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Inscrit le: 09 Nov 2008
Messages: 5364
Localisation: Ducado de Gandía, Reino de Valencia

MessagePosté le: Jeu Aoû 11, 2016 4:37 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Ordo Generica


    We, who have rebuilt the ancient order, renaming it as the Order of Christo's Start, also known as jesuits, we, followers of the Prophet's path, guardians of their legagy, under the guidance of the Almigthy, and invoking His guide and mercy:

      1.- We decide to appoint H.E Hull de Northshire, Cardinal-Archbishop of Arles, as Praepositus Generalis of the Order, according our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 2.- The Præpositus Generalis, also known as General Father o General Abbot, will be the Rector of the Order. He has Bishop’s rank, and he is guide, administrator and leader of the Order. He coordinates the Provincials under his leadership, he is the head of the General Chapter, he approves Edicts and Precepts, and he represents the martyrs and apostles legacy in the Order.

        He is elected by the General Chapter. He is elected for about six months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election.

      2.- The decision has been taken by unanimity.

      3.- We bless this choice, and we await the following ceremony, according the rites.

    May Aristote's Revelation enlight us, and Christos sow God's flame in our hearths!

    Abbatia delle Tre Fontane, X Augustus, Anno Domini MCDLXIV.


A schism? Just try it. I will strip you of all you have...
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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Sam Déc 03, 2016 7:14 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their Legate, in front of God's eyes,

      1.- We recognize the appointment of His Em. Hull de Northshire, as Abbot of Stavelot-Malmedy of the Order, according to our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 2.- The Abbots are in charge of an Abbey. They administrate with autonomy the monks and brothers in their abbey, following our Ius Ordinis as first rule. They act as a liege lord in their fief, and he chooses the farming fields, the distilleries, the roads and the population in his jurisdiction.
        They are elected by simple vote between the members of each Abbey. Its charge will be of about 4 months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election. .

      2.- The decision has been taken by unanimity by the members of the Abbey.

      3.- The decision has also received consensus.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the second day of the twelfth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXIV.

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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Sam Fév 04, 2017 9:31 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      1.- Announce today the rehabilitation of the daughter-abbey of Remiremont, abandoned for many years by an old religious order who has now disappeared from the lands of Lorraine and of the Empire. We assign a new abbot to rehabilitate this abbey on the lands of her Highness Cecilia Von Frayner, following her agreement to permit the Holy Order to rebuild the sacred building as a daughter-abbey. As such, we have decided to appoint the bishop of Toul, whom knows the lands of Lorraine well and is a pious member of our Holy Order. May the Most High watch over the new community that will be created by the hands of the new Abbot.

      2.- We recognize the appointment of Monsignor Estevan de Sevillano [IG: Estevan_], as Abbot of Remiremont of the Holy Order, according to our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 2.- The Abbots are in charge of an Abbey. They administrate with autonomy the monks and brothers in their abbey, following our Ius Ordinis as first rule. They act as a liege lord in their fief, and he chooses the farming fields, the distilleries, the roads and the population in his jurisdiction.
        They are elected by simple vote between the members of each Abbey. Its charge will be of about 4 months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election. .

      3.- The decision has been taken by ourselves, but future elections will be by the unanimity of the future members of the Abbey.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the fourth day of the second month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    Nous, Hull de Northshire, à titre de Praepositus Generalis, au nom de nos frères et soeurs de cette Ancienne Ordre, à titre de disciples du chemin des Prophètes, et gardiens de leur héritage, devant les yeux de Dieu,

      1.- Annoncons aujourd'hui la réhabilitation de l'abbaye-fille de Remiremont, abandonnée depuis de nombreuses années par un ancien ordre religieux, qui est aujourd'hui disparu des terres de Lorraine et de l'Empire. Nous assignons un nouvel abbé pour réhabiliter cette abbaye sur les terres de Son Altesse Cécilia Von Frayner, avec son accord pour permettre au Sacré Ordre de reconstruire le bâtiment religieux en tant qu'abbaye-fille. C'est ainsi que nous avons décidé de nommer l'évêque de Toul, qui connaît bien les terres de Lorraine et qui est un membre pieux de notre Sacré Ordre. Que le Très-Haut veille sur la nouvelle communauté qui sera créée par les mains du nouvel abbé.

      2.- Nous reconnaissons la nomination de Monseigneur Estevan de Sevillano [IG: Estevan_], comme Abbé de Remiremont du Sacré Ordre, en concordance avec notre Ius Ordinis qui dicte:

        Art. 6.- Les Abbés sont en charge d'une abbaye sur une province déterminée. Ils administrent l'autonomie des moines et frères dans leur abbaye, conformément à notre Ius Ordinis comme première règle. Ils agissent comme un suzerain dans leur fief, en disposant de la commande des champs agricoles, des distilleries, des chemins et la population dans leur juridiction.
        Ils sont élus par simple vote parmi les membres de chaque abbaye. Leur mandat est d'environ quatre mois, avec un degré de rotation, selon la décision du Haut Conseil, qui fixera la date spécifique du choix à chaque fois.

      3.- La décision a été prise par nous-mêmes, mais les prochaines élections seront par l'unanimité des votes des futurs membres de l'Abbaye.

    Donnée à l'Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, le quatrième jour du second moi de l'An de Grâce Lord MCDLXV.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]


[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list][b]1.-[/b] Announce today the rehabilitation of the daughter-abbey of Remiremont, abandoned for many years by an old religious order who has now disappeared from the lands of Lorraine and of the Empire. We assign a new abbot to rehabilitate this abbey on the lands of her Highness Cecilia Von Frayner, following her agreement to permit the Holy Order to rebuild the sacred building as a daughter-abbey. As such, we have decided to appoint the bishop of Toul, whom knows the lands of Lorraine well and is a pious member of our Holy Order. May the Most High watch over the new community that will be created by the hands of the new Abbot.

[b]2.-[/b] We recognize the appointment of Monsignor [b]Estevan de Sevillano[/b] [IG: Estevan_], as [b]Abbot of Remiremont[/b] of the Holy Order, according to our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

[list][b]Art. 2.-[/b] The Abbots are in charge of an Abbey. They administrate with autonomy the monks and brothers in their abbey, following our Ius Ordinis as first rule. They act as a liege lord in their fief, and he chooses the farming fields, the distilleries, the roads and the population in his jurisdiction.
They are elected by simple vote between the members of each Abbey. Its charge will be of about 4 months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election. .[/list]
[b]3.-[/b] The decision has been taken by ourselves, but future elections will be by the unanimity of the future members of the Abbey.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the fourth day of the second month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.[/b]


[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]


[i]Nous, Hull de Northshire, à titre de [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], au nom de nos frères et soeurs de cette Ancienne Ordre, à titre de disciples du chemin des Prophètes, et gardiens de leur héritage, devant les yeux de Dieu,[/i]

[list][b]1.-[/b] Annoncons aujourd'hui la réhabilitation de l'abbaye-fille de Remiremont, abandonnée depuis de nombreuses années par un ancien ordre religieux, qui est aujourd'hui disparu des terres de Lorraine et de l'Empire. Nous assignons un nouvel abbé pour réhabiliter cette abbaye sur les terres de Son Altesse Cécilia Von Frayner, avec son accord pour permettre au Sacré Ordre de reconstruire le bâtiment religieux en tant qu'abbaye-fille. C'est ainsi que nous avons décidé de nommer l'évêque de Toul, qui connaît bien les terres de Lorraine et qui est un membre pieux de notre Sacré Ordre. Que le Très-Haut veille sur la nouvelle communauté qui sera créée par les mains du nouvel abbé.

[b]2.-[/b] Nous reconnaissons la nomination de Monseigneur [b]Estevan de Sevillano[/b] [IG: Estevan_], comme [b]Abbé de Remiremont[/b] du Sacré Ordre, en concordance avec notre Ius Ordinis qui dicte:

[list][b]Art. 6.-[/b] Les Abbés sont en charge d'une abbaye sur une province déterminée. Ils administrent l'autonomie des moines et frères dans leur abbaye, conformément à notre Ius Ordinis comme première règle. Ils agissent comme un suzerain dans leur fief, en disposant de la commande des champs agricoles, des distilleries, des chemins et la population dans leur juridiction.
Ils sont élus par simple vote parmi les membres de chaque abbaye. Leur mandat est d'environ quatre mois, avec un degré de rotation, selon la décision du Haut Conseil, qui fixera la date spécifique du choix à chaque fois.[/list]
[b]3.-[/b] La décision a été prise par nous-mêmes, mais les prochaines élections seront par l'unanimité des votes des futurs membres de l'Abbaye.[/list]

[b]Donnée à l'Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, le quatrième jour du second moi de l'An de Grâce Lord MCDLXV.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Lun Fév 13, 2017 10:58 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      Recognize and attest, according to the Canon Law, the baptism of Estrella Luna de Lancaster y Valyria [IG: Estrella.luna] and of Octavio Augusto de Lancaster y Valyria [IG: Octavio.]. They were originally baptized, as minors, on the 8th of April MCDLXIV in the Abbatia Trium Fontium.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the thirteenth day of the second month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]

[b][size=14]ÆDICTVM - BAPTISMATA[/size][/b]

[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list]Recognize and attest, according to the Canon Law, the baptism of [b]Estrella Luna de Lancaster y Valyria[/b] [IG: Estrella.luna] and of [b]Octavio Augusto de Lancaster y Valyria[/b] [IG: Octavio.]. They were originally baptized, as minors, on the 8th of April MCDLXIV in the Abbatia Trium Fontium.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the thirteenth day of the second month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 14, 2017 11:05 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      1.- Announce today the rehabilitation of the Daughter-Abbey of Lerins, abandoned in the recent years since the death of the previous Abbot.

      2.- We recognize the appointment of Monsignor Portalis de Vandimion [IG: portalis], as Abbot of Lerins of the Holy Order, according to our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 6.- The Abbots are in charge of an Abbey. They administrate with autonomy the monks and brothers in their abbey, following our Ius Ordinis as first rule. They act as a liege lord in their fief, and he chooses the farming fields, the distilleries, the roads and the population in his jurisdiction.
        They are elected by simple vote between the members of each Abbey. Its charge will be of about 4 months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election.

      3.- The decision has been taken by ourselves, but future elections will be by the unanimity of the future members of the Abbey, whom have been recruited already by the new Abbot.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the fourteenth day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    Nous, Hull de Northshire, à titre de Praepositus Generalis, au nom de nos frères et soeurs de cette Ancienne Ordre, à titre de disciples du chemin des Prophètes, et gardiens de leur héritage, devant les yeux de Dieu,

      1.- Annonçons aujourd'hui la réhabilitation de l'Abbaye-fille de Lérins, abandonnée durant les années récentes depuis la mort du précédadnt Abbé.

      2.- Nous reconnaissons la nomination de Monseigneur Portalis de Vandimion [IG: portalis], comme Abbé de Lérins du Sacré Ordre, en concordance avec notre Ius Ordinis qui dicte:

        Art. 6.- Les Abbés sont en charge d'une abbaye sur une province déterminée. Ils administrent l'autonomie des moines et frères dans leur abbaye, conformément à notre Ius Ordinis comme première règle. Ils agissent comme un suzerain dans leur fief, en disposant de la commande des champs agricoles, des distilleries, des chemins et la population dans leur juridiction.
        Ils sont élus par simple vote parmi les membres de chaque abbaye. Leur mandat est d'environ quatre mois, avec un degré de rotation, selon la décision du Haut Conseil, qui fixera la date spécifique du choix à chaque fois.

      3.- La décision a été prise par nous-mêmes, mais les prochaines élections seront par l'unanimité des votes des futurs membres de l'Abbaye, qui furent recrutés préalablement par le nouvel Abbé.

    Donnée à l'Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, le quatorzième jour du sixième moi de l'An de Grâce Lord MCDLXV.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]


[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list][b]1.-[/b] Announce today the rehabilitation of the Daughter-Abbey of Lerins, abandoned in the recent years since the death of the previous Abbot.

[b]2.-[/b] We recognize the appointment of Monsignor [b]Portalis de Vandimion[/b] [IG: portalis], as [b]Abbot of Lerins[/b] of the Holy Order, according to our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

[list][b]Art. 6.-[/b] The Abbots are in charge of an Abbey. They administrate with autonomy the monks and brothers in their abbey, following our Ius Ordinis as first rule. They act as a liege lord in their fief, and he chooses the farming fields, the distilleries, the roads and the population in his jurisdiction.
They are elected by simple vote between the members of each Abbey. Its charge will be of about 4 months, and the High Council decides about the exact date of the new election.[/list]
[b]3.-[/b] The decision has been taken by ourselves, but future elections will be by the unanimity of the future members of the Abbey, whom have been recruited already by the new Abbot.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the fourteenth day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.[/b]


[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]


[i]Nous, Hull de Northshire, à titre de [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], au nom de nos frères et soeurs de cette Ancienne Ordre, à titre de disciples du chemin des Prophètes, et gardiens de leur héritage, devant les yeux de Dieu,[/i]

[list][b]1.-[/b] Annonçons aujourd'hui la réhabilitation de l'Abbaye-fille de Lérins, abandonnée durant les années récentes depuis la mort du précédadnt Abbé.

[b]2.-[/b] Nous reconnaissons la nomination de Monseigneur [b]Portalis de Vandimion[/b] [IG: portalis], comme [b]Abbé de Lérins[/b] du Sacré Ordre, en concordance avec notre Ius Ordinis qui dicte:

[list][b]Art. 6.-[/b] Les Abbés sont en charge d'une abbaye sur une province déterminée. Ils administrent l'autonomie des moines et frères dans leur abbaye, conformément à notre Ius Ordinis comme première règle. Ils agissent comme un suzerain dans leur fief, en disposant de la commande des champs agricoles, des distilleries, des chemins et la population dans leur juridiction.
Ils sont élus par simple vote parmi les membres de chaque abbaye. Leur mandat est d'environ quatre mois, avec un degré de rotation, selon la décision du Haut Conseil, qui fixera la date spécifique du choix à chaque fois.[/list]
[b]3.-[/b] La décision a été prise par nous-mêmes, mais les prochaines élections seront par l'unanimité des votes des futurs membres de l'Abbaye, qui furent recrutés préalablement par le nouvel Abbé.[/list]

[b]Donnée à l'Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, le quatorzième jour du sixième moi de l'An de Grâce Lord MCDLXV.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Sam Juin 24, 2017 10:30 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      Attest the baptism of Amédée de Challant [IG: Amedee ], on the 20th of June MCDLXV, in the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves.

      Following his baptism, upon his request and our acceptation, he also pronounced the minor vows of the Holy Order of Christos' Star.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the twentyfourth day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    Nous, Hull de Northshire, en tant que Praepositus Generalis, au nom de nos frères et soeurs de cet Ordre Ancien, en tant que disciples du chemin des Prophètes, et des gardiens de leur héritage, devant les yeux de Dieu,

      Attestons du baptême d'Amédée de Challant [IG: Amedee ], le 20 Juin MCDLXV, en l'Abbatia Trium Fontium. La cérémonie fut officiée en privé par notre personne.

      Après son baptême, sur sa demande et notre acceptation, il a également prononcé les vœux mineurs du Sacré Ordre de l'Étoile de Christos.

    Donné en l'Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, le vingt-quatrième jour du sixième mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXV.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]

[b][size=14]ÆDICTVM - BAPTISMATA[/size][/b]

[i]Nous, Hull de Northshire, en tant que [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], au nom de nos frères et soeurs de cet Ordre Ancien, en tant que disciples du chemin des Prophètes, et des gardiens de leur héritage, devant les yeux de Dieu,[/i]

[list]Attestons du baptême d'[b]Amédée de Challant[/b] [IG: Amedee ], le 20 Juin MCDLXV, en l'Abbatia Trium Fontium. La cérémonie fut officiée en privé par notre personne.

Après son baptême, sur sa demande et notre acceptation, il a également prononcé les vœux mineurs du Sacré Ordre de l'Étoile de Christos.[/list]

[b]Donné en l'Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, le vingt-quatrième jour du sixième mois de l'An de Grâce MCDLXV.[/b]


[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]

[b][size=14]ÆDICTVM - BAPTISMATA[/size][/b]

[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list]Attest the baptism of [b]Amédée de Challant[/b] [IG: Amedee ], on the 20th of June MCDLXV, in the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves.

Following his baptism, upon his request and our acceptation, he also pronounced the minor vows of the Holy Order of Christos' Star.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the twentyfourth day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXV.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 07, 2018 2:16 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      Upon the reasonable request and case presented by Monsignor Juhana, Abbot of Vallis Gratiae in Naantali, at the behalf of a monk residing insdie the said abbey, we have been moved by the aristotelian love that motivates one of ours to lead a life of service to the Almgihty and to the Holy Order, by founding a family.

      We declare that Brother Timoteus Partatiger Hirvenpää [IG: Partatiger ], is hereby released from his major vows. Nonetheless, as requested and agreed upon, he is now bound by the minor vows and remains part of the Holy Order as an Oblate.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the sixth day of the first month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]


[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list]Upon the reasonable request and case presented by Monsignor Juhana, Abbot of Vallis Gratiae in Naantali, at the behalf of a monk residing insdie the said abbey, we have been moved by the aristotelian love that motivates one of ours to lead a life of service to the Almgihty and to the Holy Order, by founding a family.

We declare that Brother [b]Timoteus Partatiger Hirvenpää[/b] [IG: Partatiger ], is hereby released from his major vows. Nonetheless, as requested and agreed upon, he is now bound by the minor vows and remains part of the Holy Order as an Oblate.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the sixth day of the first month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2018 4:10 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      Attest the baptism of Roderick de Pirou [IG: Roderick.. ], on the 17th of December MCDLXV, in the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves, in the presence of his spiritual Godmother Ariana di Saronno and a few witnesses.

      Following his Baptism, he asked to undergo the Rite of ordination.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the 20th day of the first month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]

[b][size=14]ÆDICTVM - BAPTISMATA[/size][/b]

[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list]Attest the baptism of [b]Roderick de Pirou[/b] [IG: Roderick.. ], on the 17th of December MCDLXV, in the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves, in the presence of his spiritual Godmother Ariana di Saronno and a few witnesses.

Following his Baptism, he asked to undergo the Rite of ordination.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the 20th day of the first month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2018 4:11 am    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Praepositus Generalis, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      Attest the ordination of Roderick de Pirou [IG: Roderick.. ], on the 17th of December MCDLXV, in the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves, with Monsignor Estevan de Mortelane as the ordained witness.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the 20th day of the first month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Praepositus Generalis S.O.E.C [/size]

[b][size=14]ÆDICTVM - ORDINATIO[/size][/b]

[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list]Attest the ordination of [b]Roderick de Pirou[/b] [IG: Roderick.. ], on the 17th of December MCDLXV, in the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves, with Monsignor Estevan de Mortelane as the ordained witness.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the 20th day of the first month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Dim Jan 21, 2018 6:08 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Ordo Generica


    We, who have rebuilt the ancient order, renaming it as the Order of Christo's Start, also known as jesuits, we, followers of the Prophet's path, guardians of their legagy, under the guidance of the Almigthy, and invoking His guide and mercy:

      1.- We decide to appoint H.E Kalixtus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Cardinal-Archbishop of Mainz, as Praepositus Generalis of the Order, according our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 2.- The Præpositus Generalis, also known as General Father or General Abbot, will be the Rector of the Order. He has Bishop’s rank, and he is guide, administrator and leader of the Order. He coordinates the Provincials under his leadership, he is the head of the General Chapter, he approves Edicts and Precepts, and he represents the martyrs and apostles legacy in the Order.

      2.- The decision has been taken by unanimity acclamations, he is thus for six months.

      3.- We bless this choice, and we await the following ceremony, according the rites.

    May Aristote's Revelation enlight us, and Christos sow God's flame in our hearths!

    Abbatia delle Tre Fontane, XXI Ianuarius, Anno Domini MCDLXVI.

Ordo Generica


[i]We, who have rebuilt the ancient order, renaming it as the Order of Christo's Start, also known as jesuits, we, followers of the Prophet's path, guardians of their legagy, under the guidance of the Almigthy, and invoking His guide and mercy:[/i]

[list][b]1.-[/b] We decide to appoint H.E [b]Kalixtus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle[/b], Cardinal-Archbishop of Mainz, as [b]Praepositus Generalis[/b] of the Order, according our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

[list][b]Art. 2.-[/b] The Præpositus Generalis, also known as General Father or General Abbot, will be the Rector of the Order. He has Bishop’s rank, and he is guide, administrator and leader of the Order. He coordinates the Provincials under his leadership, he is the head of the General Chapter, he approves Edicts and Precepts, and he represents the martyrs and apostles legacy in the Order. [/list]
[b]2.-[/b] The decision has been taken by unanimity acclamations, he is thus for six months.

[b]3.-[/b] We bless this choice, and we await the following ceremony, according the rites.[/list]
[i]May Aristote's Revelation enlight us, and Christos sow God's flame in our hearths![/i]

Abbatia delle Tre Fontane, XXI Ianuarius, Anno Domini MCDLXVI.

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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mar Juin 12, 2018 4:36 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Hull de Northshire
    Acting First Dean S.O.E.C


    We, Hull de Northshire, as Acting First Dean, in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,

      Attest the ordination of Estrella Luna de Lancaster y Valyria [IG: estrella.luna ], on the 1st of May MCDLXVI, in the Iglesia de San Pablo of the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves, with Monsignor Portalis de Vandimion as the ordained witness.

    Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the 12th day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.

[size=9][b]Hull de Northshire[/b]
Acting First Dean S.O.E.C [/size]

[b][size=14]ÆDICTVM - ORDINATIO[/size][/b]

[i]We, Hull de Northshire, as [b]Acting First Dean[/b], in the name of our brothers and sisters of this Ancient Order, as followers of the Prophets path, and guardians of their legacy, in front of God's eyes,[/i]

[list]Attest the ordination of [b]Estrella Luna de Lancaster y Valyria[/b] [IG: estrella.luna ], on the 1st of May MCDLXVI, in the Iglesia de San Pablo of the Abbatia Trium Fontium. The ceremony was officiated privately by ourselves, with Monsignor Portalis de Vandimion as the ordained witness.[/list]

[b]Given in the Abbatia delle Tre Fontan, the 12th day of the sixth month of the Year of our Lord MCDLXVI.[/b]


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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 13, 2018 7:45 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Ordo Generica


    We, who have rebuilt the ancient order, renaming it as the Order of Christo's Start, also known as jesuits, we, followers of the Prophet's path, guardians of their legagy, under the guidance of the Almigthy, and invoking His guide and mercy:

      1.- We decide to appoint H.E Kalixtus Alain-Edmond de Montfort-Beaumont d'Auteville, Cardinal-Bishop of Regensburg, as Praepositus Generalis of the Holy Order, according our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 2.- The Præpositus Generalis, also known as General Father or General Abbot, will be the Rector of the Order. He has Bishop’s rank, and he is guide, administrator and leader of the Order. He coordinates the Provincials under his leadership, he is the head of the General Chapter, he approves Edicts and Precepts, and he represents the martyrs and apostles legacy in the Order.

      2.- The decision has been taken by unanimity acclamations, he is thus reelected for six months.

      3.- We bless this choice, and we await the following ceremony, according the rites.

    May Aristote's Revelation enlight us, and Christos sow God's flame in our hearths!

    Abbatia delle Tre Fontane, XIII Iunius, Anno Domini MCDLXVI.

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Inscrit le: 11 Mai 2009
Messages: 9180
Localisation: Dans les Cieux

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 13, 2018 8:54 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Ordo Generica


    We, who have rebuilt the ancient order, renaming it as the Order of Christo's Start, also known as jesuits, we, followers of the Prophet's path, guardians of their legagy, under the guidance of the Almigthy, and invoking His guide and mercy:

      1.- We decide to appoint H.E Hull de Northshire, In Partibus Cardinal-Archbishop of Thebes, as First Dean of the Holy Order, according our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 3.- The First Dean is the lieutenant of the Order. He replaces the Præpositus Generalis if he is absent, and he illuminates and guide the novices in their first steps as Order members. He also act as confessor of the spiritual faults and reports to the Præpositus Generalis the faults of our members. He can be a priest or a deacon.

      2.- The nomination is for a duration of six months.

    May Aristote's Revelation enlight us, and Christos sow God's flame in our hearths!

    Abbatia delle Tre Fontane, XIII Iunius, Anno Domini MCDLXVI.

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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13666
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 12, 2019 6:07 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Ordo Generica


    I, Kalixtus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Praepositus Generalis of the Jesuits, proclaim under the light of the Archangels and the grace of God:

      the appointment of Brother Estevan, as First Dean of the Holy Order of Jesuits, according our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 3.- The First Dean is the lieutenant of the Order. He replaces the Præpositus Generalis if he is absent, and he illuminates and guide the novices in their first steps as Order members. He also act as confessor of the spiritual faults and reports to the Præpositus Generalis the faults of our members. He can be a priest or a deacon.

      May Aristote's Revelation enlight us, and Christos sow God's flame in our hearths!

      Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
      Abbatia delle Tre Fontane, XII Iunius, Anno Domini MCDLXVII.


Dernière édition par Kalixtus le Mer Juin 12, 2019 6:17 pm; édité 1 fois
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Inscrit le: 24 Fév 2013
Messages: 13666
Localisation: Roma, Palazzo Doria-Pamphilj

MessagePosté le: Mer Juin 12, 2019 6:16 pm    Sujet du message: Répondre en citant


    Ordo Generica


    I, Kalixtus de Montfort-Beaumont d'Autevielle, Praepositus Generalis of the Jesuits, proclaim under the light of the Archangels and the grace of God:

      the appointment of

    • Brother Oberon. as Provincial for German People
    • Brother Cathelineau as Provincial for Breton People
    • Sister Jolieen as Provincial for British People
    • Brother Krasoljub as Provincial for Croatien People

      According our Ius Ordinis, that dictates:

        Art. 5.- A Provincial is in charge of the Order in a religious province. An Order province could be exactly like the archbishops’ provinces, or have a few differences accord to the Order interests. The Provincial is the superior in charge of all abbeys, cloisters and missions of the Order in his territory, and he acts as an inspiration for the members in the Province. He is an illustrious priest recognized by his merits. He is a Professed Brother.

      One of its most important missions is the missionary work for the Order and the recruitment of capable combatants in accordance with our regulations.
      May Aristote's Revelation enlight us, and Christos sow God's flame in our hearths!

      Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domine
      Abbatia delle Tre Fontane, XII Iunius, Anno Domini MCDLXVII.

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