of the Cardinal, aware of the burden he would soon receive. It won't be easy, it will demand sacrifice, but he truly wanted to take priestly vows and had no regrets concerning his choice. When the moment arrived, he approached and stepped towards the indicated circle in front of the Cardinal, as instructed.

Few moments later, he was pronouncing the prayer aloud, with devotion in his heart.

"I confess to Jah Almighty
To All the Saints
And to you also my Friends,
Because I have sinned
In thoughts, words and actions
I beg All the Saints and You, My Friends
To pray to the Creator for me
May the Most High grant us forgiveness
Absolution and forgiveness of all our sins.


He was then asked to pronounce the oath, which he did willingly.

"I, Boguslaw Swiatoslawicz, recognize in Jah the motor of the world, the supreme thought and the efficient and ultimate cause of the world.
I, Boguslaw Swiatoslawicz, recognize the Aristotelian Church as my guide in the knowledge of Jah, and I swear to remain faithful to it as well as to her authority, the only representative near Jah in the eternal contemplation of His Beauty, and servant of Jah Almighty."

It was thus the moment for offering his answer the preliminary question, but he replied with no hesitation.

"Your Eminence, before the Most High and our witness, I do want to be consecrated to the priesthood of the Aristotelian Church."
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 28, 2017 5:13 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal nodded his head and looked at Vanyar to be certain that he had heard the answer. He then signaled to Boguslaw to stay there while me went up the steps to the religious pulpit. Once there, he opened the Book of Virtues and read the customary passage.

Prehistory - Chapter 1 a écrit:
1 The humans were from then on the children of God. As a consequence, they were now endowed with a soul, which would be judged at the end of times according to their practice of virtue. Moreover, it was required that they now dedicate themselves to work to ensure their subsistence. The other creatures of creation, excluding only that one which the Most High had not named, were made subordinate to them. The human ones could thus cultivate them and raise them to be their nourishment.

2 God did not intervene any more in the world, letting His children live and thrive. He had given to the creature that He had not named freedom to try them so that they must choose between the way of the virtue and that of the sin. Being omniscient, He knew already how would be their future, but He wanted them to prove reliable, without judging them in advance.

3 Oane, he who had correctly answered God, had now passed from the simple status of spirit of the community to leadership of it. He did not baulk at the task. He led them throughout the world to a place favorable to their prosperity. During these years, they crossed deserts, mountains and plains throughout the whole world. Oane became increasingly weakened throughout this journey, but he never gave up.

"Thus, to guide one's neighbor is not an easy thing. On the other hand, the will and the courage, punctuated by Aristotelian friendship, allow the clergy of our Church to work in order to propagate the true faith. Oane lived like that. It will be your turn, my son, to do the same thing. You will guide the faithful, so that they may abide forever in virtue and reach toward the perfection of the Aristotelian Friendship."

He then returned from the pulpit and took his place in front of the altar, visible to all the assembly of people. In front of him was the circle; and in front of the circle was Boguslaw, still waiting.

"My son, now step forward into the circle and kneel. I will speak, you will answer and act. And only Jah will judge."

Once Boguslaw had entered the chalk circle, Hull signaled the two novices to come forward and do there duty. The young girl redrew the circle around Boguslaw, a symbolic gesture to show the Aristotelian Friendship surrounding the young man. During that time, the other novice, a young boy, started to bring four colonnades, placing them at each of the cardinal points. The novice girl ended her redrawing, putting the chalk away and helping the boy place four other symbolic objects on the four colonnades. These items were a basin of pure and blessed water for the water element, a small flame for the fire element, a cut stone for the earth element, and a censer for the air element: these objects represented the four elements of the Aristotelian theory. The circle and the future priest figured the last mystical element: the ether, the symbolization of the soul and the presence of the divine in all things, as well as Aristotelian Friendship and its enveloping love.

The novice returned to there corner, and the Cardinal continued the ceremony. He came forward and placed himself beside the brazier, but remaining outside of the circle. With a strong voice, using a very serious tone, he spoke directly to the kneeling man. His gaze was strong, piercing into the soul of Boguslaw. In front of the holy symbols and the sight a such a piercing gaze and powerful words, a weak and sinner would have fled.

"Faced with the blessed flame of the brazier rising towards the sky, do you promise to live in communion with the work of Christos and Aristotle, as well as in the respect and obedience of the hierarchy of the Holy Aristotelian and Roman Church?"

The Cardinal then dropped into the circle a small idol of twine. In the body, a small paper was wrapped around and contained a message. Upon inspection, Boguslaw would be able to read the name of Asmodeus, the prince-demon of lust, on the small paper.
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Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2012
Messages: 894

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 28, 2017 7:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The key responsibility of a witness is to witness, one may say that there is not much to it. However, it is good to see that someone from the British Islands is being ordained. A new brother that will help us bring the faith back to the Islands. So this feels more than just witnessing.

Vanyar notices that his brother Hull de Northshire look at him. It is nice to see a fellow Cardinal perform this sacrament. The answers that Boguslaw Swiatoslawicz are correct and honest. It does Vanyar good to see things progress in this manner. Vanyar nods back in agreement to his brother Hull. This is progressing the way it should and the British Cardinal is pleased with that.


Presbyter & Professor of the Universal and Roman-Aristotelian Church. | Bishop of Ptolemais
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Inscrit le: 08 Avr 2017
Messages: 445

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 01, 2017 7:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He listened attentively the words of the Cardinal and then he stepped into the circle and knelt in silence. When all the preparations were finished and the question was asked, he answered with a convincing voice without any hesitation.

"I do!"

Boguslaw, divinely inspired, knew that the little doll placed in the circle was represented the terrible demon Asmodeus. Therefore, after replying to the question he threw the accursed idol into the flames.
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 02, 2017 2:50 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Cardinal, visibly satisfied, nodded his head and said :

"May the Aristotelian Fire purify and bless this servant of the Most High, may he be warded from luxury and sins of the flesh!"

The Cardinal then faced the adjacent colonnade, inviting by the same fact the candidate to turn to face him. On it was the carved stone, which had a slight recess on the top. A small object could probably be fitted in the slot.

"My son, facing the carved stone, the foundation on which rests the whole architecture of the Holy Aristotelian and Roman Church, do you want to dedicate your life to follow the path illustrated by the words of Aristotle? Do you promise to live in communion, with your colleagues and for life, with respect and obedience to the Faith and our dogma?"

Upon his words, the Cardinal dropped into the circle a small wooden cross, symbol of the unwavering faith that Boguslaw had to always keep in his heart. Would he keep his faith for himself, reject it, or plant it upon solid ground upon which to build a church of faithful?
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Inscrit le: 08 Avr 2017
Messages: 445

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 02, 2017 4:29 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

He turned in the indicated direction and listened carefully to Cardinal's words. Then he answered the question while at the same time placing the wooden cross upright in the slot on top of the stone.

"I do!."
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mar Mai 02, 2017 11:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hearing the answer, fully confident, he nodded and said:

"Let the Aristotelian stone purify and bless this servant of the Most High!"

He moved once more, this time facing the colonnade on which was the water. He signaled to Boguslaw to follow his movement.

"Facing water, symbol of purity, promise to share with all your heart, with all your soul and without any restrictions the precepts of the Aristotelian ethics. Do you promise with all your heart, your soul and without restriction to refuse to sink into sin by cultivating virtues and fighting against vices? "

Waiting for the answer, the Cardinal also waited for the act. He dropped into the circle a pebble, which was dirty to symbolize all the other sins that humans did. But, like a sinner, the pebble could be purified.
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