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IG Reform of the Church
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Inscrit le: 12 Fév 2007
Messages: 11630

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 07, 2017 5:17 pm    Sujet du message: IG Reform of the Church Répondre en citant

As some of you have seen, there will be a FB live tomorrow. I think it would be the best time to ask the various questions we have. It would be better if some of us were on their computer, before the live, to ask our general questions and maybe make some suggestions. So two things :

Arrow What questions do we have ?
Arrow Who would be available ? (14h for the english live, 15h for the french one)

Comme vous l'avez sans doute vu, il y aura un live FB demain. Je pense que c'est l'occasion rêvée de poser les questions que nous pouvons avoir. Il serait sans doute préférable que certains d'entre nous soient devant le live, pour poser les questions en notre nom à tous. Donc deux choses :

Arrow Quelles sont les principales questions que l'on souhaite poser ?
Arrow Qui serait disponible ? (14h pour le live en anglais, 15h pour le live en français)

Come alcuni di voi hanno visto, ci sarà un domani dal vivo di FB. Penso che sarebbe il momento migliore per fare le varie domande che abbiamo. Sarebbe meglio se alcuni di noi erano sul loro computer, prima il live, di nostre domande generali e magari fare qualche suggerimento. Quindi due cose:

Arrow Quali domande ci sono?
Arrow Chi sarebbe disponibile? (14h per l'inglese dal vivo, 15h per quella francese)

Mort des cardinaux d'Azayes et von Frayner
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 07, 2017 5:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

"J'y serai Wink

The ideas emerging are the problems linked to electing the low clergy. It would enable dishonest elections and maneuvers. A balance must be maintained. Such as theologians vote for the bishop, the bishop names the parish priests. Cardinals elect the pope, the pope names the cardinals. But what exact interactions would there be between bishops and cardinals? There could be elections for bishops to become national cardinals. But the whole balance of things is nebulous to decide since we know almost nothing of the current plans.

Activating the IG treasury of the parishes and bishoprics is an idea well liked I believe, as well as the possibility of having prestige so that the Holy Armies can create official armies In Game.

There should also be coding for the faith to negatively or positively affect the duchies, counties and kingdoms... and the Church to have the possibility of affecting that by improving the prestige with a blessing. Or to hurt the prestige by having an excommunicated ruler.
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Inscrit le: 19 Déc 2010
Messages: 11994

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 07, 2017 5:25 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

At that time I'm at work, but Tacuma will kindly post at my place a message of personal observations. My point of view, and a question: can we truly talk to the admin before the implementations to give some suggestions?


À ce moment-là, je suis au travail, mais Tacuma pourra aimablement poster à ma place un message d'observations personnelles. Mon point de vue, et une question: pourrons-nous vraiment parler aux admins avant des implémentations pour donner quelques suggestions?


A quell'ora sono al lavoro, ma Tacuma gentilmente posterà per mio conto un messaggio di osservazioni personali. Il mio punto di vista, e una domanda: potremo veramente parlare con gli admin prima delle implementazioni per dare qualche suggerimento?
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 07, 2017 5:27 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Fenice a écrit:
At that time I'm at work, but Tacuma will kindly post at my place a message of personal observations. My point of view, and a question: can we truly talk to the admin before the implementations to give some suggestions?


À ce moment-là, je suis au travail, mais Tacuma pourra aimablement poster à ma place un message d'observations personnelles. Mon point de vue, et une question: pourrons-nous vraiment parler aux admins avant des implémentations pour donner quelques suggestions?


A quell'ora sono al lavoro, ma Tacuma gentilmente posterà per mio conto un messaggio di osservazioni personali. Il mio punto di vista, e una domanda: potremo veramente parlare con gli admin prima delle implementazioni per dare qualche suggerimento?

"We can hope that they will listen the players who have created from nothing the institution. It would be in there best interest, after all, as cooperation between players and admins is a key to success and a successful change for a successful game. Loosing a lot of religious RP players would hurt the game and admins if they stop playing altogether."
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Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2014
Messages: 3295

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 07, 2017 8:20 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I cant participate but I hope the questions will be raised:

- Can a voted "priest" be rejected by a Bishop, Cardinal or Pope?

- Can a Bishop still fire a priest?

- How will "From Roman church Independent church" function? They have own churches and IG mess?

- Can f.e. the Pope Veto a decision of a Bishop vote or a choose by the Emperor (that can choose a Bishop ^^)

- Can the Pope fire or choose Bishops, Cardinals?
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Inscrit le: 05 Juin 2007
Messages: 8890

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 07, 2017 9:47 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Ce ne sera pas une surprise, mais pour ma part des informations sur les modifications IG touchant aux armées de l'Eglise qui seraient les bienvenues pour que nous puissions proposer et aussi nous adapter.

Je n'aurai pas la possibilité de poser de telles questions. Merci à la personne qui pourra le faire.


It will not be a surprise, but for me, news about IG changes dealing with armies of the Church will be welcome, to give us the possibility of making proposals and adapting.

I will not have the possibility to ask myself. Thank you to the one who can ask.
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Inscrit le: 16 Sep 2007
Messages: 13676
Localisation: Roma

MessagePosté le: Mar Mar 07, 2017 11:41 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Melian a écrit:
Ce ne sera pas une surprise, mais pour ma part des informations sur les modifications IG touchant aux armées de l'Eglise qui seraient les bienvenues pour que nous puissions proposer et aussi nous adapter.

Je n'aurai pas la possibilité de poser de telles questions. Merci à la personne qui pourra le faire.


It will not be a surprise, but for me, news about IG changes dealing with armies of the Church will be welcome, to give us the possibility of making proposals and adapting.

I will not have the possibility to ask myself. Thank you to the one who can ask.

+ 1. Je serais très reconnaissant à ceux qui voudront bien poser des questions à ce sujet Smile
+1. I would be very grateful to anyone who would like to ask questions about it Smile
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Inscrit le: 16 Jan 2014
Messages: 371
Localisation: Markrabstvi Moravske, Brno

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 10:43 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

New IG cathedrals for countries without a cathedral. For example Czech Kingdom.

We urge for own IG cathedral more than 4 years!
The admins answered (2015) and still nothing!!

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Inscrit le: 01 Avr 2013
Messages: 1862

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 10:58 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je pense d'être là mais je ne suis pas sûr d'être capable d'écrire correctement et en temps réel, ayant souvent besoin de la traduction en ligne pour sécurité ....

I think to be there but I'm not sure of being able to write correctly and in real time, having often need the online translator to safety ....

Io penso di esserci ma non sono sicuro di riuscire a scrivere in modo corretto e in tempo reale, avendo spesso bisogno del traduttore on line per sicurezza....

Gran Priore dell'Ordine Francescano - Prefect of the Saint Office - General Vice-Prefect of the Office of the Villa San Loyats.
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Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2014
Messages: 3295

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 3:33 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

I was there now half an hour. Questions regarding Armies and Church were shifted means they were not answered in the chat. This will be handled as special topcis in a different way. Celsius will inform.

They were f.e. talking about issues with items movements or news for doctors. Then I had to leave. But I got it answered directly and friendly that today they wont comment on that in that chat.
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Inscrit le: 29 Déc 2013
Messages: 3461
Localisation: [PT] Évora, Portugal

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 3:42 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

His Eminence Palladio Monforte | Roman Elector Cardinal | Cardinal of St. John of the Martyrs | Vice-chancellor of the Congregation for the Dissemination of the Faith | Metropolitan Archbishop of Evora | Count of Orvieto & Viscount of São Bento | Professor at Seminário Menor de Viana do Castelo
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 4:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

A lot of talks on the clans the clans, the clans... influence possibilities of extra influence functions of the counts and kings that they will be able to give as RP titles to people.

But for stuff on the Church...Mid-july will be the church update, that will come in 2 parts. Frankly, then English language of the vlog was a bit bad and I had trouble streaming the video. I believe they spoke very little of the Church during the vlog? Someone correct me please.
Elections of priests by the population is still something coming.

The breakable items will have durability and will not break as randomly since they will be like shovels.

Changes to clothing on the market so that you will know what items are for men and others for women. Each item will have an exact description in the futur.

Changes to medicine to make potions to give temporary boosts to those who drink them.

Changes to the parents, so that many people can have the same npc parents.
Adding new 3d things eventually

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Inscrit le: 22 Nov 2007
Messages: 3868
Localisation: Au plus près de Lui...

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 5:01 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Je ne pensais pas avoir le temps de me poser devant le FB Live French, mais finalement si.
Un peu déçue du coup, il n'a été question de la MAJ de l'Eglise que durant 5 petites minutes. Brennos a dit que le sujet ferait l'objet d'une communication plus importante (mais je n'ai pas compris si ce serait sur FB ou via annonce forum).

En plus de toutes les choses listées par Jd Hull, il y aura amélioration du moteur des tavernes, de façon à pouvoir aller en taverne sur mobile, et d'apporter de la décoration (si j'ai bien compris, la liaison internet est mauvaise chez moi depuis la tempête "Zeus").
RIP 02.1467
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 5:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

Merci ljd Eloin. Il y a eu quelques mots sur des babioles de déménagement et de 3D que je dois oublier.

Église.... à venir!!

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Inscrit le: 25 Mai 2014
Messages: 3295

MessagePosté le: Mer Mar 08, 2017 5:28 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant

hull19 a écrit:
A lot of talks on the clans the clans, the clans... influence possibilities of extra influence functions of the counts and kings that they will be able to give as RP titles to people.

But for stuff on the Church...Mid-july will be the church update, that will come in 2 parts. Frankly, then English language of the vlog was a bit bad and I had trouble streaming the video. I believe they spoke very little of the Church during the vlog? Someone correct me please.
Elections of priests by the population is still something coming.

The breakable items will have durability and will not break as randomly since they will be like shovels.

Changes to clothing on the market so that you will know what items are for men and others for women. Each item will have an exact description in the futur.

Changes to medicine to make potions to give temporary boosts to those who drink them.

Changes to the parents, so that many people can have the same npc parents.
Adding new 3d things eventually

Yep, church and army topic was shifted. They will somehow and somewhen talk about it. But let open how. If the will be a VLOG or Forum or whatever, that was remained open.
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