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[RP] Papal Mass | Feast of St. Titus 1470
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Magister Ceremoniarum

Inscrit le: 10 Mai 2020
Messages: 12

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 28, 2022 6:03 pm    Sujet du message: [RP] Papal Mass | Feast of St. Titus 1470 Répondre en citant



_____________________Festum I classis cum Octava minori - duplex
_____________________Die 29 Junii MCDLXX

    ♩♫♪ DING DONG ♩♫♪ DING DONG ♩♫♪

    The harmonious sounds of the bells of the basilica of St. Titus frightened away the flocks of angry pigeons that usually competed with the ducks to eat the breadcrumbs with which the pilgrims fed them, in spite of the will and desire of the neighbours. First the smaller, sharper bells rang brightly, then the heavier, slower, more powerful bells joined in. The melody glided over the roofs of the Roman city, of the caput mundi; the other churches of the city also joined in with the swinging of their bells: there was no one in Rome who did not know what was going to happen that morning. It was the solemnity of Saint Titus, apostle of the Messiah and the first pontiff in the history of the Church. The festivities were not only limited to the papal mass that was to be celebrated in the great basilica, but also included other public events, such as the oath of the new pontifical nobility as well as the renewal of the oaths of all the current nobles. The people of Rome also celebrated the day with banquets, dances, popular festivities for people from all conditions, masquerades and a lot of festivities until the early hours of the morning: everyone rejoiced in their own way, and in that immense city there were all kinds of tastes, from the most pious to the most sordid.

    Meanwhile the Master of Ceremonies was on the verge of a nervous breakdown: it was his responsibility to carry out all the logistical preparations for the ceremony, and he was truly acting as a general, unlike his soldiers who were clerics armed with crucifixes and stoles. The sacristy was now like a war camp: dozens of religious and servants were in and out fulfilling their duties: the cleaning of the temple - the largest temple in the Aristotelian world - and its illumination with thousands of beeswax candles, all the liturgical ornaments were burnished and cleaned, as well as the preparation, embroidery and arrangement of all the red-coloured vestments to be worn by the officiants, cardinals, bishops and clergy attending the papal mass. The florists also worked tirelessly, decorating the most sacred parts of the basilica with red and white flowers, as did the papal guard, who had to control all access and security for the Holy Father.

    But the time had come, and now that the doors of the basilica were open, pilgrims and Roman neighbours were entering: everyone wanted to be present at the mass of St. Titus and to see, for another year, the old pope on his chair, awake, asleep or grunting, but always blessing all the souls who wanted to be saved. The Master of Ceremonies raised his gaze to the heights, to the massive ceiling whose weight was supported by the four bronze columns of the recently inaugurated baldachin: a mass of bronze that highlighted and glorified the main altar, where the crucifix, the seven golden candlesticks and the tablecloth were arranged, ready for the liturgy.

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Inscrit le: 04 Avr 2016
Messages: 1469
Localisation: Salisbury, Devon (England)

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 28, 2022 10:52 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

William heard the bells if the Basilica and knew that the feast was close. He left his Franciscan hermitage dressed in his cleanest religious habit. As Metropolitan Archbishop he had his ring, his Beretta, etc. He thought that maybe arriving early at the ceremony he would get a place to seat, far from the Roman sun.

Once he arrived at the Basilica he made sign to those running around to see if he could get a place to seat and pray before the ceremony.


Metropolitan Archbishop of Canterbury | Marquess of Exminster | Earl of Bassetlaw | Viscount of Osney
Prefect of the office of Relics
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Inscrit le: 14 Avr 2020
Messages: 1946

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 29, 2022 2:13 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Coming to Rome was a delight for her. Her heart rejoiced, always, knowing that in the Eternal City she enjoyed the time, the peace, the little pleasures that Aracoeli offered her... She loved Cardinal Valyria, who was like her grandfather, so much that she never decided to remove her things from the prelate's magnificent palace. Sometimes, however, coming here was too serious for her, knowing that she had to fulfil her duties for the Congregation of the Holy Armies, as well as attend to the heraldic affairs she loved to work on. There was a certain balance, then, between pleasure and obligations, and that was the key to Inès's love of always returning there. A flock of ducks took flight as the Princess of Ischia de Castro left the Cardinal's palace to go to the Basilica for the mass for the Festival of St. Titus. The light fabrics of her dress swayed in a light breeze that cooled her as she crossed the corner, and at that moment Inès dispensed with her fan, which was proving useful to her in bearing the heat, and sometimes even to protect her eyesight when the sun kissed her forehead. Halfway through, the princely procession joined that of his niece, who was also there to the great joy of Inès. The Princess did not hesitate to take her by the arm, after kissing both her cheeks and taking the liberty of caressing her belly.

– You look really beautiful today, has anyone told you that? Come on, let's go my dear, I have many things to tell you along the way... Deep down, I feel a certain relief not to see myself walking around with this belly like you, although I admit, another child would be a blessing. But today we will pray for you, for your offspring, and for Diane's hair to grow back. And we'll ask for a little holy water too, for our husbands. What a bunch of devils.

She joked, laughing merrily. It amused her to know that, even though they were aunt and niece, their ages were similar and that allowed them to share many things.


Queen of Navarre | Princess of Ischia di Castro | Duchess of Billy | Child of Castile | Countess of Tafalla | Baroness Palatine of St John Lateran | Lady of Bressolles
Prefect of the Court of His Holiness Sixtus IV
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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2018
Messages: 1741

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 29, 2022 8:21 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Arthur was in Rome on official business. But as the invitation he had received was to attend a mass said by His Holiness, it was only natural that the Archbishop went to the Basilica of St. Titus.

The young De Nivellus had taken the time to change at the Palazzo Alicorni De Nivellus, a palace that his father had at his disposal in Rome by virtue of his functions and his status as Cardinal.
The generosity of his father was that he had taken care to provide his son Arthur with flats.
And the young son took advantage of this every time he visited the Eternal City.

But the time had come to go to the Mass of the Most Holy Father. A clean alb, and the green stole of the Archbishop around his neck, and so he went.

Pages showed him where the seats reserved for the Archbishops and Bishops were. After genuflecting and making the sign of the cross before the altar, Arthur took his seat.
Archevêque d'Embrun
Préfet de l'Inquisition
Vice Préfet des Chapelles
Recteur de l'Ordre des Cisterciens
Commissaire Pénitencier
Professeur à Saint Benoït
Comte Palatin de St Jean de Latran
Baron de Montfort
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Inscrit le: 24 Sep 2009
Messages: 634

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 29, 2022 8:47 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le week-end à Rome se prolongeait puisque le couple avait encore quelques affaires spirituelles à régler avant de pouvoir retourner à celles du temporel.
Della puisait dans ces moments-ci toute la force dont elle aurait besoin lorsque Rome serait derrière elle. La prière, la dévotion même la contemplation étaient une source inépuisable de paix et de sérénité dont elle ne voulait plus se passer.

Aussi, elle n'aurait raté cette messe pour rien au monde. Le couple di Césarini de Volvent arriva donc au moment achevait de sonner l'appel, il était donc temps d'aller s'installer. Laissant promener son regard sur l'assemblée, elle vit Ines à qui elle fit un petit signe de la main. Tantôt, ils iraient la saluer et discuter un peu avec elle ; alors, elle aperçut Arthur. Un sourire et elle entraina Halderann dans la direction de l'Archevêque.

Bonjour Monseigneur. Dit-elle avant de s'asseoir et de discrètement glisser sa main dans celle de son époux.

The weekend in Rome was prolonged as the couple still had some spiritual matters to attend to before they could return to the temporal ones.
Della drew from these moments all the strength she would need when Rome was behind her. Prayer, devotion and even contemplation were an inexhaustible source of peace and serenity that she did not want to do without.

So she would not have missed this mass for anything in the world. The couple of Cesarini of Volvento arrived at the moment the call was finished, so it was time to settle down. She let her gaze wander over the congregation and saw Ines, to whom she waved her hand. Soon, they would go to greet her and discuss a little with her; then, she saw Arthur. A smile and she led Halderann in the direction of the Archbishop.

Good morning, Bishop.
She said before sitting down and discreetly slipping her hand into her husband's.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Vicomtesse de Proceno, Baronne de Lagosanto
❃Préfet Inquisitorial Francophone - Préfet de la Congrégation de la Chambre Apostolique - Procureur de l’Officialité Nationale Francophone - Archidiacre Res Parendo de Autun
❃Archiatre du Saint Père
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Inscrit le: 26 Oct 2020
Messages: 148

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 29, 2022 9:30 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bien entendu, Alix en profitera d'être à Rome pour aller à la messe, dans cette superbe basilique et officier par sa sainteté elle même.
C'est une introspection sur elle même dans ce lieu si important à ses yeux.
Elle communiera non seulement avec le très haut, mais avec sa mère qui était à ses cotés.
Elle se posa à coté de son cousin, lui même toujours très proche de la lumière tout comme son époux qui la suivait partout où elle allait.


Of course, Alix will take advantage of being in Rome to go to mass, in this superb basilica and officiate by her holiness herself.
It is an introspection on herself in this place so important to her.
She will communicate not only with the Most High, but with her mother who was at her side.
She landed next to her cousin, who was always very close to the light, just like her husband who followed her everywhere she went.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Inscrit le: 10 Nov 2011
Messages: 367

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 29, 2022 12:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Halderann c'était laisser guider par son amour, en effet elle connaissait mieux Rome que lui sur certains égards. Sur d'autre peut-être le petit savoisien en connaissait un autre bout. Mais bon, c'était la première fois qu'il rentrait dans la Basilique. Un moment émouvant, une messe officié par sa Sainteté lui même... et puis après l'anoblissement.

Une journée pleine de reconnaissance, d'amour et de joies en perspective. Le couple di Césarini de Volvent arriva donc au moment achevait de sonner l'appel, il était donc temps d'aller s'installer. Laissant promener son regard sur l'assemblée, Halderann vit Ines à qui il fit lui aussi un petit signe de la main et un beau sourire. Tantôt, ils iraient la saluer et discuter un peu avec elle ; alors, Il aperçut Arthur. Halderann se laissa emporter par elle dans la direction de l'Archevêque.

Bonjour Monseigneur. en mode petit perroquet


Halderann had been guided by his love, for she knew Rome better than he did in some respects. In other respects, perhaps, the little Savoyard knew something else. But then, it was the first time he had been in the Basilica. A moving moment, a mass officiated by His Holiness himself... and then the ennoblement.

A day full of gratitude, love and joy in prospect. The couple of Cesarini de Volvent arrived at the moment the call was completed, so it was time to settle down. Looking around the assembly, Halderann saw Ines, to whom he also waved and smiled. Soon they would go to greet her and talk with her a little; then he saw Arthur. Halderann let himself be carried away by her in the direction of the Archbishop.

Good morning, Archbishop in little parrot mode

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Monseigneur Halderann Di césarini de Montmayeur
Ecuyer Majeur
Inquisiteur - Chevalier des Santiago
Vicomte de Proceno
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Inscrit le: 14 Fév 2021
Messages: 319
Localisation: Rome - Esztergom

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 29, 2022 10:55 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Hubertusz entered the Basilica with quiet humility. It is a great opportunity for him, this Mass celebrated by His Holiness himself, to let the power of Faith and the Church fill his soul for his work. He kneels before the altar and makes the sign of the cross, then takes his seat.
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Inscrit le: 07 Juil 2009
Messages: 378
Localisation: Corona de Castilla y León, Ducado de Oropesa.

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 30, 2022 12:05 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

- ¡Inés! ¡Inés! Gritó el anciano para llamar la atención de la Princesa de Ischia de Castro, que caminaba junto a otra joven que parecía estar embarazada. Apresuro su paso para llegar cuanto antes junto a la joven Álvarez de Toledo.
Aunque el trayecto en barco fuese lo que mas odiase y pasase todo el tiempo cogido a un jamón Campeador por si caía en el mar, le gustaba disfrutar de Roma. Paseaba tranquilo, visitaba Basílicas, asistía a las múltiples misas diarias, veía obras, admiraba a grandes escultores, pintores... una ciudad de llena de vida y de entretenimientos para un anciano como él. Trabajaba un tiempo en los colegios Heráldicos pontificios como aprendiz, aquello le ayudaba a sentirse útil y tener una obligación para no pasar el día durmiendo hasta la hora de comer. También para mover sus dedos y no quedasen inútiles por el paso de los años.
Se hospedaba en el Palaceto de Sisto, lugar cedido por el Santo Padre a la embajadas de la Corona de Castilla y León, que como Canciller estaba utilizando bastante. Qué seria de él cuando dejase de ostentar dicho cargo, otro lugar tendría que buscar para hospedarse.
- Vengo muy preocupado. Exponía el Campeador con la respiración sofocada. No acostumbraba a caminar tan rápido. - Mañana tengo que ir con urgencia a la Basílica de Letrán. ¡Me tienen la baldosa toda pisoteada! Enfatizo en la ultima frase. - Claro, como me han puesto la baldosa en un lugar de paso, ahora todos los visitantes pasan por encima de ella. Todos me pisan la baldosa y a eso no hay derecho! Tengo que ir a limpiarla. Justo esta en el medio, por donde pasan todos. El enfado iba en aumento. - Voy a pedirle al Santo Padre que ponga un guardia en mi baldosa y vigile que nadie la pise. Exigía. - No quiero que me trasladen de sitio, a mi el sitio me gusta, lo que no me gusta es que me pisen la baldosa. Toda Castilla era sabedora, pues así se había ocupado el anciano de anunciarlo, que tenia una Baldosa en la Basílica de San Juan de Letrán como barón Palatino.


-Inés! Inés! shouted the old man to attract the attention of the Princess of Ischia de Castro, who was walking along with another young woman who seemed to be pregnant. She hurried her pace to reach the young Álvarez de Toledo as soon as possible.
Although the boat trip was what he hated most and he spent all his time holding on to a Campeador ham in case he fell into the sea, he liked to enjoy Rome. He strolled peacefully, visited Basilicas, attended the many daily masses, saw works of art, admired great sculptors, painters... a city full of life and entertainment for an old man like him. He worked for a time in the pontifical Heraldic colleges as an apprentice, which helped him to feel useful and to have an obligation so as not to spend the day sleeping until lunchtime. It also helped him to move his fingers so that they would not become useless as the years went by.
He was staying at the Palaceto de Sisto, a place given by the Holy Father to the embassies of the Crown of Castile and Leon, which as Chancellor he was using a lot. What would become of him when he ceased to hold that office, he would have to find another place to stay.
-I am very worried. - The Campeador breath came in gasps. He was not used to walking so fast. - Tomorrow I have to go urgently to the Lateran Basilica. They've got the floor tiles all over me! - I emphasize the last sentence. - Of course, as they have put the tile in a place of passage, now all the visitors walk over it. They all step on my tile and that's not right! I have to go and clean it. It's right in the middle, where everyone walks over it. The anger was growing. - I'm going to ask the Holy Father to put a guard on my tile and see that nobody steps on it. - He demanded. - I don't want them to move me from my place, I like the place, what I don't like is that they step on my tile. All Castile knew, as the old man had taken care to announce it, that he had a tile in the Basilica of St. John Lateran as Baron Palatine.

Monseñor don Zebaz Campeador Torres de Borja i Villalonga.
✠Furriel Major✠Gentleman of His Holiness✠
✠Duque de Faenza✠Conde Palatino de San Juan de Letrán✠Comandante de la Orden de Nicolás V.✠
✠Aristotelian since 1456✠Senatorial Herald✠.
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Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2017
Messages: 2333

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 30, 2022 7:26 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Il était entré, et attendait le début de la messe patiemment.
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Inscrit le: 03 Juil 2014
Messages: 4004
Localisation: Sur les rives du Tibre

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 01, 2022 5:19 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The Feast of Saint Titus had come. On that majestic occasion, faithful from every corner of the Aristotelian world would gather to celebrate the Prince of the Apostles and witness the rewarding of those who had helped the Church and the Faith in different ways.
The ringing bells of the great basilica marked the beginning of a long day that, as every year, would start with the solemn mass in honour of the first Pope and would then be followed by the renewal of the oaths of the papal nobles and the ennoblement of new ones.
With the entrance of the great papal procession in the basilica, the ceremony had officially begun. Preceded by a cortege of clerics, prelates and cardinals and escorted by the papal guard, the Pope sat on the sedia gestatoria, blessing the crowds assembled on both sides of the central nave.
As the procession reached the main altar, the papal chair was laid down beneath the great baldachin while everyone else took their position and after one more papal blessing, the mass was about to start.


La Fête de Saint Titus était arrivée. En cette occasion majestueuse, les fidèles de tous les coins du monde aristotélicien se rassemblaient pour célébrer le Prince des Apôtres et assister à la récompense de ceux qui avaient aidé l'Église et la Foi de différentes manières.
Les cloches de la grande basilique sonnent le début d'une longue journée qui, comme chaque année, commencerait par la messe solennelle en l'honneur du premier Pape et serait ensuite suivie du renouvellement des serments des nobles pontificaux et de l'anoblissement des nouveaux.
Avec l'entrée de la grande procession papale dans la basilique, la cérémonie avait officiellement commencé. Précédé d'un cortège de clercs, de prélats et de cardinaux et escorté par la garde papale, le pape était assis sur la sedia gestatoria, bénissant les foules rassemblées des deux côtés de la nef centrale.
Lorsque la procession parvint à l'autel principal, la chaise papale fut déposée sous le grand baldaquin, tandis que tous les autres prirent position et après une nouvelle bénédiction papale, la messe pouvait commencer.


La Festa di San Titus era giunta. In quella maestosa occasione, fedeli provenienti da ogni angolo del mondo aristotelico si sarebbero riuniti per celebrare il Principe degli Apostoli e testimoniare la ricompensa di coloro che in vario modo avevano aiutato la Chiesa e la Fede.
Il suono delle campane della grande basilica segnava l'inizio di una lunga giornata che, come ogni anno, sarebbe iniziata con la messa solenne in onore del primo Papa e sarebbe poi stata seguita dal rinnovo dei giuramenti dei nobili papali e dalla nobilitazione dei nuovi.
Con l'ingresso nella basilica della grande processione papale, la cerimonia era ufficialmente iniziata. Preceduto da un corteo di chierici, prelati e cardinali e scortato dalla guardia pontificia, il Papa sedeva sulla sedia gestatoria, benedicendo la folla radunata su entrambi i lati della navata centrale.
Quando la processione raggiunse l'altare principale, la sedia papale fu adagiata sotto il grande baldacchino mentre tutti gli altri prendevano posizione e, dopo un'altra benedizione papale, la messa era in procinto di iniziare.


La Fiesta de San Titus había llegado. En esa majestuosa ocasión, fieles de todos los rincones del mundo aristotélico se reunirían para celebrar al Príncipe de los Apóstoles y ser testigos de la recompensa a quienes habían ayudado a la Iglesia y a la Fe de diferentes maneras.
El tañido de las campanas de la gran basílica marcó el inicio de una larga jornada que, como cada año, comenzaría con la misa solemne en honor del primer Papa y a la que seguiría la renovación de los juramentos de los nobles papales y el ennoblecimiento de los nuevos.
Con la entrada de la gran procesión papal en la basílica, la ceremonia había comenzado oficialmente. Precedido por un cortejo de clérigos, prelados y cardenales y escoltado por la guardia papal, el Papa estaba sentado en la sedia gestatoria, bendiciendo a las multitudes reunidas a ambos lados de la nave central.
Cuando la procesión llegó al altar mayor, la silla papal fue instalada bajo el gran baldaquino mientras todos los demás tomaban su posición y, tras una nueva bendición papal, la misa iba a comenzar.


A Festa de São Tito tinha chegado. Nessa majestosa ocasião, fiéis de todos os cantos do mundo aristotélico reunir-se-iam para celebrar o Príncipe dos Apóstolos e testemunhar a recompensa daqueles que tinham ajudado a Igreja e a Fé de diferentes maneiras.
Os sinos da grande basílica marcaram o início de um longo dia que, como todos os anos, começaria com a missa solene em honra do primeiro Papa e seria seguido pela renovação dos juramentos dos nobres papais e o enobrecimento de novos .
Com a entrada da grande procissão papal na basílica, a cerimónia tinha oficialmente começado. Precedido por um cortejo de clérigos, prelados e cardeais e escoltado pela guarda papal, o Papa estava sentado na sedia gestatoria, abençoando as multidões reunidas de ambos os lados da nave central.
Quando a procissão chegou ao altar principal, a cadeira papal foi colocada debaixo do grande baldaquino enquanto todos os outros tomavam a sua posição e depois de mais uma bênção papal, a missa estava prestes a começar.


Eskerrik asko Iñési sinaduragatik
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 01, 2022 5:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    As every year, the Cardinal was in the procession of Cardinals alongside the Pope. The ceremony was one of the highlights of the Roman calendar and for many a real feast of joy, because in addition to the already high level of tourism by the pilgrims, all the nobles and high dignitaries were now there. Kalixtus always regarded these celebrations as great entertainment, but more because, away from the festivities, he could talk to one or two delegates about the conditions from the peripheries.

    Thus, for Cardinal Kalixtus, the celebration was always an opportunity for work, and that was a very good thing, because entertainment was something Kalixtus rarely indulged in. Imagine the cardinal loitering on the beach in the sand like a starfish. No, that was something for other people.

    The ceremony dictated certain places that one was used to taking. So the cardinal followed the flow of cardinals, smiling here and there at the familiar and less familiar faces, whom he admittedly thought he recognised through his varied work.

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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2018
Messages: 1741

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 01, 2022 6:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

The faithful arrived one after the other, and when Their Magnificences Della and Halderan arrived, he smiled at them. And when they reached him, he greeted them by rising first, then verbally in response to their greeting.

Good morning to you, Your Excellency Della, Bishop Halderan, happy to see you on this day and especially for the celebration.

He invited them to take a seat at his side.

He was chatting quietly with the two Inquisitors and other functions, when there came the no less known of his cousins, Alix with her husband.

He smiled at her in turn, and invited her to sit on the other side of him.

Then he saw Monsignor Urbain enter the Basilica, and with a nod he greeted him.

The bells rang louder as the procession of His Holiness arrived, and naturally the Archbishop rose like many others to welcome the Sovereign Pontiff.
In the procession Arthur recognised several of the cardinals, including his father, of course, Cardinal Tymothe De Nivellus, his uncle Cardinal Martin De Nivellus, their Eminences Richelieu and Richard de Cetzes.
He also recognised His Eminence Kalixtus, whom he nodded.
Other cardinals looked familiar, but he didn't really know them, except for those he had had the honour of meeting either at the Congregation of the Holy Truth or even at the AEF, such as their Eminences Arnarion, Pie and Neirin, whom he also nodded to.
Archevêque d'Embrun
Préfet de l'Inquisition
Vice Préfet des Chapelles
Recteur de l'Ordre des Cisterciens
Commissaire Pénitencier
Professeur à Saint Benoït
Comte Palatin de St Jean de Latran
Baron de Montfort
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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 01, 2022 6:38 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

    The Papal Procession had arrived at the Basilica and, along with the Cardinals carrying out the Pontiff's Procession, was Adonnis.

    The Feast of Saint Titus was a unique occasion, not only for the Sagres, but also for the entire Aristotelian Community. It was an undoubtedly unique celebration in honor of the First Pope and Successor of Christos.

    As he entered the Cathedral, the Cardinal greeted the various familiar faces and, when they reached the altar, he took his place in the apse, along with the other cardinals.

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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Sam Juil 02, 2022 12:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Soli Deo honor et gloria - those were Felipe's thoughts as his red silk shoes slid silently across the multi-coloured marble floor of the Basilica of St Titus. He was part of the entrance procession, along with the other brother cardinals and bishops, who walked in front of the sedia gestatoria before the start of the papal mass. He felt small, insignificant and awed as he looked up at the loftiness of the vaults and the immense dome of the transept: those who were praying in that sacred place today had been preceded by so many generations before and would also be replaced in the future by the unyielding passage of time, but the glory of Rome and of the Church of Titus would remain for ages to come: they were only a link in the mighty chain of apostolic tradition. The smell of incense, the sacred chanting, the glitter of vestments and the light that passed through the windows to illuminate the faithful was only a pale and imperfect reflection of the glory of God, all that humans could do to bring a little of the divine to the earthly. The Hispanic cardinal's reddish damask dalmatic flashed in whimsical reflections as he walked, and his white mitre rose like the mitres of his brothers in the episcopate: it was the helmet of faith, two points symbolising the ancient tradition of the school of Aristotle and the new joy of friendship taught by Christos. Preceded by the cross, the long line of clergy came to the proximity of the altar: each one of them removed the mitre from his head, bowed his head and kissed the altar cloth of the main altar, covered with the seven golden candlesticks, the number of divine perfection. Then Felipe also took his seat next to his brothers Adonnis and Kalixtus: from there he saw his sister Inés and Zebaz, whom he greeted with a nod of his head. After mass he would want to join them, because after all, it was a day of celebration and the liturgy was only the beginning of the festivities.


Soli Deo honor et gloria - esos eran los pensamientos de Felipe mientras sus zapatos de seda roja se deslizaban silenciosamente sobre el suelo multicolor de mármol de la basílica de San Titus. Él formaba parte de la procesión de entrada, junto a los demás hermanos cardenales y obispos, que caminaban delante de la sedia gestatoria antes del inicio de la misa papal. Se sintió pequeño, intrascendente y sobrecogido al alzar su mirada hacia la altivez de las bóvedas y de la inmensa cúpula del crucero: aquellos que hoy rezaban en aquel lugar sagrado habían sido precedidos por otras tantas generaciones pasadas y también serían sustuídos en el futuro por el inflexible paso del tiempo, pero la gloria de Roma y de la Iglesia de Tito permanecería en los tiempos venideros: ellos sólo eran un eslabón en la poderosa cadena de la tradición apostólica. El olor del incienso, los canticos sagrados, el brillo de los ornamentos y la luz que atravesaba los ventanales hasta iluminar a los fieles era sólo un pálido e imperfecto reflejo de la gloria de Dios, todo cuanto los humanos podían hacer para traer un poco de lo divino sobre lo terrenal. La dalmática adamascada bermeja del cardenal hispánico destelleaba en reflejos caprichosos al caminar, y su mitra blanca se elevaba al igual que las mitras de sus hermanos en el episcopado: era el yelmo de la fe, dos puntas que simbolizaban la antigua tradición de la escuela de Aristóteles y la nueva alegría de la amistad enseñada por Christos. Precedidos de la cruz, la larga fila de clérigos fue llegando a las inmediaciones del altar: cada uno de ellos se quitaba la mitra de la cabeza, inclinaba su cabeza y besaba el mantel del altar principal, revestido con los siete candelabros de oro, número de la perfección divina. A continuación Felipe también tomó asiento junto a sus hermanos Adonnis y Kalixtus: desde allí vio a su hermana Inés y a Zebaz, a quienes saludó con un movimiento de su cabeza. Después de la misa querría reunirse con ellos, porque, después de todo, era un día de celebración y la liturgia sólo iniciaba los festejos.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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