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Inscrit le: 19 Mai 2017
Messages: 2333

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 12, 2022 8:40 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    De l’administration paroissiale en Arles

    A tous ceux qui lisent ou se font lire
    En notre qualité d’Archevêque d’Arles.

      Levons l'interdit du fidèle Filibert.

    Afin que soit reconnue et attestée,
    Authentifions & scellons en Arles,
    Le premier jour du mois de mai de l'an de grâce mil quatre cent soixante-dix.

      Monseigneur Urbain Mastiggia
      Archevêque d'Arles
      Préfet du registre
      Légiste pontifical & docteur en droit
      Inquisiteur francophone
      Seigneur d'Eyguières
      Écuyer de Montegridolfo

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Inscrit le: 10 Aoû 2018
Messages: 1741

MessagePosté le: Mar Juil 12, 2022 9:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Bonjour, je viens vous déposer une décision de la Sainte Vérité.


    Fiat justicia pereat mundus

    Nous, Monseigneur Arthur II De Nivellus, Archevêque d'Embrun, Préfet de l'Inquisition, Commissaire Pénitencier, Seigneur de Crolles. décrétons sous la bienveillance de Son Eminence Ludovi De Sabran dict Richelieu, Cardinal Evêque Grand Inquisiteur

      Attendu que dans la nuit du 6 au 7 juin 1470, l'armée BigBaDabo0m Hips Now dirigée par une certaine dame Gryne a forcé les portes de l'Evêché d'Autun, jetant en dehors de ses portes les personnes hautement habilitées à sa gestion, et reconnues par Nostre Sainte Eglise. Le frère Tobias qui était en charge de la gestion du diocèse a averti de l'alerte.
      Ainsi les caisses du diocèse ont été vidées par ces marauds.

      Attendu que dans la nuit du 18 au 19 juin 1470, cette même armée qui avait pris direction de Reims fut en partie défaite, ce qui les a conduit à se rendre sur Langres, et ce dans la nuit du 27 au 28 juin 1470, l'armée a pris possession de l'Evêché de Langres. Et nous ne doutons nullement qu'ils ont aussi vidé les caisses du Diocèse de Langres.

      Et conformément aux articles can.51 et can.53 de la section 5 de la partie V du Livre 4 relatant la Justice d'Eglise, qu'après enquête sur les personnes incriminées, ces dernières ne faisant point parties des fidèles de Nostre Sainte Eglise, la Mise au Ban des personnes citées ci dessous :


      De plus conformément à l'article can.58 de la section E du chapitre V du Livre 4 relevant de la Justice d'Eglise, toutes personnes qui entreraient en contact avec ces personnes serait susceptible d'être poursuivie et se voir sanctionner pour cela.

    Fait à Rome, ce douzième jour de juillet de l'année de Notre Seigneur mille quatre cent soixante dix, sous le pontificat de Sa Sainteté Sixte IV.

    Pour l'Inquisition Francophone.

    S.E.Mgr Arthur II De Nivellus,
    Préfet de l'Inquisition
    Archevêque d'Embrun
    Commissaire Pénitencier


Archevêque d'Embrun
Préfet de l'Inquisition
Vice Préfet des Chapelles
Recteur de l'Ordre des Cisterciens
Commissaire Pénitencier
Professeur à Saint Benoït
Comte Palatin de St Jean de Latran
Baron de Montfort
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
Messages: 668
Localisation: Luxeuil

MessagePosté le: Mer Juil 13, 2022 12:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci pour vos dépôts, je m'en occupe ces jours-ci.
Six pieds sous terre

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2015
Messages: 5433
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Della Scala

MessagePosté le: Jeu Déc 08, 2022 11:43 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    New additions to the Index

    We, Arduino Della Scala, Cardinal Dean of the Sacred College, by the will and decision of the Sacred College of Cardinals, on behalf of and for His Holiness Sixtus IV, Supreme Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, before the Almighty and under the gaze of His Two Prophets, Aristotle and Christos,

      Have ruled and ordered, and by this perpetual and final edict, let us say, rule and order that the impious texts known as Charta of the Imperial Civil Registry Office, in all its public or hidden copies or translations, under interdict and order its inclusion to the Index librorum prohibitorum. The Magna Cartha is also included in the Index in the part that introduces "civil unions".

      Are aware of our duty to protect the children of God of the misinterpretations of his message and of the Creature Without Name.

      It is our duty to watch over the salvation of our faithful without them being led astray by blasphemous documents imbued with heresy, worthless in the eyes of God and the Aristotelian Community.

      The texts listed in the Index are texts recognized as impious, suspect, heretical and scandalous, contrary to the Dogma of the Holy Roman and Universal Aristotelian Church. No one dare to write, publish, print or have printed, sell, buy, lend, give as a gift or under any other pretext, receive, keep or have kept any of the written and listed texts.

      + Fortes in Fide +

      Roma, VIII.XII.MCDLXX, Sixti IV PP Anno IV

      For the Sacred College of Cardinals, Arduino Della Scala,
      Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus.


Cardinal-Bishop † Dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals † Grand Audiencier of the Holy See † Vice Chancellor of the Pontifical Chancellery † Archbishop of Strasbourg † Governor of the Patrimony of Titus † Prince of Viterbo † Marquis of Santa Marinella ♝Il cielo e la terra♗
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2009
Messages: 668
Localisation: Luxeuil

MessagePosté le: Lun Déc 12, 2022 12:14 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci pour votre dépôt, je l'intègre au registre en début de semaine prochaine.
Six pieds sous terre

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 18, 2023 6:41 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Reintegration of Elaena Pauline Vittoria Rochamboise de Troy

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and of the His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      With great joy and happiness, we announce the reintegration of Elaena Pauline Vittoria Rochamboise de Troy [Elaena] into the Community of the Faithful.

      On the 19th of January of 1471, the Sacred College of the Cardinals received the Declaration of Abjuration and Profession of Faith of Elaena Pauline Vittoria Rochamboise of Troy, by the hands of the Grand Inquisitor Vicar, His Eminence, Cardinal Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla, in the condition of guarantor of the conformity of the Declaration.

      After a scrutinized and meticulous analysis of her Declaration of Abjuration, the Sacred College of the Cardinals has decided that the time has come for Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church to reopen her hands to receive this penitent daughter into her bosom.

      Under these considerations, the Sacred College of Cardinals, with the authority vested in it by Canon Law and in the name of His Holiness Sixtus IV, Sovereign Pontiff and Pope of the Universal Church, declares, decrees, and orders the lifting of the Excommunication imposed on the faithful Elaena Pauline Vittoria Rochamboise of Troy and, as a logical consectory, the full and immediate restitution of her baptismal rights, whose effects will materialize after the complete fulfillment of their penances.

      As a final penance and to seek her remission before the Most High and the Prophets, the Sacred College of the Cardinals orders the faithful to promote (i) a journey in pilgrimage to all the parishes of her Province, praying and asking for forgiveness in each of them; (ii) the donation of 200 pounds to a diocese indicated by the Apostolic Chamber and by the Cardinal-Camerlengo of Rome, and (iii) a public declaration of apology for her actions against the Most High, against the Faith, and against Holy Mother Church.

      With the full fulfillment of the acts of penance and remission, the Sacred College of the Cardinals advises and recommends that the faithful attend Pastoral Courses at the Pontifical University or at any of the Aristotelian Seminaries recognized by the Congregation for the Diffusion of the Faith, with the objective of deepening, improving, and updating your knowledge and understanding of the Aristotelian Faith.

      With this, the Sacred College of the Cardinals and His Holiness, the Pope pray to the Most High that her beloved daughter may lead her life and her actions, under the Light of the Most High, in accordance with the Aristotelian Virtues and the Teachings of the Holy Mother Church.

    Given in Rome, on the eighteenth day of February in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI, V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV and III of the Age of Restoration of the Faith

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus

Declaration of abjuration and profession of faith by Elaena Rochamboise de Troy

To His Holiness the Holy Father, Sixtus, successor principis apostolorum, summus pontifex Ecclesiae universalis, servus servorum Dei,
To the Congregation of the Holy Truth,
To all who read or are read to,


On this day I present myself to the world and to the community of the faithful, gathered in the Holy Aristotelian & Roman Church, with the most sincere intentions of reconciliation.
I am aware, today more than yesterday, of the error of my past actions, the heresy of my thoughts and my faults.
Today I wish to make atonement before the World and to return to the Light of the Most High by returning to the True Faith.

To all of you who read these sincere words, I wish to illustrate my wrongs so that others do not follow the same path that leads to lunar damnation :

I have sinned in anger and pride, giving up my soul to obscurity and distancing myself from the true Community of the faithful ; I have been guilty of participation and submission to a heretical Council which has flouted the Holy Scriptures and elected a false pope ; I organized myself this mockery at the request of a damned prince and pronounced with my own words the result of this infamous election which pretended to deliver the seat of the Holy Father to the imposture.

I believed more in this man than in the Church, eternal and absolute. I preferred to follow a man rather than the way of the Lord.

The late Emperor demanded that I organize the Council, assuring me that he would not hesitate to accuse of high treason those who would take the side of the Holy Father. Every step was dictated to me and I carried out every order given to me on a daily basis.

I sinned out of pride and greed and turned away from the true faith ; I gave in to the pressures of the late Emperor thinking, wrongly, that my obedience would earn me protection and rewards. I believed that I could benefit from imperial graces and improve my position, even if it meant betraying the Holy Roman Church and its prescriptions.

But conscious of my faults and aware of the coldness of the seal of exclusion ; aware that no largesse, no title and no material good can prevail over the salvation of the soul, I appeal to the forgiveness of the Sacred College as I have already appealed to the forgiveness of Christos.

I declare and acknowledge in front of all :

That there is no other prophet than Aristotle and Christos ;
That the symbiosis of their revelation constitutes the divine message, perfect and immutable and that their message is complementary and indispensable to the understanding of each other and the Aristotelian Faith ;
That the Holy Church was established by the Messiah Christos, the Second Prophet of the Creator, and that His Holiness the Pope, like Saint Titus, is His Venerable Successor, placed at the head of the Church by divine will and entrusted with representing God on earth as His Vicar ;
That the Holy Church was built with the Apostles, whose only successors are the bishops and cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian Church, as Christos had foreseen and willed it to be ;
That there is, by virtue of this apostolic succession, only one universal Aristotelian Church, the sole holder of the divine ministry for the promotion, diffusion and application of the divine will, that She is indivisible and that no other church can claim to be Aristotelian ;
That the Book of Virtues is the basis of the Aristotelian Dogma and of the holy doctrine of the Church; that the Dogma is incontestable, inalienable, indivisible and imperishable ;
That the salvation of souls can only be obtained by a virtuous life, as taught by the clergy, and by the intercession of the sacraments which they celebrate ;
That canon law is the holy law of the Aristotelian community and it is the product of the divine will, it orders and regulates the Holy Church and the community of the faithful according to the Dogma, and every Aristotelian must conform to it in order to conform to the virtues.

To have publicly acknowledged my errors and sins ;
To affirm that I am fully aware of their consequences ;
Reject all erroneous convictions of the past ;

Considering that I believe and profess my conviction in the Truth of Divine Revelation and in the Holy Church charged with its supervision and preservation :

I implore Divine Mercy for my past transgressions, and the Most Holy Inquisition and the whole Holy Church to examine my abjuration and my ardent wish, my inexhaustible thirst to be part of the Community of the Aristotelian Faithful and to find myself, now and forever, in a state of grace.

May the Most High henceforth guide my every step and grant me His mercy.

I further declare that during the period in which the Holy and Reverend Church and the Most Holy Inquisition will examine my request for pardon :

I shall wear neither jewellery nor ornaments ; I shall wear the cilice ; I shall carry no weapon ; and I shall eat only bread and drink only water.

Furthermore, I solemnly swear before the community of the faithful :

To have severed all ties with those who took part in this false Council of Bologna and fully and sincerely repudiate its past and future effects ;
To commit myself to the service of the Holy Church by continuing my studies and working for its eternal glory ;
To undertake a pilgrimage to the territories of the Aristotelian faith as soon as my convalescence in Bosnia is over.

May the Most High protect us from darkness.

Written in Rome, on the seventeenth day of December in the year of our Lord 1470.

Elaena Pauline Vittoria Rochamboise de Troy

Under the guidance of Her Eminence Alexandra Pamela Cagliostro d'Altavilla,
Vice-Chancellor of the Congregation of the Holy Truth and benevolent guarantor of the conformity of the present declaration with dogma, doctrine, and canon law

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Jeu Mar 16, 2023 9:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Macula Iniquitatis

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and of the His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      Our Sovereign Pontiff, on the occasion of the Apostolic Constitution "Licet Dominum laudare", taught the Aristotelian Community that "It is good and just to praise the Lord always and everywhere; and yet, as our venerable fathers taught us, it is even better and more just to gather as brothers and sisters in the True Faith in the holy places and in the days dedicated to His worship to better give thanks to Him under the banner of Love by which He has graciously willed us all to be united."

      The teaching of the Sovereign Pontiff imposes the need that each and every man, regardless of his status or position, whether in time of peace or war, should give privilege to the supremacy of the Most High God and His teachings, and that it is essential to give the necessary primacy and priority to the need to Adoration Him, especially on days dedicated to His Adoration.

      Based on these premises, the Sacred College of the Cardinals was absolutely consternated to receive the information that the Valencian Aristotelian Faithful violated God's Truce on March 5, 1471, Our Lord's Sunday, when the Armies "Many enemies, much honour, Win or die!", "Trottolino", "Liberty2", "Freedom1" and "Freedom4", commanded, respectively, by the Generals Enricomaria, Barbera, Piraccini, Helein and Kim, ordered Military Action and Bloodshed on Our Lord's Sunday, while armed action should have ceased in respect of the Holy Day of Worship.

      On this list, Piraccini, Enricomaria and Helein are confirmed Aristotelian faithful.

      The evidence brought to the Sacred College of the Cardinals, through the Hispanophone Pontifical Consistory, confirms that these Aristotelian faithful violated the Truce of God several times, despite the fact that the Hispanophone Pontifical Consistory, through the Consistory Bull "On War and the Sunday Truce", had exhorted all those involved in the armed conflicts in the Hispanic Region about the necessity to pay attention to the obedience to the Truce of God and to the duty to keep the Holiness of Sunday.

      But none of these exhortations were sufficient. On the contrary, the Government of Valencia itself publicly and officially admits that its Aristotelian Generals have violated the Truce of God, while generals of other factions involved in this war, even heterodox ones, have shown due respect in the past.

      Therefore, after exhaustive analysis of all the evidence that has been presented to us and that clearly shows the Taint caused by the Iniquity, We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Church, conclude that there is no alternative but to officially pronounce the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of Piraccini, Enricomaria and Helein, for the above reasons, because of the state of darkness and gloom that they themselves have sought, by their own will and initiative. They will then be deprived of the State of Grace until they rectify and correct their errors.

      We hope that these sons and daughters will refrain from their pernicious mistakes so that they can return to Us, on which occasion we will be able to offer them the maternal charity and love inspired by Divine Mercy. On the other hand, if despite our warnings and prayers, they do not redeem themselves, their souls will be doomed to eternal damnation in the Lunar Hell, and their bodies will be condemned to remain without a funeral.

      Finally, we clarify that by placing themselves in a situation of excommunication, these Sons and Daughters are deprived of all Honors received by Holy Mother Church, as well as of Nobiliary Titles, Pontifical Fiefs, Properties or Possessions they have through her.

    Given in Rome, on the on the fifteenth day of March in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI, Day of Saint Tertullian Apologenes, Presbyter, V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV and III of the Age of Restoration of the Faith

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus



    Macula Iniquitatis

    Nosotros, los Cardenales de la Santa Iglesia Aristotélica, Universal y Romana, reunidos en nuestro Sagrado Colegio, bajo la Luz de los Santos y Profetas y por la Gracia del Altísimo y de Su Santidad Sixto IV,

      Nuestro Soberano Pontífice, con motivo de la Constitución Apostólica "Licet Dominum laudare", enseñó a la Comunidad Aristotélica que "Es bueno y justo alabar al Señor siempre y en todas partes; y sin embargo, como nos enseñaron nuestros venerables padres, es aún mejor y más justo reunirse como hermanos y hermanas en la Verdadera Fe en los lugares santos y en los días dedicados a Su culto para darle mejor gracias bajo el estandarte del Amor por el que Él ha querido bondadosamente que todos estemos unidos."

      La enseñanza del Sumo Pontífice impone la necesidad de que todos y cada uno de los hombres, independientemente de su condición o posición, ya sea en tiempo de paz o de guerra, debe privilegiar la supremacía del Dios Altísimo y sus enseñanzas, y que es imprescindible dar la necesaria primacía y prioridad a la necesidad de Adorarle, especialmente en los días dedicados a Su Adoración.

      En base a estas premisas, el Sacro Colegio Cardenalicio quedó absolutamente consternado al recibir la información de que los Fieles Aristotélicos Valencianos violaron la Tregua de Dios el 5 de marzo de 1471, Domingo de Nuestro Señor, cuando los Ejércitos "Muchos enemigos, mucho honor, ¡Gana o muere!", "Trottolino", "Libertad2", "Libertad1" y "Libertad4", comandados, respectivamente, por los Generales Enricomaria, Barbera, Piraccini, Helein y Kim, ordenó la Acción Militar y el Derramamiento de Sangre en el Domingo de Nuestro Señor, mientras que la acción armada debería haber cesado con respecto al Santo Día de Adoración.

      En esta lista, Piraccini, Enricomaria y Helein son fieles aristotélicos confirmados.

      Las pruebas llevadas al Sacro Colegio Cardenalicio, a través del Consistorio Pontificio Hispanófono, confirman que estos fieles aristotélicos violaron innumerables veces la Tregua de Dios, a pesar de que el Pontificio Consistorio Hispanohablante, a través de la Bula Consistorial "De la Guerra y la Tregua Dominical", había exhortado a todos los implicados en los conflictos armados de la Región Hispana sobre la necesidad de prestar atención a la obediencia a la Tregua de Dios y al deber de guardar la Santidad del Domingo.

      Pero ninguna de estas exhortaciones ha sido suficiente. Por el contrario, el propio Gobierno de Valencia admite pública y oficialmente que sus Generales Aristotélicos han violado la Tregua de Dios, mientras que generales de otras facciones implicadas en esta guerra, incluso heterodoxas, han mostrado el debido respeto en el pasado.

      Por lo tanto, después de un análisis exhaustivo de todas las pruebas que se nos han presentado y que muestran claramente la Mancha causada por la Iniquidad, Nosotros, los Cardenales de la Santa Madre Iglesia, concluimos que no hay otra alternativa que pronunciar oficialmente la Excomunión Latae Sententiae de Piraccini, Enricomaria and Helein, por las razones anteriores, debido al estado de oscuridad y tinieblas que ellos mismos se han buscado, por su propia voluntad e iniciativa. Entonces se verán privados del Estado de Gracia hasta que rectifiquen y corrijan sus errores.

      Esperamos que estos hijos e hijas se abstengan de sus perniciosos errores para que puedan volver a Nos, ocasión en la que podremos ofrecerles la caridad y el amor maternos inspirados por la Divina Misericordia. Por otro lado, si a pesar de nuestras advertencias y oraciones no se redimen, sus almas estarán condenadas a la condenación eterna en el Infierno Lunar, y sus cuerpos serán condenados a permanecer sin funeral.

      Por último, aclaramos que al colocarse en situación de excomunión, estos Hijos e Hijas quedan privados de todos los Honores recibidos por la Santa Madre Iglesia, así como de los Títulos Nobiliarios, Feudos Pontificios, Propiedades o Posesiones que tengan por su intermedio.

    Dado en Roma, a quince de marzo del Año de Gracia MCDLXXI, Día de San Tertuliano Apologenes, Presbítero, V del Pontificado de Su Santidad Sixto IV y III de la Era de la Restauración de la Fe.

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    Su Eminencia Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Macula Iniquitatis[/b][/color][/size]

[color=black][b]We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and of the His Holiness Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

[list][i]Our Sovereign Pontiff, on the occasion of the Apostolic Constitution "Licet Dominum laudare", taught the Aristotelian Community that "It is good and just to praise the Lord always and everywhere; and yet, as our venerable fathers taught us, it is even better and more just to gather as brothers and sisters in the True Faith in the holy places and in the days dedicated to His worship to better give thanks to Him under the banner of Love by which He has graciously willed us all to be united."

The teaching of the Sovereign Pontiff imposes the need that each and every man, regardless of his status or position, whether in time of peace or war, should give privilege to the supremacy of the Most High God and His teachings, and that it is essential to give the necessary primacy and priority to the need to Adoration Him, especially on days dedicated to His Adoration.

Based on these premises, the Sacred College of the Cardinals was absolutely consternated to receive the information that the Valencian Aristotelian Faithful violated God's Truce on March 5, 1471, Our Lord's Sunday, when the Armies "Many enemies, much honour, Win or die!", "Trottolino", "Liberty2", "Freedom1" and "Freedom4", commanded, respectively, by the Generals [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Enricomaria]Enricomaria[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Barbera]Barbera[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Piraccini]Piraccini[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Helein]Helein[/url] and [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Kim]Kim[/url], ordered Military Action and Bloodshed on Our Lord's Sunday, while armed action should have ceased in respect of the Holy Day of Worship.

On this list, [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Piraccini]Piraccini[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Enricomaria]Enricomaria[/url] and [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Helein]Helein[/url] are confirmed Aristotelian faithful.

The evidence brought to the Sacred College of the Cardinals, through the Hispanophone Pontifical Consistory, confirms that these Aristotelian faithful violated the Truce of God several times, despite the fact that the Hispanophone Pontifical Consistory, through the Consistory Bull "On War and the Sunday Truce", had exhorted all those involved in the armed conflicts in the Hispanic Region about the necessity to pay attention to the obedience to the Truce of God and to the duty to keep the Holiness of Sunday.

But none of these exhortations were sufficient. On the contrary, the Government of Valencia itself publicly and officially admits that its Aristotelian Generals have violated the Truce of God, while generals of other factions involved in this war, even heterodox ones, have shown due respect in the past.

Therefore, after exhaustive analysis of all the evidence that has been presented to us and that clearly shows the Taint caused by the Iniquity, We, the Cardinals of the Holy Mother Church, conclude that there is no alternative but to officially pronounce the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Piraccini]Piraccini[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Enricomaria]Enricomaria[/url] and [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Helein]Helein[/url], for the above reasons, because of the state of darkness and gloom that they themselves have sought, by their own will and initiative. They will then be deprived of the State of Grace until they rectify and correct their errors.

We hope that these sons and daughters will refrain from their pernicious mistakes so that they can return to Us, on which occasion we will be able to offer them the maternal charity and love inspired by Divine Mercy. On the other hand, if despite our warnings and prayers, they do not redeem themselves, their souls will be doomed to eternal damnation in the Lunar Hell, and their bodies will be condemned to remain without a funeral.

Finally, we clarify that by placing themselves in a situation of excommunication, these Sons and Daughters are deprived of all Honors received by Holy Mother Church, as well as of Nobiliary Titles, Pontifical Fiefs, Properties or Possessions they have through her.[/i][/list]
[b]Given in Rome, on the on the fifteenth day of March in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI, Day of Saint Tertullian Apologenes, Presbyter, V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV and III of the Age of Restoration of the Faith[/b]

[color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i][/color]

[i]His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus[/i]




[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Macula Iniquitatis[/b][/color][/size]

[color=black][b]Nosotros, los Cardenales de la Santa Iglesia Aristotélica, Universal y Romana, reunidos en nuestro Sagrado Colegio, bajo la Luz de los Santos y Profetas y por la Gracia del Altísimo y de Su Santidad Sixto IV,[/b][/color]

[list][i] Nuestro Soberano Pontífice, con motivo de la Constitución Apostólica "Licet Dominum laudare", enseñó a la Comunidad Aristotélica que "Es bueno y justo alabar al Señor siempre y en todas partes; y sin embargo, como nos enseñaron nuestros venerables padres, es aún mejor y más justo reunirse como hermanos y hermanas en la Verdadera Fe en los lugares santos y en los días dedicados a Su culto para darle mejor gracias bajo el estandarte del Amor por el que Él ha querido bondadosamente que todos estemos unidos."

La enseñanza del Sumo Pontífice impone la necesidad de que todos y cada uno de los hombres, independientemente de su condición o posición, ya sea en tiempo de paz o de guerra, debe privilegiar la supremacía del Dios Altísimo y sus enseñanzas, y que es imprescindible dar la necesaria primacía y prioridad a la necesidad de Adorarle, especialmente en los días dedicados a Su Adoración.

En base a estas premisas, el Sacro Colegio Cardenalicio quedó absolutamente consternado al recibir la información de que los Fieles Aristotélicos Valencianos violaron la Tregua de Dios el 5 de marzo de 1471, Domingo de Nuestro Señor, cuando los Ejércitos "Muchos enemigos, mucho honor, ¡Gana o muere!", "Trottolino", "Libertad2", "Libertad1" y "Libertad4", comandados, respectivamente, por los Generales [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Enricomaria]Enricomaria[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Barbera]Barbera[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Piraccini]Piraccini[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Helein]Helein[/url] y [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Kim]Kim[/url], ordenó la Acción Militar y el Derramamiento de Sangre en el Domingo de Nuestro Señor, mientras que la acción armada debería haber cesado con respecto al Santo Día de Adoración.

En esta lista, [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Piraccini]Piraccini[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Enricomaria]Enricomaria[/url] y [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Helein]Helein[/url] son fieles aristotélicos confirmados.

Las pruebas llevadas al Sacro Colegio Cardenalicio, a través del Consistorio Pontificio Hispanófono, confirman que estos fieles aristotélicos violaron innumerables veces la Tregua de Dios, a pesar de que el Pontificio Consistorio Hispanohablante, a través de la Bula Consistorial "De la Guerra y la Tregua Dominical", había exhortado a todos los implicados en los conflictos armados de la Región Hispana sobre la necesidad de prestar atención a la obediencia a la Tregua de Dios y al deber de guardar la Santidad del Domingo.

Pero ninguna de estas exhortaciones ha sido suficiente. Por el contrario, el propio Gobierno de Valencia admite pública y oficialmente que sus Generales Aristotélicos han violado la Tregua de Dios, mientras que generales de otras facciones implicadas en esta guerra, incluso heterodoxas, han mostrado el debido respeto en el pasado.

Por lo tanto, después de un análisis exhaustivo de todas las pruebas que se nos han presentado y que muestran claramente la Mancha causada por la Iniquidad, Nosotros, los Cardenales de la Santa Madre Iglesia, concluimos que no hay otra alternativa que pronunciar oficialmente la Excomunión Latae Sententiae de [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Piraccini]Piraccini[/url], [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Enricomaria]Enricomaria[/url] and [url=https://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?lan=en&login=Helein]Helein[/url], por las razones anteriores, debido al estado de oscuridad y tinieblas que ellos mismos se han buscado, por su propia voluntad e iniciativa. Entonces se verán privados del Estado de Gracia hasta que rectifiquen y corrijan sus errores.

Esperamos que estos hijos e hijas se abstengan de sus perniciosos errores para que puedan volver a Nos, ocasión en la que podremos ofrecerles la caridad y el amor maternos inspirados por la Divina Misericordia. Por otro lado, si a pesar de nuestras advertencias y oraciones no se redimen, sus almas estarán condenadas a la condenación eterna en el Infierno Lunar, y sus cuerpos serán condenados a permanecer sin funeral.

Por último, aclaramos que al colocarse en situación de excomunión, estos Hijos e Hijas quedan privados de todos los Honores recibidos por la Santa Madre Iglesia, así como de los Títulos Nobiliarios, Feudos Pontificios, Propiedades o Posesiones que tengan por su intermedio.[/i][/list]
[b] Dado en Roma, a quince de marzo del Año de Gracia MCDLXXI, Día de San Tertuliano Apologenes, Presbítero, V del Pontificado de Su Santidad Sixto IV y III de la Era de la Restauración de la Fe. [/b]

[color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i][/color]

[i]Su Eminencia Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Vicedecanus[/i]



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MessagePosté le: Mar Avr 18, 2023 9:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
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Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Lun Avr 24, 2023 6:46 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    De Salute Fidelium

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and of the His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      Once again, the Holy See feels compelled to hold the pen to express its pain and sadness at the crooked paths that Secular Sovereigns choose to follow, even though they should act in accordance with their mission as Defenders of the Faith.

      The Holy Roman Empire was long one of the nations faithful to its Holy Mother and, for years and years, lived up to the title of "Holy". However, this faithful defender nation has long allowed itself to be influenced by countless heretical ideas through advisors and nobles who mistakenly contaminate the Crown and those Holy Emperors and Empresses who use it with the idea that to welcome and support heretical ideas and ideals is to ensure that the imperial subjects have a Just State.

      However, in truth, what the Holy Mother Church has been trying to explain to her beloved daughter for so long and throughout so many reigns is that these heretical ideas and ideals do not bring justice and equity to her people. On the contrary, these ideas further distance the people from salvation, through iniquity and error.

      The Sovereigns must be the examples for their people, the banners of accuracy and righteousness. Let us recall the prayer of Saint Louis, King of France, when he asked God: "Help me to be the crown of thorns that will keep the heretic away from our land". This concept brings us to the ideal of states governed by Philosopher Kings, as taught by the Prophet Aristotle.

      St. Thomas Aquinas teaches that: "The king also receives his power from God. And since the people are only doing God's will by placing him on his throne, his power is divine by nature, top to bottom. The sword that you wield is entrusted to you by God, obviously not directly, but since God is the primary cause of all causes and effects, there is no doubt that He is also the cause of your authority. Now, as the church is the repository of the divine word, you must obey it. This is so, unless you reduce yourself to the condition of a tyrant."

      However, what happened on November 3, 1470, goes against all the Teachings of the Saints and Prophets about how a Sovereign should guide his State: On this sad day, the Holy Mother Church learned that the Empress of the Empire, who always proudly bore the title "Saint", approved an amendment to the Magna Carta of the Empire allowing the so-called "Civil Unions" that the Empress herself describes as "the right of entering into a civil union, founding a family, and writing a last will".

      This "Civil Union" is nothing more than a way to allow the formation of couples with total subversion of the dogmatic norms about Aristotelian Marriage, as taught by the Prophet Christos, and was later, by the hands of the Empress herself, regulated by the promulgation of the Charter of the Imperial Civil Registry and the Procedural Rules for Registering a Civil Union.

      The Holy Mother tried, for a long time, to warn the Imperial Crown about the error that this measure imposed, because it frontally attacked all the Teachings of the Most High, through His Saints and Prophets. However, what can be seen throughout this period is that the Empire not only did not plan to rectify its blemish, but it promulgated additional rules to establish the ways to adopt this heretical union.

      With her ascension to the Throne, the Aristotelian Community deeply longed for the rapprochement between the Imperial Crown and Holy Mother Church and the True Faith. And now, the Holy Mother Church weeps to find that her daughter, following the example of her predecessors, has ventured into the path of evil and misfortune, instead of bringing the Empire back to the path of Salvation.

      Therefore, after exhaustive analysis of all the evidence presented to us showing that the Empire continues to work against the salvation of the faithful, We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, conclude that there is no alternative but to officially pronounce the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of Adaliena Gloriana Elise von Araja, for the above reasons, because of the state of darkness and shadows which she herself has sought, of her own volition and initiative. She will then be deprived of the State of Grace until she rectifies and corrects her errors.

      We hope that this daughter will refrain from her pernicious mistakes so that they can return to Us, on which occasion we will be able to offer them the motherly charity and love inspired by Divine Mercy. On the other hand, if despite our warnings and prayers, she does not redeem herself, her soul will be condemned to eternal damnation in the Lunar Hell, and your body will be condemned to remain without a funeral.

      Finally, we clarify that by placing herself in a situation of excommunication, this Daughter is deprived of all Sacraments and Honors received by Holy Mother Church, as well as Nobiliary Titles, Pontifical Fiefs, Properties or Possessions that she has acquired or received.

    Given in Rome, on the twenty-third day of March in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI, Feast of the Archangels, V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV and III of the Age of Restoration of the Faith

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus

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Inscrit le: 26 Mai 2017
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MessagePosté le: Lun Avr 24, 2023 9:57 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

------ Bonjour ! Je dépose cette annonce à titre conservatoire comme on me l'a conseillé. Je vous prie de m'excuser pour le dérangement.


    Mise sous interdit de Xinix

    Je soussigné Monseigneur Laodin, évêque de Montélimar,

    Place en ce jour du vingt-quatre avril mille quatre cent soixante et onze, et ce jusqu'à absolution totale des fautes commises, l'individu nommé Xinix de Guillotine sous interdit diocésain. Les motifs, lourds et accablants, sont les suivants :

      - Insultes répétées envers un représentant de l'Église Aristotélicienne Romaine
      - Menaces répétées envers un représentant de l'Église Aristotélicienne Romaine
      - Harcèlement moral gratuit et injustifié envers un représentant de l'Église Aristotélicienne Romaine
      - Ordres donnés à un représentant de l'Église Aristotélicienne Romaine
      - Blasphème envers l'Église Aristotélicienne Romaine et Dieu
      - Incapacité totale à se remettre en question et à faire preuve de tempérance
      - Refus systématique de prendre la main qui lui a été tendue
      - Propos absurdes et délirants confinant à l'aliénation
      - Aveuglement total malgré les nombreux actes de miséricorde et de bienveillance qui lui ont été exposés
      - Récidives aggravantes déclenchées de son propre chef et ne montrant aucune évolution morale
      - Actions similaires à l'encontre d'une partie de la population de Montélimar

    En conséquence de ces agissements inacceptables et surtout dénués de tout espoir d'amélioration, je condamne Xinix de Guillotine à ne plus recevoir le moindre sacrement ni la moindre reconnaissance au sein du diocèse pendant une durée indéterminée. Ayant jeté la honte sur son statut de fidèle attesté par ses dires et les registres romains, celui-ci perdra l'ensemble des privilèges et des droits que lui a conféré le baptême et sera interdit de messe, de mariage ou d'ordination jusqu'à ce qu'il ait fait pleinement pénitence. Je le démets également de la fonction honorifique de pénitencier diocésain que je lui avais généreusement accordée lorsque sa nature d'être violent, irraisonné et ingrat ne m'avait pas encore été révélée.

    Cette annonce concernant seulement le territoire de Montélimar comme en atteste le Droit Canon (Livre IV : La Justice d'Église, Partie V : Des peines et des pénitences, articles 23 à 33), une plainte va être déposée dans le même temps afin que la mise sous interdit de Xinix soit étendue à la totalité des royaumes du monde connu. Nous espérons que cette décision forte et aussi regrettable que rare en l'absence de toute remise en question et de tout retour à la raison saura montrer combien le statut de fidèle aristotélicien exige exemplarité et vertu conformément à l'engagement consenti par le passé. Puisse cette mise sous interdit signer non pas la fin définitive de tout espoir d'aller au Paradis Solaire mais le début d'une prise de conscience salvatrice. De telles mesures ont été prises en toute objectivité et après s'être assuré qu'il s'agissait là de la meilleure décision à la fois pour lui-même, pour la dignité de la famille aristotélicienne et pour toutes celles et ceux qui ont été injustement victimes de ses agissements et ne sauraient tolérer l'impunité totale à son égard. Nous sommes profondément attristés de voir combien un simple déséquilibre intérieur utilisé par le Sans-Nom peut empêcher un individu d'aspirer à l'épanouissement spirituel qui lui avait été promis.

    Semper crepusculum auroram sublimat. (Le crépuscule sublime toujours l'aube.)

    Rédigé et scellé à Montélimar,
    Le vingt-quatrième jour du mois d'avril de l'an de grâce mille quatre cent soixante et onze.

    Monseigneur Laodin
    Évêque de Montélimar
    Professeur au séminaire Saint-Benoît

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 10, 2023 10:32 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    New additions to the Index

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and of the His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      On March 30, 1471, the Crown of the France published the "Ordonnance de Paris" which, among other novelties, legalizes and disciplines the Free Recognition and Exercise of the Religion, the institution of the Civil Union, and the possibility of Restriction of Religious Practice.

      In view of the fact that such possibilities violate without appeal the Inalienable Dogma and Doctrines of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, have ruled and ordered, and by this perpetual and final edict, let us say, rule and order the interdict and inclusion in the Index Librorum Prohibitorum, of the impious text known as the "Ordonnance de Paris", published by the Crown of the France on March 30, 1471, in all its public or hidden copies or translations, concerning the provisions of the Free Recognition and Exercise of Religion, the institution of Civil Union, and the possibility of Restriction of Religious Practice.

      This decision of the Sacred College of the Cardinals is based on the duty to protect the Children of God from misinterpretations of his message and the Nameless Creature.

      It is our duty to care for the salvation of our faithful, without them being led astray by blasphemous documents steeped in heresy, worthless in the eyes of God and of the Aristotelian Community.

      We remind you that the texts listed in the Index are texts recognized as ungodly, suspects, heretical and scandalous, contrary to the Dogma of the Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, to which no Aristotelian Faithful should dare to write, publish, print or have printed, sell, buy, lend, gift or, under any other pretext, receive, keep or have kept any of the texts written and listed.

      In a debate with his disciple, Aristotle, when he taught about the Unity of God, says that "Certainly I can, with this childish syllogism: a final cause is pure intelligence, a divinity. If on examines the order of causes and effects, one only finds a single final cause. Therefore, God is singular. I won't make you say it, dear disciple. There is only one God, the motionless mover of the world, the perfect will which is the source of any substance, of all movement. God is the cosmic finality of the universe."

      Aristotle's words show us that there is only one God, as the perfect final cause and cosmic finality of the universe. From this we can learn that there is only one supreme God and that He is the creator and ruler of the entire universe. This concept of the oneness of God taught by Aristotle implies that there are no divinities rivaling or equivalent to Him.

      The belief in one true God implies the denial of pagan deities, polytheism, or idol worship. The oneness of God is considered an absolute truth and a fundamental principle brought forth in the teachings of the Prophets and the Saints, shaping morality, worship, and the relationship of the faithful to the divine.

      In this way, we can understand where the idea of "Free Recognition and Exercise of Religion" contradicts Dogma, because it opens a door for erroneous and mistaken ideas about other truths, other divinities, other Prophets and other teachings to be freely spread, without any restriction, without any obstacle and with free permission to preach, as truth, ideas that will end up deceiving and ensnaring people.

      In this spectrum, we cannot speak of a separation of the responsibilities of the State and the Church, because the Prophet Aristotle shows how both concepts are intertwined. In his lesson on Morals, he tells us: "Because the ultimate good resides in the divine, without any doubt. Moreover, to identify the good, it is sufficient to examine the essence of the divine. The nature of the All Powerful is pure and perfect intelligence, the good can only be the perfection of the substance, and therefore the nature of a thing. I have taught you, dear disciple, that the nature of a thing lays in its destination, since the movement reveals the substance of the object. The good of man, which is to say that which makes him achieve the perfection of his own nature, is thus a life dedicated to ensuring harmonious conditions within the city. Now, the good of the city is all that all contribute to its equilibrium, so that the nature of the community is perpetuated. Therefore, you could say that the good of man leads to the good of the city."

      The teachings of Aristotle, the Prophet chosen by God since childhood, follow the lessons brought by God Himself.

      After all, we need to remember that, as we learned in the "Paganism", found in the Book of Prehistory, when he was still a five-year-old child, Aristotle witnessed the moment when lightning struck the temple of Apollo, and then God himself told Aristotle that: "This is what my power holds for the idols that are honored as gods. Seek a single God, search for Truth and Beauty, and then a day will come when everything will be restored.", according to the lesson "The Revelation", found in the Vita of Aristotle.

      In this way, the concept of Civil Union can have no other interpretation than that it goes against what is taught in the Dogma. Therefore, it is important to express that this decision is not political in nature, like any decision of the Church. The Sacred Dogma is unique and inalienable, and as the guardian of the Dogma, the Church must express its position when interpreting the text known as the "Ordonnance de Paris" in confrontation with the teachings of the inalienable Dogma. Thus, the Church is open to dialogue and communication so that the text can be removed from the Index, if it is revised with the removal of the points mentioned here, considered contrary to the Sacred Scriptures.

    Given in Rome, on the tenth day of June in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI, V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV and III of the Age of Restoration of the Faith

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus

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Inscrit le: 19 Jan 2018
Messages: 4683
Localisation: Monte Real/Leiria - Palazzo Taverna/Roma

MessagePosté le: Ven Juin 23, 2023 2:13 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Inter Certum et Facile

    We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and of the His Holiness Sixtus IV,

      Once again, the Holy See feels compelled to hold up its pen to express its pain and sorrow for the tortuous paths that Secular Sovereigns choose to follow, even though they should act according to their mission as Defenders of the Faith.

      Our oldest daughter, the Kingdom of France has always been a proud bastion and defense of the Aristotelian Faith, its Dogmas and Doctrines.

      Its Monarchs, throughout history, since Levan III have understood that, representatives of the divine will of God who placed them on their Thrones and placed the French Crown on their heads, they needed to defend the Faith and ensure the fulfillment of the Divine Will. Because they rule by Divine Right, their authority is legitimated by Holy Mother Church, by the Most High God, and by His Vicar on Earth, the Holy Father.

      However, for some time now, the Crown of France has begun to act, under the argument of defense of its citizens, against the Aristotelian Faith and the Teachings of Holy Mother Church.

      Holy Mother has long been trying to warn her firstborn daughter that going against the True Faith and leading the Kingdom down the path of heresy can bring numerous risks to the health of the Kingdom itself.

      Meanwhile, although the Holy Mother sought to draw closer to her daughter, on March 30, 1471, the Crown of France approved the Ordinance of Paris which, in total disagreement with the Word of God, legalizes and disciplines the Free Recognition and Exercise of the Religion, the institution of the Civil Union, and the possibility of Restriction of Religious Practice.

      In determining the inclusion of this text in the Index, the Holy Church explained and clarified the dogmatic reasons why this Law shows itself to be a great danger.

      However, even with this guidance, the Crown of France did not back down in its thoughts and actions, even though the vast majority of the Provinces of the Kingdom of France and their subjects have spoken out in defense of the One True Faith.

      The pain of Holy Mother Church in publicly acknowledging that, by her blasphemous actions, a daughter has excommunicated herself from the bosom of the Community of the Faithful, is indescribable. However, there are times when one must choose between what is right and what is easy.

      Therefore, after exhaustive analysis of all the evidence presented to us showing that the Queen of France continues to work against the salvation of the faithful, We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, conclude that there is no alternative but to officially pronounce the Excommunication Latae Sententiae of Karyaan d'Alaerid de Lómàlas, for the above reasons, because of the state of darkness and shadows which she herself has sought, of her own volition and initiative. She will then be deprived of the State of Grace until she rectifies and corrects her errors.

      We hope that this daughter will refrain from her pernicious mistakes so that they can return to Us, on which occasion we will be able to offer them the motherly charity and love inspired by Divine Mercy. On the other hand, if despite our warnings and prayers, she does not redeem herself, her soul will be condemned to eternal damnation in the Lunar Hell, and your body will be condemned to remain without a funeral.

      Finally, we clarify that by placing herself in a situation of excommunication, this Daughter is deprived of all Sacraments and Honors received by Holy Mother Church, as well as Nobiliary Titles, Pontifical Fiefs, Properties or Possessions that she has acquired or received.

    Given in Rome, on the twenty-second day of June in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI, V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV and III of the Age of Restoration of the Faith

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus


    Inter Certum et Facile

    Nous, les Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne, Universelle et Romaine, réunis au sein de notre Sacré Collège, à la lumière des Saints et des Prophètes et par la grâce du Très-Haut et de Sa Sainteté Sixtus IV,

      Encore une fois, le Saint-Siège se sent contraint de prendre la plume pour exprimer sa douleur et sa tristesse face aux chemins tortueux que les souverains séculiers choisissent de suivre, alors même qu'ils devraient agir selon leur mission de défenseurs de la foi.

      Notre fille aînée, le Royaume de France, a toujours été un fier bastion et une défense de la foi aristotélicienne, de ses dogmes et doctrines.

      Ses monarques, tout au long de l'histoire, depuis Lévan III, ont compris que, représentants de la volonté divine de Dieu qui les a placés sur leurs trônes et qui a posé la couronne française sur leur tête, ils devaient défendre la foi et assurer l'accomplissement de la volonté divine. Parce qu'ils règnent de droit divin, leur autorité est légitimée par la Sainte Église mère, par le Très-Haut Dieu et par Son Vicaire sur Terre, le Saint-Père.

      Cependant, depuis quelque temps, la Couronne de France a commencé à agir, sous prétexte de défendre ses citoyens, contre la foi aristotélicienne et les enseignements de la Sainte Église mère.

      La Sainte Église mère a depuis longtemps essayé d'avertir sa fille aînée que s'opposer à la Vraie Foi et conduire le royaume sur le chemin de l'hérésie peut entraîner de nombreux risques pour la santé du royaume lui-même.

      Pendant ce temps, bien que la Sainte Église mère ait cherché à se rapprocher de sa fille, le 30 mars 1471, la Couronne de France a approuvé l'ordonnance de Paris qui, en totale contradiction avec la Parole de Dieu, légalise et encadre la reconnaissance et la pratique libre de la religion, l'institution de l'union civile et la possibilité de restreindre la pratique religieuse.

      En décidant d'inclure ce texte à l'Index, la Sainte Église a expliqué et clarifié les raisons dogmatiques pour lesquelles cette loi se révèle être un grand danger.

      Cependant, même avec cette orientation, la Couronne de France n'a pas reculé dans ses pensées et ses actions, même si la grande majorité des provinces du Royaume de France et leurs sujets se sont prononcés en faveur de la seule et vraie foi.

      La douleur de la Sainte Église mère en reconnaissant publiquement que, par ses actions blasphématoires, une fille s'est excommuniée elle-même du sein de la communauté des fidèles est indescriptible. Cependant, il y a des moments où il faut choisir entre ce qui est juste et ce qui est facile.

      Par conséquent, après une analyse exhaustive de toutes les preuves qui nous ont été présentées montrant que la reine de France continue de travailler contre le salut des fidèles, nous, les cardinaux de la Sainte Église aristotélicienne, universelle et romaine, concluons qu'il n'y a pas d'autre alternative que de prononcer officiellement l'excommunication latae sententiae de Karyaan d'Alaerid de Lómàlas, pour les raisons susmentionnées, en raison de l'état d'obscurité et d'ombres qu'elle a elle-même recherché, de sa propre volonté et de son initiative. Elle sera alors privée de l'état de grâce jusqu'à ce qu'elle rectifie et corrige ses erreurs.

      Nous espérons que cette fille s'abstiendra de ses erreurs pernicieuses afin qu'elle puisse revenir vers nous, à cette occasion, nous pourrons lui offrir la charité maternelle et l'amour inspiré par la miséricorde divine. En revanche, si malgré nos avertissements et nos prières, elle ne se rachète pas, son âme sera condamnée à la damnation éternelle dans l'Enfer lunaire, et son corps sera condamné à rester sans funérailles.

      Enfin, nous précisons qu'en se plaçant dans une situation d'excommunication, cette Fille est privée de tous les sacrements et honneurs reçus de la Sainte Église mère, ainsi que des titres nobiliaires, des fiefs pontificaux, des biens ou possessions qu'elle a acquis ou reçus.

    Donné à Rome, le vingt-deuxième jour de juin de l'année de grâce MCDLXXI, V du Pontificat de Sa Sainteté Sixtus IV et III de l'Âge de la Restauration de la Foi

    Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam!

    Son Éminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
    Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus


[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Inter Certum et Facile[/b][/color][/size]

[color=black][b]We, the Cardinals of the Holy Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, reunited in our Sacred College, under the Light of Saints and Prophets and by the Grace of the Most High and of the His Holiness Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

[list][i]Once again, the Holy See feels compelled to hold up its pen to express its pain and sorrow for the tortuous paths that Secular Sovereigns choose to follow, even though they should act according to their mission as Defenders of the Faith.

Our oldest daughter, the Kingdom of France has always been a proud bastion and defense of the Aristotelian Faith, its Dogmas and Doctrines.

Its Monarchs, throughout history, since Levan III have understood that, representatives of the divine will of God who placed them on their Thrones and placed the French Crown on their heads, they needed to defend the Faith and ensure the fulfillment of the Divine Will. Because they rule by Divine Right, their authority is legitimated by Holy Mother Church, by the Most High God, and by His Vicar on Earth, the Holy Father.

However, for some time now, the Crown of France has begun to act, under the argument of defense of its citizens, against the Aristotelian Faith and the Teachings of Holy Mother Church.

Holy Mother has long been trying to warn her firstborn daughter that going against the True Faith and leading the Kingdom down the path of heresy can bring numerous risks to the health of the Kingdom itself.

Meanwhile, although the Holy Mother sought to draw closer to her daughter, on March 30, 1471, the Crown of France approved the Ordinance of Paris which, in total disagreement with the Word of God, legalizes and disciplines the [color=#FFCC00][b]Free Recognition and Exercise of the Religion[/b][/color], the [color=#FFCC00][b]institution of the Civil Union[/b][/color], and the [color=#FFCC00][b]possibility of Restriction of Religious Practice[/b][/color].

In determining the inclusion of this text in the Index, the Holy Church explained and clarified the dogmatic reasons why this Law shows itself to be a great danger.

However, even with this guidance, the Crown of France did not back down in its thoughts and actions, even though the vast majority of the Provinces of the Kingdom of France and their subjects have spoken out in defense of the One True Faith.

The pain of Holy Mother Church in publicly acknowledging that, by her blasphemous actions, a daughter has excommunicated herself from the bosom of the Community of the Faithful, is indescribable. However, there are times when one must choose between what is right and what is easy.

Therefore, after exhaustive analysis of all the evidence presented to us showing that the Queen of France continues to work against the salvation of the faithful, We, the Cardinals of Holy Mother Aristotelian, Universal and Roman Church, conclude that there is no alternative but to officially pronounce the [color=#FFCC00][b]Excommunication Latae Sententiae of[/b][/color] [url=http://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=Karyaan][color=#FFCC00][b]Karyaan d'Alaerid de Lómàlas[/b][/color][/url], for the above reasons, because of the state of darkness and shadows which she herself has sought, of her own volition and initiative. She will then be deprived of the State of Grace until she rectifies and corrects her errors.

We hope that this daughter will refrain from her pernicious mistakes so that they can return to Us, on which occasion we will be able to offer them the motherly charity and love inspired by Divine Mercy. On the other hand, if despite our warnings and prayers, she does not redeem herself, her soul will be condemned to eternal damnation in the Lunar Hell, and your body will be condemned to remain without a funeral.

Finally, we clarify that by placing herself in a situation of excommunication, this Daughter is deprived of all Sacraments and Honors received by Holy Mother Church, as well as Nobiliary Titles, Pontifical Fiefs, Properties or Possessions that she has acquired or received.[/i][/list]
[color=black][b]Given in Rome, on the twenty-second day of June in the Year of Grace MCDLXXI, V of the Pontificate of His Holiness Sixtus IV and III of the Age of Restoration of the Faith[/b][/color]

[color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i][/color]

[i]His Eminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus[/i]




[size=18][color=#FFCC00][b]Inter Certum et Facile[/b][/color][/size]

[color=black][b]Nous, les Cardinaux de la Sainte Église Aristotélicienne, Universelle et Romaine, réunis au sein de notre Sacré Collège, à la lumière des Saints et des Prophètes et par la grâce du Très-Haut et de Sa Sainteté Sixtus IV,[/b][/color]

[list][i]Encore une fois, le Saint-Siège se sent contraint de prendre la plume pour exprimer sa douleur et sa tristesse face aux chemins tortueux que les souverains séculiers choisissent de suivre, alors même qu'ils devraient agir selon leur mission de défenseurs de la foi.

Notre fille aînée, le Royaume de France, a toujours été un fier bastion et une défense de la foi aristotélicienne, de ses dogmes et doctrines.

Ses monarques, tout au long de l'histoire, depuis Lévan III, ont compris que, représentants de la volonté divine de Dieu qui les a placés sur leurs trônes et qui a posé la couronne française sur leur tête, ils devaient défendre la foi et assurer l'accomplissement de la volonté divine. Parce qu'ils règnent de droit divin, leur autorité est légitimée par la Sainte Église mère, par le Très-Haut Dieu et par Son Vicaire sur Terre, le Saint-Père.

Cependant, depuis quelque temps, la Couronne de France a commencé à agir, sous prétexte de défendre ses citoyens, contre la foi aristotélicienne et les enseignements de la Sainte Église mère.

La Sainte Église mère a depuis longtemps essayé d'avertir sa fille aînée que s'opposer à la Vraie Foi et conduire le royaume sur le chemin de l'hérésie peut entraîner de nombreux risques pour la santé du royaume lui-même.

Pendant ce temps, bien que la Sainte Église mère ait cherché à se rapprocher de sa fille, le 30 mars 1471, la Couronne de France a approuvé l'ordonnance de Paris qui, en totale contradiction avec la Parole de Dieu, légalise et encadre la [color=#FFCC00][b]reconnaissance et la pratique libre de la religion[/b][/color], [color=#FFCC00][b]l'institution de l'union civile[/b][/color] et la [color=#FFCC00][b]possibilité de restreindre la pratique religieuse[/b][/color].

En décidant d'inclure ce texte à l'Index, la Sainte Église a expliqué et clarifié les raisons dogmatiques pour lesquelles cette loi se révèle être un grand danger.

Cependant, même avec cette orientation, la Couronne de France n'a pas reculé dans ses pensées et ses actions, même si la grande majorité des provinces du Royaume de France et leurs sujets se sont prononcés en faveur de la seule et vraie foi.

La douleur de la Sainte Église mère en reconnaissant publiquement que, par ses actions blasphématoires, une fille s'est excommuniée elle-même du sein de la communauté des fidèles est indescriptible. Cependant, il y a des moments où il faut choisir entre ce qui est juste et ce qui est facile.

Par conséquent, après une analyse exhaustive de toutes les preuves qui nous ont été présentées montrant que la reine de France continue de travailler contre le salut des fidèles, nous, les cardinaux de la Sainte Église aristotélicienne, universelle et romaine, concluons qu'il n'y a pas d'autre alternative que de prononcer officiellement l'[color=#FFCC00][b]excommunication latae sententiae de[/b][/color] [url=http://www.renaissancekingdoms.com/FichePersonnage.php?login=Karyaan][color=#FFCC00][b]Karyaan d'Alaerid de Lómàlas[/b][/color][/url], pour les raisons susmentionnées, en raison de l'état d'obscurité et d'ombres qu'elle a elle-même recherché, de sa propre volonté et de son initiative. Elle sera alors privée de l'état de grâce jusqu'à ce qu'elle rectifie et corrige ses erreurs.

Nous espérons que cette fille s'abstiendra de ses erreurs pernicieuses afin qu'elle puisse revenir vers nous, à cette occasion, nous pourrons lui offrir la charité maternelle et l'amour inspiré par la miséricorde divine. En revanche, si malgré nos avertissements et nos prières, elle ne se rachète pas, son âme sera condamnée à la damnation éternelle dans l'Enfer lunaire, et son corps sera condamné à rester sans funérailles.

Enfin, nous précisons qu'en se plaçant dans une situation d'excommunication, cette Fille est privée de tous les sacrements et honneurs reçus de la Sainte Église mère, ainsi que des titres nobiliaires, des fiefs pontificaux, des biens ou possessions qu'elle a acquis ou reçus.[/i][/list]
[color=black][b]Donné à Rome, le vingt-deuxième jour de juin de l'année de grâce MCDLXXI, V du Pontificat de Sa Sainteté Sixtus IV et III de l'Âge de la Restauration de la Foi[/b][/color]

[color=black][i][b]Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam![/b][/i][/color]

[i]Son Éminence Adonnis Ferreira de Queirós Silva e Sagres
Sanctae Romanae Ecclesiae Cardinalis Decanus[/i]



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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Lun Juil 03, 2023 11:59 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

-The Index has been updated with the last four applications. Thank you Cardinal Adonnis and Monsignor Laodin.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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Inscrit le: 10 Mar 2020
Messages: 1598
Localisation: Villa Borghese

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 09, 2023 8:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Le vice-chancelier est entré dans le bureau publique de l'Index afin que le nouveau préfet, Monseigneur David, puisse être initié à ses nouvelles responsabilités.

- Bonjour, Monseigneur. J'apporte deux documents à enregistrer à l'Index. Si vous avez des questions sur la procédure à suivre, vous savez que je suis là pour vous aider. Nous avons tous eu des doutes le premier jour-, dit-il en souriant.

-D'une part, un nouveau registre pour l'Index hominum prohibitorum, section Excomunicatii.

FR a écrit:

    Sixtus Episcopus Romanus
    Omnibus has litteras lecturis,
    Salutem in Domino sempiternam.

    Agissant en qualité de juge extraordinaire et définitif dans l'affaire concernant l'union matrimoniale entre Ysilgonde de Josselinière [ Ysilgonde ] ] et Bastian Lodewijk de Leffe [ Bastiann ], sur la base des résultats de l'enquête que nous avons mandatée et de I'audience publique qui a eu lieu le trois mai au Palais du Latran, nous rendons la décision suivante sur la cause d'annulation dudit mariage : aucune preuve ou témoignage a été produit démontrant hors de tout doute raisonnable que l'union n'a pas eu lieu, ou qu'elle a eu lieu d'une manière non conforme à l'essentiel du dictat canonique, c'est-à-dire au quadriptyque causal du sacrement ; au moins deux témoins ont déclaré sous serment et devant nous que l'union avait bien et correctement eu lieu, ainsi que six autres lettres de témoins qui affirment s'être rencontrés le jour de l'union, le seul témoignage divergent s'étant révélé être mensongeret et donc non recevable en raison de contradictions rendues manifestes au cours de l'audience. Considérant qu'il n'est donc pas possible de prouver de manière irréfutable l'absence des éléments minimaux de l'union conjugale, c'est-à-dire le quadriptyque causal, il n'est pas possible de conclure que l'union matrimoniale n'a pas eu lieu. Au vu de ces éléments et sur la base de la faveur du droit en l'absence de preuves irréfutables, nous jugeons que l'union matrimoniale est pleinement valide.

    Par ailleurs, nous ne pouvons pas ignorer l'acte méprisable de qui, conscient de la gravité de son serment sur le Livre des Vertus, a choisi de mentir sans vergogne devant une cour ecclésiastique présidée par le Souverain Pontife : Marteen de Castelmaure-Frayner, après avoir prêté serment sur les textes sacrés, a déclaré sans ambiguïté que le mariage faisant l'objet du présent jugement n'avait pas eu lieu et que les époux n'étaient donc pas mariés, témoignage qui s'est avéré faux puisque Marteen de Castelmaure-Frayner lui-même, dans une lettre écrite de sa main postérieurement à la date du mariage, a fait référence aux époux comme tels, manifestant ainsi qu'il était bien conscient non seulement que l'union avait eu lieu, mais que le lien matrimonial en était bien et correctement dérivé. Par conséquent, nous jugeons Marteen de Castelmaure-Frayner coupable de parjure au Livre des Vertus et nous le frappons d'excommunication. Puisse cette peine médicinale lui faire comprendre pleinement la gravité de ses actions et l'inciter à se réconcilier avec le Très-Haut sur la parole duquel il s'est parjuré.

    Le présent jugement peut faire l'objet d'un réexamen en soumettant une supplique à notre personne et uniquement en présentant de nouveaux éléments de preuve suffisants à réformer ses conclusions et ce dans un délai de quinze jours à compter de la publication du présent jugement, à l'issue duquel il deviendra définitif.

    Datum Romae, apud Sanctum Titum, die sexto mensis Septembris anno Domini millesimo quadringentesimo septuagesimo primo, Pontificato Nostri quinto, Restitutionis Fidei Aetatis tertio.

-D'autre part, un nouveau registre pour l'Index librorum prohibitorum.

Nerys a écrit:

    Dans mon verre comme dans mon cœur, l'Anjou apporte le bonheur.


      Aux Angevines, aux Angevins,
      Au reste du monde,
      Surtout à Rome,

        Une modification de notre constitution a été approuvée par huit conseillers du gouvernement (Kayhan, Miramaz, Polixene, Allaryelle, Alleaume, Le Bateleur, Fraj, Hakael), par nous Duchesse, et par l'Archiduc Eddwyn.
        Elle encadrera l'élévation à la charge d'évêque d'Anjou, maintenant que notre indépendance s'étend aussi sur le domaine du spirituel.

        La voici :

        L'Evêque d'Angers est élu tous les quatre mois au terme d'un scrutin populaire et publique [gargote]. Le scrutin est ouvert par l'Archiduc. Les candidats ayant les conditions pour être évêque sont présentés au peuple et celui-ci vote pour le candidat de son choix sur les dix jours du scrutin.
        Le mandat de l'Evêque d'Anjou n'est renouvelable qu'une fois.

        Vigie bienveillante sur la foi angevine, l'Evêque veille à ce que la liberté religieuse soit préservée en Anjou.
        Soucieux de la vie des paroisses de l'Archiduché, il s'assure de la bonne tenue des cures.
        Travaillant étroitement avec le Duc et l'Archiduc, il reste à leurs dispositions pour la distribution des deniers du culte ou le partage de l'agrément du diocèse.

        Pour l'Anjou, pour sa liberté de culte.

    Rédigé, scellé par Nerys, Duchesse d'Anjou, le 12 juillet 1471

-Ah, je ne dois pas oublier : vous devez enregistrer Karyaan Lómàlas dans l'Index hominum prohibitorum, section Excomunicatii Mortii.

_______.______Sanctae Mariae Rotundae cardinalis episcopus | Archiepiscopus Burdigalensis
__________..Secretarius brevium ad Principes | Sanctae Sedis Vice-cancillarius et Magnus Auditor
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David de St Bertrand

Inscrit le: 05 Fév 2011
Messages: 1721
Localisation: Quelque part en Lyonnais-Dauphiné

MessagePosté le: Sam Sep 30, 2023 8:51 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


Voilà qui est fait. J'ai fait au mieux. Je n'ai pas trouvé l'annonce de la mise à l'Index du texte angevin. Mais je l'ai peut-être raté. Sous quel nom dois-je enregistrer ce texte ? Je l'ai déposé dans le salon Nicolas V.

+ David de St Bertrand +
Archevêque d'Embrun
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