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News of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith
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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 02, 2019 8:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Call for the Prefecture of Chapels: Prefect of Chapels

We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia, Roman Bishop Cardinal, Baron of Pizzoli, Duke of Camerino, Duke of Monte Cavallo Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith,

In the name of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith.

considering the vacant role as Prefect of the Chapels

hereby announce:

    the opening, for the next seven days, of the candidacies for the role of Prefect of the Offices of Chapels. Anybody applying for this role will have to know the general Chapel's regulation process, have a good knowledge in the consecration of Chapels and have the ability to manage all the documentation at the same time than doing recruting for the office.

    Candidacies must be send through private message to the Cardinal Chancellor "Attanasio"

Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

Given in Rome, the II day of the IV month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

H. M. R. Em. Attanasio Borgia
Roman Bishop Cardinal, Baron of Pizzoli, Duke of Camerino, Duke of Monte Cavallo, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith

[quote][img]https://redcdn.net/hpimg11/pics/405005CDFentete.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/L0toogf.png[/img]
[color=green][size=18][b]Call for the Prefecture of Chapels: Prefect of Chapels[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We, His Eminence Attanasio Borgia, Roman Bishop Cardinal, Baron of Pizzoli, Duke of Camerino, Duke of Monte Cavallo Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith,

In the name of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith.[/b],

considering the vacant role as Prefect of the Chapels

hereby announce:[/i]

[list][i]the opening, for the next [b]seven days[/b], of the candidacies for the role of Prefect of the Offices of Chapels. Anybody applying for this role will have to know the general Chapel's regulation process, have a good knowledge in the consecration of Chapels and have the ability to manage all the documentation at the same time than doing recruting for the office.

Candidacies must be send through private message to the [u]Cardinal Chancellor "Attanasio"[/u]

[i][b]Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam[/b][/i]

[b]Given in Rome, the II day of the IV month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII [/b]
[size=9]H. M. R. Em. Attanasio Borgia
Roman Bishop Cardinal, Baron of Pizzoli, Duke of Camerino, Duke of Monte Cavallo, Chancellor of the Congregation of the Dissemination of the Faith[/size] [/quote]

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 06, 2019 7:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Revocation of a Collaborator for the Rome Higher Seminary

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the revocation of Father Guglielmo Aster Corleone [Aster_x] as Collaborator for the Rome Higher Seminary

      We thank him for the work he has done so far

    Given in Rome, the sixth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII


    Revoca di un Collaboratore per il Seminario Superiore di Roma

    Noi, Sua Eccellenza Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche detto "Svevo", Prefetto all'Insegnamento Aristotelico e Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede

      Abbiamo decretato e ordinato, e per il nostro presente, perpetuo e definitivo editto, dichiariamo, regoliamo, e stabiliamo la revoca di Padre Guglielmo Aster Corleone [Aster_x] come Collaboratore per il Seminario Superiore di Roma

      Lo ringraziamo per il lavoro svolto fino ad ora

    Fatto a Roma, il sesto giorno del quarto mese dell'Anno di Nostro Signore MCDLXVI

[list][color=red][size=18][b]Revocation of a Collaborator for the Rome Higher Seminary

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the revocation of [b][color=orange]Father Guglielmo Aster Corleone [Aster_x][/color][/b] as Collaborator for the Rome Higher Seminary

We thank him for the work he has done so far


[b]Given in Rome, the sixth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


[list][color=red][size=18][b]Revoca di un Collaboratore per il Seminario Superiore di Roma

Noi, [b]Sua Eccellenza Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche detto "Svevo"[/b], Prefetto all'Insegnamento Aristotelico e Segretario Generale della Congregazione per la Diffusione della Fede

[list][i]Abbiamo decretato e ordinato, e per il nostro presente, perpetuo e definitivo editto, dichiariamo, regoliamo, e stabiliamo la revoca di [b][color=orange]Padre Guglielmo Aster Corleone [Aster_x][/color][/b] come Collaboratore per il Seminario Superiore di Roma

Lo ringraziamo per il lavoro svolto fino ad ora


[b]Fatto a Roma, il sesto giorno del quarto mese dell'Anno di Nostro Signore MCDLXVI[/b]


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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 07, 2019 7:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Appointment of a Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats 

    We, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet,  :  

      command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoche  [Krasoljub ] as new Croatian Vice-Prefect. He will organize the Croatian Office of Translations. He will be the official inside this prefecture and responsible for the croatian geodogmatic zone. Now he can order the croatian translators into working groups and guide the translation teams within their work processes. 

      May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High 

    Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome, 
    On IV of April,  of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV  

    Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose  
    Bishop in Partibus of Lamia  
    Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat 

[list][color=darkred][size=18][b]Appointment of a Vice-Prefect for the Villa San Loyats[/b][/size][/color] 

[b]We, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet,  : [/b] 

[list][i]command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency [b]Augustinus Krasoljub de Illoche   [/b][Krasoljub ] as new Croatian Vice-Prefect. He will organize the Croatian Office of Translations. He will be the official inside this prefecture and responsible for the croatian geodogmatic zone. Now he can order the croatian translators into working groups and guide the translation teams within their work processes. 

May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High 

[b]Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome, 
On IV of April,  of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV   [/b] 

Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose  
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia  
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat 
[img]https://i.imgur.com/ozMF6Bd.png[/img][img]https://i24.servimg.com/u/f24/17/19/93/53/cdfj_z10.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 10, 2019 12:16 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Dismissal of the Italian Vice-Prefect of the Villa San Loyats

    We, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :

      decided in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the dismissal of Excellency Cipro [Cipro ] due to inactivity. We thank him for the work contributed and wish him all the best for his future.

      May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High

    Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
    On IX of April, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV

    Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
    Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
    Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat

[list][color=darkred][size=18][b]Dismissal of the Italian Vice-Prefect of the Villa San Loyats[/b][/size][/color] 

[b]We, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet,  : [/b] 

[list][i]decided in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the dismissal of Excellency [b]Cipro   [/b][Cipro ] due to inactivity. We thank him for the work contributed and wish him all the best for his future.

May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High 

[b]Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome, 
On IX of April,  of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV   [/b] 

Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose   
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia   
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat 
[img]https://i.imgur.com/ozMF6Bd.png[/img][img]https://i24.servimg.com/u/f24/17/19/93/53/cdfj_z10.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 12, 2019 12:35 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Suspension of the Seminary of Saint-Louis de Tours

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the suspension of the Seminary of Saint-Louis de Tours.

      This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.
      The Francophone Vice Prefect carried out an inspection inside the seminar that authenticates what was said

      All current lessons must be suspended.
      If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
      In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening.

    Given in Rome, the twelfth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

[list][color=red][size=18][b]Suspension of the Seminary of Saint-Louis de Tours

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the [u]suspension[/u] of the [b][color=orange]Seminary of Saint-Louis de Tours[/color][/b].

This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.
The Francophone Vice Prefect carried out an inspection inside the seminar that authenticates what was said

All current lessons must be suspended.
If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
[b]In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening.[/b]



[b]Given in Rome, the twelfth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 12, 2019 12:53 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of two professors for the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the appointment of Blazingwill and Vanyar as Professors for the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

      They become an integral part of the teaching staff to all effects
      We thank them for the work they have done so far for the resumption of the seminar work

    Given in Rome, the twelfth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Appointment of two professors for the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the appointment of [b][color=orange]Blazingwill[/color][/b] and [b][color=orange]Vanyar[/color][/b] as Professors for the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

They become an integral part of the teaching staff to all effects
We thank them for the work they have done so far for the resumption of the seminar work


[b]Given in Rome, the twelfth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Sam Avr 13, 2019 5:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of the Prefect of the Chapel-Registry

    Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
    Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Praepositus Generalis of the Jesuit Order, Rector of the German-speaking Cleric Seminary of St. Hildegard, etc. Landgrave of Trier, Count of Marquartstein, Count of Northeim, Count of Senigallia under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets

      We have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of: His Excellency Tymothé-Lovian Méléagant de Nivellus, [Tymothé de Nivellus] as Prefect of the Prefecture of the Chapel-Registry

      The prefecture of the Chapel Registry is an important administrative institution. By its very nature it is a classification of sacred places, but above all it is a guarantee that every sacrament that is donated may also be donated. Because only a church located and registered in Rome can be the place of sacramental life. As guardians of this register, complicated wishes of the owners will often meet the hard reality, because not everything that is wanted can also be given.

      We wish Tymothé all the best for his further career within the Holy Mother Church and thank him for the work he has done and will done for the CDF and the glory of our Holy Mother Church.

    Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine

    Given in Rome, the XIII day of Aprilis in the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Appointment of the Prefect of the Chapel-Registry[/b][/size][/color]

[b]Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum [color=darkred] Kalixtus Alain-Edmond[/color] , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=darkred]de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/color]
Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Praepositus Generalis of the Jesuit Order, Rector of the German-speaking Cleric Seminary of St. Hildegard, etc. Landgrave of Trier, Count of Marquartstein, Count of Northeim, Count of Senigallia under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets

[list][i]We have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of: His Excellency [color=orange][b]Tymothé-Lovian Méléagant de Nivellus[/b][/color], [Tymothé de Nivellus] as Prefect of the Prefecture of the Chapel-Registry[/i]

[i]The prefecture of the Chapel Registry is an important administrative institution. By its very nature it is a classification of sacred places, but above all it is a guarantee that every sacrament that is donated may also be donated. Because only a church located and registered in Rome can be the place of sacramental life. As guardians of this register, complicated wishes of the owners will often meet the hard reality, because not everything that is wanted can also be given.

We wish Tymothé all the best for his further career within the Holy Mother Church and thank him for the work he has done and will done for the CDF and the glory of our Holy Mother Church.[/i][/list]

[i]Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine[/i]

[b][i]Given in Rome, the XIII day of Aprilis in the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.[/i][/b]

[img]http://up.picr.de/30720672os.png[/img][img]https://i24.servimg.com/u/f24/17/19/93/53/cdfj_z10.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Jeu Avr 18, 2019 4:35 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Statute of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      we communicate the adoption of a new statute for the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

      The seminar is now in compliance with the documents issued

    Given in Rome, the eighteenth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

Charter of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

    The National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, by the grace of the Almighty God, in order to build a community of faithful in the British Isles that is both learned and holy, forms an educational institution that shall embody the ideals and aspirations of the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education, promote, conserve and develop the truths that God revealed to man through his prophets Aristotle and Christos, as represented by the Universal Roman and Aristotelian Church, do ordain and promulgate this national seminary.

I. Purpose of Existence
    I.1 The fundamental purpose of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland is to provide Aristotelian education in accordance with the directives and guidelines of the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education.

    I.2 The primary aim of the seminary is to transmit theological knowledge through basic and intermediate Aristotelian education in order to guide those who are about to be accepted into the Aristotelian community through baptism, and those who are about to enter the diaconate and the priesthood.

    I.3 The seminary is also open to the faithful who desire to deepen their knowledge of the Aristotelian faith.

II. Administration
    II.A. Composition of the Seminary

      II.A.1 The faculty of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland will be composed of:

      - one (1) Rector
      - one (1) Vice-Rector
      - three (3) Professors

      II.A.2 The admission of a new teacher can be done either by election or by the sole decision of the Rector.

      II.A.3 In the event of a vote, all professors of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland are entitled to one (1) vote. A simple majority decides the election. In case of a tie, the Rector can exercise his/her right to appoint or deny the candidate.

      II.A.4 The dismissal, however, of any member of the faculty of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland lie exclusively on the Rector.

    II.B. The Rector

      II.B.1 The Rector is the highest position in the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland. He is in-charge of the overall management of the seminary. He has the power to appoint and dismiss members of the faculty. He also has the power to appoint and dismiss the Vice-Rector. It is imperative that he be a professor at the time of his appointment.

      II.B.2 As the head of the seminary, the Rector has the power to choose and create the courses that the seminary will offer and to decide how they should be taught. He will also ensure the proper teaching of the existing seminary courses.

      II.B.3 It is mandatory that the Rector has a great experience as a professor before being appointed in the position. The Rector's decisions cannot be challenged officially in public. It is the responsibility of the members of the faculty to highlight the errors committed by the Rector in a private hall of the seminary.

      II.B.4 In the event that the Rector abuses the rights granted to him, and if his attitude exceeds the limits provided by the Church, it is imperative to inform the Episcopal Assembly of the British Isles, who has the authority and duty to investigate and dismiss the Rector.

      II.B.5 He must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

      II.B.6 The Primate of the British Isles can unilaterally declare the seat of the Rector vacant on the grounds of long absence or death.

      II.B.7 The Rector of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland is elected by the Episcopal Assembly of the British Isles. The Curia, through the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education, can oppose the choice and can dismiss the Rector as they deem necessary.

      II.B.8 The replacement of the Rector can be done only after one (1) month of absence without notice or in the event of death. In his absence, it is the Vice-Rector who will take over the management of the seminary.

    II.C. The Vice-Rector

      II.C.1 The Vice-Rector is the Rector's immediate subordinate and the second highest official in the seminary. In the absence of the Rector, he can exercise the power of the rector to appoint or dismiss members of the faculty. It is imperative that he be a professor at the time of his appointment.

      II.C.2 He has no power to create courses without the Rector's directive. However, he can participate in the creation of new courses or the revision of existing ones.

      II.C.3 He has no power to decide on how to teach the courses. But, he has the obligation to ensure the proper teaching of the existing ones.

      II.C.4 Like the Rector, he must be given due respect. It is the responsibility of the Rector or the members of the faculty, in the Rector’s absence, to highlight the errors committed by Vice-Rector in a private hall of the seminary.

      II.C.5 In the event that the Vice-Rector abuses the rights granted to him, and his attitude exceeds the limits of the seminary, it is imperative that the Rector must be informed.

      II.C.6 He must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

      II.C.7 He may only be appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

      II.C.8 The Vice-Rector may be replaced after one (1) month of absence or in the event of death.

    II.D. The Professor

      II.D.1 The Professor must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

      II.D.2 He must be a member of the Faculty of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

      II.D.3 The Professor will only teach the courses which he himself has undergone as attested by his diploma or as validated by the National Seminary of ESI.

      II.D.4 The Professor must teach while being aware that there will be someone to assist him and to correct him. He must agree to be advised by a member of his faculty whether he is a Rector or a Professor.

      II.D.5 The Professor must be at the level of the seminarian and must be his equal, as exemplified by Aristotle and Christos. He must correct his seminarians with respect.

      II.D.6 The Professor teaches as he wishes, except for the advice of his Rector or Vice-Rector. He will have to teach the courses made available by the Rector and will only teach the courses offered by the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

      II.D.7 The Professor undertakes by his office to teach with respect and will provide the best teaching for his seminarian. If the Professor makes a mistake, it is up to him to correct himself.

      II.D.8 In cases where the Professor has gone astray from the norm of what he should be teaching or has perverted the lessons contrary to intentions of the course, the Dogma or the Canon Law, it is up to the Rector or the Vice-Rector to bring him back to the right path. The Rector may also relieve him of his duties.

      II.D.9 When the Professor is a clergy, he is expected to render greater respect to the Aristotelian Dogma and Canon Law. However, when performing his duties in the seminary or when he is within its premises, he should render respect to the hierarchy of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, whether his superiors are higher or lower than him in the hierarchy of the Church. For example: A cardinal professor must obey his Rector, even if the Rector is a bishop or a priest, someone who is subordinate to him in the hierarchy of the Church.

      II.D.10 The Professor has great influence on the seminarian. He is considered as an architect to what will become of the seminarian’s formation. Thus, he must remain respectable and dignified at all times.

      II.D.11 The Rector and the Vice-Rector are automatically professors of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

      II.D.12 A Professor who becomes inactive or absent from the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland as a professor or a member of the faculty may be expelled from the seminary after one (1) month of inactivity.

      II.D.13 The Prefect of Aristotelian Education must be informed of any appointments or dismissals of faculty members by the Rector. These changes must also be announced in the official announcement thread of the seminary.

III. Rights and Duties of the Seminarian
    III.1 On each course being offered by the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, the Seminarian will have to fill-up a registration form provided by the seminary. If the Seminarian wishes to follow a second course that is being offered by the seminary, he will have to fill-up a new registration form for that course.

    III.2 The Seminarian is entitled to receive exemplary teaching by one of the professors in accordance to the standards of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, and as imposed by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

    III.3 Insults or disrespect towards a professor will be forwarded to the Rector or Vice-Rector by the professor concerned. With the agreement of the Rector or the Vice-Rector, the case will be transmitted to the competent temporal court for the seminarians who are not baptized and will be accompanied by a baptismal ban; or to the Holy Inquisition for the already baptized seminarians.

    III.4 Copying from the answers of another Seminarian is prohibited. The case will be forward immediately to the Rector or the Vice-Rector. With the agreement of the Rector or the Vice-Rector, the professor will then be entitled to add one or more lessons to the Seminarian’s course before being qualified for validation.

    III.5 The National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland reserves the right to expel any Seminarian and prohibit him from enrolling in any course being offered by the seminary.

    III.6 Inactive Seminarians will be removed from class after one (1) month of inactivity and will be considered dropped from the course. However, he will be able to request back access from the registration desk in order to finish his course.

    III.7 After successfully completing a course, the seminarian will receive a diploma as proof that he has finished a course in the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

IV. Appendix
    IV.1 The Prefecture of Aristotelian Education has full oversight on the administration of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

    IV.2 The Prefect of Aristotelian Education or his duly appointed representative is entitled to full freedom of movement within the seminary. The rector and every member of the faculty will have to answer and fulfill requests to the best of their abilities, in order for the Prefect and/or his representative to properly dispense their duties.

    IV.3 The list of graduates will be recorded and be kept in an archive. A copy of this record will have to be given to the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education in Rome.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Statute of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]we communicate the adoption of a new statute for the  [b][color=orange]National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland[/color][/b]

The seminar is now in compliance with the [url=http://rome.lesroyaumes.com/viewtopic.php?p=871306#871306]documents[/url] issued



[b]Given in Rome, the eighteenth day of the fourth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


[quote][size=18][color=red][b]Charter of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland[/b][/color][/size]

[list]The National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, by the grace of the Almighty God, in order to build a community of faithful in the British Isles that is both learned and holy, forms an educational institution that shall embody the ideals and aspirations of the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education, promote, conserve and develop the truths that God revealed to man through his prophets Aristotle and Christos, as represented by the Universal Roman and Aristotelian Church, do ordain and promulgate this national seminary.[/list]
[b]I. Purpose of Existence[/b]
[list]I.1 The fundamental purpose of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland is to provide Aristotelian education in accordance with the directives and guidelines of the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education.

I.2 The primary aim of the seminary is to transmit theological knowledge through basic and intermediate Aristotelian education in order to guide those who are about to be accepted into the Aristotelian community through baptism, and those who are about to enter the diaconate and the priesthood.

I.3 The seminary is also open to the faithful who desire to deepen their knowledge of the Aristotelian faith.[/list]
[b]II. Administration[/b]
[list][b]II.A. Composition of the Seminary [/b]

[list]II.A.1 The faculty of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland will be composed of:

- one (1) Rector
- one (1) Vice-Rector
- three (3) Professors

II.A.2 The admission of a new teacher can be done either by election or by the sole decision of the Rector.

II.A.3 In the event of a vote, all professors of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland are entitled to one (1) vote. A simple majority decides the election. In case of a tie, the Rector can exercise his/her right to appoint or deny the candidate.

II.A.4 The dismissal, however, of any member of the faculty of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland lie exclusively on the Rector.[/list]
[b]II.B. The Rector[/b]

[list]II.B.1 The Rector is the highest position in the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland. He is in-charge of the overall management of the seminary. He has the power to appoint and dismiss members of the faculty. He also has the power to appoint and dismiss the Vice-Rector. It is imperative that he be a professor at the time of his appointment.

II.B.2 As the head of the seminary, the Rector has the power to choose and create the courses that the seminary will offer and to decide how they should be taught. He will also ensure the proper teaching of the existing seminary courses.

II.B.3 It is mandatory that the Rector has a great experience as a professor before being appointed in the position. The Rector's decisions cannot be challenged officially in public. It is the responsibility of the members of the faculty to highlight the errors committed by the Rector in a private hall of the seminary.

II.B.4 In the event that the Rector abuses the rights granted to him, and if his attitude exceeds the limits provided by the Church, it is imperative to inform the Episcopal Assembly of the British Isles, who has the authority and duty to investigate and dismiss the Rector.

II.B.5 He must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

II.B.6 The Primate of the British Isles can unilaterally declare the seat of the Rector vacant on the grounds of long absence or death.

II.B.7 The Rector of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland is elected by the Episcopal Assembly of the British Isles. The Curia, through the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education, can oppose the choice and can dismiss the Rector as they deem necessary.

II.B.8 The replacement of the Rector can be done only after one (1) month of absence without notice or in the event of death. In his absence, it is the Vice-Rector who will take over the management of the seminary.[/list]
[b]II.C. The Vice-Rector[/b]

[list]II.C.1 The Vice-Rector is the Rector's immediate subordinate and the second highest official in the seminary. In the absence of the Rector, he can exercise the power of the rector to appoint or dismiss members of the faculty. It is imperative that he be a professor at the time of his appointment.

II.C.2 He has no power to create courses without the Rector's directive. However, he can participate in the creation of new courses or the revision of existing ones.

II.C.3 He has no power to decide on how to teach the courses. But, he has the obligation to ensure the proper teaching of the existing ones.

II.C.4 Like the Rector, he must be given due respect. It is the responsibility of the Rector or the members of the faculty, in the Rector’s absence, to highlight the errors committed by Vice-Rector in a private hall of the seminary.

II.C.5 In the event that the Vice-Rector abuses the rights granted to him, and his attitude exceeds the limits of the seminary, it is imperative that the Rector must be informed.

II.C.6 He must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

II.C.7 He may only be appointed and dismissed by the Rector of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

II.C.8 The Vice-Rector may be replaced after one (1) month of absence or in the event of death.[/list]
[b]II.D. The Professor[/b]

[list]II.D.1 The Professor must have a license to teach, given by a seminary recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

II.D.2 He must be a member of the Faculty of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

II.D.3 The Professor will only teach the courses which he himself has undergone as attested by his diploma or as validated by the National Seminary of ESI.

II.D.4 The Professor must teach while being aware that there will be someone to assist him and to correct him. He must agree to be advised by a member of his faculty whether he is a Rector or a Professor.

II.D.5 The Professor must be at the level of the seminarian and must be his equal, as exemplified by Aristotle and Christos. He must correct his seminarians with respect.

II.D.6 The Professor teaches as he wishes, except for the advice of his Rector or Vice-Rector. He will have to teach the courses made available by the Rector and will only teach the courses offered by the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

II.D.7 The Professor undertakes by his office to teach with respect and will provide the best teaching for his seminarian. If the Professor makes a mistake, it is up to him to correct himself.

II.D.8 In cases where the Professor has gone astray from the norm of what he should be teaching or has perverted the lessons contrary to intentions of the course, the Dogma or the Canon Law, it is up to the Rector or the Vice-Rector to bring him back to the right path. The Rector may also relieve him of his duties.

II.D.9 When the Professor is a clergy, he is expected to render greater respect to the Aristotelian Dogma and Canon Law. However, when performing his duties in the seminary or when he is within its premises, he should render respect to the hierarchy of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, whether his superiors are higher or lower than him in the hierarchy of the Church. For example: A cardinal professor must obey his Rector, even if the Rector is a bishop or a priest, someone who is subordinate to him in the hierarchy of the Church.

II.D.10 The Professor has great influence on the seminarian. He is considered as an architect to what will become of the seminarian’s formation. Thus, he must remain respectable and dignified at all times.

II.D.11 The Rector and the Vice-Rector are automatically professors of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

II.D.12 A Professor who becomes inactive or absent from the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland as a professor or a member of the faculty may be expelled from the seminary after one (1) month of inactivity.

II.D.13 The Prefect of Aristotelian Education must be informed of any appointments or dismissals of faculty members by the Rector. These changes must also be announced in the official announcement thread of the seminary.[/list][/list]
[b]III. Rights and Duties of the Seminarian[/b]
[list]III.1 On each course being offered by the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, the Seminarian will have to fill-up a registration form provided by the seminary. If the Seminarian wishes to follow a second course that is being offered by the seminary, he will have to fill-up a new registration form for that course.

III.2 The Seminarian is entitled to receive exemplary teaching by one of the professors in accordance to the standards of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland, and as imposed by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education of Rome.

III.3 Insults or disrespect towards a professor will be forwarded to the Rector or Vice-Rector by the professor concerned. With the agreement of the Rector or the Vice-Rector, the case will be transmitted to the competent temporal court for the seminarians who are not baptized and will be accompanied by a baptismal ban; or to the Holy Inquisition for the already baptized seminarians.

III.4 Copying from the answers of another Seminarian is prohibited. The case will be forward immediately to the Rector or the Vice-Rector. With the agreement of the Rector or the Vice-Rector, the professor will then be entitled to add one or more lessons to the Seminarian’s course before being qualified for validation.

III.5 The National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland reserves the right to expel any Seminarian and prohibit him from enrolling in any course being offered by the seminary.

III.6 Inactive Seminarians will be removed from class after one (1) month of inactivity and will be considered dropped from the course. However, he will be able to request back access from the registration desk in order to finish his course.

III.7 After successfully completing a course, the seminarian will receive a diploma as proof that he has finished a course in the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.[/list]
[b]IV. Appendix[/b]
[list]IV.1 The Prefecture of Aristotelian Education has full oversight on the administration of the National Seminary of England, Scotland and Ireland.

IV.2 The Prefect of Aristotelian Education or his duly appointed representative is entitled to full freedom of movement within the seminary. The rector and every member of the faculty will have to answer and fulfill requests to the best of their abilities, in order for the Prefect and/or his representative to properly dispense their duties.

IV.3 The list of graduates will be recorded and be kept in an archive. A copy of this record will have to be given to the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education in Rome.[/list][/quote]

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    Opening of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves of Rennes

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      we communicate the opening of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves of Rennes

      According to current legislation, the director of the seminar is the Metropolitan Archbishop, in this case Monsignor Angus_

      The statute of the seminar is also approved
      In the seminar it will be possible to attend Basic Pastoral and Professorship courses

    Given in Rome, the fifth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

Statuts du Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves


* I.1 - L'objectif premier du Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves est de dispenser une formation de base de la religion aristotélicienne.

* I.2 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves consiste en une licence de théologie permettant la formation des clercs en matière de dogme, de droit canon et de liturgie.

* I.3 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves consiste à permettre la formation de futurs enseignants en offrant une licence professorale.

* I.4 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves a également le rôle de transmission du savoir religieux au travers de pastorales afin de permettre aux futurs baptisés d'entrer dans la communauté aristotélicienne en étant éclairés.


* II.1 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves est dirigé par un doyen qui est en même temps l'Archevêque métropolitain de Rennes. Le doyen est décisionnaire en matière d'enseignement et de délivrance des diplômes. Il est le responsable du séminaire.

* II.2 - Les enseignants sont nommés par le doyen. Ils ont pour rôle de dispenser le savoir aux élèves du séminaire et doivent respecter scrupuleusement le cursus établi par la direction du séminaire. Ils doivent obligatoirement être titulaire d'un diplôme d'aptitude à l'enseignement, reconnue par la Préfecture à l'enseignement aristotélicien

* II.3 - Règlement :
1 - Chaque enseignant se doit d'être présent et de respecter le cursus. Chaque enseignant doit veiller à l'impartialité de ses corrections et à la rigueur de celles-ci. Le doyen peut se réserver le droit de renvoyer sans délai un enseignant ayant commis une faute.
2 - Les enseignants s'engagent à corriger les cours de leurs élèves dans un délai raisonnable. S’il a du retard, ce qui peut arriver, l’enseignant se doit de prévenir le doyen et ses élèves.
3 - Chaque enseignant ne pourra dispenser de cours qu'à cinq élèves en même temps.
4 - Les fautes pouvant entraîner le renvoi d'un enseignant sont les suivantes : absence prolongée et/ou injustifiée, irrespect envers l'équipe professorale ou un élève, non-respect des cours en vigueur.

Des modalités d'admission

* III.1 - Tout le monde peut solliciter une inscription au sein du Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves. Pour suivre les cours de théologie et de professorat, l’élève doit être baptisé.

* III.2 - Chaque personne souhaitant étudier la théologie au sein du séminaire devra remplir un formulaire d’inscription afin que le doyen lui octroie une cellule pour ses études.

* III.3 - Le doyen peut ordonner la fermeture provisoire des inscriptions en fonction du nombre d'élèves inscrits et du nombre de professeur afin de garantir le bon fonctionnement du séminaire.

Cursus de Théologie

* IV.1 Le cursus se divise en trois grandes parties : le dogme, le droit canon et la liturgie.

* IV.2 - Les pastorales sont soumises à inscription mais ne sont pas sujettes à une éventuelle fermeture. Le baptême ne pouvant être refusé s'il est demandé, les pastorales seront assurées. Le contenu de ces dernières est laissé à la libre appréciation des enseignants mais doit se baser sur ce qui suit : vertus, spiritualité, profession de foi, Droit Canonique, la vie de Christos, questionnaire obligatoire de la préfecture à l'enseignement aristotélicien.


* V.1 - La licence de théologie est accordée aux élèves ayant donné satisfaction au prorata de la moyenne des évaluations. Il est remis par le doyen à la fin du cursus. Si un élève s'est montré particulièrement médiocre, la licence peut lui être refusée mais l'équipe professorale s'engage à accompagner les élèves au cours de leur formation afin de prévenir tout échec. Néanmoins, en cas d'incompétence notoire, le séminaire n'accordera pas la licence de théologie.

* V.2 - Les pastorales, comme pour les cours de théologie ou de professorat recevront un diplôme pour prouver que l’élève a bien suivi la pastorale au Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves.


* VI.1 - Le préfet à l'enseignement aristotélicien ou son représentant dûment mandaté a droit à une totale liberté de circulation au sein du séminaire. Le doyen et chaque enseignant devra répondre, au mieux, aux requêtes de ce dernier afin de travailler dans la plus étroite collaboration avec la Congrégation pour la diffusion de la Foi.

*VI.2 - La liste des licenciés en théologie sera compilée dans des archives spécifiques. Cette liste sera transmise à la Préfecture à l'Enseignement Aristotélicien, à Rome.

* VI.3 - La liste des élèves ayant effectué leur pastorale dans l'enceinte du séminaire sera compilée dans des archives spécifiques.

Statutes of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves


* I.1 - The primary aim of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves is to provide a basic education in Aristotelian religion.

* I.2 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves consists of a theology degree allowing the education of clerics in matters of dogma, canon law and liturgy.

* I.3 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves allows the education of future teachers by offering a professoral degree.

* I.4 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves also has the role of transmitting religious knowledge through pastoral to allow future baptized to enter the Aristotelian community while being enlightened.


* II.1 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves is headed by a dean who is at the same time the Metropolitan Archbishop of Rennes. The Dean is decision-maker in matters of teaching and the awarding of diplomas. He is the head of the seminar.

* II.2 - Teachers are appointed by the Dean. Their role is to dispense knowledge to seminary students and must scrupulously respect the curriculum established by the seminary's administration. They must have a diploma of aptitude for teaching, recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education.

* II.3 - Regulations :
1 - Every teacher must be present and respect the curriculum. Each teacher must ensure the impartiality of his corrections and the rigor thereof. The dean may reserve the right to dismiss without delay a teacher who has committed a fault.
2 - Teachers undertake to correct the courses of their students within a reasonable time. If there is a delay, which can happen, the teacher must warn the dean and his students.
3 - Each teacher will be able to teach only five students at the same time.
4 - The faults that may lead to the dismissal of a teacher are: prolonged and/or unjustified absence, disrespect for the teaching staff or a pupil, non-compliance with current courses.

Admission procedures

* III.1 - Anyone can request enrollment to the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves. To attend theology and professorship courses, the student must be baptized.

* III.2 - Each person wishing to study theology in the seminary must complete a registration form so that the dean grants him a cell for his studies.

* III.3 - The Dean can order the provisional closing of registrations according to the number of students enrolled and the number of professors in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the seminary.

Theology course

* IV.1 The curriculum is divided into three main parts: dogma, canon law and liturgy.

* IV.2 - Pastorals are subject to registration but are not subject to possible closure. Baptism can not be refused if it is requested, so pastoral will be assured. The content of the latter is left to the discretion of the teachers but must be based on the following: virtues, spirituality, profession of faith, Canon Law, the life of Christos, obligatory questionnaire of the Prefecture for the Aristotelian teaching.


* V.1 - Theology degree is granted to students who have satisfied the prorate of the average of the evaluations. It is awarded by the Dean at the end of the course. If a student has been particularly poor, the license may be refused but the faculty team agrees to accompany students during their education to prevent failure. Nevertheless, in case of notorious incompetence, the seminar will not grant theology diploma.

* V.2 - The pastoral, as for theology or professoral degrees will receive a diploma to prove that the student has well attended the pastoral at the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves.


* VI.1 - The Prefect of Aristotelian education or his duly authorized representative is entitled to full freedom of movement within the seminary. The dean and each teacher will have to answer, in the best way, the requests of the latter so as to work in the closest collaboration with the Congregation for the dissemination of the Faith.

*VI.2 - The list of theological diplomas will be compiled in specific archives. This list will be sent to the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education in Rome.

* VI.3 - The list of students who accomplished pastoral at the seminary will be compiled in specific archives.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Opening of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves of Rennes

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]we communicate the opening of the  [b][color=orange]Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves of Rennes[/color][/b]

According to current legislation, the director of the seminar is the Metropolitan Archbishop, in this case Monsignor [b]Angus_[/b]

The statute of the seminar is also approved
In the seminar it will be possible to attend [b]Basic Pastoral[/b] and [b]Professorship courses[/b]


[b]Given in Rome, the fifth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


[quote][size=24][color=darkred][b]Statuts du Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves[/b][/color][/size]

[size=18][color=green][b]Objectifs [/b][/color][/size]

* I.1 - L'objectif premier du Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves est de dispenser une formation de base de la religion aristotélicienne.

* I.2 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves consiste en une licence de théologie permettant la formation des clercs en matière de dogme, de droit canon et de liturgie.

* I.3 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves consiste à permettre la formation de futurs enseignants en offrant une licence professorale.

* I.4 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves a également le rôle de transmission du savoir religieux au travers de pastorales afin de permettre aux futurs baptisés d'entrer dans la communauté aristotélicienne en étant éclairés.

[size=18][color=green][b]Administration [/b][/color][/size]

* II.1 - Le Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves est dirigé par un doyen qui est en même temps l'Archevêque métropolitain de Rennes. Le doyen est décisionnaire en matière d'enseignement et de délivrance des diplômes. Il est le responsable du séminaire.

* II.2 - Les enseignants sont nommés par le doyen. Ils ont pour rôle de dispenser le savoir aux élèves du séminaire et doivent respecter scrupuleusement le cursus établi par la direction du séminaire. Ils doivent obligatoirement être titulaire d'un diplôme d'aptitude à l'enseignement, reconnue par la Préfecture à l'enseignement aristotélicien

* II.3 - Règlement :
[b]1 -[/b] Chaque enseignant se doit d'être présent et de respecter le cursus. Chaque enseignant doit veiller à l'impartialité de ses corrections et à la rigueur de celles-ci. Le doyen peut se réserver le droit de renvoyer sans délai un enseignant ayant commis une faute.
[b]2 -[/b] Les enseignants s'engagent à corriger les cours de leurs élèves dans un délai raisonnable. S’il a du retard, ce qui peut arriver, l’enseignant se doit de prévenir le doyen et ses élèves.
[b]3 -[/b] Chaque enseignant ne pourra dispenser de cours qu'à cinq élèves en même temps.
[b]4 -[/b] Les fautes pouvant entraîner le renvoi d'un enseignant sont les suivantes : absence prolongée et/ou injustifiée, irrespect envers l'équipe professorale ou un élève, non-respect des cours en vigueur.

[size=18][color=green][b]Des modalités d'admission [/b][/color][/size]

* III.1 - Tout le monde peut solliciter une inscription au sein du Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves. Pour suivre les cours de théologie et de professorat, l’élève doit être baptisé.

* III.2 - Chaque personne souhaitant étudier la théologie au sein du séminaire devra remplir un formulaire d’inscription afin que le doyen lui octroie une cellule pour ses études.

* III.3 - Le doyen peut ordonner la fermeture provisoire des inscriptions en fonction du nombre d'élèves inscrits et du nombre de professeur afin de garantir le bon fonctionnement du séminaire.

[size=18][color=green][b]Cursus de Théologie[/b][/color][/size]

* IV.1 Le cursus se divise en trois grandes parties : le dogme, le droit canon et la liturgie.

* IV.2 - Les pastorales sont soumises à inscription mais ne sont pas sujettes à une éventuelle fermeture. Le baptême ne pouvant être refusé s'il est demandé, les pastorales seront assurées. Le contenu de ces dernières est laissé à la libre appréciation des enseignants mais doit se baser sur ce qui suit : vertus, spiritualité, profession de foi, Droit Canonique, la vie de Christos, questionnaire obligatoire de la préfecture à l'enseignement aristotélicien.

[size=18][color=green][b]Diplôme[/b] [/color][/size]

* V.1 - La licence de théologie est accordée aux élèves ayant donné satisfaction au prorata de la moyenne des évaluations. Il est remis par le doyen à la fin du cursus. Si un élève s'est montré particulièrement médiocre, la licence peut lui être refusée mais l'équipe professorale s'engage à accompagner les élèves au cours de leur formation afin de prévenir tout échec. Néanmoins, en cas d'incompétence notoire, le séminaire n'accordera pas la licence de théologie.

* V.2 - Les pastorales, comme pour les cours de théologie ou de professorat recevront un diplôme pour prouver que l’élève a bien suivi la pastorale au Séminaire archidiocésain de Saint Yves.

[size=18][color=green][b]Divers[/b] [/color][/size]

* VI.1 - Le préfet à l'enseignement aristotélicien ou son représentant dûment mandaté a droit à une totale liberté de circulation au sein du séminaire. Le doyen et chaque enseignant devra répondre, au mieux, aux requêtes de ce dernier afin de travailler dans la plus étroite collaboration avec la Congrégation pour la diffusion de la Foi.

*VI.2 - La liste des licenciés en théologie sera compilée dans des archives spécifiques. Cette liste sera transmise à la Préfecture à l'Enseignement Aristotélicien, à Rome.

* VI.3 - La liste des élèves ayant effectué leur pastorale dans l'enceinte du séminaire sera compilée dans des archives spécifiques.

[quote][size=24][color=darkred][b]Statutes of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves[/b][/color][/size]

[size=18][color=green][b]Aims [/b][/color][/size]

* I.1 - The primary aim of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves is to provide a basic education in Aristotelian religion.

* I.2 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves consists of a theology degree allowing the education of clerics in matters of dogma, canon law and liturgy.

* I.3 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves allows the education of future teachers by offering a professoral degree.

* I.4 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves also has the role of transmitting religious knowledge through pastoral to allow future baptized to enter the Aristotelian community while being enlightened.

[size=18][color=green][b]Administration [/b][/color][/size]

* II.1 - The Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves is headed by a dean who is at the same time the Metropolitan Archbishop of Rennes. The Dean is decision-maker in matters of teaching and the awarding of diplomas. He is the head of the seminar.

* II.2 - Teachers are appointed by the Dean. Their role is to dispense knowledge to seminary students and must scrupulously respect the curriculum established by the seminary's administration. They must have a diploma of aptitude for teaching, recognized by the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education.

* II.3 - Regulations :
[b]1 -[/b] Every teacher must be present and respect the curriculum. Each teacher must ensure the impartiality of his corrections and the rigor thereof. The dean may reserve the right to dismiss without delay a teacher who has committed a fault.
[b]2 -[/b] Teachers undertake to correct the courses of their students within a reasonable time. If there is a delay, which can happen, the teacher must warn the dean and his students.
[b]3 -[/b] Each teacher will be able to teach only five students at the same time.
[b]4 -[/b] The faults that may lead to the dismissal of a teacher are: prolonged and/or unjustified absence, disrespect for the teaching staff or a pupil, non-compliance with current courses.

[size=18][color=green][b]Admission procedures [/b][/color][/size]

* III.1 - Anyone can request enrollment to the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves. To attend theology and professorship courses, the student must be baptized.

* III.2 - Each person wishing to study theology in the seminary must complete a registration form so that the dean grants him a cell for his studies.

* III.3 - The Dean can order the provisional closing of registrations according to the number of students enrolled and the number of professors in order to guarantee the proper functioning of the seminary.

[size=18][color=green][b]Theology course[/b][/color][/size]

* IV.1 The curriculum is divided into three main parts: dogma, canon law and liturgy.

* IV.2 - Pastorals are subject to registration but are not subject to possible closure. Baptism can not be refused if it is requested, so pastoral will be assured. The content of the latter is left to the discretion of the teachers but must be based on the following: virtues, spirituality, profession of faith, Canon Law, the life of Christos, obligatory questionnaire of the Prefecture for the Aristotelian teaching.

[size=18][color=green][b]Diploma[/b] [/color][/size]

* V.1 - Theology degree is granted to students who have satisfied the prorate of the average of the evaluations. It is awarded by the Dean at the end of the course. If a student has been particularly poor, the license may be refused but the faculty team agrees to accompany students during their education to prevent failure. Nevertheless, in case of notorious incompetence, the seminar will not grant theology diploma.

* V.2 - The pastoral, as for theology or professoral degrees will receive a diploma to prove that the student has well attended the pastoral at the Archdiocesan Seminary of Saint Yves.

[size=18][color=green][b]Various[/b] [/color][/size]

* VI.1 - The Prefect of Aristotelian education or his duly authorized representative is entitled to full freedom of movement within the seminary. The dean and each teacher will have to answer, in the best way, the requests of the latter so as to work in the closest collaboration with the Congregation for the dissemination of the Faith.

*VI.2 - The list of theological diplomas will be compiled in specific archives. This list will be sent to the Prefecture of Aristotelian Education in Rome.

* VI.3 - The list of students who accomplished pastoral at the seminary will be compiled in specific archives.

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 15, 2019 4:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Suspension of the Seminary of Thomiste of Clermont

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the suspension of the Seminary of Thomiste of Clermont .

      This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.

      All current lessons must be suspended.
      If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
      In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening.

    Given in Rome, the fifteenth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

[list][color=red][size=18][b]Suspension of the Seminary of Thomiste of Clermont

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the [u]suspension[/u] of the [b][color=orange]Seminary of Thomiste of Clermont [/color][/b].

This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.

All current lessons must be suspended.
If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
[b]In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening.[/b]



[b]Given in Rome, the fifteenth day of the fifth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Sam Mai 18, 2019 1:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Suspension of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Vienne

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the suspension of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Vienne .

      This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.

      All current lessons must be suspended.
      If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
      In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening

    Given in Rome, the fifteenth day of the eighteenth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

[list][color=red][size=18][b]Suspension of the Archdiocesan Seminary of Vienne

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the [u]suspension[/u] of the [b][color=orange]Archdiocesan Seminary of Vienne [/color][/b].

This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.

All current lessons must be suspended.
If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
[b]In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening[/b]



[b]Given in Rome, the fifteenth day of the eighteenth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Mai 20, 2019 4:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of the Prefect of the Regular Roman Chapter

    Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum Kalixtus Alain-Edmond , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.
    Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Praepositus Generalis of the Jesuit Order, Rector of the German-speaking Cleric Seminary of St. Hildegard, etc. Landgrave of Trier, Count of Marquartstein, Count of Northeim, Count of Senigallia under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets

      We have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of: His Excellency Policarpo von Wittelsbach, [Policarpo] as Prefect of the Regular Roman Chapterl-Registry

      The prefecture of the Regular Roman Chapter is an important administrative institution. The Prefecture deals comprehensively with the existing Orders, registers them and monitors compliance with Roman laws and is the coordinating office to ensure doctrine and catechesis.

      We wish Policarpo all the best for his further career within the Holy Mother Church and thank him for the work he has done and will done for the CDF and the glory of our Holy Mother Church.

    Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine

    Given in Rome, the XX day of Maius in the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

[list][color=green][size=18][b]Appointment of the Prefect of the Regular Roman Chapter[/b][/size][/color]

[b]Eminentissimum ac reverendissimum dominum, Dominum [color=darkred] Kalixtus Alain-Edmond[/color] , Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae cardinalem [color=darkred]de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle.[/color]
Cardinal-Bishop of St. John the Martyr, Cardinal Vice Chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of Faith, Primate of CESE, Archbishop of Trier, Praepositus Generalis of the Jesuit Order, Rector of the German-speaking Cleric Seminary of St. Hildegard, etc. Landgrave of Trier, Count of Marquartstein, Count of Northeim, Count of Senigallia under the Light of the Holy Archangels and the Prophets

[list][i]We have ordained and enacted, and by our present edict perpetual and definitive ordain and order the appointment of: His Excellency [color=orange][b]Policarpo von Wittelsbach[/b][/color], [Policarpo] as Prefect of the Regular Roman Chapterl-Registry[/i]

[i]The prefecture of the Regular Roman Chapter is an important administrative institution. The Prefecture deals comprehensively with the existing Orders, registers them and monitors compliance with Roman laws and is the coordinating office to ensure doctrine and catechesis.

We wish Policarpo all the best for his further career within the Holy Mother Church and thank him for the work he has done and will done for the CDF and the glory of our Holy Mother Church.[/i][/list]

[i]Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine[/i]

[b][i]Given in Rome, the XX day of Maius in the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.[/i][/b]

[img]http://up.picr.de/30720672os.png[/img][img]https://i24.servimg.com/u/f24/17/19/93/53/cdfj_z10.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 14, 2019 10:21 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Suspension of the St. Sjnoel Seminar

    We, His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo", Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

      Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the suspension of the St. Sjnoel Seminar.

      This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.

      All current lessons must be suspended.
      If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
      In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening

    Given in Rome, the fourteenth day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII

[list][color=red][size=18][b]Suspension of the St. Sjnoel Seminar

We, [b]His Excellence Dante Saverio Casanova De La Roche said "Svevo"[/b], Prefect of the Office of Aristotelian Teaching and General Secretary of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization

[list][i]Have decreed and ordered, and by our present perpetual and definitive edict, declare, rule, and command the [u]suspension[/u] of the [b][color=orange]St. Sjnoel Seminar[/color][/b].

This decision derives from the lack of response from those responsible for official letters.

All current lessons must be suspended.
If we do not receive an opening request, this seminar will be permanently closed.
[b]In this seminar lessons can no longer be held until reopening[/b]



[b]Given in Rome, the fourteenth day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVII[/b]


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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 22, 2019 1:44 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats

    We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :

      command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Arctaurus[Arctaurus] as new English Translator. He will work inside the English Office of Translations.
      May she be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High

    Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
    On XXI of June, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV

    Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
    Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
    Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
    Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat

[list][color=darkred][size=18][b]Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet,  : [/b]

[list][i]command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency [b]Arctaurus[/b][Arctaurus] as new English Translator. He will work inside the English Office of Translations.
May she be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High

[b]Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On XXI of June,  of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV   [/b]

Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia 
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
[img]https://i.imgur.com/ozMF6Bd.png[/img][img]https://i24.servimg.com/u/f24/17/19/93/53/cdfj_z10.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

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Inscrit le: 03 Avr 2016
Messages: 1987

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 25, 2019 10:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats

    We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet, :

      command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency Gian Maria degli Asinari [Gian_maria] as new Italian Translator. He will work inside the Italian Office of Translations.
      May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High

    Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
    On XXV of June, of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV

    Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
    Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
    Bishop in Partibus of Lamia
    Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat

[list][color=darkred][size=18][b]Appointment of a Translator for the Villa San Loyats[/b][/size][/color]

[b]We,her Eminence, Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose, in our responsibility as Prefect within the CDF,Cardinal Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite, Bishop In Partibus of Lamia, General Vicar of the Archdiocese of Glasgow in front of the Most High and under the sight of Aristotle the Prophet,  : [/b]

[list][i]command in our function as Prefect of the Villa St. Loyats the appointment of Excellency [b] Gian Maria degli Asinari [/b][Gian_maria] as new Italian Translator. He will work inside the Italian Office of Translations.
May he be guided on his path and blessed by the Most High

[b]Given in the Villa San Loyats, in Rome,
On XXV of June,  of grace MCDLXVII, the first year under the reign of H.H.Sixtus IV   [/b]

Caillen Jolieen MacKinnon Rose
Cardinal-Deacon of Saint Dominica in Capite
Bishop in Partibus of Lamia 
Prefect to the Villa of St.Loyat
[img]https://i.imgur.com/ozMF6Bd.png[/img][img]https://i24.servimg.com/u/f24/17/19/93/53/cdfj_z10.png[/img] [/list][/quote]

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