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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mai 12, 2022 5:06 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Avviso di Elezione CESE
    Appello alle Candidature per Vescovo.

    A nome dell'Assemblea Episcopale della Regione Italica della Primazia del Sacro Impero, Noi, Sua Eminenza Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinale-Vescovo, Primate del Sacro Impero, sotto la luce degli Arcangeli e la volontà dei Profeti Aristotele e Christos, Servo di Dio e di Sua Santità Sisto IV Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, facciamo annuncio

    dell'apertura del deposito di candidature per i posti di Vescovo delle Diocesi di:

    • Arezzo
    • Reggio di Lombardia
    • Lodi
    • Como
    • Sarzana
    • Parma
    • Piacenza
    • Massa Marittima
    • Alessandria
    • Lucca
    • Novara

    e ciò per una durata di sette giorni a partire dalla data di pubblicazione in Piazza di Aristotele.

    I candidati sono pregati di far pervenire per posta privata alla nostra persona Sua Eminenza Rev. Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [ Kalixtus ] o al Vice-Primate italico Sua Eminenza Cardinale Diacono Emerito Silvio Sanseverino [ Silvio_1] il Curriculum vitæ e lettera di motivazione, indicando in oggetto il seggio per cui si presenta la candidatura.
    Ricordiamo che le candidature devono rispettare gli Statuti del Concilio Episcopale del Santo Impero.

    Qualsiasi candidato deve essere titolare di una licenza in teologia ottenuta in un seminario primario riconosciuto dalla Prefettura all'insegnamento Aristotelico. È chiesto ai richiedenti di citare il loro diploma nella loro candidatura.

    + Forti nella Fede! +

    Roma, XII. V. MCDLXX Sixtus IV PP anno IV

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Mai 18, 2022 4:24 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomina di nuovo Vescovo a Grosseto


    è elevato a Vescovo di Grosseto

    Noi, S. Eminenza Reverendissima, Kalixtus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Primate del Sacro Romano Impero, Cardinale Cancelliere della CDF


    Monsignor Giulio Carraresi, detto Cactaceae Vescovo della Diocesi di Grosseto

    Gli è concesso di predicare e benedire nonché celebrare i sacramenti del battesimo, del matrimonio e del funerale, in accordo con il Diritto Canonico, nella Diocesi di Grosseto.
    Possa Aristotele guidarlo nella sua nuova missione in seno alla Santa Chiesa Aristotelica.

    Scritto e ratificato a Roma, Presso l'Assemblea Episcopale Italiana, il XVIII giorno del V mese dell'Anno di Grazia MCDLXX

    Il primate

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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Jeu Juin 02, 2022 8:10 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Revoca di un Diacono Permanente a Sarzana

    S.Em. Rev. Cardinale Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle detto “Kalixtus” Cardinale-Vescovo, Primate del Santo Impero
    S.Em. Cardinale Diacono Emerito Silvio Sanseverino detto "Silvio_1"
    Viceprimate Italico

    La Revoca di Cristoforo dalla carica di Diacono Permanente,a causa della sua irreperibilità dopo lunga assenza

    + Forti nella Fede! +

    Roma,I.VI.MCDLXX Sixtus IV PP anno IV

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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 11, 2022 8:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Nomina di un nuovo diacono permanente a Massa e
Nihil Obstat alla celebrazione dell'ordinazione

Visti il Il Breve Apostolico V - A. MDCLXIX e il Breve Apostolico VIII - A. MDCLXIX e in particolare

Article 4.1.1:In caso di vacanza in una sede apostolica appartenente alla primazia, l'assemblea episcopale competente è abilitata a eleggere e revocare il clero diocesano e parrocchiale la cui nomina spetterebbe ordinariamente al vescovo.

a nome dell'Assemblea Episcopale della Regione Italica della Primazia del Sacro Impero,
Noi, S.Em. Cardinale Diacono Emerito Silvio Sanseverino detto "Silvio_1", Viceprimate Italico

nominiamo Sergius.
diacono permanente nella parrocchia di Massa della diocesi di Sarzana,
e dichiariamo che Nihil Obstat alla celebrazione della sua elevazione da parte di noi medesimo, che avremo anche la responsabilità di trascrivere la nomina e l'elevazione negli appositi registri.

+ Forti nella Fede! +

Roma, XI.VI.MDCLXX Sixtus IV PP anno IV

S.Em. Cardinale Diacono Emerito Silvio Sanseverino detto “Silvio_1”
Vice-primate italico

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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 28, 2022 5:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Nomina di un nuovo Diacono Permanente a Fornovo e
Nihil Obstat alla celebrazione dell'ordinazione

Visti il Il Breve Apostolico V - A. MDCLXIX e il Breve Apostolico VIII - A. MDCLXIX e in particolare

Article 4.1.1:In caso di vacanza in una sede apostolica appartenente alla primazia, l'assemblea episcopale competente è abilitata a eleggere e revocare il clero diocesano e parrocchiale la cui nomina spetterebbe ordinariamente al vescovo.

A nome dell'Assemblea Episcopale della Regione Italica della Primazia del Sacro Impero,
Noi, S.Em. Cardinale Diacono Emerito Silvio Sanseverino detto "Silvio_1", Viceprimate Italico

nominiamo Daphne_bridgerton
Diacono Permanente nella parrocchia di Fornovo della Diocesi di Parma,
e dichiariamo che Nihil Obstat alla celebrazione della sua elevazione da parte di noi medesimo, che avremo anche la responsabilità di trascrivere la nomina e l'elevazione negli appositi registri.

+ Forti nella Fede! +

Roma, XXVI .VI .MDCLXX Sixtus IV PP anno IV

S.Em. Cardinale Diacono Emerito Silvio Sanseverino detto “Silvio_1”
Vice-primate italico

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 05, 2022 9:32 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Statutes of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire

    In accordance with Book 2 Part I of the Codex Iuris Canonici of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, called "Regimini secularis ecclesiae", the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is established, taking over and having authority over all the archdioceses, dioceses and parishes present in whole or in part in the lands of the SRING, Provence and Switzerland.

    The Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is directed by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire in accordance with and within the limits of Dogma, Canon Law and the higher authority of the Roman Curia and the other Institutions of the Holy Church.
    The Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is divided, for purely organisational purposes, into five Vice-Primacies, each covering the Italian, German, French, Dutch and Slovenian language regions within the territory of the Primacy, and each having a permanent synod for the meetings and discussions of the local episcopate.

    As a territorial subdivision of the Holy Church, the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is naturally subject to the doctrinal and pastoral authority of the Holy See and its institutions.

    Part I. The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire

    I. Composition

    Article 1. The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire is composed of full members, consultative members and co-opted members.

    Article 2 The full members with the right to speak and vote are
    • The (arch)bishops of the Holy Roman Empire, i.e. those elected according to the canonical procedures of Res Parendo to govern a diocese;
    • The (arch)bishops In Partibus having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire;
    • The (arch)bishops emeritus having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire;
    • All Cardinals having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire;
    • The rectors of Roman religious orders having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire;
    • The Grand Masters of religious military orders having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Article 3 The consulting members with the right to speak but not to vote are:

    • All Cardinals having their principal residence (In Gratebus) outside the territory of the Holy Roman Empire;
    • A delegate of the Apostolic Nunciature, appointed by the latter for this purpose, provided that he is at least ordained or has the rank of a bishop;
    • A delegate of the Holy Armies, appointed by the latter for this purpose, provided that he is at least ordained or has the rank of a bishop.

    Article 4. The co-opted members, having only the right to speak, are appointed by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire on the basis of their moral, intellectual and religious qualities and on the proposal of a full member.

    II. Functioning

    Article 5. Decisions are taken in consultations with the full members by a simple majority vote of those who vote.

    Article 6. All members can participate in the debates, but only full members can initiate a consultation and vote.

    Article 7. In the event of a tie, the Primate of the Holy Roman Empire has the casting vote.
    Article 8. The vote must always include the possibility of voting blank and the possibility of voting against. Blank votes therefore do not count.

    Article 9. The vote has an ordinary duration of five days and must always be preceded by a debate period of at least three days.

    Article 10. Voting may be initiated immediately and the voting period shortened to three days in agreement with the Primate, upon his decision or in cases provided for in the emergency procedures.
    Article 11. The following cases allow for the emergency procedure:
    • undeclared absence of the Primate and his Vice Primates for a fortnight;
    • armed conflict involving parishes in the Holy Roman Empire;
    • any debate on a subject which calls for a rapid reaction by the CESE upon a reasoned decision by the Primate.
      N.B. By absence is meant non-participation in the debates of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire or spiritual retreat

    Article 13. The work of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire takes place behind closed doors and is subject to secrecy; it is absolutely forbidden to divulge the content of this work to anyone outside the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire, except for the purpose of reporting to the Higher Institutions of the Holy See.

    Part II. The Bishoprics

    I. (Arch)Bishops

    Article 13. The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire appoints and dismisses the (arch)bishops of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Article 14. The following are grounds for dismissal:
    • absence for more than one month without justification or prior announcement
    • Interference in the affairs of another diocese in spite of the warnings of his superiors
    • indiscipline and obstinacy in the same, (the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire may be the judge of this point),
    • failure in his office according to the advice of the primate after investigation by him, which is to be presented to the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.
    • Abandonment of his diocese without notice to the Primate.

      Article 14.1. Revocation takes place tacitly if a new (arch)bishop is appointed to head the same (arch)diocese.

    Article 15. The procedure for the election of a new (arch)bishop is usually initiated when a (arch)episcopal see becomes vacant.

    Article 16. The (arch)episcopal sees become vacant upon the death, resignation or dismissal of the competent (arch)bishop.

    Article 17. The Primate announces the vacancy of an (arch)episcopal see in Aristotle Square and in the public square of the (arch)diocesan territory and launches a five-day call for candidates.

    Article 18. Candidates should make themselves known to the Primate with a curriculum vitae, a degree in theology and a letter of motivation. The Primate may reject outlandish or unsuitable candidates, but must inform the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire..

    Article 19. The Primate collects the nominations and launches the vote as quickly as possible to ensure that the election takes place in the best possible conditions.

    II. Diocesan Administrators

    Article 20. The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire appoints the diocesan administrators of the Holy Roman Empire for a period of four months.

    Article 21. The following are grounds for dismissal:
    • absence for more than one month without justification or prior announcement
    • Interference in the spiritual affairs despite the warnings of his superiors
    • indiscipline and obstinacy therein, (the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire may be the judge of this point),
    • failure in office according to the advice of the primate after investigation by him, which is to be presented to the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Article 22. The procedure for the election of a diocesan administrator is initiated when an (arch)bishopric of the Holy Roman Empire is without an (arch)bishop or if he cannot guarantee the administration In Gratibus.

    Article 23. The Primate issues a five-day call for applications, specifying whether the position is sede plena or sede vacante, i.e. whether there is an (arch)bishop Res Parendo or not.

    Article 24. Candidates should make themselves known to the Primate with a curriculum vitae, any diplomas obtained, their status as a pastor of the faith and a letter of motivation. The Primate may reject outlandish or unsuitable candidates, but must report this to the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Article 25. The Primate collects the nominations and launches the vote as quickly as possible to ensure that the election takes place in good conditions..

    Part III. The Primate of the Holy Roman Empire

    Article 26. The Primate represents the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire and presides over the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. He is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Statutes and guidelines established by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Article 27. The Primate is elected from among the full members of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire for a renewable term of 6 months.

    Article 28 All candidates for the Primacy will be required to provide a full curriculum vitae and a programme.

    Article 29. The Primate appoints a Vice Primate for each Vice Primacy to assist him in his duties. He may choose and dismiss them as he sees fit, provided they reside in the Vice Primacy assigned to them.

    Article 30. When appointing Vice Primates, the Primate shall establish the order of priority among them for the sole purpose of transition of primate powers.

    Article 31. In the event of an unannounced absence of more than fourteen days, the Primate is replaced by a Vice Primate according to the order of priority established at the time of appointment. The vice-primate then obtains all the powers vested in the Primate until the latter's return.

    Article 32. The Primate and his Vice Primates shall take care to announce their absences in order to allow the smooth running of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.

    Article 33. The Primate has a tacit and permanent mandate which gives him all the powers of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. He can therefore issue decrees unilaterally. These decrees can in turn be annulled by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire, the annulment procedure having a suspensive effect.

    Article 34 The Primate may be removed from office by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire by a sufficiently motivated motion of censure.

    Article 35. In the event of the death, removal or absence of more than one month of the Primate, a Vice Primate, according to the order of priority established at the time of appointment, is responsible for the transition to a new primatial election.

    Debated and voted by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire under the pontificate of the Most Holy Father Sixtus IV, on the on the third day of the month of July of the year of grace MCDLXX.
    Sanctioned and ratified by the Roman Curia, under the pontificate of the Most Holy Father Sixtus IV, on the on the fourth day of the month of July of the Year of Our Lord MCDLXX.
    Published by His Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, on the fifth day of the month July of the Year of Our Lord MCDLXX.

[color=orange][size=18][b]Statutes of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire[/b][/size][/color]
In accordance with Book 2 Part I of the Codex Iuris Canonici of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, called "Regimini secularis ecclesiae", the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is established, taking over and having authority over all the archdioceses, dioceses and parishes present in whole or in part in the lands of the SRING, Provence and Switzerland.
The Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is directed by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire in accordance with and within the limits of Dogma, Canon Law and the higher authority of the Roman Curia and the other Institutions of the Holy Church.
The Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is divided, for purely organisational purposes, into five Vice-Primacies, each covering the Italian, German, French, Dutch and Slovenian language regions within the territory of the Primacy, and each having a permanent synod for the meetings and discussions of the local episcopate.
As a territorial subdivision of the Holy Church, the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire is naturally subject to the doctrinal and pastoral authority of the Holy See and its institutions.
[size=15][color=orange][b] Part I. The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire [/b][/color] [/size]
[b]I. Composition[/b]
[b]Article 1.[/b] The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire is composed of full members, consultative members and co-opted members.
[b]Article 2[/b] The full members with the right to speak and vote are
[list][*] The (arch)bishops of the Holy Roman Empire, i.e. those elected according to the canonical procedures of Res Parendo to govern a diocese;
[*] The (arch)bishops In Partibus having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire;
[*] The (arch)bishops emeritus having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire;
[*] All Cardinals having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire;
[*] The rectors of Roman religious orders having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire;
[*] The Grand Masters of religious military orders having their principal residence (In Gratebus) in the territory of the Holy Roman Empire. [/list]
[b]Article 3[/b] The consulting members with the right to speak but not to vote are:
[list][*] All Cardinals having their principal residence (In Gratebus) outside the territory of the Holy Roman Empire;
[*] A delegate of the Apostolic Nunciature, appointed by the latter for this purpose, provided that he is at least ordained or has the rank of a bishop;
[*] A delegate of the Holy Armies, appointed by the latter for this purpose, provided that he is at least ordained or has the rank of a bishop. [/list]
[b]Article 4.[/b] The co-opted members, having only the right to speak, are appointed by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire on the basis of their moral, intellectual and religious qualities and on the proposal of a full member.
[b]II. Functioning [/b]
[b]Article 5.[/b] Decisions are taken in consultations with the full members by a simple majority vote of those who vote.
[b]Article 6.[/b] All members can participate in the debates, but only full members can initiate a consultation and vote.
[b]Article 7.[/b] In the event of a tie, the Primate of the Holy Roman Empire has the casting vote.
[b]Article 8.[/b] The vote must always include the possibility of voting blank and the possibility of voting against. Blank votes therefore do not count.
[b]Article 9.[/b] The vote has an ordinary duration of five days and must always be preceded by a debate period of at least three days.
[b]Article 10.[/b] Voting may be initiated immediately and the voting period shortened to three days in agreement with the Primate, upon his decision or in cases provided for in the emergency procedures.
[b]Article 11.[/b] The following cases allow for the emergency procedure:
[list][*] undeclared absence of the Primate and his Vice Primates for a fortnight;
[*] armed conflict involving parishes in the Holy Roman Empire;
[*] any debate on a subject which calls for a rapid reaction by the CESE upon a reasoned decision by the Primate.
[i][size=9] N.B. By absence is meant non-participation in the debates of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire or spiritual retreat [/size][/i][/list]
[b]Article 13.[/b] The work of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire takes place behind closed doors and is subject to secrecy; it is absolutely forbidden to divulge the content of this work to anyone outside the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire, except for the purpose of reporting to the Higher Institutions of the Holy See.
[size=15][color=orange][b] Part II. The Bishoprics [/b][/color] [/size]
[b]I. (Arch)Bishops [/b]
[b]Article 13.[/b] The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire appoints and dismisses the (arch)bishops of the Holy Roman Empire.
[b]Article 14.[/b] The following are grounds for dismissal:
[list][*] absence for more than one month without justification or prior announcement
[*] Interference in the affairs of another diocese in spite of the warnings of his superiors
[*] indiscipline and obstinacy in the same, (the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire may be the judge of this point),
[*] failure in his office according to the advice of the primate after investigation by him, which is to be presented to the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.
[*] Abandonment of his diocese without notice to the Primate.[/list]
[list][b]Article 14.1.[/b] Revocation takes place tacitly if a new (arch)bishop is appointed to head the same (arch)diocese.[/list]
[b]Article 15.[/b] The procedure for the election of a new (arch)bishop is usually initiated when a (arch)episcopal see becomes vacant.
[b]Article 16.[/b] The (arch)episcopal sees become vacant upon the death, resignation or dismissal of the competent (arch)bishop.
[b]Article 17.[/b] The Primate announces the vacancy of an (arch)episcopal see in Aristotle Square and in the public square of the (arch)diocesan territory and launches a five-day call for candidates.
[b]Article 18.[/b] Candidates should make themselves known to the Primate with a curriculum vitae, a degree in theology and a letter of motivation. The Primate may reject outlandish or unsuitable candidates, but must inform the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire..
[b]Article 19.[/b] The Primate collects the nominations and launches the vote as quickly as possible to ensure that the election takes place in the best possible conditions.
[b]II. Diocesan Administrators [/b]
[b]Article 20.[/b] The Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire appoints the diocesan administrators of the Holy Roman Empire for a period of four months.
[b]Article 21.[/b] The following are grounds for dismissal:
[list][*] absence for more than one month without justification or prior announcement
[*] Interference in the spiritual affairs despite the warnings of his superiors
[*] indiscipline and obstinacy therein, (the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire may be the judge of this point),
[*] failure in office according to the advice of the primate after investigation by him, which is to be presented to the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. [/list]
[b]Article 22.[/b] The procedure for the election of a diocesan administrator is initiated when an (arch)bishopric of the Holy Roman Empire is without an (arch)bishop or if he cannot guarantee the administration In Gratibus.
[b]Article 23.[/b] The Primate issues a five-day call for applications, specifying whether the position is [i]sede plena[/i] or [i]sede vacante[/i], i.e. whether there is an (arch)bishop Res Parendo or not.
[b]Article 24.[/b] Candidates should make themselves known to the Primate with a curriculum vitae, any diplomas obtained, their status as a pastor of the faith and a letter of motivation. The Primate may reject outlandish or unsuitable candidates, but must report this to the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.
[b]Article 25.[/b]  The Primate collects the nominations and launches the vote as quickly as possible to ensure that the election takes place in good conditions..
[size=15][color=orange][b] Part III. The Primate of the Holy Roman Empire [/b][/color] [/size]
[b]Article 26.[/b] The Primate represents the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire and presides over the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. He is responsible for ensuring compliance with the Statutes and guidelines established by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.
[b]Article 27.[/b] The Primate is elected from among the full members of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire for a renewable term of 6 months.
[b]Article 28[/b] All candidates for the Primacy will be required to provide a full [i]curriculum vitae[/i] and a programme.
[b]Article 29.[/b] The Primate appoints a Vice Primate for each Vice Primacy to assist him in his duties. He may choose and dismiss them as he sees fit, provided they reside in the Vice Primacy assigned to them.
[b]Article 30.[/b] When appointing Vice Primates, the Primate shall establish the order of priority among them for the sole purpose of transition of primate powers.
[b]Article 31.[/b]  In the event of an unannounced absence of more than fourteen days, the Primate is replaced by a Vice Primate according to the order of priority established at the time of appointment. The vice-primate then obtains all the powers vested in the Primate until the latter's return.
[b]Article 32.[/b] The Primate and his Vice Primates shall take care to announce their absences in order to allow the smooth running of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.
[b]Article 33.[/b] The Primate has a tacit and permanent mandate which gives him all the powers of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire. He can therefore issue decrees unilaterally. These decrees can in turn be annulled by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire, the annulment procedure having a suspensive effect.
[b]Article 34[/b] The Primate may be removed from office by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire by a sufficiently motivated motion of censure.
[b]Article 35.[/b] In the event of the death, removal or absence of more than one month of the Primate, a Vice Primate, according to the order of priority established at the time of appointment, is responsible for the transition to a new primatial election.
[i] Debated and voted by the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire under the pontificate of the Most Holy Father Sixtus IV, on the on the third day of the month of July of the year of grace MCDLXX.
Sanctioned and ratified by the Roman Curia, under the pontificate of the Most Holy Father Sixtus IV, on the on the fourth day of the month of July of the Year of Our Lord MCDLXX.
Published by His Eminence Arduino Della Scala, Dean of the Sacred College, on the fifth day of the month July of the Year of Our Lord MCDLXX.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 19 Mar 2015
Messages: 3601

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 05, 2022 5:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Revoca di un Diacono Permanente a Massa, diocesi di Sarzana

    S.Em. Rev. Cardinale Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle detto “Kalixtus” Cardinale-Vescovo, Primate del Santo Impero
    S.Em. Cardinale Diacono Emerito Silvio Sanseverino detto "Silvio_1"
    Viceprimate Italico

    La Revoca di Hamr dalla carica di Diacono Permanente a Massa, a seguito delle sue dimissioni.

    + Forti nella Fede! +

    Roma, IV.VII.MCDLXX Sixtus IV PP anno IV

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Inscrit le: 07 Déc 2020
Messages: 603

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 06, 2022 11:50 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


ANNONCE – Révocation de monseigneur Huggon de Cerisay de sa charge d’archevêque de Luxeuil

Aux fidèles aristotéliciens ;
A tous ceux qui liront, ou se feront lire ;

      Adieu !

    Par la présente annonce, Je, César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla, en ma qualité de Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique, & après vote unanime du Concile épiscopal impérial francophone, fais annonce de la révocation de monseigneur Huggon de Cerisay, qui occupait jusqu’alors la charge d’archevêque métropolitain de Luxeuil.

    Il est particulièrement douloureux de devoir se séparer ainsi d’un confrère ou d’une consœur, mais hélas, son absence prolongée de plus d’un mois sans annonce préalable ni justification, couplée à ses absences répétées, que ce soit auprès de ses paroissiens comme au sein du Concile m’ont contraint à ouvrir un débat sur le fondement de l’article 2.6.3, alinéas 2 et 6, puis à soumettre audit Concile sa révocation sur le fondement de l’article 2.6.2. Malgré cette douleur, il n’est toutefois pas concevable qu’un diocèse ne soit point dirigé par un évêque quotidiennement présent et proche de ses fidèles. Aussi, je souhaite présenter au nom du Concile les plus sincères et humbles excuses à l’égard desdits fidèles pour les désagréments liés à l’absence de monseigneur de Cerisay.

    Par cette présence annonce, l’archevêché métropolitain de Luxeuil devient par conséquent vacant, et la gestion de ses affaires courantes sera assurée par sœur Jenah Dumas en sa qualité d’administratrice diocésaine de Luxeuil, et avec le plein et entier soutien du Concile conformément au Droit Canon. & afin que le diocèse ne reste point vacant trop longtemps, annonce sera faite pour ouvrir les candidatures à la succession de monseigneur Huggon de Cerisay dans les plus brefs délais.

      Que le Très-Haut vous garde,

Faict en le Palais épiscopal de Metz, sis en la bonne ville de Metz, Cité des vice-primats francophones, le sixième jour du moys de juillet de l'An de Grasce mil quatre cent soixante-dix, par moi, César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla, Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique, au nom du Concile épiscopal impérial francophone ; & à la parfin d'authentifier la présente annonce, y appose mes scels et mes seings.

César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla
Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique

Sancti Martini ad Ianiculum Cardinalem Diaconum | Archiepiscopus Viennensis
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Inscrit le: 07 Déc 2020
Messages: 603

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 06, 2022 11:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


ANNONCE – Révocation de monseigneur R0drigue de sa charge d’évêque de Genève-Annecy

Aux fidèles aristotéliciens ;
A tous ceux qui liront, ou se feront lire ;

      Adieu !

    Par la présente annonce, Je, César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla, en ma qualité de Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique, & après vote unanime du Concile épiscopal impérial francophone, fais annonce de la révocation de monseigneur R0drigue, qui occupait jusqu’alors la charge d’évêque de Genève-Annecy.

    Il est particulièrement douloureux de devoir se séparer ainsi d’un confrère ou d’une consœur, mais hélas, son absence prolongée de plus d’un mois sans annonce préalable ni justification, couplée à ses absences répétées, que ce soit auprès de ses paroissiens comme au sein du Concile m’ont contraint à ouvrir un débat sur le fondement de l’article 2.6.3, alinéas 2 et 6, puis à soumettre audit Concile sa révocation sur le fondement de l’article 2.6.2. Malgré cette douleur, il n’est toutefois pas concevable qu’un diocèse ne soit point dirigé par un évêque quotidiennement présent et proche de ses fidèles. Aussi, je souhaite présenter au nom du Concile les plus sincères et humbles excuses à l’égard desdits fidèles pour les désagréments liés à l’absence de monseigneur R0drigue.

    Par cette présence annonce, l’évêché de Genève-Annecy devient par conséquent vacant.

      Que le Très-Haut vous garde,

Faict en le Palais épiscopal de Metz, sis en la bonne ville de Metz, Cité des vice-primats francophones, le sixième jour du moys de juillet de l'An de Grasce mil quatre cent soixante-dix, par moi, César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla, Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique, au nom du Concile épiscopal impérial francophone ; & à la parfin d'authentifier la présente annonce, y appose mes scels et mes seings.

César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla
Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain Germanique

Sancti Martini ad Ianiculum Cardinalem Diaconum | Archiepiscopus Viennensis
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Ven Juil 15, 2022 12:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Nomination for the seat of Primate of the CESE

    From His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal-Bishop, Primat of CESE, etc. under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos:

      According to the status of the CESE, we want to launch a nomination phase which is necessary to elect a new Primate.

      The nomination period will last 5 days. Applications can be submitted to me.

      These are the conditions according to the statute:

      Article 27. The Primate is elected from among the full members of the Episcopal Assembly of the Holy Roman Empire for a renewable term of 6 months.

      Article 28 All candidates for the Primacy will be required to provide a full curriculum vitae and a programme.

    Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine

    Done at Rome, the 15st day of July of the year of Grace MCDLXX

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13061
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Lun Aoû 01, 2022 8:23 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    New Primate of the CESE

    From His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal-Bishop, Primat of CESE, etc. under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos:

      It is with great pleasure that we announce the almost unanimous election of Alessandro Della Scala as the new Primate of CESE.

      He will use his term of office to bring the new CESE Statute to life and make it effective. I am sure, speaking for the bishops of CESE, that we will all support him helpfully and fully.

      Congratulations and God's blessing.

    Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine

    Done at Rome, the 15st day of July of the year of Grace MCDLXX

[list]  [img]https://s17.postimg.cc/s9io8ldjz/SE1.png[/img]

 [color=orange][b][size=18]New Primate of the CESE [/size] [/b][/color]

[i][b]From His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal-Bishop, Primat of CESE, etc. under the light of the Archangels and the will of the Prophets Aristotle and Christos: [/b]

[list]It is with great pleasure that we announce the almost unanimous election of [color=orange][b]Alessandro Della Scala[/b][/color] as the new Primate of CESE.

He will use his term of office to bring the new CESE Statute to life and make it effective. I am sure, speaking for the bishops of CESE, that we will all support him helpfully and fully.

Congratulations and God's blessing.[/list][/i]

 [b]Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine[/b]

 [i][size=9] Done at Rome, the 15st day of July of the year of Grace MCDLXX[/size][/i]

[img]http://up.picr.de/30720672os.png[/img] [/list]

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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Lun Aoû 01, 2022 10:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Nomination of the German speaking area Vice Primate and First Vice Primate

We, Alessandro Della Scala, for the Grace of God Archbishop of Modena, Archbishop of Trier, Primate of the Holy Roman Empire,

following our election at the office of Primate of the Holy Roman Empire,

following the articles 29 and 30 of the Statute of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire,

we nominate

His Eminence Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle at the office of Vice Primate for the German speaking area and first Vice Primate.

Done in Trier, I.VIII.MCDLXX


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Dim Aoû 07, 2022 7:37 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


..................Nomination of the Vice Primates of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire

We, Alessandro Della Scala, for the Grace of God Archbishop of Modena, Archbishop of Trier, Primate of the Holy Roman Empire,

following the articles 29 and 30 of the Statute of the Primacy of the Holy Roman Empire,

we confirm

The previously nomination of the Cardinal Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle at the office of Vice Primate for the German speaking territory of the Primacy and first Vice Primate.

and we nominate

César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla [Cesar.Alexandre ], Archbishop of Chambéry, at the office of Vice Primate for the french speaking territories of the Primacy;

Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza [Almalibre], Archbishop of Pisa, at the office of Vice Primate for the italic speaking territories of the Primacy;

This will be the order of the Vice Primate, following the articles 30 of the statutes of the Primacy who say:

Article 30. When appointing Vice Primates, the Primate shall establish the order of priority among them for the sole purpose of transition of primate powers.

Order of priority for the transition of primatial powers

In the event of the primate's absence for more than fourteen days, or at his direct disposal, the primatial powers must be so transferred:

I - First Vice Primate: Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle [Kalixtus], Archbishop of Salzburg

II - Vice Primate César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla [Cesar.Alexandre ], Archbishop of Chambéry

III - Vice Primate Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza [Almalibre], Archbishop of Pisa

The Dutch and Slovenian territories of the Primacy must be considered as a direct competence of the Primate, who will evaluate the possibility of appointing his own delegate on the spot even if he does not belong to the episcopal rank.

Done in Trier, VII.VIII.MCDLXX


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Mer Sep 14, 2022 12:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Avviso di Elezione CESE

Appello alle Candidature per Vescovo e Amministratore Diocesano.

A nome della Primazia del Sacro Romano Impero, Noi, Reverendo Monsignore Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala, Primate del Sacro Romano Impero, Arcivescovo di Treviri, Arcivescovo di Modena, sotto la luce degli Arcangeli e la volontà dei Profeti Aristotele e Christos, Servo di Dio e di Sua Santità Sisto IV Sommo Pontefice e Papa della Chiesa Universale, facciamo annuncio di quanto segue:

Ai sensi della parte seconda dello statuto di questa Primazia,

Al fine di garantire un Vescovo, o in secondo luogo quantomeno un Amministratore Diocesano alle Reverendissime Sedi Episcopali, ad oggi rimaste vacanti per la morte o la scomparsa dei propri titolari,

dell'apertura del deposito di candidature per i posti di Vescovo e per i posti di Amministratore Diocesano (Sede Vacante) delle Diocesi di:

- Lodi
- Novara
- Como
- Alessandria

- Sarzana
- Volterra (solo per il ruolo di Vescovo)
- Lucca

- Massa Marittima

- Parma
- Piacenza
- Reggio di Lombardia

- Pistoia
- Arezzo
- Fiezole

e ciò per una durata di sette giorni a partire dalla data di pubblicazione in Piazza di Aristotele.

I candidati sono pregati di far pervenire per posta privata alla nostra persona Monsignore Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala [Yuri00] o al Vice Primate italico Monsignora Alma Bianca Arnod Sforza [Almalibre] il Curriculum vitæ e lettera di motivazione, indicando in oggetto il seggio per cui si presenta la candidatura.

Ricordiamo che le candidature devono rispettare gli Statuti del Concilio Episcopale del Santo Impero.

Qualsiasi candidato alla carica di Vescovo deve essere titolare di una licenza in teologia ottenuta in un seminario primario riconosciuto dalla Prefettura all'Insegnamento Aristotelico. È chiesto ai candidati di citare il loro diploma nella loro candidatura.

+ Forti nella Fede! +

Roma, XIV.IX.MCDLXX Sixtus IV PP anno IV

+ Alessandro Anguissola Della Scala


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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Alessandro Della Scala

Inscrit le: 15 Sep 2015
Messages: 1553
Localisation: Rome and Modena

MessagePosté le: Mar Sep 27, 2022 1:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


ANNONCE – Appels à candidatures

Aux fidèles aristotéliciens ;
A tous ceux qui liront, ou se feront lire ;

      Adieu,donc !

    Par la présente annonce, Je, César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla, en ma qualité de Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain, annonce l’ouverture des candidatures pour les charges suivantes :

    Archevêques ou évêques :

    • Archevêque res parendo de l’archidiocèse de Besançon ;
    • Evêque res parendo du diocèse de Genève-Annecy ;
    • Evêque res parendo du diocèse de Grandson ;
    • Evêque in gratibus ou res parendo du diocèse de Toul.

    Administrateurs diocésains :

    • Administrateur diocésain sede vacante du diocèse de Toul.

    Les candidats pour un siège (archi)épiscopal doivent inclure dans leur candidature un curriculum vitæ, un diplôme de licence ès théologie ainsi qu’une lettre de motivation.

    Ceux candidatant pour la charge d’administrateur diocésain doivent se faire connaître avec curriculum vitæ, tout diplôme obtenu, leur statut de pasteur de la foi ainsi qu’une lettre de motivation.

    Les candidatures doivent être adressées à Monseigneur le Primat du Saint-Empire Romain ou, à défaut, à moi-même, dans un délai de cinq jours à compter de la parution de la présente annonce.

      Que le Très-Haut vous garde,

Faict en le Palais épiscopal de Metz, sis en la bonne ville de Metz, Cité des vice-primats francophones, le douzième jour du moys de septembre de l'An de Grasce mil quatre cent soixante-dix, par moi, César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla, Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain; & à la parfin d'authentifier la présente annonce, y appose mes scels et mes seings.

Alessandro Della Scala
Primat du Saint-Empire Romain

César-Alexandre Constantin di Leostilla
Vice-primat francophone de la Primatie du Saint-Empire Romain


------------------------------------------------------------------+ Reverend Monsignor Alessandro Della Scala
----------Primate of the Holy Roman Empire | Archbishop of Trier | Archbishop of Modena |
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