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[RP] Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj su Campo Marzio a Roma
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 28, 2020 4:13 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      The Cardinal smiled gente. He took a sip of the wine and tasted of the appetizers he visibly enjoyed.

      You're a man who gets right to the heart of the conversation. A comet that touches our beautiful world to take on new adventures in the vastness of the universe. I'm inclined to admit that I appreciate that sort of thing. I'm not that kind of man. I recognize very well what potential is ahead of me - unfortunately, the past often gives me the problem that I have recognized the potential, it is really there, but the person does not want to exploit this potential. This is terribly annoying - maybe you know such situations and you try to push a little bit, but it doesn't help. You have to give people their own space for the development of free will. It is God who guides our ways. He is the ruler of everything.

      I'm glad Alessandro brought you here. I follow the advice of my friends. They are welcome because I see the potential and you have it - without question. Not only through the cosmopolitan city of Venice, which I love very much and where I have a small trading office and buy some of my goods. Spices, cloth and glass of course - Venice's arts are colourful and as you say a queen of the Adriatic - what a poetic description.

      Your answer has not faded away unheard. I recognize your level of education and enjoy sitting opposite a cultured and open-minded person who is nevertheless of a different kind than I am. Perhaps a touch more objective, but not dispassionate. I see the will to rise - ambition, one of the most wonderful qualities of Italian blood. It can bubble, like a volcano, but every volcanic eruption brings life. Who, if not Italy, knows better about this fact.

      In short, it has not escaped my notice that your eyes have glided over countless of my little treasures. We have the whole day time to explore these treasures and probably we will not even finish, but we have a balmy night ahead of us. But the light will be missing for the real treasures and you haven't even seen my library yet.

      Kalixtus smiled and drank the wine.

      Your interest in art, where does it come from? Tell me something about your passions Ettore - I am a curious person and I love stories. Stories that can be found in the scars and eyes of those who tell them.

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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Mar Jan 28, 2020 11:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"My love for history and art was born nine years ago.
At the time I had just returned from my first and only trip outside the Italian peninsula.."

The Monsignor replied, stopping almost immediately.

"I think it is right to start from the beginning:
Ten years ago I decided to leave the safe borders of the Serenissima Republic of Venice to explore the world.
In a time of turmoil, I found myself in the middle of the Provence War of Independence.
On that occasion I saw firsthand the horror of the war."

The man's blue eyes become shiny and opaque.

"I crossed the Alps again and reached, tired and wounded, my land.
At that time, I had not yet developed the conviction of serving God and his favorite creatures.
However, I knew that in order to erase those horrible visions that haunted my dreams, I had to immerse myself in the study and contemplation of beauty."

The deep gaze of his eyes became bright again.

"I helped my father organize an Academy in Venice and I took advantage of it to get in touch with the exotic guests he invited.
His name was Eckart Lazzaro Torres Asburgo D'Argovia and now his body lies in the Monastery of San Domenico."

Ettore smiled and drank that amaranth drink again.

"I owe my love for creation to him.
Because I believe that only by knowing the beauty of the world can we understand how much God loves us."

+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 29, 2020 7:11 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Kalixtus watched Ettore closely and he looked into his blue eyes. It was not erroneously said that they are the gates to the souls of men. Hardly anyone knew how to read them, but Kalixtus' ice-blue eyes were trained to perceive every change in behaviour, words and gestures. He smiled here and there - the Cardinal understood very well where this passion came from and he was happy to listen to him, a true revelation to hear the pleasant voice of the Monsignor.

      We share this view. God speaks to us through the Word - but the study of theology is not limited to studying the Word, we also study people and more than that the whole world. Creation is the great mystery that leads us to God. We recognize it in the symmetry of the petals of a flowering apple tree, but also in the asymmetry of the ramification of the same tree. God is Alpha and Omega. When we connect with the mysterious ether in our preaching, we seek the closeness and wisdom of the Creator and it seizes me with such power, with such fervor, that the divine light seizes my soul and cries out for him, implores for him, his gaze alone on us mortal beings fills the cleric with the truthfulness of his grace - which is granted to us in moments of reverence, of devotion. I recognize this beauty of God in his infinitely mysterious creation. We human beings, as part of this creation, can only reproduce the truthfulness. Finding words, painting pictures, making sculptures in the mistaken assumption that we can describe, show or even think what God is, what God has made - we imperfect fools. But the cleric recognizes in the things we value. In the craft, in music, in paintings, in art as a whole - the glorification of the talent given by God. When I see an artist creating his work immersed in matter, it reminds me of sermons - of worship - of devotions that we clerics develop towards God. It is the same form of symmetry, asymmetry and analogy that we need to recognize and that all leads to God. This path, the path of light makes it possible for us to decide whether we are on God's path - and as shepherds we lead the faithful flock of the Aristots on that very path - or if forces open up for the benefit of darkness and defile the work of God. We are guardians and preservers of God's good and righteousness - in this sense I drink with you to the truthfulness of God in the arts - which the essence of creation contributes to the physical illustration and edification of our minds and hearts.

      Kalixtus took his cup and saluted them both.

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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Mer Jan 29, 2020 10:43 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Monsignor listened attentively to the cardinal's reasoning.
The wonderful thing about being surrounded by cultured people is the strength and style of their speeches.
Starters could wait, what Ettore was listening to was food for mind and soul.
When the Cardinal finished, the monsignor nodded and lifted the chalice in turn.

"For the eighteenth Christos' logion!"

He saluted the two Cardinals, ecstatic.
+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 06, 2020 2:38 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Kalixtus toasted and then drank.

      Tell me, Ettore, do you have any questions that might interest you?

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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Jeu Fév 06, 2020 10:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"An old wise man said: before you know the answer, it's good to know the right questions."

Ettore answered, laying the chalice.

"I came here looking for questions and the first one that comes to mind is: Do I really know you?

You are one of the most important of God's servants: a Cardinal.
Not only that, you're also the Cardinal-Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the People's Evangelization.

Please tell me something about you so that I can get to know my interlocutor better."

+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 10, 2020 8:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Kalixtus was surprised about this question and confessed this.

      I am a little surprised about this question. Usually people do not ask me who I am and I sometimes ask myself this question. I am not so sure if I can find a good or even an approximate answer who I am.

      I have always defined myself through hard work and not through my titles and functions. I am on a lifelong search for God and his depth and dignity in catechesis and theology. For me, the human being, aware of his or her own abilities and talents, is the focus of my interest. I explore God in his works, including man. Some call me shadow, some call me light, I call myself merely Kalixtus. Perhaps it is part of my work to build bridges where before there were none.

      But I know many words of praise about me, which call me reformer or catechist, master of words or other. But I also know bad words that call me arrogant, power-conscious, selfish or egocentric. In general I am probably rather put into the conservative corner of the Vatican and as an advisor of kings, emperors and the pope I am seen as a hardliner. This sometimes leads to serious arguments because I never refuse a debate - communication is an essential part of my world.

      Perhaps it is important to understand that I have fought hard to become a cardinal, coming from nowhere, which is still an honour and a miracle for me that I earn every day anew to please God and His Church. I consider myself not really worthy of the many honours, whether positive or negative, and therefore I hardly fit into the forms of those who would like to make me their instrument.

      But I admit in the small circle we are in - I am sometimes a diva but I have been fighting for 10 years for the church on the front line of heresy and unbeliever - I am afraid this makes me more or less a guard or warrior and therefore I always have to tackle things.

      But now I am boring you. That is uneducated of me.

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Inscrit le: 28 Nov 2018
Messages: 957
Localisation: Udine

MessagePosté le: Ven Fév 14, 2020 1:06 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"A bridge builder, what a magnificent allegory!"

The monsignor answered nodding.

"Your experience is a treasure I aspire to.
Lately the germ of heterodoxy seems to have hidden in Venice, but doubt and inexperience block me."

Hector confessed, sighing worriedly.
The brow wrinkled in remembering certain statements bounced between the streets and squares of the Serenissima.

"Mine is pure rudeness, I am aware of it, but I feel that whatever you say can be useful to me and that part of the Church that I represent.
Please give me good advice on how to deal with these dangers."

+ Ettore Asburgo D'Argovia
Cardinale-Presbitero di San Barnaba a Ripa
Decano del Tribunale della Rota Romana
Primate di Venezia
Arcivescovo Metropolitano di Udine
Prefetto di Villa San Loyats
Professore alla Pontifica Universitas Studiorum Aristoteliorum
Ufficiale dell'Ordine pontificio di Nicola V

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Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2013
Messages: 564
Localisation: Montepulciano, Repubbica Fiorentina, SRING

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 21, 2020 5:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Bishop of Arezzo arrived in Rome.

After spending the night kindly hosted at a monastery in the city, he got up early and after prayers he reached Campo Marzio, the place where the Palace Doria-Pamphilj was located.

He reached the entrance and said to the guardian

Good morning dear guard, I am Lodovico and I came from Arezzo to meet the Cardinal and his collaborator Msgr. Anguissola Della Scala.

Mons. Lodovico Brandolini d'Adda Collalto Aldobrandeschi
Vescovo di Arezzo
Vicario Generale dell'Arcidiocesi di Roma
Prefetto Romano
Ufficiale dell'Ordine Pontificio di San Nicola V
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 21, 2020 7:56 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    Kalixtus' guards opened the gates with a smile and received the monsignor.

    Excellency, His Eminence awaits you in the study. Please follow me to the upper floor. With this the servant bowed and climbed the stairs past valuable art treasures, paintings and statues. The exquisite taste was revealed here surrounded by the works of the most influential artists of the past and present.

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Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2013
Messages: 564
Localisation: Montepulciano, Repubbica Fiorentina, SRING

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 22, 2020 10:52 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

At the guard's invitation to follow him he answered with a smile and he followed him, carrying several packages that he would have delivered to the Cardinal.

During the journey inside the halls of the palace, the bishop could not help but stop to admire the wonders that surrounded him, and then chase the guard towards the Cardinal's study.


Mons. Lodovico Brandolini d'Adda Collalto Aldobrandeschi
Vescovo di Arezzo
Vicario Generale dell'Arcidiocesi di Roma
Prefetto Romano
Ufficiale dell'Ordine Pontificio di San Nicola V
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 22, 2020 7:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Kalixtus looked up from his work and placed the glasses he had on his nose on the table next to the papers he was studying. A treatise of theological expertise. He smiled and asked the guest to enter.

      Welcome Lodovico to my palazzo. The cleric stood up from his leather armchair and moved away from his spacious desk of fine ebony veneer with polished brass inlays. The cardinal, as in most of his dwellings, showed exquisite taste in art and culture. He approached the brother and kissed him on each cheek once, as was customary in his homeland, and invited him to sit comfortably around the fireplace. The fireplace was not lit, but it was not less impressive. On the mantelpiece you could admire small figurines made of crystal glass - an excellent work from Russia. Above the fireplace was a large painting of Pope Innocentius enthroned and looking down on them. Innocentius was the former owner of this palazzo and Kalixtus was delighted that he could count this beautiful property among his own. He furnished it with what he loved art, music, society. And speaking of music, we heard a harp player in the background presenting his art.

      Let's wait for my right hand. Alessandro Della Scala is an efficient and always welcome adjutant. His esprit will spiritualize our conversation and fill our round with the spirit of Italian joy. As a Frenchman, I am grateful to the Italians for the high culture they represent. Life without art would almost never have been possible. And Italian opera, with its drama, fills my heart with great joy. We can perceive in it a reflection of our reality, don't you think, dear Lodovico?

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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Mer Avr 22, 2020 8:48 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Father Alessandro arrived at the Palace and quickly passed the control of the guards, it was as if he had a pass to enter and now the guards did not even ask for the reasons anymore, they just opened the gate.

Arriving at the room where Monsignor Lodovico and Chancellor Kalixtus were present, he entered with great discretion and stood on the Cardinal's right, making a slight nod to both those present as a sign of greeting.

"Bishop Lodovico, I am happy that you have accepted the cardinal's invitation that I sent you the other day.

I could say welcome to Rome, but maybe it's better to say welcome to Palazzo Doria Pamphilj, which is very different from Rome!"

He smiled slightly at the Cardinal, then closed in a religious silence.

------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Inscrit le: 06 Déc 2013
Messages: 564
Localisation: Montepulciano, Repubbica Fiorentina, SRING

MessagePosté le: Ven Avr 24, 2020 9:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bernasconi, after receiving a nod of consent from the Cardinal, entered in the magnificent study, turning his gaze to try to capture as many details as possible of that magnificent space. He returned his greeting with a kiss on each cheek, but decided to kneel to kiss the cardinal's ring, a sign of a Prince of the Church.

Listening to the Cardinal's words, Bernasconi continued to admire the surrounding environment rich in art and objects that gave the environment an almost paradisiacal appearance.

Noble Cardinal, thank you for your invitation, to enter the halls of this Palace and meet you personally is a great honor and that I will carry in my heart. The works of art that you have accumulated, the result of great Italian and foreign artists, the way you have exhibited and organized them, makes these places unique in the world and I admit that I felt closer to God.
An artist allows us to deepen the depths of the world and does it in an original way, without constraints of any kind, for this I share your words on the Italian work, which obviously also extends to all the art forms that have been refined also in foreign countries, with exceptional materials, precious woods and marbles of every color, stones to obtain unique colors and shades at the hands of great artists.

Cardinal, my Diocese is known worldwide for the production of wine, the famous Nobile di Montepulciano wine. This wine has a ruby ​​color tending to garnet, an intense and floral perfume, with a dry, balanced and persistent flavor. I have some bottles here to deliver them directly to your hands, while several barrels have already been delivered to your cellars. This is a personal gift on my behalf and for the whole Diocese of Arezzo.

While delivering the presents, he saw the dear father Alessandro who greeted him.

Dear Alessandro!

He said hugging him

I am very happy to meet you here in this magnificent place, Palazzo Doria Pamphilj

Mons. Lodovico Brandolini d'Adda Collalto Aldobrandeschi
Vescovo di Arezzo
Vicario Generale dell'Arcidiocesi di Roma
Prefetto Romano
Ufficiale dell'Ordine Pontificio di San Nicola V
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Dim Avr 26, 2020 3:17 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

      Kalixtus greeted Alessandro with a joyful kiss on the cheek. Nice that you are here, sit down with us, we are talking about the nice things in life. You know my love of art and when I listen to our friend Lodovico, this passion is burning inside him.

      It is nice to sit together with people who know that the beautiful things are not a matter of course. Art, especially religious art, shows a special fervor, a special gift and an extraordinary talent that God gave to his children along the way. I am always especially glad when a young artist gets the opportunity to celebrate his art, also and especially through our actions. Especially in Italy, centres of artistry are currently being established in Florence, Naples, Milan and Venice.

      When he accepted the gift of the guest he smiled with joy. I am sure that we will be able to enjoy it later for dinner together. I hope you will stay for dinner, of course. Negotiations with me can be lengthy and I like to have elegant company around me. Thank you very much, my friend. A good wine is always welcome in my house. I hope I can return the favor one day.

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