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[EN] Realization Coats and Seals (read 1st message)
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 02, 2019 4:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The young blond was working on a request from italy when an acolyte approached her that someone was standing in the request area. She nodded and raised from her chair. The acolyte told her about what the bishop has said.

Monseigneur could you please fill in the form presented on the first page as it is essential for any request presented to us.
There is no record on how your old coat of arms looked like so I would ask you to please describe it accordingly as stated within the form.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1469
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 04, 2019 3:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Brother Will remembered that he had a copy of his old application form with him. He handed it out to Mother Jolieen.

COAT Form a écrit:


Please receive my request. If further details are needed I can be contacted via pm.

Peace and Goodwill,
Brother William Blazing, OFM

1 ) Exact "IG" Name: Blazingwill
2 ) RP name and all owned nobility titles: Brother William Blazing, OFM (Nobility titles: Viscount of Osney, Baron of Dorchester On Thames)
3 ) Precise function[s] held inside the Church and a link toward the nomination act(s):
    *Bishop of Portsmouth
    *Member of the Franciscan Grey Friars of Liverpool
    *Writer for the Holy Office

4 ) your coat in large size: https://s26.postimg.cc/409uf67op/Blazingwill_update_8-7-17.png
5) Quaerere, Amare et Servire (Seek, Love and Serve)
6) Portuguese


Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics

Dernière édition par Blazingwill le Lun Fév 11, 2019 12:49 pm; édité 1 fois
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Alexei Kosygin

Inscrit le: 09 Jan 2016
Messages: 879

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 11:29 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hello to everyone, it would be great if I could receive a Coat of Arms and some seals as well. This is what I came up with:
1) Kosygin
2) Alexei Nikolayevich Kosygin
3) Metropolitan Archbishop of Utrecht, Dutch Vice-Primate, Dutch Vice-Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats, Professor of the Seminary of Saint Sjnoel.

Coat of Arms: Please use a combination of the following two things: Leiden, Book
Motto: Vigilate Deo confidentes
Preference: French

If Possible, I would also like to add Seals to this. Since I am ordained, I'd like to have the ogival form.
Do let me know if you need additional information.

Librarian of the Vatican Library | Archbishop of Utrecht | Professor at Canterbury Cathedral School | Vice-Prefect at Villa San Loyats
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MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 11, 2019 11:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"Hello, sorry to bother, but I have a request."

COAT Form a écrit:

1 ) Exact "IG" Name : Erwann.
2 ) RP name and all owned nobility titles: Erwann de Northshire Du Val d'Haine, said di Celje, Marquis (crown) of Solčava with High Nobility necklace and Coat, Count of Insterburg (Teutonic), Italian Hochmeister and Ritter (Teutonic).
3 ) Precise function[s] held inside the Church and a link toward the nomination act(s): Newly Count Palatin of St. John Lateran.
  • If you already possess a Coat-of-Arms :
    4 ) your coat in large size : Old CoA from when the Slovenian Grbovnik.
    5 ) your motto (not mandatory) : I would like to use the Northshire family motto and family shield. That is not a custom for Slovenian heraldry, but it is one in Rome.
    6 ) your preference between ornaments called "French" or "Portuguese": Portuguese for Grand Master ornements.

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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 12, 2019 6:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Monseigneur Alexei these are for you - the seals will take some longer as they are executed by a different herald. Please be patient.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Alexei Kosygin

Inscrit le: 09 Jan 2016
Messages: 879

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 13, 2019 8:41 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you so much! They are superb!

Librarian of the Vatican Library | Archbishop of Utrecht | Professor at Canterbury Cathedral School | Vice-Prefect at Villa San Loyats
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 13, 2019 10:19 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

After a while she had spent to recreate the Coat of Arms for the bishop of Portsmouth the young blond returned from her office.

"Monseigneur, here are your Coat of Arms again - I need to remind you to keep them save as the pontificial collage does not keep some sort of registry or storage of the created coat of arms. Therefore it is up to the member of the clergy to make sure that such storage of their own coat of arms is assured. But I am certain you will take this time good care about them."


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1469
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mer Fév 13, 2019 11:11 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Thank you Mother Jolieen. They are terrific. Jah bless you.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 21, 2019 11:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Your Highness Erwann

L- S- Slovenian Secular-

L- [img]https://i.imgur.com/WvtiFUt.png[/img]
S- [img]https://i.imgur.com/jzzvMlb.png[/img]
Slovenian Secular- [img]https://i.imgur.com/2MpZ4hl.png[/img]


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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Inscrit le: 28 Jan 2012
Messages: 894

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 25, 2019 7:34 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Dear people,
I have been kicked out as Cardinal, can someone paint my red parts green, so it fits my Bishop position.
Thanks in advance,

hull19 a écrit:
CoA of Vanyar


Presbyter & Professor of the Universal and Roman-Aristotelian Church. | Bishop of Ptolemais
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Inscrit le: 28 Mai 2018
Messages: 3052

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 25, 2019 7:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The young blond turned towards the reception hall.

Monseigneur, a pleasure to meet you - could you do me a favor and fill the form as stated on the first page. We need the form to assure a proper workflow within the palazzo and we dont make any exceptions in this regard.


Cardinal-Deacon of the British Isles -Bishop In Partibus of Lamia - Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat - Expert to the pontificial collages of Heraldry - Assessor to the Developing Churches
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MessagePosté le: Dim Mar 17, 2019 11:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Jolieen a écrit:
Your Highness Erwann

I forgot to answer to you, I am terribly sorry. Thank you, it is great work!
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Alexei Kosygin

Inscrit le: 09 Jan 2016
Messages: 879

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 18, 2019 12:15 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Sister, do you have any indication on when my seals are ready?

Librarian of the Vatican Library | Archbishop of Utrecht | Professor at Canterbury Cathedral School | Vice-Prefect at Villa San Loyats
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Inscrit le: 09 Déc 2018
Messages: 551

MessagePosté le: Lun Mar 18, 2019 1:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

1 ) Exact "IG" Name: Krasoljub
2 ) RP name and all owned nobility titles: Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoch
3 ) Precise function[s] held inside the Church and a link toward the nomination act(s): Priest

4 ) your favourite colors : Red and yellow.
5 ) heraldic figures, animals or, alternatively, values that are dear to you : deer, grapes
6 ) example of a coat that you liked, quoting the source:here
7 ) your motto (not mandatory) : Credo quia absurdum
8 ) your preference between ornaments called "French" or "Portuguese" : Portuguese

Seal Form wrote:

1 ) Exact "IG" Name : Krasoljub
2 ) RP name and all owned nobility titles : Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoch
3 ) Precise function[s] held inside the Church and a link toward the nomination act(s) : here
4 )Personnal or Familial coat-of-arm (without your fiefdoms if any possessed) or a symbol you like : deer or grape with cross
5 ) The legend you desire : +S:Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoch:Credo quia absurdum+


Metropolitan Archbishop of Rijeka + Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats + Chartulary for Center and Eastern Countries + Expert Heralds in Pontifical Colleges of Heraldry
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Inscrit le: 20 Nov 2016
Messages: 603

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 26, 2019 11:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

- Père Augustinus ?


Queen of Ireland - Viscountess of Marignane - Baroness of Tori in Sabina ♕
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